Question 1
A Bicornuate uterus is due to which of the following?
Your Answer: Abnormal fusion and reabsorption of the paramesonephric ducts
Explanation:A Bicornuate uterus (heart shaped) is the result of abnormal fusion and reabsorption of the paramesonephric ducts during embryogenesis. Mullerian agenesis typically results in failure to form a uterus. Mullerian duct fusion abnormalities can cause a bicornuate malformation. PKD-1 gene abnormalities are associated with PCOS. Crossed fused ectopia result in Horseshoe kidney.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Embryology
Question 2
Several mechanisms have been proposed as to what causes closure of the Ductus Arteriosus (DA) at Parturition. Which of the following is the most important in maintaining the patency of the DA during pregnancy?
Your Answer: PGE2
Explanation:Prostaglandin E1 and E2 help maintain the patency of the DA during pregnancy. PGE2 is by far the most potent and important. It is produced in large quantities by the placenta and the DA itself.
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- Embryology
Question 3
How many days after fertilisation does the blastocyst hatch from the zone pellucida?
Your Answer: 5-Jul
Explanation:Shortly after the morula enters the uterus, around the 4th day after fertilization, a clear cystic cavity starts forming inside the morula. The fluid passes through the zona pellucida from the uterine cavity and hence forms the blastocyst.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Embryology
Question 4
The external carotid artery develops from which pharyngeal arch?
Your Answer: 1st
Explanation:The maxillary arteries and the external carotid arteries develop from the first pharyngeal arch. The stapedial arteries arise from the second, the common carotid artery and the internal carotid arteries from the third and the arch of the aorta and the right subclavian artery from the forth arch.
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- Embryology
Question 5
Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding Turner's syndrome?
Your Answer: Very low urinary oestrogen titre
Correct Answer: Buccal smear is chromatin positive
Explanation:Turner syndrome patients have high FSH levels and low oestrogen levels. They have a short stature and buccal smear is chromatin negative.
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- Embryology
Question 6
Branches V2 and V3 of the trigeminal nerve develop from which pharyngeal arch?
Your Answer: 1st
Explanation:Trigeminal nerve has three divisions, the first is the ophthalmic division that does not originate from any of the pharyngeal arches, the second and third divisions, namely, the maxillary and the mandibular region develop from the first pharyngeal arch.
Pharyngeal Arches:
1st = Trigeminal V2 & V3 (CN V)
2nd = Facial (CN VII)
3rd = Glossopharyngeal (CN IX)
4th and 6th = Vagus (CN X) -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Embryology
Question 7
At birth, approximately how many oocytes are present in the ovaries?
Your Answer: 1 million
Explanation:Female infants are thought to be born with the total number of gametes they will posses in their lifetime. About 1 million healthy oocytes are present at birth. However, only about 300,000 of these oocytes survive to puberty, a number which continues to decline until all the oocytes are depleted triggering menopause.
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- Embryology
Question 8
Turner's syndrome is characterised by :
Your Answer: Streak ovaries
Explanation:Turner syndrome, a condition that affects only females, results when one of the X chromosomes (sex chromosomes) is missing or partially missing. Turner syndrome can cause a variety of medical and developmental problems, including short height, failure of the ovaries to develop and heart defects. Streak ovaries are a form of ovarian dysgenesis and are associated with Turner syndrome. Occasionally they may be functional and secondary sexual characteristics may develop.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Embryology
Question 9
Ootidogenesis refers to which process during Oogenesis?
Your Answer: 1st and 2nd Meiotic Divisions
Explanation:During the early fetal life, oogonia proliferate by mitosis. They enlarge to form primary oocyte before birth. No primary oocyte is form after birth. The primary oocyte is dormant is the ovarian follicles until puberty. As the follicle matures, the primary oocyte completes its first meiotic division and gives rise to secondary oocyte. During ovulation the secondary oocytes starts the second meiotic division but is only completed if a sperm penetrates it. This 1st and 2nd meiotic division is known as ootidogenesis.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Embryology
Question 10
Which one of the following statements is true regarding androgen insensitivity syndrome?
Your Answer: They have no uterus
Explanation:Androgen insensitivity syndrome means that patients are phenotypically males but they are resistant or insensitive to male androgen hormones. They do not have a uterus. Due to insensitivity to androgens these patients often have female traits but their genetic makeup is of male, 46XY.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Embryology
Question 11
Androgen insensitivity syndrome is characterised by which one of the following karyotypes?
Your Answer: 46XY
Explanation:Genetically, patients suffering from androgen insensitivity syndrome are 46XY. They are males but insensitive to male hormones i.e. androgens.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Embryology
Question 12
Branches V2 and V3 of the Trigeminal nerve develop from which pharyngeal arch?
Your Answer: 1st
Explanation:1st Arch = Trigeminal V2 & V3 (CN V) 2nd Arch = Facial (CN VII) 3rd Arch = Glossopharyngeal (CN IX) 4th and 6th Arches = Vagus (CN X)
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- Embryology
Question 13
Question 14
Question 15
Which of the following hormones is secreted by the corpus luteum in a non pregnant state?
Your Answer: Progesterone
Explanation:The corpus luteum is formed from the granulosa cells of the mature follicle. The structure functions as a transient endocrine organ which secretes mainly progesterone with additional secretion of oestradiol and inhibin, which serve to suppress FSH levels. In the event of no pregnancy, the corpus luteum stops producing progesterone and degenerates into the corpus albicans.
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- Embryology
Question 16
While evaluating a 33-year-old woman for infertility, you diagnose a bicornuate uterus. You explain that additional testing is necessary because of the woman's increased risk of congenital anomalies in which system?
Your Answer: Urinary
Explanation:Bicornuate uterus is associated with an increased chance of urinary tract anomalies. Urinary tract anomalies were present in about 23.6% of cases of bicornuate uterus patients.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Embryology
Question 17
How many days after fertilisation does the morula form?
Your Answer: 4
Explanation:When there are about 12-32 blastomeres, the developing human is referred to as morula. It enters the uterine cavity around the 4th day after fertilization.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Embryology
Question 18
Regarding the closure of the ductus arteriosus (DA) after birth which of the following most accurately describes the mechanisms leading to closure of the DA?
Your Answer: Increased arterial pO2, increased bradykinin & decreased Prostaglandin E2
Explanation:Normal closure of the ductus arteriosus (DA) is brought about by a number of mechanisms. Upon delivery the new born babies first breath inflates the lungs and this causes a rise in pO2. Oxygen is known to cause constriction of the DA in vivo and in vitro. In addition the decreased vascular resistance means the pressure within the lumen of the DA drops aiding closure. In addition on inflation of the lungs, the lungs produce bradykinin which stimulates smooth muscle constriction of the ductus. The most important factor is thought to be the drop in Prostaglandin E2. Prostaglandin E2 maintains patency of the Ductus in the unborn child but after birth is metabolised in the lungs and its levels fall rapidly within 3 hours of birth.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Embryology
Question 19
Question 20
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