Question 1
Which structure reinforces the inguinal canal anterolaterally?
Your Answer: Aponeurosis external oblique
Correct Answer: Internal oblique
Explanation:The anatomy of the inguinal canal is of surgical importance. In the male, the inguinal canal carries the spermatic cord, ilioinguinal nerve and important blood vessels, while in females the inguinal canal holds the round ligament, ilioinguinal nerve and blood vessels. The floor of the inguinal canal is made of the inguinal ligament (a thickened portion of the inguinal ligament), while the posterior wall is made of the transversalis muscle. The anterior wall is made of the external oblique aponeurosis, and the roof is made up of fibres of the internal oblique, transversus abdominis and its aponeurosis, and the conjoint tendon. This means that the anterolateral support structure of the inguinal canal would be the fibres of the internal oblique.
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- Anatomy
Question 2
The lower part of the rectum is supplied by the middle rectal artery. What is the middle rectal artery a branch of?
Your Answer: Inferior mesenteric artery
Correct Answer: Internal iliac artery
Explanation:The middle rectal artery arises from the anterior division of the internal iliac artery.
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- Anatomy
Question 3
What is the anterior boundary of the pelvic outlet?
Your Answer: pubic arch
Explanation:Pelvic Outlet Boundaries Anteriorly: Pubic arch Laterally: Ischial tuberosities Posterolaterally: Inferior margin of the sacrotuberous ligament Posteriorly: Tip of the coccyx Note: The pelvis outlet is also called the inferior aperture. The pelvic brim is the superior aperture
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- Anatomy
Question 4
Regarding the female breast how many lobes does the typical breast contain?
Your Answer: 15-20
Explanation:The basic components of the mammary gland are the alveoli. These are lined with milk-secreting cuboidal cells surrounded by myoepithelial cells. The alveoli join to form groups known as lobules. The lobules form lobes. Each lobe has a lactiferous duct that drains into openings in the nipple. Each breast typically contains 15-20 lobes.
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- Anatomy
Question 5
The femoral triangle is bounded superiorly by which of the following structures?
Your Answer: Conjoint tendon
Correct Answer: Inguinal ligament
Explanation:The femoral triangle is bounded superiorly by the inguinal ligament which forms the base of the triangle, medially by the lateral border of the adductor longus and laterally by the sartorius muscle.
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- Anatomy
Question 6
You see a patient who is 32 weeks pregnant. She complains of tingling to the right buttock and shooting pain down the leg. You suspect Piriformis syndrome. Regarding Piriformis which of the following statements are true?
Your Answer: Nerve supply is via S2 to S4
Correct Answer: Insertion is onto the greater trochanter
Explanation:The proximal attachment of the piriformis muscles is from the anterior surface of sacrum and it attaches distally to the superior border of the greater trochanter of the femur. It is innervated by the anterior rami of S1 and S2.
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- Anatomy
Question 7
You are reviewing a patient who is complaining of pain and numbness to the right anterior aspect of her labia following abdominal hysterectomy. You suspect ilioinguinal nerve injury. What spinal segment is the ilioinguinal nerve derived from?
Your Answer: T12-L4
Correct Answer: L1
Explanation:Ilioinguinal nerve injury is one of the most common nerve injuries associated with pelvic surgery.
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- Anatomy
Question 8
What is the average anteroposterior distance of the female pelvic outlet?
Your Answer: 10.5 cm
Correct Answer: 13 cm
Explanation:The pelvic outlet is bounded in front by the lower margin of the symphysis pubis, on each side by the descending ramus of the pubic bone, the ischial tuberosity and the sacrotuberous ligament, and posteriorly by the last piece of the sacrum. The AP diameter of the pelvic outlet is 13.5 cm and the transverse diameter is 11 cm.
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- Anatomy
Question 9
What is the inferior border of the deep perineal pouch?
Your Answer: Perineal membrane
Explanation:The perineal membrane (also known as the inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm) separates the deep and superficial perineal pouches i.e. it is the inferior border of the deep pouch and superior border of the superficial pouch. The deep perineal pouch is the space therefore between superior and inferior layers of the urogenital diaphragm The superior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm is the superior border
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- Anatomy
Question 10
Pelvic ligaments can change at term resulting in?
Your Answer: Enlargement of the pelvic cavity
Explanation:The pelvis is supported by a variety of ligaments. At term, these ligaments allow for variation in its structure such that the overall size of the pelvic cavity is increased in order to accommodate the upcoming foetus into the cavity.
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- Anatomy
Question 11
You are reviewing a patient who is complaining of pain and numbness to the proximal medial thigh following abdominal hysterectomy. You suspect genitofemoral nerve injury. What spinal segment(s) is the genitofemoral nerve derived from?
Your Answer: T12-L4
Correct Answer: L1,L2
Explanation:The genitofemoral nerves takes its origin from the L1 and L2 spinal segments.
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- Anatomy
Question 12
The superficial inguinal ring is an aperture in which structure?
Your Answer: Aponeurosis external oblique
Explanation:The superficial ring is the exit to the inguinal canal. It is a triangular aperture in the aponeurosis of external oblique. The conjoint tendon reinforces the ring posteriorly
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- Anatomy
Question 13
The normal lining of the fallopian tube is:
Your Answer: Transitional epithelium
Correct Answer: Columnar epithelium with cilia
Explanation:The Fallopian tubes, also known as, uterine tubes, and salpinges, are two very fine tubes lined with ciliated columnar epithelia, leading from the ovaries of female mammals into the uterus, via the uterotubal junction.
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- Anatomy
Question 14
The femoral triangle contains all of the following structures EXCEPT which one?
Your Answer: Deep inguinal lymph nodes
Correct Answer: Genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve
Explanation:The contents of the femoral triangles are femoral nerve, artery and the vein. Along with the femoral sheath and lymphatics.
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- Anatomy
Question 15
Question 16
The uterine vein drains where?
Your Answer: Internal iliac vein
Explanation:The venous drainage of the uterus is via the uterine veins which form a plexus passing below the artery within the base of the broad ligament communicating with the rectal and the vesical venous plexus before draining into the internal iliac veins.
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- Anatomy
Question 17
The typical female breast contains how many lobes?
Your Answer: 15-20
Explanation:The female breast is made of about 15 to 20 individual lobes. The lobules each consists of alveoli which drain into a single lactiferous duct. The ductal system leads to lactiferous sinuses and collecting ducts which expel milk from openings in the nipple.
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- Anatomy
Question 18
During the filling phase of micturition. At what bladder volume is the first urge to void felt?
Your Answer: 150ml
Explanation:The normal functional bladder capacity is around 400-600ml. First urge to void is typically felt when the bladder is approximately 150ml full.
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- Anatomy
Question 19
Which of the following statements regarding the vaginal artery is typically TRUE?
Your Answer: It arises from the External iliac artery
Correct Answer: It arises from the Internal iliac artery
Explanation:The vaginal artery is the homolog to the inferior vesical artery in males. In most of the cases it arises from the internal iliac artery.
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- Anatomy
Question 20
The posterior scrotal artery is a branch of which artery?
Your Answer: External Pudendal
Correct Answer: Internal Pudendal
Explanation:The posterior scrotal artery is a terminal branch of the perineal artery which is a branch of the internal pudendal artery.
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- Anatomy
Question 21
The ureters receive autonomic supply from which spinal segments?
Your Answer: S1-S3
Correct Answer: T11-L2
Explanation:The ureters receive innervation by a number of nerve plexuses. The nerves supplying the ureters originate from spinal segments T11 to L2. When you think about ureteric colic giving classic ‘loin to groin’ pain it is because the pain is referred to these dermatomes.
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- Anatomy
Question 22
Regarding the pubic symphysis, what type of joint is it
Your Answer: Secondary Cartilaginous
Explanation:The pubic symphysis is a cartilaginous joint. The cartilaginous joints are divided further into primary and secondary joints. The primary joint is called the synchondrosis. It articulates with the pubis of the other side.
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- Anatomy
Question 23
Which one of the following muscles is the most important muscle forming the pelvic floor?
Your Answer: Levator ani
Explanation:Levator ani muscle is composed of three different muscles i.e. iliococcygeus, pubococcygeus and the puborectalis muscle. It is the main muscle that supports the organs of the pelvic cavity.
Bulbocavernosus and Ischiocavernosus muscles are located in-between the anus and scrotum and play an important role in sexual response in males.
Superficial and deep transverse perineal muscles are located in the perinium and pass in front of the anus. -
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- Anatomy
Question 24
What is the anterior boundary of the pelvic outlet?
Your Answer: pubic arch
Explanation:The pelvic outlet is bounded anteriorly by the inferior border of the pubic arch, posteriorly by the sacrotuberous ligament and the tip of the coccyx and laterally by the ischial tuberosities.
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- Anatomy
Question 25
The roof of the femoral triangle is formed by which structure?
Your Answer: Transversalis fascia
Correct Answer: Fascia lata
Explanation:Boundaries of the Femoral Triangle: Superior: Inguinal ligament Medial: Medial border of the adductor longus Lateral: Medial border of the sartorius Floor: Pectineus, Adductor longus and Iliopsoas muscles Roof: Fascia Lata (cribriform fascia at the saphenous opening) Trasversalis fascia forms part of the roof of the inguinal canal
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- Anatomy
Question 26
Which two nerves provide the primary cutaneous sensory innervation to the labia majora?
Your Answer: Ilioinguinal and pudendal
Explanation:The Pudendal provides cutaneous innervation to the posterior external genitalia via one of its terminal branches called the perineal nerve (this further branches into the posterior labial nerves or posterior scrotal nerve in men). The ilioinguinal nerve provides anterior sensation via the anterior labial nerves (anterior scrotal nerve in men). The genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve contributes some fibres to the skin of the mons pubis and labia majora in females. The posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh sometimes overlaps sensory areas.
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- Anatomy
Question 27
Regarding the structure of the detrusor muscle. Which of the following is true?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: The detrusor is divided into 3 layers consisting of inner and outer layers of longitudinal smooth muscle with a middle circular smooth muscle layer
Explanation:The urinary bladder is composed of the transitional epithelium, followed by the lamina propria made up of the fibroelastic connective tissue. The muscularis layer covers the lamina propria which is made up of three poorly defined layers of smooth muscles; the inner longitudinal, middle circular and the outer longitudinal layer. The bladder is covered on the superior surface and the lateral surface by the peritoneum.
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- Anatomy
Question 28
Regarding the uterine artery which of the following statements are FALSE?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: It crosses the Ureter posteriorly
Explanation:The Uterine artery typically arises from the anterior branch of the internal iliac artery. It crosses the ureter ANTERIORLY. It is the primary source of arterial supply to the uterus and its branches anastomose with branches of the ovarian and vaginal arteries.
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- Anatomy
Question 29
Which cell type of the testis secrete inhibin?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Sertoli cells
Explanation:Summary points of the two key testicular cell types:
1. Sertoli Cells = Secrete Inhibin. Forms blood-testis barrier. Have FSH receptors
2. Leydig Cells = Secrete testosterone. Have LH receptors -
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- Anatomy
Question 30
What is the anatomical landmark used for gauging the station of the fetal head during labour?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ischial Spine
Explanation:The ischial spine is the anatomical landmark for assessing the station of the fetal head and also placing pudendal nerve blocks. (the pudendal nerve runs posterior to the ischial spine). The ischial spine can be palpated approximately 8cm into the vagina, at 4 and 8 o’clock.
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- Anatomy
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