Question 1
A 35-year-old homeless man is brought to the emergency department after being found unresponsive in a local park. Upon admission, his temperature is 30.2 ºC and an ECG reveals a broad complex polymorphic tachycardia. The patient is diagnosed with torsades de pointes. What is the most suitable course of treatment?
Your Answer: Magnesium sulphate
Explanation:Torsades de pointes can be treated with IV magnesium sulfate.
Torsades de Pointes: A Life-Threatening Condition
Torsades de pointes is a type of ventricular tachycardia that is associated with a prolonged QT interval. This condition can lead to ventricular fibrillation, which can cause sudden death. There are several causes of a prolonged QT interval, including congenital conditions such as Jervell-Lange-Nielsen syndrome and Romano-Ward syndrome, as well as certain medications like antiarrhythmics, tricyclic antidepressants, and antipsychotics. Other causes include electrolyte imbalances, myocarditis, hypothermia, and subarachnoid hemorrhage.
The management of torsades de pointes involves the administration of intravenous magnesium sulfate. This can help to stabilize the heart rhythm and prevent further complications.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiovascular
Question 2
A 72-year-old male presents to the emergency department with complaints of new-onset pain in his left groin. Upon examination, a large, warm, non-reducible mass located inferolateral to the pubic tubercle is observed, accompanied by erythema of the overlying skin. The patient reports vomiting twice and passing stools with blood mixed in them once. He appears to be in pain and is sweating profusely. His medical history includes peptic ulcer disease, which is managed with omeprazole. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Strangulated inguinal hernia
Correct Answer: Strangulated femoral hernia
Explanation:A femoral hernia can lead to the serious complication of strangulation. In this case, the patient has a non-reducible mass located below the pubic tubercle, which is typical of a femoral hernia. However, the accompanying symptoms of vomiting, bloody stools, and a toxic appearance suggest that the hernia has become strangulated, meaning that the blood supply to the herniated tissue has been compromised and may lead to tissue death.
An incarcerated femoral hernia would also present as a non-reducible mass below the pubic tubercle, but without the symptoms of strangulation.
In contrast, an incarcerated inguinal hernia would present as a non-reducible mass above and towards the middle of the pubic tubercle, and would not cause symptoms of strangulation.
A perforated peptic ulcer would cause pain in the upper abdomen, syncope, and possibly vomiting blood, which is different from the patient’s symptoms.
Similarly, a strangulated inguinal hernia would cause similar symptoms, but the mass would be located above and towards the middle of the pubic tubercle, rather than below it.
Understanding Femoral Hernias
Femoral hernias occur when a part of the bowel or other abdominal organs pass through the femoral canal, which is a potential space in the anterior thigh. This can result in a lump in the groin area that is mildly painful and typically non-reducible. Femoral hernias are less common than inguinal hernias, accounting for only 5% of abdominal hernias, and are more prevalent in women, especially those who have had multiple pregnancies. Diagnosis is usually clinical, but ultrasound may be used to confirm the presence of a femoral hernia and exclude other possible causes of a lump in the groin area.
Complications of femoral hernias include incarceration, where the herniated tissue cannot be reduced, and strangulation, which is a surgical emergency. The risk of strangulation is higher with femoral hernias than with inguinal hernias and increases over time. Bowel obstruction and bowel ischaemia may also occur, leading to significant morbidity and mortality for the patient.
Surgical repair is necessary for femoral hernias, and it can be done laparoscopically or via a laparotomy. Hernia support belts or trusses should not be used for femoral hernias due to the risk of strangulation. In an emergency situation, a laparotomy may be the only option. It is essential to distinguish femoral hernias from inguinal hernias, as they have different locations and require different management approaches.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Gastroenterology/Nutrition
Question 3
A 49-year-old woman comes to her GP complaining of daily abdominal bloating and cramps for the last 3 weeks. During the examination, the doctor palpates a small pelvic mass. What is the most suitable next test to perform?
Your Answer: CA125 level
Explanation:If females over 50 experience bloating and abdominal cramps, it is important to consider the possibility of ovarian cancer. The recommended course of action is to conduct a serum CA125 test. If the results show elevated levels, an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound should be scheduled. This information is based on NICE CG122 guidelines.
Ovarian cancer is a common malignancy in women, ranking fifth in frequency. It is most commonly diagnosed in women over the age of 60 and has a poor prognosis due to late detection. The majority of ovarian cancers, around 90%, are of epithelial origin, with serous carcinomas accounting for 70-80% of cases. Interestingly, recent research suggests that many ovarian cancers may actually originate in the distal end of the fallopian tube. Risk factors for ovarian cancer include a family history of BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations, early menarche, late menopause, and nulliparity.
Clinical features of ovarian cancer are often vague and can include abdominal distension and bloating, abdominal and pelvic pain, urinary symptoms such as urgency, early satiety, and diarrhea. The initial diagnostic test recommended by NICE is a CA125 blood test, although this can also be elevated in other conditions such as endometriosis and benign ovarian cysts. If the CA125 level is raised, an urgent ultrasound scan of the abdomen and pelvis should be ordered. However, a CA125 test should not be used for screening asymptomatic women. Diagnosis of ovarian cancer is difficult and usually requires a diagnostic laparotomy.
Management of ovarian cancer typically involves a combination of surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy. Unfortunately, 80% of women have advanced disease at the time of diagnosis, leading to a 5-year survival rate of only 46%. It was previously thought that infertility treatment increased the risk of ovarian cancer due to increased ovulation, but recent evidence suggests that this is not a significant factor. In fact, the combined oral contraceptive pill and multiple pregnancies have been shown to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by reducing the number of ovulations.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Reproductive Medicine
Question 4
A 70-year-old man is rushed to the hospital due to severe chest pain and nausea. His ECG reveals ST elevation in leads V1, V2, V3, and V4. Following angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention, his left anterior descending coronary artery is stented. The patient admits to avoiding doctors and not seeing his GP for more than two decades. He has been smoking 15 cigarettes daily since he was 18. What are the recommended medications for secondary prevention?
Your Answer: Aspirin + prasugrel + lisinopril + bisoprolol + atorvastatin
Explanation:Myocardial infarction (MI) is a serious condition that requires proper management to prevent further complications. In 2013, NICE released guidelines on the secondary prevention of MI. One of the key recommendations is the use of four drugs: dual antiplatelet therapy (aspirin plus a second antiplatelet agent), ACE inhibitor, beta-blocker, and statin. Patients are also advised to adopt a Mediterranean-style diet and engage in regular exercise. Sexual activity may resume four weeks after an uncomplicated MI, and PDE5 inhibitors may be used six months after the event.
Most patients with acute coronary syndrome are now given dual antiplatelet therapy, with ticagrelor and prasugrel being the preferred options. The treatment period for these drugs is 12 months, after which they should be stopped. However, this period may be adjusted for patients at high risk of bleeding or further ischaemic events. Additionally, patients with heart failure and left ventricular systolic dysfunction should be treated with an aldosterone antagonist within 3-14 days of the MI, preferably after ACE inhibitor therapy.
Overall, the NICE guidelines provide a comprehensive approach to the secondary prevention of MI. By following these recommendations, patients can reduce their risk of further complications and improve their overall health outcomes.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiovascular
Question 5
Both restrictive lung disease and obstructive lung disease may affect a particular pulmonary function test to a similar extent. Which test is this? Please select only one option from the list provided.
Your Answer: Forced expiratory volume in 1 second/forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) ratio
Correct Answer: Tidal volume
Explanation:Pulmonary Function Tests: Understanding Tidal Volume, Total Lung Capacity, Residual Volume, FEV1/FVC Ratio, and FEV1
Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are a group of tests that measure how well the lungs are functioning. There are several parameters that are measured during PFTs, including tidal volume (TV), total lung capacity (TLC), residual volume (RV), forced expiratory volume in 1 second/forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) ratio, and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1).
Tidal volume refers to the amount of gas inspired or expired with each breath. It can be reduced in both obstructive and restrictive lung disease, but the underlying mechanism causing the reduction is different. In obstructive lung disease, there is airflow limitation, while in restrictive lung disease, there is reduced lung volume or inability to fully expand the thoracic cage.
Total lung capacity is the volume of air in the lungs after a maximal inspiration. It is increased in obstructive lung disease due to air trapping, but is reduced in restrictive lung disease.
Residual volume is the volume of air remaining in the lungs after a maximal expiration. It cannot be measured with spirometry, but it is increased in obstructive lung disease due to air trapping.
The FEV1/FVC ratio is a measure of how much air a person can forcefully exhale in one second compared to the total amount of air they can exhale. A ratio of less than 70% is indicative of obstructive lung disease, while a ratio greater than 70% is indicative of restrictive lung disease.
FEV1 is the amount of air a person can forcefully exhale in one second. It is characteristically reduced in obstructive lung disease, but normal in restrictive lung disease because there is no airflow limitation.
Understanding these parameters can help healthcare professionals diagnose and manage lung diseases.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Respiratory Medicine
Question 6
A 32-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) visits her General Practitioner complaining of a 3-day history of a red, swollen and hot left ankle. Her temperature is 38.8 °C. She is experiencing difficulty in walking and her range of ankle movement is severely restricted.
What is the most appropriate initial course of action in primary care?Your Answer: Prescribe oral colchicine
Correct Answer: Admit to hospital immediately
Explanation:Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of a Swollen, Hot, and Painful Joint in a Febrile Patient
When a patient presents with an acutely swollen, hot, and painful joint accompanied by fever, it is crucial to consider the possibility of septic arthritis or osteomyelitis. Both conditions require urgent medical attention, including prolonged courses of intravenous antibiotics and potential surgical intervention. Aspiration of the joint fluid for Gram staining and culture is necessary before starting empirical antibiotics. However, antibiotic treatment should not be delayed while awaiting results.
Intra-articular steroid injections are not appropriate for this patient, as they may worsen the condition significantly. Similarly, an IM injection of methylprednisolone could potentially have a significant effect on the immune system, leading to overwhelming sepsis. Oral colchicine is used to treat acute gout, which does not typically present with fever. In contrast, RA is a risk factor for developing septic arthritis, and immunosuppressive medications used to treat RA can also increase the risk.
Although oral flucloxacillin is indicated for the treatment of cellulitis, the history and examination findings in this case are more suggestive of septic arthritis. Intravenous antibiotics with or without surgical intervention are necessary for the treatment of septic arthritis. Therefore, it is crucial to differentiate between these conditions and provide appropriate treatment promptly.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Musculoskeletal
Question 7
A 70-year-old man in the cardiology ward is experiencing muscle cramps, palpitations, and constipation. Upon conducting blood tests, the following results were obtained: Sodium 140 mmol/L, Potassium 3.1mmol/L, Calcium 2.2mmol/L, Phosphate 1.1mmol/L, and Magnesium 0.7mmol/L. Which medication is the most probable cause of this disturbance?
Your Answer: Bumetanide
Explanation:Hypokalaemia is a possible adverse effect of loop diuretics, such as bumetanide. Other potential side effects of bumetanide include hypocalcaemia, metabolic alkalosis, ototoxicity, and gout. Digoxin toxicity may lead to hyperkalaemia, but not hypokalaemia. Ace inhibitors like enalapril are more likely to cause hyperkalaemia than hypokalaemia, and may also result in dry cough, hypotension, and angioedema. Propranolol, a non-selective beta blocker, is not typically associated with hypokalaemia, but may cause bronchospasm, hypertriglyceridemia, and hypoglycaemia.
Loop Diuretics: Mechanism of Action and Indications
Loop diuretics, such as furosemide and bumetanide, are medications that inhibit the Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC) in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. This reduces the absorption of NaCl and increases the excretion of water and electrolytes, making them effective in treating conditions such as heart failure and resistant hypertension. Loop diuretics act on NKCC2, which is more prevalent in the kidneys.
As loop diuretics work on the apical membrane, they must first be filtered into the tubules by the glomerulus before they can have an effect. This means that patients with poor renal function may require higher doses to achieve a sufficient concentration within the tubules.
Loop diuretics are commonly used in the treatment of heart failure, both acutely (usually intravenously) and chronically (usually orally). They are also effective in treating resistant hypertension, particularly in patients with renal impairment.
However, loop diuretics can have adverse effects, including hypotension, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypochloremic alkalosis, ototoxicity, hypocalcemia, renal impairment (from dehydration and direct toxic effect), hyperglycemia (less common than with thiazides), and gout.
In summary, loop diuretics are effective medications for treating heart failure and resistant hypertension, but their use should be carefully monitored due to potential adverse effects. Patients with poor renal function may require higher doses to achieve therapeutic effects.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pharmacology/Therapeutics
Question 8
A 51-year-old man comes to see the GP complaining of leg twitching and cramps that have been going on for a year. He also reports difficulty swallowing both liquids and food. The patient has no prior medical history. During the examination, the GP observes tongue fasciculations and hypophonia. Based on these findings, what conditions should be considered for further investigation?
Your Answer: Motor neuron disease
Explanation:Bulbar onset motor neuron disease can be identified by the presence of tongue fasciculations.
While benign fasciculation syndrome can also cause tongue fasciculations, the overall clinical picture suggests a more serious underlying condition. Other factors may be misleading in making a diagnosis.
Understanding Motor Neuron Disease: Signs and Diagnosis
Motor neuron disease is a neurological condition that affects both upper and lower motor neurons. It is a rare condition that usually presents after the age of 40 and can manifest in different patterns such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, progressive muscular atrophy, and bulbar palsy. The diagnosis of motor neuron disease is based on clinical features, including the presence of fasciculations, the absence of sensory signs, and the combination of upper and lower motor neuron signs. Wasting of the small hand muscles and tibialis anterior is also common.
Other features that can help diagnose motor neuron disease include the absence of external ocular muscle involvement, the absence of cerebellar signs, and preserved abdominal reflexes. Sphincter dysfunction, if present, is usually a late feature. While vague sensory symptoms may occur early in the disease, sensory signs are typically absent.
Nerve conduction studies can help exclude a neuropathy, while electromyography shows a reduced number of action potentials with increased amplitude. MRI is usually performed to exclude other conditions such as cervical cord compression and myelopathy. Understanding the signs and diagnosis of motor neuron disease is crucial for early detection and management of the condition.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 9
A 35-year-old man presents to you with right wrist discomfort three weeks after falling off his bike and landing on his outstretched hand. He went to the emergency department on the same day and had wrist x-rays, which were reported as normal. He was given pain relief and discharged without any follow-up.
Currently, he is experiencing persistent pain that has not improved. On examination, the wrist appears normal, with no significant swelling or redness. The wrist's range of motion is slightly limited, likely due to pain. He is tender over the anatomical snuff box. What is the appropriate course of action?Your Answer: Refer to hospital for urgent orthopaedic/emergency department review
Explanation:The presentation and examination strongly suggest a scaphoid fracture, making conservative treatment with splinting, pain relief, and physiotherapy unsuitable due to the risk of avascular necrosis caused by the scaphoid bone’s blood supply. While an outpatient x-ray is an option, some scaphoid fractures may not be visible on x-rays and may require a CT scan or MRI. As a result, the patient should be referred to an orthopaedic clinic, either directly or through the local emergency department.
Anatomy of the Scaphoid Bone
The scaphoid bone is a small bone located in the wrist. It has several important features that allow it to articulate with other bones in the wrist and hand. The bone has a concave surface that articulates with the head of the capitate and a crescentic surface that corresponds with the lunate. Proximally, it has a wide convex surface that articulates with the radius. Distally, it has a tubercle that can be felt and an articular surface that faces laterally and is associated with the trapezium and trapezoid bones.
The narrow strip between the radial and trapezial surfaces and the tubercle gives rise to the radial collateral carpal ligament. The tubercle also receives part of the flexor retinaculum, which is the only part of the scaphoid bone that allows for the entry of blood vessels. However, this area is commonly fractured and can lead to avascular necrosis. It is important to understand the anatomy of the scaphoid bone in order to properly diagnose and treat injuries to the wrist and hand.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Musculoskeletal
Question 10
A 21-year-old female inpatient on the surgical ward developed sudden uncontrollable eye movements, with prolonged involuntary upward deviation of the eyes.
Which of the following drugs is most likely to be responsible?Your Answer: Cyclopentolate
Correct Answer: Metoclopramide
Explanation:Understanding the Causes of Dystonic Reactions: A Comparison of Common Drugs
Metoclopramide, carbamazepine, cyclopentolate, lidocaine, and procyclidine are all drugs that can cause various side effects, including disturbances in eye movement. However, when it comes to dystonic reactions, metoclopramide and procyclidine are the most likely culprits. Metoclopramide, commonly used for nausea and vomiting, can induce acute dystonic reactions involving facial and skeletal muscle spasms and oculogyric crises. On the other hand, procyclidine, an anti-muscarinic drug, is useful in the immediate treatment of a drug-induced oculogyric crisis. Understanding the differences between these drugs and their potential side effects is crucial in providing appropriate treatment for patients experiencing dystonic reactions.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pharmacology/Therapeutics
Question 11
A 50-year-old woman with type 1 diabetes mellitus is seen in the diabetes clinic. Her blood tests from three months ago showed:
K+ 4.5 mmol/l
Creatinine 116 µmol/l
eGFR 47 ml/min
She was started on lisinopril to manage hypertension and protect her kidneys. The medication was titrated up to the treatment dose. Her current blood results are:
K+ 4.9 mmol/l
Creatinine 123 µmol/l
eGFR 44 ml/min
What is the most appropriate action to take in this situation?Your Answer: Switch to a angiotensin 2 receptor blocker
Correct Answer: No action
Explanation:The slight alterations in creatinine and eGFR are within acceptable limits and do not warrant discontinuation of ACE inhibitors.
Hypertension Management in Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients often require more than two drugs to manage hypertension. The first-line treatment is ACE inhibitors, which are particularly effective in proteinuric renal disease such as diabetic nephropathy. However, these drugs may cause a small decrease in glomerular filtration pressure (GFR) and a rise in creatinine. According to NICE guidelines, a decrease in eGFR of up to 25% or a rise in creatinine of up to 30% is acceptable, but any increase should prompt careful monitoring and exclusion of other causes such as NSAIDs. A rise greater than this may indicate underlying renovascular disease.
Furosemide is a useful antihypertensive drug in CKD patients, especially when the GFR falls below 45 ml/min. It also helps to lower serum potassium levels. However, high doses are usually required, and if the patient becomes dehydrated due to conditions such as gastroenteritis, the drug should be temporarily stopped. The NKF K/DOQI guidelines suggest a lower cut-off of less than 30 ml/min. Overall, hypertension management in CKD patients requires careful monitoring and individualized treatment plans.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Renal Medicine/Urology
Question 12
A 49-year-old man presents to his GP complaining of difficulty walking. He describes experiencing pain in both calves and feet after walking around 400m, which gradually worsens and eventually causes his legs to give out. The pain disappears completely after sitting and resting for a few minutes, and he has found that leaning forward helps him walk further before the pain returns. The patient has no prior medical history, and a physical examination of his lower limbs reveals no abnormalities. What is the probable diagnosis?
Your Answer: Peripheral vascular disease
Correct Answer: Lumbar spinal stenosis
Explanation:Lumbar spinal canal stenosis is often indicated by a history of progressive painful neurological deficit that improves when resting or leaning forward. This condition causes nerve root ischaemia due to inadequate microvascular blood flow to the spinal nerve roots, resulting in bilateral neuropathic pain and progressive deficit affecting the dermatomes and myotomes below the affected level. Leaning forward widens the canal, providing relief, while resting reduces the oxygen requirement of the nerve roots, allowing the ischaemia to slowly resolve. Neurological examination of the legs usually shows no abnormal findings as the symptoms are only brought on by consistent use of the nerve roots.
Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, is a degenerative arthropathy that typically affects large weight-bearing joints in the lower limbs, causing pain that rarely improves with rest and is not associated with a neurological deficit. It is usually unilateral and does not cause symmetrical symptoms.
Peripheral neuropathy can produce similar symptoms to spinal stenosis, but the pathology is not related to nerve use, and a deficit (usually sensory) would be detected on examination. The absence of such findings indicates that peripheral neuropathy is not the cause.
Peripheral vascular disease is the most likely differential for patients with spinal stenosis and symptoms of progressive leg pain that is relieved by rest. However, evidence of vascular insufficiency, such as absent distal pulses, ulceration or skin changes, would be present on examination if the condition were severe enough to cause symptoms after relatively short distances of walking. Additionally, leaning forward does not improve symptoms in peripheral vascular disease, only rest does.
Lumbar spinal stenosis is a condition where the central canal in the lower back is narrowed due to degenerative changes, such as a tumor or disk prolapse. Patients may experience back pain, neuropathic pain, and symptoms similar to claudication. However, one distinguishing factor is that the pain is positional, with sitting being more comfortable than standing, and walking uphill being easier than downhill. Degenerative disease is the most common cause, starting with changes in the intervertebral disk that lead to disk bulging and collapse. This puts stress on the facet joints, causing cartilage degeneration, hypertrophy, and osteophyte formation, which narrows the spinal canal and compresses the nerve roots of the cauda equina. MRI scanning is the best way to diagnose lumbar spinal stenosis, and treatment may involve a laminectomy.
Overall, lumbar spinal stenosis is a condition that affects the lower back and can cause a range of symptoms, including pain and discomfort. It is often caused by degenerative changes in the intervertebral disk, which can lead to narrowing of the spinal canal and compression of the nerve roots. Diagnosis is typically done through MRI scanning, and treatment may involve a laminectomy. It is important to note that the pain associated with lumbar spinal stenosis is positional, with sitting being more comfortable than standing, and walking uphill being easier than downhill.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Musculoskeletal
Question 13
A 55-year-old woman with a history of diabetes complains of left-sided ear pain and discharge. During examination, her temperature is recorded at 37.9ºC and there is red discharge in the ear canal. The tympanic membrane is partially visible and appears normal. Despite visiting the out of hours clinic twice and using different ear drops for two weeks, her symptoms persist. What course of treatment should be recommended?
Your Answer: Amoxicillin
Correct Answer: Referral to secondary care
Explanation:It is probable that the patient is suffering from malignant otitis externa, a condition that affects individuals with weakened immune systems like those with diabetes. This condition is characterized by osteomyelitis of the temporal bone. Despite receiving several rounds of antibiotic drops, the patient’s symptoms have not improved. It is recommended that the patient be referred to an ENT specialist for a CT scan of the temporal bones and treated with an extended course of intravenous antibiotics.
Understanding Otitis Externa: Causes, Features, and Management
Otitis externa is a common condition that often prompts patients to seek medical attention. It is characterized by ear pain, itch, and discharge, and is caused by various factors such as infection, seborrhoeic dermatitis, and contact dermatitis. Swimming is also a common trigger of otitis externa. Upon examination, the ear canal appears red, swollen, or eczematous.
The recommended initial management of otitis externa involves the use of topical antibiotics or a combination of topical antibiotics with a steroid. However, if the tympanic membrane is perforated, aminoglycosides are traditionally not used. In cases where there is canal debris, removal may be necessary, while an ear wick may be inserted if the canal is extensively swollen. Second-line options include oral antibiotics, taking a swab inside the ear canal, and empirical use of an antifungal agent.
It is important to note that if a patient fails to respond to topical antibiotics, referral to an ENT specialist may be necessary. Malignant otitis externa is a more serious condition that is more common in elderly diabetics. It involves the extension of infection into the bony ear canal and the soft tissues deep to the bony canal, and may require intravenous antibiotics.
Overall, understanding the causes, features, and management of otitis externa is crucial in providing appropriate care and preventing complications.
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Question 14
A 28-year-old man presents to his General Practitioner with pallor, fatigue, weakness, palpitations and dyspnoea on exertion. His symptoms have come on quickly over the last three weeks. A full blood count is ordered and is suggestive of acute lymphoblastic myeloid leukaemia (AML).
What Is the next most appropriate investigation for this patient?
Your Answer: Bone marrow biopsy
Explanation:Diagnostic Tests for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a type of blood cancer that affects the bone marrow. To diagnose AML, several diagnostic tests may be performed. The most common tests include a bone marrow biopsy, ultrasound scan of the abdomen, chest X-ray, computerised tomography (CT) scan of chest, abdomen and pelvis, and lumbar puncture.
Bone Marrow Biopsy: This is the most important test for diagnosing AML. It involves extracting cells from the bone marrow and examining them under a microscope. AML is characterised by the presence of primitive myeloblasts and Auer rods in the bone marrow.
Ultrasound Scan of the Abdomen: This test is used to check for enlarged lymph nodes in the abdomen or spleen. If any enlarged lymph nodes are found, they may be biopsied to determine the extent of the leukaemia.
Chest X-ray: This test is used to check for enlarged lymph nodes in the mediastinum.
CT Scan of Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis: This test is not usually used as a first-line investigation for AML. However, once the diagnosis is confirmed, a CT scan may be used to assess for the presence of enlarged lymph nodes or for planning purposes if radiotherapy is going to form part of the treatment.
Lumbar Puncture: This test is not usually used in the diagnosis of AML unless it is suspected that the leukaemia cells are also present in the cerebrospinal fluid.
In conclusion, a bone marrow biopsy is the most important test for diagnosing AML. Other tests may be used to determine the extent of the leukaemia or for planning purposes if radiotherapy is going to form part of the treatment.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Haematology/Oncology
Question 15
A 28-year-old woman presents to the general practice clinic with a history of itchy palms and soles for a few weeks. Examination reveals pitting to the nails and dry, scaly, fissured skin with areas of pustules on the palms and soles. She is a social drinker but has no other medical conditions.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Contact dermatitis
Correct Answer: Palmoplantar pustulosis
Explanation:Skin Conditions: Palmoplantar Pustulosis, Bullous Pemphigoid, Contact Dermatitis, Eczema, and Secondary Syphilis
Palmoplantar Pustulosis: A chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects the palms and soles, often associated with chronic plaque psoriasis and smoking. It presents with painful cracking, fissuring, and crops of sterile pustules that are severely itchy. Topical treatments and phototherapy can be used.
Bullous Pemphigoid: An autoimmune skin disease that forms large fluid-filled blisters, typically affecting people over 80 years old with underlying neurological or malignant conditions. The age and presenting features in this man are not typical for bullous pemphigoid.
Contact Dermatitis: A type of eczema triggered by contact with a particular substance, causing a red, dry, and scaly rash only in the areas that have been in contact with the irritant. Pustules are not a feature of this condition, and it would be unusual for an irritant to have been in contact with the palms and soles.
Eczema: A chronic, itchy, inflammatory skin condition that commonly begins in childhood and affects flexural areas such as behind the knees or in the antecubital fossae. The palms of hands and soles of feet are usually spared.
Secondary Syphilis: A rash that may appear as rough, red or reddish-brown papules or patches, typically occurring on the trunk but frequently affecting the palms and soles. The rash doesn’t itch and can appear more obvious with physical activity or heat. It resolves spontaneously within several weeks but can recur over the next two years.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dermatology
Question 16
A 42-year-old woman presents to you with a complaint of unintentional urine leakage when she coughs for the past year. She denies any urgency to urinate. Despite trying various measures such as reducing caffeine intake, performing pelvic floor exercises, and achieving a BMI of 23 kg/m² from 29kg/m², she has only experienced minimal relief. She is hesitant to undergo surgery and is interested in exploring medication or other options. What medication is approved for treating stress incontinence?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Duloxetine
Explanation:Stress incontinence is characterized by the involuntary release of urine during physical activity, coughing, or sneezing. Diagnosis is based on symptoms, and keeping a bladder diary can aid in evaluating the severity of the condition. Lifestyle changes, such as reducing caffeine intake, losing weight, and limiting fluid consumption, are recommended. Pelvic floor exercises should also be suggested. If symptoms persist despite these measures, surgery may be an option. If surgery is not feasible or desired, duloxetine, a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI), may be prescribed. A ring pessary is not an effective treatment for stress incontinence, as it is used to address vaginal prolapse.
Understanding Urinary Incontinence: Causes, Classification, and Management
Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common condition that affects around 4-5% of the population, with elderly females being more susceptible. Several risk factors contribute to UI, including advancing age, previous pregnancy and childbirth, high body mass index, hysterectomy, and family history. UI can be classified into different types, such as overactive bladder (OAB)/urge incontinence, stress incontinence, mixed incontinence, overflow incontinence, and functional incontinence.
Initial investigation of UI involves completing bladder diaries for at least three days, vaginal examination, urine dipstick and culture, and urodynamic studies. Management of UI depends on the predominant type of incontinence. For urge incontinence, bladder retraining and bladder stabilizing drugs such as antimuscarinics are recommended. For stress incontinence, pelvic floor muscle training and surgical procedures such as retropubic mid-urethral tape procedures may be offered. Duloxetine, a combined noradrenaline and serotonin reuptake inhibitor, may also be used as an alternative to surgery.
In summary, understanding the causes, classification, and management of UI is crucial in providing appropriate care for patients. Early diagnosis and intervention can significantly improve the quality of life for those affected by this condition.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Renal Medicine/Urology
Question 17
A 6-year-old girl is brought to her pediatrician by her father. He is worried that his daughter has been refusing to eat for 3 days and has been more irritable than usual. When asked, the girl points to her neck and complains of soreness. She has no significant medical history and is up to date with her vaccinations.
During the examination, the girl has a temperature of 38.7ºC. Her tonsils are enlarged and inflamed, and her throat is red. There are palpable lymph nodes in the anterior cervical chain that are tender to the touch. The rest of her examination is normal, and Kernig's sign is negative.
What is the most appropriate treatment to prescribe for this 6-year-old girl?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Phenoxymethylpenicillin
Explanation:Antibiotic treatment should be given to individuals who are likely to have Streptococcus species isolated. However, Amoxicillin is not the most appropriate antibiotic for tonsillitis. Chlorhexidine mouthwash is not indicated for the treatment of tonsillitis. Dexamethasone is primarily used for the management of croup, which is characterized by a barking cough and is more common in the winter months.
Sore throat is a term used to describe various conditions such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and laryngitis. According to Clinical Knowledge Summaries, throat swabs and rapid antigen tests should not be routinely carried out for patients with a sore throat. Pain relief can be managed with paracetamol or ibuprofen, and antibiotics are not typically necessary. However, in cases where there is marked systemic upset, unilateral peritonsillitis, a history of rheumatic fever, an increased risk from acute infection, or when three or more Centor criteria are present, antibiotics may be indicated. The Centor and FeverPAIN scoring systems can be used to determine the likelihood of isolating Streptococci. If antibiotics are necessary, phenoxymethylpenicillin or clarithromycin (for penicillin-allergic patients) can be given for a 7 or 10 day course. It is worth noting that a single dose of oral corticosteroid may reduce the severity and duration of pain, although this has not yet been incorporated into UK guidelines.
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Question 18
A 28-year-old male patient complains of a painful rash on his forehead that has been present for one day. The patient has no significant medical history. Upon examination, a vesicular rash is observed on the right side in the distribution of the ophthalmic nerve. There is no discharge or pus, and no ocular involvement is present. What is the recommended treatment for this condition?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Oral acyclovir for 7-10 days
Explanation:In the case of herpes zoster ophthalmicus, topical antiviral treatment is not recommended. The first line of treatment is oral acyclovir, which should be initiated promptly and continued for 7-10 days. If there are any indications of ocular involvement, the patient should be referred to an ophthalmologist immediately. While steroids can be administered concurrently, they do not decrease the likelihood of post-herpetic neuralgia. Topical mupirocin is not an appropriate treatment option.
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus: Symptoms, Treatment, and Complications
Herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO) is a condition that occurs when the varicella-zoster virus reactivates in the area supplied by the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. It is responsible for approximately 10% of shingles cases. The main symptom of HZO is a vesicular rash around the eye, which may or may not involve the eye itself. Hutchinson’s sign, a rash on the tip or side of the nose, is a strong indicator of nasociliary involvement and increases the risk of ocular involvement.
Treatment for HZO involves oral antiviral medication for 7-10 days, ideally started within 72 hours of symptom onset. Intravenous antivirals may be necessary for severe infections or immunocompromised patients. Topical antiviral treatment is not recommended for HZO, but topical corticosteroids may be used to treat any secondary inflammation of the eye. Ocular involvement requires urgent ophthalmology review to prevent complications such as conjunctivitis, keratitis, episcleritis, anterior uveitis, ptosis, and post-herpetic neuralgia.
In summary, HZO is a condition caused by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus in the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. It presents with a vesicular rash around the eye and may involve the eye itself. Treatment involves oral antiviral medication and urgent ophthalmology review is necessary for ocular involvement. Complications of HZO include various eye conditions, ptosis, and post-herpetic neuralgia.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Ophthalmology
Question 19
A 45-year-old man complains of lower back pain and 'sciatica' that has been bothering him for the past few days. He reports feeling a sudden 'pop' while lifting a heavy object, and now experiences severe pain that radiates from his back down his left leg. During the examination, he reports experiencing paraesthesia on the lateral aspect of his left foot and the posterior aspect of his thigh. Muscle strength is normal, but the left knee reflex is reduced. The straight leg raise test is positive on the left side. Which nerve root is most likely affected?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: L4
Explanation:Understanding Prolapsed Disc and its Features
A prolapsed lumbar disc is a common cause of lower back pain that can lead to neurological deficits. It is characterized by clear dermatomal leg pain, which is usually worse than the back pain. The pain is often aggravated when sitting. The features of the prolapsed disc depend on the site of compression. For instance, L3 nerve root compression can cause sensory loss over the anterior thigh, weak quadriceps, reduced knee reflex, and a positive femoral stretch test. On the other hand, L4 nerve root compression can lead to sensory loss in the anterior aspect of the knee, weak quadriceps, reduced knee reflex, and a positive femoral stretch test.
The management of prolapsed disc is similar to that of other musculoskeletal lower back pain. It involves analgesia, physiotherapy, and exercises. According to NICE, the first-line treatment for back pain without sciatica symptoms is NSAIDs +/- proton pump inhibitors, rather than neuropathic analgesia. If the symptoms persist after 4-6 weeks, referral for consideration of MRI is appropriate. Understanding the features of prolapsed disc can help in the diagnosis and management of this condition.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Musculoskeletal
Question 20
A 25-year-old male with a history of ankylosing spondylitis presents to the emergency department with a painful red eye, photophobia, lacrimation, and reduced visual acuity. On examination, an irregularly shaped pupil is noted. What is the most suitable approach to manage this patient's current condition?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Steroid and cycloplegic (mydriatic) eye drops
Explanation:Anterior uveitis, also known as iritis, is a type of inflammation that affects the iris and ciliary body in the front part of the uvea. It is a common cause of red eye and is associated with HLA-B27, which may also be linked to other conditions. Symptoms of anterior uveitis include sudden onset of eye discomfort and pain, small or irregular pupils, intense sensitivity to light, blurred vision, redness, tearing, and the presence of pus and inflammatory cells in the front part of the eye. This condition may be associated with ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, Behcet’s disease, and sarcoidosis. Urgent review by an ophthalmologist is necessary, and treatment may involve the use of cycloplegics and steroid eye drops.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Ophthalmology
Question 21
A 30-year-old female presents to her GP after a missed period and a positive pregnancy test. She is thrilled to be pregnant but is worried about her epilepsy medication. What medications are safe for epileptics during pregnancy?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Lamotrigine
Explanation:The use of anti-epileptic medication during pregnancy is a complex issue due to the risk of severe congenital defects. Therefore, it is important to provide good contraceptive advice and planning to women of childbearing age who are taking these medications. However, in cases where a woman becomes pregnant while on anti-epileptic medication, it is crucial to seek medical advice as soon as possible.
According to recent guidelines from MBRRACE-UK and NICE, lamotrigine is the preferred medication for most women with epilepsy who are of childbearing age. In some cases, a dose increase may be necessary during pregnancy. Other medications such as phenytoin, phenobarbitone, and sodium valproate are known to have adverse effects on cognitive abilities and are generally avoided unless absolutely necessary.
For pregnant women with epilepsy, lamotrigine, carbamazepine, and levetiracetam are considered to have the least impact on the developing fetus. However, it is important for all pregnant women with epilepsy to receive specialist care and guidance throughout their pregnancy.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding can be a concern for women with epilepsy. It is generally recommended that women continue taking their medication during pregnancy, as the risks of uncontrolled seizures outweigh the potential risks to the fetus. However, it is important for women to take folic acid before pregnancy to reduce the risk of neural tube defects. The use of antiepileptic medication during pregnancy can increase the risk of congenital defects, but this risk is still relatively low. It is recommended to aim for monotherapy and there is no need to monitor drug levels. Sodium valproate is associated with neural tube defects, while carbamazepine is considered the least teratogenic of the older antiepileptics. Phenytoin is associated with cleft palate, and lamotrigine may require a dose increase during pregnancy. Breastfeeding is generally safe for mothers taking antiepileptics, except for barbiturates. Pregnant women taking phenytoin should be given vitamin K in the last month of pregnancy to prevent clotting disorders in the newborn.
A warning has been issued about the use of sodium valproate during pregnancy and in women of childbearing age. New evidence suggests a significant risk of neurodevelopmental delay in children following maternal use of this medication. Therefore, it should only be used if clearly necessary and under specialist neurological or psychiatric advice. It is important for women with epilepsy to discuss their options with their healthcare provider and make informed decisions about their treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 22
A 61-year-old man with a known history of type 2 diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation and epilepsy presents with a complaint of feeling generally unwell. He reports a blue tinge to his vision. Which medication is most likely responsible for this symptom?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Sildenafil
Explanation:Drug-induced visual alterations
Viagra, also known as ‘the blue pill’, can cause blue-tinted vision. Digoxin, on the other hand, may result in yellow-green vision.Understanding Phosphodiesterase Type V Inhibitors
Phosphodiesterase type V (PDE5) inhibitors are medications used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension. These drugs work by increasing the levels of cGMP, which leads to the relaxation of smooth muscles in the blood vessels supplying the corpus cavernosum. The most well-known PDE5 inhibitor is sildenafil, also known as Viagra, which was the first drug of its kind. It is a short-acting medication that is usually taken one hour before sexual activity.
Other PDE5 inhibitors include tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra). Tadalafil is longer-acting than sildenafil and can be taken on a regular basis, while vardenafil has a similar duration of action to sildenafil. However, these drugs are not suitable for everyone. Patients taking nitrates or related drugs, those with hypotension, and those who have had a recent stroke or myocardial infarction should not take PDE5 inhibitors.
Like all medications, PDE5 inhibitors can cause side effects. These may include visual disturbances, blue discolouration, non-arteritic anterior ischaemic neuropathy, nasal congestion, flushing, gastrointestinal side-effects, headache, and priapism. It is important to speak to a healthcare professional before taking any medication to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for you.
Overall, PDE5 inhibitors are an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension. However, they should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional and with careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pharmacology/Therapeutics
Question 23
A teenager returns from a backpacking holiday in South America, having developed abdominal pain, diarrhoea and fevers one week before his return. On examination, he has a fever of 38.5 °C and diffuse abdominal pain. Stool microscopy shows pus and red blood cells; culture is awaited.
Which of the following is the most likely organism?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Salmonella species
Explanation:Common Causes of Gastroenteritis in Travellers
Travellers are at risk of contracting various infections that can cause gastroenteritis. Salmonella species, transmitted through contaminated food or beverages, can cause non-typhoidal enterocolitis, non-typhoidal focal disease, or typhoid fever. Rotavirus, which causes self-limited gastroenteritis, typically presents with anorexia, low-grade fever, and watery, bloodless diarrhea. Plasmodium falciparum, a parasite that causes malaria, can be detected through blood films. Norovirus, the most common cause of epidemic non-bacterial gastroenteritis, presents with nausea, vomiting, watery non-bloody/non-purulent diarrhea, and low-grade fever. Vibrio cholerae, which causes cholera, is transmitted through contaminated water or food and can cause severe watery diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration. It is important to consider these potential causes when diagnosing gastroenteritis in returning travellers.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Infectious Diseases
Question 24
A 25-year-old man visits his GP complaining of a rash that has spread across his trunk over the last 4 days. He is worried about the appearance of the rash. The patient has no significant medical history except for completing a course of phenoxymethylpenicillin for tonsillitis last week and takes no other regular medications. Upon examination, the doctor observes multiple scaly papules on the patient's trunk and upper limbs. The lesions are small and have a teardrop shape. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Guttate psoriasis
Explanation:The tear-drop scaly papules that have suddenly appeared on the patient’s trunk and limbs suggest guttate psoriasis. This type of psoriasis is commonly seen in children and young adults who have recently had a Streptococcus infection, such as the tonsillitis infection that this patient had. The rash is characterized by multiple small scaly and red patches that have a teardrop shape.
Disseminated varicella zoster, pityriasis rosea, and pityriasis versicolor are not likely diagnoses for this patient. Disseminated varicella zoster causes a different type of rash that includes macular, papular, and vesicular lesions that crust over time. Pityriasis rosea presents with a large round herald patch on the chest, abdomen, or back, and is thought to be triggered by viral or bacterial infections. Pityriasis versicolor is a fungal infection that causes patches that are paler than the surrounding skin, and is commonly found on the upper limbs and neck. However, exposure to heat and moisture can increase the risk of developing this rash.
Guttate psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that is more commonly seen in children and adolescents. It is often triggered by a streptococcal infection that occurred 2-4 weeks prior to the appearance of the lesions. The name guttate comes from the Latin word for drop, as the lesions appear as small, tear-shaped papules on the trunk and limbs. These papules are pink and scaly, and the onset of the condition is usually acute, occurring over a few days.
In most cases, guttate psoriasis will resolve on its own within 2-3 months. There is no clear evidence to support the use of antibiotics to treat the underlying streptococcal infection. Treatment options for guttate psoriasis include topical agents commonly used for psoriasis and UVB phototherapy. In cases where the condition recurs, a tonsillectomy may be necessary.
It is important to differentiate guttate psoriasis from pityriasis rosea, another skin condition that can present with similar symptoms. Guttate psoriasis is often preceded by a streptococcal sore throat, while pityriasis rosea may be preceded by a respiratory tract infection. The appearance of guttate psoriasis is characterized by tear-shaped papules on the trunk and limbs, while pityriasis rosea presents with a herald patch followed by multiple oval lesions with a fine scale. While guttate psoriasis resolves within a few months, pityriasis rosea typically resolves after around 6 weeks.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dermatology
Question 25
A 54-year-old woman arrived at the hospital complaining of chest pain and difficulty breathing. She has a history of left breast cancer and had undergone local wide excision recently. She is scheduled to begin radiotherapy soon. After a diagnostic workup, it was discovered that she has a segmental pulmonary embolism. Her blood tests indicate good renal function. What is the most suitable treatment option for this diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Apixaban
Explanation:For cancer patients with VTE, the recommended treatment is a DOAC for a period of 6 months. Among the DOACs, apixaban is the most suitable option as it has been found to have a lower risk of bleeding complications compared to LMWH and VKA. Moreover, patients taking apixaban can benefit from oral treatment and avoid frequent monitoring required with other anticoagulation treatments. Studies have also shown that apixaban is the most cost-effective option as it results in fewer bleeds.
NICE updated their guidelines on the investigation and management of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in 2020. The use of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) is recommended as first-line treatment for most people with VTE, including as interim anticoagulants before a definite diagnosis is made. Routine cancer screening is no longer recommended following a VTE diagnosis. The cornerstone of VTE management is anticoagulant therapy, with DOACs being the preferred choice. All patients should have anticoagulation for at least 3 months, with the length of anticoagulation being determined by whether the VTE was provoked or unprovoked.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Haematology/Oncology
Question 26
A 38-year-old teacher presents with ongoing fatigue. During a routine blood test, abnormal liver function tests are detected, prompting a hepatitis screen. The results are as follows:
Negative for Anti-HAV IgG
Negative for HBsAg
Positive for Anti-HBs
Negative for Anti-HBc
Positive for Anti-HCV
What is the most likely interpretation of these results?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Hepatitis C infection with previous hepatitis B vaccination
Explanation:To determine if a patient still has the hepatitis C virus, a HCV PCR test is necessary as only a small percentage of patients naturally clear the infection. Unfortunately, there is currently no vaccine available for hepatitis C.
When interpreting hepatitis B serology, the presence of surface antigen (HBsAg) typically indicates acute disease and triggers the production of anti-HBs. If HBsAg is present for more than six months, it suggests chronic disease and is infectious. Anti-HBs indicates immunity from either exposure or vaccination, while anti-HBc suggests previous or current infection. The appearance of IgM anti-HBc during acute or recent hepatitis B infection lasts for about six months. HbeAg is a marker of infectivity as it results from the breakdown of core antigen from infected liver cells.
Understanding Hepatitis C: Transmission, Complications, and Management
Hepatitis C is a viral infection that is expected to become a significant public health concern in the UK in the coming years. It is estimated that around 200,000 people in the country are chronically infected with the virus, with intravenous drug users and those who received blood transfusions prior to 1991 being at higher risk. The virus is an RNA flavivirus with an incubation period of 6-9 weeks.
Transmission of the virus can occur through needle stick injuries, vertical transmission from mother to child (especially if coexistent with HIV), and sexual intercourse (although the risk is low). There is currently no vaccine for hepatitis C. Symptoms of acute infection include a transient rise in serum aminotransferases, jaundice, fatigue, and arthralgia.
Around 15-45% of patients will clear the virus after an acute infection, while the majority (55-85%) will develop chronic hepatitis C. This can lead to complications such as rheumatological problems, cirrhosis, hepatocellular cancer, and cryoglobulinemia. Treatment for chronic infection depends on the viral genotype and aims for sustained virological response (SVR), defined as undetectable serum HCV RNA six months after the end of therapy. Interferon-based treatments are no longer recommended, with protease inhibitors such as daclatasvir and sofosbuvir or sofosbuvir and simeprevir being used instead. However, these treatments can have side effects such as haemolytic anaemia, cough, flu-like symptoms, depression, and fatigue.
In conclusion, understanding the transmission, complications, and management of hepatitis C is crucial in addressing this growing public health concern.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Infectious Diseases
Question 27
A 12-year-old girl has excessive bleeding after an adenotonsillectomy for recurrent tonsillitis. Physical examination reveals no abnormalities. The girl's grandmother died of a postoperative bleeding complication at a young age.
Which of the following is the most important investigation to establish a diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Factor VIII assay
Explanation:Diagnostic Tests for Haemophilia: Factor VIII Assay, Prothrombin Time/INR, Platelet Count, Bone Marrow Examination, and Blood Film
Haemophilia is an X-linked bleeding disorder caused by deficiency of clotting factor VIII (haemophilia A) or factor IX (haemophilia B). Patients may present with bruising, inadequate clotting with mild injury, or spontaneous haemorrhage. To diagnose haemophilia A, a factor VIII assay is necessary. Other diagnostic tests include prothrombin time/INR, platelet count, bone marrow examination, and blood film. The prothrombin time and platelet count are normal in haemophilia, while bone marrow sampling carries a risk of significant bleeding. A blood film is not useful in the diagnosis as red blood cells and platelet count are normal.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Paediatrics
Question 28
A 28-year-old G1P0 woman attends her routine antenatal appointment at 12 weeks gestation and reports experiencing burning retrosternal pain. Omeprazole is prescribed, and a urine sample is taken. The urinalysis shows trace protein with no haematuria, nitrates, or white cells, and the patient denies any urinary symptoms. During the appointment, her blood pressure is measured at 135/88 mmHg. Upon further testing, the urine sample is found to have scant growth of Escherichia coli. What is the most appropriate course of action?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Prescribe a 7 day course of nitrofurantoin
Explanation:Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women should be treated promptly with antibiotics. The recommended treatment is a 7-day course of nitrofurantoin. This is important to prevent the development of symptomatic urinary tract infection or pyelonephritis. Nitrofurantoin is safe to use in the first and second trimester, but should be avoided in the third trimester due to the risk of neonatal haemolysis. The patient’s blood pressure is within normal range and does not require treatment. The trace of protein in her urine is likely related to her asymptomatic bacteriuria and should be monitored with subsequent urine dips. Antihypertensive treatment is not necessary based on the trace of protein alone. Prescribing a 7-day course of trimethoprim is not recommended as it is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy due to the increased risk of neural-tube defects. Prescribing aspirin, labetalol, and a 7-day course of nitrofurantoin is not necessary as the patient does not meet the diagnostic criteria for pre-eclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension. Similarly, prescribing aspirin, labetalol, and a 7-day course of trimethoprim is not recommended for the same reasons.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in adults and can affect different parts of the urinary tract. The management of UTIs depends on various factors such as the patient’s age, gender, and pregnancy status. For non-pregnant women, local antibiotic guidelines should be followed if available. Trimethoprim or nitrofurantoin for three days are recommended by NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries. However, if the patient is aged over 65 years or has visible or non-visible haematuria, a urine culture should be sent. Pregnant women with UTIs should be treated with nitrofurantoin, amoxicillin, or cefalexin for seven days. Trimethoprim should be avoided during pregnancy as it is teratogenic in the first trimester. Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women should also be treated to prevent progression to acute pyelonephritis. Men with UTIs should be offered a seven-day course of trimethoprim or nitrofurantoin unless prostatitis is suspected. A urine culture should be sent before antibiotics are started. Catheterised patients should not be treated for asymptomatic bacteria, but if symptomatic, a seven-day course of antibiotics should be given. Acute pyelonephritis requires hospital admission and treatment with a broad-spectrum cephalosporin or quinolone for 10-14 days. Referral to urology is not routinely required for men who have had one uncomplicated lower UTI.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Renal Medicine/Urology
Question 29
A 65-year-old man presents to the emergency department with a 12-day history of muscle cramping and fatigue. His blood tests and ECG are as follows:
- Na+ 140 mmol/L (135 - 145)
- K+ 3.7 mmol/L (3.5 - 5.0)
- Bicarbonate 28 mmol/L (22 - 29)
- Urea 6.2 mmol/L (2.0 - 7.0)
- Creatinine 95 µmol/L (55 - 120)
- Calcium 1.7 mmol/L (2.1-2.6)
- Phosphate 1.3 mmol/L (0.8-1.4)
- Magnesium 0.62 mmol/L (0.7-1.0)
The patient's ECG shows a regular sinus rhythm with a rate of 72 BPM and a QTc of 480 ms. What is the most appropriate next step in management?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Intravenous calcium gluconate
Explanation:A 68-year-old man presents with hypocalcaemia and a prolonged QT interval, which can increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmias such as Torsades de pointes. Urgent intravenous calcium gluconate is the recommended treatment for severe hypocalcaemia, which can cause symptoms such as hand and foot spasming, tetany, and seizures. Checking the vitamin D level is important for identifying the cause of hypocalcaemia, but it is not the next best step in managing this patient’s acute condition. Oral calcium carbonate supplementation may be useful in some cases, but intravenous calcium is the preferred treatment for severe hypocalcaemia. Levothyroxine is not indicated for this patient, as hypothyroidism has not been diagnosed and urgent IV calcium gluconate should be given.
Understanding Hypocalcaemia: Its Causes and Management
Hypocalcaemia is a medical condition characterized by low levels of calcium in the blood. It can be caused by various factors such as vitamin D deficiency, chronic kidney disease, hypoparathyroidism, pseudohypoparathyroidism, rhabdomyolysis, magnesium deficiency, massive blood transfusion, and acute pancreatitis. In some cases, contamination of blood samples with EDTA may also lead to falsely low calcium levels.
To manage severe hypocalcaemia, which may manifest as carpopedal spasm, tetany, seizures, or prolonged QT interval, intravenous calcium replacement is necessary. The preferred method is through the administration of intravenous calcium gluconate, with a recommended dose of 10ml of 10% solution over 10 minutes. However, it is important to note that intravenous calcium chloride may cause local irritation. ECG monitoring is also recommended during the treatment process. Further management of hypocalcaemia depends on the underlying cause.
In summary, hypocalcaemia is a condition that can be caused by various factors, and its management depends on the severity of the symptoms and the underlying cause. Intravenous calcium replacement is the preferred method for severe cases, and ECG monitoring is recommended during treatment.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Renal Medicine/Urology
Question 30
A 55-year-old rancher presents to the ER with his spouse. He is experiencing a high fever and excessive sweating. During the examination, multiple black blisters are observed, which are producing a malodorous discharge. What is the typical microorganism linked to this ailment?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Clostridium perfringens
Explanation:Gas gangrene is a severe bacterial infection that can lead to muscle necrosis, sepsis, gas production, and ultimately, death. The infection can occur in two ways: through traumatic or surgical inoculation of a wound with bacteria, or spontaneously, which is often observed in immunocompromised patients. While there are multiple causes of gas gangrene, clostridium perfringens, a type of clostridia species, is frequently implicated. The condition typically begins with pain and progresses to systemic symptoms such as fever and dehydration. Skin changes, including blisters that can burst and produce a foul-smelling discharge, are also common. Movement may produce a crackling sound known as crepitus.
Clostridia: Gram-Positive Anaerobic Bacilli
Clostridia are a group of gram-positive, obligate anaerobic bacilli. There are several species of Clostridia, each with their own unique features and pathologies. C. perfringens produces α-toxin, a lecithinase, which can cause gas gangrene and haemolysis. Symptoms of gas gangrene include tender, oedematous skin with haemorrhagic blebs and bullae, and crepitus may be present on palpation. C. botulinum is typically found in canned foods and honey and can cause flaccid paralysis by preventing the release of acetylcholine. C. difficile is known for causing pseudomembranous colitis, which is often seen after the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. This species produces both an exotoxin and a cytotoxin. Finally, C. tetani produces an exotoxin called tetanospasmin, which prevents the release of glycine from Renshaw cells in the spinal cord, leading to spastic paralysis.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Infectious Diseases
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