Question 1
Which of the following muscles attaches to the pterygomandibular raphe?
Your Answer: Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle
Explanation:The pterygomandibular raphé (pterygomandibular ligament) provides attachment on its posterior border to the superior pharyngeal constrictor and on its anterior border to the buccinator muscle.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 2
A 55-year old patient with signs and symptoms of internal haemorrhage was brought in for emergency surgery to control the bleeding. Angiography results revealed an advanced duodenal tumour that had perforated the blood vessel immediately behind the first part of the duodenum. Which of the following is the most likely blood vessel that was ruptured by the cancer?
Your Answer: Gastroduodenal artery
Explanation:The gastroduodenal artery is the artery that lies just behind the first portion of the duodenum. The gastroduodenal artery would be the most likely artery to be perforated by a cancer in this area. The perforation is as a result of the spillage of the acidic content of the chyme in the duodenum. All the other blood vessels in the list would less likely be affected by the gastric expellant from the duodenum. The coronary vein is located in the lesser curvature of the stomach. The inferior pancreaticoduodenal arcade is located inferiorly to the first part of the duodenum on the head of the pancreas. The hepatic artery proper is a branch of the common hepatic artery that is located superior to the first portion of the duodenum. The splenic vein arises from the spleen; it forms the portal vein by joining the superior mesenteric vein. It is laterally detached from the duodenum. Both the left gastric vein and the splenic vein are located superior to the first portion of the duodenum.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 3
A space defined by the teres major muscle, the teres minor muscle, long head of the triceps brachii muscle and surgical neck of the humerus contains the axillary nerve and the?
Your Answer: Radial nerve
Correct Answer: Posterior circumflex humeral artery
Explanation:This quadrangular space transmits the posterior circumflex humeral vessels and the axillary nerve.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 4
From which source does the lingual artery originate?
Your Answer: External carotid
Explanation:The lingual artery arises from the external carotid between the superior thyroid artery and facial artery. It can be located easily on the lower surface of the tongue. The terminal branch of the lingual artery is the deep lingual artery. On its course the lingual artery gives off side branches: dorsal lingual branches that supply the dorsum of the tongue till the epiglottis; sublingual artery that supplies the sublingual gland.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 5
What best describes the muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg?
Your Answer: One of the posterior compartment leg muscles laterally rotates the femur
Explanation:The muscles of the back of the leg are subdivided into two groups: superficial and deep. Superficial muscles include gastrocnemius, soleus and plantaris and are the chief extensors of the foot at the ankle joint. Deep muscles include the tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus and popliteus
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 6
The superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, the artery that supplies blood to the pancreas and the duodenum, is a branch of the:
Your Answer: Superior mesenteric artery
Correct Answer: Gastroduodenal artery
Explanation:The superior pancreaticoduodenal artery together with the right gastroepiploic artery form the two branches of the gastroduodenal artery which divides at the lower border of the duodenum.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 7
Which one of the following groups of lymph nodes is most likely to be inflamed due to paronychia involving the big toe?
Your Answer: Lateral group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes
Correct Answer: Vertical group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes
Explanation:Paronychia affecting the big toe will result in inflammation of the superficial inguinal lymph nodes as it drains lymph from the big toe.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 8
During a laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon visualizes the medical umbilical folds on the deep surface of the anterior abdominal wall. What causes the medial umbilical folds?
Your Answer: Inferior epigastric vessels
Correct Answer: Obliterated umbilical arteries
Explanation:The medial umbilical ligament is a structure found on the deep surface of the anterior abdominal wall and is covered by the medial umbilical folds. It is a paired structure that represents the remnants of the fetal umbilical artery. They have no role in humans after birth other than to be used as a landmark for exploring the medial inguinal fossa during laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 9
Injury to this nerve will affect the function of the palatoglossus and levator veli palatini muscles:
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Cranial nerve X
Explanation:The vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) innervates both the palatoglossus and levator veli palatini muscles.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 10
A 45 year-old female presents with a drooping eyelid. During examination, the same pupil of the patient is found to be dilated. Which nerve could be involve in this case?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Oculomotor nerve
Explanation:The oculomotor nerve controls most of the eye muscles. It also controls the constriction of the pupils and thickening of the lens of the eye. This can be tested in two main ways. By moving a finger toward a person’s face to induce accommodation, their pupils should constrict or shining a light into one eye should result in equal constriction of the other eye. The neurons in the optic nerve decussate in the optic chiasm with some crossing to the contralateral optic nerve tract. This is the basis of the swinging-flashlight test. Loss of accommodation and continued pupillary dilation can indicate the presence of a lesion of the oculomotor nerve.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 11
Which of the following muscles are involved in abduction of the wrist?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Extensor carpi radialis brevis and flexor carpi radialis
Explanation:The muscle of the wrist that cause abduction of the wrist otherwise also know as radial flexion of the wrist are the following:
-Abductor Pollicis Longus
-Flexor Carpi Radialis
-Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
-Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis -
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 12
A man had an injury to his right brachial plexus. After examination by the doctor they found that the diaphragm and the scapula were unaffected however the patient could not abduct his arm. When helped with abducting his arm to 45 degrees he was able to continue the movement. This means that he was unable to initiate abduction. Where is the likely site of injury?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Suprascapular nerve
Explanation:The loss of ability to initiate abduction means paralysis of the supraspinatus muscle. This muscle is supplied by the supraclavicular nerve.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 13
In the adult heart, the sinus venosus gives rise to the:
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Coronary sinus
Explanation:The sinus venosus is a large quadrangular cavity which precedes the atrium on the venous side of the chordate heart. It exists distinctly only in the embryonic heart (where it is found between the two venae cavae); however, the sinus venosus persists in the adult. In the adult, it is incorporated into the wall of the right atrium to form a smooth part called the sinus venarum, which is separated from the rest of the atrium by a ridge of fibres called the crista terminalis. The sinus venosus also forms the SA node and the coronary sinus.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 14
A patient sustained an iatrogenic injury to one of the structures passing through the deep inguinal ring. This was during an operation to repair an inguinal hernia. Which structure is most likely to be injured?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Round ligament of the uterus
Explanation:The deep inguinal ring transmits the spermatic cord in the man and the round ligament of the uterus in the female. It is bound below and medially by the inferior epigastric vessels (so these don’t go through it).
The ilioinguinal nerve, although it courses through the inguinal canal, does not pass through it.
The iliohypogastric nerves run between the internal oblique and transversus abdominis in the abdominal wall, piercing the internal oblique at the anterior superior iliac spine to travel just deep to the external oblique.
The inferior epigastric artery runs between the transversus abdominis and the peritoneum forming the lateral umbilical fold.
The medial umbilical ligament is the obliterated umbilical artery that it lies within the medial umbilical fold of peritoneum. -
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 15
Prostatectomy carries a risk of loss of penile erection due to injury to the prostatic plexus responsible for an erection. From which nerves do these fibres originate?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Pelvic splanchnics
Explanation:Erection is a function of the parasympathetic nerves. Of the nerves listed, only the pelvic splanchnic nerves have parasympathetic fibres that innervate the smooth muscles and glands of the pelvic viscera.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 16
Which of the following structures lying posterior to the ovary are at risk of injury in excision of a malignant tumour in the right ovary?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ureter
Explanation:The ovaries are two nodular structures situated one on either side of the uterus in relation to the lateral wall of the pelvis and attached to the back of the broad ligament of the uterus, lying posteroinferiorly to the fallopian tubes. Each ovary has a lateral and medial surface. The ureter is at greater risk of iatrogenic injury at this location.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 17
Which of the following statements regarding the femoral artery is CORRECT?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: It has the femoral nerve lying lateral to it
Explanation:The femoral artery begins immediately behind the inguinal ligament, midway between the anterior superior spine of the ilium and the symphysis pubis. The first 4 cm of the vessel is enclosed, together with the femoral vein, in a fibrous sheath (the femoral sheath). The femoral nerve lies lateral to this.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 18
When a patient is standing erect, pleural fluid would tend to accumulate in which part of the pleural space?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Costodiaphragmatic recess
Explanation:The costo-diaphragmatic recess is the lowest extent of the pleural cavity or sac. Any fluid in the pleura will by gravity accumulate here when a patient is standing erect.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 19
Which of the cranial nerves is responsible for touch sensation on the skin over the maxilla region and the mandible?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Trigeminal
Explanation:The sensation of the face is provided by the trigeminal nerve which is cranial nerve V. It is also responsible for other motor functions such as biting and chewing. The trigeminal nerve has three branches; the ophthalmic nerve (V1), the maxillary nerve((V2) and the mandibular nerve (V3). These three branches exit the skull through separate foramina, namely; the superior orbital fissure, the foramen rotundum and the foramen ovale respectively. The mnemonic for this is ‘Standing room only’. The sensory fibres of the maxillary nerve are distributed to the lower eyelid and cheek, the nares and upper lip, the upper teeth and gums, the nasal mucosa, the palate and roof of the pharynx, the maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, and parts of the meninges. The sensory fibres of the mandibular nerve are distributed to the lower lip, the lower teeth and gums, the floor of the mouth, the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, the chin and jaw (except the angle of the jaw, which is supplied by C2–C3), parts of the external ear, and parts of the meninges. The mandibular nerve carries touch/ position and pain/temperature sensation from the mouth. The sensory fibres of the ophthalmic nerve are distributed to the scalp and forehead, the upper eyelid, the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye, the nose (including the tip of the nose), the nasal mucosa, the frontal sinuses and parts of the meninges (the dura and blood vessels). The sensory fibres of the maxillary nerve are distributed to the lower eyelid and cheek, the nares and upper lip, the upper teeth and gums, the nasal mucosa, the palate and roof of the pharynx, the maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, and parts of the meninges.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 20
A 60-year old woman who has a left sided post-pneumonic effusion, was to have some pleural fluid aspirated for culture and sensitivity. If the medical intern in charge of the procedure decided to aspirate while the patient is sitting up on her bed, where in the pleural cavity would the fluid tend to accumulate?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Costodiaphragmatic recess
Explanation:The lowest part of the pleural cavity is the costodiaphragmatic recess and it the space in which the pleural fluid will accumulate when the patient sits up.
The cupola is part of the pleural cavity that extends into the root of the neck above the first rib.
The costomediastinal recess is the junction at which the costal pleura becomes the mediastinal pleura.
The middle mediastinum is the part of the mediastinum that is occupied by the heart.
The hilar reflection is the point where the mediastinal pleura is reflected to continue on as the visceral pleura. -
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 21
The uterine artery arises from the?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Internal iliac artery
Explanation:The uterine artery arises from the anterior division of the internal iliac artery and runs medially on the levator ani towards the uterine cervix.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 22
Which of the following is the source of blood supply to the artery of the round ligament at the head of the femur?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Obturator artery
Explanation:The posterior branch of the obturator artery provides an articular branch to the head of the femur.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 23
During thyroidectomy, the recurrent laryngeal nerves are vulnerable to injury. Which of the following muscles will not be affected in cases where the recurrent laryngeal nerve is severed?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Cricothyroid
Explanation:All muscles of the larynx are supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve except for the cricothyroid which is supplied by the vagus nerve.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 24
In a splenectomy procedure, special care is emphasized on the preservation of the tail of the pancreas that is closely associated with the spleen to avoid post operative pancreatic fistula. As a general surgeon conducting a splenectomy where are you most likely to find the tail of the pancreas in the abdominal cavity?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Splenorenal ligament
Explanation:The tail of the pancreas is the only intraperitoneal part of the pancreas and is found contained in the splenorenal ligament of the peritoneal cavity. The splenorenal ligament is derived from the peritoneum where the wall of the general peritoneal cavity connects to the omental bursa between the spleen and the left kidney. This ligament contains the splenic vessels and the tail of the pancreas.
The gastrocolic ligament stretches from the greater curvature of the stomach to the transverse colon, connecting the two.
The gastrosplenic ligament is derived from the greater omentum and is the structure that connects the stomach to the hilum of the spleen. The gastrosplenic ligament continues from the splenic flexure of the colon to the diaphragm and acts as a support to the spleen.
The transverse colon is connected to the abdominal wall by the mesocolon ligament.
The falciform ligament on the other hand, attaches the liver to the ventral wall of the abdomen.
The hepatoduodenal ligament connects the porta hepatis of the liver to the superior part of the duodenum. -
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 25
During hysterectomy, the ureter is most likely to be ligated when a surgeon is clamping the?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Uterine arteries
Explanation:The ureter forms the posterior boundary of a shallow depression which lodges the ovary and then runs medially and forward on the lateral aspect of the uterine cervix and upper part of the vagina to reach the fundus of the bladder. It is also situated about 2cm from the side of the cervix of the uterus. The relationship of the ureters and uterine arteries is of clinical significance because the arteries are at risk of iatrogenic injury during hysterectomy.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 26
Regarding abduction of the digits of the hand, which of the following is correct?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: All of the adductors of the digits take at least part of their attachments from metacarpal bones
Explanation:Lying on the palmer surfaces of the metacarpal bones are four palmar interossei which are smaller than the dorsal interossei. Arising from the entire length of the metacarpal bone of one finger, is a palmar interosseous, which is inserted into the side of the base of the first phalanx and the aponeurotic expansion of the extensor digitorum communis tendon to the same finger. All the interossei are innervated by the eighth cervical nerve, through the deep palmar branch of the ulnar nerve. The palmar interossei adducts the fingers to an imaginary line drawn longitudinally through the centre of the middle finger.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 27
Where is the foramen ovale located?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Sphenoid
Explanation:The foramen ovale is an oval shaped opening in the middle cranial fossa located at the posterior base of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, lateral to the lingula. It transmits the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (CN Vc), accessory meningeal artery, emissary veins between the cavernous sinuses and pterygoid plexus, otic ganglion, and occasionally the nervus spinosus and lesser petrosal nerve.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 28
An operation to resect a tumour of the right lung was stopped as the chest surgeon said that the tumour was crossing the oblique fissure. Which structures are separated by the oblique fissure of the right lung?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Lower lobe from both upper and middle lobes
Explanation:The oblique fissure on the right lung separates the lower lobe from both the middle and upper lobe. The lingual is only found on the left lung and is part of the upper lobe.
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- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 29
A 25 year-old male patient was brought to the hospital due to a vehicular accident. A skull x-ray was done which revealed a fracture along the base of the middle cranial fossa. The patient has no sense of touch over the skin over his cheek and chin. Injury to the maxillary and the mandibular nerves is suspected. In which foramina do these two affected sensory branches leave the cranial cavity.
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Foramen rotundum and foramen ovale
Explanation:The patient’s clinical manifestations suggests an injury to the maxillary and mandibular nerves. The maxillary branch (V2) of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) passes through and exits the skull via the pterygopalatine fossa and the foramen rotundum. At the base of the skull the foramen ovale (Latin: oval window) is one of the larger of the several holes (the foramina) that transmit nerves through the skull. The foramen ovale is situated in the posterior part of the sphenoid bone, posterolateral to the foramen rotundum. The following structures pass through foramen ovale: mandibular nerve, motor root of the trigeminal nerve, accessory meningeal artery (small meningeal or paradural branch, sometimes derived from the middle meningeal artery), lesser petrosal nerve, a branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve and
an emissary vein connecting the cavernous sinus with the pterygoid plexus of veins. Occasionally it will also carry the anterior trunk of the middle meningeal vein. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
Question 30
Where does the ejaculatory duct open into?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Prostatic urethra
Explanation:There are two ejaculatory ducts, one on either side of the midline. Each ejaculatory duct is formed by the union of the duct from the seminal vesicles with the ductus deferens. They start at the base of the prostate and run forward and downward between the middle and lateral lobes and along the side of the prostatic utricle to end in the prostatic urethra.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Anatomy
- Basic Sciences
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