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  • Question 1 - The principal motor and sensory nerve of the perineum is the? ...


    • The principal motor and sensory nerve of the perineum is the?

      Your Answer: Pudendal


      The pudendal nerve is formed by S1,2,4 anterior branches. It gives off the inferior haemorrhoid nerve before dividing terminally into the perineal nerve and the dorsal nerve of the clitoris or the penis. Thus, it is the principal motor and sensory nerve of the perineum.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 2 - During a splenectomy procedure of a 45-year old male patient with a bleeding...


    • During a splenectomy procedure of a 45-year old male patient with a bleeding ruptured spleen, the surgeon decided to clamp the splenic artery near the coeliac trunk to stop the bleeding. Which of the following organ/s parts will be least affected by the clamping?

      Your Answer: Tail of the pancreas

      Correct Answer: Duodenum


      The duodenum is the only organ in the list that would not be affect by the clumping of the splenic artery as it is supplied by common hepatic artery (through the gastroduodenal artery) and the superior mesenteric artery (through the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery). The splenic artery is the artery that supplies the spleen with oxygenated blood. The splenic artery before reaching the spleen also gives off branches that supply the stomach and the pancreas. The greater curvature and the fundus of the stomach is supplied the short gastric artery which branches off from the splenic artery. The left portion of the greater curvature of the stomach together with the greater omentum is supplied by the left gastro-omental artery of the splenic artery. The body and tail of the pancreas is supplied by branches of the splenic artery through the dorsal and superior pancreatic arteries and the caudal pancreatic arteries respectively.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 3 - A medical officer was shown an X ray with barium contrast and was...


    • A medical officer was shown an X ray with barium contrast and was asked to distinguish the small from the large bowel. Which of the following features listed is CORRECT?

      Your Answer: Circular smooth muscle layer in the wall

      Correct Answer: Circular folds of the mucosa


      Distinguishing features include:
      1. Three strips of longitudinal muscle-taenia coli- on the wall instead of a continuous surrounding longitudinal muscle that is seen in the small intestine
      2. The colon has bulges called haustra that are not on the small bowel.
      3. The surface of the colon is covered with fatty omental appendages. Both the colon and the small intestine have similar circular smooth muscle layer, serosa. Peyer’s patches are lymphoid tissues that are not visible on X ray with barium contrast.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 4 - Which one of the following muscles is innervated by the facial nerve? ...


    • Which one of the following muscles is innervated by the facial nerve?

      Your Answer: Temporalis

      Correct Answer: Buccinator


      Buccinator is a muscle of facial expression and is therefore innervated by the facial nerve. The lateral pterygoid, masseter, anterior belly of digastric and temporalis are all muscles of mastication and therefore innervated by the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 5 - The circle of Willis is one of the cerebrovascular safeguards comprised of the...


    • The circle of Willis is one of the cerebrovascular safeguards comprised of the left and the right posterior communicating artery. Which of the following arteries in the brain is connected to the posterior cerebral artery by these posterior communicating arteries?

      Your Answer: Vertebral artery

      Correct Answer: Internal carotid artery


      The Circle of Willis is an anastomosis of cerebral arteries that are located at the base of the brain. The Circle of Willis is one of the important safeguards that ensure back up of blood supply to parts of the brain in case of any cerebrovascular accident. The Circle of Willis is made up of an anterior portion of arteries including; the anterior cerebral arteries. The anterior cerebral arteries are connected to the posterior portion of the circle of Willis by the anterior communicating artery. The posterior portion is made up of the posterior cerebral artery which branch off from the basilar artery. The posterior cerebral artery are connected to the anterior portion of the circle of Willis by the posterior communicating artery. The posterior communicating artery connects the posterior cerebral artery to the internal carotid artery. The circle of Willis receives blood supply from the left and right internal carotid arteries that continues as the middle cerebral artery and posteriorly from the two vertebral arteries that join to form the basilar artery.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 6 - During a procedure in the mediastinum, the surgeon accidentally injured a key structure...


    • During a procedure in the mediastinum, the surgeon accidentally injured a key structure that lies immediately anterior to the thoracic duct. Which structure is likely to be injured?

      Your Answer: Trachea

      Correct Answer: Oesophagus


      In the mid-thorax, the azygos vein, thoracic duct and aorta (in this order from right to the left) are all located posterior to the oesophagus. The superior vena cava, left internal jugular vein and trachea are not found in the mid thorax.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 7 - A 25 year old male patient who had sustained a stab wound in...


    • A 25 year old male patient who had sustained a stab wound in the middle of the posterior aspect of the left thigh, was discharged from hospital after dressing and antibiotic prophylaxis. Later on the patient developed bleeding through the wound and upon review, the source was discovered to be an artery that is the direct source of the medial and lateral circumflex arteries. Which is this artery that was injured?

      Your Answer: Profunda femoris artery


      The medial and lateral circumflex arteries are direct branches of the Profunda femoris artery otherwise also known as the deep artery of the thigh. The Profunda femoris artery arises from the femoral artery just below the inguinal ligament (approximately 2-5cm below it).
      The following are the branches of the deep artery of the thigh:
      Lateral circumflex femoral artery
      Medial circumflex femoral artery
      Perforating arteries

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 8 - Following a posterolateral thoracotomy, a surgeon may wish to infiltrate local anaesthetic above...


    • Following a posterolateral thoracotomy, a surgeon may wish to infiltrate local anaesthetic above and below the incision to block the nerves supplying the thoracic wall. This wall is innervated by?

      Your Answer: Intercostal nerves


      Intercostal nerves are the ventral primary rami of spinal nerves T1–T11. They give branches which supply the thoracic wall.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 9 - You are asked to help a junior medical student studying anatomy to identify...


    • You are asked to help a junior medical student studying anatomy to identify the left lung. Which of the following features found only in the left lung will you use the identify it?

      Your Answer: Cardiac notch


      Oblique fissure: is found on both the left and the right lungs. It separates the upper from the lower lobes in both lungs and the middle lobe from the lower lobe in the right lung(which has three lobes.)
      The superior lobar bronchus is found in both lungs.
      Cardiac notch: found only on the left lung.
      Horizontal fissure: a deep groove separating the middle lobe from the upper lobe of the right lung is absent on the left lung.
      Diaphragmatic surface: refers to the part of the lung, both the left and the right, that is in contact with the diaphragm.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 10 - During a radical mastectomy for advanced breast cancer, the surgeon injured the long...


    • During a radical mastectomy for advanced breast cancer, the surgeon injured the long thoracic nerve. Which among the following muscles is likely to be affected?

      Your Answer: Serratus anterior


      The long thoracic nerve innervates the serratus anterior muscle which holds the scapula forward and balances the rhomboids and the trapezius muscles which retract the scapula. Injury to this nerve results in a ‘winged scapula’ with a posterior protrusion.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 11 - Regarding abduction of the digits of the hand, which of the following is...


    • Regarding abduction of the digits of the hand, which of the following is correct?

      Your Answer: The lumbrical muscles produce adduction of the digits

      Correct Answer: All of the adductors of the digits take at least part of their attachments from metacarpal bones


      Lying on the palmer surfaces of the metacarpal bones are four palmar interossei which are smaller than the dorsal interossei. Arising from the entire length of the metacarpal bone of one finger, is a palmar interosseous, which is inserted into the side of the base of the first phalanx and the aponeurotic expansion of the extensor digitorum communis tendon to the same finger. All the interossei are innervated by the eighth cervical nerve, through the deep palmar branch of the ulnar nerve. The palmar interossei adducts the fingers to an imaginary line drawn longitudinally through the centre of the middle finger.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 12 - The LEAST mobile structure in the peritoneal cavity is the: ...


    • The LEAST mobile structure in the peritoneal cavity is the:

      Your Answer: Pancreas


      The presence or absence of the mesentery determines mobility of abdominal contents. Structures like the stomach, transverse colon and appendix have mesenteries and thus are relatively mobile. In contrast, the pancreas is a retroperitoneal (behind the peritoneum) structure and therefore is fixed. The greater omentum is a large mobile fold of omentum that hangs down from the stomach .

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 13 - During a laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon visualizes the medical umbilical folds on the...


    • During a laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon visualizes the medical umbilical folds on the deep surface of the anterior abdominal wall. What causes the medial umbilical folds?

      Your Answer: Round ligaments of the uterus

      Correct Answer: Obliterated umbilical arteries


      The medial umbilical ligament is a structure found on the deep surface of the anterior abdominal wall and is covered by the medial umbilical folds. It is a paired structure that represents the remnants of the fetal umbilical artery. They have no role in humans after birth other than to be used as a landmark for exploring the medial inguinal fossa during laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 14 - Which muscle would be affected most following injury to the transverse cervical artery?...


    • Which muscle would be affected most following injury to the transverse cervical artery?

      Your Answer: Rhomboideus minor

      Correct Answer: Trapezius


      The latissimus dorsi receives blood from the thoracodorsal artery, the supraspinatus receives its blood from the suprascapular artery, the levator scapulae and the rhomboids are supplied by the dorsal scapular artery and the transverse cervical artery supplies blood to the trapezius.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 15 - The anatomical course of the phrenic nerve passes over the following muscle in...


    • The anatomical course of the phrenic nerve passes over the following muscle in the neck?

      Your Answer: Trapezius

      Correct Answer: Anterior scalene


      The phrenic nerve originates in the neck between C3-C5, mostly C4 spinal root. It enters the thoracic cavity past the heart and lungs to the diaphragm. In the neck, this nerve begins at the lateral border of the anterior scalene muscle, its course then continues inferiorly on the anterior aspect of the anterior scalene muscle as it moves towards the diaphragm.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 16 - The parasympathetic fibres of the oculomotor nerve was impinged due to a growing...


    • The parasympathetic fibres of the oculomotor nerve was impinged due to a growing tumour. The function of which of the following structures will be affected?

      Your Answer: Uvula

      Correct Answer: Ciliary muscle


      The oculomotor nerve is the third cranial nerve (CNIII). It offers motor and parasympathetic innervation to many of the ocular structures. The motor fibres innervate a number of the extraocular muscles. While the parasympathetic fibres supply the sphincter pupillae and the ciliary muscles of the eye, and the sympathetic fibres innervates the superior tarsal muscles.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 17 - A young boy fell from a tree, sustaining an injury to the elbow...


    • A young boy fell from a tree, sustaining an injury to the elbow area and damaging the nerve behind the medial epicondyle of the humerus. What is the most likely result from that injury?

      Your Answer: Function of lumbricals 1 and 2

      Correct Answer: Flexion in the distal interphalangeal joint of digit 5


      The nerve injured in this situation is the ulnar nerve. It passes posterior to the medial epicondyle of the humerus before going between the two heads of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. This nerve supplies the muscles and skin of forearm and hand. At the level of medial epicondyle, the injury will led to paralysis in flexor carpi ulnaris and the ulnar half of the flexor digitorum profundus as well as the palmar interossei and hypothenar muscles in the hand. The correct answer will be that the boy will suffer from inability to flex the distal interphalangeal joint of digit 5

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 18 - Which nerve mediates the sensation to itch from the skin that is just...


    • Which nerve mediates the sensation to itch from the skin that is just over the base of the spine of your scapula?

      Your Answer: Ventral root of T1

      Correct Answer: Dorsal primary ramus of C7


      The first branches off spinal nerves are called the dorsal and ventral rami. The dorsal rami mediate sensation of the skin over the back and motor supply to the true muscles of the back whilst the ventral rami gives sensation to the skin over the limbs and the skin that is over the ventral side of the trunk. It also gives motor supply to the skeletal muscles of the neck, the trunk and extremities. Hence, itchiness of the part of the skin that is over the spine of the scapula would be mediated by the primary ramus of C7. Accessory nerve doesn’t have any sensory innervation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 19 - When exposing the right saphenofemoral junction for flush-ligation of the saphenous vein, which...


    • When exposing the right saphenofemoral junction for flush-ligation of the saphenous vein, which of the following is the most likely to be seen passing through this opening?

      Your Answer: Superficial external pudendal artery


      The saphenous opening is an oval opening in the fascia lata. It is covered by the cribriform fascia and It is so called because it is perforated by the great saphenous vein and by numerous blood and lymphatic vessels and the superficial external pudendal artery pierces it.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 20 - A 27-year old lady is shot in the chest. The bullet enters superior...


    • A 27-year old lady is shot in the chest. The bullet enters superior to the upper edge of the clavicle. She had difficulty in breathing which is interpreted by the A&E physician as a likely indicator of a collapsed lung. If that is the case, what portion of the pleura is most likely to have been punctured?

      Your Answer: Cupola


      The cupola is part of the pleura that extends above the first rib into the root of the lung. Most likely to injured in a stab above the level of the clavicle.
      Costodiaphragmatic recess: the lowest extent of the pleural sac.
      Pulmonary ligament: is a fold of pleura located below the root of the lung.
      Mediastinal pleura: part of the pleura that lines the mediastinal cavity.
      Hilar reflection is the part of the pleura where the visceral pleura of the lung reflects to become continuous with the parietal pleura.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 21 - A 54 year old man fell off his bicycle. He felt a severe...


    • A 54 year old man fell off his bicycle. He felt a severe pain in his hand and wasn't able to move it. It was found that a carpal bone in the distal row was fractured. Which is the most likely bone?

      Your Answer: Pisiform

      Correct Answer: Trapezium


      There are eight carpal bones which are arranged in two rows, proximal and distal; scaphoid, lunate, triquetral and pisiform are of proximal row. Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate are of the distal row.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 22 - A patients sciatic nerve has been severed following a stab injury. What would...


    • A patients sciatic nerve has been severed following a stab injury. What would be affected?

      Your Answer: The long head of the biceps femoris muscle would be affected but not the short head

      Correct Answer: There would still be cutaneous sensation over the anteromedial surface of the thigh


      The sciatic nerve supplies nearly all of the sensation of the skin of the leg and the muscles of the back of the thigh, leg and foot. A transection of the sciatic nerve at its exit from the pelvis will affect all the above-mentioned functions except cutaneous sensation over the anteromedial surface of the thigh, which comes from the femoral nerve.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 23 - Which is the CORRECT statement regarding the small intestine: ...


    • Which is the CORRECT statement regarding the small intestine:

      Your Answer: The superior mesenteric artery courses between the body and uncinate process of the pancreas before the artery supplies the jejunum and ileum


      The small intestine extends from the pylorus to the ileocecal valve where It ends in the large intestine. It is surrounded on the sides and above by the large intestine. It is related anteriorly with the greater omentum and abdominal wall. Is connected to the vertebral column by a fold of peritoneum or otherwise known as the mesentery. Is divided into three portions: the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The jejunum and ileum are supplied by the superior mesenteric artery that courses between the body and uncinate process of the pancreas before it gives off intestinal branches.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 24 - The following branch of the aorta is unpaired: ...


    • The following branch of the aorta is unpaired:

      Your Answer: Middle adrenal artery

      Correct Answer: Coeliac artery


      Branches that stem from the abdominal aorta can be divided into three: the visceral branches, parietal branches and terminal branches. Of the visceral branches, the suprarenal, renal, testicular and ovarian arteries are paired while the coeliac artery and superior and inferior mesenteric arteries are unpaired. Of the parietal branches the inferior phrenic and lumbar arteries are paired while the middle sacral artery is unpaired. The terminal branches i.e. the common iliac arteries are paired.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 25 - Inside the palatoglossal arch is a muscle. Which nerve innervates this muscle? ...


    • Inside the palatoglossal arch is a muscle. Which nerve innervates this muscle?

      Your Answer: X


      The palatoglossal arch contains the palatoglossal muscle which is innervated by the vagus nerve which is the tenth cranial nerve. So the correct answer is X

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 26 - Which of the following structure forms the floor of the posterior triangle of...


    • Which of the following structure forms the floor of the posterior triangle of the neck:

      Your Answer: Superficial fascia

      Correct Answer: Prevertebral fascia


      The posterior triangle (or lateral cervical region) is a region of the neck which has the following boundaries:
      Apex: Union of the sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius muscles at the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone
      Anterior: Posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
      Posterior: Anterior border of the trapezius
      Base: Middle one third of the clavicle
      Roof: Investing layer of the deep cervical fascia
      Floor: The anterolateral portion of prevertebral fascia

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 27 - The otic ganglion receives its preganglionic sympathetic fibres from which of the following...


    • The otic ganglion receives its preganglionic sympathetic fibres from which of the following nerves?

      Your Answer: Glossopharyngeal nerve


      The otic ganglion is a small (2–3 mm), oval shaped, flattened parasympathetic ganglion of a reddish-grey colour, located immediately below the foramen ovale in the infratemporal fossa and on the medial surface of the mandibular nerve. The preganglionic parasympathetic fibres originate in the inferior salivatory nucleus of the glossopharyngeal nerve. They leave the glossopharyngeal nerve by its tympanic branch and then pass via the tympanic plexus and the lesser petrosal nerve to the otic ganglion. Here, the fibres synapse, and the postganglionic fibres pass by communicating branches to the auriculotemporal nerve, which conveys them to the parotid gland. They produce vasodilator and secretomotor effects.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 28 - From which branchial (pharyngeal) pouch does the inferior parathyroid gland arise? ...


    • From which branchial (pharyngeal) pouch does the inferior parathyroid gland arise?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: 3rd


      The following structures arise from each branchial pouch:
      1st pouch – eustachian tube, middle ear, mastoid, and inner layer of the tympanic membrane
      2nd pouch – middle ear, palatine tonsils
      3rd pouch – inferior parathyroid glands, thymus
      4th pouch – superior parathyroid glands, ultimobranchial body which forms the parafollicular C-cells of the thyroid gland, musculature and cartilage of larynx (along with the sixth pharyngeal pouch)
      5th pouch – rudimentary structure
      6th pouch – along with the fourth pouch, contributes to the formation of the musculature and cartilage of the larynx.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 29 - A 70-year old man had had a large indirect inguinal hernia for 3...


    • A 70-year old man had had a large indirect inguinal hernia for 3 years. He presents at the out patient clinic complaining of pain in the scrotum. There is, however, no evidence of obstruction or inflammation. You conclude that the hernial sac is most probably compressing the:

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Ilioinguinal nerve


      The ilioinguinal nerve arises together with the iliohypogastric nerve from the first lumbar nerve to emerge from the lateral border of the psoas major muscle just below the iliohypogastric and passing obliquely across the quadratus lumborum and iliacus muscles. It perforates the transversus abdominis, near the anterior part of the iliac crest and communicates with the iliohypogastric nerve between the internal oblique and the transversus. It then pierces the internal oblique to distribute filaments to it and accompanying the spermatic cord through the subcutaneous inguinal ring, is distributed to the skin of the upper and medial parts of the thigh, the skin over the root of the penis and the upper part of the scrotum in man and to the skin covering the mons pubis and labium majus in the woman. As the ilioinguinal nerve runs through the inguinal canal, it could easily be compressed by a hernial sac.
      The femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve provides sensory innervation of the upper medial thigh.
      The femoral nerve innervates the compartment of the thigh and also has some cutaneous sensory branches to the thigh.
      The iliohypogastric nerve innervates the skin of the lower abdominal wall, upper hip and upper thigh. The subcostal nerve innervates the skin of the anterolateral abdominal wall and the anterior scrotal nerve is a terminal branch of the ilioinguinal nerve.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 30 - Prostatectomy carries a risk of loss of penile erection due to injury to...


    • Prostatectomy carries a risk of loss of penile erection due to injury to the prostatic plexus responsible for an erection. From which nerves do these fibres originate?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Pelvic splanchnics


      Erection is a function of the parasympathetic nerves. Of the nerves listed, only the pelvic splanchnic nerves have parasympathetic fibres that innervate the smooth muscles and glands of the pelvic viscera.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Anatomy
      • Basic Sciences


Anatomy (11/27) 41%
Basic Sciences (11/27) 41%