Question 1
Cystic fibrosis is caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene. On which chromosome is this gene located?
Your Answer: Chromosome 7
Explanation:Understanding Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that causes thickened secretions in the lungs and pancreas. It is an autosomal recessive condition that occurs due to a defect in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene (CFTR), which regulates a chloride channel. In the UK, 80% of CF cases are caused by delta F508 on chromosome 7, and the carrier rate is approximately 1 in 25.
CF patients are at risk of colonization by certain organisms, including Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia (previously known as Pseudomonas cepacia), and Aspergillus. These organisms can cause infections and exacerbate symptoms in CF patients. It is important for healthcare providers to monitor and manage these infections to prevent further complications.
Overall, understanding cystic fibrosis and its associated risks can help healthcare providers provide better care for patients with this condition.
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- Respiratory System
Question 2
A 29-year-old man visits his primary care physician with complaints of a malodorous discharge from his right ear for the past 3 weeks. The patient also reports experiencing ear pain for the past 2 weeks and occasional mild dizziness. Upon examination, the skin around the ear and pinna appear normal, but the ear canal is filled with debris. After removing the debris, a small perforation and waxy debris are observed on the tympanic membrane.
The Rinne test indicates that bone conduction is better than air conduction on the right, and the Weber test shows sound lateralization to the right. The patient has no significant medical history and has never presented with an ear problem before.
What is the most likely condition based on this patient's clinical presentation?Your Answer: Cholesteatoma
Explanation:Cholesteatoma is a growth of non-cancerous squamous epithelium that can be observed as an ‘attic crust’ during otoscopy. This patient is displaying symptoms consistent with cholesteatoma, including ear discharge, earache, conductive hearing loss, and dizziness, which suggests that the inner ear has also been affected. It is important to distinguish cholesteatoma from otitis externa, as failure to diagnose cholesteatoma can lead to serious complications. Cholesteatoma can erode the ossicles bones, damage the inner ear and vestibulocochlear nerve, and even result in brain infections if it erodes through the skull bone.
Otitis externa is an inflammation of the outer ear canal that causes ear pain, which worsens with movement of the outer ear. It is often caused by the use of earplugs or swimming in unclean water. Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear that can lead to fluid accumulation and perforation of the tympanic membrane. It is common in children and often follows a viral upper respiratory tract infection. Myringitis is a condition associated with otitis media that causes small vesicles or cysts to form on the surface of the eardrum, resulting in severe pain and hearing impairment. It is caused by viral or bacterial infections and is treated with pain relief and antibiotics.
Understanding Cholesteatoma
Cholesteatoma is a benign growth of squamous epithelium that can cause damage to the skull base. It is most commonly found in individuals between the ages of 10 and 20 years old. Those born with a cleft palate are at a higher risk of developing cholesteatoma, with a 100-fold increase in risk.
The main symptoms of cholesteatoma include a persistent discharge with a foul odor and hearing loss. Other symptoms may occur depending on the extent of the growth, such as vertigo, facial nerve palsy, and cerebellopontine angle syndrome.
During otoscopy, a characteristic attic crust may be seen in the uppermost part of the eardrum.
Management of cholesteatoma involves referral to an ear, nose, and throat specialist for surgical removal. Early detection and treatment are important to prevent further damage to the skull base and surrounding structures.
In summary, cholesteatoma is a non-cancerous growth that can cause significant damage if left untreated. It is important to be aware of the symptoms and seek medical attention promptly if they occur.
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Question 3
Which one of the following is not found in the anterior mediastinum?
Your Answer: Main bronchi
Correct Answer: Thoracic duct
Explanation:The posterior and superior mediastinum contain the thoracic duct.
The mediastinum is the area located between the two pulmonary cavities and is covered by the mediastinal pleura. It extends from the thoracic inlet at the top to the diaphragm at the bottom. The mediastinum is divided into four regions: the superior mediastinum, middle mediastinum, posterior mediastinum, and anterior mediastinum.
The superior mediastinum is the area between the manubriosternal angle and T4/5. It contains important structures such as the superior vena cava, brachiocephalic veins, arch of aorta, thoracic duct, trachea, oesophagus, thymus, vagus nerve, left recurrent laryngeal nerve, and phrenic nerve. The anterior mediastinum contains thymic remnants, lymph nodes, and fat. The middle mediastinum contains the pericardium, heart, aortic root, arch of azygos vein, and main bronchi. The posterior mediastinum contains the oesophagus, thoracic aorta, azygos vein, thoracic duct, vagus nerve, sympathetic nerve trunks, and splanchnic nerves.
In summary, the mediastinum is a crucial area in the thorax that contains many important structures and is divided into four regions. Each region contains different structures that are essential for the proper functioning of the body.
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Question 4
Sophie is a 15-year-old girl who has been brought to your GP clinic by her father. She has not yet started to develop breasts or have her first period. She does not seem worried, but her father is concerned. Sophie has a history of eczema and has been using topical steroids for several years. When her father leaves the room, she also admits to occasionally using tanning beds.
What could be a possible cause of delayed puberty in Sophie?Your Answer: Cystic fibrosis
Explanation:Delayed puberty can be caused by various factors, with constitutional delay being the most common cause. However, other causes must be ruled out before diagnosing constitutional delay. Some of these causes include chronic illnesses like kidney disease and Crohn’s disease, malnutrition from conditions such as anorexia nervosa, cystic fibrosis, and coeliac disease, excessive physical exercise, psychosocial deprivation, steroid therapy, hypothyroidism, tumours near the hypothalamo-pituitary axis, congenital anomalies like septo-optic dysplasia and congenital panhypopituitarism, irradiation treatment, and trauma such as surgery or head injury.
Understanding Cystic Fibrosis: Symptoms and Other Features
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that affects various organs in the body, particularly the lungs and digestive system. The symptoms of cystic fibrosis can vary from person to person, but some common presenting features include recurrent chest infections, malabsorption, and liver disease. In some cases, infants may experience meconium ileus or prolonged jaundice. It is important to note that while many patients are diagnosed during newborn screening or early childhood, some may not be diagnosed until adulthood.
Aside from the presenting features, there are other symptoms and features associated with cystic fibrosis. These include short stature, diabetes mellitus, delayed puberty, rectal prolapse, nasal polyps, and infertility. It is important for individuals with cystic fibrosis to receive proper medical care and management to address these symptoms and improve their quality of life.
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Question 5
A 55-year-old woman comes to your clinic seeking help to quit smoking. She has been using nicotine patches for 6 months but has not been successful in her attempts. You decide to prescribe bupropion.
What is a typical side effect of bupropion?Your Answer: Gastrointestinal disturbance
Explanation:Side Effects of Buproprion
Buproprion is a medication that can cause aggression and hallucination in some patients. However, the more common side effects are gastrointestinal disturbances such as diarrhoea, nausea, and dry mouth. These side effects are often experienced by patients taking buproprion. It is important to be aware of the potential side effects of any medication and to speak with a healthcare provider if any concerns arise. Additional information on buproprion and its potential side effects can be found in the electronic Medicines Compendium and Medicines Complete.
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Question 6
A 10-year-old boy is recuperating the day after a tonsillectomy. His parents report that he hasn't had anything to eat for 6 hours prior to the surgery and he is feeling famished. However, he is declining any attempts to consume food or water. There are no prescribed medications or known drug allergies listed on his medical records.
What would be the most appropriate first step to take?Your Answer: Start maintenance fluids
Correct Answer: Prescribe analgesia and encourage oral intake
Explanation:Effective pain management is crucial after a tonsillectomy to promote the consumption of food and fluids.
Prescribing analgesics and encouraging oral intake is the best course of action. This will alleviate pain and enable the patient to eat and drink, which is essential for a speedy recovery.
Starting maintenance fluids or partial nutritional feeds, obtaining IV access, or waiting for two hours before reviewing the patient are not the most appropriate options. Analgesia should be the primary consideration to facilitate oral fluid therapy and promote healing.
Tonsillitis and Tonsillectomy: Complications and Indications
Tonsillitis is a condition that can lead to various complications, including otitis media, peritonsillar abscess, and, in rare cases, rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis. Tonsillectomy, the surgical removal of the tonsils, is a controversial procedure that should only be considered if the person meets specific criteria. According to NICE, surgery should only be considered if the person experiences sore throats due to tonsillitis, has five or more episodes of sore throat per year, has been experiencing symptoms for at least a year, and the episodes of sore throat are disabling and prevent normal functioning. Other established indications for a tonsillectomy include recurrent febrile convulsions, obstructive sleep apnoea, stridor, dysphagia, and peritonsillar abscess if unresponsive to standard treatment.
Despite the benefits of tonsillectomy, the procedure also carries some risks. Primary complications, which occur within 24 hours of the surgery, include haemorrhage and pain. Secondary complications, which occur between 24 hours to 10 days after the surgery, include haemorrhage (most commonly due to infection) and pain. Therefore, it is essential to weigh the benefits and risks of tonsillectomy before deciding to undergo the procedure.
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Question 7
A 4-year-old girl with a known diagnosis of cystic fibrosis presents to her pediatrician with a 2-day history of left-ear pain. Her mother reports that she has been frequently tugging at her left ear and had a fever this morning. Apart from this, she has been healthy. On examination, a red, bulging eardrum is observed. The pediatrician suspects bacterial otitis media. What is the probable causative organism responsible for this patient's symptoms?
Your Answer: Staphylococcus aureus
Correct Answer: Haemophilus influenzae
Explanation:Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Moraxella catarrhalis are common bacterial organisms that can cause bacterial otitis media. Pseudomonas aeruginosa can also be a common cause in patients with cystic fibrosis.
The patient’s symptoms are typical of acute otitis media (AOM), which can cause ear pain, fever, and temporary hearing loss. AOM is more common in children due to their short, horizontal eustachian tubes that allow for easier movement of organisms from the upper respiratory tract to the middle ear.
AOM can be caused by either bacteria or viruses, and it can be difficult to distinguish between the two. However, features that may suggest a bacterial cause include the absence of upper respiratory tract infection symptoms and conditions that predispose to bacterial infections. In some cases, viral AOM can increase the risk of bacterial superinfection. Antibiotics may be prescribed for prolonged cases of AOM that do not appear to be resolving within a few days or in patients with immunosuppression.
Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis are not the correct answers as they are not commonly associated with AOM. Haemophilus influenzae is more likely due to the proximity of the middle ear to the upper respiratory tract. Staphylococcus aureus is also an unlikely cause of bacterial AOM.
Acute otitis media is a common condition in young children, often caused by bacterial infections following viral upper respiratory tract infections. Symptoms include ear pain, fever, and hearing loss, and diagnosis is based on criteria such as the presence of a middle ear effusion and inflammation of the tympanic membrane. Antibiotics may be prescribed in certain cases, and complications can include perforation of the tympanic membrane, hearing loss, and more serious conditions such as meningitis and brain abscess.
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- Respiratory System
Question 8
A 75-year-old man presents to the Emergency Department with acute shortness of breath following a 4-day febrile illness. On initial assessment, his oxygen saturation is 70% on room air with a PaO2 of 4.2kpa on an arterial blood gas.
What would be the anticipated physiological response in this patient?Your Answer: Reduced tidal volume with increased respiratory rate
Correct Answer: Pulmonary artery vasoconstriction
Explanation:When faced with hypoxia, the pulmonary arteries undergo vasoconstriction, which redirects blood flow away from poorly oxygenated areas of the lungs and towards well-oxygenated regions. In cases where patients remain hypoxic despite optimal mechanical ventilation, inhaled nitric oxide can be used to induce pulmonary vasodilation and reverse this response.
The statement that increased tidal volume with decreased respiratory rate is a response to hypoxia is incorrect. While an increase in tidal volume may occur, it is typically accompanied by an increase in respiratory rate.
Pulmonary artery vasodilation is also incorrect. Hypoxia actually induces vasoconstriction in the pulmonary vasculature, as explained above.
Similarly, reduced tidal volume with increased respiratory rate is not a direct response to hypoxia. While respiratory rate may increase, tidal volumes typically increase in response to hypoxia.
In contrast to the pulmonary vessels, the systemic vasculature vasodilates in response to hypoxia.
The Effects of Hypoxia on Pulmonary Arteries
When the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood decreases, the pulmonary arteries undergo vasoconstriction. This means that the blood vessels narrow, allowing blood to be redirected to areas of the lung that are better aerated. This response is a natural mechanism that helps to improve the efficiency of gaseous exchange in the lungs. By diverting blood to areas with more oxygen, the body can ensure that the tissues receive the oxygen they need to function properly. Overall, hypoxia triggers a physiological response that helps to maintain homeostasis in the body.
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Question 9
A patient on the medical ward was waiting for a cardiac procedure. On discussing the procedure with the consultant before the procedure, the patient started to feel anxious and had difficulty breathing. The resident obtained an arterial blood gas:
pH 7.55
pCO2 2.7kPa
pO2 11.2kPa
HCO3 24mmol/l
What is the most appropriate interpretation of these results?Your Answer: Respiratory alkalosis
Explanation:The respiratory alkalosis observed in the arterial blood gas results is most likely a result of hyperventilation, as indicated by the patient’s medical history.
Arterial Blood Gas Interpretation: A 5-Step Approach
Arterial blood gas interpretation is a crucial aspect of patient care, particularly in critical care settings. The Resuscitation Council (UK) recommends a 5-step approach to interpreting arterial blood gas results. The first step is to assess the patient’s overall condition. The second step is to determine if the patient is hypoxaemic, with a PaO2 on air of less than 10 kPa. The third step is to assess if the patient is acidaemic (pH <7.35) or alkalaemic (pH >7.45).
The fourth step is to evaluate the respiratory component of the arterial blood gas results. A PaCO2 level greater than 6.0 kPa suggests respiratory acidosis, while a PaCO2 level less than 4.7 kPa suggests respiratory alkalosis. The fifth step is to assess the metabolic component of the arterial blood gas results. A bicarbonate level less than 22 mmol/l or a base excess less than -2mmol/l suggests metabolic acidosis, while a bicarbonate level greater than 26 mmol/l or a base excess greater than +2mmol/l suggests metabolic alkalosis.
To remember the relationship between pH, PaCO2, and bicarbonate, the acronym ROME can be used. Respiratory acidosis or alkalosis is opposite to the pH level, while metabolic acidosis or alkalosis is equal to the pH level. This 5-step approach and the ROME acronym can aid healthcare professionals in interpreting arterial blood gas results accurately and efficiently.
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Question 10
A 50-year-old man visits the GP clinic for a routine hearing examination. He reports no issues with his hearing and has no significant medical history or medication use. After conducting Rinne and Weber tests on the patient, you determine that his hearing is within normal limits.
What are the test findings for this patient?Your Answer: Rinne: air conduction = bone conduction bilaterally; Weber: equal in both ears
Correct Answer: Rinne: air conduction > bone conduction bilaterally; Weber: equal in both ears
Explanation:The patient’s hearing exam results indicate normal hearing. The Rinne test showed more air conduction than bone conduction in both ears, which is typical for normal hearing. The Weber test also showed equal results in both ears, indicating no significant difference in hearing between the ears.
Rinne’s and Weber’s Test for Differentiating Conductive and Sensorineural Deafness
Rinne’s and Weber’s tests are used to differentiate between conductive and sensorineural deafness. Rinne’s test involves placing a tuning fork over the mastoid process until the sound is no longer heard, then repositioning it just over the external acoustic meatus. A positive test indicates that air conduction (AC) is better than bone conduction (BC), while a negative test indicates that BC is better than AC, suggesting conductive deafness.
Weber’s test involves placing a tuning fork in the middle of the forehead equidistant from the patient’s ears and asking the patient which side is loudest. In unilateral sensorineural deafness, sound is localized to the unaffected side, while in unilateral conductive deafness, sound is localized to the affected side.
The table below summarizes the interpretation of Rinne and Weber tests. A normal result indicates that AC is greater than BC bilaterally and the sound is midline. Conductive hearing loss is indicated by BC being greater than AC in the affected ear and AC being greater than BC in the unaffected ear, with the sound lateralizing to the affected ear. Sensorineural hearing loss is indicated by AC being greater than BC bilaterally, with the sound lateralizing to the unaffected ear.
Overall, Rinne’s and Weber’s tests are useful tools for differentiating between conductive and sensorineural deafness, allowing for appropriate management and treatment.
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Question 11
Which one of the following is not a cause of increased anion gap acidosis?
Your Answer: Acetazolamide
Explanation:Causes of anion gap acidosis can be remembered using the acronym MUDPILES, which stands for Methanol, Uraemia, DKA/AKA, Paraldehyde/phenformin, Iron/INH, Lactic acidosis, Ethylene glycol, and Salicylates.
Disorders of Acid-Base Balance
The acid-base nomogram is a useful tool for categorizing the various disorders of acid-base balance. Metabolic acidosis is the most common surgical acid-base disorder, characterized by a reduction in plasma bicarbonate levels. This can be caused by a gain of strong acid or loss of base, and is classified according to the anion gap. A normal anion gap indicates hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis, which can be caused by gastrointestinal bicarbonate loss, renal tubular acidosis, drugs, or Addison’s disease. A raised anion gap indicates lactate, ketones, urate, or acid poisoning. Metabolic alkalosis, on the other hand, is usually caused by a rise in plasma bicarbonate levels due to a loss of hydrogen ions or a gain of bicarbonate. It is mainly caused by problems of the kidney or gastrointestinal tract. Respiratory acidosis is characterized by a rise in carbon dioxide levels due to alveolar hypoventilation, while respiratory alkalosis is caused by hyperventilation resulting in excess loss of carbon dioxide. These disorders have various causes, such as COPD, sedative drugs, anxiety, hypoxia, and pregnancy.
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Question 12
A 55-year-old man presents to his doctor with complaints of vertigo, which worsens when he rolls over in bed. The doctor diagnoses him with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
What treatment options are available to alleviate the symptoms of this condition?Your Answer: Romberg's test
Correct Answer: Epley manoeuvre
Explanation:The Epley manoeuvre is a treatment for BPPV, while the Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre is used for diagnosis. The Epley manoeuvre aims to move fluid in the inner ear to dislodge otoliths, while the Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre involves observing the patient for nystagmus when swiftly lowered from a sitting to supine position. Tinel’s sign is positive in those with carpal tunnel syndrome, where tapping the median nerve over the flexor retinaculum causes paraesthesia. The Trendelenburg test is used to assess venous valve competency in patients with varicose veins.
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a common cause of vertigo that occurs suddenly when there is a change in head position. It is more prevalent in individuals over the age of 55 and is less common in younger patients. Symptoms of BPPV include dizziness and vertigo, which can be accompanied by nausea. Each episode typically lasts for 10-20 seconds and can be triggered by rolling over in bed or looking upwards. A positive Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre, which is indicated by vertigo and rotatory nystagmus, can confirm the diagnosis of BPPV.
Fortunately, BPPV has a good prognosis and usually resolves on its own within a few weeks to months. Treatment options include the Epley manoeuvre, which is successful in around 80% of cases, and vestibular rehabilitation exercises such as the Brandt-Daroff exercises. While medication such as Betahistine may be prescribed, it tends to have limited effectiveness. However, it is important to note that around half of individuals with BPPV may experience a recurrence of symptoms 3-5 years after their initial diagnosis.
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Question 13
An 80-year-old man is brought to the emergency department in respiratory arrest. According to his partner, he has a history of congestive heart failure and has recently been battling an infection. After being placed on mechanical ventilation, you observe that the patient has decreased lung compliance.
What could be the cause of this observation?Your Answer: Pulmonary oedema
Explanation:Reduced lung compliance is a common consequence of pulmonary edema, which occurs when fluid accumulates in the alveoli and exerts mechanical stress on the air-filled alveoli. This can happen in patients with acute decompensation of congestive cardiac failure, often triggered by an infection. On the other hand, emphysema can increase compliance due to long-term damage that reduces the elastic recoil of the lungs. Additionally, lung surfactant produced by type II pneumocytes can increase lung compliance. Finally, aging can also lead to increased compliance as the loss of lung connective tissue can reduce elastic recoil.
Understanding Lung Compliance in Respiratory Physiology
Lung compliance refers to the extent of change in lung volume in response to a change in airway pressure. An increase in lung compliance can be caused by factors such as aging and emphysema, which is characterized by the loss of alveolar walls and associated elastic tissue. On the other hand, a decrease in lung compliance can be attributed to conditions such as pulmonary edema, pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonectomy, and kyphosis. These conditions can affect the elasticity of the lungs and make it more difficult for them to expand and contract properly. Understanding lung compliance is important in respiratory physiology as it can help diagnose and manage various respiratory conditions. Proper management of lung compliance can improve lung function and overall respiratory health.
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Question 14
A 75-year-old man presents with a 2-month history of progressive shortness of breath and a recent episode of coughing up blood in the morning. He has also experienced significant weight loss of over 12 lbs and loss of appetite. Upon physical examination, conjunctival pallor is noted. The patient has a 30 pack year history of smoking. A chest x-ray reveals a mediastinal mass and ipsilateral elevation of the right diaphragm. What structure is being compressed by the mediastinal mass to explain these findings?
Your Answer: Superior vena cava
Correct Answer: Phrenic nerve
Explanation:Lung cancer can cause the hemidiaphragm on the same side to rise due to pressure on the phrenic nerve. Haemoptysis is a common symptom of lung cancer, along with significant weight loss and a history of smoking. A chest x-ray can confirm the presence of a mediastinal mass, which is likely to be lung cancer.
A rapidly expanding lung mass can cause compression of surrounding structures, leading to complications. For example, an apical tumor can compress the brachial plexus, causing sensory symptoms in the arms or Erb’s or Klumpke’s palsies. Compression of the cervical sympathetic chain can cause Horner’s syndrome, which includes meiosis, anhidrosis, ptosis, and enophthalmos.
A mediastinal mass can also compress the recurrent laryngeal nerve as it winds around the aortic arch, resulting in hoarseness of voice or aphonia. Superior vena caval syndrome is a medical emergency that can cause swelling of the face, neck, upper chest, and arms, as well as the development of collaterals on the chest wall. Malignancy is the most common cause, but non-malignant causes can include an aortic aneurysm, fibrosing mediastinitis, or iatrogenic factors.
The Phrenic Nerve: Origin, Path, and Supplies
The phrenic nerve is a crucial nerve that originates from the cervical spinal nerves C3, C4, and C5. It supplies the diaphragm and provides sensation to the central diaphragm and pericardium. The nerve passes with the internal jugular vein across scalenus anterior and deep to the prevertebral fascia of the deep cervical fascia.
The right phrenic nerve runs anterior to the first part of the subclavian artery in the superior mediastinum and laterally to the superior vena cava. In the middle mediastinum, it is located to the right of the pericardium and passes over the right atrium to exit the diaphragm at T8. On the other hand, the left phrenic nerve passes lateral to the left subclavian artery, aortic arch, and left ventricle. It passes anterior to the root of the lung and pierces the diaphragm alone.
Understanding the origin, path, and supplies of the phrenic nerve is essential in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the diaphragm and pericardium.
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Question 15
A 55-year-old man visits his GP complaining of shortness of breath, haemoptysis, and unintentional weight loss over the past 3 months. The GP refers him to the respiratory clinic for suspected lung cancer, and further investigations reveal a stage 2 squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. What is the most frequently associated paraneoplastic phenomenon with this type of cancer?
Your Answer: Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH)
Correct Answer: Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP)
Explanation:The correct answer is PTHrP, which is a paraneoplastic syndrome often associated with squamous cell lung cancer. PTHrP is a protein that functions similarly to parathyroid hormone and can cause hypercalcaemia when secreted by cancer cells.
Acanthosis nigricans is another paraneoplastic phenomenon that is commonly associated with gastric adenocarcinoma. This condition causes hyperpigmentation of skin folds, such as the armpits.
The syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion is often linked to small cell lung cancer. This condition involves the hypersecretion of ADH, which leads to dilutional hyponatraemia and its associated symptoms.
Carcinoid syndrome is a paraneoplastic syndrome that is typically associated with neuroendocrine tumours that have metastasised to the liver. This condition causes hypersecretion of serotonin and other substances, resulting in facial flushing, palpitations, and gastrointestinal upset.
Lung cancer can present with paraneoplastic features, which are symptoms caused by the cancer but not directly related to the tumor itself. Small cell lung cancer can cause the secretion of ADH and, less commonly, ACTH, which can lead to hypertension, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, alkalosis, and muscle weakness. Lambert-Eaton syndrome is also associated with small cell lung cancer. Squamous cell lung cancer can cause the secretion of parathyroid hormone-related protein, leading to hypercalcemia, as well as clubbing and hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy. Adenocarcinoma can cause gynecomastia and hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy is a painful condition involving the proliferation of periosteum in the long bones. Although traditionally associated with squamous cell carcinoma, some studies suggest that adenocarcinoma is the most common cause.
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Question 16
A 75-year-old man visits his doctor complaining of weight loss and feeling full quickly. During the abdominal examination, the doctor notices a swollen lymph node in the left supraclavicular region. The doctor suspects that this could be a sign of gastric cancer with the spread of tumor emboli through the thoracic duct as it ascends from the abdomen into the mediastinum. Can you name the two other structures that pass through the diaphragm along with the thoracic duct?
Your Answer: Aorta and azygous vein
Explanation:The point at which the aorta, thoracic duct, and azygous vein cross the diaphragm is at T12, specifically at the aortic opening. This is also where the oesophageal branches of the left gastric veins, the vagal trunk, and the oesophagus pass through the diaphragm, at the oesophageal opening located at T10. The left phrenic nerve and sympathetic trunk have their own separate openings in the diaphragm. A lymph node in the left supraclavicular fossa, known as Virchow’s node, is a characteristic sign of early gastric carcinoma.
Structures Perforating the Diaphragm
The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities. It plays a crucial role in breathing by contracting and relaxing to create negative pressure in the lungs. However, there are certain structures that perforate the diaphragm, allowing them to pass through from the thoracic to the abdominal cavity. These structures include the inferior vena cava at the level of T8, the esophagus and vagal trunk at T10, and the aorta, thoracic duct, and azygous vein at T12.
To remember these structures and their corresponding levels, a helpful mnemonic is I 8(ate) 10 EGGS AT 12. This means that the inferior vena cava is at T8, the esophagus and vagal trunk are at T10, and the aorta, thoracic duct, and azygous vein are at T12. Knowing these structures and their locations is important for medical professionals, as they may need to access or treat them during surgical procedures or diagnose issues related to them.
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Question 17
A 35-year-old woman presents with sudden chest pain and difficulty breathing. She recently returned from a trip to Italy with her family. She has no significant medical history but takes oral contraceptives. On examination, her pulse is 100 bpm, temperature is 37°C, oxygen saturation is 95%, respiratory rate is 28/min, and blood pressure is 116/76 mmHg. Chest examination is unremarkable and chest x-ray is normal. What is the most appropriate diagnostic test to confirm the diagnosis?
Your Answer: ECG
Correct Answer: CT pulmonary angiogram (CTPA)
Explanation:Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism in a Woman with Chest Pain and Dyspnoea
This woman is experiencing chest pain and difficulty breathing, with a rapid heart rate and breathing rate. However, there are no visible signs on chest examination and her chest x-ray appears normal. Despite having no fever, her oxygen levels are lower than expected for a healthy person. To rule out a pulmonary embolism, doctors must consider risk factors such as recent air travel and use of oral contraceptives.
The gold standard for diagnosing a pulmonary embolism is a CT pulmonary angiogram, as it can detect even large saddle embolus near the pulmonary arteries. While VQ scanning was previously used, it can miss these larger emboli. Additionally, doctors may perform Doppler ultrasounds of the venous system to check for deep vein thrombosis.
This presentation is not indicative of atypical pneumonia, such as Legionella, as the patient’s temperature would be expected to be high and chest signs would be present. Overall, a thorough evaluation is necessary to accurately diagnose and treat a pulmonary embolism in a patient with chest pain and dyspnoea.
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Question 18
A 27-year-old male admitted to the ICU after a car accident has a pneumothorax. Using a bedside spirometer, his inspiratory and expiratory volumes were measured. What is the typical tidal volume for a male of his age?
Your Answer: 500ml
Explanation:The amount of air that is normally breathed in and out without any extra effort is called tidal volume, which is 500ml in males and 350ml in females.
Understanding Lung Volumes in Respiratory Physiology
In respiratory physiology, lung volumes can be measured to determine the amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs during breathing. The diagram above shows the different lung volumes that can be measured.
Tidal volume (TV) refers to the amount of air that is inspired or expired with each breath at rest. In males, the TV is 500ml while in females, it is 350ml.
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) is the maximum volume of air that can be inspired at the end of a normal tidal inspiration. The inspiratory capacity is the sum of TV and IRV. On the other hand, expiratory reserve volume (ERV) is the maximum volume of air that can be expired at the end of a normal tidal expiration.
Residual volume (RV) is the volume of air that remains in the lungs after maximal expiration. It increases with age and can be calculated by subtracting ERV from FRC. Speaking of FRC, it is the volume in the lungs at the end-expiratory position and is equal to the sum of ERV and RV.
Vital capacity (VC) is the maximum volume of air that can be expired after a maximal inspiration. It decreases with age and can be calculated by adding inspiratory capacity and ERV. Lastly, total lung capacity (TLC) is the sum of vital capacity and residual volume.
Physiological dead space (VD) is calculated by multiplying tidal volume by the difference between arterial carbon dioxide pressure (PaCO2) and end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure (PeCO2) and then dividing the result by PaCO2.
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- Respiratory System
Question 19
John, a 55-year-old man, arrives at the emergency department complaining of chest pain that is relieved by leaning forward. He also mentions that the pain spreads to his left shoulder. The diagnosis is pericarditis.
Which nerve is accountable for the referred pain in this case?Your Answer: Vagus nerve
Correct Answer: Phrenic nerve
Explanation:The phrenic nerve provides motor innervation to the diaphragm and sensory innervation to the pleura and pericardium. Pericarditis can cause referred pain to the shoulder due to the supraclavicular nerves originating at C3-4. It is important to note that there are no pericardial nerves. The spinal accessory nerve innervates the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles, while the trochlear nerve supplies the superior oblique muscle. Although the vagus nerve has various functions, it does not supply the pericardium.
The Phrenic Nerve: Origin, Path, and Supplies
The phrenic nerve is a crucial nerve that originates from the cervical spinal nerves C3, C4, and C5. It supplies the diaphragm and provides sensation to the central diaphragm and pericardium. The nerve passes with the internal jugular vein across scalenus anterior and deep to the prevertebral fascia of the deep cervical fascia.
The right phrenic nerve runs anterior to the first part of the subclavian artery in the superior mediastinum and laterally to the superior vena cava. In the middle mediastinum, it is located to the right of the pericardium and passes over the right atrium to exit the diaphragm at T8. On the other hand, the left phrenic nerve passes lateral to the left subclavian artery, aortic arch, and left ventricle. It passes anterior to the root of the lung and pierces the diaphragm alone.
Understanding the origin, path, and supplies of the phrenic nerve is essential in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the diaphragm and pericardium.
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- Respiratory System
Question 20
A 55-year-old Caucasian man presents to the ENT clinic with complaints of gradual hearing loss over the past year. He reports having to turn up the volume on his television to the maximum to hear it comfortably. There are no associated symptoms such as tinnitus or dizziness, and the patient has no significant medical history.
Upon examination, a Weber and Rinne test reveal conductive hearing loss in the left ear. Otoscope examination shows no signs of middle ear effusion or tympanic membrane involvement in either ear. A pure tone audiometry confirms conductive hearing loss in the left ear, with a Carhart's notch present.
The physician diagnoses the patient with otosclerosis and discusses treatment options.
What is the underlying pathology of otosclerosis?Your Answer: Degeneration of the organ of Corti, leading to the loss of outer hair cells
Correct Answer: Replacement of normal bone by vascular spongy bone
Explanation:Otosclerosis is a condition where normal bone is replaced by spongy bone with a high vascularity. This leads to progressive conductive hearing loss, without any other neurological impairments. The replacement of the normal endochondral layer of the bony labyrinth by spongy bone affects the ability of the stapes to act as a piston, resulting in the conduction of sound from the middle ear to the inner ear being affected. Caucasians are most commonly affected by this condition.
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is caused by the dislodgement of otoliths into the semicircular canals. This condition results in vertiginous dizziness upon positional changes, but does not affect auditory function.
Meniere’s disease is caused by endolymphatic hydrops, which is the accumulation of fluid in the inner ear. The pathophysiology of this condition is not well understood, but it leads to vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, and aural fullness.
Cholesteatoma is caused by the accumulation of desquamated, stratified squamous epithelium. This leads to the formation of a mass that can gradually enlarge and erode the ossicle chain, resulting in conductive hearing loss.
Presbycusis is a type of sensorineural hearing loss that occurs as a result of aging. The degeneration of the organ of Corti is one of the underlying pathological mechanisms that causes this condition. This leads to the destruction of outer hair cells and a decrease in hearing sensitivity.
Understanding Otosclerosis: A Progressive Conductive Deafness
Otosclerosis is a medical condition that occurs when normal bone is replaced by vascular spongy bone. This condition leads to a progressive conductive deafness due to the fixation of the stapes at the oval window. It is an autosomal dominant condition that typically affects young adults, with onset usually occurring between the ages of 20-40 years.
The main features of otosclerosis include conductive deafness, tinnitus, a normal tympanic membrane, and a positive family history. In some cases, patients may also experience a flamingo tinge, which is caused by hyperemia and affects around 10% of patients.
Management of otosclerosis typically involves the use of a hearing aid or stapedectomy. A hearing aid can help to improve hearing, while a stapedectomy involves the surgical removal of the stapes bone and replacement with a prosthesis.
Overall, understanding otosclerosis is important for individuals who may be at risk of developing this condition. Early diagnosis and management can help to improve hearing and prevent further complications.
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- Respiratory System
Question 21
Which of the following nerve roots provide nerve fibers to the ansa cervicalis?
Your Answer: C1 only
Correct Answer: C1, C2 and C3
Explanation:The ansa cervicalis muscles can be remembered using the acronym GHost THought SOmeone Stupid Shot Irene. These muscles include the GenioHyoid, ThyroidHyoid, Superior Omohyoid, SternoThyroid, SternoHyoid, and Inferior Omohyoid. The ansa cervicalis is made up of a superior and inferior root, which originate from C1, C2, and C3. The superior root begins where the nerve crosses the internal carotid artery and descends in the anterior triangle of the neck. The inferior root joins the superior root in the mid neck region and can pass either superficially or deep to the internal jugular vein.
The ansa cervicalis is a nerve that provides innervation to the sternohyoid, sternothyroid, and omohyoid muscles. It is composed of two roots: the superior root, which branches off from C1 and is located anterolateral to the carotid sheath, and the inferior root, which is derived from the C2 and C3 roots and passes posterolateral to the internal jugular vein. The inferior root enters the inferior aspect of the strap muscles, which are located in the neck, and should be divided in their upper half when exposing a large goitre. The ansa cervicalis is situated in front of the carotid sheath and is an important nerve for the proper functioning of the neck muscles.
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- Respiratory System
Question 22
A 68-year-old man arrives at the Emergency Department complaining of sharp and stabbing central chest pain that radiates to his back, neck, and left shoulder. He reports feeling feverish and states that sitting forward relieves the pain while lying down worsens it. The patient also mentions a recent hospitalization for a heart attack three weeks ago. During auscultation at the left sternal border, a scratchy sound is heard while the patient leans forward and holds his breath. His ECG shows widespread ST-segment saddle elevation and PR-segment depression. Can you identify the nerve responsible for his shoulder pain?
Your Answer: Vagus nerve
Correct Answer: Phrenic nerve
Explanation:The referred pain to the shoulder in this case is likely caused by Dressler’s syndrome, a type of pericarditis that occurs after a heart attack. The scratchy sound heard during auscultation is a pericardial friction rub, which is a common characteristic of pericarditis. The phrenic nerve, which supplies the pericardium, travels from the neck down through the thoracic cavity and can cause referred pain to the shoulder in cases of pericarditis.
The axillary nerve is responsible for innervating the teres minor and deltoid muscles, and dysfunction of this nerve can result in loss of sensation or movement in the shoulder area.
While the accessory nerve does innervate muscles in the neck that attach to the shoulder, it has a purely motor function and is not responsible for sensory input. Additionally, the referred pain in this case is not typical of musculoskeletal pain, but rather a result of pericarditis.
Injuries involving the long thoracic nerve often result in winging of the scapula and are commonly caused by axillary surgery.
Although the vagus nerve does supply parasympathetic innervation to the heart, it is not responsible for the referred pain in this case, as the pericardium is innervated by the phrenic nerve.
The Phrenic Nerve: Origin, Path, and Supplies
The phrenic nerve is a crucial nerve that originates from the cervical spinal nerves C3, C4, and C5. It supplies the diaphragm and provides sensation to the central diaphragm and pericardium. The nerve passes with the internal jugular vein across scalenus anterior and deep to the prevertebral fascia of the deep cervical fascia.
The right phrenic nerve runs anterior to the first part of the subclavian artery in the superior mediastinum and laterally to the superior vena cava. In the middle mediastinum, it is located to the right of the pericardium and passes over the right atrium to exit the diaphragm at T8. On the other hand, the left phrenic nerve passes lateral to the left subclavian artery, aortic arch, and left ventricle. It passes anterior to the root of the lung and pierces the diaphragm alone.
Understanding the origin, path, and supplies of the phrenic nerve is essential in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the diaphragm and pericardium.
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- Respiratory System
Question 23
A 26-year-old man has been referred to ENT by his doctor as he has swallowed a small chicken bone that feels stuck in his throat. During laryngoscopy, a chicken bone is observed lodged in the piriform recess. Which of the following nerves is most likely to be affected by the chicken bone?
Your Answer: Internal laryngeal nerve
Explanation:When foreign objects get stuck in the piriform recess, particularly sharp items like bones from fish or chicken, they can harm the internal laryngeal nerve that lies beneath the mucous membrane in that area. Retrieving these objects also poses a risk of damaging the internal laryngeal nerve. However, the other nerves are not likely to be impacted.
Anatomy of the Larynx
The larynx is located in the front of the neck, between the third and sixth cervical vertebrae. It is made up of several cartilaginous segments, including the paired arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform cartilages, as well as the single thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottic cartilages. The cricoid cartilage forms a complete ring. The laryngeal cavity extends from the laryngeal inlet to the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage and is divided into three parts: the laryngeal vestibule, the laryngeal ventricle, and the infraglottic cavity.
The vocal folds, also known as the true vocal cords, control sound production. They consist of the vocal ligament and the vocalis muscle, which is the most medial part of the thyroarytenoid muscle. The glottis is composed of the vocal folds, processes, and rima glottidis, which is the narrowest potential site within the larynx.
The larynx is also home to several muscles, including the posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid, thyroarytenoid, transverse and oblique arytenoids, vocalis, and cricothyroid muscles. These muscles are responsible for various actions, such as abducting or adducting the vocal folds and relaxing or tensing the vocal ligament.
The larynx receives its arterial supply from the laryngeal arteries, which are branches of the superior and inferior thyroid arteries. Venous drainage is via the superior and inferior laryngeal veins. Lymphatic drainage varies depending on the location within the larynx, with the vocal cords having no lymphatic drainage and the supraglottic and subglottic parts draining into different lymph nodes.
Overall, understanding the anatomy of the larynx is important for proper diagnosis and treatment of various conditions affecting this structure.
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- Respiratory System
Question 24
A 78-year-old man comes to the emergency department complaining of increasing difficulty in breathing over the past two days. He has a medical history of squamous cell lung cancer.
Upon examination, the trachea is observed to have shifted towards the left side, with dull percussion and absence of breath sounds throughout the left chest.
What is the probable diagnosis?Your Answer: Left lung collapse
Explanation:When a lung collapses, it can cause the trachea to shift towards the affected side, and there may be dullness on percussion and reduced breath sounds throughout the lung field. This is because the decrease in pressure on the affected side causes the mediastinum and trachea to move towards it.
A massive pleural effusion, on the other hand, would cause widespread dullness and absent breath sounds, but it would push the trachea away from the affected side due to increased pressure.
Pneumonia typically only affects one lung zone, so there would not be widespread dullness or absent breath sounds throughout the hemithorax. It also does not usually affect the position of the mediastinum or trachea.
Pneumothorax would be hyperresonant on percussion, not dull, and it may push the trachea away from the affected side in severe cases, but this is more common in tension pneumothoraces that occur after trauma.
A lobectomy may cause the trachea to shift towards the same side as the surgery due to decreased pressure, but it would not cause dullness or absent breath sounds throughout the lung fields.
Understanding White Lung Lesions on Chest X-Rays
When examining a chest x-ray, white shadowing in the lungs can indicate a variety of conditions. These may include consolidation, pleural effusion, collapse, pneumonectomy, specific lesions such as tumors, or fluid accumulation such as pulmonary edema. In cases where there is a complete white-out of one side of the chest, it is important to assess the position of the trachea. If the trachea is pulled towards the side of the white-out, it may indicate pneumonectomy, lung collapse, or pulmonary hypoplasia. If the trachea is pushed away from the white-out, it may indicate pleural effusion, a large thoracic mass, or a diaphragmatic hernia. Other signs of a positive mass effect may include leftward bowing of the azygo-oesophageal recess and splaying of the ribs on the affected side. Understanding the potential causes of white lung lesions on chest x-rays can aid in accurate diagnosis and treatment.
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- Respiratory System
Question 25
A 50-year-old woman presents to your GP clinic with a complaint of a malodorous discharge from her left ear for the last 2 weeks. She also reports experiencing some hearing loss in her left ear and suspects it may be due to earwax. However, upon examination, there is no earwax present but instead a crust on the lower portion of the tympanic membrane. What is the probable diagnosis?
Your Answer: Otitis media
Correct Answer: Cholesteatoma
Explanation:When a patient presents with unilateral foul smelling discharge and deafness, it is important to consider the possibility of a cholesteatoma. If this is suspected during examination, it is necessary to refer the patient to an ENT specialist.
Pain is a common symptom of otitis media, while otitis externa typically causes inflammation and swelling of the ear canal. Impacted wax can lead to deafness, but it is unlikely to cause a discharge with a foul odor. It is also improbable for a woman of 45 years to have a foreign object in her ear for three weeks.
Understanding Cholesteatoma
Cholesteatoma is a benign growth of squamous epithelium that can cause damage to the skull base. It is most commonly found in individuals between the ages of 10 and 20 years old. Those born with a cleft palate are at a higher risk of developing cholesteatoma, with a 100-fold increase in risk.
The main symptoms of cholesteatoma include a persistent discharge with a foul odor and hearing loss. Other symptoms may occur depending on the extent of the growth, such as vertigo, facial nerve palsy, and cerebellopontine angle syndrome.
During otoscopy, a characteristic attic crust may be seen in the uppermost part of the eardrum.
Management of cholesteatoma involves referral to an ear, nose, and throat specialist for surgical removal. Early detection and treatment are important to prevent further damage to the skull base and surrounding structures.
In summary, cholesteatoma is a non-cancerous growth that can cause significant damage if left untreated. It is important to be aware of the symptoms and seek medical attention promptly if they occur.
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- Respiratory System
Question 26
A 65-year-old patient presents at the lung cancer clinic for their initial assessment. Their general practitioner referred them due to a persistent cough lasting 5 months and a weight loss of one stone in a month. The patient has quit smoking recently but used to smoke 20-30 cigarettes daily for 30 years. No asbestos exposure is reported.
A circular lesion was detected in the right upper lobe during a recent chest x-ray. A subsequent computed tomography (CT) scan indicated that this lung lesion is indicative of a primary lesion.
What is the most probable sub-type of lung cancer in this case?Your Answer: Adenocarcinoma
Explanation:Adenocarcinoma has become the most prevalent form of lung cancer, as per the given scenario. This type of cancer accounts for approximately one-third of all cases and can occur in both smokers and non-smokers. Therefore, the most probable answer to the question is adenocarcinoma. Mesothelioma, on the other hand, is a rare and incurable cancer that is almost exclusively linked to asbestos exposure and affects the pleura. It would not present as an upper lobe mass, but rather as a loss of lung volume or pleural opacity. Alveolar cell carcinoma, which is less common than adenocarcinoma, would likely cause significant sputum production.
Lung cancer can be classified into two main types: small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). SCLC is less common, accounting for only 15% of cases, but has a worse prognosis. NSCLC, on the other hand, is more prevalent and can be further broken down into different subtypes. Adenocarcinoma is now the most common type of lung cancer, likely due to the increased use of low-tar cigarettes. It is often seen in non-smokers and accounts for 62% of cases in ‘never’ smokers. Squamous cell carcinoma is another subtype, and cavitating lesions are more common in this type of lung cancer. Large cell carcinoma, alveolar cell carcinoma, bronchial adenoma, and carcinoid are other subtypes of NSCLC. Differentiating between these subtypes is crucial as different drugs are available to treat each subtype.
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- Respiratory System
Question 27
A 38-year-old man has been admitted to the ICU through the ED with reduced consciousness and cyanosis. Despite an oxygen saturation of 94% in the ED, both peripheral and central cyanosis were present. Arterial blood gas monitoring revealed significant hypoxia, but no evidence of methaemoglobin. The suspected diagnosis is carbon monoxide poisoning, and the patient is intubated and ventilated to prevent further leftward shift of the oxygen dissociation curve. What factors can cause this shift in the oxygen dissociation curve?
Your Answer: Raised 2,3-diphosphoglycerate
Correct Answer: Hypocapnia
Explanation:The oxygen dissociation curve can be shifted to the left by low pCO2, which increases haemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen and makes it less likely to release oxygen to the tissues. In contrast, acidosis, hypercapnia, and hyperthermia cause a right shift of the curve, making it easier for oxygen to be released to the tissues. Raised levels of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate also shift the curve to the right by inhibiting oxygen binding to haemoglobin.
Understanding the Oxygen Dissociation Curve
The oxygen dissociation curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between the percentage of saturated haemoglobin and the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood. It is not influenced by the concentration of haemoglobin. The curve can shift to the left or right, indicating changes in oxygen delivery to tissues. When the curve shifts to the left, there is increased saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen, resulting in decreased oxygen delivery to tissues. Conversely, when the curve shifts to the right, there is reduced saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen, leading to enhanced oxygen delivery to tissues.
The L rule is a helpful mnemonic to remember the factors that cause a shift to the left, resulting in lower oxygen delivery. These factors include low levels of hydrogen ions (alkali), low partial pressure of carbon dioxide, low levels of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, and low temperature. On the other hand, the mnemonic ‘CADET, face Right!’ can be used to remember the factors that cause a shift to the right, leading to raised oxygen delivery. These factors include carbon dioxide, acid, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, exercise, and temperature.
Understanding the oxygen dissociation curve is crucial in assessing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and the delivery of oxygen to tissues. By knowing the factors that can shift the curve to the left or right, healthcare professionals can make informed decisions in managing patients with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
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- Respiratory System
Question 28
A 75-year-old man visits his doctor complaining of a productive cough that has lasted for 5 days. He has also been feeling generally unwell and has had a fever for the past 2 days. The doctor suspects a bacterial respiratory tract infection and orders a blood panel, sputum microscopy, and culture. What is the most likely abnormality to be found in the blood results?
Your Answer: Neutrophils
Explanation:Neutrophils are typically elevated during an acute bacterial infection, while eosinophils are commonly elevated in response to parasitic infections and allergies. Lymphocytes tend to increase during acute viral infections and chronic inflammation. IgE levels are raised in cases of allergic asthma, malaria, and type 1 hypersensitivity reactions. Anti-CCP antibody is a diagnostic tool for Rheumatoid arthritis.
Pneumonia is a common condition that affects the alveoli of the lungs, usually caused by a bacterial infection. Other causes include viral and fungal infections. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common organism responsible for pneumonia, accounting for 80% of cases. Haemophilus influenzae is common in patients with COPD, while Staphylococcus aureus often occurs in patients following influenzae infection. Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Legionella pneumophilia are atypical pneumonias that present with dry cough and other atypical symptoms. Pneumocystis jiroveci is typically seen in patients with HIV. Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia is a group of non-infective causes of pneumonia.
Patients who develop pneumonia outside of the hospital have community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), while those who develop it within hospitals are said to have hospital-acquired pneumonia. Symptoms of pneumonia include cough, sputum, dyspnoea, chest pain, and fever. Signs of systemic inflammatory response, tachycardia, reduced oxygen saturations, and reduced breath sounds may also be present. Chest x-ray is used to diagnose pneumonia, with consolidation being the classical finding. Blood tests, such as full blood count, urea and electrolytes, and CRP, are also used to check for infection.
Patients with pneumonia require antibiotics to treat the underlying infection and supportive care, such as oxygen therapy and intravenous fluids. Risk stratification is done using a scoring system called CURB-65, which stands for confusion, respiration rate, blood pressure, age, and is used to determine the management of patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Home-based care is recommended for patients with a CRB65 score of 0, while hospital assessment is recommended for all other patients, particularly those with a CRB65 score of 2 or more. The CURB-65 score also correlates with an increased risk of mortality at 30 days.
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- Respiratory System
Question 29
A 45-year-old woman is undergoing consent for a thyroidectomy due to failed medical treatment for Grave's disease. Radioiodine was not an option as she is the sole caregiver for her three young children. During the consent process, she is informed of the potential complications of thyroidectomy, including the risk of injury to the sensory branch of the superior laryngeal nerve. Can you identify which nerve branches off from the superior laryngeal nerve and is responsible for sensory function?
Your Answer: Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
Correct Answer: Internal laryngeal nerve
Explanation:The superior laryngeal nerve, a branch of the vagus nerve, has two branches: the external laryngeal nerve, which is a motor nerve, and the internal laryngeal nerve, which is a sensory nerve. The recurrent laryngeal nerve, also a branch of the vagus nerve, supplies all intrinsic muscles of the larynx except for the cricothyroid muscles.
Anatomy of the Larynx
The larynx is located in the front of the neck, between the third and sixth cervical vertebrae. It is made up of several cartilaginous segments, including the paired arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform cartilages, as well as the single thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottic cartilages. The cricoid cartilage forms a complete ring. The laryngeal cavity extends from the laryngeal inlet to the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage and is divided into three parts: the laryngeal vestibule, the laryngeal ventricle, and the infraglottic cavity.
The vocal folds, also known as the true vocal cords, control sound production. They consist of the vocal ligament and the vocalis muscle, which is the most medial part of the thyroarytenoid muscle. The glottis is composed of the vocal folds, processes, and rima glottidis, which is the narrowest potential site within the larynx.
The larynx is also home to several muscles, including the posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid, thyroarytenoid, transverse and oblique arytenoids, vocalis, and cricothyroid muscles. These muscles are responsible for various actions, such as abducting or adducting the vocal folds and relaxing or tensing the vocal ligament.
The larynx receives its arterial supply from the laryngeal arteries, which are branches of the superior and inferior thyroid arteries. Venous drainage is via the superior and inferior laryngeal veins. Lymphatic drainage varies depending on the location within the larynx, with the vocal cords having no lymphatic drainage and the supraglottic and subglottic parts draining into different lymph nodes.
Overall, understanding the anatomy of the larynx is important for proper diagnosis and treatment of various conditions affecting this structure.
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- Respiratory System
Question 30
A 65-year-old man with a 45-pack-year history arrives at the hospital complaining of increased difficulty breathing and cachexia. Upon examination, a chest X-ray reveals an elevated left hemidiaphragm, enlarged hilar lymph nodes, and a significant opacification. Which structure is most likely to have been affected?
Your Answer: Left phrenic nerve
Explanation:It is unlikely that direct injury would result in the elevation of the left hemidiaphragm, especially since there is no history of trauma or surgery. However, damage to the long thoracic nerve could cause winging of the scapula due to weakened serratus anterior muscle. On the other hand, injury to the thoracodorsal nerve, which innervates the latissimus dorsi muscle, can lead to weakened shoulder adduction and is a common complication of axillary surgery.
The Phrenic Nerve: Origin, Path, and Supplies
The phrenic nerve is a crucial nerve that originates from the cervical spinal nerves C3, C4, and C5. It supplies the diaphragm and provides sensation to the central diaphragm and pericardium. The nerve passes with the internal jugular vein across scalenus anterior and deep to the prevertebral fascia of the deep cervical fascia.
The right phrenic nerve runs anterior to the first part of the subclavian artery in the superior mediastinum and laterally to the superior vena cava. In the middle mediastinum, it is located to the right of the pericardium and passes over the right atrium to exit the diaphragm at T8. On the other hand, the left phrenic nerve passes lateral to the left subclavian artery, aortic arch, and left ventricle. It passes anterior to the root of the lung and pierces the diaphragm alone.
Understanding the origin, path, and supplies of the phrenic nerve is essential in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the diaphragm and pericardium.
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- Respiratory System
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