Question 1
An 80-year-old woman presents to the GP with a complaint of dull abdominal pain that has been bothering her for the past 3 months. The pain is usually worse on the left side and sometimes eases after passing stool. She also reports having more diarrhea than usual. Last week, she had an episode of fresh red bleeding from the back passage. She denies any changes in her diet and has a past medical history of total abdominal hysterectomy, osteoarthritis, and basal cell carcinoma. On examination, her abdomen is mildly tender in the left iliac fossa, and rectal examination is normal. Her BMI is 27 kg/m², and she drinks a large whisky every evening. The GP urgently refers her for investigations, and she is diagnosed with diverticulosis. What feature of her history puts her at the greatest risk for diverticulosis?
Your Answer: Female gender
Correct Answer: Low-fibre diet
Explanation:Intestinal diverticula are more likely to develop in individuals with a low fibre diet. This patient’s diet appears to be lacking in fruits and vegetables, which increases their risk. While smoking has been linked to diverticulosis, there is no evidence to suggest that alcohol consumption is a risk factor. Although obesity is associated with an increased risk, this patient’s BMI is not in the obese range. Diverticulosis is more prevalent in men than women, and abdominal surgery is not a known risk factor.
Diverticulosis is a common condition where multiple outpouchings occur in the bowel wall, typically in the sigmoid colon. It is more accurate to use the term diverticulosis when referring to the presence of diverticula, while diverticular disease is reserved for symptomatic patients. Risk factors for this condition include a low-fibre diet and increasing age. Symptoms of diverticulosis can include altered bowel habits and colicky left-sided abdominal pain. A high-fibre diet is often recommended to alleviate these symptoms.
Diverticulitis is a complication of diverticulosis where one of the diverticula becomes infected. The typical presentation includes left iliac fossa pain and tenderness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and signs of infection such as pyrexia, raised WBC, and CRP. Mild attacks can be treated with oral antibiotics, while more severe episodes require hospitalization. Treatment involves nil by mouth, intravenous fluids, and intravenous antibiotics such as a cephalosporin and metronidazole. Complications of diverticulitis include abscess formation, peritonitis, obstruction, and perforation.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 2
A 72-year-old woman visits her doctor complaining of painful legs, particularly in her thighs, which occur after walking and subside on rest. She occasionally takes paracetamol to alleviate the pain. Her medical history includes hyperlipidaemia, type II diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and depression. The physician suspects that her pain may be due to claudication of the femoral artery, which is a continuation of the external iliac artery. Can you correctly identify the anatomical landmark where the external iliac artery becomes the femoral artery?
Your Answer: Inguinal ligament
Explanation:After passing the inguinal ligament, the external iliac artery transforms into the femoral artery. This means that the other options provided are not accurate. Here is a brief explanation of their anatomical importance:
– The medial edge of the sartorius muscle creates the lateral wall of the femoral triangle.
– The medial edge of the adductor longus muscle creates the medial wall of the femoral triangle.
– The femoral vein creates the lateral border of the femoral canal.
– The pectineus muscle creates the posterior border of the femoral canal.The inguinal canal is located above the inguinal ligament and measures 4 cm in length. Its superficial ring is situated in front of the pubic tubercle, while the deep ring is found about 1.5-2 cm above the halfway point between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle. The canal is bounded by the external oblique aponeurosis, inguinal ligament, lacunar ligament, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, external ring, and conjoint tendon. In males, the canal contains the spermatic cord and ilioinguinal nerve, while in females, it houses the round ligament of the uterus and ilioinguinal nerve.
The boundaries of Hesselbach’s triangle, which are frequently tested, are located in the inguinal region. Additionally, the inguinal canal is closely related to the vessels of the lower limb, which should be taken into account when repairing hernial defects in this area.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 3
A 50-year-old male is brought to your clinic by his wife due to concerns of his 'skin and eyes looking yellow' and has worsened since it started 3 months ago. On systematic examination, you noticed jaundice and cachexia but it is otherwise unremarkable. On further questioning the man himself reports that his urine has been getting darker as well as stools becoming paler. You order an urgent CT scan which showed a mass lesion at the head of the pancreas. What is the direct explanation for the change in color of his stools?
Your Answer: Lack of conjugation of bilirubin by the liver
Correct Answer: Decrease in stercobilin
Explanation:The presentation of symptoms related to the conjugation of bilirubin varies depending on where the process is disrupted, such as pre-hepatic, hepatic, or post-hepatic. In this case, a mass in the pancreatic head has caused an obstruction of the common bile duct, which is post-hepatic. This obstruction results in less conjugated bilirubin reaching the intestinal tract and more being absorbed into the systemic circulation. As a result, there is a decrease in stercobilin production, leading to paler stools.
Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer that is often diagnosed late due to its non-specific symptoms. The majority of pancreatic tumors are adenocarcinomas and are typically found in the head of the pancreas. Risk factors for pancreatic cancer include increasing age, smoking, diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma, and mutations in the BRCA2 and KRAS genes.
Symptoms of pancreatic cancer can include painless jaundice, pale stools, dark urine, and pruritus. Courvoisier’s law states that a palpable gallbladder is unlikely to be due to gallstones in the presence of painless obstructive jaundice. However, patients often present with non-specific symptoms such as anorexia, weight loss, and epigastric pain. Loss of exocrine and endocrine function can also occur, leading to steatorrhea and diabetes mellitus. Atypical back pain and migratory thrombophlebitis (Trousseau sign) are also common.
Ultrasound has a sensitivity of around 60-90% for detecting pancreatic cancer, but high-resolution CT scanning is the preferred diagnostic tool. The ‘double duct’ sign, which is the simultaneous dilatation of the common bile and pancreatic ducts, may be seen on imaging.
Less than 20% of patients with pancreatic cancer are suitable for surgery at the time of diagnosis. A Whipple’s resection (pancreaticoduodenectomy) may be performed for resectable lesions in the head of the pancreas, but side-effects such as dumping syndrome and peptic ulcer disease can occur. Adjuvant chemotherapy is typically given following surgery, and ERCP with stenting may be used for palliation.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 4
A 49-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with severe abdominal pain that started an hour ago. She reports feeling unwell recently, but this is the first time she has experienced this type of pain, which is mainly located in the right upper quadrant. During the examination, the physician notes hepatomegaly and ascites, and the patient's eyes have a slight yellow tint. An ultrasound scan reveals reduced blood flow in the hepatic veins, and there is no history of recent travel, drug use, or needlestick injury. The patient has not experienced recent weight loss, and her last menstrual period was two weeks ago. She is not taking any regular or over-the-counter medications. What condition could potentially be causing this patient's symptoms?
Your Answer: Bernard-Soulier syndrome
Correct Answer: Protein C deficiency
Explanation:Budd-Chiari syndrome, which is characterized by abdominal pain, ascites, hepatomegaly, and jaundice, can be caused by hypercoagulable states such as protein C and S deficiencies. In this case, the patient’s protein C deficiency increased their risk of developing a thrombus in the hepatic veins, leading to Budd-Chiari syndrome. Other risk factors for thrombus formation include pregnancy and hepatocellular carcinoma. The use of oral contraceptives would also increase the risk of thrombus formation, while warfarin treatment would decrease it. Atrial fibrillation, on the other hand, would predispose a patient to systemic embolism, which can cause ischaemic symptoms in various arterial circulations.
Understanding Budd-Chiari Syndrome
Budd-Chiari syndrome, also known as hepatic vein thrombosis, is a condition that is often associated with an underlying hematological disease or another procoagulant condition. The causes of this syndrome include polycythemia rubra vera, thrombophilia, pregnancy, and the use of combined oral contraceptive pills. The symptoms of Budd-Chiari syndrome typically include sudden onset and severe abdominal pain, ascites leading to abdominal distension, and tender hepatomegaly.
To diagnose Budd-Chiari syndrome, an ultrasound with Doppler flow studies is usually the initial radiological investigation. This test is highly sensitive and can help identify the presence of the condition. It is important to diagnose and treat Budd-Chiari syndrome promptly to prevent complications such as liver failure and portal hypertension.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 5
Which of the following is the least probable outcome associated with severe atrophic gastritis in elderly patients?
Your Answer: Anaemia
Correct Answer: Duodenal ulcers
Explanation:A duodenal ulcer is unlikely to occur as a result of the decrease in gastric acid. However, it should be noted that gastric polyps may develop (refer to below).
Types of Gastritis and Their Features
Gastritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the stomach lining. There are different types of gastritis, each with its own unique features. Type A gastritis is an autoimmune condition that results in the reduction of parietal cells and hypochlorhydria. This type of gastritis is associated with circulating antibodies to parietal cells and can lead to B12 malabsorption. Type B gastritis, on the other hand, is antral gastritis that is caused by infection with Helicobacter pylori. This type of gastritis can lead to peptic ulceration and intestinal metaplasia in the stomach, which requires surveillance endoscopy.
Reflux gastritis occurs when bile refluxes into the stomach, either post-surgical or due to the failure of pyloric function. This type of gastritis is characterized by chronic inflammation and foveolar hyperplasia. Erosive gastritis is caused by agents that disrupt the gastric mucosal barrier, such as NSAIDs and alcohol. Stress ulceration occurs as a result of mucosal ischemia during hypotension or hypovolemia. The stomach is the most sensitive organ in the GI tract to ischemia following hypovolemia, and prophylaxis with acid-lowering therapy and sucralfate may minimize complications. Finally, Menetrier’s disease is a pre-malignant condition characterized by gross hypertrophy of the gastric mucosal folds, excessive mucous production, and hypochlorhydria.
In summary, gastritis is a condition that can have different types and features. It is important to identify the type of gastritis to provide appropriate management and prevent complications.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 6
A 55-year-old obese woman presents with a 4-hour history of right upper quadrant abdominal pain that started after a meal. Upon physical examination, tenderness was noted upon palpation of the right upper quadrant. An abdominal ultrasound revealed the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder. The surgeon opted for a cholecystectomy to remove the gallbladder. During the surgery, the surgeon identified the cystic duct and the inferior surface of the liver to locate the hepatobiliary triangle. What is the third border of the hepatobiliary triangle?
Your Answer: Common hepatic duct
Explanation:The area known as the hepatobiliary triangle is defined by three borders: the common hepatic duct on the medial side, the cystic duct on the inferior side, and the inferior edge of the liver on the superior side. This space is particularly important during laparoscopic cholecystectomy, as it allows for safe ligation and division of the cystic duct and cystic artery. It’s worth noting that the common bile duct is formed by the joining of the common hepatic duct and the cystic duct, but it is not considered one of the borders of the hepatobiliary triangle. The cystic artery, on the other hand, is located within this anatomical space. Finally, while the gastroduodenal artery does arise from the common hepatic artery, it is not one of the borders of the hepatobiliary triangle.
The gallbladder is a sac made of fibromuscular tissue that can hold up to 50 ml of fluid. Its lining is made up of columnar epithelium. The gallbladder is located in close proximity to various organs, including the liver, transverse colon, and the first part of the duodenum. It is covered by peritoneum and is situated between the right lobe and quadrate lobe of the liver. The gallbladder receives its arterial supply from the cystic artery, which is a branch of the right hepatic artery. Its venous drainage is directly to the liver, and its lymphatic drainage is through Lund’s node. The gallbladder is innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. The common bile duct originates from the confluence of the cystic and common hepatic ducts and is located in the hepatobiliary triangle, which is bordered by the common hepatic duct, cystic duct, and the inferior edge of the liver. The cystic artery is also found within this triangle.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 7
A 35-year-old woman came in with a 7-month history of upper abdominal pain and nausea. She reported no weight loss. An upper GI endoscopy showed mild gastritis, but her symptoms persisted even after a 3-month course of proton pump inhibitors. A CT scan was done and revealed a probable gastrinoma. Which type of cell does the hormone produced by this tumor target to stimulate acid secretion?
Your Answer: Parietal cell
Explanation:The secretion of H+ by gastric parietal cells is increased by gastrin.
Overview of Gastrointestinal Hormones
Gastrointestinal hormones play a crucial role in the digestion and absorption of food. These hormones are secreted by various cells in the stomach and small intestine in response to different stimuli such as the presence of food, pH changes, and neural signals.
One of the major hormones involved in food digestion is gastrin, which is secreted by G cells in the antrum of the stomach. Gastrin increases acid secretion by gastric parietal cells, stimulates the secretion of pepsinogen and intrinsic factor, and increases gastric motility. Another hormone, cholecystokinin (CCK), is secreted by I cells in the upper small intestine in response to partially digested proteins and triglycerides. CCK increases the secretion of enzyme-rich fluid from the pancreas, contraction of the gallbladder, and relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi. It also decreases gastric emptying and induces satiety.
Secretin is another hormone secreted by S cells in the upper small intestine in response to acidic chyme and fatty acids. Secretin increases the secretion of bicarbonate-rich fluid from the pancreas and hepatic duct cells, decreases gastric acid secretion, and has a trophic effect on pancreatic acinar cells. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is a neural hormone that stimulates secretion by the pancreas and intestines and inhibits acid secretion.
Finally, somatostatin is secreted by D cells in the pancreas and stomach in response to fat, bile salts, and glucose in the intestinal lumen. Somatostatin decreases acid and pepsin secretion, decreases gastrin secretion, decreases pancreatic enzyme secretion, and decreases insulin and glucagon secretion. It also inhibits the trophic effects of gastrin and stimulates gastric mucous production.
In summary, gastrointestinal hormones play a crucial role in regulating the digestive process and maintaining homeostasis in the gastrointestinal tract.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 8
A 30-year-old male pedestrian is struck by a van while on a busy road and is transported to the Emergency Department via ambulance. Despite receiving high flow 100% oxygen, he remains dyspneic and hypoxic. His blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg and his pulse rate is 115 bpm. Upon examination, the right side of his chest is hyper-resonant on percussion and has decreased breath sounds. Additionally, the trachea is deviated to the left. What is the most probable underlying diagnosis?
Your Answer: Tension pneumothorax
Explanation:A flap-like defect on the lung surface caused by chest trauma, whether blunt or penetrating, can lead to a tension pneumothorax. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, worsening oxygen levels, a hollow sound upon tapping the chest, and the trachea being pushed to one side. The recommended course of action is to perform needle decompression and insert a chest tube.
Thoracic Trauma: Types and Management
Thoracic trauma refers to injuries that affect the chest area, including the lungs, heart, and blood vessels. There are several types of thoracic trauma, each with its own set of symptoms and management strategies. Tension pneumothorax, for example, occurs when pressure builds up in the thorax due to a laceration in the lung parenchyma. This condition is often caused by mechanical ventilation in patients with pleural injury. Flail chest, on the other hand, occurs when the chest wall disconnects from the thoracic cage due to multiple rib fractures. This condition is associated with pulmonary contusion and abnormal chest motion.
Other types of thoracic trauma include pneumothorax, haemothorax, cardiac tamponade, pulmonary contusion, blunt cardiac injury, aorta disruption, diaphragm disruption, and mediastinal traversing wounds. Each of these conditions has its own set of symptoms and management strategies. For example, patients with traumatic pneumothorax should never be mechanically ventilated until a chest drain is inserted. Haemothoraces large enough to appear on CXR are treated with a large bore chest drain, and surgical exploration is warranted if >1500ml blood is drained immediately. In cases of cardiac tamponade, Beck’s triad (elevated venous pressure, reduced arterial pressure, reduced heart sounds) and pulsus paradoxus may be present. Early intubation within an hour is recommended for patients with significant hypoxia due to pulmonary contusion. Overall, prompt and appropriate management of thoracic trauma is crucial for improving patient outcomes.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 9
A 63-year-old female patient arrives at the emergency department complaining of severe, sudden-onset abdominal pain that has been ongoing for an hour. She describes the pain as intense and cramping, with a severity rating of 9/10.
The patient has a medical history of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and atrial fibrillation.
After undergoing a contrast CT scan, a thrombus is discovered in the inferior mesenteric artery, and the patient is immediately scheduled for an urgent laparotomy.
What structures are likely to be affected based on this diagnosis?Your Answer: Distal third of colon and the rectum superior to pectinate line
Explanation:The inferior mesenteric artery is responsible for supplying blood to the hindgut, which includes the distal third of the colon and the rectum superior to the pectinate line. In this case, the patient’s sudden onset of severe abdominal pain and history of atrial fibrillation suggest acute mesenteric ischemia, with the affected artery being the inferior mesenteric artery. Therefore, if a thrombus were to block this artery, the distal third of the colon and superior rectum would experience ischaemic changes. It is important to note that the ascending colon, caecum, ileum, appendix, greater omentum, and stomach are supplied by different arteries and would not be affected by a thrombus in the inferior mesenteric artery.
The Inferior Mesenteric Artery: Supplying the Hindgut
The inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) is responsible for supplying the embryonic hindgut with blood. It originates just above the aortic bifurcation, at the level of L3, and passes across the front of the aorta before settling on its left side. At the point where the left common iliac artery is located, the IMA becomes the superior rectal artery.
The hindgut, which includes the distal third of the colon and the rectum above the pectinate line, is supplied by the IMA. The left colic artery is one of the branches that emerges from the IMA near its origin. Up to three sigmoid arteries may also exit the IMA to supply the sigmoid colon further down the line.
Overall, the IMA plays a crucial role in ensuring that the hindgut receives the blood supply it needs to function properly. Its branches help to ensure that the colon and rectum are well-nourished and able to carry out their important digestive functions.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 10
A 25-year-old soldier sustains a gunshot wound to the abdomen resulting in severe damage to the abdominal aorta. The surgeons opt to place a vascular clamp just below the diaphragm to control the bleeding. What is the potential risk of injury to one of the vessels during this procedure?
Your Answer: Renal arteries
Correct Answer: Inferior phrenic arteries
Explanation:The inferior phrenic arteries, which are the first branches of the abdominal aorta, are most vulnerable. On the other hand, the superior phrenic arteries are located in the thorax. The area around the diaphragmatic hiatus could be a valuable location for aortic occlusion, but keeping the clamp on for more than 10-15 minutes typically results in unfavorable results.
The abdominal aorta is a major blood vessel that originates from the 12th thoracic vertebrae and terminates at the fourth lumbar vertebrae. It is located in the abdomen and is surrounded by various organs and structures. The posterior relations of the abdominal aorta include the vertebral bodies of the first to fourth lumbar vertebrae. The anterior relations include the lesser omentum, liver, left renal vein, inferior mesenteric vein, third part of the duodenum, pancreas, parietal peritoneum, and peritoneal cavity. The right lateral relations include the right crus of the diaphragm, cisterna chyli, azygos vein, and inferior vena cava (which becomes posterior distally). The left lateral relations include the fourth part of the duodenum, duodenal-jejunal flexure, and left sympathetic trunk. Overall, the abdominal aorta is an important blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to various organs in the abdomen.
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Question 11
A 42-year-old woman experiences repeated episodes of biliary colic. How much bile enters the duodenum in a day, approximately?
Your Answer: 150 mL
Correct Answer: 500 mL
Explanation:The small bowel receives a daily supply of bile ranging from 500 mL to 1.5 L, with the majority of bile salts being reused through the enterohepatic circulation. The contraction of the gallbladder results in a lumenal pressure of around 25 cm water, which can cause severe pain in cases of biliary colic.
Bile is a liquid that is produced in the liver at a rate of 500ml to 1500mL per day. It is made up of bile salts, bicarbonate, cholesterol, steroids, and water. The flow of bile is regulated by three factors: hepatic secretion, gallbladder contraction, and sphincter of oddi resistance. Bile salts are absorbed in the terminal ileum and are recycled up to six times a day, with over 90% of all bile salts being recycled.
There are two types of bile salts: primary and secondary. Primary bile salts include cholate and chenodeoxycholate, while secondary bile salts are formed by bacterial action on primary bile salts and include deoxycholate and lithocholate. Deoxycholate is reabsorbed, while lithocholate is insoluble and excreted.
Gallstones can form when there is an excess of cholesterol in the bile. Bile salts have a detergent action and form micelles, which have a lipid center that transports fats. However, excessive amounts of cholesterol cannot be transported in this way and will precipitate, resulting in the formation of cholesterol-rich gallstones.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 12
A 56-year-old female patient who underwent tubal ligation presents to her general practitioner with complaints of abdominal pain, flank pain, visible blood in her urine, and involuntary urinary leakage. She has a history of lithotripsy for renal calculi one year ago. A CT scan of her abdomen and pelvis reveals an intra-abdominal fluid collection. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer: Ureter injury
Explanation:The patient’s symptoms and CT findings suggest that they may have suffered iatrogenic damage to their ureters, which are retroperitoneal organs. This can lead to fluid accumulation in the retroperitoneal space, causing haematuria, abdominal/flank pain, and incontinence. While calculi and lithotripsy can damage the ureter mucosal lining, they are unlikely to have caused fluid accumulation in the intra-abdominal cavity, especially since the lithotripsy was performed a year ago. Pelvic inflammatory disease and urinary tract infections can cause similar symptoms, but their CT findings would be different.
The retroperitoneal structures are those that are located behind the peritoneum, which is the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity. These structures include the duodenum (2nd, 3rd, and 4th parts), ascending and descending colon, kidneys, ureters, aorta, and inferior vena cava. They are situated in the back of the abdominal cavity, close to the spine. In contrast, intraperitoneal structures are those that are located within the peritoneal cavity, such as the stomach, duodenum (1st part), jejunum, ileum, transverse colon, and sigmoid colon. It is important to note that the retroperitoneal structures are not well demonstrated in the diagram as the posterior aspect has been removed, but they are still significant in terms of their location and function.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 13
A 21-year-old man presents to the gastroenterology clinic with a 10-week history of abdominal pain and tenesmus. He reports experiencing intermittent diarrhea that has been increasing in frequency and has noticed fresh red blood on wiping. During the examination, he exhibits generalized abdominal tenderness, which is most severe when palpating the left iliac fossa. Several tests are ordered.
What is a characteristic finding associated with his underlying condition?Your Answer: Mucosal inflammation
Explanation:Patients with UC have a deficient mucous layer and reduced goblet cell production, while those with Crohn’s disease exhibit an increase in goblet cells. Additionally, Crohn’s disease may present with rose-thorn ulcers in the terminal ileum after a barium swallow, which manifest as deep linear ulcers.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a condition that includes two main types: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Although they share many similarities in terms of symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, there are some key differences between the two. Crohn’s disease is characterized by non-bloody diarrhea, weight loss, upper gastrointestinal symptoms, mouth ulcers, perianal disease, and a palpable abdominal mass in the right iliac fossa. On the other hand, ulcerative colitis is characterized by bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain in the left lower quadrant, tenesmus, gallstones, and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Complications of Crohn’s disease include obstruction, fistula, and colorectal cancer, while ulcerative colitis has a higher risk of colorectal cancer than Crohn’s disease. Pathologically, Crohn’s disease lesions can be seen anywhere from the mouth to anus, while ulcerative colitis inflammation always starts at the rectum and never spreads beyond the ileocaecal valve. Endoscopy and radiology can help diagnose and differentiate between the two types of IBD.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 14
A 60-year-old man comes to the hospital complaining of intense upper abdominal pain, fever, and vomiting. After diagnosis, he is found to have acute pancreatitis. Among the liver function tests, which one is significantly elevated in cases of pancreatitis?
Your Answer: Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
Correct Answer: Amylase
Explanation:Acute pancreatitis is a condition that is primarily caused by gallstones and alcohol consumption in the UK. However, there are other factors that can contribute to the development of this condition. A popular mnemonic used to remember these factors is GET SMASHED, which stands for gallstones, ethanol, trauma, steroids, mumps, autoimmune diseases, scorpion venom, hypertriglyceridaemia, hyperchylomicronaemia, hypercalcaemia, hypothermia, ERCP, and certain drugs. It is important to note that pancreatitis is seven times more common in patients taking mesalazine than sulfasalazine. CT scans can show diffuse parenchymal enlargement with oedema and indistinct margins in patients with acute pancreatitis.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 15
A 57-year-old man with a history of hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and type II diabetes presents to the emergency department with dull chest pain accompanied by sweating and nausea. He is promptly administered oxygen, aspirin, morphine, metoclopramide, atenolol, and nitrates.
Upon examination, angiography reveals significant blockage in all four coronary vessels. As a result, he is scheduled for an urgent coronary artery bypass graft, which will necessitate the removal of a vein from his lower limb.
Which nerve is most frequently affected during a vein harvest for CABG?Your Answer: Saphenous nerve
Explanation:During a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), the great saphenous vein is often harvested. However, this procedure can lead to damage of the saphenous nerve, which runs closely alongside the vein in the medial aspect of the leg. Saphenous neuralgia, characterized by numbness, heightened sensitivity, and pain in the saphenous nerve distribution area, can result from such injury. Other nerves are not typically affected during a vein harvest for CABG.
During surgical procedures, there is a risk of nerve injury caused by the surgery itself. This is not only important for the patient’s well-being but also from a legal perspective. There are various operations that carry the risk of nerve damage, such as posterior triangle lymph node biopsy, Lloyd Davies stirrups, thyroidectomy, anterior resection of rectum, axillary node clearance, inguinal hernia surgery, varicose vein surgery, posterior approach to the hip, and carotid endarterectomy. Surgeons must have a good understanding of the anatomy of the area they are operating on to minimize the incidence of nerve lesions. Blind placement of haemostats is not recommended as it can also cause nerve damage.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 16
A 65-year-old woman presents with microcytic anaemia on routine blood tests. She reports feeling fatigued and experiencing occasional episodes of fresh red blood in her stool. Despite passing stool less frequently, she expresses no concern to her physician. What is the probable diagnosis?
Your Answer: Inflammatory bowel disease
Correct Answer: Rectal cancer
Explanation:Rectal cancer is characterized by symptoms such as passing fresh blood, which distinguishes it from duodenal cancer that presents with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Inflammatory bowel disease typically includes abdominal pain, fever, and passing bloody stools, and may have more severe presentations, but microcytic anemia is not a common feature. Irritable bowel syndrome does not involve passing bloody stools and is associated with vague symptoms like bloating, backache, and urinary problems. Gastroenteritis is unlikely as it is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and fever, which the patient has not reported.
Colorectal cancer is a prevalent type of cancer in the UK, ranking third in terms of frequency and second in terms of cancer-related deaths. Every year, approximately 150,000 new cases are diagnosed, and 50,000 people die from the disease. The cancer can occur in different parts of the colon, with the rectum being the most common location, accounting for 40% of cases. The sigmoid colon follows closely, with 30% of cases, while the descending colon has only 5%. The transverse colon has 10% of cases, and the ascending colon and caecum have 15%.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 17
A 15-year-old girl comes to the clinic with her father. She has lost 10kg in the last 2 months. Recently, her father found her vomiting in the bathroom. The girl admits to struggling with her self-esteem and body image, and has been inducing vomiting after meals. She feels anxious in social situations. During the examination, you observe swelling above the angle of the mandible, indicating parotid gland enlargement. Which nerve supplies the parasympathetic fibers to the parotid gland?
Your Answer: Mandibular nerve
Correct Answer: Glossopharyngeal nerve
Explanation:The correct answer is the glossopharyngeal nerve, which is the ninth cranial nerve. It provides parasympathetic innervation to the parotid gland and carries taste and sensation from the posterior third of the tongue, pharyngeal wall, tonsils, middle ear, external auditory canal, and auricle. It also supplies baroreceptors and chemoreceptors of the carotid sinus.
The facial nerve, the seventh cranial nerve, supplies the muscles of facial expression, taste from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, and sensation from parts of the external acoustic meatus, auricle, and retro-auricular area. It also provides parasympathetic fibers to the submandibular gland, sublingual gland, nasal glands, and lacrimal glands.
The hypoglossal nerve, the twelfth cranial nerve, supplies the intrinsic muscles of the tongue and all but one of the extrinsic muscles of the tongue.
The greater auricular nerve is a superficial cutaneous branch of the cervical plexus that supplies sensation to the capsule of the parotid gland, skin overlying the gland, and skin over the mastoid process and outer ear.
The mandibular nerve, the third division of the trigeminal nerve, carries sensory and motor fibers. It carries sensation from the lower lip, lower teeth and gingivae, chin, and jaw. It also supplies motor innervation to the muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, the anterior belly of digastric, tensor veli palatini, and tensor tympani.
The patient in the question has sialadenosis, a benign, non-inflammatory enlargement of a salivary gland, in the parotid glands, which can be caused by bulimia nervosa.
The parotid gland is located in front of and below the ear, overlying the mandibular ramus. Its salivary duct crosses the masseter muscle, pierces the buccinator muscle, and drains adjacent to the second upper molar tooth. The gland is traversed by several structures, including the facial nerve, external carotid artery, retromandibular vein, and auriculotemporal nerve. The gland is related to the masseter muscle, medial pterygoid muscle, superficial temporal and maxillary artery, facial nerve, stylomandibular ligament, posterior belly of the digastric muscle, sternocleidomastoid muscle, stylohyoid muscle, internal carotid artery, mastoid process, and styloid process. The gland is supplied by branches of the external carotid artery and drained by the retromandibular vein. Its lymphatic drainage is to the deep cervical nodes. The gland is innervated by the parasympathetic-secretomotor, sympathetic-superior cervical ganglion, and sensory-greater auricular nerve. Parasympathetic stimulation produces a water-rich, serous saliva, while sympathetic stimulation leads to the production of a low volume, enzyme-rich saliva.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 18
A 67-year-old man presents to the emergency department after collapsing while shopping. He is experiencing profuse sweating and has a blood pressure of 98/63 mmHg. The patient reports severe epigastric pain as his only complaint.
The suspected cause of his symptoms is peptic ulcer disease, which may have caused erosion into a blood vessel. Upon endoscopy, a perforation is discovered in the posterior medial wall of the second part of the duodenum.
What is the most likely blood vessel that has been affected?Your Answer: Gastroduodenal artery
Explanation:The gastroduodenal artery is a potential source of significant gastrointestinal bleeding that can occur as a complication of peptic ulcer disease. The most likely diagnosis based on the given clinical information is peptic ulcer disease, which can cause the ulcer to penetrate through the posteromedial wall of the second part of the duodenum and into the gastroduodenal artery. This can result in a severe gastrointestinal bleed, leading to shock, which may present with symptoms such as low blood pressure, sweating, and collapse.
The answers Splenic artery, Left gastric artery, and Coeliac trunk are incorrect. The splenic artery runs behind the stomach and connects the coeliac trunk to the spleen, and does not pass near the second part of the duodenum. The left gastric artery runs along the small curvature of the stomach and supplies that region, and does not pass through the posteromedial wall of the duodenum. The coeliac trunk arises from the abdominal aorta at the level of T12 and gives rise to the splenic, left gastric, and common hepatic arteries, but does not lie near the second part of the duodenum.
Managing Acute Bleeding in Peptic Ulcer Disease
Peptic ulcer disease is a condition that can lead to acute bleeding, which is the most common complication of the disease. In fact, bleeding accounts for about three-quarters of all problems associated with peptic ulcer disease. The gastroduodenal artery is often the source of significant gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with this condition. The most common symptom of acute bleeding in peptic ulcer disease is haematemesis, but patients may also experience melaena, hypotension, and tachycardia.
When managing acute bleeding in peptic ulcer disease, an ABC approach should be taken, as with any upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage. Intravenous proton pump inhibitors are the first-line treatment, and endoscopic intervention is typically the preferred approach. However, if endoscopic intervention fails (which occurs in approximately 10% of patients), urgent interventional angiography with transarterial embolization or surgery may be necessary. By following these management strategies, healthcare providers can effectively address acute bleeding in patients with peptic ulcer disease.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 19
A 30-year-old man needs a urethral catheter before his splenectomy. At what point will the catheter encounter its first resistance during insertion?
Your Answer: Membranous urethra
Explanation:The external sphincter surrounding the membranous urethra causes it to be the least distensible part of the urethra.
Urethral Anatomy: Differences Between Male and Female
The anatomy of the urethra differs between males and females. In females, the urethra is shorter and more angled than in males. It is located outside of the peritoneum and is surrounded by the endopelvic fascia. The neck of the bladder is subject to intra-abdominal pressure, and any weakness in this area can lead to stress urinary incontinence. The female urethra is surrounded by the external urethral sphincter, which is innervated by the pudendal nerve. It is located in front of the vaginal opening.
In males, the urethra is much longer and is divided into four parts. The pre-prostatic urethra is very short and lies between the bladder and prostate gland. The prostatic urethra is wider than the membranous urethra and contains several openings for the transmission of semen. The membranous urethra is the narrowest part of the urethra and is surrounded by the external sphincter. The penile urethra travels through the corpus spongiosum on the underside of the penis and is the longest segment of the urethra. The bulbo-urethral glands open into the spongiose section of the urethra.
The urothelium, which lines the inside of the urethra, is transitional near the bladder and becomes squamous further down the urethra. Understanding the differences in urethral anatomy between males and females is important for diagnosing and treating urological conditions.
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Question 20
A 75-year-old man is scheduled for a sub total oesophagectomy with anastomosis of the stomach to the cervical oesophagus. What is the primary vessel responsible for supplying arterial blood to the oesophageal portion of the anastomosis?
Your Answer: Direct branches from the thoracic aorta
Correct Answer: Inferior thyroid artery
Explanation:The inferior thyroid artery supplies the cervical oesophagus, while direct branches from the thoracic aorta supply the thoracic oesophagus (which has been removed in this case).
Anatomy of the Oesophagus
The oesophagus is a muscular tube that is approximately 25 cm long and starts at the C6 vertebrae, pierces the diaphragm at T10, and ends at T11. It is lined with non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and has constrictions at various distances from the incisors, including the cricoid cartilage at 15cm, the arch of the aorta at 22.5cm, the left principal bronchus at 27cm, and the diaphragmatic hiatus at 40cm.
The oesophagus is surrounded by various structures, including the trachea to T4, the recurrent laryngeal nerve, the left bronchus and left atrium, and the diaphragm anteriorly. Posteriorly, it is related to the thoracic duct to the left at T5, the hemiazygos to the left at T8, the descending aorta, and the first two intercostal branches of the aorta. The arterial, venous, and lymphatic drainage of the oesophagus varies depending on the location, with the upper third being supplied by the inferior thyroid artery and drained by the deep cervical lymphatics, the mid-third being supplied by aortic branches and drained by azygos branches and mediastinal lymphatics, and the lower third being supplied by the left gastric artery and drained by posterior mediastinal and coeliac veins and gastric lymphatics.
The nerve supply of the oesophagus also varies, with the upper half being supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve and the lower half being supplied by the oesophageal plexus of the vagus nerve. The muscularis externa of the oesophagus is composed of both smooth and striated muscle, with the composition varying depending on the location.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 21
A 70-year-old woman visits her doctor as she has discovered a lump in her groin. She reports feeling well otherwise and has not experienced any changes in bowel movements or abdominal discomfort. The patient mentions that the lump tends to increase in size throughout the day, particularly when she is busy looking after her grandchildren. She has never undergone abdominal surgery. The doctor suspects a hernia and upon examination, identifies that it can be reduced and locates the hernia's neck, which is situated inferiorly and laterally to the pubic tubercle. What is the probable cause of the patient's groin lump?
Your Answer: Direct inguinal hernia
Correct Answer: Femoral hernia
Explanation:Femoral hernias are more prevalent in women than men, and their location at the neck of the hernia, which is inferior and lateral to the pubic tubercle, is indicative of a femoral hernia. On the other hand, an inguinal hernia would have its neck located superior and medial to the pubic tubercle, while both direct and indirect inguinal hernias share this characteristic. Since the patient has no surgical history, this cannot be an incisional hernia. A spigelian hernia, on the other hand, occurs when there is a herniation through the spigelian fascia, which is located along the semilunar line.
Understanding Inguinal Hernias
Inguinal hernias are the most common type of abdominal wall hernias, with 75% of cases falling under this category. They are more prevalent in men, with a 25% lifetime risk of developing one. The main symptom is a lump in the groin area, which disappears when pressure is applied or when the patient lies down. Discomfort and aching are also common, especially during physical activity. However, severe pain is rare, and strangulation is even rarer.
The traditional classification of inguinal hernias into indirect and direct types is no longer relevant in clinical management. Instead, the current consensus is to treat medically fit patients, even if they are asymptomatic. A hernia truss may be an option for those who are not fit for surgery, but it has limited use in other patients. Mesh repair is the preferred method, as it has the lowest recurrence rate. Unilateral hernias are usually repaired through an open approach, while bilateral and recurrent hernias are repaired laparoscopically.
After surgery, patients are advised to return to non-manual work after 2-3 weeks for open repair and 1-2 weeks for laparoscopic repair. Complications may include early bruising and wound infection, as well as late chronic pain and recurrence. It is important to seek medical attention if any of these symptoms occur.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 22
A 57-year-old man is having a pancreatectomy for cancer. While removing the gland, which structure will the surgeon not come across behind the pancreas?
Your Answer: Common bile duct
Correct Answer: Gastroduodenal artery
Explanation:At the superior part of the pancreas, the gastroduodenal artery splits into the pancreaticoduodenal and gastro-epiploic arteries.
Anatomy of the Pancreas
The pancreas is located behind the stomach and is a retroperitoneal organ. It can be accessed surgically by dividing the peritoneal reflection that connects the greater omentum to the transverse colon. The pancreatic head is situated in the curvature of the duodenum, while its tail is close to the hilum of the spleen. The pancreas has various relations with other organs, such as the inferior vena cava, common bile duct, renal veins, superior mesenteric vein and artery, crus of diaphragm, psoas muscle, adrenal gland, kidney, aorta, pylorus, gastroduodenal artery, and splenic hilum.
The arterial supply of the pancreas is through the pancreaticoduodenal artery for the head and the splenic artery for the rest of the organ. The venous drainage for the head is through the superior mesenteric vein, while the body and tail are drained by the splenic vein. The ampulla of Vater is an important landmark that marks the transition from foregut to midgut and is located halfway along the second part of the duodenum. Overall, understanding the anatomy of the pancreas is crucial for surgical procedures and diagnosing pancreatic diseases.
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Question 23
A 50-year-old man has been experiencing reflux oesophagitis for a prolonged period. In a recent endoscopy, a biopsy is obtained from the distal oesophagus. The histopathology report reveals the presence of cells with coarse chromatin and abnormal mitoses, which are limited to the superficial epithelial layer. What is the cause of this process?
Your Answer: Metaplasia
Correct Answer: Dysplasia
Explanation:Dysplasia is a condition that is considered pre-cancerous. It typically arises due to prolonged exposure to certain triggers. However, it may be possible to reverse these changes by eliminating the triggers. It is important to note that dysplasia involves the replacement of differentiated cells with abnormal cells, but it is not the same as metaplasia. Unlike cancer, dysplasia does not involve the invasion of surrounding tissues.
Understanding Dysplasia: A Premalignant Condition
Dysplasia is a premalignant condition characterized by disordered growth and differentiation of cells. It is a condition where there is an alteration in the size, shape, and organization of cells, resulting in increased abnormal cell growth, including an increased number of mitoses/abnormal mitoses and cellular differentiation. Dysplasia is often caused by factors such as smoking, Helicobacter pylori, and Human papillomavirus.
One of the main differences between dysplasia and metaplasia is that dysplasia is considered to be part of carcinogenesis (pre-cancerous) and is associated with a delay in the maturation of cells rather than differentiated cells replacing one another. Another key difference is that the underlying connective tissue is not invaded in dysplasia, which differentiates it from invasive malignancy.
It is important to note that severe dysplasia with foci of invasion is well recognized. Therefore, early detection and treatment of dysplasia are crucial in preventing the development of invasive malignancy. Understanding dysplasia and its causes can help individuals take preventive measures and seek medical attention if necessary.
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Question 24
A 75-year-old male with a history of atrial fibrillation and diverticulitis presents to the emergency department with severe abdominal pain. After thorough investigation, including mesenteric angiography, it was found that the left colic flexure was experiencing ischemia. Which artery provides direct supply to this region through its branches?
Your Answer: Superior mesenteric artery (SMA)
Correct Answer: Inferior mesenteric artery (IMA)
Explanation:The inferior mesenteric artery supplies the distal 1/3 of the transverse colon, while the proximal two thirds are supplied by the middle colic artery, a branch of the SMA. The left colic artery, a branch of the IMA, supplies the remaining distal portion. Although the left colic artery is the primary supplier, collateral flow from branches of the middle colic artery also contributes. The left colic flexure, located between the end of the SMA and the start of the IMA’s blood supply, is a watershed region that can be susceptible to ischemia due to atherosclerotic changes or hypotension.
The splenic artery directly supplies the spleen and also has branches that supply the stomach and pancreas. There is no such thing as the AMA or PMA.
The Transverse Colon: Anatomy and Relations
The transverse colon is a part of the large intestine that begins at the hepatic flexure, where the right colon makes a sharp turn. At this point, it becomes intraperitoneal and is connected to the inferior border of the pancreas by the transverse mesocolon. The middle colic artery and vein are contained within the mesentery. The greater omentum is attached to the superior aspect of the transverse colon, which can be easily separated. The colon undergoes another sharp turn at the splenic flexure, where the greater omentum remains attached up to this point. The distal 1/3 of the transverse colon is supplied by the inferior mesenteric artery.
The transverse colon is related to various structures. Superiorly, it is in contact with the liver, gallbladder, the greater curvature of the stomach, and the lower end of the spleen. Inferiorly, it is related to the small intestine. Anteriorly, it is in contact with the greater omentum, while posteriorly, it is in contact with the descending portion of the duodenum, the head of the pancreas, convolutions of the jejunum and ileum, and the spleen. Understanding the anatomy and relations of the transverse colon is important for medical professionals in diagnosing and treating various gastrointestinal conditions.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 25
Sophie is a 55-year-old woman who was brought to the hospital by her daughter, who noticed that Sophie looked a bit yellow. On examination, you confirm that she is indeed jaundiced. However, she is not in any pain. When pressed, she mentions that her stools have become pale and are hard to flush down, while her urine has become quite dark. She has also unintentionally lost 4kg of her weight in the past 1 month, but is not worried by this as she was initially overweight. There is a palpable mass on her right upper quadrant, below the right costal margin. Your colleague says that this her condition is most likely due to gallstone obstruction. However, you remember a certain law that you learnt in medical school which negates your colleague's opinion.
What is the law that you have remembered?Your Answer: Charcot's law
Correct Answer: Courvoisier's law
Explanation:The Modified Glasgow criteria is utilized for evaluating the gravity of acute pancreatitis.
Additionally, it should be noted that there are no medical laws named after Murphy, Gallbladder, or Charcot, although there is a Murphy’s sign and a Charcot’s triad. However, the Courvoisier’s law is applicable in cases of painless obstructive jaundice, indicating that a palpable gallbladder is unlikely to be caused by gallstones.
Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer that is often diagnosed late due to its non-specific symptoms. The majority of pancreatic tumors are adenocarcinomas and are typically found in the head of the pancreas. Risk factors for pancreatic cancer include increasing age, smoking, diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma, and mutations in the BRCA2 and KRAS genes.
Symptoms of pancreatic cancer can include painless jaundice, pale stools, dark urine, and pruritus. Courvoisier’s law states that a palpable gallbladder is unlikely to be due to gallstones in the presence of painless obstructive jaundice. However, patients often present with non-specific symptoms such as anorexia, weight loss, and epigastric pain. Loss of exocrine and endocrine function can also occur, leading to steatorrhea and diabetes mellitus. Atypical back pain and migratory thrombophlebitis (Trousseau sign) are also common.
Ultrasound has a sensitivity of around 60-90% for detecting pancreatic cancer, but high-resolution CT scanning is the preferred diagnostic tool. The ‘double duct’ sign, which is the simultaneous dilatation of the common bile and pancreatic ducts, may be seen on imaging.
Less than 20% of patients with pancreatic cancer are suitable for surgery at the time of diagnosis. A Whipple’s resection (pancreaticoduodenectomy) may be performed for resectable lesions in the head of the pancreas, but side-effects such as dumping syndrome and peptic ulcer disease can occur. Adjuvant chemotherapy is typically given following surgery, and ERCP with stenting may be used for palliation.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 26
A 45-year-old man experiences a pelvic fracture with a complication involving the junction of the membranous urethra and bulbar urethra. What is the most probable direction for the leaked urine to flow?
Your Answer: Posteriorly into extra peritoneal tissues
Correct Answer: Anteriorly into the connective tissues surrounding the scrotum
Explanation:The superficial perineal pouch is a compartment that is bordered superficially by the superficial perineal fascia, deep by the perineal membrane (which is the inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm), and laterally by the ischiopubic ramus. It contains various structures such as the crura of the penis or clitoris, muscles, viscera, blood vessels, nerves, the proximal part of the spongy urethra in males, and the greater vestibular glands in females. In cases of urethral rupture, the urine will tend to pass forward because the fascial condensations will prevent the urine from passing laterally and posteriorly.
The Urogenital Triangle and Superficial Perineal Pouch
The urogenital triangle is a structure formed by the ischiopubic inferior rami and ischial tuberosities, with a fascial sheet attached to its sides, creating the inferior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm. It serves as a pathway for the urethra in males and both the urethra and vagina in females. The membranous urethra is located deep to this structure and is surrounded by the external urethral sphincter.
In males, the superficial perineal pouch lies superficial to the urogenital diaphragm and contains the bulb of the penis, crura of the penis, superficial transverse perineal muscle, posterior scrotal arteries, and posterior scrotal nerves. Meanwhile, in females, the internal pudendal artery branches to become the posterior labial arteries in the superficial perineal pouch.
Understanding the anatomy of the urogenital triangle and superficial perineal pouch is crucial in diagnosing and treating urogenital disorders. Proper knowledge of these structures can aid in the identification of potential issues and the development of effective treatment plans.
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Question 27
A 56-year-old male patient comes to the clinic with a history of dyspepsia that he has ignored for a long time. He reports no symptoms of dysphagia or haematemesis. During an oesophagoduodenoscopy (OGD), mucosal changes are observed in the lower part of the oesophagus near the sphincter, and a biopsy is taken from this area. What is the probable result of the biopsy?
Your Answer: Columnar epithelial cells
Explanation:The patient has Barrett’s oesophagus, which is a metaplastic condition where the normal oesophageal epithelium is replaced by columnar cells. This increases the risk of adenocarcinoma.
Barrett’s oesophagus is a condition where the lower oesophageal mucosa is replaced by columnar epithelium, which increases the risk of oesophageal adenocarcinoma by 50-100 fold. It is usually identified during an endoscopy for upper gastrointestinal symptoms such as dyspepsia, as there are no screening programs for it. The length of the affected segment determines the chances of identifying metaplasia, with short (<3 cm) and long (>3 cm) subtypes. The prevalence of Barrett’s oesophagus is estimated to be around 1 in 20, and it is identified in up to 12% of those undergoing endoscopy for reflux.
The columnar epithelium in Barrett’s oesophagus may resemble that of the cardiac region of the stomach or that of the small intestine, with goblet cells and brush border. The single strongest risk factor for Barrett’s oesophagus is gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), followed by male gender, smoking, and central obesity. Alcohol is not an independent risk factor for Barrett’s, but it is associated with both GORD and oesophageal cancer. Patients with Barrett’s oesophagus often have coexistent GORD symptoms.
The management of Barrett’s oesophagus involves high-dose proton pump inhibitor, although the evidence base for its effectiveness in reducing the progression to dysplasia or inducing regression of the lesion is limited. Endoscopic surveillance with biopsies is recommended every 3-5 years for patients with metaplasia but not dysplasia. If dysplasia of any grade is identified, endoscopic intervention is offered, such as radiofrequency ablation, which is the preferred first-line treatment, particularly for low-grade dysplasia, or endoscopic mucosal resection.
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Question 28
A 25-year-old man comes to the emergency department complaining of abdominal pain and vomiting. He reports not having a bowel movement for the past five days.
His medical history includes a ruptured appendix three years ago. There is no significant medical or family history.
During the examination, you observe abdominal distension and tinkling bowel sounds.
An abdominal X-ray shows dilated loops of small bowel.
What is the leading cause of the probable diagnosis in this scenario?Your Answer: Hernia
Correct Answer: Adhesions
Explanation:The leading cause of small bowel obstruction is adhesions, which can occur due to previous abdominal surgery and cause internal surfaces to stick together. An abdominal X-ray showing dilated small bowel loops is a common indicator of this condition. While a hernia can also cause small bowel obstruction, it is less likely in this case due to the patient’s surgical history. Intussusception is rare in adults and more commonly seen in young children. Malignancy is a less common cause of small bowel obstruction, especially in patients without risk factors or demographic factors that suggest a higher likelihood of cancer.
Small bowel obstruction occurs when the small intestines are blocked, preventing the passage of food, fluids, and gas. The most common causes of this condition are adhesions resulting from previous surgeries and hernias. Symptoms include diffuse, central abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting (often bilious), constipation, and abdominal distension. Tinkling bowel sounds may also be present in early stages of obstruction. Abdominal x-ray is typically the first imaging test used to diagnose small bowel obstruction, showing distended small bowel loops with fluid levels. CT is more sensitive and considered the definitive investigation, particularly in early stages of obstruction. Management involves NBM, IV fluids, and a nasogastric tube with free drainage. Conservative management may be effective for some patients, but surgery is often necessary.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 29
Sarah, a 70-year-old female, visits her doctor with a lump in her groin. Upon examination, the doctor observes that the lump becomes more prominent when the patient coughs. Considering Sarah's age and the location of the lump, the doctor diagnoses her with a direct inguinal hernia. What structure did Sarah's bowel pass through to be classified as a direct inguinal hernia?
Your Answer: Deep inguinal ring
Correct Answer: Hesselbach's triangle
Explanation:Hesselbach’s triangle is a weak area in the anterior abdominal wall through which direct inguinal hernias can travel. Indirect inguinal hernias occur when the bowel passes through the inguinal canal via the deep inguinal ring. Femoral hernias occur when a portion of the bowel enters the femoral canal through the femoral ring. The failure of the processus vaginalis to close during embryonic development increases the risk of developing an indirect inguinal hernia.
Hesselbach’s Triangle and Direct Hernias
Hesselbach’s triangle is an anatomical region located in the lower abdomen. It is bordered by the epigastric vessels on the superolateral side, the lateral edge of the rectus muscle medially, and the inguinal ligament inferiorly. This triangle is important in the diagnosis and treatment of direct hernias, which pass through this region.
To better understand the location of direct hernias, it is essential to know the boundaries of Hesselbach’s triangle. The epigastric vessels are located on the upper and outer side of the triangle, while the lateral edge of the rectus muscle is on the inner side. The inguinal ligament forms the lower boundary of the triangle.
In medical exams, it is common to test the knowledge of Hesselbach’s triangle and its boundaries. Understanding this region is crucial for identifying and treating direct hernias, which can cause discomfort and other complications. By knowing the location of Hesselbach’s triangle, medical professionals can better diagnose and treat patients with direct hernias.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 30
A 58-year-old woman presents to her GP with an incidental finding of megaloblastic anaemia and low vitamin B12 levels. She has a history of type 1 diabetes mellitus. What could be the probable cause of her decreased vitamin levels?
Your Answer: Malabsorption
Correct Answer: Pernicious anaemia
Explanation:Pernicious anaemia is a condition that results in a deficiency of vitamin B12 due to an autoimmune disorder affecting the gastric mucosa. The term pernicious refers to the gradual and subtle harm caused by the condition, which often leads to delayed diagnosis. While pernicious anaemia is the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency, other causes include atrophic gastritis, gastrectomy, and malnutrition. The condition is characterized by the presence of antibodies to intrinsic factor and/or gastric parietal cells, which can lead to reduced vitamin B12 absorption and subsequent megaloblastic anaemia and neuropathy.
Pernicious anaemia is more common in middle to old age females and is associated with other autoimmune disorders such as thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, Addison’s, rheumatoid, and vitiligo. Symptoms of the condition include anaemia, lethargy, pallor, dyspnoea, peripheral neuropathy, subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord, neuropsychiatric features, mild jaundice, and glossitis. Diagnosis is made through a full blood count, vitamin B12 and folate levels, and the presence of antibodies.
Management of pernicious anaemia involves vitamin B12 replacement, usually given intramuscularly. Patients with neurological features may require more frequent doses. Folic acid supplementation may also be necessary. Complications of the condition include an increased risk of gastric cancer.
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