Question 1
A 33-year-old woman delivers a baby boy in the delivery room. The midwife observes microcephaly, polydactyly, and low-set ears during the neonatal assessment. Trisomy 13 is confirmed through rapid genetic testing. What is the most commonly associated cardiac abnormality with this condition?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ventricular septal defect
Explanation:Understanding Ventricular Septal Defect
Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a common congenital heart disease that affects many individuals. It is caused by a hole in the wall that separates the two lower chambers of the heart. In some cases, VSDs may close on their own, but in other cases, they require specialized management.
There are various causes of VSDs, including chromosomal disorders such as Down’s syndrome, Edward’s syndrome, Patau syndrome, and cri-du-chat syndrome. Congenital infections and post-myocardial infarction can also lead to VSDs. The condition can be detected during routine scans in utero or may present post-natally with symptoms such as failure to thrive, heart failure, hepatomegaly, tachypnea, tachycardia, pallor, and a pansystolic murmur.
Management of VSDs depends on the size and symptoms of the defect. Small VSDs that are asymptomatic may require monitoring, while moderate to large VSDs may result in heart failure and require nutritional support, medication for heart failure, and surgical closure of the defect.
Complications of VSDs include aortic regurgitation, infective endocarditis, Eisenmenger’s complex, right heart failure, and pulmonary hypertension. Eisenmenger’s complex is a severe complication that results in cyanosis and clubbing and is an indication for a heart-lung transplant. Women with pulmonary hypertension are advised against pregnancy as it carries a high risk of mortality.
In conclusion, VSD is a common congenital heart disease that requires specialized management. Early detection and appropriate treatment can prevent severe complications and improve outcomes for affected individuals.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 2
A 78-year-old woman has recently been diagnosed with heart failure following 10 months of progressive breathlessness and swelling in her ankles. She has been prescribed several medications and provided with lifestyle recommendations. What are the two types of infections that she is most susceptible to due to her recent diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Chest infections and ulcerated cellulitic legs
Explanation:As a result of the volume overload caused by heart failure, she will have a higher susceptibility to chest infections due to pulmonary edema and leg infections due to peripheral edema.
Chronic heart failure can be managed through drug treatment, according to updated guidelines issued by NICE in 2018. While loop diuretics are useful in managing fluid overload, they do not reduce mortality in the long term. The first-line treatment for all patients is a combination of an ACE-inhibitor and a beta-blocker, with clinical judgement used to determine which one to start first. Aldosterone antagonists are recommended as second-line treatment, but potassium levels should be monitored as both ACE inhibitors and aldosterone antagonists can cause hyperkalaemia. Third-line treatment should be initiated by a specialist and may include ivabradine, sacubitril-valsartan, hydralazine in combination with nitrate, digoxin, and cardiac resynchronisation therapy. Other treatments include annual influenzae and one-off pneumococcal vaccines. Those with asplenia, splenic dysfunction, or chronic kidney disease may require a booster every 5 years.
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Question 3
A father is extremely worried that his 2-day-old baby appears blue following a forceps delivery. What causes the ductus arteriosus to close during birth?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Reduced level of prostaglandins
Explanation:During fetal development, the ductus arteriosus links the pulmonary artery to the proximal descending aorta. This enables blood from the right ventricle to bypass the non-functioning lungs and enter the systemic circulation.
After birth, the blood’s oxygen tension increases, and the level of prostaglandins decreases. These changes cause the patent ductus arteriosus to close. Additionally, an increase in left atrial pressure leads to the closure of the foramen ovale, which connects the left and right atria. Nitric oxide plays a role in vasodilation, particularly during pregnancy, but it is not directly responsible for duct closure. VEGF promotes angiogenesis in hypoxic conditions, but it is largely irrelevant in this context.
Understanding Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Patent ductus arteriosus is a type of congenital heart defect that is generally classified as ‘acyanotic’. However, if left uncorrected, it can eventually result in late cyanosis in the lower extremities, which is termed differential cyanosis. This condition is caused by a connection between the pulmonary trunk and descending aorta. Normally, the ductus arteriosus closes with the first breaths due to increased pulmonary flow, which enhances prostaglandins clearance. However, in some cases, this connection remains open, leading to patent ductus arteriosus.
This condition is more common in premature babies, those born at high altitude, or those whose mothers had rubella infection in the first trimester. The features of patent ductus arteriosus include a left subclavicular thrill, continuous ‘machinery’ murmur, large volume, bounding, collapsing pulse, wide pulse pressure, and heaving apex beat.
The management of patent ductus arteriosus involves the use of indomethacin or ibuprofen, which are given to the neonate. These medications inhibit prostaglandin synthesis and close the connection in the majority of cases. If patent ductus arteriosus is associated with another congenital heart defect amenable to surgery, then prostaglandin E1 is useful to keep the duct open until after surgical repair. Understanding patent ductus arteriosus is important for early diagnosis and management of this condition.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 4
A 55-year-old woman with resistant hypertension is currently on ramipril and amlodipine. The GP wants to add a diuretic that primarily acts on the distal convoluted tubule. What diuretic should be considered?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Bendroflumethiazide (thiazide diuretic)
Explanation:Thiazide diuretics are medications that work by blocking the thiazide-sensitive Na+-Cl− symporter, which inhibits sodium reabsorption at the beginning of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). This results in the loss of potassium as more sodium reaches the collecting ducts. While thiazide diuretics are useful in treating mild heart failure, loop diuretics are more effective in reducing overload. Bendroflumethiazide was previously used to manage hypertension, but recent NICE guidelines recommend other thiazide-like diuretics such as indapamide and chlorthalidone.
Common side effects of thiazide diuretics include dehydration, postural hypotension, and electrolyte imbalances such as hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and hypercalcemia. Other potential adverse effects include gout, impaired glucose tolerance, and impotence. Rare side effects may include thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, photosensitivity rash, and pancreatitis.
It is worth noting that while thiazide diuretics may cause hypercalcemia, they can also reduce the incidence of renal stones by decreasing urinary calcium excretion. According to current NICE guidelines, the management of hypertension involves the use of thiazide-like diuretics, along with other medications and lifestyle changes, to achieve optimal blood pressure control and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 5
How many valves are present between the right atrium and the superior vena cava (SVC)?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: None
Explanation:Inserting a CVP line from the internal jugular vein into the right atrium is relatively easy due to the absence of valves.
The Superior Vena Cava: Anatomy, Relations, and Developmental Variations
The superior vena cava (SVC) is a large vein that drains blood from the head and neck, upper limbs, thorax, and part of the abdominal walls. It is formed by the union of the subclavian and internal jugular veins, which then join to form the right and left brachiocephalic veins. The SVC is located in the anterior margins of the right lung and pleura, and is related to the trachea and right vagus nerve posteromedially, and the posterior aspects of the right lung and pleura posterolaterally. The pulmonary hilum is located posteriorly, while the right phrenic nerve and pleura are located laterally on the right side, and the brachiocephalic artery and ascending aorta are located laterally on the left side.
Developmental variations of the SVC are recognized, including anomalies of its connection and interruption of the inferior vena cava (IVC) in its abdominal course. In some individuals, a persistent left-sided SVC may drain into the right atrium via an enlarged orifice of the coronary sinus, while in rare cases, the left-sided vena cava may connect directly with the superior aspect of the left atrium, usually associated with an unroofing of the coronary sinus. Interruption of the IVC may occur in patients with left-sided atrial isomerism, with drainage achieved via the azygos venous system.
Overall, understanding the anatomy, relations, and developmental variations of the SVC is important for medical professionals in diagnosing and treating related conditions.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 6
During a routine visit, a 76-year-old man with a history of stable angina informs his GP about his recent hospitalization due to decompensated heart failure. The hospital staff had taken a brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) level which was found to be significantly elevated. He was treated with intravenous furosemide and responded positively. What are the cardiovascular impacts of BNP?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Decreases preload and afterload
Explanation:Brain natriuretic peptide is a peptide that is secreted by the myocardium in response to excessive stretching, typically seen in cases of heart failure. Its primary physiological roles include reducing systemic vascular resistance, thereby decreasing afterload, and increasing natriuresis and diuresis. This increased diuresis results in a decrease in venous blood volume, leading to a reduction in preload. The BNP level can be a valuable diagnostic tool for heart failure and may also serve as a prognostic indicator.
B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a hormone that is primarily produced by the left ventricular myocardium in response to strain. Although heart failure is the most common cause of elevated BNP levels, any condition that causes left ventricular dysfunction, such as myocardial ischemia or valvular disease, may also raise levels. In patients with chronic kidney disease, reduced excretion may also lead to elevated BNP levels. Conversely, treatment with ACE inhibitors, angiotensin-2 receptor blockers, and diuretics can lower BNP levels.
BNP has several effects, including vasodilation, diuresis, natriuresis, and suppression of both sympathetic tone and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Clinically, BNP is useful in diagnosing patients with acute dyspnea. A low concentration of BNP (<100 pg/mL) makes a diagnosis of heart failure unlikely, but elevated levels should prompt further investigation to confirm the diagnosis. Currently, NICE recommends BNP as a helpful test to rule out a diagnosis of heart failure. In patients with chronic heart failure, initial evidence suggests that BNP is an extremely useful marker of prognosis and can guide treatment. However, BNP is not currently recommended for population screening for cardiac dysfunction.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 7
Which of the following structures separates the subclavian artery from the subclavian vein?
And for the age change:
Which of the following structures separates the subclavian artery from the subclavian vein in a 30-year-old patient?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Scalenus anterior
Explanation:The scalenus anterior muscle separates the artery and vein. It originates from the transverse processes of C3, C4, C5, and C6 and inserts onto the scalene tubercle of the first rib.
The Subclavian Artery: Origin, Path, and Branches
The subclavian artery is a major blood vessel that supplies blood to the upper extremities, neck, and head. It has two branches, the left and right subclavian arteries, which arise from different sources. The left subclavian artery originates directly from the arch of the aorta, while the right subclavian artery arises from the brachiocephalic artery (trunk) when it bifurcates into the subclavian and the right common carotid artery.
From its origin, the subclavian artery travels laterally, passing between the anterior and middle scalene muscles, deep to scalenus anterior and anterior to scalenus medius. As it crosses the lateral border of the first rib, it becomes the axillary artery and is superficial within the subclavian triangle.
The subclavian artery has several branches that supply blood to different parts of the body. These branches include the vertebral artery, which supplies blood to the brain and spinal cord, the internal thoracic artery, which supplies blood to the chest wall and breast tissue, the thyrocervical trunk, which supplies blood to the thyroid gland and neck muscles, the costocervical trunk, which supplies blood to the neck and upper back muscles, and the dorsal scapular artery, which supplies blood to the muscles of the shoulder blade.
In summary, the subclavian artery is an important blood vessel that plays a crucial role in supplying blood to the upper extremities, neck, and head. Its branches provide blood to various parts of the body, ensuring proper functioning and health.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 8
A study investigates a novel diagnostic test for myocardial infarction (MI) in elderly patients. What metric would indicate the proportion of elderly patients without MI who received a negative test result?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Specificity
Explanation:The Specificity, Negative Predictive Value, Sensitivity, and Positive Predictive Value of a Medical Test
Medical tests are designed to accurately identify the presence or absence of a particular condition. In evaluating the effectiveness of a medical test, several measures are used, including specificity, negative predictive value, sensitivity, and positive predictive value. Specificity refers to the number of individuals without the condition who are accurately identified as such by the test. On the other hand, sensitivity refers to the number of individuals with the condition who are correctly identified by the test.
The negative predictive value of a medical test refers to the proportion of true negatives who are correctly identified by the test. This means that the test accurately identifies individuals who do not have the condition. The positive predictive value, on the other hand, refers to the proportion of true positives who are correctly identified by the test. This means that the test accurately identifies individuals who have the condition.
In summary, the specificity, negative predictive value, sensitivity, and positive predictive value of a medical test is crucial in evaluating its effectiveness in accurately identifying the presence or absence of a particular condition. These measures help healthcare professionals make informed decisions about patient care and treatment.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 9
Which section of the ECG indicates atrial depolarization?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: P wave
Explanation:The depolarization of the atria is represented by the P wave. It should be noted that the QRS complex makes it difficult to observe the repolarization of the atria.
Understanding the Normal ECG
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a diagnostic tool used to assess the electrical activity of the heart. The normal ECG consists of several waves and intervals that represent different phases of the cardiac cycle. The P wave represents atrial depolarization, while the QRS complex represents ventricular depolarization. The ST segment represents the plateau phase of the ventricular action potential, and the T wave represents ventricular repolarization. The Q-T interval represents the time for both ventricular depolarization and repolarization to occur.
The P-R interval represents the time between the onset of atrial depolarization and the onset of ventricular depolarization. The duration of the QRS complex is normally 0.06 to 0.1 seconds, while the duration of the P wave is 0.08 to 0.1 seconds. The Q-T interval ranges from 0.2 to 0.4 seconds depending upon heart rate. At high heart rates, the Q-T interval is expressed as a ‘corrected Q-T (QTc)’ by taking the Q-T interval and dividing it by the square root of the R-R interval.
Understanding the normal ECG is important for healthcare professionals to accurately interpret ECG results and diagnose cardiac conditions. By analyzing the different waves and intervals, healthcare professionals can identify abnormalities in the electrical activity of the heart and provide appropriate treatment.
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Question 10
An 85-year-old woman arrives at the emergency department with complaints of palpitations and difficulty breathing. During the examination, you observe an irregularly irregular pulse. After conducting an ECG, you discover the absence of P waves and a ventricular rate of 94 beats per minute. What specific part of the heart prevents a rapid atrial rate from transmitting to the ventricles?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Atrioventricular node
Explanation:The correct answer is the atrioventricular (AV) node, which is located within the atrioventricular septum near the septal cusp of the tricuspid valve. It regulates the spread of excitation from the atria to the ventricles.
The sinoatrial (SA) node is situated in the right atrium, at the top of the crista terminalis where the right atrium meets the superior vena cava. It is where cardiac impulses originate in a healthy heart.
The bundle of His is a group of specialized cardiac myocytes that transmit the electrical impulse from the AV node to the ventricles.
The Purkinje fibers are a collection of fibers that distribute the cardiac impulse throughout the muscular ventricular walls.
The bundle of Kent is not present in a healthy heart. It refers to the accessory pathway between the atria and ventricles that exists in Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome. This additional conduction pathway allows for fast conduction of impulses between the atria and ventricles, without the additional control of the AV node. This results in a type of supraventricular tachycardia known as an atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia.
The patient in the above question has presented with palpitations and shortness of breath. An irregularly irregular pulse is highly indicative of atrial fibrillation (AF). ECG signs of atrial fibrillation include an irregularly irregular rhythm and absent P waves. In AF, the impulses from the fibrillating heart are typically prevented from reaching the ventricles by the AV node.
The heart has four chambers and generates pressures of 0-25 mmHg on the right side and 0-120 mmHg on the left. The cardiac output is the product of heart rate and stroke volume, typically 5-6L per minute. The cardiac impulse is generated in the sino atrial node and conveyed to the ventricles via the atrioventricular node. Parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers project to the heart via the vagus and release acetylcholine and noradrenaline, respectively. The cardiac cycle includes mid diastole, late diastole, early systole, late systole, and early diastole. Preload is the end diastolic volume and afterload is the aortic pressure. Laplace’s law explains the rise in ventricular pressure during the ejection phase and why a dilated diseased heart will have impaired systolic function. Starling’s law states that an increase in end-diastolic volume will produce a larger stroke volume up to a point beyond which stroke volume will fall. Baroreceptor reflexes and atrial stretch receptors are involved in regulating cardiac output.
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Question 11
A woman is expecting a baby with Down's syndrome. At the routine 22-week scan, a congenital anomaly was detected. The doctor explained to her and her partner that the defect resolves spontaneously in approximately 50% of cases but can present with a pansystolic murmur after birth. What is the probable congenital defect being described?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ventricular septal defect
Explanation:Understanding Ventricular Septal Defect
Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a common congenital heart disease that affects many individuals. It is caused by a hole in the wall that separates the two lower chambers of the heart. In some cases, VSDs may close on their own, but in other cases, they require specialized management.
There are various causes of VSDs, including chromosomal disorders such as Down’s syndrome, Edward’s syndrome, Patau syndrome, and cri-du-chat syndrome. Congenital infections and post-myocardial infarction can also lead to VSDs. The condition can be detected during routine scans in utero or may present post-natally with symptoms such as failure to thrive, heart failure, hepatomegaly, tachypnea, tachycardia, pallor, and a pansystolic murmur.
Management of VSDs depends on the size and symptoms of the defect. Small VSDs that are asymptomatic may require monitoring, while moderate to large VSDs may result in heart failure and require nutritional support, medication for heart failure, and surgical closure of the defect.
Complications of VSDs include aortic regurgitation, infective endocarditis, Eisenmenger’s complex, right heart failure, and pulmonary hypertension. Eisenmenger’s complex is a severe complication that results in cyanosis and clubbing and is an indication for a heart-lung transplant. Women with pulmonary hypertension are advised against pregnancy as it carries a high risk of mortality.
In conclusion, VSD is a common congenital heart disease that requires specialized management. Early detection and appropriate treatment can prevent severe complications and improve outcomes for affected individuals.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 12
A 78-year-old man with an ST-elevation myocardial infarction receives bivalirudin, aspirin, and clopidogrel before undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. What is the mode of action of bivalirudin?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Reversible direct thrombin inhibitor
Explanation:Bivalirudin inhibits thrombin directly in a reversible manner.
Warfarin prevents the conversion of vitamin K to its active hydroquinone form by acting as an antagonist.
Heparins activate antithrombin II and also form inactive complexes with other clotting factors.
Aspirin inhibits COX.
Clopidogrel functions as a/an.
Bivalirudin: An Anticoagulant for Acute Coronary Syndrome
Bivalirudin is a medication that acts as a direct thrombin inhibitor, meaning it prevents the formation of blood clots. It is commonly used as an anticoagulant in the treatment of acute coronary syndrome, a condition where blood flow to the heart is blocked or reduced. Bivalirudin is a reversible inhibitor, meaning its effects can be reversed if necessary.
Acute coronary syndrome is a serious condition that can lead to heart attack or other complications if left untreated. Bivalirudin is an effective treatment option for preventing blood clots and reducing the risk of further complications. Its reversible nature also makes it a safer option for patients who may need to undergo surgery or other procedures while on anticoagulant therapy. Overall, bivalirudin is an important medication in the management of acute coronary syndrome and plays a crucial role in improving patient outcomes.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 13
A 67-year-old male arrives at the emergency department complaining of crushing chest pain, sweating, and palpitations. Upon examination, an ECG reveals ST elevation in leads V1-V4, indicating a myocardial infarction. Which coronary artery is most likely blocked?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Anterior descending artery
Explanation:Anteroseptal myocardial infarction is typically caused by blockage of the left anterior descending artery. This is supported by the patient’s symptoms and ST segment elevation in leads V1-V4, which correspond to the territory supplied by this artery. Other potential occlusions, such as the left circumflex artery, left marginal artery, posterior descending artery, or right coronary artery, would cause different changes in specific leads.
The following table displays the relationship between ECG changes and the affected coronary artery territories. Anteroseptal changes in V1-V4 indicate involvement of the left anterior descending artery, while inferior changes in II, III, and aVF suggest the right coronary artery is affected. Anterolateral changes in V4-6, I, and aVL may indicate involvement of either the left anterior descending or left circumflex artery, while lateral changes in I, aVL, and possibly V5-6 suggest the left circumflex artery is affected. Posterior changes in V1-3 may indicate a posterior infarction, which is typically caused by the left circumflex artery but can also be caused by the right coronary artery. Reciprocal changes of STEMI are often seen as horizontal ST depression, tall R waves, upright T waves, and a dominant R wave in V2. Posterior infarction is confirmed by ST elevation and Q waves in posterior leads (V7-9), usually caused by the left circumflex artery but also possibly the right coronary artery. It is important to note that a new LBBB may indicate acute coronary syndrome.
Diagram showing the correlation between ECG changes and coronary territories in acute coronary syndrome.
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Question 14
A 50-year-old UK born patient with end-stage kidney failure arrives at the emergency department complaining of sharp chest pain that subsides when sitting forward. The patient has not undergone dialysis yet. Upon conducting an ECG, it is observed that there is a widespread 'saddle-shaped' ST elevation and PR depression, leading to a diagnosis of pericarditis. What could be the probable cause of this pericarditis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Uraemia
Explanation:There is no indication of trauma in patients with advanced renal failure prior to dialysis initiation.
ECG results do not indicate a recent heart attack.
The patient’s age decreases the likelihood of malignancy.
Acute Pericarditis: Causes, Features, Investigations, and Management
Acute pericarditis is a possible diagnosis for patients presenting with chest pain. The condition is characterized by chest pain, which may be pleuritic and relieved by sitting forwards. Other symptoms include non-productive cough, dyspnoea, and flu-like symptoms. Tachypnoea and tachycardia may also be present, along with a pericardial rub.
The causes of acute pericarditis include viral infections, tuberculosis, uraemia, trauma, post-myocardial infarction, Dressler’s syndrome, connective tissue disease, hypothyroidism, and malignancy.
Investigations for acute pericarditis include ECG changes, which are often global/widespread, as opposed to the ‘territories’ seen in ischaemic events. The ECG may show ‘saddle-shaped’ ST elevation and PR depression, which is the most specific ECG marker for pericarditis. All patients with suspected acute pericarditis should have transthoracic echocardiography.
Management of acute pericarditis involves treating the underlying cause. A combination of NSAIDs and colchicine is now generally used as first-line treatment for patients with acute idiopathic or viral pericarditis.
In summary, acute pericarditis is a possible diagnosis for patients presenting with chest pain. The condition is characterized by chest pain, which may be pleuritic and relieved by sitting forwards, along with other symptoms. The causes of acute pericarditis are varied, and investigations include ECG changes and transthoracic echocardiography. Management involves treating the underlying cause and using a combination of NSAIDs and colchicine as first-line treatment.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 15
A 63-year-old woman is prescribed furosemide for ankle swelling. During routine monitoring, a blood test reveals an abnormality and an ECG shows new U waves, which were not present on a previous ECG. What electrolyte imbalance could be responsible for these symptoms and ECG changes?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Hypokalaemia
Explanation:The correct answer is hypokalaemia, which can be a side effect of furosemide. This condition is characterized by U waves on ECG, as well as small or absent T waves, prolonged PR interval, ST depression, and/or long QT. Hypercalcaemia, on the other hand, can cause shortening of the QT interval and J waves in severe cases. Hyperkalaemia is associated with tall-tented T waves, loss of P waves, broad QRS complexes, sinusoidal wave pattern, and/or ventricular fibrillation, and can be caused by various factors such as acute or chronic kidney disease, medications, diabetic ketoacidosis, and Addison’s disease. Hypernatraemia, which can be caused by dehydration or diabetes insipidus, does not typically result in ECG changes.
Hypokalaemia, a condition characterized by low levels of potassium in the blood, can be detected through ECG features. These include the presence of U waves, small or absent T waves (which may occasionally be inverted), a prolonged PR interval, ST depression, and a long QT interval. The ECG image provided shows typical U waves and a borderline PR interval. To remember these features, one user suggests the following rhyme: In Hypokalaemia, U have no Pot and no T, but a long PR and a long QT.
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Question 16
A 22-year-old male arrives at the emergency department complaining of palpitations and feeling lightheaded. The electrocardiogram reveals supraventricular tachycardia, and the registrar administers adenosine to try and correct the abnormal rhythm.
What is the mechanism of action of adenosine?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: A1 receptor agonist
Explanation:Adenosine is an agonist of the A1 receptor in the AV node, which inhibits adenylyl cyclase and reduces cAMP levels. This leads to hyperpolarisation by increasing potassium outflow, effectively preventing supraventricular tachycardia from continuing. It is important to note that adenosine is not an alpha receptor antagonist, beta-2 receptor agonist, or beta receptor antagonist.
Adenosine is commonly used to stop supraventricular tachycardias. Its effects are boosted by dipyridamole, an antiplatelet agent, but blocked by theophyllines. However, asthmatics should avoid it due to the risk of bronchospasm. Adenosine works by causing a temporary heart block in the AV node. It activates the A1 receptor in the atrioventricular node, which inhibits adenylyl cyclase, reducing cAMP and causing hyperpolarization by increasing outward potassium flux. Adenosine has a very short half-life of about 8-10 seconds and should be infused through a large-caliber cannula.
Adenosine can cause chest pain, bronchospasm, and transient flushing. It can also enhance conduction down accessory pathways, leading to an increased ventricular rate in conditions such as WPW syndrome.
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Question 17
The following result is obtained on a 48-year-old male who is admitted with acute onset chest pain:
Serum Cholesterol 7.3 mmol/L (<5.2)
He has a strong family history of ischaemic heart disease.
What abnormalities might be expected upon examination of this man?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Tendon nodules
Explanation:Familial Hypercholesterolaemia and its Manifestations
Familial hypercholesterolaemia is a condition characterized by high levels of cholesterol in the blood. This condition is often indicated by the deposition of cholesterol in various parts of the body. The history of the patient suggests that they may be suffering from familial hypercholesterolaemia. The deposition of cholesterol can be observed around the corneal arcus, around the eye itself (xanthelasma), and in tendons such as achilles, knuckles or triceps tendons (tendon xanthomas).
While dietary and lifestyle modifications are recommended, they are usually not enough to manage the condition. High dose lifelong statin therapy is often necessary to control the levels of cholesterol in the blood. It is important to seek medical attention and follow the recommended treatment plan to prevent further complications associated with familial hypercholesterolaemia. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends the use of statin therapy in conjunction with lifestyle modifications for the management of familial hypercholesterolaemia.
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Question 18
A 75-year-old man presents to the clinic with a chief complaint of dyspnea while in a supine position. Despite having a normal ejection fraction, what could be a potential cause for his symptoms?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: He has diastolic dysfunction
Explanation:When there is systolic dysfunction, the ejection fraction decreases as the stroke volume decreases. However, in cases of diastolic dysfunction, ejection fraction is not a reliable indicator as both stroke volume and end-diastolic volume may be reduced. Diastolic dysfunction occurs when the heart’s compliance is reduced.
Cardiovascular physiology involves the study of the functions and processes of the heart and blood vessels. One important measure of heart function is the left ventricular ejection fraction, which is calculated by dividing the stroke volume (the amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle with each heartbeat) by the end diastolic LV volume (the amount of blood in the left ventricle at the end of diastole) and multiplying by 100%. Another key measure is cardiac output, which is the amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute and is calculated by multiplying stroke volume by heart rate.
Pulse pressure is another important measure of cardiovascular function, which is the difference between systolic pressure (the highest pressure in the arteries during a heartbeat) and diastolic pressure (the lowest pressure in the arteries between heartbeats). Factors that can increase pulse pressure include a less compliant aorta (which can occur with age) and increased stroke volume.
Finally, systemic vascular resistance is a measure of the resistance to blood flow in the systemic circulation and is calculated by dividing mean arterial pressure (the average pressure in the arteries during a heartbeat) by cardiac output. Understanding these measures of cardiovascular function is important for diagnosing and treating cardiovascular diseases.
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Question 19
A 75-year-old man is scheduled for an arterial bypass surgery to treat foot ulceration and claudication. The distal arterial anastomosis will be formed using the anterior tibial artery. Which of the following structures is not in close proximity to it?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Tibialis posterior
Explanation:The anterior tibial artery is closely associated with the tibialis anterior muscle as it serves as one of the main arteries in the anterior compartment.
The anterior tibial artery starts opposite the lower border of the popliteus muscle and ends in front of the ankle, where it continues as the dorsalis pedis artery. As it descends, it runs along the interosseous membrane, the distal part of the tibia, and the front of the ankle joint. The artery passes between the tendons of the extensor digitorum and extensor hallucis longus muscles as it approaches the ankle. The deep peroneal nerve is closely related to the artery, lying anterior to the middle third of the vessel and lateral to it in the lower third.
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Question 20
A 67-year-old male presents with sudden onset of abdominal pain on the left side that radiates to his back. He also reports vomiting. The patient has no significant medical history.
Upon examination, the patient has a temperature of 37.5°C, a respiratory rate of 28/min, a pulse of 110/min, and a blood pressure of 160/82 mmHg. The abdomen is tender to touch, especially over the hypochondrium, and bowel sounds are present. Urinalysis reveals amylase 3+ with glucose 2+.
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Acute pancreatitis
Explanation:Possible Causes of Acute Abdominal Pain with Radiation to the Back
The occurrence of acute abdominal pain with radiation to the back can be indicative of two possible conditions: a dissection or rupture of an aortic aneurysm or pancreatitis. However, the presence of amylase in the urine suggests that the latter is more likely. Pancreatitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the pancreas, which can cause severe abdominal pain that radiates to the back. The presence of amylase in the urine is a common diagnostic marker for pancreatitis.
In addition, acute illness associated with pancreatitis can lead to impaired insulin release and increased gluconeogenesis, which can cause elevated glucose levels. Therefore, glucose levels may also be monitored in patients with suspected pancreatitis. It is important to promptly diagnose and treat pancreatitis as it can lead to serious complications such as pancreatic necrosis, sepsis, and organ failure.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 21
A 79-year-old man presents to a heart failure clinic with worsening peripheral oedema and seeks advice on potential treatment options. The patient has a medical history of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and chronic kidney disease. His current medication regimen includes ramipril, bisoprolol, atorvastatin, and furosemide.
The patient's laboratory results show a sodium level of 139 mmol/L (135 - 145), potassium level of 3.6 mmol/L (3.5 - 5.0), bicarbonate level of 24 mmol/L (22 - 29), urea level of 7.4 mmol/L (2.0 - 7.0), creatinine level of 132 µmol/L (55 - 120), and an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of 53 ml/min/1.73m2 (>60).
What adjustments should be made to the patient's furosemide treatment?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Increase the dose
Explanation:To ensure sufficient concentration of loop diuretics within the tubules, patients with poor renal function may require increased doses. This is because loop diuretics, such as furosemide, work by inhibiting the Na-K-Cl cotransporter in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle, which reduces the absorption of NaCl. As these diuretics work on the apical membrane, they must first be filtered into the tubules by the glomerulus before they can have an effect. Therefore, increasing the dose can help achieve the desired concentration within the tubules. The other options, such as changing to amlodipine, keeping the dose the same, or stopping immediately, are not appropriate in this scenario.
Loop Diuretics: Mechanism of Action and Clinical Applications
Loop diuretics, such as furosemide and bumetanide, are medications that inhibit the Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC) in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. By doing so, they reduce the absorption of NaCl, resulting in increased urine output. Loop diuretics act on NKCC2, which is more prevalent in the kidneys. These medications work on the apical membrane and must first be filtered into the tubules by the glomerulus before they can have an effect. Patients with poor renal function may require higher doses to ensure sufficient concentration in the tubules.
Loop diuretics are commonly used in the treatment of heart failure, both acutely (usually intravenously) and chronically (usually orally). They are also indicated for resistant hypertension, particularly in patients with renal impairment. However, loop diuretics can cause adverse effects such as hypotension, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypochloremic alkalosis, ototoxicity, hypocalcemia, renal impairment, hyperglycemia (less common than with thiazides), and gout. Therefore, careful monitoring of electrolyte levels and renal function is necessary when using loop diuretics.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 22
A 78-year-old woman with a history of heart failure visits the clinic complaining of constipation that has lasted for 5 days. Upon further inquiry, she mentions feeling weaker than usual this week and experiencing regular muscle cramps. During the examination, you observe reduced tone and hyporeflexia in both her upper and lower limbs. You suspect that her symptoms may be caused by hypokalaemia, which could be related to the diuretics she takes to manage her heart failure. Which of the following diuretics is known to be associated with hypokalaemia?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Furosemide
Explanation:Hypokalaemia is a potential side effect of loop diuretics such as furosemide. In contrast, potassium-sparing diuretics like spironolactone, triamterene, eplerenone, and amiloride are more likely to cause hyperkalaemia. The patient in the scenario is experiencing symptoms suggestive of hypokalaemia, including muscle weakness, cramps, and constipation. Hypokalaemia can also cause fatigue, myalgia, hyporeflexia, and in rare cases, paralysis.
Loop Diuretics: Mechanism of Action and Clinical Applications
Loop diuretics, such as furosemide and bumetanide, are medications that inhibit the Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC) in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. By doing so, they reduce the absorption of NaCl, resulting in increased urine output. Loop diuretics act on NKCC2, which is more prevalent in the kidneys. These medications work on the apical membrane and must first be filtered into the tubules by the glomerulus before they can have an effect. Patients with poor renal function may require higher doses to ensure sufficient concentration in the tubules.
Loop diuretics are commonly used in the treatment of heart failure, both acutely (usually intravenously) and chronically (usually orally). They are also indicated for resistant hypertension, particularly in patients with renal impairment. However, loop diuretics can cause adverse effects such as hypotension, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypochloremic alkalosis, ototoxicity, hypocalcemia, renal impairment, hyperglycemia (less common than with thiazides), and gout. Therefore, careful monitoring of electrolyte levels and renal function is necessary when using loop diuretics.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 23
A 82-year-old man visits the urology department complaining of a painful swelling in his left testicle that has been present for the past month. Upon examination, it is diagnosed as a left varicocele. Further CT scans reveal enlarged lymph nodes obstructing the venous drainage in the middle portion of his abdomen. Which vein is most likely to be compressed?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Left renal vein
Explanation:The left renal vein collects venous blood from the left testis through the left testicular/gonadal vein.
Both the left and right testes are drained by their respective testicular/gonadal veins. The right testicular vein empties directly into the inferior vena cava, while the left testicular vein drains into the left renal vein before joining the inferior vena cava.
Anatomy of the Inferior Vena Cava
The inferior vena cava (IVC) originates from the fifth lumbar vertebrae and is formed by the merging of the left and right common iliac veins. It passes to the right of the midline and receives drainage from paired segmental lumbar veins throughout its length. The right gonadal vein empties directly into the cava, while the left gonadal vein usually empties into the left renal vein. The renal veins and hepatic veins are the next major veins that drain into the IVC. The IVC pierces the central tendon of the diaphragm at the level of T8 and empties into the right atrium of the heart.
The IVC is related anteriorly to the small bowel, the first and third parts of the duodenum, the head of the pancreas, the liver and bile duct, the right common iliac artery, and the right gonadal artery. Posteriorly, it is related to the right renal artery, the right psoas muscle, the right sympathetic chain, and the coeliac ganglion.
The IVC is divided into different levels based on the veins that drain into it. At the level of T8, it receives drainage from the hepatic vein and inferior phrenic vein before piercing the diaphragm. At the level of L1, it receives drainage from the suprarenal veins and renal vein. At the level of L2, it receives drainage from the gonadal vein, and at the level of L1-5, it receives drainage from the lumbar veins. Finally, at the level of L5, the common iliac vein merges to form the IVC.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 24
A 12-year-old male patient has been diagnosed with Friedreich's ataxia, an autosomal recessive genetic disease that causes difficulty walking, a loss of sensation in the arms and legs and impaired speech that worsens over time. What condition should this patient be screened for as a result of having this disease?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
Explanation:Friedreich’s ataxia is a genetic disorder caused by a deficiency of the frataxin protein, which can lead to cardiac neuropathy and hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. This condition is not associated with haemophilia, coarctation of the aorta, streptococcal pharyngitis, Kawasaki disease, or coronary artery aneurysm. However, Group A streptococcal infections can cause acute rheumatic fever and chronic rheumatic heart disease, which are autoimmune diseases that affect the heart.
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) is a genetic disorder that affects muscle tissue and is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. It is caused by mutations in genes that encode contractile proteins, with the most common defects involving the β-myosin heavy chain protein or myosin-binding protein C. HOCM is characterized by left ventricle hypertrophy, which leads to decreased compliance and cardiac output, resulting in predominantly diastolic dysfunction. Biopsy findings show myofibrillar hypertrophy with disorganized myocytes and fibrosis. HOCM is often asymptomatic, but exertional dyspnea, angina, syncope, and sudden death can occur. Jerky pulse, systolic murmurs, and double apex beat are also common features. HOCM is associated with Friedreich’s ataxia and Wolff-Parkinson White. ECG findings include left ventricular hypertrophy, non-specific ST segment and T-wave abnormalities, and deep Q waves. Atrial fibrillation may occasionally be seen.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 25
A 50-year-old man presents to the emergency department with acute chest pain. His ECG reveals ST depression in leads II, III, & aVF, and his troponin levels are elevated. He is diagnosed with NSTEMI and prescribed ticagrelor as part of his treatment plan.
What is the mechanism of action of ticagrelor?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Inhibits ADP binding to platelet receptors
Explanation:Clopidogrel and ticagrelor have a similar mechanism of action in that they both inhibit the binding of ADP to platelet receptors. Heparin activates antithrombin III, which in turn inhibits factor Xa and IIa. DOACs like rivaroxaban directly inhibit factor Xa that is bound to the prothrombinase complex and associated with clots. Aspirin works by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, while warfarin inhibits VKORC1, which is responsible for the activation of vitamin K.
ADP receptor inhibitors, such as clopidogrel, prasugrel, ticagrelor, and ticlopidine, work by inhibiting the P2Y12 receptor, which leads to sustained platelet aggregation and stabilization of the platelet plaque. Clinical trials have shown that prasugrel and ticagrelor are more effective than clopidogrel in reducing short- and long-term ischemic events in high-risk patients with acute coronary syndrome or undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. However, ticagrelor may cause dyspnea due to impaired clearance of adenosine, and there are drug interactions and contraindications to consider for each medication. NICE guidelines recommend dual antiplatelet treatment with aspirin and ticagrelor for 12 months as a secondary prevention strategy for ACS.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 26
Where is the site of action of bendroflumethiazide in elderly patients?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Proximal part of the distal convoluted tubules
Explanation:Thiazides and thiazide-like medications, such as indapamide, work by blocking the Na+-Cl− symporter at the start of the distal convoluted tubule, which inhibits the reabsorption of sodium.
Thiazide diuretics are medications that work by blocking the thiazide-sensitive Na+-Cl− symporter, which inhibits sodium reabsorption at the beginning of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). This results in the loss of potassium as more sodium reaches the collecting ducts. While thiazide diuretics are useful in treating mild heart failure, loop diuretics are more effective in reducing overload. Bendroflumethiazide was previously used to manage hypertension, but recent NICE guidelines recommend other thiazide-like diuretics such as indapamide and chlorthalidone.
Common side effects of thiazide diuretics include dehydration, postural hypotension, and electrolyte imbalances such as hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and hypercalcemia. Other potential adverse effects include gout, impaired glucose tolerance, and impotence. Rare side effects may include thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, photosensitivity rash, and pancreatitis.
It is worth noting that while thiazide diuretics may cause hypercalcemia, they can also reduce the incidence of renal stones by decreasing urinary calcium excretion. According to current NICE guidelines, the management of hypertension involves the use of thiazide-like diuretics, along with other medications and lifestyle changes, to achieve optimal blood pressure control and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 27
A 29-year-old woman has presented herself for review at an antenatal clinic upon discovering her pregnancy.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Warfarin
Explanation:Understanding Warfarin: Mechanism of Action, Indications, Monitoring, Factors, and Side-Effects
Warfarin is an oral anticoagulant that has been widely used for many years to manage venous thromboembolism and reduce stroke risk in patients with atrial fibrillation. However, it has been largely replaced by direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) due to their ease of use and lack of need for monitoring. Warfarin works by inhibiting epoxide reductase, which prevents the reduction of vitamin K to its active hydroquinone form. This, in turn, affects the carboxylation of clotting factor II, VII, IX, and X, as well as protein C.
Warfarin is indicated for patients with mechanical heart valves, with the target INR depending on the valve type and location. Mitral valves generally require a higher INR than aortic valves. It is also used as a second-line treatment after DOACs for venous thromboembolism and atrial fibrillation, with target INRs of 2.5 and 3.5 for recurrent cases. Patients taking warfarin are monitored using the INR, which may take several days to achieve a stable level. Loading regimes and computer software are often used to adjust the dose.
Factors that may potentiate warfarin include liver disease, P450 enzyme inhibitors, cranberry juice, drugs that displace warfarin from plasma albumin, and NSAIDs that inhibit platelet function. Warfarin may cause side-effects such as haemorrhage, teratogenic effects, skin necrosis, temporary procoagulant state, thrombosis, and purple toes.
In summary, understanding the mechanism of action, indications, monitoring, factors, and side-effects of warfarin is crucial for its safe and effective use in patients. While it has been largely replaced by DOACs, warfarin remains an important treatment option for certain patients.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 28
A 32-year-old woman has been diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism and is scheduled for resection of a right inferior parathyroid adenoma. What embryological structure does this adenoma originate from?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Third pharyngeal pouch
Explanation:The third pharyngeal pouch gives rise to the inferior parathyroid, while the fourth pharyngeal pouch is responsible for the development of the superior parathyroid.
Anatomy and Development of the Parathyroid Glands
The parathyroid glands are four small glands located posterior to the thyroid gland within the pretracheal fascia. They develop from the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches, with those derived from the fourth pouch located more superiorly and associated with the thyroid gland, while those from the third pouch lie more inferiorly and may become associated with the thymus.
The blood supply to the parathyroid glands is derived from the inferior and superior thyroid arteries, with a rich anastomosis between the two vessels. Venous drainage is into the thyroid veins. The parathyroid glands are surrounded by various structures, with the common carotid laterally, the recurrent laryngeal nerve and trachea medially, and the thyroid anteriorly. Understanding the anatomy and development of the parathyroid glands is important for their proper identification and preservation during surgical procedures.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 29
A medical resident has been instructed by the geriatric consultant to review the medication chart of an elderly patient with a history of hypertension, heart failure, and biliary colic. The resident noticed a significant drop in systolic blood pressure upon standing and discontinued a medication that may have contributed to the postural hypotension. However, a few hours later, the patient's continuous cardiac monitoring showed tachycardia. Which medication cessation could have caused the tachycardia in this elderly patient?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Atenolol
Explanation:Abruptly stopping atenolol, a beta blocker, can lead to ‘rebound tachycardia’. None of the other drugs listed have been associated with this condition. While ramipril, an ace-inhibitor, may have contributed to the patient’s postural hypotension, it is not known to cause tachycardia upon cessation. Furosemide, a loop diuretic, can worsen postural hypotension by causing volume depletion, but it is not known to cause tachycardia upon discontinuation. Aspirin and clopidogrel, both antiplatelet drugs, are unlikely to be stopped abruptly and are not associated with either ‘rebound tachycardia’ or postural hypotension.
Beta-blockers are a class of drugs that are primarily used to manage cardiovascular disorders. They have a wide range of indications, including angina, post-myocardial infarction, heart failure, arrhythmias, hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, migraine prophylaxis, and anxiety. Beta-blockers were previously avoided in heart failure, but recent evidence suggests that certain beta-blockers can improve both symptoms and mortality. They have also replaced digoxin as the rate-control drug of choice in atrial fibrillation. However, their role in reducing stroke and myocardial infarction has diminished in recent years due to a lack of evidence.
Examples of beta-blockers include atenolol and propranolol, which was one of the first beta-blockers to be developed. Propranolol is lipid-soluble, which means it can cross the blood-brain barrier.
Like all drugs, beta-blockers have side-effects. These can include bronchospasm, cold peripheries, fatigue, sleep disturbances (including nightmares), and erectile dysfunction. There are also some contraindications to using beta-blockers, such as uncontrolled heart failure, asthma, sick sinus syndrome, and concurrent use with verapamil, which can precipitate severe bradycardia.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 30
A 26-year-old male smoker presents to the vascular clinic with complaints of pain and claudication in both legs. Upon examination, the patient exhibits poor pedal pulses, loss of leg hair, and a necrotic ulcer at the base of his 5th toe. An angiogram reveals corkscrew vessels in the vasa vasorum, which are responsible for supplying blood to the larger blood vessels in the legs.
Where in the wall of the blood vessel are these corkscrew vessels typically located?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Tunica adventitia
Explanation:Vasa vasorum are vessels found in the outermost layer of the blood vessel wall known as the tunica adventitia. They are the hallmark of Buerger’s disease, which presents with corkscrew vessels and can lead to amputation. The other answers do not contain the vasa vasorum.
Artery Histology: Layers of Blood Vessel Walls
The wall of a blood vessel is composed of three layers: the tunica intima, tunica media, and tunica adventitia. The innermost layer, the tunica intima, is made up of endothelial cells that are separated by gap junctions. The middle layer, the tunica media, contains smooth muscle cells and is separated from the intima by the internal elastic lamina and from the adventitia by the external elastic lamina. The outermost layer, the tunica adventitia, contains the vasa vasorum, fibroblast, and collagen. This layer is responsible for providing support and protection to the blood vessel. The vasa vasorum are small blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the larger blood vessels. The fibroblast and collagen provide structural support to the vessel wall. Understanding the histology of arteries is important in diagnosing and treating various cardiovascular diseases.
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