Question 1
A 10-year-old boy who plays rugby complains of pain to his knee; he says his kneecap feels as though it is out of place at these times.
Which of the following is the likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Chondromalacia patellae
Correct Answer: Patellar subluxation
Explanation:Common Causes of Knee Pain in Adolescents and Young Adults
Knee pain is a common complaint among adolescents and young adults, and can be caused by a variety of conditions. Here are some of the most common causes:
1. Patellar subluxation: This is a temporary but recurring lateral subluxation of the patella, which can cause the knee to give way or feel like it’s moving out of place. Conservative treatment with physiotherapy and knee braces is usually effective, but surgery may be necessary in some cases.
2. Chondromalacia patellae: This condition is caused by abnormal softening of the cartilage on the underside of the patella, and is a common cause of chronic knee pain in teenagers and young adults. Physiotherapy to alter patella-femoral alignment is the main treatment, along with analgesics and ice packs.
3. Osgood-Schlatter disease: This is a common cause of knee pain in young adolescents, particularly sporty boys. It is caused by overuse of quadriceps, and is characterized by pain inferior to the patella. Treatment is with simple analgesics and ice packs.
4. Osteochondritis dissecans: This condition is caused by separation of subchondral bone articular cartilage from the joint surface, and affects the knee in 75% of cases. It tends to present in teenagers and young adults, with vague and achy joint pain that is made worse by activity. Treatment depends on the severity of the condition, and may include surgery.
Overall, knee pain in adolescents and young adults can be caused by a variety of conditions, and treatment depends on the underlying cause and severity of the condition.
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Question 2
A 60-year-old white man, who is a chronic smoker, presents with low back and hip pain. His serum alkaline phosphatase level is 1000 iu/l (39–117 iu/l), calcium 2.25 mmol/l (2.2–2.67 mmol/l) and phosphate 1.2 mmol/l (0.8–1.5 mmol/l). Other liver function tests (LFTs) are normal. He also complains of difficulty in hearing.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Paget’s disease of bone
Explanation:Bone Disorders and Blood Biochemistry: Understanding the Differences
Bone disorders can be difficult to diagnose, as many of them share similar symptoms. However, blood biochemistry can often provide clues to help differentiate between them. Here, we will discuss several common bone disorders and their associated blood biochemistry.
Paget’s Disease of Bone
Paget’s disease of bone is a disorder of bone remodeling that typically affects patients over the age of 40. Symptoms include bone and joint pain, deformities, nerve compression, and pathological fractures. Blood biochemistry typically shows raised serum alkaline phosphatase, with normal calcium and phosphate levels. Bisphosphonates are the mainstay of treatment.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lung
Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung is the second most common form of lung cancer and is strongly linked to smoking. Symptoms include cough, wheeze, and haemoptysis. Squamous cell carcinomas can cause hypercalcaemia as part of the paraneoplastic syndrome, but normal calcium levels and lack of respiratory symptoms may rule out this diagnosis.
Multiple Myeloma
Multiple myeloma is a malignant disease of plasma cells of the bone marrow. Normal calcium levels and the mention of hearing loss may rule out this diagnosis.
Osteomalacia is a disease of inadequate bone mineralization, most commonly caused by vitamin D deficiency. Symptoms include bony pain, muscle tenderness and weakness, pathological fractures, and proximal myopathy. Blood biochemistry may reveal hypocalcaemia and raised alkaline phosphatase.
Osteoporosis is caused by decreased bone density and tends to present initially with a fragility fracture. Blood biochemistry would be normal in a patient with osteoporosis.
In summary, understanding the differences in blood biochemistry can help differentiate between common bone disorders. This knowledge can aid in accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
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Question 3
A 39-year-old woman experiences lower back pain that travels down her left leg while doing DIY work. She reports a severe, sharp, stabbing pain that worsens with movement. During clinical examination, a positive straight leg raise test is observed on the left side. The patient is given appropriate pain relief. What is the most appropriate next step in management?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Arrange physiotherapy
Explanation:A prolapsed disc is suspected based on the patient’s symptoms. However, even if an MRI scan confirms this diagnosis, the initial management would remain the same as most patients respond well to conservative treatment like physiotherapy.
Understanding Prolapsed Disc and its Features
A prolapsed lumbar disc is a common cause of lower back pain that can lead to neurological deficits. It is characterized by clear dermatomal leg pain, which is usually worse than the back pain. The pain is often aggravated when sitting. The features of the prolapsed disc depend on the site of compression. For instance, L3 nerve root compression can cause sensory loss over the anterior thigh, weak quadriceps, reduced knee reflex, and a positive femoral stretch test. On the other hand, L4 nerve root compression can lead to sensory loss in the anterior aspect of the knee, weak quadriceps, reduced knee reflex, and a positive femoral stretch test.
The management of prolapsed disc is similar to that of other musculoskeletal lower back pain. It involves analgesia, physiotherapy, and exercises. According to NICE, the first-line treatment for back pain without sciatica symptoms is NSAIDs +/- proton pump inhibitors, rather than neuropathic analgesia. If the symptoms persist after 4-6 weeks, referral for consideration of MRI is appropriate. Understanding the features of prolapsed disc can help in the diagnosis and management of this condition.
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Question 4
A 10-year-old patient develops an eczematous, weeping rash on their wrist after getting a new bracelet. According to the Gell and Coombs classification of hypersensitivity reactions, what type of reaction is this an example of?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Type IV reaction
Explanation:Allergic contact dermatitis, which is often caused by nickel, is the type IV hypersensitivity reaction observed in this patient.
Classification of Hypersensitivity Reactions
Hypersensitivity reactions are classified into four types according to the Gell and Coombs classification. Type I, also known as anaphylactic hypersensitivity, occurs when an antigen reacts with IgE bound to mast cells. This type of reaction is responsible for anaphylaxis and atopy, such as asthma, eczema, and hay fever. Type II, or cytotoxic hypersensitivity, happens when cell-bound IgG or IgM binds to an antigen on the cell surface. This type of reaction is associated with autoimmune hemolytic anemia, ITP, Goodpasture’s syndrome, and other conditions. Type III, or immune complex hypersensitivity, occurs when free antigen and antibody (IgG, IgA) combine to form immune complexes. This type of reaction is responsible for serum sickness, systemic lupus erythematosus, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, and extrinsic allergic alveolitis. Type IV, or delayed hypersensitivity, is T-cell mediated and is responsible for tuberculosis, graft versus host disease, allergic contact dermatitis, and other conditions.
In recent times, a fifth category has been added to the classification of hypersensitivity reactions. Type V hypersensitivity occurs when antibodies recognize and bind to cell surface receptors, either stimulating them or blocking ligand binding. This type of reaction is associated with Graves’ disease and myasthenia gravis. Understanding the different types of hypersensitivity reactions is important in diagnosing and treating various conditions. Proper identification of the type of reaction can help healthcare professionals provide appropriate treatment and management strategies.
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Question 5
A 32-year-old woman is brought to the Emergency Department by ambulance having ingested 12 g of paracetamol over the past three hours. She weighs 70 kg. Her observations are within normal limits and she feels well.
Which of the following is the most appropriate management option?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Give intravenous acetylcysteine immediately
Explanation:Treatment and Management of Paracetamol Overdose
Paracetamol overdose is a serious medical emergency that requires prompt treatment and management. Here are some important steps to take:
Give intravenous acetylcysteine immediately for patients who have taken a staggered overdose, which is defined as ingesting a potentially toxic dose of paracetamol over a period of over one hour. Patients who have taken a dose of paracetamol > 150 mg/kg are at risk of serious toxicity.
Observe the patient for 24 hours after treatment.
Measure serum paracetamol level and give acetylcysteine if the level is above the treatment line. Patients who have ingested > 75 mg/kg of paracetamol over a period of less than one hour should have their serum paracetamol levels measured four hours after ingestion. If this level is above the treatment line, they should be treated with intravenous acetylcysteine. If blood tests reveal an alanine aminotransferase above the upper limit of normal, patients should be started on acetylcysteine regardless of serum paracetamol levels.
Start haemodialysis if patients have an exceedingly high serum paracetamol concentration (> 700 mg/l) associated with an elevated blood lactate and coma.
Take bloods including a coagulation screen and start acetylcysteine if clotting is deranged. In patients where a serum paracetamol level is indicated (patients who have ingested > 75 mg/kg of paracetamol over a period of less than one hour), deranged liver function tests are an indication to start acetylcysteine regardless of serum paracetamol levels.
In summary, prompt treatment with intravenous acetylcysteine is crucial for patients who have taken a staggered overdose of paracetamol. Monitoring of serum paracetamol levels, liver function tests, and clotting factors can help guide further management. Haemodialysis may be necessary in severe cases.
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Question 6
A 32-year-old female patient presents to her GP with worries regarding her medication. She was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus 2 years ago and is currently on azathioprine 120mg/day, divided into doses. She recently took a home pregnancy test which came back positive. What is the most appropriate approach to managing her medication?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Continue azathioprine
Explanation:It is safe to continue using azathioprine during pregnancy, even if on an established dose. Discontinuing or reducing the medication could lead to disease progression and serious health risks for the patient. Therefore, the dose of azathioprine should not be lowered. Switching to corticosteroids would not be appropriate as the patient is already on a safe medication. Infliximab should only be used if necessary during pregnancy, so continuing with azathioprine is a better option. Methotrexate should never be used during pregnancy as it is known to be teratogenic.
Azathioprine is a medication that is broken down into mercaptopurine, which is an active compound that inhibits the production of purine. To determine if someone is at risk for azathioprine toxicity, a test for thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) may be necessary. Adverse effects of this medication include bone marrow depression, which can be detected through a full blood count if there are signs of infection or bleeding, as well as nausea, vomiting, pancreatitis, and an increased risk of non-melanoma skin cancer. It is important to note that there is a significant interaction between azathioprine and allopurinol, so lower doses of azathioprine should be used in conjunction with allopurinol. Despite these potential side effects, azathioprine is generally considered safe to use during pregnancy.
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Question 7
A 28-year-old woman presents with complaints of recurring pain in her left ankle for the past 4-5 weeks. She also reports experiencing pain in her left sole and swelling in her right toes. Additionally, she has developed low back pain over the last 2 weeks. Upon further inquiry, she mentions having painless oral ulcers that heal on their own. She recently had chlamydial urethritis. Her full blood count, kidney, and liver function tests are all normal, and an autoimmune screen is negative. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Reactive arthritis
Explanation:Differentiating Reactive Arthritis from Other Arthritic Conditions
Reactive arthritis is a type of arthritis that occurs after an infection, typically dysentery or a sexually transmitted disease. It is characterized by an acute, asymmetrical lower limb arthritis, with common symptoms including enthesitis, sacroiliitis, and spondylosis. Patients may also experience mouth ulcers, conjunctivitis, and cutaneous features such as circinate balanitis and keratoderma blenorrhagia. However, it is important to differentiate reactive arthritis from other arthritic conditions such as disseminated bacterial arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and hypersensitivity vasculitis. Understanding the unique features of each condition can aid in accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
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Question 8
A 32-year-old woman reports experiencing discomfort in the plantar midfoot area between the third and fourth toes while wearing high heels.
What is the most probable reason for her symptoms?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Morton’s neuroma
Explanation:Common Foot Conditions and Their Symptoms
Morton’s Neuroma: This condition is characterized by perineural fibrosis and common digital nerve degeneration, resulting in neuropathic pain in the forefoot and interdigital space. The third web space is most commonly affected, and pain is aggravated by narrow, tight, high-heeled shoes. Treatment involves local steroid injections and footwear advice.
Claw Toe: In this condition, there is MTP dorsiflexion with PIP and DIP flexion affecting any of the second to fifth toes. Patients often report pain at the PIP joint due to pressure from a shoe on the toe.
Achilles Tendonitis: This results in activity-related pain and swelling of the Achilles tendon, felt at the lower calf. The toes are unaffected. Management includes rest, NSAIDs, heel padding, physiotherapy, and steroid injections.
Hammer Toe: This is a deformity of the second, third, or fourth toe, characterized by progressive PIP flexion deformity and compensatory hyperextension of the MTP and DIP joints. The PIP joint becomes prominent dorsally, causing pain when rubbing against the shoe.
Plantar Fasciitis: This is a pain in the inferior heel at the attachment of the medial band of the plantar fascia to the medial calcaneal tubercle. It is a chronic inflammatory process and an overuse injury, with pain worst in the morning. Treatment involves shoes with arch support, soft heels and heel padding, regular stretching exercises, NSAIDs, and local steroid injections.
Understanding Common Foot Conditions and Their Symptoms
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Question 9
A 50-year-old builder presents to the General Practitioner with pain in his right elbow. He reports that the pain has been worsening over the past few months and is affecting his ability to work. He has not attempted any treatment yet.
Upon examination, there is no swelling at the right elbow joint. The elbow can be flexed and extended without pain, and there is a good range of motion. The pain is reproduced on resisted supination.
What is the most appropriate first line diagnosis-management pairing for this patient? Choose the SINGLE most suitable option from the list below.Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Lateral epicondylitis – rest, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Explanation:Lateral epicondylitis is a condition that typically affects people in their fourth decade or older, and is caused by repetitive activity or minor trauma to the elbow. It is usually seen in the dominant arm and causes pain in the front of the lateral epicondyle, which can radiate down the forearm and lead to weakness of grip strength and difficulty in carrying objects. On examination, there is tenderness in the lateral epicondyle over the extensor mass, but no swelling or pain when flexing and extending the elbow. Treatment for lateral epicondylitis involves rest and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as first-line therapy, with physiotherapy recommended if there is no response after six weeks. Corticosteroid injections may be considered, but are unlikely to affect long-term outcomes. In contrast, medial epicondylitis affects the flexor-pronator muscles at their origin on the medial epicondyle, causing pain in that area. Treatment for both conditions is similar, involving rest and NSAIDs initially, with physiotherapy if necessary. Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, presents with joint stiffness and reduced range of motion, and is not evident in this patient.
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Question 10
A 60-year-old man is discovered to have hypocalcaemia during routine blood tests for his chronic kidney disease. He has a medical history of polycystic kidney disease, and it is anticipated that the low calcium result is a complication of this. What abnormalities would you anticipate in his other laboratory values?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: ↑ serum phosphate, ↑ ALP and ↑ PTH
Explanation:Chronic kidney disease can lead to secondary hyperparathyroidism, which is characterized by low serum calcium, high serum phosphate, high ALP, and high PTH levels. The kidneys are unable to activate vitamin D and excrete phosphate, resulting in calcium being used up in calcium phosphate. This leads to hypocalcemia, which triggers an increase in PTH levels to try and raise calcium levels. PTH stimulates osteoclast activity, causing a rise in ALP found in bone. Normal serum phosphate, normal ALP, and normal PTH levels are associated with osteoporosis or osteopetrosis, but in this case, the patient’s hypocalcemia and chronic kidney disease suggest other abnormal results. High serum phosphate, normal ALP, and low PTH levels are found in hypoparathyroidism, which is not consistent with chronic kidney disease. Low serum phosphate, normal ALP, and normal PTH levels suggest an isolated phosphate deficiency, which is also not consistent with the patient’s clinical picture.
Lab Values for Bone Disorders
When it comes to bone disorders, certain lab values can provide important information for diagnosis and treatment. In cases of osteoporosis, calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels are typically within normal ranges. However, in osteomalacia, there is a decrease in calcium and phosphate levels, an increase in ALP levels, and an increase in PTH levels.
Primary hyperparathyroidism, which can lead to osteitis fibrosa cystica, is characterized by increased calcium and PTH levels, but decreased phosphate levels. Chronic kidney disease can also lead to secondary hyperparathyroidism, with decreased calcium levels and increased phosphate and PTH levels.
Paget’s disease, which causes abnormal bone growth, typically shows normal calcium and phosphate levels, but an increase in ALP levels. Osteopetrosis, a rare genetic disorder that causes bones to become dense and brittle, typically shows normal lab values for calcium, phosphate, ALP, and PTH.
Overall, understanding these lab values can help healthcare professionals diagnose and treat various bone disorders.
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Question 11
A 62-year-old woman comes to the Emergency Department with a worsening headache for one day. She noticed that the pain significantly worsened when she was brushing her hair. She also complains of pain in her jaw while talking.
Which of the following investigations is the gold standard test to confirm the suspected diagnosis of giant-cell arteritis (GCA) in this patient?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Temporal artery biopsy
Explanation:Diagnostic Tests for Giant-Cell Arteritis
Giant-cell arteritis (GCA) is a medical emergency that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment to prevent irreversible vision loss. The gold-standard test for GCA is temporal artery biopsy, which should be performed as soon as the disease is suspected. However, treatment with corticosteroids should not be delayed until the biopsy results are available. Investigating antinuclear antibodies (ANA) is not useful, as they are usually negative in GCA. A CT scan of the brain is not typically performed for suspected GCA, but a CT angiography may be used to evaluate other large arteries. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are commonly elevated in GCA and are part of the initial evaluation. A full blood count with peripheral smear may show normocytic normochromic anemia with or without thrombocytosis. Early recognition and appropriate management of GCA are crucial to prevent serious complications.
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Question 12
A 67-year-old woman complains of long-standing issues with her hands, but lately, she has been experiencing pain in the joints of her fingers and difficulty opening jars. She has also observed a lump on the dorsal, distal part of her left index finger. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Herberden's node
Explanation:Nodal osteoarthritis is the usual cause of osteoarthritis in the hands, resulting from genetic factors. This type of arthritis leads to the development of Heberden’s nodes, which is swelling in the distal interphalangeal joints, and Bouchard’s nodes, which is swelling in the proximal interphalangeal joints. These nodes do not require any treatment. Pyogenic granuloma is a lesion that appears as a bright red or blood-crusted area, often following trauma, and is more common in children. A ganglion is a cystic lesion that occurs in the joint or synovial sheath of a tendon, most commonly in the wrist. A sebaceous cyst is a mobile, round cyst with a central punctum.
Clinical Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis can be diagnosed clinically without the need for investigations, according to NICE guidelines. This means that a doctor can diagnose the condition based on the patient’s symptoms and physical examination alone. The guidelines state that if a patient is over 45 years old and experiences pain during exercise, but does not have morning stiffness or morning stiffness lasting more than 30 minutes, they can be diagnosed with osteoarthritis.
This approach to diagnosis is based on the fact that osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition that affects the joints, causing pain and stiffness. The symptoms tend to develop gradually over time, and are often worse after periods of inactivity or overuse. By focusing on the patient’s symptoms and history, doctors can make an accurate diagnosis and start treatment as soon as possible.
Overall, the clinical diagnosis of osteoarthritis is a simple and effective way to identify the condition in patients who meet the criteria. It allows for prompt treatment and management of symptoms, which can improve the patient’s quality of life and prevent further joint damage.
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Question 13
A 42-year-old man is brought in by ambulance after falling off a 6-foot ladder and hitting his head. He has a deep laceration to the lateral left knee and is being kept overnight for observations. An x-ray of the left leg shows no fractures. He has a history of hypercholesterolemia.
During the night, he is using the maximum dose of prescribed PRN morphine due to pain in his left leg. The doctor is called to review the patient and on examination, there is reduced sensation on the medial aspect of the plantar left foot.
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Compartment syndrome
Explanation:Compartment syndrome is the likely diagnosis in this case, as excessive use of breakthrough analgesia and a history of trauma followed by lower limb pain should raise suspicion. Compartment syndrome occurs when pressure builds up in a compartment due to oedema and blood, resulting in venous compression and compromised transferring nerves. In this case, the patient’s medial plantar nerve has been compromised, leading to reduced sensation in the medial aspect of the plantar foot and paresthesia. The fact that the patient is using the maximum dose of PRN morphine should raise clinical suspicion of compartment syndrome, as it can be extremely painful. Pallor is a late sign, and x-rays may not show any findings in the context of compartment syndrome.
Acute limb ischaemia is an unlikely diagnosis, as the usual presenting complaint is pain with associated pallor from reduced arterial perfusion, which is not present in this case. Common peroneal nerve injury is also unlikely, as this nerve supplies the dorsum and lateral aspects of the foot, whereas the medial plantar nerve has been compromised in this case. Posttraumatic osteomyelitis is also an unlikely diagnosis, as it typically presents more than 48 hours after the trauma, and the loss of sensation in the medial aspect of the plantar foot cannot be explained by this condition.
Compartment syndrome is a complication that can occur after fractures or vascular injuries. It is characterized by increased pressure within a closed anatomical space, which can lead to tissue death. Supracondylar fractures and tibial shaft injuries are the most common fractures associated with compartment syndrome. Symptoms include pain, numbness, paleness, and possible paralysis of the affected muscle group. Diagnosis is made by measuring intracompartmental pressure, with pressures over 20 mmHg being abnormal and over 40mmHg being diagnostic. X-rays typically do not show any pathology. Treatment involves prompt and extensive fasciotomies, with careful attention to decompressing deep muscles in the lower limb. Patients may develop myoglobinuria and require aggressive IV fluids. In severe cases, debridement and amputation may be necessary, as muscle death can occur within 4-6 hours.
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Question 14
A 49-year-old woman comes in with worries about her elbow pain after spending the weekend painting her house. During examination, there is noticeable pain around the lateral epicondyle, leading to a possible diagnosis of lateral epicondylitis. Which of the following movements would typically exacerbate the pain?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Resisted wrist extension with the elbow extended
Explanation:Lateral epicondylitis is aggravated when the wrist is extended or supinated against resistance while the elbow is extended.
Understanding Lateral Epicondylitis
Lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis elbow, is a condition that often occurs after engaging in activities that the body is not accustomed to, such as painting or playing tennis. It is most prevalent in individuals aged 45-55 years and typically affects the dominant arm. The primary symptom of this condition is pain and tenderness localized to the lateral epicondyle. The pain is often exacerbated by wrist extension against resistance with the elbow extended or supination of the forearm with the elbow extended. Episodes of lateral epicondylitis can last between 6 months and 2 years, with patients experiencing acute pain for 6-12 weeks.
To manage lateral epicondylitis, it is essential to avoid muscle overload and engage in simple analgesia. Steroid injections and physiotherapy are also viable options for managing the condition. By understanding the symptoms and management options for lateral epicondylitis, individuals can take the necessary steps to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with this condition.
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Question 15
A 42-year-old man has been receiving weekly intramuscular injections for rheumatoid arthritis for the past 8 weeks. Routine urinalysis shows that he has a proteinuria.
Which of the following is he most likely to have been prescribed?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Gold
Explanation:Rheumatoid arthritis can be treated with various drugs, including gold, infliximab, d-penicillamine, leflunomide, and celecoxib. Gold is given by injection and can cause side effects such as glomerulonephritis. Infliximab is administered intravenously and can lead to infections and autoimmune syndromes. D-penicillamine can cause proteinuria and is taken orally. Leflunomide blocks T cell expansion and can cause diarrhea, nausea, and abnormal blood test results. Celecoxib is an NSAID taken orally and can increase the risk of vascular events and gastrointestinal issues. Understanding the different drug categories and their side effects is important for effective treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Monitoring for side effects is necessary for all disease-modifying drugs.
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Question 16
A 38-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus presents to her General Practitioner with concerns about her current medication. She is currently taking azathioprine 130 mg/day, in divided doses. Yesterday she took a home pregnancy test which was positive.
What is the best course of management for her medication?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Continue azathioprine
Explanation:Managing Treatment for Pregnant Patients with Autoimmune Diseases
When treating pregnant patients with autoimmune diseases, it is important to consider the potential risks and benefits of different medications. In the case of a patient already on an established dose of azathioprine, it is generally recommended to continue this medication during pregnancy, as stopping or reducing the dose could put the patient at risk of disease progression. Methotrexate should never be used during pregnancy due to its teratogenic effects. High-dose corticosteroids may also pose risks to the developing fetus if used for prolonged periods. Stopping all treatment could trigger disease worsening, so it is important to carefully weigh the risks and benefits of any changes to medication. In some cases, infliximab may be necessary during pregnancy, but this should be carefully considered and discussed with a specialist. Overall, managing treatment for pregnant patients with autoimmune diseases requires careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits of different medications.
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Question 17
A 26-year-old female comes to your clinic after experiencing recurrent miscarriages and no successful pregnancies. She has been referred to you for further evaluation. Upon conducting blood tests, the following results were obtained:
- APTT: 42 (normal range: 27-35)
- Platelets: 95 (normal range: 150-400)
- PT: 12 seconds (normal range: 11-14)
What could be the possible reason for these abnormalities?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Antiphospholipid syndrome
Explanation:Antiphospholipid syndrome is characterized by an elevated APTT and normal PT, and can lead to thrombocytopenia. AITP only causes a decrease in platelets, while vWD and hemophilia A only affect the APTT. Although unfractionated heparin can prolong the APTT, low platelets are a rare long-term side effect and are unlikely to be the cause of her repeated miscarriages.
Antiphospholipid syndrome is a condition that can be acquired and is characterized by a higher risk of both venous and arterial thromboses, recurrent fetal loss, and thrombocytopenia. It can occur as a primary disorder or as a secondary condition to other diseases, with systemic lupus erythematosus being the most common. One important point to remember for exams is that antiphospholipid syndrome can cause a paradoxical increase in the APTT. This is due to an ex-vivo reaction of the lupus anticoagulant autoantibodies with phospholipids involved in the coagulation cascade. Other features of this condition include livedo reticularis, pre-eclampsia, and pulmonary hypertension.
Antiphospholipid syndrome can also be associated with other autoimmune disorders, lymphoproliferative disorders, and, rarely, phenothiazines. Management of this condition is based on EULAR guidelines. Primary thromboprophylaxis involves low-dose aspirin, while secondary thromboprophylaxis depends on the type of thromboembolic event. Initial venous thromboembolic events require lifelong warfarin with a target INR of 2-3, while recurrent venous thromboembolic events require lifelong warfarin and low-dose aspirin. Arterial thrombosis should be treated with lifelong warfarin with a target INR of 2-3.
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Question 18
A highly active 12-year-old boy who plays football for his local team reports knee pain for several months. Upon examination, tenderness is noted over the tibial tuberosity.
What is the most probable diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Osgood-Schlatter disease
Explanation:Common Causes of Knee Pain in Young Patients
Knee pain is a common complaint among young patients, especially those who are active in sports. Here are some of the most common causes of knee pain in this population:
1. Osgood-Schlatter disease: This condition is caused by overuse of quadriceps, putting strain on the patellar ligament attachment to the tibia, which is not yet fully developed. The key clinical examination finding is tenderness over the tibial tuberosity, and there may well be a bony lump over the area as well.
2. Patellar subluxation: This describes the temporary but recurring lateral subluxation of the patella. Patients may describe the knee ‘giving way’ or feeling it move out of place, most commonly during activity such as running or jumping.
3. Chondromalacia patellae: This is caused by abnormal softening of the cartilage on the underside of the patella. Patients will describe anterior knee pain, which is worse after sitting for a prolonged length of time, or for activities including walking down the stairs, jumping, running or climbing.
4. Osteoarthritis: This is a disease of older age, owing to degeneration of the articular cartilage. It is often seen in the weight-bearing areas, including the knee and hip, as well as in the hands.
5. Osteochondritis dissecans: This is caused by separation of subchondral bone articular cartilage from the joint surface, and affects the knee in 75% of cases. It tends to present in teenagers and young adults, with a vague and achy joint pain that is made worse by activity, and may be accompanied by swelling.
It is important to note that knee pain in children could also be due to hip pathology, such as SUFE (slipped upper femoral epiphysis). Proper diagnosis and management are crucial for the long-term health of the joint.
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Question 19
A 25-year-old gymnast complains of experiencing pain in her lateral forearm that worsens when she straightens her wrist or fingers. Additionally, she occasionally feels a peculiar sensation in her hand similar to pins and needles. During the examination, she displays tenderness below the common extensor origin, with no pain over the lateral epicondyle itself. What is the probable reason for her forearm pain?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Radial tunnel syndrome
Explanation:Radial tunnel syndrome and lateral epicondylitis have similar presentations, but radial tunnel syndrome causes pain distal to the epicondyle and worsens with elbow extension and forearm pronation. This can make it challenging to differentiate between the two conditions. Radial tunnel syndrome is more common in athletes who frequently hyperextend their wrists or perform supination/pronation movements, such as gymnasts, racquet players, and golfers. Patients may also experience hand paraesthesia or wrist aching. Cubital tunnel syndrome, on the other hand, causes tingling and numbness in the 4th and 5th fingers, while olecranon bursitis results in swelling over the posterior elbow.
Understanding Lateral Epicondylitis
Lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis elbow, is a condition that often occurs after engaging in activities that the body is not accustomed to, such as painting or playing tennis. It is most prevalent in individuals aged 45-55 years and typically affects the dominant arm. The primary symptom of this condition is pain and tenderness localized to the lateral epicondyle. The pain is often exacerbated by wrist extension against resistance with the elbow extended or supination of the forearm with the elbow extended. Episodes of lateral epicondylitis can last between 6 months and 2 years, with patients experiencing acute pain for 6-12 weeks.
To manage lateral epicondylitis, it is essential to avoid muscle overload and engage in simple analgesia. Steroid injections and physiotherapy are also viable options for managing the condition. By understanding the symptoms and management options for lateral epicondylitis, individuals can take the necessary steps to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with this condition.
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- Musculoskeletal
Question 20
A 56-year-old woman with a history of left hip osteoarthritis comes in for evaluation. She is presently on a regular dose of co-codamol 30/500 for pain relief, but it is not effectively managing her symptoms. There is no significant medical history, particularly no gastrointestinal or asthma issues. What would be the most appropriate course of action for treatment?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Add oral ibuprofen + proton pump inhibitor
Explanation:According to NICE, it is recommended to prescribe a PPI alongside NSAIDs for all patients with osteoarthritis. However, topical NSAIDs should only be used for osteoarthritis affecting the knee or hand.
The Role of Glucosamine in Osteoarthritis Management
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common condition that affects the joints, causing pain and stiffness. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published guidelines in 2014 on the management of OA, which includes non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments. Glucosamine, a normal constituent of glycosaminoglycans in cartilage and synovial fluid, has been studied for its potential benefits in OA management.
Several double-blind randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have reported significant short-term symptomatic benefits of glucosamine in knee OA, including reduced joint space narrowing and improved pain scores. However, more recent studies have produced mixed results. The 2008 NICE guidelines do not recommend the use of glucosamine, and a 2008 Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin review advised against prescribing it on the NHS due to limited evidence of cost-effectiveness.
Despite the conflicting evidence, some patients may still choose to use glucosamine as a complementary therapy for OA management. It is important for healthcare professionals to discuss the potential benefits and risks of glucosamine with their patients and to consider individual patient preferences and circumstances.
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Question 21
Which of the following is not a risk factor for developing osteoporosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Obesity
Explanation:An elevated risk of developing osteoporosis is linked to low body mass, not obesity.
Understanding the Causes of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition that affects the bones, making them weak and brittle. It is more common in women and older adults, with the prevalence increasing significantly in women over the age of 80. However, there are many other risk factors and secondary causes of osteoporosis that should be considered. Some of the most important risk factors include a history of glucocorticoid use, rheumatoid arthritis, alcohol excess, parental hip fracture, low body mass index, and smoking. Other risk factors include a sedentary lifestyle, premature menopause, certain ethnicities, and endocrine disorders such as hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus.
There are also medications that may worsen osteoporosis, such as SSRIs, antiepileptics, and proton pump inhibitors. If a patient is diagnosed with osteoporosis or has a fragility fracture, further investigations may be necessary to identify the cause and assess the risk of subsequent fractures. Recommended investigations include blood tests, bone densitometry, and other procedures as indicated. It is important to identify the cause of osteoporosis and contributory factors in order to select the most appropriate form of treatment. As a minimum, all patients should have a full blood count, urea and electrolytes, liver function tests, bone profile, CRP, and thyroid function tests.
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- Musculoskeletal
Question 22
You are conducting an infant assessment. What are the clinical manifestations of a clubfoot?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Inverted + plantar flexed foot which is not passively correctable
Explanation:Talipes Equinovarus: A Common Foot Deformity in Newborns
Talipes equinovarus, also known as club foot, is a foot deformity characterized by an inward turning and plantar flexed foot. It is a common condition that affects 1 in 1,000 newborns, with a higher incidence in males. In about 50% of cases, the deformity is present in both feet. While the cause of talipes equinovarus is often unknown, it can be associated with conditions such as spina bifida, cerebral palsy, and oligohydramnios.
Diagnosis of talipes equinovarus is typically made during the newborn exam, and imaging is not usually necessary. The deformity is not passively correctable, and the diagnosis is based on clinical examination.
In recent years, there has been a shift towards conservative management of talipes equinovarus, with the Ponseti method being the preferred approach. This method involves manipulation and progressive casting of the foot, starting soon after birth. The deformity is usually corrected within 6-10 weeks, and an Achilles tenotomy may be required in some cases. Night-time braces are then used until the child is 4 years old to prevent relapse, which occurs in about 15% of cases.
Overall, talipes equinovarus is a common foot deformity in newborns that can be effectively managed with conservative methods such as the Ponseti method.
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Question 23
A 20-year-old runner has approached you for advice after being diagnosed with a stress fracture in her left tibia. She is seeking guidance on how to reduce her risk of future stress fractures. What are the risk factors that athletic females are most susceptible to when it comes to developing stress fractures?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Inadequate calorie intake, menstrual irregularities and increased or new exercise intensity
Explanation:Women with low calorie intake or menstrual irregularities who increase their exercise are at risk of stress fractures due to the female athlete triad, which includes excessive exercise, reduced bone mineral density, and eating disorders or inadequate calorie intake. It is important to discuss eating habits and menstrual cycles when treating women with a history of stress fractures.
Stress fractures are small hairline fractures that can occur due to repetitive activity and loading of normal bone. Although they can be painful, they are typically not displaced and do not cause surrounding soft tissue injury. In some cases, stress fractures may present late, and callus formation may be visible on radiographs. Treatment for stress fractures may vary depending on the severity of the injury. In cases where the injury is associated with severe pain and presents at an earlier stage, immobilization may be necessary. However, injuries that present later may not require formal immobilization and can be treated with tailored immobilization specific to the site of injury.
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Question 24
You are a foundation year two doctor in general practice. Eighteen days ago you reviewed a twenty-three-year-old complaining of posterior heel pain with morning pain and stiffness. He has a past medical history of asthma and anxiety. The symptoms are exacerbated with activity. You advised him to rest and take simple analgesia, however, his symptoms have not eased. He is anxious to step up his treatment.
What is the next management option?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Physio
Explanation:The recommended approach for managing Achilles tendonitis is to advise the patient to rest, take NSAIDs, and seek physiotherapy if symptoms persist beyond 7 days. However, it is important to note that ibuprofen should be avoided in patients with asthma. Simply reiterating the need for rest may not address the patient’s desire for more aggressive treatment options. Referring the patient to orthopaedics would not be appropriate, but a referral to rheumatology may be considered if the symptoms do not improve. While steroids may provide some benefit, the evidence is mixed and injecting them directly into the tendon can increase the risk of tendon rupture.
Achilles tendon disorders are a common cause of pain in the back of the heel. These disorders can include tendinopathy, partial tears, and complete ruptures of the Achilles tendon. Certain factors, such as the use of quinolone antibiotics and high cholesterol levels, can increase the risk of developing these disorders. Symptoms of Achilles tendinopathy typically include gradual onset of pain that worsens with activity, as well as morning stiffness. Treatment for this condition usually involves pain relief, reducing activities that exacerbate the pain, and performing calf muscle eccentric exercises.
In contrast, an Achilles tendon rupture is a more serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. This type of injury is often caused by sudden, forceful movements during sports or running. Symptoms of an Achilles tendon rupture include an audible popping sound, sudden and severe pain in the calf or ankle, and an inability to walk or continue the activity. To help diagnose an Achilles tendon rupture, doctors may use Simmond’s triad, which involves examining the foot for abnormal angles and feeling for a gap in the tendon. Ultrasound is typically the first imaging test used to confirm a diagnosis of Achilles tendon rupture. If a rupture is suspected, it is important to seek medical attention from an orthopaedic specialist as soon as possible.
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Question 25
A 55-year-old man, who lives alone, complains of pain in his right knee. He finds it difficult to walk long distances. A recent knee radiograph showed signs of osteoarthritis (OA). Examination revealed mild medial joint line tenderness and stable ligaments. His body mass index (BMI) is 25.
What would be the treatment of choice for this patient?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Paracetamol with topical NSAIDs
Explanation:Management Strategies for Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common condition that affects the joints, causing pain and stiffness. There are various management strategies for OA, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches.
Paracetamol with Topical NSAIDs
The first-line management strategy for knee and hand OA is to use paracetamol with topical NSAIDs, according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines.Oral NSAIDs
Oral NSAIDs should be used with caution in the elderly and those with renal disease. Topical NSAIDs are preferred in the first instance. If they are ineffective, oral NSAIDs may be used at the lowest effective dose, for the shortest period of time, and with a protein pump inhibitor co-prescribed.Oral NSAIDs with Gastric Protection
Oral NSAIDs can be given with gastric protection if topical NSAIDs plus paracetamol provide insufficient analgesia. However, it is not the first-line recommendation for relief of pain in osteoarthritis.Arthrodesis of the Knee Joint
Surgical management of OA is typically with joint replacement. Surgery may only be considered in those patients in whom non-pharmacological and pharmacological measures have proved ineffective and there is severe pain with functional limitation.Weight Loss and Physiotherapy
Weight loss and physiotherapy are part of the non-pharmacological management for OA. However, weight loss is only appropriate in those with a BMI of over 25 (overweight or obese). Physiotherapy and gentle exercise should be recommended to all patients with OA, regardless of age, pain severity, co-morbidity, or disability.Management Strategies for Osteoarthritis
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Question 26
A 45-year-old man visits his doctor complaining of low-grade fevers, a rash on his face resembling a butterfly, joint pain, and overall fatigue. Based on the probable diagnosis, which auto-antibody has the greatest sensitivity?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA)
Explanation:Common Autoantibody Tests for Diagnosing Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect various organs and tissues in the body. The diagnosis of SLE can be challenging due to its diverse clinical manifestations and the absence of a specific diagnostic test. However, several autoantibodies have been identified in patients with SLE, and their detection can aid in the diagnosis and management of the disease. Here are some common autoantibody tests used for diagnosing SLE:
Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA): This is the most commonly used screening test for SLE. ANA is present in 98% of patients with SLE, but it can also be positive in other autoimmune and non-autoimmune conditions.
Anti-citrulline antibodies (anti-CCP): This test has the highest specificity for rheumatoid arthritis and is not appropriate for diagnosing SLE.
Anti-double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (anti-dsDNA): This test is positive in 70% of patients with SLE and is more specific for SLE than ANA. The presence of anti-dsDNA, anti-sm, and antiphospholipid antibodies is more specific for diagnosing SLE.
Anti-smooth muscle autoantibodies (anti-sm): This test is positive in 25% of patients with SLE and is more specific for SLE than ANA. The presence of anti-dsDNA, anti-sm, and antiphospholipid antibodies is more specific for diagnosing SLE.
Rheumatoid factor: This test is used for investigating rheumatoid arthritis and is not appropriate for diagnosing SLE.
In summary, the detection of autoantibodies can be helpful in diagnosing SLE, but the interpretation of the results should be done in the context of the patient’s clinical presentation and other laboratory tests. ANA remains the best screening test for SLE due to its high sensitivity, but the presence of other autoantibodies can increase the specificity of the diagnosis.
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Question 27
A 35-year-old gardener complains of a gradually worsening left elbow pain for the past two weeks. The pain intensifies when the elbow is straight and there is resistance during wrist extension and supination. What is the probable diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Lateral epicondylitis
Explanation:The correct diagnosis is lateral epicondylitis, which is caused by repetitive arm movements. The pain is typically more severe when the wrist is extended against resistance and the elbow is straightened. This description does not match the symptoms of anterior interosseous syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, or medial epicondylitis.
Understanding Lateral Epicondylitis
Lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis elbow, is a condition that often occurs after engaging in activities that the body is not accustomed to, such as painting or playing tennis. It is most prevalent in individuals aged 45-55 years and typically affects the dominant arm. The primary symptom of this condition is pain and tenderness localized to the lateral epicondyle. The pain is often exacerbated by wrist extension against resistance with the elbow extended or supination of the forearm with the elbow extended. Episodes of lateral epicondylitis can last between 6 months and 2 years, with patients experiencing acute pain for 6-12 weeks.
To manage lateral epicondylitis, it is essential to avoid muscle overload and engage in simple analgesia. Steroid injections and physiotherapy are also viable options for managing the condition. By understanding the symptoms and management options for lateral epicondylitis, individuals can take the necessary steps to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with this condition.
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Question 28
A 65-year-old female patient visits the GP clinic with complaints of pain behind her right eye and pain across her right forehead and scalp whenever she brushes her hair. She also mentions experiencing increased difficulty while eating.
What is the probable diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Temporal arteritis
Explanation:Temporal arteritis should be considered in an older patient experiencing a sudden onset of unilateral headache accompanied by jaw claudication and elevated ESR. Trigeminal neuralgia typically does not cause jaw stiffness, while acute angle-closure glaucoma presents with a red eye and does not involve jaw claudication. Although TMJ dysfunction can cause pain during chewing and extend to the scalp and headache, there is no additional information to suggest this as the cause. Therefore, temporal arteritis is the more probable diagnosis.
Understanding Temporal Arteritis
Temporal arteritis is a type of large vessel vasculitis that often overlaps with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR). It is characterized by changes in the affected artery that skip certain sections while damaging others. This condition typically affects individuals who are over 60 years old and has a rapid onset, usually occurring in less than a month. The most common symptoms include headache and jaw claudication, while vision testing is a crucial investigation for all patients.
Temporal arteritis can lead to various ocular complications, with anterior ischemic optic neuropathy being the most common. This results from the occlusion of the posterior ciliary artery, leading to ischemia of the optic nerve head. Patients may experience temporary visual loss or even permanent visual loss, which is the most feared complication of this condition. Other symptoms may include diplopia, tender and palpable temporal artery, and features of PMR such as aching, morning stiffness in proximal limb muscles, lethargy, depression, low-grade fever, anorexia, and night sweats.
To diagnose temporal arteritis, doctors may look for raised inflammatory markers such as an ESR of over 50 mm/hr or elevated CRP levels. A temporal artery biopsy may also be performed to check for skip lesions. Urgent high-dose glucocorticoids should be given as soon as the diagnosis is suspected, and an ophthalmologist should review patients with visual symptoms on the same day. Treatment may also involve bone protection with bisphosphonates and low-dose aspirin, although the evidence supporting the latter is weak.
In summary, temporal arteritis is a serious condition that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment to prevent irreversible visual damage. Patients who experience symptoms such as headache, jaw claudication, and visual disturbances should seek medical attention immediately.
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Question 29
A 60-year-old man visits his General Practitioner with complaints of bilateral knee pain while walking, which has been gradually worsening over the past 12 months. He denies any history of trauma and has no early-morning pain or stiffness. During examination, both knees are swollen, there is tenderness over the medial joint lines bilaterally, and crepitus on flexion of both knees is observed. What is the most appropriate investigation to confirm the diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: No investigation necessary
Explanation:Investigations for Osteoarthritis: When are they necessary?
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that affects synovial joints, resulting in damage to the joints and loss of cartilage, bone remodelling, and osteophyte formation. While any synovial joint can be affected, the most common areas are the hip, knees, and fingers. In individuals over 45 years old with clear signs and symptoms of OA, a clinical diagnosis can be made without the need for investigation.
Typical signs of OA include pain that is activity-related rather than early-morning pain and stiffness, making an inflammatory cause for the symptoms unlikely. While an X-ray may show changes such as reduced joint space and osteophyte formation, it is not necessary to confirm the diagnosis in individuals over 45 years old with typical signs or symptoms. However, an X-ray may be indicated in patients over 55 years old with knee pain following trauma or if the cause of non-traumatic joint pain is unclear from history and examination alone.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a non-specific inflammatory marker that may be raised in response to active infection or inflammation. However, it would not be helpful in diagnosing OA unless the diagnosis was unclear and inflammatory conditions needed to be excluded. Similarly, rheumatoid factor, an autoantibody present in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, is unlikely to be present in individuals with OA.
Serum uric acid measurement may be indicated if gout is suspected, as hyperuricaemia can cause gout by forming uric acid crystals in joints. However, gout presents acutely with severe pain, swelling, redness, and heat to the affected joint, unlike the gradual onset of symptoms in OA. Uric acid measurement may be normal during an acute attack and should be checked following resolution of an acute attack.
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Question 30
A 28-year-old man undergoes surgical resection of the terminal ileum for stricturing Crohn's disease. His gastroenterologist decides to begin azathioprine for remission maintenance after the surgery. What is the crucial enzyme level to test before starting this treatment?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT)
Explanation:Azathioprine is a medication that is broken down into mercaptopurine, which is an active compound that inhibits the production of purine. To determine if someone is at risk for azathioprine toxicity, a test for thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) may be necessary. Adverse effects of this medication include bone marrow depression, which can be detected through a full blood count if there are signs of infection or bleeding, as well as nausea, vomiting, pancreatitis, and an increased risk of non-melanoma skin cancer. It is important to note that there is a significant interaction between azathioprine and allopurinol, so lower doses of azathioprine should be used in conjunction with allopurinol. Despite these potential side effects, azathioprine is generally considered safe to use during pregnancy.
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Question 31
Which one of the following statements regarding juvenile idiopathic arthritis is accurate?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Achilles tendonitis is a recognised association
Explanation:Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of spondyloarthropathy that is associated with HLA-B27. It is more commonly seen in young males, with a sex ratio of 3:1, and typically presents with lower back pain and stiffness that develops gradually. The stiffness is usually worse in the morning and improves with exercise, while pain at night may improve upon getting up. Clinical examination may reveal reduced lateral and forward flexion, as well as reduced chest expansion. Other features associated with ankylosing spondylitis include apical fibrosis, anterior uveitis, aortic regurgitation, Achilles tendonitis, AV node block, amyloidosis, cauda equina syndrome, and peripheral arthritis (more common in females).
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Question 32
A 6-year-old boy presents to his General Practitioner with his mother three weeks following his recent admission to the Paediatric Ward where he was treated for Kawasaki disease. He responded well to his treatment in the hospital.
His mother asks if her son still needs to be taking the treatment prescribed by the Paediatric Team.
Which of the following treatments is the patient likely to still be taking?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Oral aspirin daily
Explanation:Treatment Options for Kawasaki Disease: Understanding the Use of Aspirin
Kawasaki disease is a condition that affects children and causes inflammation in the blood vessels throughout the body. When diagnosed, treatment typically involves intravenous immunoglobulin and aspirin. In this article, we will discuss the use of aspirin in the treatment of Kawasaki disease and why it is important.
Oral aspirin is given to patients with Kawasaki disease due to its anti-inflammatory and antiplatelet properties. It helps to reduce the chances of blood clots if there are developing problems in the heart, such as coronary artery aneurysms that can occur in Kawasaki disease. The dosage of aspirin is usually higher (30 mg/kg per day) for up to two weeks and then continued at lower doses (3-5 mg/kg per day) until a review of echocardiogram, which is usually 6-8 weeks after the onset of illness.
If the review echocardiogram at 6-8 weeks shows no evidence of any coronary artery aneurysms, then aspirin is usually stopped. However, until that time, patients with Kawasaki disease will continue to take oral aspirin daily.
It is important to note that other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen should be avoided while taking aspirin. Additionally, oral steroids are a second-line treatment that are considered when there is failure to respond to initial intravenous immunoglobulin therapy.
In conclusion, aspirin is an important part of the treatment for Kawasaki disease due to its anti-inflammatory and antiplatelet properties. Patients with Kawasaki disease will continue to take oral aspirin daily until a review echocardiogram shows no evidence of any coronary artery aneurysms. It is important to follow the treatment plan prescribed by a specialist to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient.
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Question 33
During a routine medication review, you observe your patient, a 50 year-old male, displaying some skin changes. The knuckles of both hands have purplish plaques, and the patient's eyelids also appear purple. There is no history of skin problems in the patient's medical records. What is the probable diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Dermatomyositis
Explanation:Dermatomyositis is a connective tissue disease that presents with skin changes such as plaques on the knuckles and eyelids, scaling of the scalp, and changes to the nail beds and cuticles. It is often accompanied by inflammation of the proximal muscles causing weakness. It can be an autoimmune condition or a paraneoplastic syndrome and is treated with immunosuppressants.
Dermatomyositis is a condition that causes inflammation and muscle weakness, as well as distinct skin lesions. It can occur on its own or be associated with other connective tissue disorders or underlying cancers, particularly ovarian, breast, and lung cancer. Screening for cancer is often done after a diagnosis of dermatomyositis. Polymyositis is a variant of the disease that does not have prominent skin manifestations.
The skin features of dermatomyositis include a photosensitive macular rash on the back and shoulders, a heliotrope rash around the eyes, roughened red papules on the fingers’ extensor surfaces (known as Gottron’s papules), extremely dry and scaly hands with linear cracks on the fingers’ palmar and lateral aspects (known as mechanic’s hands), and nail fold capillary dilatation. Other symptoms may include proximal muscle weakness with tenderness, Raynaud’s phenomenon, respiratory muscle weakness, interstitial lung disease (such as fibrosing alveolitis or organizing pneumonia), dysphagia, and dysphonia.
Investigations for dermatomyositis typically involve testing for ANA antibodies, which are positive in around 80% of patients. Approximately 30% of patients have antibodies to aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, including antibodies against histidine-tRNA ligase (also called Jo-1), antibodies to signal recognition particle (SRP), and anti-Mi-2 antibodies.
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Question 34
A patient in his late 60s with advanced prostate cancer and bone metastases receives intravenous zoledronic acid for pain and bone fractures. However, he presents to the emergency department three days later with muscle spasms, body aches, and tingling around his lips. Additionally, he reports worsening nausea and vomiting since the day after the infusion. What are the expected serum study results for this patient?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Hypocalcaemia
Explanation:Before administering bisphosphonates, it is important to correct any hypocalcemia or vitamin D deficiency in the patient. This is especially important for patients with metastatic prostate cancer who may experience symptoms such as muscle spasms, tingling sensations, and nausea/vomiting, which are indicative of hypocalcemia. Bisphosphonates like zoledronic acid reduce bone turnover, which can further exacerbate the effects of calcium or vitamin D deficiency on serum calcium levels. Hypercalcemia, hyperkalemia, and hypernatremia are unlikely to occur as a result of bisphosphonate therapy and are therefore incorrect options.
Bisphosphonates: Uses and Adverse Effects
Bisphosphonates are drugs that mimic the action of pyrophosphate, a molecule that helps prevent bone demineralization. They work by inhibiting osteoclasts, which are cells that break down bone tissue. This reduces the risk of bone fractures and can be used to treat conditions such as osteoporosis, hypercalcemia, Paget’s disease, and pain from bone metastases.
However, bisphosphonates can have adverse effects, including oesophageal reactions such as oesophagitis and ulcers, osteonecrosis of the jaw, and an increased risk of atypical stress fractures of the proximal femoral shaft in patients taking alendronate. Patients may also experience an acute phase response, which can cause fever, myalgia, and arthralgia. Hypocalcemia, or low calcium levels, can also occur due to reduced calcium efflux from bone, but this is usually not clinically significant.
To minimize the risk of adverse effects, patients taking oral bisphosphonates should swallow the tablets whole with plenty of water while sitting or standing. They should take the medication on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before breakfast or other oral medications and remain upright for at least 30 minutes after taking the tablet. Hypocalcemia and vitamin D deficiency should be corrected before starting bisphosphonate treatment, and calcium supplements should only be prescribed if dietary intake is inadequate. The duration of bisphosphonate treatment varies depending on the patient’s level of risk, and some authorities recommend stopping treatment after five years for low-risk patients with a femoral neck T-score of > -2.5.
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Question 35
A 35-year-old woman presents to her GP clinic complaining of a left groin lump that has been present for the past month. Although not severely painful, it causes occasional abdominal discomfort, especially when she goes jogging in the mornings. Her medical history includes polycystic ovarian syndrome, but she has been otherwise healthy with no recent illnesses.
During the examination, her vital signs are found to be within normal limits. A 3x3cm lump is observed in her left groin, located superiorly and medially to the pubic tubercle. The lump is visible while standing but disappears when she lies flat.
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Inguinal hernia
Explanation:The patient is experiencing an inguinal hernia, which is when abdominal contents protrude through the abdominal wall and create a lump in the groin area. This lump may be more noticeable when the patient coughs or strains, and can cause pain and discomfort. Inguinal hernias are typically located above and towards the middle of the pubic tubercle. Femoral hernias, which are less common, present similarly but are located lower and to the side of the pubic tubercle. A femoral artery aneurysm, lipoma, or saphena varix are not likely causes based on the patient’s symptoms and examination findings.
Understanding Inguinal Hernias
Inguinal hernias are the most common type of abdominal wall hernias, with 75% of cases falling under this category. They are more prevalent in men, with a 25% lifetime risk of developing one. The main feature of an inguinal hernia is a lump in the groin area, which is located superior and medial to the pubic tubercle. This lump disappears when pressure is applied or when the patient lies down. Discomfort and aching are common symptoms, which can worsen with activity, but severe pain is rare. Strangulation, a serious complication, is uncommon.
The clinical management of inguinal hernias involves treating medically fit patients, even if they are asymptomatic. A hernia truss may be an option for patients who are not fit for surgery, but it has little role in other patients. Mesh repair is the preferred method of treatment, as it is associated with the lowest recurrence rate. Unilateral hernias are generally repaired with an open approach, while bilateral and recurrent hernias are repaired laparoscopically. Patients can return to non-manual work after 2-3 weeks following an open repair and after 1-2 weeks following laparoscopic repair, according to the Department for Work and Pensions.
Complications of inguinal hernias include early bruising and wound infection, as well as late chronic pain and recurrence. While traditional textbooks describe the anatomical differences between indirect and direct hernias, this is not relevant to clinical management. Overall, understanding the features, management, and complications of inguinal hernias is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment.
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Question 36
A 25-year-old man presents to the emergency department with ankle pain following a football injury. He is able to bear weight, experiences pain below his lateral malleolus, and has no tenderness in the bone. What is the most suitable course of action?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Give analgesia and review in 1 hour before discharge with advice
Explanation:Understanding the Ottawa Ankle Rules: Managing Foot and Ankle Injuries
Foot and ankle injuries are common, but it can be difficult to determine whether a patient has sustained a sprain or a fracture. The Ottawa ankle rules are a set of guidelines that can help clinicians decide whether a patient with foot or ankle pain requires radiographs to diagnose a possible fracture. By following these rules, unnecessary radiographs can be reduced by 25%.
When managing foot and ankle injuries, it is important to understand the Ottawa ankle rules and how they apply to each patient. If a patient does not meet the criteria for an ankle radiograph, simple analgesia and advice on managing a soft tissue injury may be sufficient. However, if a patient does meet the criteria, a radiograph may be necessary to diagnose a possible fracture.
By understanding and applying the Ottawa ankle rules, clinicians can provide appropriate and effective management for foot and ankle injuries.
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Question 37
A 68-year-old female with a history of osteoporosis is prescribed alendronate. What is the most crucial side-effect to caution her about?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Heartburn
Explanation:Patients starting bisphosphonates should be warned about potential oesophageal problems, particularly with alendronate. Any new symptoms following the introduction of this drug should be reviewed by a medical professional.
Bisphosphonates: Uses and Adverse Effects
Bisphosphonates are drugs that mimic the action of pyrophosphate, a molecule that helps prevent bone demineralization. They work by inhibiting osteoclasts, which are cells that break down bone tissue. This reduces the risk of bone fractures and can be used to treat conditions such as osteoporosis, hypercalcemia, Paget’s disease, and pain from bone metastases.
However, bisphosphonates can have adverse effects, including oesophageal reactions such as oesophagitis and ulcers, osteonecrosis of the jaw, and an increased risk of atypical stress fractures of the proximal femoral shaft in patients taking alendronate. Patients may also experience an acute phase response, which can cause fever, myalgia, and arthralgia. Hypocalcemia, or low calcium levels, can also occur due to reduced calcium efflux from bone, but this is usually not clinically significant.
To minimize the risk of adverse effects, patients taking oral bisphosphonates should swallow the tablets whole with plenty of water while sitting or standing. They should take the medication on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before breakfast or other oral medications and remain upright for at least 30 minutes after taking the tablet. Hypocalcemia and vitamin D deficiency should be corrected before starting bisphosphonate treatment, and calcium supplements should only be prescribed if dietary intake is inadequate. The duration of bisphosphonate treatment varies depending on the patient’s level of risk, and some authorities recommend stopping treatment after five years for low-risk patients with a femoral neck T-score of > -2.5.
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Question 38
A 50-year-old right-handed male gardener presents with elbow pain. He reports a gradual onset of pain in his left elbow over a period of four weeks with only mild relief from over-the-counter pain medication. The patient enjoys playing tennis and does yard work regularly. He does recall a fall at home four weeks ago where he landed on his right elbow. The patient denies any fever and feels generally well. During the examination, the patient experiences tenderness over the left elbow with resisted wrist extension/supination and the elbow held in extension. There is no significant swelling over the olecranon. What is the most probable cause of this man's elbow pain?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Lateral epicondylitis
Explanation:The most probable diagnosis for this patient is lateral epicondylitis, which is characterized by pain around the lateral epicondyle of the humerus that radiates to the forearm. The pain is exacerbated by repetitive movements with the dominant hand, which is common in the patient’s job as a cleaner. The pain is worsened by resisted wrist extension and supination while the elbow is extended. Medial epicondylitis, olecranon bursitis, radial head fractures, and septic arthritis are less likely differentials as they do not match the examination findings in this scenario.
Understanding Lateral Epicondylitis
Lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis elbow, is a condition that often occurs after engaging in activities that the body is not accustomed to, such as painting or playing tennis. It is most prevalent in individuals aged 45-55 years and typically affects the dominant arm. The primary symptom of this condition is pain and tenderness localized to the lateral epicondyle. The pain is often exacerbated by wrist extension against resistance with the elbow extended or supination of the forearm with the elbow extended. Episodes of lateral epicondylitis can last between 6 months and 2 years, with patients experiencing acute pain for 6-12 weeks.
To manage lateral epicondylitis, it is essential to avoid muscle overload and engage in simple analgesia. Steroid injections and physiotherapy are also viable options for managing the condition. By understanding the symptoms and management options for lateral epicondylitis, individuals can take the necessary steps to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with this condition.
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- Musculoskeletal
Question 39
A 28-year-old woman comes in for a check-up. She has a history of depression and is currently taking citalopram. Despite returning from a recent trip to Italy, she complains of feeling fatigued all the time. During the examination, you notice a slightly raised red rash on the bridge of her nose and cheeks. Although she complains of having 'stiff joints,' you find no evidence of arthritis. You order some basic blood tests:
Hb 12.5 g/dl
Platelets 135 * 109/l
WBC 3.5 * 109/l
Na+ 140 mmol/l
K+ 4.2 mmol/l
Urea 3.2 mmol/l
Creatinine 80 µmol/l
Free T4 11.8 pmol/l
TSH 1.30 mu/l
CRP 8 mg/l
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Systemic lupus erythematosus
Explanation:The presence of a malar rash, arthralgia, lethargy, and a history of mental health issues suggest a possible diagnosis of SLE. It is important to note that the CRP levels are usually within normal range in SLE, unlike the ESR.
Understanding Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disorder that affects multiple systems in the body. It is more common in women and people of Afro-Caribbean origin, and typically presents in early adulthood. The general features of SLE include fatigue, fever, mouth ulcers, and lymphadenopathy.
SLE can also affect the skin, causing a malar (butterfly) rash that spares the nasolabial folds, discoid rash in sun-exposed areas, photosensitivity, Raynaud’s phenomenon, livedo reticularis, and non-scarring alopecia. Musculoskeletal symptoms include arthralgia and non-erosive arthritis.
Cardiovascular manifestations of SLE include pericarditis and myocarditis, while respiratory symptoms may include pleurisy and fibrosing alveolitis. Renal involvement can lead to proteinuria and glomerulonephritis, with diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis being the most common type.
Finally, neuropsychiatric symptoms of SLE may include anxiety and depression, as well as more severe manifestations such as psychosis and seizures. Understanding the various features of SLE is important for early diagnosis and management of this complex autoimmune disorder.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Musculoskeletal
Question 40
A 25-year-old female presents to her GP complaining of pain in her right knee. She is an avid runner and reports that the pain is most noticeable after exercise. She denies any swelling or redness in the joint and has not experienced any locking of the knee. Upon examination, the knee has a full range of motion, but there is sharp pain when palpating the lateral epicondyle of the femur, especially when the knee is flexed at 30 degrees. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Iliotibial band syndrome
Explanation:Iliotibial band syndrome is a prevalent reason for knee pain, especially among runners. A typical history and examination for this condition involves assessing lateral knee pain in avid runners. In contrast, Osgood-Schlatter disease, also known as tibial apophysitis, would result in pain and swelling around the tibial tubercle. Osteochondritis dissecans would cause joint locking, swelling, and tenderness. Patellar tendonitis would also cause post-exercise pain, but it would typically be located at the lower part of the patella.
Understanding Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Iliotibial band syndrome is a prevalent condition that causes lateral knee pain in runners. It affects approximately 10% of people who engage in regular running. The condition is characterized by tenderness 2-3 cm above the lateral joint line.
To manage iliotibial band syndrome, activity modification and iliotibial band stretches are recommended. These measures can help alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with the condition. However, if the symptoms persist, it is advisable to seek physiotherapy referral for further assessment and treatment.
In summary, iliotibial band syndrome is a common condition that affects runners. It is important to recognize the symptoms and seek appropriate management to prevent further complications. With the right treatment, individuals can continue to engage in running and other physical activities without experiencing pain and discomfort.
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- Musculoskeletal
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