Question 1
A senior woman with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) arrives at the hospital complaining of worsening shortness of breath and a productive cough. As part of the initial evaluation, a chest X-ray is requested.
What radiographic feature would you anticipate observing on her chest X-ray?Your Answer: Flattened diaphragm
Explanation:The diaphragm of patients with COPD often appears flattened on a chest X-ray due to the chronic expiratory airflow obstruction causing dynamic hyperinflation of the lungs. Pleural effusions are commonly associated with infection, malignancy, or heart failure, while empyema is a result of pus accumulation in the pleural space caused by an infection.
Understanding COPD: Symptoms and Diagnosis
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common medical condition that includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Smoking is the leading cause of COPD, and patients with mild disease may only need occasional use of a bronchodilator, while severe cases may result in frequent hospital admissions due to exacerbations. Symptoms of COPD include a productive cough, dyspnea, wheezing, and in severe cases, right-sided heart failure leading to peripheral edema.
To diagnose COPD, doctors may recommend post-bronchodilator spirometry to demonstrate airflow obstruction, a chest x-ray to check for hyperinflation, bullae, and flat hemidiaphragm, and to exclude lung cancer. A full blood count may also be necessary to exclude secondary polycythemia, and body mass index (BMI) calculation is important. The severity of COPD is categorized using the FEV1, with a ratio of less than 70% indicating airflow obstruction. The grading system has changed following the 2010 NICE guidelines, with Stage 1 – mild now including patients with an FEV1 greater than 80% predicted but with a post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio of less than 0.7. Measuring peak expiratory flow is of limited value in COPD, as it may underestimate the degree of airflow obstruction.
In summary, COPD is a common condition caused by smoking that can result in a range of symptoms and severity. Diagnosis involves various tests to check for airflow obstruction, exclude lung cancer, and determine the severity of the disease.
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- Respiratory System
Question 2
A 65-year-old man with a 45-pack-year history arrives at the hospital complaining of increased difficulty breathing and cachexia. Upon examination, a chest X-ray reveals an elevated left hemidiaphragm, enlarged hilar lymph nodes, and a significant opacification. Which structure is most likely to have been affected?
Your Answer: Left phrenic nerve
Explanation:It is unlikely that direct injury would result in the elevation of the left hemidiaphragm, especially since there is no history of trauma or surgery. However, damage to the long thoracic nerve could cause winging of the scapula due to weakened serratus anterior muscle. On the other hand, injury to the thoracodorsal nerve, which innervates the latissimus dorsi muscle, can lead to weakened shoulder adduction and is a common complication of axillary surgery.
The Phrenic Nerve: Origin, Path, and Supplies
The phrenic nerve is a crucial nerve that originates from the cervical spinal nerves C3, C4, and C5. It supplies the diaphragm and provides sensation to the central diaphragm and pericardium. The nerve passes with the internal jugular vein across scalenus anterior and deep to the prevertebral fascia of the deep cervical fascia.
The right phrenic nerve runs anterior to the first part of the subclavian artery in the superior mediastinum and laterally to the superior vena cava. In the middle mediastinum, it is located to the right of the pericardium and passes over the right atrium to exit the diaphragm at T8. On the other hand, the left phrenic nerve passes lateral to the left subclavian artery, aortic arch, and left ventricle. It passes anterior to the root of the lung and pierces the diaphragm alone.
Understanding the origin, path, and supplies of the phrenic nerve is essential in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the diaphragm and pericardium.
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- Respiratory System
Question 3
A 36-year-old man presents to his GP with symptoms of vertigo. He reports that he has been experiencing constant dizziness for the past 2 days, which has prevented him from going to work. He also reports hearing difficulties and tinnitus in his right ear, as well as nausea and difficulty with balance. He notes that these symptoms are not related to changes in position. He has no significant medical history, except for a recent bout of flu that resolved on its own.
During the examination, the man is observed to sway to the right while attempting to walk in a straight line. He also has a positive head thrust test to the right side. A complete neurological examination is performed, and aside from mild sensorineural hearing loss in the right ear, his neurological function is normal.
Which structures are most likely involved in this man's condition?Your Answer: Otoliths
Correct Answer: Vestibular nerve and labyrinth
Explanation:The patient is displaying symptoms of labyrinthitis, which affects both the vestibular nerve and labyrinth, resulting in vertigo and hearing impairment. In contrast, pure vestibular neuritis only causes vestibular symptoms without affecting hearing. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) involves otolith displacement and is triggered by head position changes, which is not the case for this patient’s constant vertigo. Facial nerve palsy primarily causes facial drooping and does not affect hearing or vestibular function, making it an unlikely diagnosis for this patient.
Understanding Viral Labyrinthitis
Labyrinthitis is a condition that affects the membranous labyrinth, which includes the vestibular and cochlear end organs. It can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection, or it may be associated with systemic diseases. Viral labyrinthitis is the most common form of the condition.
It’s important to distinguish labyrinthitis from vestibular neuritis, which only affects the vestibular nerve and doesn’t cause hearing impairment. Labyrinthitis, on the other hand, affects both the vestibular nerve and the labyrinth, resulting in both vertigo and hearing loss.
The condition typically affects people between the ages of 40 and 70 and is characterized by an acute onset of symptoms, including vertigo, nausea and vomiting, hearing loss, and tinnitus. Patients may also experience gait disturbance and fall towards the affected side.
Diagnosis is based on a patient’s history and examination, which may reveal spontaneous unidirectional horizontal nystagmus towards the unaffected side, sensorineural hearing loss, and an abnormal head impulse test.
While episodes of labyrinthitis are usually self-limiting, medications like prochlorperazine or antihistamines may help reduce the sensation of dizziness. Understanding the symptoms and management of viral labyrinthitis can help patients seek appropriate treatment and manage their condition effectively.
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Question 4
A 38-year-old man has been admitted to the ICU through the ED with reduced consciousness and cyanosis. Despite an oxygen saturation of 94% in the ED, both peripheral and central cyanosis were present. Arterial blood gas monitoring revealed significant hypoxia, but no evidence of methaemoglobin. The suspected diagnosis is carbon monoxide poisoning, and the patient is intubated and ventilated to prevent further leftward shift of the oxygen dissociation curve. What factors can cause this shift in the oxygen dissociation curve?
Your Answer: Acidosis
Correct Answer: Hypocapnia
Explanation:The oxygen dissociation curve can be shifted to the left by low pCO2, which increases haemoglobin’s affinity for oxygen and makes it less likely to release oxygen to the tissues. In contrast, acidosis, hypercapnia, and hyperthermia cause a right shift of the curve, making it easier for oxygen to be released to the tissues. Raised levels of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate also shift the curve to the right by inhibiting oxygen binding to haemoglobin.
Understanding the Oxygen Dissociation Curve
The oxygen dissociation curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between the percentage of saturated haemoglobin and the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood. It is not influenced by the concentration of haemoglobin. The curve can shift to the left or right, indicating changes in oxygen delivery to tissues. When the curve shifts to the left, there is increased saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen, resulting in decreased oxygen delivery to tissues. Conversely, when the curve shifts to the right, there is reduced saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen, leading to enhanced oxygen delivery to tissues.
The L rule is a helpful mnemonic to remember the factors that cause a shift to the left, resulting in lower oxygen delivery. These factors include low levels of hydrogen ions (alkali), low partial pressure of carbon dioxide, low levels of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, and low temperature. On the other hand, the mnemonic ‘CADET, face Right!’ can be used to remember the factors that cause a shift to the right, leading to raised oxygen delivery. These factors include carbon dioxide, acid, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, exercise, and temperature.
Understanding the oxygen dissociation curve is crucial in assessing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and the delivery of oxygen to tissues. By knowing the factors that can shift the curve to the left or right, healthcare professionals can make informed decisions in managing patients with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
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- Respiratory System
Question 5
A 29-year-old cyclist is brought to the emergency department by air ambulance following a car collision. She was intubated at the scene and currently has a Glasgow Coma Score of 8. Where is the control and regulation of the respiratory centers located?
Your Answer: Thalamus
Correct Answer: Brainstem
Explanation:The brainstem houses the respiratory centres, which are responsible for regulating various aspects of breathing. These centres are located in the upper pons, lower pons and medulla oblongata.
The thalamus plays a role in sensory, motor and cognitive functions, and its axons connect with the cerebral cortex. The cerebellum coordinates voluntary movements and helps maintain balance and posture. The parietal lobe processes sensory information, including discrimination and body orientation. The primary visual cortex is located in the occipital lobe.
The Control of Ventilation in the Human Body
The control of ventilation in the human body is a complex process that involves various components working together to regulate the respiratory rate and depth of respiration. The respiratory centres, chemoreceptors, lung receptors, and muscles all play a role in this process. The automatic, involuntary control of respiration occurs from the medulla, which is responsible for controlling the respiratory rate and depth of respiration.
The respiratory centres consist of the medullary respiratory centre, apneustic centre, and pneumotaxic centre. The medullary respiratory centre has two groups of neurons, the ventral group, which controls forced voluntary expiration, and the dorsal group, which controls inspiration. The apneustic centre, located in the lower pons, stimulates inspiration and activates and prolongs inhalation. The pneumotaxic centre, located in the upper pons, inhibits inspiration at a certain point and fine-tunes the respiratory rate.
Ventilatory variables, such as the levels of pCO2, are the most important factors in ventilation control, while levels of O2 are less important. Peripheral chemoreceptors, located in the bifurcation of carotid arteries and arch of the aorta, respond to changes in reduced pO2, increased H+, and increased pCO2 in arterial blood. Central chemoreceptors, located in the medulla, respond to increased H+ in brain interstitial fluid to increase ventilation. It is important to note that the central receptors are not influenced by O2 levels.
Lung receptors also play a role in the control of ventilation. Stretch receptors respond to lung stretching, causing a reduced respiratory rate, while irritant receptors respond to smoke, causing bronchospasm. J (juxtacapillary) receptors are also involved in the control of ventilation. Overall, the control of ventilation is a complex process that involves various components working together to regulate the respiratory rate and depth of respiration.
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Question 6
During a radical neck dissection, at what age would division of which of the following fascial layers expose the ansa cervicalis?
Your Answer: Carotid sheath
Correct Answer: Pretracheal fascia
Explanation:To access the ansa cervicalis, one must cut through the pretracheal fascia on the posterolateral side of the thyroid gland. This nerve is located in front of the carotid sheath. However, it should be noted that the pre vertebral fascia is situated further back and cannot be reached by dividing the investing layer of fascia.
The ansa cervicalis is a nerve that provides innervation to the sternohyoid, sternothyroid, and omohyoid muscles. It is composed of two roots: the superior root, which branches off from C1 and is located anterolateral to the carotid sheath, and the inferior root, which is derived from the C2 and C3 roots and passes posterolateral to the internal jugular vein. The inferior root enters the inferior aspect of the strap muscles, which are located in the neck, and should be divided in their upper half when exposing a large goitre. The ansa cervicalis is situated in front of the carotid sheath and is an important nerve for the proper functioning of the neck muscles.
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- Respiratory System
Question 7
A 5-year-old boy comes to the clinic with his mother, complaining of ear pain that started last night. He has been unable to sleep due to the pain and has not been eating well. His mother reports that he seems different than his usual self. The affected side has muffled sounds, and he has a fever. Otoscopy reveals a bulging tympanic membrane with visible fluid-level. What is the structure that connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx?
Your Answer: Greater palatine canal
Correct Answer: Eustachian tube
Explanation:The pharyngotympanic tube, also known as the Eustachian tube, is responsible for connecting the middle ear and the nasopharynx, allowing for pressure equalization in the middle ear. It opens on the anterior wall of the middle ear and extends anteriorly, medially, and inferiorly to open into the nasopharynx. The palatovaginal canal connects the pterygopalatine fossa with the nasopharynx, while the pterygoid canal runs from the anterior boundary of the foramen lacerum to the pterygopalatine fossa. The semicircular canals are responsible for sensing balance, while the greater palatine canal transmits the greater and lesser palatine nerves, as well as the descending palatine artery and vein. In the case of ear pain, otitis media is a likely cause, which can be confirmed through otoscopy. The pharyngotympanic tube is particularly important in otitis media as it is the only outlet for pus or fluid in the middle ear, provided the tympanic membrane is intact.
Anatomy of the Ear
The ear is divided into three distinct regions: the external ear, middle ear, and internal ear. The external ear consists of the auricle and external auditory meatus, which are innervated by the greater auricular nerve and auriculotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve. The middle ear is the space between the tympanic membrane and cochlea, and is connected to the nasopharynx by the eustachian tube. The tympanic membrane is composed of three layers and is approximately 1 cm in diameter. The middle ear is innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve. The ossicles, consisting of the malleus, incus, and stapes, transmit sound vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear. The internal ear contains the cochlea, which houses the organ of corti, the sense organ of hearing. The vestibule accommodates the utricule and saccule, which contain endolymph and are surrounded by perilymph. The semicircular canals, which share a common opening into the vestibule, lie at various angles to the petrous temporal bone.
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Question 8
A 26-year-old woman comes to your clinic complaining of feeling dizzy for the past two days. She describes a sensation of the room spinning and has been experiencing nausea. The dizziness is relieved when she lies down and has no apparent triggers. She denies any hearing loss or aural fullness and is otherwise healthy. Upon examination, she has no fever and otoscopy reveals no abnormalities. You suspect she may have viral labyrinthitis and prescribe prochlorperazine to alleviate her vertigo symptoms. What class of antiemetic does prochlorperazine belong to?
Your Answer: Antihistamine
Correct Answer: Dopamine receptor antagonist
Explanation:Prochlorperazine belongs to a class of drugs known as dopamine receptor antagonists, which work by inhibiting stimulation of the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) through D2 receptors. Other drugs in this class include domperidone, metoclopramide, and olanzapine.
Antihistamine antiemetics, such as cyclizine and promethazine, are H1 histamine receptor antagonists.
5-HT3 receptor antagonists, such as ondansetron and granisetron, are effective both centrally and peripherally. They work by blocking serotonin receptors in the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.
Antimuscarinic antiemetics are anticholinergic drugs, with hyoscine (scopolamine) being a common example.
Vertigo is a condition characterized by a false sensation of movement in the body or environment. There are various causes of vertigo, each with its own unique characteristics. Viral labyrinthitis, for example, is typically associated with a recent viral infection, sudden onset, nausea and vomiting, and possible hearing loss. Vestibular neuronitis, on the other hand, is characterized by recurrent vertigo attacks lasting hours or days, but with no hearing loss. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is triggered by changes in head position and lasts for only a few seconds. Meniere’s disease, meanwhile, is associated with hearing loss, tinnitus, and a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ears. Elderly patients with vertigo may be experiencing vertebrobasilar ischaemia, which is accompanied by dizziness upon neck extension. Acoustic neuroma, which is associated with hearing loss, vertigo, and tinnitus, is also a possible cause of vertigo. Other causes include posterior circulation stroke, trauma, multiple sclerosis, and ototoxicity from medications like gentamicin.
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- Respiratory System
Question 9
A 3-year-old male toddler of Asian descent is referred to a paediatrician by his GP due to recurrent respiratory infections and failure to thrive. The doctor orders a sweat test, which comes back positive. What are the potential complications associated with the likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Pulmonary embolism
Correct Answer: Steatorrhea
Explanation:Cystic fibrosis can lead to steatorrhea, which is caused by the malabsorption of fat in the intestines. This is a common symptom of the disease and requires specialist management. While patients with CF may have a slightly increased risk of sensorineural hearing loss, this is mainly due to the side effects of certain drugs used to treat the disease. Melaena, which is the passage of dark faeces due to partially digested blood from the upper gastrointestinal system, is a rare symptom in patients with CF. There is no association between CF and intellectual disability. Although some studies suggest an increased incidence of pulmonary emboli in patients with CF, the associated risk is small and mainly due to the use of central venous catheters and liver dysfunction or vitamin K deficiency.
Understanding Cystic Fibrosis: Symptoms and Other Features
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that affects various organs in the body, particularly the lungs and digestive system. The symptoms of cystic fibrosis can vary from person to person, but some common presenting features include recurrent chest infections, malabsorption, and liver disease. In some cases, infants may experience meconium ileus or prolonged jaundice. It is important to note that while many patients are diagnosed during newborn screening or early childhood, some may not be diagnosed until adulthood.
Aside from the presenting features, there are other symptoms and features associated with cystic fibrosis. These include short stature, diabetes mellitus, delayed puberty, rectal prolapse, nasal polyps, and infertility. It is important for individuals with cystic fibrosis to receive proper medical care and management to address these symptoms and improve their quality of life.
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Question 10
A 70-year-old man visits his primary care physician with complaints of hearing difficulties. He states that he has been increasingly struggling to hear his wife's conversations for the past six months. He is concerned that this problem will worsen and eventually lead to complete hearing loss, making it difficult for him to communicate with his children over the phone. His wife is also distressed by the situation, as he frequently asks her to turn up the volume on the television. The man has no history of exposure to loud noises and has well-controlled hypertension. He is a retired police officer and currently resides with his wife. What is the primary pathology underlying this man's most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Degeneration of the cells at the cochlear base
Explanation:The patient has a gradual-onset hearing loss, which is most likely due to presbycusis, an aging-related sensorineural hearing loss. This condition has multiple causes, including environmental factors like noise pollution and biological factors like genetics and oxidative stress. Damage to the organ of Corti stereocilia from exposure to sudden loud noises can also cause hearing loss, which is typically sudden and associated with a history of exposure to loud noises. Other conditions that can cause hearing loss include cholesteatoma, which is due to the accumulation of keratin debris in the middle ear, and otosclerosis, which is characterized by the overgrowth of bone in the middle ear.
Anatomy of the Ear
The ear is divided into three distinct regions: the external ear, middle ear, and internal ear. The external ear consists of the auricle and external auditory meatus, which are innervated by the greater auricular nerve and auriculotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve. The middle ear is the space between the tympanic membrane and cochlea, and is connected to the nasopharynx by the eustachian tube. The tympanic membrane is composed of three layers and is approximately 1 cm in diameter. The middle ear is innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve. The ossicles, consisting of the malleus, incus, and stapes, transmit sound vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear. The internal ear contains the cochlea, which houses the organ of corti, the sense organ of hearing. The vestibule accommodates the utricule and saccule, which contain endolymph and are surrounded by perilymph. The semicircular canals, which share a common opening into the vestibule, lie at various angles to the petrous temporal bone.
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Question 11
Which of the following muscles is not innervated by the ansa cervicalis?
Your Answer: Omohyoid
Correct Answer: Mylohyoid
Explanation:The muscles of the ansa cervicalis are: GenioHyoid, ThyroidHyoid, Superior Omohyoid, SternoThyroid, SternoHyoid, and Inferior Omohyoid. The mylohyoid muscle is innervated by the mylohyoid branch of the inferior alveolar nerve. A mnemonic to remember these muscles is GHost THought SOmeone Stupid Shot Irene.
The ansa cervicalis is a nerve that provides innervation to the sternohyoid, sternothyroid, and omohyoid muscles. It is composed of two roots: the superior root, which branches off from C1 and is located anterolateral to the carotid sheath, and the inferior root, which is derived from the C2 and C3 roots and passes posterolateral to the internal jugular vein. The inferior root enters the inferior aspect of the strap muscles, which are located in the neck, and should be divided in their upper half when exposing a large goitre. The ansa cervicalis is situated in front of the carotid sheath and is an important nerve for the proper functioning of the neck muscles.
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Question 12
Which of the following nerve roots provide nerve fibers to the ansa cervicalis?
Your Answer: C1 only
Correct Answer: C1, C2 and C3
Explanation:The ansa cervicalis muscles can be remembered using the acronym GHost THought SOmeone Stupid Shot Irene. These muscles include the GenioHyoid, ThyroidHyoid, Superior Omohyoid, SternoThyroid, SternoHyoid, and Inferior Omohyoid. The ansa cervicalis is made up of a superior and inferior root, which originate from C1, C2, and C3. The superior root begins where the nerve crosses the internal carotid artery and descends in the anterior triangle of the neck. The inferior root joins the superior root in the mid neck region and can pass either superficially or deep to the internal jugular vein.
The ansa cervicalis is a nerve that provides innervation to the sternohyoid, sternothyroid, and omohyoid muscles. It is composed of two roots: the superior root, which branches off from C1 and is located anterolateral to the carotid sheath, and the inferior root, which is derived from the C2 and C3 roots and passes posterolateral to the internal jugular vein. The inferior root enters the inferior aspect of the strap muscles, which are located in the neck, and should be divided in their upper half when exposing a large goitre. The ansa cervicalis is situated in front of the carotid sheath and is an important nerve for the proper functioning of the neck muscles.
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- Respiratory System
Question 13
A 68-year-old man arrives at the Emergency Department complaining of sharp and stabbing central chest pain that radiates to his back, neck, and left shoulder. He reports feeling feverish and states that sitting forward relieves the pain while lying down worsens it. The patient also mentions a recent hospitalization for a heart attack three weeks ago. During auscultation at the left sternal border, a scratchy sound is heard while the patient leans forward and holds his breath. His ECG shows widespread ST-segment saddle elevation and PR-segment depression. Can you identify the nerve responsible for his shoulder pain?
Your Answer: Accessory nerve
Correct Answer: Phrenic nerve
Explanation:The referred pain to the shoulder in this case is likely caused by Dressler’s syndrome, a type of pericarditis that occurs after a heart attack. The scratchy sound heard during auscultation is a pericardial friction rub, which is a common characteristic of pericarditis. The phrenic nerve, which supplies the pericardium, travels from the neck down through the thoracic cavity and can cause referred pain to the shoulder in cases of pericarditis.
The axillary nerve is responsible for innervating the teres minor and deltoid muscles, and dysfunction of this nerve can result in loss of sensation or movement in the shoulder area.
While the accessory nerve does innervate muscles in the neck that attach to the shoulder, it has a purely motor function and is not responsible for sensory input. Additionally, the referred pain in this case is not typical of musculoskeletal pain, but rather a result of pericarditis.
Injuries involving the long thoracic nerve often result in winging of the scapula and are commonly caused by axillary surgery.
Although the vagus nerve does supply parasympathetic innervation to the heart, it is not responsible for the referred pain in this case, as the pericardium is innervated by the phrenic nerve.
The Phrenic Nerve: Origin, Path, and Supplies
The phrenic nerve is a crucial nerve that originates from the cervical spinal nerves C3, C4, and C5. It supplies the diaphragm and provides sensation to the central diaphragm and pericardium. The nerve passes with the internal jugular vein across scalenus anterior and deep to the prevertebral fascia of the deep cervical fascia.
The right phrenic nerve runs anterior to the first part of the subclavian artery in the superior mediastinum and laterally to the superior vena cava. In the middle mediastinum, it is located to the right of the pericardium and passes over the right atrium to exit the diaphragm at T8. On the other hand, the left phrenic nerve passes lateral to the left subclavian artery, aortic arch, and left ventricle. It passes anterior to the root of the lung and pierces the diaphragm alone.
Understanding the origin, path, and supplies of the phrenic nerve is essential in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the diaphragm and pericardium.
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- Respiratory System
Question 14
A 26-year-old male is brought to the emergency department by his mother. He is agitated, restless, and anxious.
Upon examination, dilated pupils are observed, and an ECG reveals sinus tachycardia.
The patient has a medical history of chronic asthma and is currently taking modified-release theophylline tablets.
According to his mother, he returned from a trip to Pakistan last night and has been taking antibiotics for bacterial gastroenteritis for the past four days. He has three days left on his antibiotic course.
What could be the cause of his current presentation?Your Answer: Loperamide
Correct Answer: Ciprofloxacin
Explanation:Terbinafine is frequently prescribed for the treatment of fungal nail infections as an antifungal medication.
Theophylline and its Poisoning
Theophylline is a naturally occurring methylxanthine that is commonly used as a bronchodilator in the management of asthma and COPD. Its exact mechanism of action is still unknown, but it is believed to be a non-specific inhibitor of phosphodiesterase, resulting in an increase in cAMP. Other proposed mechanisms include antagonism of adenosine and prostaglandin inhibition.
However, theophylline poisoning can occur and is characterized by symptoms such as acidosis, hypokalemia, vomiting, tachycardia, arrhythmias, and seizures. In such cases, gastric lavage may be considered if the ingestion occurred less than an hour prior. Activated charcoal is also recommended, while whole-bowel irrigation can be performed if theophylline is in sustained-release form. Charcoal hemoperfusion is preferable to hemodialysis in managing theophylline poisoning.
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Question 15
A 54-year-old man complains of facial pain and discomfort during meals. He has been experiencing halitosis and a dry mouth. Additionally, he has a lump under his left mandible. What is the probable underlying diagnosis?
Your Answer: Stone impacted in Stensens duct
Correct Answer: Stone impacted in Whartons duct
Explanation:The signs are indicative of sialolithiasis, which usually involves the formation of stones in the submandibular gland and can block Wharton’s duct. Stensen’s duct, on the other hand, is responsible for draining the parotid gland.
Diseases of the Submandibular Glands
The submandibular glands are responsible for producing mixed seromucinous secretions, which can range from more serous to more mucinous depending on parasympathetic activity. These glands secrete approximately 800-1000ml of saliva per day, with parasympathetic fibers derived from the chorda tympani nerves and the submandibular ganglion. However, several conditions can affect the submandibular glands.
One such condition is sialolithiasis, which occurs when salivary gland calculi form in the submandibular gland. These stones are usually composed of calcium phosphate or calcium carbonate and can cause colicky pain and postprandial swelling of the gland. Sialography is used to investigate the site of obstruction and associated stones, with impacted stones in the distal aspect of Wharton’s duct potentially removed orally. However, other stones and chronic inflammation may require gland excision.
Sialadenitis is another condition that can affect the submandibular glands, usually as a result of Staphylococcus aureus infection. This can cause pus to leak from the duct and erythema to be noted. A submandibular abscess may develop, which is a serious complication as it can spread through other deep fascial spaces and occlude the airway.
Finally, submandibular tumors can also affect these glands, with only 8% of salivary gland tumors affecting the submandibular gland. Of these, 50% are malignant, usually adenoid cystic carcinoma. Diagnosis usually involves fine needle aspiration cytology, with imaging using CT and MRI. Due to the high prevalence of malignancy, all masses of the submandibular glands should generally be excised.
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- Respiratory System
Question 16
What is the embryonic origin of the pulmonary artery?
Your Answer: Fourth pharyngeal arch
Correct Answer: Sixth pharyngeal arch
Explanation:The right pulmonary artery originates from the proximal portion of the sixth pharyngeal arch on the right side, while the distal portion of the same arch gives rise to the left pulmonary artery and the ductus arteriosus.
The Development and Contributions of Pharyngeal Arches
During the fourth week of embryonic growth, a series of mesodermal outpouchings develop from the pharynx, forming the pharyngeal arches. These arches fuse in the ventral midline, while pharyngeal pouches form on the endodermal side between the arches. There are six pharyngeal arches, with the fifth arch not contributing any useful structures and often fusing with the sixth arch.
Each pharyngeal arch has its own set of muscular and skeletal contributions, as well as an associated endocrine gland, artery, and nerve. The first arch contributes muscles of mastication, the maxilla, Meckel’s cartilage, and the incus and malleus bones. The second arch contributes muscles of facial expression, the stapes bone, and the styloid process and hyoid bone. The third arch contributes the stylopharyngeus muscle, the greater horn and lower part of the hyoid bone, and the thymus gland. The fourth arch contributes the cricothyroid muscle, all intrinsic muscles of the soft palate, the thyroid and epiglottic cartilages, and the superior parathyroids. The sixth arch contributes all intrinsic muscles of the larynx (except the cricothyroid muscle), the cricoid, arytenoid, and corniculate cartilages, and is associated with the pulmonary artery and recurrent laryngeal nerve.
Overall, the development and contributions of pharyngeal arches play a crucial role in the formation of various structures in the head and neck region.
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- Respiratory System
Question 17
A 27-year-old woman, who has had eczema and asthma since childhood, comes for her yearly asthma check-up. She has been using her salbutamol inhaler more frequently over the last 3 months and is concerned that it may be due to getting a new kitten. In allergic asthma, which cell is present in excessive amounts?
Your Answer: Dendritic cells
Correct Answer: Eosinophils
Explanation:The patient’s medical background indicates that she may have atopic asthma. It is probable that her symptoms have worsened and she has had to use more salbutamol reliever due to an allergy to her new kitten’s animal dander.
Individuals with allergic asthma have been found to have increased levels of eosinophils in their airways. The severity of asthma is linked to the number of eosinophils present, as they contribute to long-term airway inflammation by causing damage, blockages, and hyperresponsiveness.
The immediate symptoms of asthma after exposure are caused by mast cell degranulation.
Asthma is a common respiratory disorder that affects both children and adults. It is characterized by chronic inflammation of the airways, resulting in reversible bronchospasm and airway obstruction. While asthma can develop at any age, it typically presents in childhood and may improve or resolve with age. However, it can also persist into adulthood and cause significant morbidity, with around 1,000 deaths per year in the UK.
Several risk factors can increase the likelihood of developing asthma, including a personal or family history of atopy, antenatal factors such as maternal smoking or viral infections, low birth weight, not being breastfed, exposure to allergens and air pollution, and the hygiene hypothesis. Patients with asthma may also suffer from other atopic conditions such as eczema and hay fever, and some may be sensitive to aspirin. Occupational asthma is also a concern for those exposed to allergens in the workplace.
Symptoms of asthma include coughing, dyspnea, wheezing, and chest tightness, with coughing often worse at night. Signs may include expiratory wheezing on auscultation and reduced peak expiratory flow rate. Diagnosis is typically made through spirometry, which measures the volume and speed of air during exhalation and inhalation.
Management of asthma typically involves the use of inhalers to deliver drug therapy directly to the airways. Short-acting beta-agonists such as salbutamol are the first-line treatment for relieving symptoms, while inhaled corticosteroids like beclometasone dipropionate and fluticasone propionate are used for daily maintenance therapy. Long-acting beta-agonists like salmeterol and leukotriene receptor antagonists like montelukast may also be used in combination with other medications. Maintenance and reliever therapy (MART) is a newer approach that combines ICS and a fast-acting LABA in a single inhaler for both daily maintenance and symptom relief. Recent guidelines recommend offering a leukotriene receptor antagonist instead of a LABA for patients on SABA + ICS whose asthma is not well controlled, and considering MART for those with poorly controlled asthma.
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- Respiratory System
Question 18
During a consultant-led ward round in the early morning, a patient recovering from endovascular thrombectomy for acute mesenteric ischemia is examined. The reports indicate an embolus in the superior mesenteric artery.
What is the correct description of the plane at which the superior mesenteric artery branches off the abdominal aorta and its corresponding vertebral body?Your Answer: Subcostal plane - L1
Correct Answer: Transpyloric plane - L1
Explanation:The superior mesenteric artery originates from the abdominal aorta at the transpyloric plane, which is an imaginary axial plane located at the level of the L1 vertebral body and midway between the jugular notch and superior border of the pubic symphysis. Another transverse plane commonly used in anatomy is the subcostal plane, which passes through the 10th costal margin and the vertebral body L3. Additionally, the trans-tubercular plane, which is a horizontal plane passing through the iliac tubercles and in line with the 5th lumbar vertebrae, is often used to delineate abdominal regions in surface anatomy.
The Transpyloric Plane and its Anatomical Landmarks
The transpyloric plane is an imaginary horizontal line that passes through the body of the first lumbar vertebrae (L1) and the pylorus of the stomach. It is an important anatomical landmark used in clinical practice to locate various organs and structures in the abdomen.
Some of the structures that lie on the transpyloric plane include the left and right kidney hilum (with the left one being at the same level as L1), the fundus of the gallbladder, the neck of the pancreas, the duodenojejunal flexure, the superior mesenteric artery, and the portal vein. The left and right colic flexure, the root of the transverse mesocolon, and the second part of the duodenum also lie on this plane.
In addition, the upper part of the conus medullaris (the tapered end of the spinal cord) and the spleen are also located on the transpyloric plane. Knowing the location of these structures is important for various medical procedures, such as abdominal surgeries and diagnostic imaging.
Overall, the transpyloric plane serves as a useful reference point for clinicians to locate important anatomical structures in the abdomen.
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- Respiratory System
Question 19
An 80-year-old man with metastatic lung cancer arrives at the acute medical unit with sudden shortness of breath. A chest x-ray shows a malignant pleural effusion encasing the right lung. The medical registrar intends to perform a pleural tap to drain the effusion and send a sample to the lab. The registrar takes into account the effusion's position around the lung. What is the minimum level of the effusion in the mid-axillary line?
Your Answer: 11th rib
Correct Answer: 10th rib
Explanation:The parietal pleura can be found at the 10th rib in the mid-axillary line, while the visceral pleura is closely attached to the lung tissue and can be considered as one. The location of the parietal pleura is more inferior than that of the visceral pleura, with the former being at the 8th rib in the midclavicular line and the 10th rib in the midaxillary line. The location of the parietal pleura in the scapular line is not specified.
Anatomy of the Lungs
The lungs are a pair of organs located in the chest cavity that play a vital role in respiration. The right lung is composed of three lobes, while the left lung has two lobes. The apex of both lungs is approximately 4 cm superior to the sternocostal joint of the first rib. The base of the lungs is in contact with the diaphragm, while the costal surface corresponds to the cavity of the chest. The mediastinal surface contacts the mediastinal pleura and has the cardiac impression. The hilum is a triangular depression above and behind the concavity, where the structures that form the root of the lung enter and leave the viscus. The right main bronchus is shorter, wider, and more vertical than the left main bronchus. The inferior borders of both lungs are at the 6th rib in the mid clavicular line, 8th rib in the mid axillary line, and 10th rib posteriorly. The pleura runs two ribs lower than the corresponding lung level. The bronchopulmonary segments of the lungs are divided into ten segments, each with a specific function.
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- Respiratory System
Question 20
A 65-year-old male with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has been admitted and treated for infective exacerbations of COPD three times in the past year. Despite his respiratory issues, he continues to smoke. He is currently receiving only short-acting beta2-agonist therapy. During his COPD patient review with the nurse practitioner at his local general practice, spirometry results reveal a drop in his FEV1 from 65% to 58%.
What is the most effective approach to manage his condition and prevent further decline in his FEV1?Your Answer: Add theophylline
Correct Answer: Smoking cessation
Explanation:The most effective intervention to slow the decrease in FEV1 experienced by patients with COPD is to stop smoking. If the patient has no asthmatic/steroid-responsive features, the next step in management would be to add a long-acting beta2-agonist (LABA) and a long-acting muscarinic antagonist. If the patient has asthmatic/steroid-responsive features, the next step would be to add a LABA and an inhaled corticosteroid. Oral theophylline is only considered if inhaled therapy is not possible, and oral prednisolone is only used during acute infective exacerbations of COPD to help with inflammation and is not a long-term solution to slow the reduction of FEV1.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) updated its guidelines on the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in 2018. The guidelines recommend general management strategies such as smoking cessation advice, annual influenzae vaccination, and one-off pneumococcal vaccination. Pulmonary rehabilitation is also recommended for patients who view themselves as functionally disabled by COPD.
Bronchodilator therapy is the first-line treatment for patients who remain breathless or have exacerbations despite using short-acting bronchodilators. The next step is determined by whether the patient has asthmatic features or features suggesting steroid responsiveness. NICE suggests several criteria to determine this, including a previous diagnosis of asthma or atopy, a higher blood eosinophil count, substantial variation in FEV1 over time, and substantial diurnal variation in peak expiratory flow.
If the patient does not have asthmatic features or features suggesting steroid responsiveness, a long-acting beta2-agonist (LABA) and long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) should be added. If the patient is already taking a short-acting muscarinic antagonist (SAMA), it should be discontinued and switched to a short-acting beta2-agonist (SABA). If the patient has asthmatic features or features suggesting steroid responsiveness, a LABA and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) should be added. If the patient remains breathless or has exacerbations, triple therapy (LAMA + LABA + ICS) should be offered.
NICE only recommends theophylline after trials of short and long-acting bronchodilators or to people who cannot use inhaled therapy. Azithromycin prophylaxis is recommended in select patients who have optimised standard treatments and continue to have exacerbations. Mucolytics should be considered in patients with a chronic productive cough and continued if symptoms improve.
Cor pulmonale features include peripheral oedema, raised jugular venous pressure, systolic parasternal heave, and loud P2. Loop diuretics should be used for oedema, and long-term oxygen therapy should be considered. Smoking cessation, long-term oxygen therapy in eligible patients, and lung volume reduction surgery in selected patients may improve survival in patients with stable COPD. NICE does not recommend the use of ACE-inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, or alpha blockers
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- Respiratory System
Question 21
A 19-year-old male presents to the emergency department with complaints of breathing difficulty. Upon examination, his chest appears normal, but his respiratory rate is 32 breaths per minute. The medical team suspects he may be experiencing a panic attack and subsequent hyperventilation. What impact will this have on his blood gas levels?
Your Answer: Metabolic acidosis
Correct Answer: Respiratory alkalosis
Explanation:The patient is experiencing a respiratory alkalosis due to their hyperventilation, which is causing a decrease in carbon dioxide levels and resulting in an alkaline state.
Respiratory Alkalosis: Causes and Examples
Respiratory alkalosis is a condition that occurs when the blood pH level rises above the normal range due to excessive breathing. This can be caused by various factors, including anxiety, pulmonary embolism, CNS disorders, altitude, and pregnancy. Salicylate poisoning can also lead to respiratory alkalosis, but it may also cause metabolic acidosis in the later stages. In this case, the respiratory centre is stimulated early, leading to respiratory alkalosis, while the direct acid effects of salicylates combined with acute renal failure may cause acidosis later on. It is important to identify the underlying cause of respiratory alkalosis to determine the appropriate treatment. Proper management can help prevent complications and improve the patient’s overall health.
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- Respiratory System
Question 22
As the pregnancy progresses, at what stage does the foetus typically begin producing surfactant?
A mother has been informed that she will have to deliver her baby prematurely due to complications in the pregnancy. To decrease the chances of neonatal distress syndrome, doctors have administered steroids to stimulate surfactant production in the foetus. They clarify that the foetus is already generating its own surfactant, and these steroids will enhance the process.Your Answer: Week 30
Correct Answer: Week 22
Explanation:Lung development in humans begins at week 4 with the formation of the respiratory diverticulum. By week 10, the lungs start to grow as tertiary bronchial buds form. Terminal bronchioles begin to form around week 18. The saccular stage of lung development, which marks the earliest viability for a human fetus, occurs at around 22-24 weeks when type 2 alveolar cells start producing surfactant. By week 30, the primary alveoli form as the mesenchyme surrounding the lungs becomes highly vascular.
The Importance of Pulmonary Surfactant in Breathing
Pulmonary surfactant is a substance composed of phospholipids, carbohydrates, and proteins that is released by type 2 pneumocytes. Its main component, dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), plays a crucial role in reducing alveolar surface tension. This substance is first detectable around 28 weeks and increases in concentration as the alveoli decrease in size. This helps prevent the alveoli from collapsing and reduces the muscular force needed to expand the lungs, ultimately decreasing the work of breathing. Additionally, pulmonary surfactant lowers the elastic recoil at low lung volumes, preventing the alveoli from collapsing at the end of each expiration. Overall, pulmonary surfactant is essential in maintaining proper lung function and preventing respiratory distress.
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- Respiratory System
Question 23
A 20-year-old man presents to the emergency department with diabetic ketoacidosis. After early treatment, an arterial blood gas is taken, which shows the following results.
ABG result - temperature 35.0 ºC:
pH 7.30 (7.35 - 7.45)
PaCO2 3.5 kPa (4.7 - 6.0)
PaO2 10 kPa (11 - 13)
HCO3- 16 mEq/L (22 - 26)
Na+ 138 mmol/L (135 - 145)
K+ 3.3 mmol/L (3.5 - 5.0)
What physiological change is occurring in this patient?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Metabolic acidosis is causing a decreased affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen
Explanation:In acidosis, the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve shifts to the right, indicating a decrease in affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen. This is due to an increase in the number of [H+] ions, reflecting greater metabolic activity. Low [H+] levels cause a shift to the left. The low HCO3- in this patient can be explained by metabolic acidosis, but it does not cause a shift in the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve. Hypokalaemia may be a result of treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis, but it does not cause a shift in the oxygen dissociation curve. When temperature increases, the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve also shifts to the right, causing a decrease in haemoglobin affinity for oxygen. Hypothermia causes a shift to the left, indicating an increased affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen.
Understanding the Oxygen Dissociation Curve
The oxygen dissociation curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between the percentage of saturated haemoglobin and the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood. It is not influenced by the concentration of haemoglobin. The curve can shift to the left or right, indicating changes in oxygen delivery to tissues. When the curve shifts to the left, there is increased saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen, resulting in decreased oxygen delivery to tissues. Conversely, when the curve shifts to the right, there is reduced saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen, leading to enhanced oxygen delivery to tissues.
The L rule is a helpful mnemonic to remember the factors that cause a shift to the left, resulting in lower oxygen delivery. These factors include low levels of hydrogen ions (alkali), low partial pressure of carbon dioxide, low levels of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, and low temperature. On the other hand, the mnemonic ‘CADET, face Right!’ can be used to remember the factors that cause a shift to the right, leading to raised oxygen delivery. These factors include carbon dioxide, acid, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, exercise, and temperature.
Understanding the oxygen dissociation curve is crucial in assessing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and the delivery of oxygen to tissues. By knowing the factors that can shift the curve to the left or right, healthcare professionals can make informed decisions in managing patients with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
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- Respiratory System
Question 24
A 26-year-old man presents to the emergency department with a feeling of food stuck in his throat. He experienced this sensation 2 hours ago after consuming fish at a nearby seafood restaurant. The patient reports no breathing difficulties. Upon laryngoscopy, a fish bone is found lodged in the left piriform recess. While removing the fish bone, a nerve located deep to the mucosa covering the recess is damaged.
Which function is most likely to be affected in this individual?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Cough reflex
Explanation:Foreign objects lodged in the piriform recess can cause damage to the internal laryngeal nerve, which is located just beneath a thin layer of mucosa covering the recess. This nerve plays a crucial role in the cough reflex, as it carries sensory information from the area above the vocal cords. Attempts to remove foreign objects from the piriform recess can also lead to nerve damage.
Other functions, such as mastication, the pharyngeal reflex, salivation, and taste sensation, are mediated by different nerves and are not directly related to the piriform recess or the internal laryngeal nerve.
Anatomy of the Larynx
The larynx is located in the front of the neck, between the third and sixth cervical vertebrae. It is made up of several cartilaginous segments, including the paired arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform cartilages, as well as the single thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottic cartilages. The cricoid cartilage forms a complete ring. The laryngeal cavity extends from the laryngeal inlet to the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage and is divided into three parts: the laryngeal vestibule, the laryngeal ventricle, and the infraglottic cavity.
The vocal folds, also known as the true vocal cords, control sound production. They consist of the vocal ligament and the vocalis muscle, which is the most medial part of the thyroarytenoid muscle. The glottis is composed of the vocal folds, processes, and rima glottidis, which is the narrowest potential site within the larynx.
The larynx is also home to several muscles, including the posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid, thyroarytenoid, transverse and oblique arytenoids, vocalis, and cricothyroid muscles. These muscles are responsible for various actions, such as abducting or adducting the vocal folds and relaxing or tensing the vocal ligament.
The larynx receives its arterial supply from the laryngeal arteries, which are branches of the superior and inferior thyroid arteries. Venous drainage is via the superior and inferior laryngeal veins. Lymphatic drainage varies depending on the location within the larynx, with the vocal cords having no lymphatic drainage and the supraglottic and subglottic parts draining into different lymph nodes.
Overall, understanding the anatomy of the larynx is important for proper diagnosis and treatment of various conditions affecting this structure.
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- Respiratory System
Question 25
A 63-year-old man visits his GP complaining of worsening shortness of breath. He was diagnosed with COPD six years ago and has been frequently admitted to the emergency department due to lower respiratory tract infections, especially in the past year. He has a smoking history of 50 pack-years and currently smokes 20 cigarettes per day.
During the examination, the patient appears to be struggling to breathe even at rest and is in the tripod position. His heart rate is 78/min, blood pressure is 140/88 mmHg, oxygen saturation is 88% on air, respiratory rate is 26 breaths per minute, and temperature is 36.4ºC. His chest expansion is symmetrical, and breath sounds are equal throughout the lung fields.
Recent spirometry results show that his FEV1 was 47% a week ago, 53% a month ago, and 67% six months ago. What intervention would be most effective in slowing the decline of his FEV1?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Smoking cessation
Explanation:Slowing the decrease in FEV1 in COPD can be most effectively achieved by quitting smoking.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) updated its guidelines on the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in 2018. The guidelines recommend general management strategies such as smoking cessation advice, annual influenzae vaccination, and one-off pneumococcal vaccination. Pulmonary rehabilitation is also recommended for patients who view themselves as functionally disabled by COPD.
Bronchodilator therapy is the first-line treatment for patients who remain breathless or have exacerbations despite using short-acting bronchodilators. The next step is determined by whether the patient has asthmatic features or features suggesting steroid responsiveness. NICE suggests several criteria to determine this, including a previous diagnosis of asthma or atopy, a higher blood eosinophil count, substantial variation in FEV1 over time, and substantial diurnal variation in peak expiratory flow.
If the patient does not have asthmatic features or features suggesting steroid responsiveness, a long-acting beta2-agonist (LABA) and long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) should be added. If the patient is already taking a short-acting muscarinic antagonist (SAMA), it should be discontinued and switched to a short-acting beta2-agonist (SABA). If the patient has asthmatic features or features suggesting steroid responsiveness, a LABA and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) should be added. If the patient remains breathless or has exacerbations, triple therapy (LAMA + LABA + ICS) should be offered.
NICE only recommends theophylline after trials of short and long-acting bronchodilators or to people who cannot use inhaled therapy. Azithromycin prophylaxis is recommended in select patients who have optimised standard treatments and continue to have exacerbations. Mucolytics should be considered in patients with a chronic productive cough and continued if symptoms improve.
Cor pulmonale features include peripheral oedema, raised jugular venous pressure, systolic parasternal heave, and loud P2. Loop diuretics should be used for oedema, and long-term oxygen therapy should be considered. Smoking cessation, long-term oxygen therapy in eligible patients, and lung volume reduction surgery in selected patients may improve survival in patients with stable COPD. NICE does not recommend the use of ACE-inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, or alpha blockers
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- Respiratory System
Question 26
A 59-year-old woman visits the respiratory clinic for spirometry testing. As part of the testing, what is the definition of functional residual capacity?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Functional residual capacity = expiratory reserve volume + residual volume
Explanation:To calculate the volume of air in the lungs after a normal relaxed expiration, one can use the formula for functional residual capacity (FRC), which is determined by the balance between the lungs’ tendency to recoil inwards and the chest wall’s tendency to pull outwards. FRC can be calculated by adding the expiratory reserve volume and the residual volume. In individuals with tetraplegia, decreases in FRC are primarily caused by a reduction in the outward pull of the chest wall, which occurs over time due to the inability to regularly expand the chest wall to large lung volumes. This reduction in FRC can increase the risk of atelectasis.
Understanding Lung Volumes in Respiratory Physiology
In respiratory physiology, lung volumes can be measured to determine the amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs during breathing. The diagram above shows the different lung volumes that can be measured.
Tidal volume (TV) refers to the amount of air that is inspired or expired with each breath at rest. In males, the TV is 500ml while in females, it is 350ml.
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) is the maximum volume of air that can be inspired at the end of a normal tidal inspiration. The inspiratory capacity is the sum of TV and IRV. On the other hand, expiratory reserve volume (ERV) is the maximum volume of air that can be expired at the end of a normal tidal expiration.
Residual volume (RV) is the volume of air that remains in the lungs after maximal expiration. It increases with age and can be calculated by subtracting ERV from FRC. Speaking of FRC, it is the volume in the lungs at the end-expiratory position and is equal to the sum of ERV and RV.
Vital capacity (VC) is the maximum volume of air that can be expired after a maximal inspiration. It decreases with age and can be calculated by adding inspiratory capacity and ERV. Lastly, total lung capacity (TLC) is the sum of vital capacity and residual volume.
Physiological dead space (VD) is calculated by multiplying tidal volume by the difference between arterial carbon dioxide pressure (PaCO2) and end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure (PeCO2) and then dividing the result by PaCO2.
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- Respiratory System
Question 27
A 23-year-old woman comes to your clinic complaining of difficulty hearing her partner at home. She has been experiencing a high-pitched ringing in her left ear for the past 6 months. She attributes this to attending loud concerts frequently and has not sought medical attention until now. She reports that she can hear better when she is outside but struggles in quiet environments. Upon examination, there are no abnormalities seen during otoscopy. One of the possible diagnoses for this patient is otosclerosis, a condition that primarily affects the stapes bone. Which structure does the stapes bone come into contact with in the cochlea?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Oval window
Explanation:The oval window is where the stapes connects with the cochlea, and it is the most inner of the ossicles. The stapes has a stirrup-like shape, with a head that articulates with the incus and two limbs that connect it to the base. The base of the stapes is in contact with the oval window, which is one of the only two openings between the middle and inner ear. The organ of Corti, which is responsible for hearing, is located on the basilar membrane within the cochlear duct. The round window is the other opening between the middle and inner ear, and it allows the fluid within the cochlea to move, transmitting sound to the hair cells. The helicotrema is the point where the scala tympani and scala vestibuli meet at the apex of the cochlear labyrinth. The tectorial membrane is a membrane that extends along the entire length of the cochlea. A female in her third decade of life with unilateral conductive hearing loss and a family history of hearing loss is likely to have otosclerosis, a condition that affects the stapes and can cause severe or total hearing loss due to abnormal bone growth and fusion with the cochlea.
Anatomy of the Ear
The ear is divided into three distinct regions: the external ear, middle ear, and internal ear. The external ear consists of the auricle and external auditory meatus, which are innervated by the greater auricular nerve and auriculotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve. The middle ear is the space between the tympanic membrane and cochlea, and is connected to the nasopharynx by the eustachian tube. The tympanic membrane is composed of three layers and is approximately 1 cm in diameter. The middle ear is innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve. The ossicles, consisting of the malleus, incus, and stapes, transmit sound vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear. The internal ear contains the cochlea, which houses the organ of corti, the sense organ of hearing. The vestibule accommodates the utricule and saccule, which contain endolymph and are surrounded by perilymph. The semicircular canals, which share a common opening into the vestibule, lie at various angles to the petrous temporal bone.
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- Respiratory System
Question 28
A 25-year-old female patient visits your clinic complaining of hearing loss. According to her, her hearing has been declining for about two years, with her left ear being worse than the right. She struggles to hear her partner when he is on her left side. Additionally, she has been experiencing tinnitus in her left ear for a year. She mentions that her mother also has hearing difficulties and uses hearing aids on both ears. During the examination, the Rinne test shows a negative result on the left and a positive result on the right. On the other hand, the Weber test indicates that the sound is louder on the left. What is the probable impairment?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Conductive hearing loss on the left.
Explanation:Based on the results of the Weber and Rinne tests, the patient in the question is likely experiencing conductive hearing loss on the left side. The Weber test revealed that the patient hears sound better on the left side, which could indicate a conductive hearing loss or sensorineural hearing loss on the right side. However, the Rinne test was negative on the left side, indicating a conductive hearing loss. This is further supported by the patient’s reported symptoms of hearing loss in the left ear. This presentation, along with a family history of hearing loss, suggests a possible diagnosis of otosclerosis, a condition that affects the stapes bone and can lead to severe or total hearing loss.
Understanding the Different Causes of Deafness
Deafness can be caused by various factors, with ear wax, otitis media, and otitis externa being the most common. However, there are other conditions that can lead to hearing loss, each with its own characteristic features. Presbycusis, for instance, is age-related sensorineural hearing loss that often makes it difficult for patients to follow conversations. Otosclerosis, on the other hand, is an autosomal dominant condition that replaces normal bone with vascular spongy bone, causing conductive deafness, tinnitus, and a flamingo tinge in the tympanic membrane. Glue ear, also known as otitis media with effusion, is the most common cause of conductive hearing loss in children, while Meniere’s disease is characterized by recurrent episodes of vertigo, tinnitus, and sensorineural hearing loss. Drug ototoxicity, noise damage, and acoustic neuroma are other factors that can lead to deafness.
Understanding the different causes of deafness is crucial in diagnosing and treating the condition. By knowing the characteristic features of each condition, healthcare professionals can determine the appropriate interventions to help patients manage their hearing loss. It is also important for individuals to protect their hearing by avoiding exposure to loud noises and seeking medical attention when they experience any symptoms of hearing loss. With proper care and management, people with deafness can still lead fulfilling lives.
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- Respiratory System
Question 29
Which of the structures listed below are not located within the mediastinum?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Vertebral bodies
Explanation:Both the lungs and vertebral bodies are located outside of the mediastinum.
The mediastinum is the area located between the two pulmonary cavities and is covered by the mediastinal pleura. It extends from the thoracic inlet at the top to the diaphragm at the bottom. The mediastinum is divided into four regions: the superior mediastinum, middle mediastinum, posterior mediastinum, and anterior mediastinum.
The superior mediastinum is the area between the manubriosternal angle and T4/5. It contains important structures such as the superior vena cava, brachiocephalic veins, arch of aorta, thoracic duct, trachea, oesophagus, thymus, vagus nerve, left recurrent laryngeal nerve, and phrenic nerve. The anterior mediastinum contains thymic remnants, lymph nodes, and fat. The middle mediastinum contains the pericardium, heart, aortic root, arch of azygos vein, and main bronchi. The posterior mediastinum contains the oesophagus, thoracic aorta, azygos vein, thoracic duct, vagus nerve, sympathetic nerve trunks, and splanchnic nerves.
In summary, the mediastinum is a crucial area in the thorax that contains many important structures and is divided into four regions. Each region contains different structures that are essential for the proper functioning of the body.
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- Respiratory System
Question 30
A 27-year-old man with a history of epilepsy is admitted to the hospital after experiencing a tonic-clonic seizure. He is currently taking sodium valproate as his only medication. A venous blood gas is obtained immediately.
What are the expected venous blood gas results for this patient?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Low pH, high lactate, low SaO2
Explanation:Acidosis shifts the oxygen dissociation curve to the right, which enhances oxygen delivery to the tissues by causing more oxygen to dissociate from Hb. postictal lactic acidosis is a common occurrence in patients with tonic-clonic seizures, and it is typically managed by monitoring for spontaneous resolution. During a seizure, tissue hypoxia can cause lactic acidosis. Therefore, a venous blood gas test for this patient should show low pH, high lactate, and low SaO2.
If the venous blood gas test shows a high pH, normal lactate, and low SaO2, it would not be consistent with postictal lactic acidosis. This result indicates alkalosis, which can be caused by gastrointestinal losses, renal losses, or Cushing syndrome.
A high pH, normal lactate, and normal SaO2 would also be inconsistent with postictal lactic acidosis because tissue hypoxia would cause an increase in lactate levels.
Similarly, low pH, high lactate, and normal SaO2 would not be expected in postictal lactic acidosis because acidosis would shift the oxygen dissociation curve to the right, decreasing the oxygen saturation of haemoglobin.
Finally, normal pH, normal lactate, and normal SaO2 are unlikely to be found in this patient shortly after a seizure. However, if the venous blood gas test was taken days after the seizure following an uncomplicated clinical course, these findings would be more plausible.
Understanding the Oxygen Dissociation Curve
The oxygen dissociation curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between the percentage of saturated haemoglobin and the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood. It is not influenced by the concentration of haemoglobin. The curve can shift to the left or right, indicating changes in oxygen delivery to tissues. When the curve shifts to the left, there is increased saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen, resulting in decreased oxygen delivery to tissues. Conversely, when the curve shifts to the right, there is reduced saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen, leading to enhanced oxygen delivery to tissues.
The L rule is a helpful mnemonic to remember the factors that cause a shift to the left, resulting in lower oxygen delivery. These factors include low levels of hydrogen ions (alkali), low partial pressure of carbon dioxide, low levels of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, and low temperature. On the other hand, the mnemonic ‘CADET, face Right!’ can be used to remember the factors that cause a shift to the right, leading to raised oxygen delivery. These factors include carbon dioxide, acid, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, exercise, and temperature.
Understanding the oxygen dissociation curve is crucial in assessing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and the delivery of oxygen to tissues. By knowing the factors that can shift the curve to the left or right, healthcare professionals can make informed decisions in managing patients with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
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- Respiratory System
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