Question 1
The tympanic membrane is a thin semi-transparent membrane that separates the tympanic cavity from the bottom of the external acoustic meatus. The interior of the tympanic membrane is innervated by which of the following cranial nerves?
Your Answer: Vestibulocochlear
Correct Answer: Glossopharyngeal
Explanation:The glossopharyngeal nerve, known as the ninth cranial nerve (CN IX), is a mixed nerve that carries afferent sensory and efferent motor information. The glossopharyngeal nerve has five distinct general functions:
– The branchial motor (special visceral efferent), supplies the stylopharyngeus muscle.
– The visceral motor (general visceral efferent), provides parasympathetic innervation of the parotid gland via the otic ganglion.
– The visceral sensory (general visceral afferent), carries visceral sensory information from the carotid sinus and carotid body.
– The general sensory (general somatic afferent), provides general sensory information from the inner surface of the tympanic membrane, upper pharynx (GVA), and the posterior one-third of the tongue.
– The visceral afferent (special visceral afferent), provides taste sensation from the posterior one-third of the tongue, including the circumvallate papillae. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 2
In relation to the muscles of facial expression, It is true to say:
Your Answer: The mandibular nerve, a branch of the trigeminal nerve innervates some of the facial muscles
Correct Answer: They are in the same subcutaneous plane as the platysma muscle
Explanation:The facial muscles generally originate from the facial bones and attach to the skin, in the same plane as the platysma muscle. They are all innervated by cranial nerve VII (the facial nerve). The occipitofrontalis muscle consists of two parts: The occipital belly, near the occipital bone, and the frontal belly, near the frontal bone.
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- Basic Sciences
Question 3
Which ectopic tissue is usually contained in the Meckel's diverticulum?
Your Answer: Gastric
Explanation:The Meckel’s diverticulum is a vestigial remnant of the omphalomesenteric duct. This structure is also referred to as the vitelline and contains two types of ectopic tissue, namely; gastric and pancreatic.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 4
Which of these foramen is located at the base of the skull and transmits the accessory meningeal artery?
Your Answer: Foramen magnum
Correct Answer: Foramen ovale
Explanation:At the base of the skull the foramen ovale is one of the larger of the several holes that transmit nerves through the skull. The following structures pass through foramen ovale: mandibular nerve, motor root of the trigeminal nerve, accessory meningeal artery, lesser petrosal nerve, a branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve, emissary vein connecting the cavernous sinus with the pterygoid plexus of veins and occasionally the anterior trunk of the middle meningeal vein.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 5
A 16 year-old boy was stabbed in the right supraclavicular fossa. The sharp object punctured the portion of the parietal pleura that extends above the first rib. What is the name of this portion of the parietal pleura?
Your Answer: Cupola
Explanation:Endothoracic fascia: the connective tissue (fascia) that is between the costal parietal pleura and the inner wall of the chest wall.
Costomediastinal recess: the point where the costal pleura becomes mediastinal pleura.
Costodiaphragmatic recess: is the lowest point of the pleural sac where the costal pleura becomes diaphragmatic pleura.
Cupola: the part of the parietal pleura that extends above the first rib level into the root of the neck.
Costocervical recess: this is a made-up term.
Peritracheal fascia: a layer of connective tissue that invests the trachea. -
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 6
The nasolacrimal duct is a membranous canal. It extends from the lower part of the lacrimal sac and drains into which structure?
Your Answer: Sphenoethmoidal recess
Correct Answer: Inferior meatus
Explanation:The nasolacrimal duct carries tears from the lacrimal sac of the eye into the nasal cavity. The duct begins in the eye socket between the maxillary and lacrimal bones, from where it passes downwards and backwards. The opening of the nasolacrimal duct into the inferior nasal meatus of the nasal cavity is partially covered by a mucosal fold (valve of Hasner or plica lacrimalis). Excess tears flow through the nasolacrimal duct which drains into the inferior nasal meatus.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 7
A tumour growing in the posterior mediastinum is found in a 40-year-old man who presented to the out patient clinic with chest pain. Such a tumour is likely to compress the following structure:
Your Answer: Oesophagus
Explanation:The boundaries of the posterior mediastinum are: the superiorly through the sternal angle and T4/5, inferiorly, the diaphragm, anteriorly, by the middle mediastinal structures and posteriorly by the spinal cord. Structures in the posterior mediastinum include the descending thoracic aorta, the azygos system, oesophagus, thoracic duct and lymph nodes. The great vessels and structures at the root of the lung are part of the middle mediastinum. The oesophagus is the only structure in the posterior mediastinum among the choices.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 8
An X ray of a 60 year old male brought to the accident and emergency following a fall down stairs shows a fractured olecranon process of the right ulna with the line of fracture passing through the superior surface, disrupting a muscle. Which among the following muscles was most likely injured?
Your Answer: Brachialis
Correct Answer: Triceps brachii
Explanation:The superior surface of the olecranon process forms an attachment for the insertion of the triceps brachii on the posterior aspect. It also has a minor transverse groove for the attachment of part of the posterior ligament of the elbow on the anterior aspect.
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- Basic Sciences
Question 9
The vagus nerve passes through which of the following foramen?
Your Answer: Foramen magnum
Correct Answer: Jugular foramen
Explanation:The jugular foramen is a large foramen in the base of the skull. It is located behind the carotid canal and is formed in front by the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and behind by the occipital bone. Cranial nerves IX, X, and XI and the internal jugular vein pass through the jugular foramen.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 10
A 35 year old patient presenting with haematemesis, heart burn and bloody stool was diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer that had eroded the gastroduodenal artery. The patient was then rushed into theatre for an emergency procedure to control the haemorrhage. If the surgeon decided to ligate the gastroduodenal artery at its origin, which of the following arteries would most likely experience retrograde blood flow from collateral sources as a result of the ligation?
Your Answer: Right gastroepiploic
Explanation:In the stomach and around the duodenum, there are many arterial anastomoses. Ligation of the gastroduodenal artery would result in the retrograde flow of blood from the left gastroepiploic artery to the right gastroepiploic artery. The blood flows into the right gastroepiploic artery, a branch of the gastroduodenal artery from the left gastroepiploic artery that branches from the splenic artery. This retrograde blood flow is aimed at providing alternate blood flow to the greater curvature of the stomach.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 11
Which nuclei of the posterior grey column of the spinal cord are likely affected in a patient who has lost the sensation of pain and temperature?
Your Answer: Posteromarginal nucleus
Correct Answer: Substantia gelatinosa
Explanation:Substantia gelatinosa is one of the nuclei in the posterior grey column along side other posterior grey column nuclei like the nucleus dorsalis, nucleus proprius, and posteromarginal nucleus. These nuclei are a collection of cells in the posterior grey area found in throughout the spinal cord. The substantia gelatinosa receives direct input from the dorsal nerve roots (sensory), especially from thermoreceptors and nociceptors (receptors for temperature and pain).
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 12
The mandibular nerve, which is the largest of the 3 divisions of the trigeminal nerve, exits the cranial cavity through which foramen?
Your Answer: Foramen ovale
Explanation:At the base of the skull the foramen ovale is one of the larger of the several holes that transmit nerves through the skull. The following structures pass through foramen ovale: mandibular nerve, motor root of the trigeminal nerve, accessory meningeal artery, lesser petrosal nerve, a branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve, emissary vein connecting the cavernous sinus with the pterygoid plexus of veins and occasionally the anterior trunk of the middle meningeal vein.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 13
A 35 year-old woman is undergoing thyroidectomy. The external laryngeal nerve may be injured whilst ligating this artery during the procedure due to its close relationship?
Your Answer: Superior thyroid artery
Explanation:The superior thyroid artery arises from the external carotid artery just below the level of the greater cornu of the hyoid bone and ends in the thyroid gland. This artery must be ligated at the thyroid when conducting a thyroidectomy. If the artery is severed, but not ligated, it will bleed profusely. In order to gain control of the bleeding, the surgeon may need to extend the original incision laterally to ligate the artery at its origin at the external carotid artery. The external laryngeal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve courses in close proximity to the superior thyroid artery, making it at risk for injury during surgery.
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- Basic Sciences
Question 14
A 42 year old man with an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) underwent an abdominal aortic angiography which revealed that his inferior mesenteric artery was occluded. If this patient showed no symptoms, the most likely reason is that the area the inferior mesenteric artery supplies, must be supplied by collateral blood flow from which arteries?
Your Answer: Ileocolic and right colic
Correct Answer: Left and middle colic
Explanation:The arterial branches that form an anastomosis between the superior mesenteric artery and the inferior mesenteric artery are the left colic artery and the middle colic artery. The middle colic artery is the most distal branch of the superior mesenteric artery while the left colic forms the most proximal branch of the inferior mesenteric artery. These two arteries will give collateral blood flow in the case that the inferior mesenteric artery gets occluded. The superior mesenteric artery gives off the following branches; ileocolic, appendicular, ileal artery, right colic and middle colic arteries. The left colic, sigmoid and superior rectal arteries are branches of the inferior mesenteric artery. The marginal artery branches off directly from the abdominal aorta.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 15
A 6 year-old boy is brought to you coughing. He is suspected to have aspirated a Lego piece which he was seen playing with. Where would you expect the piece to be?
Your Answer: Right main bronchus
Explanation:Inhaled objects are more likely to enter the right lung for several reasons. First the right bronchus is shorter, wider and more vertical than the left bronchus. Also, the carina (a ridge-like structure at the point of tracheal bifurcation) is set a little towards the left. The terminal bronchiole is a very small space and impossible for the seed to lodge here.
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- Basic Sciences
Question 16
During a surgical operation, whilst dissecting the mediastinal lymph nodes for a bronchogenic carcinoma of the right upper lobe bronchus, a patient's right sympathetic trunk is accidentally severed above the level of spinal nerve T1. Which function would be left intact in the affected region?
Your Answer: Dilation/constriction of blood vessels
Correct Answer: Voluntary muscle activity
Explanation:The sympathetic nervous system regulates vascular tone, dilation of pupils, arrector pili muscles, sweat production and visceral reflexes. Neurones that supply the voluntary muscles originate from the ventral horn of the spinal cord. If these nerves were thus damaged, these functions would be impaired. The sympathetic nervous system is not responsible for voluntary muscle activity.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 17
Blood supply to the posterior compartment of the thigh is supplied by which artery?
Your Answer: Obturator
Correct Answer: Perforating
Explanation:There are usually 3 perforating arteries:
The first gives branches to the adductor brevis and magnus, biceps femoris and gluteus maximus and anastomoses with the inferior gluteal, medial and lateral femoral circumflex.
The second artery supplies the posterior femoral muscles and anastomose with the first and third perforating vessels.
The third supplies the posterior femoral muscles. -
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 18
A drug abuser developed an infection which spread from the dorsum of the hand to the medial side of the arm along the course of the large cutaneous vein. Which vein is involved?
Your Answer: Cephalic
Correct Answer: Basilic
Explanation:The basilic vein is one of two veins found in the forearm, the other is the cephalic vein. These veins originate from the deep venous arch of the hand. The cephalic vein ascends along the lateral side of the forearm, and the basilic vein runs up the medial side of the forearm.
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- Basic Sciences
Question 19
When a patient is standing erect, pleural fluid would tend to accumulate in which part of the pleural space?
Your Answer: Costodiaphragmatic recess
Explanation:The costo-diaphragmatic recess is the lowest extent of the pleural cavity or sac. Any fluid in the pleura will by gravity accumulate here when a patient is standing erect.
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- Basic Sciences
Question 20
Which of the following foramen provides passage of the facial nerve?
Your Answer: Foramen ovale
Correct Answer: Internal acoustic meatus
Explanation:The internal auditory meatus provides a passage through which the vestibulocochlear nerve, the facial nerve, and the labyrinthine artery (an internal auditory branch of the basilar artery) can pass from inside the skull to structures of the inner ear and face.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 21
During an appendicectomy in a 16 year old girl, the registrar initially did not find the appendix on entering the peritoneal cavity. She, however, remained calm as she knew she could find it by:
Your Answer: Palpating the ileocaecal valve and looking just above it
Correct Answer: Looking at the confluence of the taenia coli
Explanation:The vermiform appendix arises from the apex of the caecum. Although it has a constant base, it can pass in one of several directions such as upward behind the caecum, to the left behind the ileum and mesentery or downward into the lesser pelvis. It is retained in place by a peritoneal fold, the mesoenteriole derived from the left leaf of the mesentery. Taenia coli meet at the appendix which is the terminal portion of the caecum. The appendix is below the ileocecal valve, not above. It is not near the right colic artery (which supplies the ascending colon). It would not be found by removing a layer of the jejuno-ileum and is not in the pelvic brim.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 22
A surgical registrar performing an adrenalectomy procedure on the left suprarenal gland of a 25 - year old male patient, accidentally jabbed and injured a vital structure that lies anterior to the left suprarenal organ. Which of the following was the structure most likely injured?
Your Answer: Colon
Correct Answer: Pancreas
Explanation:The adrenal (suprarenal) glands are organs of the endocrine system located on top of each of the kidneys. The left suprarenal gland, in question, is crescent in shape and slightly larger than the right suprarenal gland. It is posteriorly located to the lateral aspect of the head of the pancreas which is thus the most likely to be injured. The other organs like the duodenum, liver and the inferior vena cava are related to the right suprarenal gland. The spleen and the colon are not in close proximity with the left suprarenal gland and are not likely to be the organs injured.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 23
The oesophagus is an important part of the alimentary canal. It receives blood from various arteries in the body. Which one of the following is an artery that will lead to some level of ischaemia to the oesophagus when ligated?
Your Answer: Right suprarenal
Correct Answer: Left inferior phrenic
Explanation:The oesophagus receives its blood supply from the following arteries: the inferior thyroid branch of the thyrocervical trunk, the descending thoracic aorta, the left gastric branch of the coeliac artery and the from the left inferior phrenic artery of the abdominal aorta. Hence ligation of the left inferior phrenic will lead to ischemia to some portions of the oesophagus.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 24
During an operation for a sigmoid colectomy the surgeon ligates the sigmoid arteries. From which artery do the sigmoid arteries branch?
Your Answer: Inferior mesenteric artery
Explanation:Sigmoid arteries are branches of the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA). Sigmoid artery gives off branches that supply the lower descending colon, the iliac colon and the sigmoid colon.
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- Basic Sciences
Question 25
The basilar artery arises from the confluence of which two arteries?
Your Answer: Middle meningeal
Correct Answer: Vertebral
Explanation:The basilar artery is part of the vertebrobasilar system. It is formed by the confluence of the two vertebral arteries which arise from the subclavian arteries. These two vertebral arteries merge at the level of cranial nerve VI at the junction between the pons and the medulla oblangata to form what is know as the basilar artery. This vertebrobasilar system supplies the upper spinal cord, brainstem, cerebellum, and posterior part of brain.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 26
Which muscle extends to form the cremasteric muscle?
Your Answer: Transverse abdominal muscle
Correct Answer: Internal abdominal oblique muscle
Explanation:The cremasteric muscle is a thin layer of muscle composed of several fasciculi that originate from the middle of the inguinal ligament. At its point of origin the fibres are continuous with the fibres of internal oblique and sometimes with the transversus abdominis. It then passes along the lateral side of the spermatic cord and descends with it through the superficial inguinal ring on the front and sides of the cord.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 27
What is formed when the ductus deferens unites with the duct of the seminal vesicle?
Your Answer: Ejaculatory duct
Explanation:The deferens is a cylindrical structure​ with dense walls and an extremely small lumen It is joined at an acute angle by the duct of the seminal vesicles to form the ejaculatory duct, which traverses the prostate behind it’s middle lobe and opens into the prostatic portion of the urethra, close to the orifice of the prostatic utricle.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 28
What is the innervation of the laryngeal mucosa inferior to the true vocal cord?
Your Answer: Internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve
Correct Answer: Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Explanation:Motor innervation to all other muscles of the larynx and sensory innervation to the subglottis is by the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 29
Which one of the following is a derivative of the midgut?
Your Answer: Caecum
Explanation:The primary intestinal loop is formed from the midgut which gives rise to the distal half of the duodenum, the jejunum, ascending colon, proximal two thirds of the transverse colon and the ileum.
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- Basic Sciences
Question 30
The following organs would be expected to lie within the right lower quadrant of the abdomen, assuming that the gastrointestinal tract is rotated normally:
Your Answer: Distal jejunum, caecum, vermiform appendix
Explanation:The abdomen is divided by theoretical anatomic lines into four quadrants. The median plane follows the linea alba and extends from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis and splits the abdomen in half. The transumbilical plane is a horizontal line that runs at the level of the umbilicus. This forms the upper right and left quadrants and the lower right and left quadrants. Structures in the right lower quadrant include: caecum, appendix, part of the small intestine, ascending colon, the right half of the female reproductive system, right ureter. Pain in this region is most commonly associated with appendicitis.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
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