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  • Question 1 - A 32-year-old woman presents with dyspnoea on exertion and palpitations. She has an...


    • A 32-year-old woman presents with dyspnoea on exertion and palpitations. She has an irregularly irregular and tachycardic pulse, and a systolic murmur is heard on auscultation. An ECG reveals atrial fibrillation and right axis deviation, while an echocardiogram shows an atrial septal defect.
      What is true about the development of the atrial septum?

      Your Answer: The septum secundum grows down to the right of the septum primum


      During embryonic development, the septum primum grows down from the roof of the primitive atrium and fuses with the endocardial cushions. It initially has a hole called the ostium primum, which closes as the septum grows downwards. However, a second hole called the ostium secundum develops in the septum primum before fusion can occur. The septum secundum then grows downwards and to the right of the septum primum and ostium secundum. The foramen ovale is a passage through the septum secundum that allows blood to shunt from the right to the left atrium in the fetus, bypassing the pulmonary circulation. This defect closes at birth due to a drop in pressure within the pulmonary circulation after the infant takes a breath. If there is overlap between the foramen ovale and ostium secundum or if the ostium primum fails to close, an atrial septal defect results. This defect does not cause cyanosis because oxygenated blood flows from left to right through the defect.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 2 - A 35-year-old woman presents to her Accident and Emergency with visual loss. She...


    • A 35-year-old woman presents to her Accident and Emergency with visual loss. She has known persistently uncontrolled hypertension, previously managed in the community. Blood tests are performed as follows:
      Investigation Patient Normal value
      Sodium (Na+) 148 mmol/l 135–145 mmol/l
      Potassium (K+) 2.7 mmol/l 3.5–5.0 mmol/l
      Creatinine 75 μmol/l 50–120 µmol/
      Chloride (Cl–) 100 mEq/l 96–106 mEq/l
      What is the next most appropriate investigation?

      Your Answer: 24 hour urine metanephrine levels

      Correct Answer: Aldosterone-to-renin ratio


      Investigating Hypertension in a Young Patient: The Importance of Aldosterone-to-Renin Ratio

      Hypertension in a young patient with hypernatraemia and hypokalaemia can be caused by renal artery stenosis or an aldosterone-secreting adrenal adenoma. To determine the cause, measuring aldosterone levels alone is not enough. Both renin and aldosterone levels should be measured, and the aldosterone-to-renin ratio should be evaluated. If hyperaldosteronism is confirmed, CT or MRI of the adrenal glands is done to locate the cause. If both are normal, adrenal vein sampling may be performed. MR angiogram of renal arteries is not a first-line investigation. Similarly, CT angiogram of renal arteries should not be the first choice. 24-hour urine metanephrine levels are not useful in this scenario. The electrolyte abnormalities point towards elevated aldosterone levels, not towards a phaeochromocytoma.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 3 - A 60-year-old woman undergoes cardiac catheterisation. A catheter is inserted in her right...


    • A 60-year-old woman undergoes cardiac catheterisation. A catheter is inserted in her right femoral vein in the femoral triangle and advanced through the iliac veins and inferior vena cava to the right side of the heart so that right chamber pressures can be recorded.
      What two other structures pass within the femoral triangle?

      Your Answer: Saphenous vein, femoral nerve

      Correct Answer: Femoral artery, femoral nerve


      Anatomy of the Femoral Triangle

      The femoral triangle is a triangular area on the anterior aspect of the thigh, formed by the crossing of various muscles. Within this area, the femoral vein, femoral artery, and femoral nerve lie medial to lateral (VAN). It is important to note that the inguinal lymph nodes and saphenous vein are not part of the femoral triangle. Understanding the anatomy of the femoral triangle is crucial for medical professionals when performing procedures in this area.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 4 - A 25-year-old woman attends a new patient health check at the General Practice...


    • A 25-year-old woman attends a new patient health check at the General Practice surgery she has recently joined. She mentions she occasionally gets episodes of palpitations and light-headedness and has done so for several years. Her pulse is currently regular, with a rate of 70 bpm, and her blood pressure is 110/76 mmHg. A full blood count is sent, which comes back as normal. The general practitioner requests an electrocardiogram (ECG), which shows a widened QRS complex with a slurred upstroke and a shortened PR interval.
      Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

      Correct Answer: Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome


      Common Cardiac Conditions and Their ECG Findings

      Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is a condition that affects young people and is characterized by episodes of syncope and palpitations. It is caused by an accessory pathway from the atria to the ventricles that bypasses the normal atrioventricular node. The ECG shows a slurred upstroke to the QRS complex, known as a delta wave, which reflects ventricular pre-excitation. Re-entry circuits can form, leading to tachyarrhythmias and an increased risk of ventricular fibrillation.

      Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is an inherited condition that presents in young adulthood and is the most common cause of sudden cardiac death in the young. Symptoms include syncope, dyspnea, palpitations, and abnormal ECG findings, which may include conduction abnormalities, arrhythmias, left ventricular hypertrophy, and ST or T wave changes.

      First-degree heart block is characterized by a prolonged PR interval and may be caused by medication, electrolyte imbalances, or post-myocardial infarction. It may also be a normal variant in young, healthy individuals.

      Ebstein’s anomaly typically presents in childhood and young adulthood with fatigue, palpitations, cyanosis, and breathlessness on exertion. The ECG shows right bundle branch block and signs of atrial enlargement, such as tall, broad P waves.

      Mobitz type II atrioventricular block is a type of second-degree heart block that is characterized by a stable PR interval with some non-conducted beats. It often progresses to complete heart block. Mobitz type I (Wenckebach) block, on the other hand, is characterized by a progressively lengthening PR interval, followed by a non-conducted beat and a reset of the PR interval back to a shorter value.

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      • Cardiology
  • Question 5 - An 80-year-old man with aortic stenosis came for his annual check-up. During the...


    • An 80-year-old man with aortic stenosis came for his annual check-up. During the visit, his blood pressure was measured at 110/90 mmHg and his carotid pulse was slow-rising. What is the most severe symptom that indicates a poor prognosis in aortic stenosis?

      Your Answer: Syncope


      Symptoms and Mortality Risk in Aortic Stenosis

      Aortic stenosis is a serious condition that can lead to decreased cerebral perfusion and potentially fatal outcomes. Here are some common symptoms and their associated mortality risks:

      – Syncope: This is a major concern and indicates the need for valve replacement, regardless of valve area.
      – Chest pain: While angina can occur due to reduced diastolic coronary perfusion time and increased left ventricular mass, it is not as significant as syncope in predicting mortality.
      – Cough: Aortic stenosis typically does not cause coughing.
      – Palpitations: Unless confirmed to be non-sustained ventricular tachycardia, palpitations do not increase mortality risk.
      – Orthostatic dizziness: Mild decreased cerebral perfusion can cause dizziness upon standing, but this symptom alone does not confer additional mortality risk.

      It is important to be aware of these symptoms and seek medical attention if they occur, as aortic stenosis can be a life-threatening condition.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 6 - A 72-year-old man is brought by ambulance to Accident and Emergency. He presents...


    • A 72-year-old man is brought by ambulance to Accident and Emergency. He presents with central crushing chest pain and has ST-segment elevation present on an electrocardiogram (ECG). You are at a District General Hospital without access to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), and you will not be able to transfer the patient across for PCI in time.
      Which of the following is an absolute contraindication to thrombolysis?

      Your Answer: Active peptic ulceration

      Correct Answer: Brain neoplasm


      Relative and Absolute Contraindications to Thrombolysis

      Thrombolysis is a treatment option for patients with ongoing cardiac ischemia and presentation within 12 hours of onset of pain. However, it is important to consider both relative and absolute contraindications before administering thrombolysis.

      Cerebral neoplasm is the only absolute contraindication, while advanced liver disease, severe hypertension (not meeting absolute contraindication values), active peptic ulceration, and pregnancy or recent delivery are all relative contraindications.

      Primary PCI is the preferred treatment option if available, but thrombolysis can be used as an alternative if necessary. The benefit of thrombolysis decreases over time, and a target time of less than 30 minutes from admission is recommended. Thrombolysis should not be given if the onset of pain is more than 24 hours after presentation.

      It is important to carefully consider contraindications before administering thrombolysis to ensure patient safety and optimal treatment outcomes.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 7 - A 68-year-old man presents to his general practitioner (GP) with shortness of breath....


    • A 68-year-old man presents to his general practitioner (GP) with shortness of breath. He describes shortness of breath on exertion and feeling short of breath when he lies flat. He now uses four pillows when sleeping. His past medical history is remarkable for hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and type II diabetes.
      On examination, he has bilateral crepitation, a jugular venous pressure (JVP) of 5 cm and pitting oedema up to his shins. Despite these symptoms, his oxygen saturation is 99% and he is functioning normally at home. He says the symptoms started gradually about 6 months ago and have progressed slowly since.
      Which of the following should the GP do first to confirm the provisional diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Serum brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)


      The first-line investigation for heart failure in primary care is checking the levels of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), according to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines. BNP levels are widely available, non-invasive, quick, and cost-efficient. A normal BNP level can rule out heart failure, but if it is abnormal, an echocardiogram should be done within 6 weeks if it is raised and within 2 weeks if it is very high. Patients with a history of myocardial infarction should have an echocardiogram straightaway. An echocardiogram is the most definitive test diagnostically, as it can accurately assess various parameters. Troponin T level is used to assess myocardial injury resulting from a myocardial infarction, but it is not relevant in chronic heart failure. Myocardial perfusion scans are useful in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease, but they are not the first-line investigation for heart failure. An ECG may be helpful, but it is not sensitive or specific enough to be used as a conclusive diagnostic tool. A chest X-ray can show features of heart failure, but they are usually found in progressed chronic congestive heart failure, which are unlikely to be present at the very first presentation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 8 - A 61-year-old man comes to his General Practitioner complaining of increasing exertional dyspnoea...


    • A 61-year-old man comes to his General Practitioner complaining of increasing exertional dyspnoea accompanied by bilateral peripheral oedema. He reports feeling extremely fatigued lately. During the physical examination, his lungs are clear, but he has ascites. On auscultation of his heart sounds, you detect a holosystolic murmur with a high pitch at the left sternal edge, extending to the right sternal edge. What is the probable reason for this patient's symptoms?

      Your Answer: Mitral regurgitation

      Correct Answer: Tricuspid regurgitation


      Differentiating Heart Murmurs and Symptoms

      Tricuspid regurgitation is characterized by signs of right heart failure, such as dyspnea and peripheral edema, and a classical murmur. The backflow of blood to the right atrium leads to right heart dilation, weakness, and eventually failure, resulting in ascites and poor ejection fraction causing edema.

      Mitral regurgitation has a similar murmur to tricuspid regurgitation but is heard best at the apex.

      Aortic regurgitation is identified by an early diastolic decrescendo murmur at the left sternal edge.

      Aortic stenosis does not typically result in ascites, and its murmur is ejection systolic.

      Pulmonary stenosis is characterized by a mid-systolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur best heard over the pulmonary post and not a holosystolic murmur at the left sternal edge.

      Understanding Heart Murmurs and Symptoms

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 9 - A 38-year-old man presents to his GP for a routine health check. Upon...


    • A 38-year-old man presents to his GP for a routine health check. Upon physical examination, no abnormalities are found. However, laboratory test results reveal the following:
      - Serum glucose: 4.5 mmol/L
      - Haemoglobin A1c: 4.2% (22 mmol/mol)
      - Total cholesterol: 5.8 mmol/L
      - LDL cholesterol: 4.2 mmol/L
      - HDL cholesterol: 0.6 mmol/L

      Based on these results, what is the most likely mechanism for injury to the vascular endothelium in this patient?

      Your Answer: Accumulation of sorbitol

      Correct Answer: Collection of lipid in foam cells


      Atherosclerosis and Related Conditions

      Atherosclerosis is a condition characterized by the accumulation of lipids in arterial walls, leading to the formation of atheromas. This process is often associated with hypercholesterolemia, where there is an increase in LDL cholesterol that can become oxidized and taken up by arterial wall LDL receptors. The oxidized LDL is then collected in macrophages, forming foam cells, which are precursors to atheromas. This process is exacerbated by hypertension, smoking, and diabetes, which can lead to the degradation of LDL to oxidized LDL and its uptake into arterial walls via scavenger receptors in macrophages.

      Diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia is also associated with the accumulation of sorbitol in tissues that do not require insulin for glucose uptake. This accumulation can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. However, neutrophilic inflammation, which is often the result of infection, is not related to atherosclerosis and is unusual in arteries. Additionally, atherosclerosis is not a neoplastic process, although mutations can result in neoplastic transformation.

      Overall, the process of atherogenesis is slow and does not involve significant inflammation or activation of complement. the underlying mechanisms of atherosclerosis and related conditions can help in the development of effective prevention and treatment strategies.

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      • Cardiology
  • Question 10 - A 40-year-old male patient complains of shortness of breath, weight loss, and night...


    • A 40-year-old male patient complains of shortness of breath, weight loss, and night sweats for the past six weeks. Despite being generally healthy, he is experiencing these symptoms. During the examination, the patient's fingers show clubbing, and his temperature is 37.8°C. His pulse is 88 beats per minute, and his blood pressure is 128/80 mmHg. Upon listening to his heart, a pansystolic murmur is audible. What signs are likely to be found in this patient?

      Your Answer: Cyanosis

      Correct Answer: Splinter haemorrhages


      Symptoms and Diagnosis of Infective Endocarditis

      This individual has a lengthy medical history of experiencing night sweats and has developed clubbing of the fingers, along with a murmur. These symptoms are indicative of infective endocarditis. In addition to splinter hemorrhages in the nails, other symptoms that may be present include Roth spots in the eyes, Osler’s nodes and Janeway lesions in the palms and fingers of the hands, and splenomegaly instead of cervical lymphadenopathy. Cyanosis is not typically associated with clubbing and may suggest idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or cystic fibrosis in younger individuals. However, this individual has no prior history of cystic fibrosis and has only been experiencing symptoms for six weeks.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 11 - A 55-year-old woman arrives at the emergency department with a two hour history...


    • A 55-year-old woman arrives at the emergency department with a two hour history of central crushing chest pain. She has a history of ischaemic heart disease and poorly controlled diabetes. The ECG shows ST-elevation in V1, V2 and V3, and her serum troponin levels are elevated. What is the most suitable definitive management approach?

      Your Answer: Therapeutic alteplase

      Correct Answer: Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)


      Treatment Options for ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)

      ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) is a medical emergency that requires immediate intervention. The diagnosis of STEMI is confirmed through cardiac sounding chest pain and evidence of ST-elevation on the ECG. The primary treatment option for STEMI is immediate revascularization through primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and placement of a cardiac stent.

      Therapeutic alteplase, a thrombolytic agent, used to be a common treatment option for STEMI, but it has been largely replaced by primary PCI due to its superior therapeutic outcomes. Aspirin is routinely given in myocardial infarction, and clopidogrel may also be given, although many centers are now using ticagrelor instead.

      High-flow oxygen and intravenous morphine may be used for adequate analgesia and resuscitation, but the primary treatment remains primary PCI and revascularization. Routine use of high flow oxygen in non-hypoxic patients with an acute coronary syndrome is no longer advocated.

      It is crucial to avoid delaying treatment for STEMI, as it can lead to further deterioration of the patient and increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmia or arrest. Therefore, waiting for troponin results before further management is not an appropriate option. The diagnosis of STEMI can be made through history and ECG findings, and immediate intervention is necessary for optimal outcomes.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 12 - A 45-year-old man is referred to the Cardiology Clinic for a check-up. On...


    • A 45-year-old man is referred to the Cardiology Clinic for a check-up. On cardiac auscultation, an early systolic ejection click is found. A blowing diastolic murmur is also present and best heard over the third left intercostal space, close to the sternum. S1 and S2 heart sounds are normal. There are no S3 or S4 sounds. He denies any shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness or episodes of fainting.
      What is the most likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Aortic stenosis and flow murmur

      Correct Answer: Bicuspid aortic valve without calcification


      Differentiating between cardiac conditions based on murmurs and clicks

      Bicuspid aortic valve without calcification is a common congenital heart malformation in adults. It is characterized by an early systolic ejection click and can also present with aortic regurgitation and/or stenosis, resulting in a blowing early diastolic murmur and/or systolic ejection murmur. However, if there is no systolic ejection murmur, it can be assumed that there is no valvular stenosis or calcification. Bicuspid aortic valves are not essentially associated with stenosis and only become symptomatic later in life when significant calcification is present.

      On the other hand, a bicuspid aortic valve with significant calcification will result in aortic stenosis and an audible systolic ejection murmur. This can cause chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, or syncope. The absence of a systolic murmur in this case excludes aortic stenosis.

      Mixed aortic stenosis and regurgitation can also be ruled out if there is no systolic ejection murmur. An early systolic ejection click without an ejection murmur or with a short ejection murmur is suggestive of a bicuspid aortic valve.

      Aortic regurgitation alone will not cause an early systolic ejection click. This is often associated with aortic or pulmonary stenosis or a bicuspid aortic valve.

      Lastly, aortic stenosis causes a systolic ejection murmur, while flow murmurs are always systolic in nature and not diastolic.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 13 - A 68-year-old man presents with severe epigastric pain and nausea. He reports not...


    • A 68-year-old man presents with severe epigastric pain and nausea. He reports not having a bowel movement in 3 days, despite normal bowel habits prior to this. The patient has a history of coronary stents placed after a heart attack 10 years ago. He has been asymptomatic since then and takes aspirin for his cardiac condition and NSAIDs for knee arthritis. He has not consumed alcohol in the past 5 years due to a previous episode of acute gastritis.

      On examination, there is mild tenderness over the epigastrium but no guarding. Bowel sounds are normal. An erect CXR and abdominal X-ray are unremarkable. Blood gases and routine blood tests (FBC, U&E, LFTs) are normal, with a normal amylase. Upper GI endoscopy reveals gastric erosions.

      What is the most important differential diagnosis to consider for this patient?

      Your Answer: Myocardial infarction


      Possible Diagnoses for a Patient with Epigastric Pain and History of Cardiac Stents

      A patient with a history of cardiac stents presents with epigastric pain. The following are possible diagnoses that should be considered.

      Myocardial Infarction:
      Due to the patient’s history of cardiac stents, ruling out a myocardial infarction (MI) is crucial. An electrocardiogram (ECG) should be performed early to treat any existing cardiac condition without delay.

      Duodenal Ulcer:
      A duodenal ulcer would have likely been visualized on an oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD). However, a normal erect CXR and absence of peritonitis exclude a perforated duodenal ulcer.

      Acute Gastritis:
      Given the patient’s history of aspirin and NSAID use, as well as the gastric erosions visualized on endoscopy, acute gastritis is the most likely diagnosis. However, it is important to first exclude MI as a cause of the patient’s symptoms due to their history of MI and presentation of epigastric pain.

      Pancreatitis is unlikely, given the normal amylase. However, on occasion, this can be normal in cases depending on the timing of the blood test or whether the pancreas has had previous chronic inflammation.

      Ischaemic Bowel:
      Ischaemic bowel would present with more generalized abdominal pain and metabolic lactic acidosis on blood gas. Therefore, it is less likely to be the cause of the patient’s symptoms.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 14 - A 42-year-old man felt dizzy at work and later had a rhythm strip...


    • A 42-year-old man felt dizzy at work and later had a rhythm strip (lead II) performed in the Emergency Department. It reveals one P wave for every QRS complex and a PR interval of 240 ms.
      What does this rhythm strip reveal?

      Your Answer: Second-degree heart block, Mobitz type 2

      Correct Answer: First-degree heart block


      Understanding Different Types of Heart Block

      Heart block is a condition where the electrical signals that control the heartbeat are disrupted, leading to an abnormal heart rhythm. There are different types of heart block, each with its own characteristic features.

      First-degree heart block is characterized by a prolonged PR interval, but with a 1:1 ratio of P waves to QRS complexes. This type of heart block is usually asymptomatic and does not require treatment.

      Second-degree heart block can be further divided into two types: Mobitz type 1 and Mobitz type 2. Mobitz type 1, also known as Wenckebach’s phenomenon, is characterized by a progressive lengthening of the PR interval until a QRS complex is dropped. Mobitz type 2, on the other hand, is characterized by intermittent P waves that fail to conduct to the ventricles, leading to intermittent dropped QRS complexes. This type of heart block often progresses to complete heart block.

      Complete heart block, also known as third-degree heart block, occurs when there is no association between P waves and QRS complexes. The ventricular rate is often slow, reflecting a ventricular escape rhythm as the ventricles are no longer controlled by the sinoatrial node pacemaker. This type of heart block requires immediate medical attention.

      Understanding the different types of heart block is important for proper diagnosis and treatment. If you experience any symptoms of heart block, such as dizziness, fainting, or chest pain, seek medical attention right away.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 15 - A 60-year-old man comes to the hospital with sudden central chest pain. An...


    • A 60-year-old man comes to the hospital with sudden central chest pain. An ECG is done and shows ST elevation, indicating an infarct on the inferior surface of the heart. The patient undergoes primary PCI, during which a blockage is discovered in a vessel located within the coronary sulcus.
      What is the most probable location of the occlusion?

      Your Answer: Coronary sinus

      Correct Answer: Right coronary artery


      Identifying the Affected Artery in a Myocardial Infarction

      Based on the ECG findings of ST elevation in the inferior leads and the primary PCI result of an occlusion within the coronary sulcus, it is likely that the right coronary artery has been affected. The anterior interventricular artery does not supply the inferior surface of the heart and does not lie within the coronary sulcus. The coronary sinus is a venous structure and is unlikely to be the site of occlusion. The right (acute) marginal artery supplies a portion of the inferior surface of the heart but does not run within the coronary sulcus. Although the left coronary artery lies within the coronary sulcus, the ECG findings suggest an infarction of the inferior surface of the heart, which is evidence for a right coronary artery event.

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      • Cardiology
  • Question 16 - A 28-year-old man presents with chest pain, 5/10 in intensity, which is aggravated...


    • A 28-year-old man presents with chest pain, 5/10 in intensity, which is aggravated by breathing deeply and improved by leaning forward. The chest pain is not radiating. He has a mild fever but denies nausea, vomiting, cough or haemoptysis. He has self-medicated for a common cold and sore throat 5 days previously. On the electrocardiogram (ECG), there is diffuse, mild ST segment elevation (on leads II, aVF and V2–V6) and PR depression.
      Which of the following findings is most likely to be observed on physical examination?

      Your Answer: Continuous systolic and diastolic murmur obscuring S2 sound and radiating to the back

      Correct Answer: Triphasic systolic and diastolic rub


      Common Heart Murmurs and Their Characteristics

      Pericarditis: Triphasic Systolic and Diastolic Rub
      Pericarditis is characterized by pleuritic chest pain that improves by leaning forward. A pericardial friction rub, with a scratchy, rubbing quality, is the classic cardiac auscultatory finding of pericarditis. It is often a high-pitched, triphasic systolic and diastolic murmur due to friction between the pericardial and visceral pericardium during ventricular contraction, ventricular filling, and atrial contraction.

      Mitral Regurgitation: High-Pitched Apical Pan-Systolic Murmur Radiating to the Axilla
      A high-pitched apical pan-systolic murmur radiating to the axilla is heard in mitral regurgitation.

      Coarctation of the Aorta: Continuous Systolic and Diastolic Murmur Obscuring S2 Sound and Radiating to the Back
      A continuous systolic and diastolic murmur obscuring S2 sound and radiating to the back is heard in coarctation of the aorta.

      Mitral Stenosis: Apical Opening Snap and Diastolic Rumble
      An apical diastolic rumble and opening snap are heard in mitral stenosis.

      Aortic Regurgitation: Soft-Blowing Early Diastolic Decrescendo Murmur, Loudest at the Third Left Intercostal Space
      A soft-blowing early diastolic decrescendo murmur, loudest at the second or third left intercostal space, is heard in aortic regurgitation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 17 - An 82-year-old woman is brought to the Emergency Department after experiencing a sudden...


    • An 82-year-old woman is brought to the Emergency Department after experiencing a sudden loss of consciousness while grocery shopping. Upon examination, she is fully alert and appears to be in good health.

      Her vital signs are normal, with a CBG of 5.8 mmol/l. However, her cardiovascular system shows an irregular, low volume heart rate of 90-110 beats per minute, and her blood pressure is 145/120 mmHg while lying down and standing up. Her JVP is raised by 5 cm, and her apex beat is displaced to the mid-axillary line, with diffuse heart sounds. A loud pansystolic murmur is heard at the apex, radiating to the axilla and at the lower left sternal edge, along with a mid-diastolic rumble best heard at the apex. There are occasional bibasal crackles in her chest, which clear up with coughing. Additionally, she has mild peripheral edema up to the mid-calf.

      Based on these clinical findings, what is the most likely cause of her collapse?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Mixed mitral valve disease


      This patient exhibits features of mixed mitral valve disease, which can be challenging to diagnose due to contradictory signs. She has a mid-diastolic rumble, low-volume pulse, and atrial fibrillation, indicating mitral stenosis. However, she also has a displaced apex beat and a pan-systolic murmur, indicating mitral regurgitation. Mixed aortic valve disease is also common in these patients. Aortic stenosis and mixed aortic valve disease are unlikely diagnoses based on the clinical findings, while mitral stenosis and mitral regurgitation alone do not fully explain the examination results.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 18 - A 61-year-old man experiences persistent, intense chest pain that spreads to his left...


    • A 61-year-old man experiences persistent, intense chest pain that spreads to his left arm. Despite taking multiple antacid tablets, he finds no relief. He eventually seeks medical attention at the Emergency Department and is diagnosed with a heart attack. He is admitted to the hospital and stabilized before being discharged five days later.
      About three weeks later, the man begins to experience a constant, burning sensation in his chest. He returns to the hospital, where a friction rub is detected during auscultation. Additionally, his heart sounds are muffled.
      What is the most likely cause of this complication, given the man's medical history?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Autoimmune phenomenon


      Understanding Dressler Syndrome

      Dressler syndrome is a condition that occurs several weeks after a myocardial infarction (MI) and results in fibrinous pericarditis with fever and pleuropericardial chest pain. It is believed to be an autoimmune phenomenon, rather than a result of viral, bacterial, or fungal infections. While these types of infections can cause pericarditis, they are less likely in the context of a recent MI. Chlamydial infection, in particular, does not cause pericarditis. Understanding the underlying cause of pericarditis is important for proper diagnosis and treatment of Dressler syndrome.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 19 - A patient comes to your general practice with deteriorating shortness of breath and...


    • A patient comes to your general practice with deteriorating shortness of breath and ankle swelling. You have been treating them for a few years for their congestive cardiac failure, which has been gradually worsening. Currently, the patient is at ease when resting, but standing up and walking a few steps cause their symptoms to appear. According to the New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification, what stage of heart failure are they in?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: III


      Understanding NYHA Classification for Heart Failure Patients

      The NYHA classification system is used to assess the severity of heart failure symptoms in patients. Class I indicates no limitation of physical activity, while class IV indicates severe limitations and symptoms even at rest. This patient falls under class III, with marked limitation of physical activity but no symptoms at rest. It is important for healthcare professionals to understand and use this classification system to properly manage and treat heart failure patients.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiology
  • Question 20 - A 33-year-old known intravenous drug user presents to your GP clinic with complaints...


    • A 33-year-old known intravenous drug user presents to your GP clinic with complaints of fatigue, night sweats and joint pain. During the examination, you observe a new early-diastolic murmur. What is the probable causative organism for this patient's condition?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Staphylococcus aureus


      Common Causes of Infective Endocarditis and their Characteristics

      Infective endocarditis is a serious condition that can lead to severe complications if left untreated. The most common causative organism of acute infective endocarditis is Staphylococcus aureus, especially in patients with risk factors such as prosthetic valves or intravenous drug use. Symptoms and signs consistent with infective endocarditis include fever, heart murmur, and arthritis, as well as pathognomonic signs like splinter hemorrhages, Osler’s nodes, Roth spots, Janeway lesions, and petechiae.

      Group B streptococci is less common than Staphylococcus aureus but has a high mortality rate of 70%. Streptococcus viridans is not the most common cause of infective endocarditis, but it does cause 50-60% of subacute cases. Group D streptococci is the third most common cause of infective endocarditis. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is not the most common cause of infective endocarditis and usually requires surgery for cure.

      In summary, knowing the characteristics of the different causative organisms of infective endocarditis can help in the diagnosis and treatment of this serious condition.

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      • Cardiology
  • Question 21 - A patient in their 60s with idiopathic pericarditis becomes increasingly unwell, with hypotension,...


    • A patient in their 60s with idiopathic pericarditis becomes increasingly unwell, with hypotension, jugular venous distention and muffled heart sounds on auscultation. Echocardiogram confirms a pericardial effusion.
      At which of the following sites does this effusion occur?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Between the visceral pericardium and the parietal pericardium


      Understanding the Site of Pericardial Effusion

      Pericardial effusion is a condition where excess fluid accumulates in the pericardial cavity, causing compression of the heart. To understand the site of pericardial effusion, it is important to know the layers of the pericardium.

      The pericardium has three layers: the fibrous pericardium, the parietal pericardium, and the visceral pericardium. The pericardial fluid is located in between the visceral and parietal pericardium, which is the site where a pericardial effusion occurs.

      It is important to note that pericardial effusion does not occur between the parietal pericardium and the fibrous pericardium, the visceral pericardium and the myocardium, the fibrous pericardium and the mediastinal pleura, or the fibrous pericardium and the central tendon of the diaphragm.

      In summary, pericardial effusion occurs at the site where pericardial fluid is normally produced – between the parietal and visceral layers of the serous pericardium. Understanding the site of pericardial effusion is crucial in diagnosing and treating this condition.

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      • Cardiology
  • Question 22 - A 60-year-old woman received a blood transfusion of 2 units of crossmatched blood...


    • A 60-year-old woman received a blood transfusion of 2 units of crossmatched blood 1 hour ago, following acute blood loss. She reports noticing a funny feeling in her chest, like her heart keeps missing a beat. You perform an electrocardiogram (ECG) which shows tall, tented T-waves and flattened P-waves in multiple leads.
      An arterial blood gas (ABG) test shows:
      Investigation Result Normal value
      Sodium (Na+) 136 mmol/l 135–145 mmol/l
      Potassium (K+) 7.1 mmol/l 5–5.0 mmol/l
      Chloride (Cl–) 96 mmol/l 95–105 mmol/l
      Given the findings, what treatment should be given immediately?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Calcium gluconate


      Treatment Options for Hyperkalaemia: Understanding the Role of Calcium Gluconate, Insulin and Dextrose, Calcium Resonium, Nebulised Salbutamol, and Dexamethasone

      Hyperkalaemia is a condition characterized by high levels of potassium in the blood, which can lead to serious complications such as arrhythmias. When a patient presents with hyperkalaemia and ECG changes, the initial treatment is calcium gluconate. This medication stabilizes the myocardial membranes by reducing the excitability of cardiomyocytes. However, it does not reduce potassium levels, so insulin and dextrose are needed to correct the underlying hyperkalaemia. Insulin shifts potassium intracellularly, reducing serum potassium levels by 0.6-1.0 mmol/l every 15 minutes. Nebulised salbutamol can also drive potassium intracellularly, but insulin and dextrose are preferred due to their increased effectiveness and decreased side-effects. Calcium Resonium is a slow-acting treatment that removes potassium from the body by binding it and preventing its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. While it can help reduce potassium levels in the long term, it is not effective in protecting the patient from arrhythmias acutely. Dexamethasone, a steroid, is not useful in the treatment of hyperkalaemia. Understanding the role of these treatment options is crucial in managing hyperkalaemia and preventing serious complications.

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      • Cardiology
  • Question 23 - A patient presents to the Emergency Department following a fracture dislocation of his...


    • A patient presents to the Emergency Department following a fracture dislocation of his ankle after a night out drinking vodka red-bulls. His blood pressure is low at 90/50 mmHg. He insists that it is never normally that low.
      Which one of these is a possible cause for this reading?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Incorrect cuff size (cuff too large)


      Common Factors Affecting Blood Pressure Readings

      Blood pressure readings can be affected by various factors, including cuff size, alcohol and caffeine consumption, white coat hypertension, pain, and more. It is important to be aware of these factors to ensure accurate readings.

      Incorrect Cuff Size:
      Using a cuff that is too large can result in an underestimation of blood pressure, while a cuff that is too small can cause a falsely elevated reading.

      Alcohol and Caffeine:
      Both alcohol and caffeine can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure.

      White Coat Hypertension:
      Many patients experience elevated blood pressure in medical settings due to anxiety. To obtain an accurate reading, blood pressure should be measured repeatedly on separate occasions.

      Pain is a common cause of blood pressure increase and should be taken into consideration during medical procedures. A significant rise in blood pressure during a procedure may indicate inadequate anesthesia.

      Factors Affecting Blood Pressure Readings

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  • Question 24 - At 15 years of age a boy develops rheumatic fever. Thirty-five years later,...


    • At 15 years of age a boy develops rheumatic fever. Thirty-five years later, he is admitted to hospital with weight loss, palpitations, breathlessness and right ventricular hypertrophy. On examination he is found to have an audible pan systolic murmur.
      Which heart valve is most likely to have been affected following rheumatic fever?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Mitral


      Rheumatic Heart Disease and Valve Involvement

      Rheumatic heart disease is a condition that results from acute rheumatic fever and causes progressive damage to the heart valves over time. The mitral valve is the most commonly affected valve, with damage patterns varying by age. Younger patients tend to have regurgitation, while those in adolescence have a mix of regurgitation and stenosis, and early adulthood onwards tend to have pure mitral stenosis. Aortic valve involvement can also occur later in life. In this case, the patient is likely experiencing mitral regurgitation, causing palpitations and breathlessness. While the pulmonary valve can be affected, it is rare, and tricuspid involvement is even rarer and only present in advanced stages. Aortic valve involvement can produce similar symptoms, but with different murmurs on examination. When the aortic valve is involved, all leaflets are affected.

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      • Cardiology
  • Question 25 - A 70-year-old man with a history of hyperlipidaemia, hypertension and angina arrives at...


    • A 70-year-old man with a history of hyperlipidaemia, hypertension and angina arrives at the Emergency Department with severe chest pain that radiates down his left arm. He is sweating heavily and the pain does not subside with rest or sublingual nitroglycerin. An electrocardiogram (ECG) reveals ST segment elevation in leads II, III and avF.

      What is the leading cause of death within the first hour after the onset of symptoms in this patient?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Arrhythmia


      After experiencing an inferior-wall MI, the most common cause of death within the first hour is a lethal arrhythmia, such as ventricular fibrillation. This can be caused by various factors, including ischaemia, toxic metabolites, or autonomic stimulation. If ventricular fibrillation occurs within the first 48 hours, it may be due to transient causes and not affect long-term prognosis. However, if it occurs after 48 hours, it is usually indicative of permanent dysfunction and associated with a worse long-term prognosis. Other complications that may occur after an acute MI include emboli from a left ventricular thrombus, cardiac tamponade, ruptured papillary muscle, and pericarditis. These complications typically occur at different time frames after the acute MI and present with different symptoms.

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      • Cardiology
  • Question 26 - A 29-year-old woman presents with sudden-onset palpitation and chest pain that began 1...


    • A 29-year-old woman presents with sudden-onset palpitation and chest pain that began 1 hour ago. The palpitation is constant and is not alleviated or aggravated by anything. She is worried that something serious is happening to her. She recently experienced conflict at home with her husband and left home the previous day to stay with her sister. She denies any medication or recreational drug use. Past medical history is unremarkable. Vital signs are within normal limits, except for a heart rate of 180 bpm. Electrocardiography shows narrow QRS complexes that are regularly spaced. There are no visible P waves preceding the QRS complexes. Carotid sinus massage results in recovery of normal sinus rhythm.
      What is the most likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia


      Differentiating Types of Tachycardia

      Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) is a sudden-onset tachycardia with a heart rate of 180 bpm, regularly spaced narrow QRS complexes, and no visible P waves preceding the QRS complexes. Carotid sinus massage or adenosine administration can diagnose PSVT, which is commonly caused by atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia.

      Sinus tachycardia is characterized by normal P waves preceding each QRS complex. Atrial flutter is less common than atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia and generally does not respond to carotid massage. Atrial fibrillation is characterized by irregularly spaced QRS complexes and does not respond to carotid massage. Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia is associated with wide QRS complexes.

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      • Cardiology
  • Question 27 - During a Cardiology Ward round, a 69-year-old woman with worsening shortness of breath...


    • During a Cardiology Ward round, a 69-year-old woman with worsening shortness of breath on minimal exertion is examined by a medical student. While checking the patient's jugular venous pressure (JVP), the student observes that the patient has giant v-waves. What is the most probable cause of a large JVP v-wave (giant v-wave)?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Tricuspid regurgitation


      Lachmann test

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      • Cardiology
  • Question 28 - A young marine biologist was snorkelling among giant stingrays when the tail (barb)...


    • A young marine biologist was snorkelling among giant stingrays when the tail (barb) of one of the stingrays suddenly pierced his chest. The tip of the barb pierced the right ventricle and the man instinctively removed it in the water. When he was brought onto the boat, there was absence of heart sounds, reduced cardiac output and engorged jugular veins.

      What was the most likely diagnosis for the young marine biologist who was snorkelling among giant stingrays and had the tail (barb) of one of the stingrays pierce his chest, causing the tip of the barb to pierce the right ventricle? Upon being brought onto the boat, the young man exhibited absence of heart sounds, reduced cardiac output and engorged jugular veins.

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Cardiac tamponade


      Differential diagnosis of a patient with chest trauma

      When evaluating a patient with chest trauma, it is important to consider various potential diagnoses based on the clinical presentation and mechanism of injury. Here are some possible explanations for different symptoms:

      – Cardiac tamponade: If a projectile penetrates the fibrous pericardium, blood can accumulate in the pericardial cavity and compress the heart, leading to decreased cardiac output and potential death.
      – Deep vein thrombosis: This condition involves the formation of a blood clot in a deep vein, often in the leg. However, it does not typically cause the symptoms described in this case.
      – Stroke: A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is disrupted, usually due to a blockage or rupture of an artery. This is not likely to be the cause of the patient’s symptoms.
      – Pulmonary embolism: If a clot from a deep vein thrombosis travels to the lungs and obstructs blood flow, it can cause sudden death. However, given the history of trauma, other possibilities should be considered first.
      – Haemothorax: This refers to the accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity around a lung. While it can cause respiratory distress and chest pain, it does not typically affect jugular veins or heart sounds.

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      • Cardiology
  • Question 29 - A 72-year-old man presents to his GP for a routine check-up and is...


    • A 72-year-old man presents to his GP for a routine check-up and is found to have a systolic murmur heard loudest in the aortic region. The murmur increases in intensity with deep inspiration and does not radiate. What is the most probable abnormality in this patient?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Pulmonary stenosis


      Systolic Valvular Murmurs

      A systolic valvular murmur can be caused by aortic/pulmonary stenosis or mitral/tricuspid regurgitation. It is important to note that the location where the murmur is heard loudest can be misleading. For instance, if it is aortic stenosis, the murmur is expected to radiate to the carotids. However, the significant factor to consider is that the murmur is heard loudest on inspiration. During inspiration, venous return to the heart increases, which exacerbates right-sided murmurs. Conversely, expiration reduces venous return and exacerbates left-sided murmurs. To remember this useful fact, the mnemonic RILE (Right on Inspiration, Left on Expiration) can be used.

      If a systolic murmur is enhanced on inspiration, it must be a right-sided murmur, which could be pulmonary stenosis or tricuspid regurgitation. However, in this case, only pulmonary stenosis is an option. systolic valvular murmurs and their characteristics is crucial in making an accurate diagnosis and providing appropriate treatment.

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      • Cardiology
  • Question 30 - A 38-year-old man presents to the Emergency Department with a 2-day history of...


    • A 38-year-old man presents to the Emergency Department with a 2-day history of flu-like symptoms. He reports experiencing sharp central chest pain that worsens with coughing and improves when he sits forwards. Upon examination, he is found to be tachycardic and has a temperature of 39 °C. A third heart sound is heard upon auscultation. What is the most probable cause of this patient's chest pain?

      Your Answer:

      Correct Answer: Pericarditis


      Differential Diagnosis of Chest Pain: Pericarditis, Aortic Dissection, Myocardial Ischaemia, Oesophageal Reflux, and Pneumonia

      Chest pain is a common presenting symptom in clinical practice. It can be caused by a variety of conditions, including pericarditis, aortic dissection, myocardial ischaemia, oesophageal reflux, and pneumonia.

      Pericarditis is an acute inflammation of the pericardial sac, which contains the heart. It typically presents with central or left-sided chest pain that is relieved by sitting forwards and worsened by coughing and lying flat. Other signs include tachycardia, raised temperature, and pericardial friction rub. Investigations include blood tests, electrocardiography, chest X-ray, and echocardiography. Treatment aims to address the underlying cause and manage symptoms, such as analgesia and bed rest.

      Aortic dissection is characterized by central chest or epigastric pain radiating to the back. It is associated with Marfan syndrome, and symptoms of this condition should be sought when assessing patients.

      Myocardial ischaemia is unlikely in a 35-year-old patient without risk factors such as illegal drug use or family history. Ischaemic pain is typically central and heavy/’crushing’ in character, with radiation to the jaw or arm.

      Oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) typically presents with chest pain associated with reflux after eating. Patients do not typically have a fever or history of recent illness.

      Pneumonia is a possible cause of chest pain, but it is unlikely in the absence of a productive cough. Pleuritic chest pain associated with pneumonia is also unlikely to be relieved by sitting forward, which is a classical sign of pericarditis.

      In conclusion, a thorough history and examination, along with appropriate investigations, are necessary to differentiate between the various causes of chest pain and provide appropriate management.

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      • Cardiology


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