Question 1
A 46-year-old male has presented with bruises on his legs. He also reports that he bleeds excessively whenever he gets a cut on his limbs. He has a past medical history of familial hypercholesterolaemia. His body mass index is 31 kg/m2. He does not have a medical history of bleeding disorders and denies a family history of haemophilia.
During his last visit, his lipid profile showed elevated total cholesterol, elevated LDL and low HDL. He was prescribed a medication to help lower his LDL cholesterol.
What medication was he most likely prescribed?Your Answer: Cholestyramine
Explanation:Cholestyramine has the potential to decrease the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin A, D, E, and K. Vitamin K is particularly important for the production of clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X, and a deficiency in this vitamin can result in clotting abnormalities.
Clomiphene is a medication used to stimulate ovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and it is not linked to an elevated risk of bleeding.
Psyllium husk is not known to cause any bleeding disorders.
Cholestyramine: A Medication for Managing High Cholesterol
Cholestyramine is a medication used to manage high levels of cholesterol in the body. It works by reducing the reabsorption of bile acid in the small intestine, which leads to an increase in the conversion of cholesterol to bile acid. This medication is particularly effective in reducing LDL cholesterol levels. In addition to its use in managing hyperlipidaemia, cholestyramine is also sometimes used to treat diarrhoea following bowel resection in patients with Crohn’s disease.
However, cholestyramine is not without its adverse effects. Some patients may experience abdominal cramps and constipation while taking this medication. It can also decrease the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, which can lead to deficiencies if not properly managed. Additionally, cholestyramine may increase the risk of developing cholesterol gallstones and raise the level of triglycerides in the blood. Therefore, it is important for patients to discuss the potential benefits and risks of cholestyramine with their healthcare provider before starting this medication.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 2
A 30-year-old male pedestrian is struck by a van while on a busy road and is transported to the Emergency Department via ambulance. Despite receiving high flow 100% oxygen, he remains dyspneic and hypoxic. His blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg and his pulse rate is 115 bpm. Upon examination, the right side of his chest is hyper-resonant on percussion and has decreased breath sounds. Additionally, the trachea is deviated to the left. What is the most probable underlying diagnosis?
Your Answer: Tension pneumothorax
Explanation:A flap-like defect on the lung surface caused by chest trauma, whether blunt or penetrating, can lead to a tension pneumothorax. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, worsening oxygen levels, a hollow sound upon tapping the chest, and the trachea being pushed to one side. The recommended course of action is to perform needle decompression and insert a chest tube.
Thoracic Trauma: Types and Management
Thoracic trauma refers to injuries that affect the chest area, including the lungs, heart, and blood vessels. There are several types of thoracic trauma, each with its own set of symptoms and management strategies. Tension pneumothorax, for example, occurs when pressure builds up in the thorax due to a laceration in the lung parenchyma. This condition is often caused by mechanical ventilation in patients with pleural injury. Flail chest, on the other hand, occurs when the chest wall disconnects from the thoracic cage due to multiple rib fractures. This condition is associated with pulmonary contusion and abnormal chest motion.
Other types of thoracic trauma include pneumothorax, haemothorax, cardiac tamponade, pulmonary contusion, blunt cardiac injury, aorta disruption, diaphragm disruption, and mediastinal traversing wounds. Each of these conditions has its own set of symptoms and management strategies. For example, patients with traumatic pneumothorax should never be mechanically ventilated until a chest drain is inserted. Haemothoraces large enough to appear on CXR are treated with a large bore chest drain, and surgical exploration is warranted if >1500ml blood is drained immediately. In cases of cardiac tamponade, Beck’s triad (elevated venous pressure, reduced arterial pressure, reduced heart sounds) and pulsus paradoxus may be present. Early intubation within an hour is recommended for patients with significant hypoxia due to pulmonary contusion. Overall, prompt and appropriate management of thoracic trauma is crucial for improving patient outcomes.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 3
A 65-year-old obese male presents with recurrent episodes of colicky pain and bloating in the left iliac fossa. The patient has no significant medical history but has been a smoker for 25 years and does not consume alcohol. He works at a fast-food restaurant and usually eats his meals there.
Upon examination, the patient's vital signs are stable with a temperature of 37ºC, respiratory rate of 14 breaths per minute, oxygen saturations of 99% on air, heart rate of 60 beats per minute, and blood pressure of 125/70 mmHg. Abdominal and digital rectal examination reveal no significant findings. A colonoscopy was subsequently performed, which revealed multiple diverticula along the sigmoid colon.
What is the most appropriate course of management for this patient?Your Answer: Encourage high-fibre diet
Explanation:The development of intestinal diverticula is strongly linked to a low fibre diet, making it a major risk factor. To manage mild symptoms, patients are advised to modify their diet by gradually increasing fibre intake over several weeks and staying hydrated.
IV antibiotics and fluids are not necessary for diverticular disease, as it is not the same as diverticulitis.
Surgery is not recommended for uncomplicated diverticular disease.
While encouraging smoking cessation is important, dietary modification is the most suitable option for this patient.
Diverticulosis is a common condition where multiple outpouchings occur in the bowel wall, typically in the sigmoid colon. It is more accurate to use the term diverticulosis when referring to the presence of diverticula, while diverticular disease is reserved for symptomatic patients. Risk factors for this condition include a low-fibre diet and increasing age. Symptoms of diverticulosis can include altered bowel habits and colicky left-sided abdominal pain. A high-fibre diet is often recommended to alleviate these symptoms.
Diverticulitis is a complication of diverticulosis where one of the diverticula becomes infected. The typical presentation includes left iliac fossa pain and tenderness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and signs of infection such as pyrexia, raised WBC, and CRP. Mild attacks can be treated with oral antibiotics, while more severe episodes require hospitalization. Treatment involves nil by mouth, intravenous fluids, and intravenous antibiotics such as a cephalosporin and metronidazole. Complications of diverticulitis include abscess formation, peritonitis, obstruction, and perforation.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 4
A 56-year-old male patient comes to the clinic with a history of dyspepsia that he has ignored for a long time. He reports no symptoms of dysphagia or haematemesis. During an oesophagoduodenoscopy (OGD), mucosal changes are observed in the lower part of the oesophagus near the sphincter, and a biopsy is taken from this area. What is the probable result of the biopsy?
Your Answer: Columnar epithelial cells
Explanation:The patient has Barrett’s oesophagus, which is a metaplastic condition where the normal oesophageal epithelium is replaced by columnar cells. This increases the risk of adenocarcinoma.
Barrett’s oesophagus is a condition where the lower oesophageal mucosa is replaced by columnar epithelium, which increases the risk of oesophageal adenocarcinoma by 50-100 fold. It is usually identified during an endoscopy for upper gastrointestinal symptoms such as dyspepsia, as there are no screening programs for it. The length of the affected segment determines the chances of identifying metaplasia, with short (<3 cm) and long (>3 cm) subtypes. The prevalence of Barrett’s oesophagus is estimated to be around 1 in 20, and it is identified in up to 12% of those undergoing endoscopy for reflux.
The columnar epithelium in Barrett’s oesophagus may resemble that of the cardiac region of the stomach or that of the small intestine, with goblet cells and brush border. The single strongest risk factor for Barrett’s oesophagus is gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), followed by male gender, smoking, and central obesity. Alcohol is not an independent risk factor for Barrett’s, but it is associated with both GORD and oesophageal cancer. Patients with Barrett’s oesophagus often have coexistent GORD symptoms.
The management of Barrett’s oesophagus involves high-dose proton pump inhibitor, although the evidence base for its effectiveness in reducing the progression to dysplasia or inducing regression of the lesion is limited. Endoscopic surveillance with biopsies is recommended every 3-5 years for patients with metaplasia but not dysplasia. If dysplasia of any grade is identified, endoscopic intervention is offered, such as radiofrequency ablation, which is the preferred first-line treatment, particularly for low-grade dysplasia, or endoscopic mucosal resection.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 5
A 54-year-old man presents to the emergency department with pleuritic chest pain and shortness of breath. He is a construction worker who has a history of smoking. After diagnosis and treatment, the consultant recommends placement of a filter to reduce the risk of future incidents. A needle is inserted into the femoral vein and advanced up into the abdomen, where a filter is placed.
Based on the likely location of the filter, which of the following statements is true regarding the organ?
- It is attached to the posterior wall via a mesentery
- It is located posteriorly to the peritoneum
- It is attached to the liver via multiple ligaments
- It is wrapped in a double fold of peritoneal fat
- It is attached to the liver via an omentum
Additionally, it is important to note that the inferior vena cava is a retroperitoneal organ, and damage to it can result in a collection of blood in the retroperitoneal space.Your Answer: It is attached to the liver via multiple ligaments
Correct Answer: It is located posteriorly to the peritoneum
Explanation:The IVC is situated in the retroperitoneal space and any damage to it can result in the accumulation of blood in this area. The woman’s symptoms suggest that she may have a pulmonary embolism, which is a common complication of frequent travel. To prevent future occurrences, a filter can be inserted into the IVC. This is done by inserting a needle into the femoral vein and advancing the filter up to the level of the retroperitoneal IVC.
In contrast, intraperitoneal organs such as the small bowel are connected to the posterior wall through a mesentery. The liver is attached to both the diaphragm and the posterior abdominal wall by ligaments. The term double fold of peritoneal fat pertains to intraperitoneal organs. Finally, the lesser omentum serves as the attachment between the stomach and the liver.
The retroperitoneal structures are those that are located behind the peritoneum, which is the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity. These structures include the duodenum (2nd, 3rd, and 4th parts), ascending and descending colon, kidneys, ureters, aorta, and inferior vena cava. They are situated in the back of the abdominal cavity, close to the spine. In contrast, intraperitoneal structures are those that are located within the peritoneal cavity, such as the stomach, duodenum (1st part), jejunum, ileum, transverse colon, and sigmoid colon. It is important to note that the retroperitoneal structures are not well demonstrated in the diagram as the posterior aspect has been removed, but they are still significant in terms of their location and function.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 6
A 65-year-old man is scheduled for a splenectomy. What is the most posteriorly located structure of the spleen?
Your Answer: Splenic notch
Correct Answer: Lienorenal ligament
Explanation:The phrenicocolic ligament provides the antero-lateral connection, while the gastro splenic ligament is located anteriorly to the lienorenal ligament. These ligaments converge around the vessels at the splenic hilum, with the lienorenal ligament being the most posterior.
Understanding the Anatomy of the Spleen
The spleen is a vital organ in the human body, serving as the largest lymphoid organ. It is located below the 9th-12th ribs and has a clenched fist shape. The spleen is an intraperitoneal organ, and its peritoneal attachments condense at the hilum, where the vessels enter the spleen. The blood supply of the spleen is from the splenic artery, which is derived from the coeliac axis, and the splenic vein, which is joined by the IMV and unites with the SMV.
The spleen is derived from mesenchymal tissue during embryology. It weighs between 75-150g and has several relations with other organs. The diaphragm is superior to the spleen, while the gastric impression is anterior, the kidney is posterior, and the colon is inferior. The hilum of the spleen is formed by the tail of the pancreas and splenic vessels. The spleen also forms the apex of the lesser sac, which contains short gastric vessels.
In conclusion, understanding the anatomy of the spleen is crucial in comprehending its functions and the role it plays in the human body. The spleen’s location, weight, and relations with other organs are essential in diagnosing and treating spleen-related conditions.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 7
During a left hemicolectomy the sigmoid colon is mobilised. As the bowel is retracted medially a vessel is injured, anterior to the colon. Which one of the following is the most likely vessel?
Your Answer: Inferior vena cava
Correct Answer: Gonadal vessels
Explanation:During a right hemicolectomy, the gonadal vessels and ureter are crucial structures located at the posterior aspect that may be vulnerable to injury.
The Caecum: Location, Relations, and Functions
The caecum is a part of the colon located in the proximal right colon below the ileocaecal valve. It is an intraperitoneal structure that has posterior relations with the psoas, iliacus, femoral nerve, genitofemoral nerve, and gonadal vessels. Its anterior relations include the greater omentum. The caecum is supplied by the ileocolic artery and its lymphatic drainage is through the mesenteric nodes that accompany the venous drainage.
The caecum is known for its distensibility, making it the most distensible part of the colon. However, in cases of complete large bowel obstruction with a competent ileocaecal valve, the caecum is the most likely site of eventual perforation. Despite this potential complication, the caecum plays an important role in the digestive system. It is responsible for the absorption of fluids and electrolytes, as well as the fermentation of indigestible carbohydrates. Additionally, the caecum is a site for the growth and proliferation of beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion and immune function.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 8
Which of the following anatomical planes separates the prostate from the rectum?
Your Answer: Levator ani muscle
Correct Answer: Denonvilliers fascia
Explanation:The rectum is separated from the prostate by the Denonvilliers fascia, while the sacrum is separated from the rectum by Waldeyer’s fascia.
Anatomy of the Prostate Gland
The prostate gland is a small, walnut-shaped gland located below the bladder and separated from the rectum by Denonvilliers fascia. It receives its blood supply from the internal iliac vessels, specifically the inferior vesical artery. The gland has an internal sphincter at its apex, which can be damaged during surgery and result in retrograde ejaculation.
The prostate gland has four lobes: the posterior lobe, median lobe, and two lateral lobes. It also has an isthmus and three zones: the peripheral zone, central zone, and transition zone. The peripheral zone, which is the subcapsular portion of the posterior prostate, is where most prostate cancers occur.
The gland is surrounded by various structures, including the pubic symphysis, prostatic venous plexus, Denonvilliers fascia, rectum, ejaculatory ducts, lateral venous plexus, and levator ani. Its lymphatic drainage is to the internal iliac nodes, and its innervation comes from the inferior hypogastric plexus.
In summary, the prostate gland is a small but important gland in the male reproductive system. Its anatomy includes lobes, zones, and various surrounding structures, and it plays a crucial role in ejaculation and prostate health.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 9
As a busy surgical trainee on the colorectal unit, you have been tasked with reviewing the histopathology results for colonic polyps. Which type of polyp described below poses the highest risk of malignant transformation? Please note that this question is specifically for a trainee who is slightly older and more experienced.
Your Answer: Villous adenoma
Explanation:The risk of malignant transformation is highest in villous adenomas, while hyperplastic polyps pose little risk. Hamartomatous polyp syndromes may increase the risk of malignancy in patients, but the polyps themselves have low malignant potential.
Understanding Colonic Polyps and Follow-Up Procedures
Colonic polyps can occur in isolation or as part of polyposis syndromes, with greater than 100 polyps typically present in FAP. The risk of malignancy is related to size, with a 10% risk in a 1 cm adenoma. While isolated adenomas seldom cause symptoms, distally sited villous lesions may produce mucous and electrolyte disturbances if very large.
Follow-up procedures for colonic polyps depend on the number and size of the polyps. Low-risk cases with 1 or 2 adenomas less than 1 cm require no follow-up or re-colonoscopy for 5 years. Moderate-risk cases with 3 or 4 small adenomas or 1 adenoma greater than 1 cm require a re-scope at 3 years. High-risk cases with more than 5 small adenomas or more than 3 with 1 of them greater than 1 cm require a re-scope at 1 year.
Segmental resection or complete colectomy may be necessary in cases of incomplete excision of malignant polyps, malignant sessile polyps, malignant pedunculated polyps with submucosal invasion, polyps with poorly differentiated carcinoma, or familial polyposis coli. Screening from teenager up to 40 years by 2 yearly sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy is recommended. Rectal polypoidal lesions may be treated with trans anal endoscopic microsurgery.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 10
A 36 year old man presents with sudden onset of abdominal pain. He reports experiencing colicky pain for the past 12 hours along with nausea. He also mentions that he has not had a bowel movement and cannot recall passing gas.
The patient has a history of undergoing an emergency laparotomy due to a stabbing incident 8 years ago.
Upon examination, the abdomen is tender throughout but feels soft to the touch and produces a tympanic sound when percussed. High-pitched bowel sounds are audible upon auscultation.
An abdominal X-ray reveals multiple dilated small bowel loops.
What is the most probable cause of this patient's bowel obstruction?Your Answer: Malignancy
Correct Answer: Small bowel adhesions
Explanation:Intussusception is a common cause of bowel obstruction in children under the age of two. Although most cases are asymptomatic, symptoms may occur and include rectal bleeding, volvulus, intussusception, bowel obstruction, or a presentation similar to acute appendicitis.
While a malignancy in the small bowel is a potential cause of obstruction in this age group, it is extremely rare and therefore less likely in this particular case.
Imaging for Bowel Obstruction
Bowel obstruction is a condition that requires immediate medical attention. One of the key indications for performing an abdominal film is to look for small and large bowel obstruction. The maximum normal diameter for the small bowel is 35 mm, while for the large bowel, it is 55 mm. The valvulae conniventes extend all the way across the small bowel, while the haustra extend about a third of the way across the large bowel.
A small bowel obstruction can be identified through distension of small bowel loops proximally, such as the duodenum and jejunum, with an abrupt transition to an intestinal segment of normal caliber. There may also be a small amount of free fluid intracavity. On the other hand, a large bowel obstruction can be identified through the presence of haustra extending about a third of the way across and a maximum normal diameter of 55 mm.
Imaging for bowel obstruction is crucial in diagnosing and treating the condition promptly. It is important to note that early detection and intervention can prevent complications and improve patient outcomes.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 11
A 76-year-old man is undergoing a femoro-popliteal bypass graft. The surgery is not going smoothly, and the surgeon is having difficulty accessing the area. Which structure needs to be retracted to improve access to the femoral artery in the groin?
Your Answer: Adductor longus
Correct Answer: Sartorius
Explanation:To enhance accessibility, the sartorius muscle can be pulled back as the femoral artery passes beneath it at the lower boundary of the femoral triangle.
Understanding the Anatomy of the Femoral Triangle
The femoral triangle is an important anatomical region located in the upper thigh. It is bounded by the inguinal ligament superiorly, the sartorius muscle laterally, and the adductor longus muscle medially. The floor of the femoral triangle is made up of the iliacus, psoas major, adductor longus, and pectineus muscles, while the roof is formed by the fascia lata and superficial fascia. The superficial inguinal lymph nodes and the long saphenous vein are also found in this region.
The femoral triangle contains several important structures, including the femoral vein, femoral artery, femoral nerve, deep and superficial inguinal lymph nodes, lateral cutaneous nerve, great saphenous vein, and femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve. The femoral artery can be palpated at the mid inguinal point, making it an important landmark for medical professionals.
Understanding the anatomy of the femoral triangle is important for medical professionals, as it is a common site for procedures such as venipuncture, arterial puncture, and nerve blocks. It is also important for identifying and treating conditions that affect the structures within this region, such as femoral hernias and lymphadenopathy.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 12
A 48-year-old woman complains of fatigue. She has experienced occasional bouts of diarrhea for several years and has recurrent abdominal pain and bloating.
During the abdominal examination, no abnormalities were found, but a blood test revealed anemia due to folate deficiency. The patient tested positive for immunoglobulin A-tissue transglutaminase (IgA-tTG), and an intestinal biopsy showed villous atrophy.
Which serotype is most strongly linked to this condition?Your Answer: HLA-DR4
Correct Answer: HLA-DQ2
Explanation:The incorrect HLA serotypes are HLA-A3, HLA-B27, and HLA-B51. HLA-A3 is associated with haemochromatosis, which can be asymptomatic in early stages and present with non-specific symptoms such as lethargy and arthralgia. HLA-B27 is associated with ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, and anterior uveitis. Ankylosing spondylitis presents with lower back pain and stiffness that worsens in the morning and improves with exercise. Reactive arthritis is characterized by arthritis following an infection, along with possible symptoms of urethritis and conjunctivitis. Anterior uveitis is inflammation of the iris and ciliary body and is a differential diagnosis for red eye. HLA-B51 is associated with Behçet’s disease, which involves oral and genital ulcers and anterior uveitis.
Understanding Coeliac Disease
Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects approximately 1% of the UK population. It is caused by sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Repeated exposure to gluten leads to villous atrophy, which causes malabsorption. Coeliac disease is associated with various conditions, including dermatitis herpetiformis and autoimmune disorders such as type 1 diabetes mellitus and autoimmune hepatitis. It is strongly linked to HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8.
To diagnose coeliac disease, NICE recommends screening patients who exhibit signs and symptoms such as chronic or intermittent diarrhea, failure to thrive or faltering growth in children, persistent or unexplained gastrointestinal symptoms, prolonged fatigue, recurrent abdominal pain, sudden or unexpected weight loss, unexplained anemia, autoimmune thyroid disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, irritable bowel syndrome, type 1 diabetes, and first-degree relatives with coeliac disease.
Complications of coeliac disease include anemia, hyposplenism, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, lactose intolerance, enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma of the small intestine, subfertility, and unfavorable pregnancy outcomes. In rare cases, it can lead to esophageal cancer and other malignancies.
The diagnosis of coeliac disease is confirmed through a duodenal biopsy, which shows complete atrophy of the villi with flat mucosa and marked crypt hyperplasia, intraepithelial lymphocytosis, and dense mixed inflammatory infiltrate in the lamina propria. Treatment involves a lifelong gluten-free diet.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 13
A 54-year-old male presents to the emergency department with frank haematemesis. He is urgently resuscitated and undergoes an urgent oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD), which reveals an active bleed in the distal part of the lesser curvature of the stomach. The bleed is successfully controlled with endoclips and adrenaline. The patient has a history of gastric ulcers. What is the most probable artery responsible for the bleeding?
Your Answer: Right gastroepiploic artery
Correct Answer: Right gastric artery
Explanation:The distal lesser curvature of the stomach is supplied by the right gastric artery, while the proximal lesser curvature is supplied by the left gastric artery. The proximal greater curvature is supplied by the left gastroepiploic artery, and the distal greater curvature is supplied by the right gastroepiploic artery.
The Gastroduodenal Artery: Supply and Path
The gastroduodenal artery is responsible for supplying blood to the pylorus, proximal part of the duodenum, and indirectly to the pancreatic head through the anterior and posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries. It commonly arises from the common hepatic artery of the coeliac trunk and terminates by bifurcating into the right gastroepiploic artery and the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery.
To better understand the relationship of the gastroduodenal artery to the first part of the duodenum, the stomach is reflected superiorly in an image sourced from Wikipedia. This artery plays a crucial role in providing oxygenated blood to the digestive system, ensuring proper functioning and health.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 14
A 48-year-old woman arrives at the Emergency Department complaining of persistent, dull discomfort in the upper right quadrant of her abdomen. Upon examination, an ultrasound reveals the presence of a mass in her gallbladder. Subsequent biopsy results confirm the diagnosis of adenocarcinoma, a cancerous tumour that originates from the epithelial cells of the gallbladder.
How would you characterize these epithelial cells?Your Answer: Simple columnar
Explanation:The lining of the gallbladder is composed of simple columnar epithelium, which is also found in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract such as the small intestine, stomach, and large intestine. Simple cuboidal epithelium is rare and is mainly found in the renal tubules and on the surface of the ovaries. Simple squamous epithelium is present in areas where rapid diffusion of small molecules is necessary, such as in alveoli and capillaries, as well as in glomeruli where ultra-filtration occurs. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium is primarily found in the upper respiratory tract.
The gallbladder is a sac made of fibromuscular tissue that can hold up to 50 ml of fluid. Its lining is made up of columnar epithelium. The gallbladder is located in close proximity to various organs, including the liver, transverse colon, and the first part of the duodenum. It is covered by peritoneum and is situated between the right lobe and quadrate lobe of the liver. The gallbladder receives its arterial supply from the cystic artery, which is a branch of the right hepatic artery. Its venous drainage is directly to the liver, and its lymphatic drainage is through Lund’s node. The gallbladder is innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. The common bile duct originates from the confluence of the cystic and common hepatic ducts and is located in the hepatobiliary triangle, which is bordered by the common hepatic duct, cystic duct, and the inferior edge of the liver. The cystic artery is also found within this triangle.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 15
An 80-year-old man visits his GP complaining of indigestion that has persisted for the last three months. He has a medical history of hypertension and is a heavy smoker with a 50-pack-year history. He also consumes three glasses of wine on weeknights. Upon referral to a gastroenterologist, a lower oesophageal and stomach biopsy is performed, revealing metaplastic columnar epithelium. What is the primary factor that has contributed to the development of this histological finding?
Your Answer: Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)
Explanation:Barrett’s oesophagus is diagnosed in this patient based on the presence of metaplastic columnar epithelium in the oesophageal epithelium. The most significant risk factor for the development of Barrett’s oesophagus is gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). While age is also a risk factor, it is not as strong as GORD. Alcohol consumption is not associated with Barrett’s oesophagus, but it is a risk factor for squamous cell oesophageal carcinoma. Infection with Helicobacter pylori is not linked to Barrett’s oesophagus, and it may even reduce the risk of GORD and Barrett’s oesophagus. Smoking is associated with both GORD and Barrett’s oesophagus, but the strength of this association is not as significant as that of GORD.
Barrett’s oesophagus is a condition where the lower oesophageal mucosa is replaced by columnar epithelium, which increases the risk of oesophageal adenocarcinoma by 50-100 fold. It is usually identified during an endoscopy for upper gastrointestinal symptoms such as dyspepsia, as there are no screening programs for it. The length of the affected segment determines the chances of identifying metaplasia, with short (<3 cm) and long (>3 cm) subtypes. The prevalence of Barrett’s oesophagus is estimated to be around 1 in 20, and it is identified in up to 12% of those undergoing endoscopy for reflux.
The columnar epithelium in Barrett’s oesophagus may resemble that of the cardiac region of the stomach or that of the small intestine, with goblet cells and brush border. The single strongest risk factor for Barrett’s oesophagus is gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), followed by male gender, smoking, and central obesity. Alcohol is not an independent risk factor for Barrett’s, but it is associated with both GORD and oesophageal cancer. Patients with Barrett’s oesophagus often have coexistent GORD symptoms.
The management of Barrett’s oesophagus involves high-dose proton pump inhibitor, although the evidence base for its effectiveness in reducing the progression to dysplasia or inducing regression of the lesion is limited. Endoscopic surveillance with biopsies is recommended every 3-5 years for patients with metaplasia but not dysplasia. If dysplasia of any grade is identified, endoscopic intervention is offered, such as radiofrequency ablation, which is the preferred first-line treatment, particularly for low-grade dysplasia, or endoscopic mucosal resection.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 16
A 57-year-old man is having a pancreatectomy for cancer. While removing the gland, which structure will the surgeon not come across behind the pancreas?
Your Answer: Common bile duct
Correct Answer: Gastroduodenal artery
Explanation:At the superior part of the pancreas, the gastroduodenal artery splits into the pancreaticoduodenal and gastro-epiploic arteries.
Anatomy of the Pancreas
The pancreas is located behind the stomach and is a retroperitoneal organ. It can be accessed surgically by dividing the peritoneal reflection that connects the greater omentum to the transverse colon. The pancreatic head is situated in the curvature of the duodenum, while its tail is close to the hilum of the spleen. The pancreas has various relations with other organs, such as the inferior vena cava, common bile duct, renal veins, superior mesenteric vein and artery, crus of diaphragm, psoas muscle, adrenal gland, kidney, aorta, pylorus, gastroduodenal artery, and splenic hilum.
The arterial supply of the pancreas is through the pancreaticoduodenal artery for the head and the splenic artery for the rest of the organ. The venous drainage for the head is through the superior mesenteric vein, while the body and tail are drained by the splenic vein. The ampulla of Vater is an important landmark that marks the transition from foregut to midgut and is located halfway along the second part of the duodenum. Overall, understanding the anatomy of the pancreas is crucial for surgical procedures and diagnosing pancreatic diseases.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 17
A 25-year-old male has been referred to the clinic due to a family history of colorectal cancer. Genetic testing revealed a mutation of the APC gene, and a colonoscopy is recommended. What is the probable outcome of the procedure?
Your Answer: Caecal carcinoma
Correct Answer: Multiple colonic adenomas
Explanation:Familial adenomatous polyposis coli is characterized by the presence of multiple colonic adenomas, which are caused by mutations in the APC gene.
Polyposis syndromes are a group of genetic disorders that cause the development of multiple polyps in the colon and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. These polyps can increase the risk of developing cancer, and therefore, early detection and management are crucial. There are several types of polyposis syndromes, each with its own genetic defect, features, and associated disorders.
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is caused by a mutation in the APC gene and is characterized by the development of over 100 colonic adenomas, with a 100% risk of cancer. Screening and management involve regular colonoscopies and resectional surgery if polyps are found. FAP is also associated with gastric and duodenal polyps and abdominal desmoid tumors.
MYH-associated polyposis is caused by a biallelic mutation of the MYH gene and is associated with multiple colonic polyps and an increased risk of right-sided cancers. Attenuated phenotype can be managed with regular colonoscopies, while resection and ileoanal pouch reconstruction are recommended for those with multiple polyps.
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is caused by a mutation in the STK11 gene and is characterized by multiple benign intestinal hamartomas, episodic obstruction, and an increased risk of GI cancers. Screening involves annual examinations and pan-intestinal endoscopy every 2-3 years.
Cowden disease is caused by a mutation in the PTEN gene and is characterized by macrocephaly, multiple intestinal hamartomas, and an increased risk of cancer at any site. Targeted individualized screening is recommended, with extra surveillance for breast, thyroid, and uterine cancers.
HNPCC (Lynch syndrome) is caused by germline mutations of DNA mismatch repair genes and is associated with an increased risk of colorectal, endometrial, and gastric cancers. Colonoscopies every 1-2 years from age 25 and consideration of prophylactic surgery are recommended, along with extra colonic surveillance.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 18
A 36-year-old man is brought to the Emergency Department in an ambulance after being found unconscious by a friend. Shortly after arriving at the hospital, he becomes tachycardic, hypotensive, and stops breathing. The medical team suspects shock and examines him. What could be a potential cause of obstructive shock resulting from interference in ventricular filling?
Your Answer: Pulmonary embolism
Correct Answer: Tension pneumothorax
Explanation:Shock can be caused by various factors, but only tension pneumothorax affects ventricular filling. Distributive shock, such as anaphylactic shock, hypovolaemic shock caused by chemical burns, and cardiogenic shock resulting from myocardial infarction are other examples. Obstructive shock caused by pulmonary embolism interferes with ventricular emptying, not filling.
Shock is a condition where there is not enough blood flow to the tissues. There are five main types of shock: septic, haemorrhagic, neurogenic, cardiogenic, and anaphylactic. Septic shock is caused by an infection that triggers a particular response in the body. Haemorrhagic shock is caused by blood loss, and there are four classes of haemorrhagic shock based on the amount of blood loss and associated symptoms. Neurogenic shock occurs when there is a disruption in the autonomic nervous system, leading to decreased vascular resistance and decreased cardiac output. Cardiogenic shock is caused by heart disease or direct myocardial trauma. Anaphylactic shock is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction. Adrenaline is the most important drug in treating anaphylaxis and should be given as soon as possible.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 19
A 78-year-old man reports experiencing discomfort behind his breastbone and occasional backflow of stomach acid into his mouth, especially after meals and at bedtime, causing sleep disturbance. What is a potential risk factor for GORD?
Your Answer: Male sex
Correct Answer: Smoking
Explanation:Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD)
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is a chronic condition where stomach acid flows back up into the oesophagus, causing discomfort and increasing the risk of oesophageal cancer. Obesity is a known risk factor for GORD, as excess weight around the abdomen increases pressure in the stomach. Hiatus hernia, which also results from increased intra-abdominal pressure, is also associated with GORD. This is because the widening of the diaphragmatic hiatus in hiatus hernia reduces the effectiveness of the lower oesophageal sphincter in preventing acid reflux.
Smoking is another risk factor for GORD, although the exact mechanism by which it weakens the lower oesophageal sphincter is not fully understood. Interestingly, male sex does not appear to be associated with GORD. Overall, the risk factors for GORD can help individuals take steps to prevent or manage this chronic condition.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 20
A 38-year-old woman presents to her GP with a 6-month history of fatigue and weakness, with a recent increase in shortness of breath upon walking.
Past medical history - vitiligo.
Medications - over the counter multivitamins.
On examination - lung sounds were vesicular with equal air entry bilaterally; mild jaundice noticed in her sclera.
Hb 95 g/L Male: (135-180)
Female: (115 - 160)
Platelets 210 * 109/L (150 - 400)
WBC 6.0 * 109/L (4.0 - 11.0)
Vitamin B12 105 ng/L (200 - 900)
What is the underlying pathological process given the likely diagnosis?Your Answer: Autoimmune destruction of gastroparietal cells
Explanation:Pernicious anaemia is a condition where the body’s immune system attacks either the intrinsic factor or the gastroparietal cells, leading to a deficiency in vitamin B12 absorption. The patient’s history, examination, and blood results can provide clues to the diagnosis, such as fatigue, dyspnoea, mild jaundice, and low haemoglobin levels. The correct answer for the cause of pernicious anaemia is autoimmune destruction of gastroparietal cells, as intrinsic factor destruction is not an option. Autoimmune destruction of chief or goblet cells is not related to this condition. Ulcerative colitis may cause similar symptoms, but it is unlikely to affect vitamin B12 absorption and cause jaundice.
Pernicious anaemia is a condition that results in a deficiency of vitamin B12 due to an autoimmune disorder affecting the gastric mucosa. The term pernicious refers to the gradual and subtle harm caused by the condition, which often leads to delayed diagnosis. While pernicious anaemia is the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency, other causes include atrophic gastritis, gastrectomy, and malnutrition. The condition is characterized by the presence of antibodies to intrinsic factor and/or gastric parietal cells, which can lead to reduced vitamin B12 absorption and subsequent megaloblastic anaemia and neuropathy.
Pernicious anaemia is more common in middle to old age females and is associated with other autoimmune disorders such as thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, Addison’s, rheumatoid, and vitiligo. Symptoms of the condition include anaemia, lethargy, pallor, dyspnoea, peripheral neuropathy, subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord, neuropsychiatric features, mild jaundice, and glossitis. Diagnosis is made through a full blood count, vitamin B12 and folate levels, and the presence of antibodies.
Management of pernicious anaemia involves vitamin B12 replacement, usually given intramuscularly. Patients with neurological features may require more frequent doses. Folic acid supplementation may also be necessary. Complications of the condition include an increased risk of gastric cancer.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 21
A 65-year-old man visits his GP complaining of a lump in his groin. He reports no other symptoms such as abdominal pain or changes in bowel habits. Upon examination, the GP notes that the lump is soft and can be reduced without causing discomfort to the patient. The GP suspects an inguinal hernia but is unsure if it is direct or indirect. To determine this, the GP reduces the lump and applies pressure to the anatomical landmark for the deep inguinal ring. What is this landmark?
Your Answer: Superior and medial to the pubic tubercle
Correct Answer: Superior to the midpoint of the inguinal ligament
Explanation:The inguinal canal is located above the inguinal ligament and measures 4 cm in length. Its superficial ring is situated in front of the pubic tubercle, while the deep ring is found about 1.5-2 cm above the halfway point between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle. The canal is bounded by the external oblique aponeurosis, inguinal ligament, lacunar ligament, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, external ring, and conjoint tendon. In males, the canal contains the spermatic cord and ilioinguinal nerve, while in females, it houses the round ligament of the uterus and ilioinguinal nerve.
The boundaries of Hesselbach’s triangle, which are frequently tested, are located in the inguinal region. Additionally, the inguinal canal is closely related to the vessels of the lower limb, which should be taken into account when repairing hernial defects in this area.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 22
An 80-year-old male with Parkinson's disease (PD) arrives at the emergency department with sudden chest pain, indicating a possible heart attack. What treatment should be avoided in the management of this patient?
Your Answer: Clopidogrel
Correct Answer: Metoclopramide
Explanation:Metoclopramide should not be given to patients with Parkinsonism due to its dopamine antagonist properties which can worsen the symptoms of the disease. However, it can be prescribed as an antiemetic when administering morphine to ACS patients who are not contraindicated. Oxygen is safe for PD patients, while clopidogrel is used for its antiplatelet effects.
Understanding the Mechanism and Uses of Metoclopramide
Metoclopramide is a medication primarily used to manage nausea, but it also has other uses such as treating gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and gastroparesis secondary to diabetic neuropathy. It is often combined with analgesics for the treatment of migraines. However, it is important to note that metoclopramide has adverse effects such as extrapyramidal effects, acute dystonia, diarrhoea, hyperprolactinaemia, tardive dyskinesia, and parkinsonism. It should also be avoided in bowel obstruction but may be helpful in paralytic ileus.
The mechanism of action of metoclopramide is quite complicated. It is primarily a D2 receptor antagonist, but it also has mixed 5-HT3 receptor antagonist/5-HT4 receptor agonist activity. Its antiemetic action is due to its antagonist activity at D2 receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger zone, and at higher doses, the 5-HT3 receptor antagonist also has an effect. The gastroprokinetic activity is mediated by D2 receptor antagonist activity and 5-HT4 receptor agonist activity.
In summary, metoclopramide is a medication with multiple uses, but it also has adverse effects that should be considered. Its mechanism of action is complex, involving both D2 receptor antagonist and 5-HT3 receptor antagonist/5-HT4 receptor agonist activity. Understanding the uses and mechanism of action of metoclopramide is important for its safe and effective use.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 23
A 17-year-old girl comes to the emergency department complaining of nausea and vomiting. A medical trainee, who has recently started her emergency rotation, prescribes metoclopramide to alleviate her symptoms before ordering some tests.
The nurse cautions the doctor that metoclopramide is not recommended for young female patients and suggests switching to cyclizine.
What is the reason for metoclopramide being unsuitable for this patient?Your Answer: Risk of urinary retention
Correct Answer: Risk of oculogyric crisis
Explanation:Metoclopramide use in children and young adults can lead to oculogyric crisis, which is a dystonic reaction that causes the eyes to involuntarily gaze upwards for an extended period. Opioids can cause respiratory depression, while cyclizine may result in restlessness and urinary retention. Amiodarone use may cause slate-grey skin discoloration. Additionally, metoclopramide can increase urinary frequency.
Understanding the Mechanism and Uses of Metoclopramide
Metoclopramide is a medication primarily used to manage nausea, but it also has other uses such as treating gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and gastroparesis secondary to diabetic neuropathy. It is often combined with analgesics for the treatment of migraines. However, it is important to note that metoclopramide has adverse effects such as extrapyramidal effects, acute dystonia, diarrhoea, hyperprolactinaemia, tardive dyskinesia, and parkinsonism. It should also be avoided in bowel obstruction but may be helpful in paralytic ileus.
The mechanism of action of metoclopramide is quite complicated. It is primarily a D2 receptor antagonist, but it also has mixed 5-HT3 receptor antagonist/5-HT4 receptor agonist activity. Its antiemetic action is due to its antagonist activity at D2 receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger zone, and at higher doses, the 5-HT3 receptor antagonist also has an effect. The gastroprokinetic activity is mediated by D2 receptor antagonist activity and 5-HT4 receptor agonist activity.
In summary, metoclopramide is a medication with multiple uses, but it also has adverse effects that should be considered. Its mechanism of action is complex, involving both D2 receptor antagonist and 5-HT3 receptor antagonist/5-HT4 receptor agonist activity. Understanding the uses and mechanism of action of metoclopramide is important for its safe and effective use.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 24
A passionate surgical resident attempts his first independent splenectomy. The procedure proves to be more challenging than expected and the resident places a tube drain in the splenic bed at the conclusion of the surgery. Within the next 24 hours, around 500ml of clear fluid drains into the tube. What is the most probable result of biochemical testing on the fluid?
Elevated creatinine
Elevated triglycerides
Elevated glucagon
Elevated amylase
None of the above
During a splenectomy, the tail of the pancreas may be harmed, causing the pancreatic duct to drain into the splenic bed, resulting in an increase in amylase levels. Glucagon is not produced in the pancreatic duct.Your Answer: Elevated amylase
Explanation:If the tail of the pancreas is damaged during splenectomy, the pancreatic duct may end up draining into the splenic bed. This can result in an increase in amylase levels, but there will be no secretion of glucagon into the pancreatic duct.
Understanding the Anatomy of the Spleen
The spleen is a vital organ in the human body, serving as the largest lymphoid organ. It is located below the 9th-12th ribs and has a clenched fist shape. The spleen is an intraperitoneal organ, and its peritoneal attachments condense at the hilum, where the vessels enter the spleen. The blood supply of the spleen is from the splenic artery, which is derived from the coeliac axis, and the splenic vein, which is joined by the IMV and unites with the SMV.
The spleen is derived from mesenchymal tissue during embryology. It weighs between 75-150g and has several relations with other organs. The diaphragm is superior to the spleen, while the gastric impression is anterior, the kidney is posterior, and the colon is inferior. The hilum of the spleen is formed by the tail of the pancreas and splenic vessels. The spleen also forms the apex of the lesser sac, which contains short gastric vessels.
In conclusion, understanding the anatomy of the spleen is crucial in comprehending its functions and the role it plays in the human body. The spleen’s location, weight, and relations with other organs are essential in diagnosing and treating spleen-related conditions.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 25
A somatostatinoma patient with constantly elevated somatostatin levels experiences a significant decrease in the secretion of many endocrine hormones. Which hormone responsible for stimulating the pancreas and hepatic duct cells to secrete bicarbonate-rich fluid is affected when S cells are not stimulated?
Your Answer: Secretin
Explanation:Secretin is the correct answer as it is produced by S cells in the upper small intestine and stimulates the pancreas and hepatic duct cells to secrete bicarbonate-rich fluid. It also reduces gastric acid secretion and promotes the growth of pancreatic acinar cells. However, if there is a somatostatinoma present, there will be an excess of somatostatin which inhibits the production of secretin by S cells.
Cholecystokinin (CCK) is an incorrect answer as it is released by I-cells in the upper small intestine in response to fats and proteins. CCK stimulates the gallbladder and pancreas to contract and secrete bile enzymes into the duodenum.
Gastrin is an incorrect answer as it is produced by G cells in the stomach and stimulates the release of hydrochloric acid into the stomach.
Ghrelin is an incorrect answer as it is released to stimulate hunger, particularly before meals.
Overview of Gastrointestinal Hormones
Gastrointestinal hormones play a crucial role in the digestion and absorption of food. These hormones are secreted by various cells in the stomach and small intestine in response to different stimuli such as the presence of food, pH changes, and neural signals.
One of the major hormones involved in food digestion is gastrin, which is secreted by G cells in the antrum of the stomach. Gastrin increases acid secretion by gastric parietal cells, stimulates the secretion of pepsinogen and intrinsic factor, and increases gastric motility. Another hormone, cholecystokinin (CCK), is secreted by I cells in the upper small intestine in response to partially digested proteins and triglycerides. CCK increases the secretion of enzyme-rich fluid from the pancreas, contraction of the gallbladder, and relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi. It also decreases gastric emptying and induces satiety.
Secretin is another hormone secreted by S cells in the upper small intestine in response to acidic chyme and fatty acids. Secretin increases the secretion of bicarbonate-rich fluid from the pancreas and hepatic duct cells, decreases gastric acid secretion, and has a trophic effect on pancreatic acinar cells. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is a neural hormone that stimulates secretion by the pancreas and intestines and inhibits acid secretion.
Finally, somatostatin is secreted by D cells in the pancreas and stomach in response to fat, bile salts, and glucose in the intestinal lumen. Somatostatin decreases acid and pepsin secretion, decreases gastrin secretion, decreases pancreatic enzyme secretion, and decreases insulin and glucagon secretion. It also inhibits the trophic effects of gastrin and stimulates gastric mucous production.
In summary, gastrointestinal hormones play a crucial role in regulating the digestive process and maintaining homeostasis in the gastrointestinal tract.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 26
A 40-year-old male visits a private vascular clinic for his long-standing varicose veins. He had been referred by his family physician and is concerned about the appearance of his legs. He experiences heaviness and aching in his legs. As a professional athlete, he often wears shorts during games and is worried that his condition might affect his performance.
After being informed of the risks associated with varicose vein surgery, he decides to proceed with the operation. However, during his follow-up appointment, he reports a loss of sensation over the lateral foot and posterolateral leg.
Which nerve is most likely to have been damaged during the surgery?Your Answer: Superficial fibular nerve
Correct Answer: Sural nerve
Explanation:During varicose vein surgery, there is a potential for damage to the sural nerve, which innervates the posterolateral leg and lateral foot. Additionally, the saphenous nerve, responsible for sensation in the medial aspect of the leg and foot, and the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, which innervates the lateral thigh, may also be at risk.
During surgical procedures, there is a risk of nerve injury caused by the surgery itself. This is not only important for the patient’s well-being but also from a legal perspective. There are various operations that carry the risk of nerve damage, such as posterior triangle lymph node biopsy, Lloyd Davies stirrups, thyroidectomy, anterior resection of rectum, axillary node clearance, inguinal hernia surgery, varicose vein surgery, posterior approach to the hip, and carotid endarterectomy. Surgeons must have a good understanding of the anatomy of the area they are operating on to minimize the incidence of nerve lesions. Blind placement of haemostats is not recommended as it can also cause nerve damage.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 27
A 50-year-old woman visits her doctor with worries about experiencing dark, tarry stools for the past 4 days. She has a medical history of hypertension, which is well controlled with ramipril. Apart from ibuprofen, which she is taking for a recent skiing injury, she is not on any other regular medication. She casually mentions that she has lost some weight but denies having any abdominal pain. She is a non-smoker and drinks approximately 17 units of alcohol per week. On examination, there are no signs of chronic liver disease, but her conjunctiva appears pale. The doctor is concerned and decides to conduct several blood tests.
Hb 10.1 g/l
Platelets 202 * 109/l
WBC 9.2 * 109/l
Na+ 137 mmol/l
K+ 4.1 mmol/l
Urea 34 mmol/l
Creatinine 105 µmol/l
What is the most probable reason for the patient's symptoms?Your Answer: Peptic ulcer
Explanation:An upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleed can lead to the formation of melaena, which is characterized by the passage of dark and tarry stool through the digestive tract. Peptic ulcer is a frequent cause of upper GI bleed, particularly in patients who have identifiable risk factors such as the use of NSAIDs, as seen in this patient.
The blood tests reveal an elevated urea level without an increase in creatinine, which is a typical presentation in an upper GI bleed. Additionally, the presence of anemia is also suggestive of a bleed.
Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding is a common and significant medical issue that can be caused by various conditions, with oesophageal varices and peptic ulcer disease being the most common. The main symptoms include haematemesis (vomiting of blood), melena (passage of altered blood per rectum), and a raised urea level due to the protein meal of the blood. The diagnosis can be determined by identifying the specific features associated with a particular condition, such as stigmata of chronic liver disease for oesophageal varices or abdominal pain for peptic ulcer disease.
The differential diagnosis for acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding includes oesophageal, gastric, and duodenal causes. Oesophageal varices may present with a large volume of fresh blood, while gastric ulcers may cause low volume bleeds that present as iron deficiency anaemia. Duodenal ulcers are usually posteriorly sited and may erode the gastroduodenal artery. Aorto-enteric fistula is a rare but important cause of major haemorrhage associated with high mortality in patients with previous abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery.
The management of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding involves risk assessment using the Glasgow-Blatchford score, which helps clinicians decide whether patients can be managed as outpatients or not. Resuscitation involves ABC, wide-bore intravenous access, and platelet transfusion if actively bleeding platelet count is less than 50 x 10*9/litre. Endoscopy should be offered immediately after resuscitation in patients with a severe bleed, and all patients should have endoscopy within 24 hours. Treatment options include repeat endoscopy, interventional radiology, and surgery for non-variceal bleeding, while terlipressin and prophylactic antibiotics should be given to patients with variceal bleeding. Band ligation should be used for oesophageal varices, and injections of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate for patients with gastric varices. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (TIPS) should be offered if bleeding from varices is not controlled with the above measures.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 28
Which of the following is not a branch of the abdominal aorta?
Your Answer: Superior phrenic artery
Explanation:To remember the order of branches, use the phrase ‘Prostitutes Cause Sagging Swollen Red Testicles [in men] Living In Sin’:
Phrenic [inferior]
Superior mesenteric
Suprarenal [middle]
Testicular [‘in men’ only]
Inferior mesenteric
SacralNote that the superior phrenic artery branches from the aorta in the thorax.
Branches of the Abdominal Aorta
The abdominal aorta is a major blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the abdominal organs and lower extremities. It gives rise to several branches that supply blood to various organs and tissues. These branches can be classified into two types: parietal and visceral.
The parietal branches supply blood to the walls of the abdominal cavity, while the visceral branches supply blood to the abdominal organs. The branches of the abdominal aorta include the inferior phrenic, coeliac, superior mesenteric, middle suprarenal, renal, gonadal, lumbar, inferior mesenteric, median sacral, and common iliac arteries.
The inferior phrenic artery arises from the upper border of the abdominal aorta and supplies blood to the diaphragm. The coeliac artery supplies blood to the liver, stomach, spleen, and pancreas. The superior mesenteric artery supplies blood to the small intestine, cecum, and ascending colon. The middle suprarenal artery supplies blood to the adrenal gland. The renal arteries supply blood to the kidneys. The gonadal arteries supply blood to the testes or ovaries. The lumbar arteries supply blood to the muscles and skin of the back. The inferior mesenteric artery supplies blood to the descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum. The median sacral artery supplies blood to the sacrum and coccyx. The common iliac arteries are the terminal branches of the abdominal aorta and supply blood to the pelvis and lower extremities.
Understanding the branches of the abdominal aorta is important for diagnosing and treating various medical conditions that affect the abdominal organs and lower extremities.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 29
A 54-year-old male visits his GP complaining of sudden and severe abdominal pain that extends to his back. He has a history of heavy alcohol consumption, osteoarthritis, and asthma, and is a smoker. He is currently taking a salbutamol and corticosteroid inhaler. During the examination, his BMI is found to be 35kg/m².
What is the most probable reason for his symptoms?Your Answer: Heavy alcohol use
Explanation:Pancreatitis is most commonly caused by heavy alcohol use and gallstones, while osteoarthritis and smoking are not direct contributors. However, the use of a steroid inhaler and a high BMI may also play a role in the development of pancreatitis by potentially leading to hypertriglyceridemia.
Acute pancreatitis is a condition that is primarily caused by gallstones and alcohol consumption in the UK. However, there are other factors that can contribute to the development of this condition. A popular mnemonic used to remember these factors is GET SMASHED, which stands for gallstones, ethanol, trauma, steroids, mumps, autoimmune diseases, scorpion venom, hypertriglyceridaemia, hyperchylomicronaemia, hypercalcaemia, hypothermia, ERCP, and certain drugs. It is important to note that pancreatitis is seven times more common in patients taking mesalazine than sulfasalazine. CT scans can show diffuse parenchymal enlargement with oedema and indistinct margins in patients with acute pancreatitis.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 30
A 42-year-old woman presents to her GP with complaints of intermittent upper abdominal pain that worsens after eating. She denies having a fever and reports normal bowel movements. The pain is rated at 6/10 and is only slightly relieved by paracetamol. The GP suspects a blockage in the biliary tree. Which section of the duodenum does this tube open into, considering the location of the blockage?
Your Answer: 2nd part of the duodenum
Explanation:The second segment of the duodenum is situated behind the peritoneum and contains the major and minor duodenal papillae.
Based on the symptoms described, the woman is likely experiencing biliary colic, which is characterized by intermittent pain that worsens after consuming fatty meals. Blockages in the biliary tree, typically caused by stones, can occur at any point, but in this case, it is likely in the cystic duct, as there is no mention of jaundice and the stool is normal.
The cystic duct joins with the right and left hepatic ducts to form the common bile duct, which then merges with the pancreatic duct to create the common hepatopancreatic duct. The major papilla, located in the second segment of the duodenum, is where these ducts empty into the duodenum. This segment is also situated behind the peritoneum.
Peptic ulcers affecting the duodenum are most commonly found in the first segment.
The third segment of the duodenum can be compressed by the superior mesenteric artery, leading to superior mesenteric artery syndrome, particularly in individuals with low body fat.
The fourth segment of the duodenum runs close to the abdominal aorta and can be compressed by an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
The ligament of Treitz attaches the duodenojejunal flexure to the diaphragm and is not associated with any particular pathology.
The retroperitoneal structures are those that are located behind the peritoneum, which is the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity. These structures include the duodenum (2nd, 3rd, and 4th parts), ascending and descending colon, kidneys, ureters, aorta, and inferior vena cava. They are situated in the back of the abdominal cavity, close to the spine. In contrast, intraperitoneal structures are those that are located within the peritoneal cavity, such as the stomach, duodenum (1st part), jejunum, ileum, transverse colon, and sigmoid colon. It is important to note that the retroperitoneal structures are not well demonstrated in the diagram as the posterior aspect has been removed, but they are still significant in terms of their location and function.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 31
A 65-year-old man presents to the emergency department with a two-day history of rectal bleeding. He has had diarrhoea eight times in the past 24 hours with visible blood mixed with stool. He also complains of nausea and abdominal pain. His past medical history includes ulcerative colitis, hypertension and type 2 diabetes. He is currently taking mesalazine enteric coated 800 mg twice daily, amlodipine 10mg once daily and metformin 500mg twice daily.
Upon examination, he appears pale and has a temperature of 38ºC. His heart rate is 108/min with a blood pressure of 112/74mmHg. Abdominal exam shows generalised tenderness and guarding, but no rebound tenderness. His blood results are as follows:
- Hb 137 g/L Male: (135-180)
- Platelets 550 * 109/L (150 - 400)
- WBC 14.1 * 109/L (4.0 - 11.0)
- Na+ 144 mmol/L (135 - 145)
- K+ 3.4 mmol/L (3.5 - 5.0)
- Urea 8.4 mmol/L (2.0 - 7.0)
- Creatinine 134 µmol/L (55 - 120)
- CRP 110 mg/L (< 5)
- ESR 45 mm/hr Men: < (age / 2)
What is the most appropriate next step in managing this patient?Your Answer: Urgent hospital admission
Explanation:A severe flare-up of ulcerative colitis necessitates urgent hospital admission for IV corticosteroids. This is the correct answer as the patient’s symptoms indicate a severe flare-up according to Truelove and Witts’ severity index. The patient is experiencing more than 6 bowel movements per day with systemic upset (fever and tachycardia) and an ESR of over 30. NICE recommends urgent hospital admission for assessment and treatment with IV corticosteroids.
If the exacerbation is mild or moderate, oral corticosteroids may be appropriate. Therefore, send home with a course of oral corticosteroids is an incorrect answer.
Gastroenteritis requires oral rehydration therapy, but this patient’s symptoms suggest an exacerbation of ulcerative colitis. Therefore, oral rehydration therapy is an incorrect answer.
Loperamide may be used in the management of ulcerative colitis, but urgent hospital assessment is necessary due to the patient’s hemodynamic compromise. Therefore, send home with loperamide and send home with safety net advice alone are incorrect answers.
Ulcerative colitis can be managed through inducing and maintaining remission. The severity of the condition is classified as mild, moderate, or severe based on the number of stools per day, the amount of blood, and the presence of systemic upset. Treatment for mild-to-moderate cases of proctitis involves using topical aminosalicylate, while proctosigmoiditis and left-sided ulcerative colitis may require a combination of oral and topical medications. Severe cases should be treated in a hospital setting with intravenous steroids or ciclosporin.
To maintain remission, patients with proctitis and proctosigmoiditis may use topical aminosalicylate alone or in combination with an oral aminosalicylate. Those with left-sided and extensive ulcerative colitis may require a low maintenance dose of an oral aminosalicylate. Patients who have experienced severe relapses or multiple exacerbations may benefit from oral azathioprine or mercaptopurine. Methotrexate is not recommended for UC management, but probiotics may help prevent relapse in mild to moderate cases.
In summary, the management of ulcerative colitis involves a combination of inducing and maintaining remission. Treatment options vary depending on the severity and location of the condition, with mild-to-moderate cases typically treated with topical aminosalicylate and severe cases requiring hospitalization and intravenous medication. Maintaining remission may involve using a combination of oral and topical medications or a low maintenance dose of an oral aminosalicylate. While methotrexate is not recommended, probiotics may be helpful in preventing relapse in mild to moderate cases.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 32
A 72-year-old woman visits her doctor complaining of painful legs, particularly in her thighs, which occur after walking and subside on rest. She occasionally takes paracetamol to alleviate the pain. Her medical history includes hyperlipidaemia, type II diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and depression. The physician suspects that her pain may be due to claudication of the femoral artery, which is a continuation of the external iliac artery. Can you correctly identify the anatomical landmark where the external iliac artery becomes the femoral artery?
Your Answer: Inguinal ligament
Explanation:After passing the inguinal ligament, the external iliac artery transforms into the femoral artery. This means that the other options provided are not accurate. Here is a brief explanation of their anatomical importance:
– The medial edge of the sartorius muscle creates the lateral wall of the femoral triangle.
– The medial edge of the adductor longus muscle creates the medial wall of the femoral triangle.
– The femoral vein creates the lateral border of the femoral canal.
– The pectineus muscle creates the posterior border of the femoral canal.The inguinal canal is located above the inguinal ligament and measures 4 cm in length. Its superficial ring is situated in front of the pubic tubercle, while the deep ring is found about 1.5-2 cm above the halfway point between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle. The canal is bounded by the external oblique aponeurosis, inguinal ligament, lacunar ligament, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, external ring, and conjoint tendon. In males, the canal contains the spermatic cord and ilioinguinal nerve, while in females, it houses the round ligament of the uterus and ilioinguinal nerve.
The boundaries of Hesselbach’s triangle, which are frequently tested, are located in the inguinal region. Additionally, the inguinal canal is closely related to the vessels of the lower limb, which should be taken into account when repairing hernial defects in this area.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 33
A 49-year-old woman comes to the Emergency Department complaining of colicky abdominal pain. She states that she has been having on-and-off pain in the upper right quadrant for the past few months, especially after consuming fatty foods.
Which cells are accountable for generating the hormone linked to this presentation?Your Answer: I cells
Explanation:The correct answer is I cells, which are located in the upper small intestine. This patient’s symptoms are consistent with biliary colic, which occurs when the gallbladder contracts against an obstruction, typically a gallstone. Fatty foods stimulate the production of cholecystokinin (CCK) from the I cells in the duodenum, which promotes gallbladder contractility and the release of bile into the small intestine to aid in lipid emulsification.
B cells are not involved in promoting gallbladder contractility and are instead part of the adaptive immune response. D cells release somatostatin, which decreases insulin production, and are found in the stomach, small intestine, and pancreas. G cells are located in the stomach and secrete gastrin to promote acid secretion by the parietal cells of the stomach.
Overview of Gastrointestinal Hormones
Gastrointestinal hormones play a crucial role in the digestion and absorption of food. These hormones are secreted by various cells in the stomach and small intestine in response to different stimuli such as the presence of food, pH changes, and neural signals.
One of the major hormones involved in food digestion is gastrin, which is secreted by G cells in the antrum of the stomach. Gastrin increases acid secretion by gastric parietal cells, stimulates the secretion of pepsinogen and intrinsic factor, and increases gastric motility. Another hormone, cholecystokinin (CCK), is secreted by I cells in the upper small intestine in response to partially digested proteins and triglycerides. CCK increases the secretion of enzyme-rich fluid from the pancreas, contraction of the gallbladder, and relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi. It also decreases gastric emptying and induces satiety.
Secretin is another hormone secreted by S cells in the upper small intestine in response to acidic chyme and fatty acids. Secretin increases the secretion of bicarbonate-rich fluid from the pancreas and hepatic duct cells, decreases gastric acid secretion, and has a trophic effect on pancreatic acinar cells. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is a neural hormone that stimulates secretion by the pancreas and intestines and inhibits acid secretion.
Finally, somatostatin is secreted by D cells in the pancreas and stomach in response to fat, bile salts, and glucose in the intestinal lumen. Somatostatin decreases acid and pepsin secretion, decreases gastrin secretion, decreases pancreatic enzyme secretion, and decreases insulin and glucagon secretion. It also inhibits the trophic effects of gastrin and stimulates gastric mucous production.
In summary, gastrointestinal hormones play a crucial role in regulating the digestive process and maintaining homeostasis in the gastrointestinal tract.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 34
A 54-year-old African American male is being consented for an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). He is very anxious about the procedure and requests for more information about the common complications of ERCP. He is concerned about peritonitis, which usually occurs secondary to a perforation of the bowel - a rare complication of ERCP. You reassure him that perforation of the bowel, although a very serious complication, is uncommon. However, they are other more common complications of ERCP that he should be aware of.
What is the most common complication of ERCP?Your Answer: Acute pancreatitis
Explanation:The most frequent complication of ERCP is acute pancreatitis, which occurs when the X-ray contrast material or cannula irritates the pancreatic duct. While other complications may arise from ERCP, they are not as prevalent as acute pancreatitis.
Acute pancreatitis is a condition that is primarily caused by gallstones and alcohol consumption in the UK. However, there are other factors that can contribute to the development of this condition. A popular mnemonic used to remember these factors is GET SMASHED, which stands for gallstones, ethanol, trauma, steroids, mumps, autoimmune diseases, scorpion venom, hypertriglyceridaemia, hyperchylomicronaemia, hypercalcaemia, hypothermia, ERCP, and certain drugs. It is important to note that pancreatitis is seven times more common in patients taking mesalazine than sulfasalazine. CT scans can show diffuse parenchymal enlargement with oedema and indistinct margins in patients with acute pancreatitis.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 35
A 25-year-old man is suspected of having an inflamed Meckel's diverticulum. Where is it most likely to be located?
Your Answer: Approximately 200cm proximal to the ileocaecal valve
Correct Answer: Approximately 60 cm proximal to the ileocaecal valve
Explanation:The length of these growths is 2 inches (5cm), and they are twice as common in men. They involve two types of tissue and are located approximately 2 feet (60cm) from the ileocaecal valve.
Meckel’s diverticulum is a congenital diverticulum of the small intestine that is a remnant of the omphalomesenteric duct. It occurs in 2% of the population, is 2 feet from the ileocaecal valve, and is 2 inches long. It is usually asymptomatic but can present with abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, or intestinal obstruction. Investigation includes a Meckel’s scan or mesenteric arteriography. Management involves removal if narrow neck or symptomatic, with options between wedge excision or formal small bowel resection and anastomosis. Meckel’s diverticulum is typically lined by ileal mucosa but ectopic gastric, pancreatic, and jejunal mucosa can also occur.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 36
A 45-year-old woman with a family history of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 visits her GP complaining of upper abdominal pain. She reports experiencing worsening dyspepsia after meals for the past three months. Upon further questioning, she discloses that she has had loose stools and unintentionally lost approximately one stone in weight during this time.
What is the typical physiological function of the hormone that is accountable for this patient's symptoms?Your Answer: Suppress the release of pancreatic enzymes
Correct Answer: Increase H+ secretion by gastric parietal cells
Explanation:The correct answer is that gastrin increases the secretion of H+ by gastric parietal cells. This patient is suffering from Zollinger-Ellison syndrome due to a gastrinoma, which results in excessive production of gastrin and an overly acidic environment in the duodenum. This leads to symptoms such as dyspepsia, diarrhoea, and weight loss, as the intestinal pH is no longer optimal for digestion. The patient’s family history of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 is also a clue, as this condition is associated with around 25% of gastrinomas. Gastrin’s normal function is to increase the secretion of H+ by gastric parietal cells to aid in digestion.
The options delay gastric emptying, increase H+ secretion by gastric chief cells, and stimulate pancreatic bicarbonate secretion are incorrect. Gastrin’s role is to promote digestion and increase gastric emptying, not delay it. Gastric chief cells secrete pepsinogen and gastric lipase to aid in protein and fat digestion, not H+. Finally, pancreatic bicarbonate secretion is stimulated by secretin, which is produced by duodenal S-cells, not gastrin.
Overview of Gastrointestinal Hormones
Gastrointestinal hormones play a crucial role in the digestion and absorption of food. These hormones are secreted by various cells in the stomach and small intestine in response to different stimuli such as the presence of food, pH changes, and neural signals.
One of the major hormones involved in food digestion is gastrin, which is secreted by G cells in the antrum of the stomach. Gastrin increases acid secretion by gastric parietal cells, stimulates the secretion of pepsinogen and intrinsic factor, and increases gastric motility. Another hormone, cholecystokinin (CCK), is secreted by I cells in the upper small intestine in response to partially digested proteins and triglycerides. CCK increases the secretion of enzyme-rich fluid from the pancreas, contraction of the gallbladder, and relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi. It also decreases gastric emptying and induces satiety.
Secretin is another hormone secreted by S cells in the upper small intestine in response to acidic chyme and fatty acids. Secretin increases the secretion of bicarbonate-rich fluid from the pancreas and hepatic duct cells, decreases gastric acid secretion, and has a trophic effect on pancreatic acinar cells. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is a neural hormone that stimulates secretion by the pancreas and intestines and inhibits acid secretion.
Finally, somatostatin is secreted by D cells in the pancreas and stomach in response to fat, bile salts, and glucose in the intestinal lumen. Somatostatin decreases acid and pepsin secretion, decreases gastrin secretion, decreases pancreatic enzyme secretion, and decreases insulin and glucagon secretion. It also inhibits the trophic effects of gastrin and stimulates gastric mucous production.
In summary, gastrointestinal hormones play a crucial role in regulating the digestive process and maintaining homeostasis in the gastrointestinal tract.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 37
A 32-year-old male has been diagnosed with a carcinoid tumor in his appendix. Which of the substances listed below would be useful for monitoring during his follow-up?
Your Answer: AFP
Correct Answer: Chromogranin A
Explanation:Differentiating between blood and urine tests for carcinoid syndrome is crucial. Chromogranin A, neuron-specific enolase (NSE), substance P, and gastrin are typically measured in blood tests, while urine tests typically measure 5 HIAA, a serotonin metabolite. Occasionally, blood tests for serotonin (5 hydroxytryptamine) may also be conducted.
Carcinoid tumours are a type of cancer that can cause a condition called carcinoid syndrome. This syndrome typically occurs when the cancer has spread to the liver and releases serotonin into the bloodstream. In some cases, it can also occur with lung carcinoid tumours, as the mediators are not cleared by the liver. The earliest symptom of carcinoid syndrome is often flushing, but it can also cause diarrhoea, bronchospasm, hypotension, and right heart valvular stenosis (or left heart involvement in bronchial carcinoid). Additionally, other molecules such as ACTH and GHRH may be secreted, leading to conditions like Cushing’s syndrome. Pellagra, a rare condition caused by a deficiency in niacin, can also develop as the tumour diverts dietary tryptophan to serotonin.
To investigate carcinoid syndrome, doctors may perform a urinary 5-HIAA test or a plasma chromogranin A test. Treatment for the condition typically involves somatostatin analogues like octreotide, which can help manage symptoms like diarrhoea. Cyproheptadine may also be used to alleviate diarrhoea. Overall, early detection and treatment of carcinoid tumours can help prevent the development of carcinoid syndrome and improve outcomes for patients.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 38
A 54-year-old man presents to the emergency department with complaints of nausea and vomiting that started 3 hours ago. The vomit contains some food content but no blood. He also reports experiencing abdominal pain, but is unable to pinpoint the location. On examination, his heart rate is 90 beats per minute, respiratory rate is 20 breaths per minute, and blood pressure is 140/88 mmHg. The emergency physician observes that he has red palms and ascites in his abdomen. The following blood results are obtained:
- Hemoglobin: 128 g/L
- Aspartate aminotransferase (AST): 82 U/L
- Alanine aminotransferase (ALT): 38 U/L
Further questioning reveals that the man used to engage in binge drinking and currently consumes more than 60 units of alcohol per week since his divorce 15 years ago and recent job loss. Based on this information, what pathological feature is likely to be observed on liver biopsy?Your Answer: Excess collagen and extracellular matrix deposition in periportal and pericentral zones leading to the formation of regenerative nodules
Explanation:Patients with this condition typically exhibit the presence of anti-mitochondrial antibodies.
Scoring Systems for Liver Cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis is a serious condition that can lead to liver failure and death. To assess the severity of the disease, doctors use scoring systems such as the Child-Pugh classification and the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD). The Child-Pugh classification takes into account five factors: bilirubin levels, albumin levels, prothrombin time, encephalopathy, and ascites. Each factor is assigned a score of 1 to 3, depending on its severity, and the scores are added up to give a total score. The total score is then used to grade the severity of the disease as A, B, or C.
The MELD system uses a formula that takes into account a patient’s bilirubin, creatinine, and international normalized ratio (INR) to predict their survival. The formula calculates a score that ranges from 6 to 40, with higher scores indicating a higher risk of mortality. The MELD score is particularly useful for patients who are on a liver transplant waiting list, as it helps to prioritize patients based on their risk of mortality. Overall, both the Child-Pugh classification and the MELD system are important tools for assessing the severity of liver cirrhosis and determining the best course of treatment for patients.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 39
A 36-year-old female patient presents with persistent dyspepsia of 6 months duration. She failed multiple trials of conservative treatment by her GP, therefore, she was referred for the gastroenterologist for further review.
Investigations were done and her urea breath test was negative for Helicobacter pylori. Gastroscopy revealed multiple gastroduodenal ulcers. What type of cells are affected by the high levels of fasting gastrin detected?Your Answer: Gastric parietal cells
Explanation:The secretion of gastrin hormone from G cells in the antrum of the stomach is responsible for increasing the secretion of H+ by gastric parietal cells. Additionally, chief cells secrete pepsin, which is a proteolytic enzyme, while D cells in the pancreas and stomach secrete somatostatin hormone. Gastrin hormone is released in response to distension of the stomach and vagal stimulation.
Overview of Gastrointestinal Hormones
Gastrointestinal hormones play a crucial role in the digestion and absorption of food. These hormones are secreted by various cells in the stomach and small intestine in response to different stimuli such as the presence of food, pH changes, and neural signals.
One of the major hormones involved in food digestion is gastrin, which is secreted by G cells in the antrum of the stomach. Gastrin increases acid secretion by gastric parietal cells, stimulates the secretion of pepsinogen and intrinsic factor, and increases gastric motility. Another hormone, cholecystokinin (CCK), is secreted by I cells in the upper small intestine in response to partially digested proteins and triglycerides. CCK increases the secretion of enzyme-rich fluid from the pancreas, contraction of the gallbladder, and relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi. It also decreases gastric emptying and induces satiety.
Secretin is another hormone secreted by S cells in the upper small intestine in response to acidic chyme and fatty acids. Secretin increases the secretion of bicarbonate-rich fluid from the pancreas and hepatic duct cells, decreases gastric acid secretion, and has a trophic effect on pancreatic acinar cells. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is a neural hormone that stimulates secretion by the pancreas and intestines and inhibits acid secretion.
Finally, somatostatin is secreted by D cells in the pancreas and stomach in response to fat, bile salts, and glucose in the intestinal lumen. Somatostatin decreases acid and pepsin secretion, decreases gastrin secretion, decreases pancreatic enzyme secretion, and decreases insulin and glucagon secretion. It also inhibits the trophic effects of gastrin and stimulates gastric mucous production.
In summary, gastrointestinal hormones play a crucial role in regulating the digestive process and maintaining homeostasis in the gastrointestinal tract.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 40
Which hormone is primarily responsible for sodium-potassium exchange in the salivary ducts?
Your Answer: Somatostatin
Correct Answer: Aldosterone
Explanation:The regulation of ion exchange in salivary glands is attributed to aldosterone. This hormone targets a pump that facilitates the exchange of sodium and potassium ions. Aldosterone is classified as a mineralocorticoid hormone and is produced in the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal gland.
The parotid gland is located in front of and below the ear, overlying the mandibular ramus. Its salivary duct crosses the masseter muscle, pierces the buccinator muscle, and drains adjacent to the second upper molar tooth. The gland is traversed by several structures, including the facial nerve, external carotid artery, retromandibular vein, and auriculotemporal nerve. The gland is related to the masseter muscle, medial pterygoid muscle, superficial temporal and maxillary artery, facial nerve, stylomandibular ligament, posterior belly of the digastric muscle, sternocleidomastoid muscle, stylohyoid muscle, internal carotid artery, mastoid process, and styloid process. The gland is supplied by branches of the external carotid artery and drained by the retromandibular vein. Its lymphatic drainage is to the deep cervical nodes. The gland is innervated by the parasympathetic-secretomotor, sympathetic-superior cervical ganglion, and sensory-greater auricular nerve. Parasympathetic stimulation produces a water-rich, serous saliva, while sympathetic stimulation leads to the production of a low volume, enzyme-rich saliva.
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- Gastrointestinal System
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