Question 1
A 58-year-old man with a history of multiple emergency department admissions for alcohol-related injuries and admissions under the general medical team for alcohol withdrawal is admitted after a twelve-day drinking binge. He presents with confusion, icterus, and hepatomegaly, with stigmata of chronic liver disease. Upon admission, his blood work shows thrombocytopenia, transaminitis with hyperbilirubinemia, and a severe coagulopathy. The diagnosis is severe acute alcoholic hepatitis. In liver disease-associated coagulopathy, which clotting factor is typically increased?
Your Answer: Factor IX
Correct Answer: Factor VIII
Explanation:Coagulopathy in Liver Disease: Paradoxical Supra-normal Factor VIII and Increased Thrombosis Risk
In liver failure, the levels of all clotting factors decrease except for factor VIII, which paradoxically increases. This is because factor VIII is synthesized in endothelial cells throughout the body, unlike other clotting factors that are synthesized only in hepatic endothelial cells. Additionally, good hepatic function is required for the rapid clearance of activated factor VIII from the bloodstream, leading to further increases in circulating factor VIII. Despite conventional coagulation studies suggesting an increased risk of bleeding, patients with chronic liver disease are paradoxically at an increased risk of thrombosis formation. This is due to several factors, including reduced synthesis of natural anticoagulants such as protein C, protein S, and antithrombin, which are all decreased in chronic liver disease.
Tripodi et al. An imbalance of pro- vs anticoagulation factors in plasma from patients with cirrhosis. Gastroenterology. 2009 Dec;137(6):2105-11. -
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 2
During liver mobilisation for a pediatric liver transplant, the hepatic ligaments will need to be mobilized. Which of the following statements regarding these structures is false?
Your Answer: Lesser omentum arises from the porta hepatis and passes the lesser curvature of the stomach
Correct Answer: The right triangular ligament is an early branch of the left triangular ligament
Explanation:The coronary ligament continues as the right triangular ligament.
Structure and Relations of the Liver
The liver is divided into four lobes: the right lobe, left lobe, quadrate lobe, and caudate lobe. The right lobe is supplied by the right hepatic artery and contains Couinaud segments V to VIII, while the left lobe is supplied by the left hepatic artery and contains Couinaud segments II to IV. The quadrate lobe is part of the right lobe anatomically but functionally is part of the left, and the caudate lobe is supplied by both right and left hepatic arteries and lies behind the plane of the porta hepatis. The liver lobules are separated by portal canals that contain the portal triad: the hepatic artery, portal vein, and tributary of bile duct.
The liver has various relations with other organs in the body. Anteriorly, it is related to the diaphragm, esophagus, xiphoid process, stomach, duodenum, hepatic flexure of colon, right kidney, gallbladder, and inferior vena cava. The porta hepatis is located on the postero-inferior surface of the liver and transmits the common hepatic duct, hepatic artery, portal vein, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers, and lymphatic drainage of the liver and nodes.
The liver is supported by ligaments, including the falciform ligament, which is a two-layer fold of peritoneum from the umbilicus to the anterior liver surface and contains the ligamentum teres (remnant of the umbilical vein). The ligamentum venosum is a remnant of the ductus venosus. The liver is supplied by the hepatic artery and drained by the hepatic veins and portal vein. Its nervous supply comes from the sympathetic and parasympathetic trunks of the coeliac plexus.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 3
A 58-year-old man comes to the emergency department complaining of severe abdominal pain and profuse diarrhoea. He has been experiencing up to 10 bowel movements per day for the past 48 hours. The patient has a history of prostatitis and has recently finished a course of ciprofloxacin. He denies any recent travel but did consume a takeaway meal earlier in the week.
The following investigations were conducted:
Stool microscopy Gram-positive bacillus
What is the probable organism responsible for the patient's symptoms?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Clostridium difficile
Explanation:Clostridium difficile is a gram-positive bacillus that is responsible for pseudomembranous colitis, which can occur after the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. This is the correct answer for this patient’s condition. Ciprofloxacin, which the patient recently took, is a common antibiotic that can cause Clostridium difficile (C. diff) diarrhoea. Other antibiotics that can increase the risk of C. diff infection include clindamycin, co-amoxiclav, and cephalosporins.
Campylobacter jejuni is not the correct answer. This gram-negative bacillus is the most common cause of food poisoning in the UK and is also associated with Guillain-Barre syndrome. However, the patient’s stool culture results do not support a diagnosis of Campylobacter jejuni infection.
Escherichia coli is another possible cause of diarrhoea, but it is a gram-negative bacillus and is typically associated with travellers’ diarrhoea and food poisoning.
Shigella dysenteriae is also a gram-negative bacillus that can cause diarrhoea and dysentery, but it is not the correct answer for this patient’s condition.
Clostridium difficile is a type of bacteria that is commonly found in hospitals. It produces a toxin that can damage the intestines and cause a condition called pseudomembranous colitis. This bacteria usually develops when the normal gut flora is disrupted by broad-spectrum antibiotics, with second and third generation cephalosporins being the leading cause. Other risk factors include the use of proton pump inhibitors. Symptoms of C. difficile infection include diarrhea, abdominal pain, and a raised white blood cell count. The severity of the infection can be determined using the Public Health England severity scale.
To diagnose C. difficile infection, a stool sample is tested for the presence of the C. difficile toxin. Treatment involves reviewing current antibiotic therapy and stopping antibiotics if possible. For a first episode of infection, oral vancomycin is the first-line therapy for 10 days, followed by oral fidaxomicin as second-line therapy and oral vancomycin with or without IV metronidazole as third-line therapy. Recurrent infections may require different treatment options, such as oral fidaxomicin within 12 weeks of symptom resolution or oral vancomycin or fidaxomicin after 12 weeks of symptom resolution. In life-threatening cases, oral vancomycin and IV metronidazole may be used, and surgery may be considered with specialist advice. Other therapies, such as bezlotoxumab and fecal microbiota transplant, may also be considered for preventing recurrences in certain cases.
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Question 4
A 75-year-old woman with caecal carcinoma is having a right hemicolectomy done via a transverse incision. During the procedure, the incision is extended medially by dividing the rectus sheath, and a brisk arterial hemorrhage occurs. What vessel is the source of the damage?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: External iliac artery
Explanation:The damaged vessel is the epigastric artery, which has its origin in the external iliac artery (as shown below).
The Inferior Epigastric Artery: Origin and Pathway
The inferior epigastric artery is a blood vessel that originates from the external iliac artery just above the inguinal ligament. It runs along the medial edge of the deep inguinal ring and then continues upwards to lie behind the rectus abdominis muscle. This artery is responsible for supplying blood to the lower abdominal wall and pelvic region. Its pathway is illustrated in the image below.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 5
During a sigmoid colectomy for colonic cancer in a 56-year-old man, which structure is most vulnerable to damage?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Left ureter
Explanation:The left ureter is the structure that is most commonly encountered and at the highest risk of damage by a careless surgeon, although all of these structures are at risk.
The colon begins with the caecum, which is the most dilated segment of the colon and is marked by the convergence of taenia coli. The ascending colon follows, which is retroperitoneal on its posterior aspect. The transverse colon comes after passing the hepatic flexure and becomes wholly intraperitoneal again. The splenic flexure marks the point where the transverse colon makes an oblique inferior turn to the left upper quadrant. The descending colon becomes wholly intraperitoneal at the level of L4 and becomes the sigmoid colon. The sigmoid colon is wholly intraperitoneal, but there are usually attachments laterally between the sigmoid and the lateral pelvic sidewall. At its distal end, the sigmoid becomes the upper rectum, which passes through the peritoneum and becomes extraperitoneal.
The arterial supply of the colon comes from the superior mesenteric artery and inferior mesenteric artery, which are linked by the marginal artery. The ascending colon is supplied by the ileocolic and right colic arteries, while the transverse colon is supplied by the middle colic artery. The descending and sigmoid colon are supplied by the inferior mesenteric artery. The venous drainage comes from regional veins that accompany arteries to the superior and inferior mesenteric vein. The lymphatic drainage initially follows nodal chains that accompany supplying arteries, then para-aortic nodes.
The colon has both intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal segments. The right and left colon are part intraperitoneal and part extraperitoneal, while the sigmoid and transverse colon are generally wholly intraperitoneal. The colon has various relations with other organs, such as the right ureter and gonadal vessels for the caecum/right colon, the gallbladder for the hepatic flexure, the spleen and tail of pancreas for the splenic flexure, the left ureter for the distal sigmoid/upper rectum, and the ureters, autonomic nerves, seminal vesicles, prostate, and urethra for the rectum.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 6
A 55-year-old man complains of dyspepsia and undergoes an upper GI endoscopy, which reveals the presence of Helicobacter pylori. A duodenal ulcer is found in the first part of the duodenum, and biopsies are taken. The biopsies show epithelium that resembles cells of the gastric antrum. What is the most probable cause of this condition?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Duodenal metaplasia
Explanation:Metaplasia refers to the conversion of one cell type to another. Although metaplasia itself does not directly cause cancer, prolonged exposure to factors that trigger metaplasia can eventually lead to malignant transformations in cells. In cases of H-Pylori induced ulcers, metaplastic changes in the duodenal cap are commonly observed. However, these changes usually disappear after the ulcer has healed and eradication therapy has been administered.
Metaplasia is a reversible process where differentiated cells transform into another cell type. This change may occur as an adaptive response to stress, where cells sensitive to adverse conditions are replaced by more resilient cell types. Metaplasia can be a normal physiological response, such as the transformation of cartilage into bone. The most common type of epithelial metaplasia involves the conversion of columnar cells to squamous cells, which can be caused by smoking or Schistosomiasis. In contrast, metaplasia from squamous to columnar cells occurs in Barrett’s esophagus. If the metaplastic stimulus is removed, the cells will revert to their original differentiation pattern. However, if the stimulus persists, dysplasia may develop. Although metaplasia is not directly carcinogenic, factors that predispose to metaplasia may induce malignant transformation. The pathogenesis of metaplasia involves the reprogramming of stem cells or undifferentiated mesenchymal cells present in connective tissue, which differentiate along a new pathway.
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Question 7
A 46-year-old male has presented with bruises on his legs. He also reports that he bleeds excessively whenever he gets a cut on his limbs. He has a past medical history of familial hypercholesterolaemia. His body mass index is 31 kg/m2. He does not have a medical history of bleeding disorders and denies a family history of haemophilia.
During his last visit, his lipid profile showed elevated total cholesterol, elevated LDL and low HDL. He was prescribed a medication to help lower his LDL cholesterol.
What medication was he most likely prescribed?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Cholestyramine
Explanation:Cholestyramine has the potential to decrease the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin A, D, E, and K. Vitamin K is particularly important for the production of clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X, and a deficiency in this vitamin can result in clotting abnormalities.
Clomiphene is a medication used to stimulate ovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and it is not linked to an elevated risk of bleeding.
Psyllium husk is not known to cause any bleeding disorders.
Cholestyramine: A Medication for Managing High Cholesterol
Cholestyramine is a medication used to manage high levels of cholesterol in the body. It works by reducing the reabsorption of bile acid in the small intestine, which leads to an increase in the conversion of cholesterol to bile acid. This medication is particularly effective in reducing LDL cholesterol levels. In addition to its use in managing hyperlipidaemia, cholestyramine is also sometimes used to treat diarrhoea following bowel resection in patients with Crohn’s disease.
However, cholestyramine is not without its adverse effects. Some patients may experience abdominal cramps and constipation while taking this medication. It can also decrease the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, which can lead to deficiencies if not properly managed. Additionally, cholestyramine may increase the risk of developing cholesterol gallstones and raise the level of triglycerides in the blood. Therefore, it is important for patients to discuss the potential benefits and risks of cholestyramine with their healthcare provider before starting this medication.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 8
A 25-year-old male presents with suspected ureteric colic. Where is the stone most likely to be visualized on a KUB style x-ray?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: The tips of the transverse processes between L2 and L5
Explanation:The stones in the ureter can be seen at the anterior of L2 to L5, as well as over the sacro-iliac joints.
Anatomy of the Ureter
The ureter is a muscular tube that measures 25-35 cm in length and is lined by transitional epithelium. It is surrounded by a thick muscular coat that becomes three muscular layers as it crosses the bony pelvis. This retroperitoneal structure overlies the transverse processes L2-L5 and lies anterior to the bifurcation of iliac vessels. The blood supply to the ureter is segmental and includes the renal artery, aortic branches, gonadal branches, common iliac, and internal iliac. It is important to note that the ureter lies beneath the uterine artery.
In summary, the ureter is a vital structure in the urinary system that plays a crucial role in transporting urine from the kidneys to the bladder. Its unique anatomy and blood supply make it a complex structure that requires careful consideration in any surgical or medical intervention.
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Question 9
A 72-year-old retired fisherman presents with a sudden episode of rectal bleeding. The bleeding was significant and included clots. He feels dizzy and has collapsed.
He reports experiencing heartburn regularly and takes lisinopril and bendroflumethiazide for hypertension, as well as aspirin and ibuprofen for hangovers. He drinks six large whisky measures and smokes 10 cigarettes daily.
During examination, he is apyrexial, his heart rate is 106 bpm, blood pressure is 108/74 mmHg, and his respiratory rate is 18. He appears pale and has epigastric tenderness.
What is the immediate action that should be taken?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Give 1litre 0.9% NaCl over one hour
Explanation:Urgent Resuscitation Needed for Patient in Hypovolaemic Shock
A patient is experiencing hypovolaemic shock and requires immediate infusion of colloid or crystalloid. Waiting for eight hours is not an option, and dextrose is not recommended as it quickly moves out of the intravascular space. The patient will undergo endoscopy, but only after initial resuscitation. While regular omeprazole may help prevent recurrence, it is not urgent.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 10
Mobilization of the left lobe of the liver will aid in accessing which surgical area?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Abdominal oesophagus
Explanation:The posterior fundus of the stomach is located while the inferolateral position is occupied by the pylorus. In order to access the proximal stomach and abdominal esophagus during a total gastrectomy, it is helpful to divide the ligaments that hold the left lobe of the liver. However, this maneuver is not usually necessary during a distal gastrectomy.
Structure and Relations of the Liver
The liver is divided into four lobes: the right lobe, left lobe, quadrate lobe, and caudate lobe. The right lobe is supplied by the right hepatic artery and contains Couinaud segments V to VIII, while the left lobe is supplied by the left hepatic artery and contains Couinaud segments II to IV. The quadrate lobe is part of the right lobe anatomically but functionally is part of the left, and the caudate lobe is supplied by both right and left hepatic arteries and lies behind the plane of the porta hepatis. The liver lobules are separated by portal canals that contain the portal triad: the hepatic artery, portal vein, and tributary of bile duct.
The liver has various relations with other organs in the body. Anteriorly, it is related to the diaphragm, esophagus, xiphoid process, stomach, duodenum, hepatic flexure of colon, right kidney, gallbladder, and inferior vena cava. The porta hepatis is located on the postero-inferior surface of the liver and transmits the common hepatic duct, hepatic artery, portal vein, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers, and lymphatic drainage of the liver and nodes.
The liver is supported by ligaments, including the falciform ligament, which is a two-layer fold of peritoneum from the umbilicus to the anterior liver surface and contains the ligamentum teres (remnant of the umbilical vein). The ligamentum venosum is a remnant of the ductus venosus. The liver is supplied by the hepatic artery and drained by the hepatic veins and portal vein. Its nervous supply comes from the sympathetic and parasympathetic trunks of the coeliac plexus.
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Question 11
A 68-year-old male visits his doctor complaining of persistent fatigue over the past few months. He mentions experiencing confusion and difficulty focusing on tasks that were once effortless. Additionally, he has noticed a tingling sensation in the toes of both feet.
After conducting blood tests, the doctor discovers that the patient has macrocytic anemia. The doctor suspects that the patient may be suffering from pernicious anemia.
What is the pathophysiology of this condition?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Autoimmune destruction of parietal cells in the stomach
Explanation:Pernicious anaemia is a result of autoimmune destruction of parietal cells, which leads to the formation of autoantibodies against intrinsic factor. This results in decreased absorption of vitamin B12 and subsequently causes macrocytic anaemia. Coeliac disease, on the other hand, is caused by autoimmune destruction of the intestinal epithelium following gluten ingestion, leading to severe malabsorption and changes in bowel habits. Crohn’s disease involves autoimmune granulomatous inflammation of the intestinal epithelium, causing ulcer formation and malabsorption, but it does not cause pernicious anaemia. While GI blood loss may cause anaemia, it is more likely to result in normocytic or microcytic anaemia, such as iron deficient anaemia, and not pernicious anaemia.
Pernicious anaemia is a condition that results in a deficiency of vitamin B12 due to an autoimmune disorder affecting the gastric mucosa. The term pernicious refers to the gradual and subtle harm caused by the condition, which often leads to delayed diagnosis. While pernicious anaemia is the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency, other causes include atrophic gastritis, gastrectomy, and malnutrition. The condition is characterized by the presence of antibodies to intrinsic factor and/or gastric parietal cells, which can lead to reduced vitamin B12 absorption and subsequent megaloblastic anaemia and neuropathy.
Pernicious anaemia is more common in middle to old age females and is associated with other autoimmune disorders such as thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes mellitus, Addison’s, rheumatoid, and vitiligo. Symptoms of the condition include anaemia, lethargy, pallor, dyspnoea, peripheral neuropathy, subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord, neuropsychiatric features, mild jaundice, and glossitis. Diagnosis is made through a full blood count, vitamin B12 and folate levels, and the presence of antibodies.
Management of pernicious anaemia involves vitamin B12 replacement, usually given intramuscularly. Patients with neurological features may require more frequent doses. Folic acid supplementation may also be necessary. Complications of the condition include an increased risk of gastric cancer.
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Question 12
A 75-year-old man presents with a sizable abdominal aortic aneurysm. While undergoing a laparotomy for scheduled surgical intervention, the medical team discovers that the aneurysm is situated much closer to the origin of the SMA. While dissecting the area, a transverse vessel running across the aorta sustains damage. What is the most probable identity of this vessel?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Left renal vein
Explanation:During the repair of a juxtarenal aneurysm, intentional ligation of the left renal vein may be necessary as it travels over the aorta.
The abdominal aorta is a major blood vessel that originates from the 12th thoracic vertebrae and terminates at the fourth lumbar vertebrae. It is located in the abdomen and is surrounded by various organs and structures. The posterior relations of the abdominal aorta include the vertebral bodies of the first to fourth lumbar vertebrae. The anterior relations include the lesser omentum, liver, left renal vein, inferior mesenteric vein, third part of the duodenum, pancreas, parietal peritoneum, and peritoneal cavity. The right lateral relations include the right crus of the diaphragm, cisterna chyli, azygos vein, and inferior vena cava (which becomes posterior distally). The left lateral relations include the fourth part of the duodenum, duodenal-jejunal flexure, and left sympathetic trunk. Overall, the abdominal aorta is an important blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to various organs in the abdomen.
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Question 13
A patient is evaluated in the Emergency Department after a paracetamol overdose. Why was prothrombin time chosen to evaluate liver function instead of albumin?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Because prothrombin has a shorter half life
Explanation:Prothrombin is a more suitable indicator of acute liver failure than albumin due to its shorter half-life. In cases of acute liver failure caused by paracetamol overdose, the liver is unable to replace prothrombin, leading to a decrease in its levels. On the other hand, albumin levels remain unchanged as its half-life is relatively long. Although albumin levels may decrease with acute inflammation, this does not provide information about the patient’s liver function. Therefore, prothrombin time/INR remains the preferred diagnostic test for acute liver failure. It is important to note that prothrombin does not bind to paracetamol in the blood, and while albumin does affect oncotic pressure, this does not explain its usefulness in detecting acute liver failure.
Understanding Acute Liver Failure
Acute liver failure is a condition characterized by the sudden onset of liver dysfunction, which can lead to various complications in the body. The causes of acute liver failure include paracetamol overdose, alcohol, viral hepatitis (usually A or B), and acute fatty liver of pregnancy. The symptoms of acute liver failure include jaundice, raised prothrombin time, hypoalbuminaemia, hepatic encephalopathy, and hepatorenal syndrome. It is important to note that liver function tests may not always accurately reflect the synthetic function of the liver, and it is best to assess the prothrombin time and albumin level to determine the severity of the condition. Understanding acute liver failure is crucial in managing and treating this potentially life-threatening condition.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 14
A 39-year-old man presents to his family physician with a persistent abdominal pain that has been bothering him for the past three months. He reports that the pain usually occurs after eating and has not been relieved with over-the-counter antacids and omeprazole. The patient denies any recent weight loss or difficulty swallowing. Upon examination, the abdomen is soft and non-tender. The physician orders a urea breath test, which comes back positive. What is the organism responsible for this patient's symptoms?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Gram-negative, oxidase positive, catalase positive comma-shaped rods
Explanation:The patient has peptic ulcer disease caused by Helicobacter pylori, which can also increase the risk of gastric adenocarcinoma. Triple therapy with two antibiotics and one proton-pump inhibitor is the standard treatment. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Neisseria meningitidis, Vibrio cholerae, and Staphylococcus epidermidis are other bacteria with different types of infections they can cause.
Helicobacter pylori: A Bacteria Associated with Gastrointestinal Problems
Helicobacter pylori is a type of Gram-negative bacteria that is commonly associated with various gastrointestinal problems, particularly peptic ulcer disease. This bacterium has two primary mechanisms that allow it to survive in the acidic environment of the stomach. Firstly, it uses its flagella to move away from low pH areas and burrow into the mucous lining to reach the epithelial cells underneath. Secondly, it secretes urease, which converts urea to NH3, leading to an alkalinization of the acidic environment and increased bacterial survival.
The pathogenesis mechanism of Helicobacter pylori involves the release of bacterial cytotoxins, such as the CagA toxin, which can disrupt the gastric mucosa. This bacterium is associated with several gastrointestinal problems, including peptic ulcer disease, gastric cancer, B cell lymphoma of MALT tissue, and atrophic gastritis. However, its role in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is unclear, and there is currently no role for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori in GORD.
The management of Helicobacter pylori infection involves a 7-day course of treatment with a proton pump inhibitor, amoxicillin, and either clarithromycin or metronidazole. For patients who are allergic to penicillin, a proton pump inhibitor, metronidazole, and clarithromycin are used instead.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 15
A 42-year-old woman presents to her GP with complaints of intermittent upper abdominal pain that worsens after eating. She denies having a fever and reports normal bowel movements. The pain is rated at 6/10 and is only slightly relieved by paracetamol. The GP suspects a blockage in the biliary tree. Which section of the duodenum does this tube open into, considering the location of the blockage?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 2nd part of the duodenum
Explanation:The second segment of the duodenum is situated behind the peritoneum and contains the major and minor duodenal papillae.
Based on the symptoms described, the woman is likely experiencing biliary colic, which is characterized by intermittent pain that worsens after consuming fatty meals. Blockages in the biliary tree, typically caused by stones, can occur at any point, but in this case, it is likely in the cystic duct, as there is no mention of jaundice and the stool is normal.
The cystic duct joins with the right and left hepatic ducts to form the common bile duct, which then merges with the pancreatic duct to create the common hepatopancreatic duct. The major papilla, located in the second segment of the duodenum, is where these ducts empty into the duodenum. This segment is also situated behind the peritoneum.
Peptic ulcers affecting the duodenum are most commonly found in the first segment.
The third segment of the duodenum can be compressed by the superior mesenteric artery, leading to superior mesenteric artery syndrome, particularly in individuals with low body fat.
The fourth segment of the duodenum runs close to the abdominal aorta and can be compressed by an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
The ligament of Treitz attaches the duodenojejunal flexure to the diaphragm and is not associated with any particular pathology.
The retroperitoneal structures are those that are located behind the peritoneum, which is the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity. These structures include the duodenum (2nd, 3rd, and 4th parts), ascending and descending colon, kidneys, ureters, aorta, and inferior vena cava. They are situated in the back of the abdominal cavity, close to the spine. In contrast, intraperitoneal structures are those that are located within the peritoneal cavity, such as the stomach, duodenum (1st part), jejunum, ileum, transverse colon, and sigmoid colon. It is important to note that the retroperitoneal structures are not well demonstrated in the diagram as the posterior aspect has been removed, but they are still significant in terms of their location and function.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 16
A 20-year-old male is having surgery to remove his appendix due to appendicitis. Where is the appendix typically located in the body?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Retrocaecal
Explanation:The majority of appendixes are located in the retrocaecal position. In cases where removal of a retrocaecal appendix proves challenging, mobilizing the right colon can greatly enhance accessibility.
Appendix Anatomy and Location
The appendix is a small, finger-like projection located at the base of the caecum. It can be up to 10cm long and is mainly composed of lymphoid tissue, which can sometimes lead to confusion with mesenteric adenitis. The caecal taenia coli converge at the base of the appendix, forming a longitudinal muscle cover over it. This convergence can aid in identifying the appendix during surgery, especially if it is retrocaecal and difficult to locate. The arterial supply to the appendix comes from the appendicular artery, which is a branch of the ileocolic artery. It is important to note that the appendix is intra-peritoneal.
McBurney’s Point and Appendix Positions
McBurney’s point is a landmark used to locate the appendix during physical examination. It is located one-third of the way along a line drawn from the Anterior Superior Iliac Spine to the Umbilicus. The appendix can be found in six different positions, with the retrocaecal position being the most common at 74%. Other positions include pelvic, postileal, subcaecal, paracaecal, and preileal. It is important to be aware of these positions as they can affect the presentation of symptoms and the difficulty of locating the appendix during surgery.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 17
A 55-year-old man presents to the emergency department with haematemesis which he has never experienced before. He reports a 3 week history of intermittent dull pain in the upper left quadrant and, upon further inquiry, he mentions that he believes he has been losing weight but he doesn't weigh himself often as he has always been in good shape. Other than a badly sprained ankle 10 weeks ago, for which he admits he is still taking ibuprofen, he has no medical conditions and is not taking any regular medication. He is a non-smoker and only drinks alcohol occasionally. What is the most probable cause of the patient's haematemesis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Peptic ulcer
Explanation:Peptic ulcer is a frequent cause of haematemesis in patients who have been using NSAIDs extensively, as seen in this patient’s case. Peptic ulcers can manifest with various symptoms such as haematemesis, abdominal pain, nausea, weight loss, and acid reflux. Typically, the pain subsides when the patient eats or drinks.
Although weight loss can be a sign of malignancy, this patient has few risk factors (over 55 years old, smoker, high alcohol consumption, and obesity).
Any instance of repeated forceful vomiting can lead to a mallory-weiss tear, which presents as painful episodes of haematemesis.
Oesophageal varices are expected in patients with a history of alcohol abuse and usually present with signs of chronic liver disease.
Hereditary telangiectasia usually presents with a positive family history and telangiectasia around the lips, tongue, or mucus membranes. Epistaxis is a common symptom of this vascular malformation.
Helicobacter pylori: A Bacteria Associated with Gastrointestinal Problems
Helicobacter pylori is a type of Gram-negative bacteria that is commonly associated with various gastrointestinal problems, particularly peptic ulcer disease. This bacterium has two primary mechanisms that allow it to survive in the acidic environment of the stomach. Firstly, it uses its flagella to move away from low pH areas and burrow into the mucous lining to reach the epithelial cells underneath. Secondly, it secretes urease, which converts urea to NH3, leading to an alkalinization of the acidic environment and increased bacterial survival.
The pathogenesis mechanism of Helicobacter pylori involves the release of bacterial cytotoxins, such as the CagA toxin, which can disrupt the gastric mucosa. This bacterium is associated with several gastrointestinal problems, including peptic ulcer disease, gastric cancer, B cell lymphoma of MALT tissue, and atrophic gastritis. However, its role in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is unclear, and there is currently no role for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori in GORD.
The management of Helicobacter pylori infection involves a 7-day course of treatment with a proton pump inhibitor, amoxicillin, and either clarithromycin or metronidazole. For patients who are allergic to penicillin, a proton pump inhibitor, metronidazole, and clarithromycin are used instead.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 18
Which of the following is most crucial in offering assistance to the duodenojejunal flexure?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ligament of Trietz
Explanation:The ligament of Trietz, also known as the suspensory muscle of the duodenum, holds great significance. On the other hand, the ligament of Treves is situated between the caecum and ileum.
Anatomy of the Duodenum
The duodenum is the first and widest part of the small bowel, located immediately distal to the pylorus. It is around 25 cm long and comprises four parts: superior, descending, horizontal, and ascending. The horizontal part is the longest segment and passes transversely to the left with an upward deflection. The duodenum is largely retroperitoneal, except for the first 2-3 cm of the superior part and the final 1-2 cm.
The medial relations of the duodenum include the superior pancreatico-duodenal artery and the pancreatic head. The descending part is closely related to the commencement of the transverse colon, while the horizontal part crosses in front of the right ureter, right psoas major, right gonadal vessels, and IVC. The ascending part runs to the left of the aorta and terminates by binding abruptly forwards as the duodenojejunal flexure.
The region of the duodenojejunal flexure is fixed in position by the suspensory muscle of the duodenum, which blends with the musculature of the flexure and passes upwards deep to the pancreas to gain attachment to the right crus of the diaphragm. This fibromuscular band is known as the ligament of Treitz. The duodenum has important anterior and posterior relations, including the superior mesenteric vessels, the root of the small bowel, the left sympathetic trunk, the left psoas major, the left gonadal vessels, the left kidney, and the uncinate process of the pancreas.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 19
At which of the following sites is the development of diverticulosis least likely in individuals over 60 years of age?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Rectum
Explanation:It is extremely rare for diverticular disease to affect the rectum due to the circular muscle coat present in this area, which is a result of the blending of the tenia at the recto-sigmoid junction. While left-sided colonic diverticular disease is more common, right-sided colonic diverticular disease is also acknowledged.
Understanding Diverticular Disease
Diverticular disease is a common condition that involves the protrusion of the colon’s mucosa through its muscular wall. This typically occurs between the taenia coli, where vessels penetrate the muscle to supply the mucosa. Symptoms of diverticular disease include altered bowel habits, rectal bleeding, and abdominal pain. Complications can arise, such as diverticulitis, haemorrhage, fistula development, perforation and faecal peritonitis, abscess formation, and diverticular phlegmon.
To diagnose diverticular disease, patients may undergo a colonoscopy, CT cologram, or barium enema. However, it can be challenging to rule out cancer, especially in diverticular strictures. Acutely unwell surgical patients require a systematic investigation, including plain abdominal films and an erect chest x-ray to identify perforation. An abdominal CT scan with oral and intravenous contrast can help identify acute inflammation and local complications.
Treatment for diverticular disease includes increasing dietary fibre intake and managing mild attacks with antibiotics. Peri colonic abscesses require drainage, either surgically or radiologically. Recurrent episodes of acute diverticulitis requiring hospitalisation may indicate a segmental resection. Hinchey IV perforations, which involve generalised faecal peritonitis, require a resection and usually a stoma. This group has a high risk of postoperative complications and typically requires HDU admission. Less severe perforations may be managed by laparoscopic washout and drain insertion.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 20
A 72-year-old woman is being evaluated on the ward due to concerns raised by the nursing staff regarding her altered bowel habits. The patient has been experiencing bowel movements approximately 12 times a day for the past two days and is experiencing crampy abdominal pain.
The patient's blood test results are as follows:
- Hemoglobin (Hb) level of 124 g/L (normal range for females: 115-160 g/L)
- Platelet count of 175 * 109/L (normal range: 150-400 * 109/L)
- White blood cell (WBC) count of 16.4 * 109/L (normal range: 4.0-11.0 * 109/L)
Upon reviewing her medication chart, it is noted that she recently finished a course of ceftriaxone for meningitis.
Based on the likely diagnosis, what would be the most probable finding on stool microscopy?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Gram-positive bacilli
Explanation:The likely diagnosis for this patient is a Clostridium difficile infection, which is a gram-positive bacillus bacteria. This infection is triggered by recent broad-spectrum antibiotic use, as seen in this patient who was prescribed ceftriaxone for meningitis. The patient’s symptoms of crampy abdominal pain and sudden onset diffuse diarrhoea, along with a marked rise in white blood cells, are consistent with this diagnosis. Gram-negative bacilli, gram-negative cocci, and gram-negative spirillum bacteria are unlikely causes of this patient’s symptoms.
Clostridium difficile is a type of bacteria that is commonly found in hospitals. It produces a toxin that can damage the intestines and cause a condition called pseudomembranous colitis. This bacteria usually develops when the normal gut flora is disrupted by broad-spectrum antibiotics, with second and third generation cephalosporins being the leading cause. Other risk factors include the use of proton pump inhibitors. Symptoms of C. difficile infection include diarrhea, abdominal pain, and a raised white blood cell count. The severity of the infection can be determined using the Public Health England severity scale.
To diagnose C. difficile infection, a stool sample is tested for the presence of the C. difficile toxin. Treatment involves reviewing current antibiotic therapy and stopping antibiotics if possible. For a first episode of infection, oral vancomycin is the first-line therapy for 10 days, followed by oral fidaxomicin as second-line therapy and oral vancomycin with or without IV metronidazole as third-line therapy. Recurrent infections may require different treatment options, such as oral fidaxomicin within 12 weeks of symptom resolution or oral vancomycin or fidaxomicin after 12 weeks of symptom resolution. In life-threatening cases, oral vancomycin and IV metronidazole may be used, and surgery may be considered with specialist advice. Other therapies, such as bezlotoxumab and fecal microbiota transplant, may also be considered for preventing recurrences in certain cases.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 21
A 67-year-old woman visits her GP after discovering a lump in her groin subsequent to relocating. The patient reports that she can push the lump back in, but it returns when she coughs. During the examination, the GP identifies the lump located superior and medial to the pubic tubercle. The GP reduces the lump, applies pressure to the midpoint of the inguinal ligament, and instructs the patient to cough. The lump reappears, leading the GP to tentatively diagnose the patient with a direct inguinal hernia. Through which anatomical structures will the hernia pass?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Transversalis fascia and superficial inguinal ring
Explanation:The correct structures for a direct inguinal hernia to pass through are the transversalis fascia (which forms the posterior wall of the inguinal canal) and the superficial ring. If the hernia were to pass through other structures, such as the deep inguinal ring, it would reappear upon increased intra-abdominal pressure. In contrast, an indirect inguinal hernia enters the canal through the deep inguinal ring and exits at the superficial ring, so it would not reappear if the deep inguinal ring were blocked.
The inguinal canal is located above the inguinal ligament and measures 4 cm in length. Its superficial ring is situated in front of the pubic tubercle, while the deep ring is found about 1.5-2 cm above the halfway point between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle. The canal is bounded by the external oblique aponeurosis, inguinal ligament, lacunar ligament, internal oblique, transversus abdominis, external ring, and conjoint tendon. In males, the canal contains the spermatic cord and ilioinguinal nerve, while in females, it houses the round ligament of the uterus and ilioinguinal nerve.
The boundaries of Hesselbach’s triangle, which are frequently tested, are located in the inguinal region. Additionally, the inguinal canal is closely related to the vessels of the lower limb, which should be taken into account when repairing hernial defects in this area.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 22
A 54-year-old man undergoes an abdomino-perineal excision of the colon and rectum and is now experiencing impotence. What is the probable cause?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Damage to the hypogastric plexus during mobilisation of the inferior mesenteric artery
Explanation:The most frequent cause is injury to the autonomic nerves.
During surgical procedures, there is a risk of nerve injury caused by the surgery itself. This is not only important for the patient’s well-being but also from a legal perspective. There are various operations that carry the risk of nerve damage, such as posterior triangle lymph node biopsy, Lloyd Davies stirrups, thyroidectomy, anterior resection of rectum, axillary node clearance, inguinal hernia surgery, varicose vein surgery, posterior approach to the hip, and carotid endarterectomy. Surgeons must have a good understanding of the anatomy of the area they are operating on to minimize the incidence of nerve lesions. Blind placement of haemostats is not recommended as it can also cause nerve damage.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 23
A 65-year-old man visits his GP complaining of watery diarrhoea that has persisted for a month. He denies any alterations to his diet or recent international travel. The patient's weight has remained stable.
During an abdominal ultrasound, a pancreatic nodule is discovered. Upon biopsy, it is determined that the nodule originates from pancreatic S cells.
What hormone is expected to be secreted by the pancreatic nodule?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Secretin
Explanation:The correct answer is Secretin. S cells in the upper small intestine secrete this gastrointestinal hormone, which promotes the secretion of bicarbonate-rich fluid from the pancreas. Pancreatic secretinomas, a rare type of gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumor, can cause watery diarrhea.
Cholecystokinin is another gastrointestinal hormone that promotes the contraction of the gallbladder and the secretion of bile at the ampulla of Vater. However, it does not promote the secretion of bicarbonate-rich fluid from the pancreas.
Gastrin is a gastrointestinal hormone that promotes gastric motility and the secretion of hydrochloric acid by parietal cells. It is released by the G cells of the gastric antrum.
Motilin is a gastrointestinal hormone secreted by M cells within Peyer’s patches of the small intestine, which promotes gastrointestinal motility.
Overview of Gastrointestinal Hormones
Gastrointestinal hormones play a crucial role in the digestion and absorption of food. These hormones are secreted by various cells in the stomach and small intestine in response to different stimuli such as the presence of food, pH changes, and neural signals.
One of the major hormones involved in food digestion is gastrin, which is secreted by G cells in the antrum of the stomach. Gastrin increases acid secretion by gastric parietal cells, stimulates the secretion of pepsinogen and intrinsic factor, and increases gastric motility. Another hormone, cholecystokinin (CCK), is secreted by I cells in the upper small intestine in response to partially digested proteins and triglycerides. CCK increases the secretion of enzyme-rich fluid from the pancreas, contraction of the gallbladder, and relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi. It also decreases gastric emptying and induces satiety.
Secretin is another hormone secreted by S cells in the upper small intestine in response to acidic chyme and fatty acids. Secretin increases the secretion of bicarbonate-rich fluid from the pancreas and hepatic duct cells, decreases gastric acid secretion, and has a trophic effect on pancreatic acinar cells. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is a neural hormone that stimulates secretion by the pancreas and intestines and inhibits acid secretion.
Finally, somatostatin is secreted by D cells in the pancreas and stomach in response to fat, bile salts, and glucose in the intestinal lumen. Somatostatin decreases acid and pepsin secretion, decreases gastrin secretion, decreases pancreatic enzyme secretion, and decreases insulin and glucagon secretion. It also inhibits the trophic effects of gastrin and stimulates gastric mucous production.
In summary, gastrointestinal hormones play a crucial role in regulating the digestive process and maintaining homeostasis in the gastrointestinal tract.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 24
A 16-year-old boy presents to the hospital with suspected appendicitis. Upon examination, he exhibits maximum tenderness at McBurney's point. Can you identify the location of McBurney's point?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 2/3rds laterally along the line between the umbilicus and the anterior superior iliac spine
Explanation:To locate McBurney’s point, one should draw an imaginary line from the umbilicus to the anterior superior iliac spine on the right-hand side and then find the point that is 2/3rds of the way along this line. The other choices do not provide the correct location for this anatomical landmark.
Acute appendicitis is a common condition that requires surgery and can occur at any age, but is most prevalent in young people aged 10-20 years. The pathogenesis of acute appendicitis involves lymphoid hyperplasia or a faecolith, which leads to obstruction of the appendiceal lumen. This obstruction causes gut organisms to invade the appendix wall, resulting in oedema, ischaemia, and possibly perforation.
The most common symptom of acute appendicitis is abdominal pain, which is typically peri-umbilical and radiates to the right iliac fossa due to localised peritoneal inflammation. Other symptoms include mild pyrexia, anorexia, and nausea. Examination may reveal generalised or localised peritonism, rebound and percussion tenderness, guarding and rigidity, and classical signs such as Rovsing’s sign and psoas sign.
Diagnosis of acute appendicitis is typically based on raised inflammatory markers and compatible history and examination findings. Imaging may be used in certain cases, such as ultrasound in females where pelvic organ pathology is suspected. Management of acute appendicitis involves appendicectomy, which can be performed via an open or laparoscopic approach. Patients with perforated appendicitis require copious abdominal lavage, while those without peritonitis who have an appendix mass should receive broad-spectrum antibiotics and consideration given to performing an interval appendicectomy. Intravenous antibiotics alone have been trialled as a treatment for appendicitis, but evidence suggests that this is associated with a longer hospital stay and up to 20% of patients go on to have an appendicectomy within 12 months.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 25
A 30-year-old patient comes to see his doctor complaining of feeling fatigued, sluggish and having difficulty concentrating at work lately. He appears pale and his hands feel cool to the touch. He reports being a non-smoker, drinking very little and adopting a vegan diet last year. What could be the reason for this patient's development of anaemia?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Fe3+ is insoluble and must be converted into Fe2+ before it is absorbed
Explanation:Iron is absorbed from food in two forms: haem iron (found in meat) and non-haem iron (found in green vegetables). Haem iron is easier to absorb than non-haem iron. Non-haem iron is mostly in the form of insoluble ferric (Fe3+) iron, which needs to be converted to soluble ferrous (Fe2+) iron before it can be absorbed by the body. However, the amount of iron absorbed this way is often not enough to meet the body’s needs. Vegetarians and vegans are at higher risk of iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) because they consume less haem iron.
The patient’s symptoms suggest IDA caused by a change in diet, rather than anaemia of chronic disease. Ferritin is a marker of iron stores and is reduced in IDA. Hepcidin is a hormone that regulates iron storage in the body. Low serum hepcidin levels are seen in IDA, but this is not a reliable marker of the condition. Transferrin is a protein that binds to iron in the blood. In IDA, transferrin levels are high and ferritin levels are low. Transferrin saturation is low in IDA and anaemia of chronic disease, but high in haemochromatosis. Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) is normal or high in IDA, but low in anaemia of chronic disease due to increased iron storage in cells and limited release into the blood.
Understanding Ferritin Levels in the Body
Ferritin is a protein found inside cells that binds to iron and stores it for later use. When ferritin levels are increased, it is usually defined as being above 300 µg/L in men and postmenopausal women, and above 200 µg/L in premenopausal women. However, it is important to note that ferritin is an acute phase protein, meaning that it can be synthesized in larger quantities during times of inflammation. This can lead to falsely elevated results, which must be interpreted in the context of the patient’s clinical picture and other blood test results.
There are two main categories of causes for increased ferritin levels: those without iron overload (which account for around 90% of patients) and those with iron overload (which account for around 10% of patients). Causes of increased ferritin levels without iron overload include inflammation, alcohol excess, liver disease, chronic kidney disease, and malignancy. Causes of increased ferritin levels with iron overload include primary iron overload (hereditary hemochromatosis) and secondary iron overload (which can occur after repeated transfusions).
On the other hand, reduced ferritin levels can be an indication of iron deficiency anemia. Since iron and ferritin are bound together, a decrease in ferritin levels can suggest a decrease in iron levels as well. Measuring serum ferritin levels can be helpful in determining whether a low hemoglobin level and microcytosis are truly caused by an iron deficiency state. It is important to note that the best test for determining iron overload is transferrin saturation, with normal values being less than 45% in females and less than 50% in males.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 26
As a GP, you are evaluating a 35-year-old female patient who has been experiencing a persistent burning sensation in her epigastrium that is temporarily relieved by eating meals. Your initial suspicion of H. pylori infection was ruled out by a negative serology test, and a two-week trial of full-dose proton pump inhibitor and triple eradication therapy failed to alleviate her symptoms. An endoscopy revealed multiple duodenal ulcers, and upon further questioning, the patient disclosed that her mother has a pituitary tumor. Which hormone is most likely to be elevated in this patient?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Gastrin
Explanation:Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome and Gastrinoma
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome is a familial condition that predisposes individuals to benign or malignant tumors of the pituitary and pancreas with parathyroid hyperplasia causing hyperparathyroidism. This autosomal dominant inherited syndrome should be considered in patients who present with unusual endocrine tumors, especially if they are relatively young at diagnosis or have a relevant family history.
One manifestation of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome is the development of a pancreatic tumor called a gastrinoma, which secretes the hormone gastrin. Gastrin stimulates the release of hydrochloric acid from parietal cells in the stomach, which optimizes conditions for protein digesting enzymes. However, excessive production of gastrin can occur in gastrinomas, leading to excessive HCL production that can denature the mucosa and submosa of the gastrointestinal tract, causing symptoms, ulceration, and even perforation of the duodenum.
While other pancreatic tumors can also produce hormones such as insulin or glucagon, the symptoms and clinical findings in this case suggest a diagnosis of gastrinoma. Cholecystokinin and somatostatin are hormones that have inhibitory effects on HCL secretion and do not fit with the clinical picture. Cholecystokinin also produces the feeling of satiety.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 27
A 55-year-old man visits his GP complaining of worsening acid reflux, despite receiving aggressive treatment. He reports feeling like he has lost weight and has a medical history of duodenal ulcers. During his last endoscopy, Barrett's oesophagus was detected. Which type of cancer is most commonly linked to this condition?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Oesophageal adenocarcinoma
Explanation:The most significant risk factor for developing oesophageal adenocarcinoma, one of the two types of oesophageal carcinomas in the UK, is Barrett’s oesophagus. This condition occurs when chronic acid exposure causes a metaplastic change from squamous epithelium to gastric columnar epithelium in the lower end of the oesophagus, increasing the risk of developing adenocarcinoma.
Duodenal adenocarcinoma, a relatively rare cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, is often caused by genetic conditions such as HNCCP/Lynch syndrome and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), as well as Crohn’s disease. Patients with this type of cancer typically experience abdominal pain, reflux, and weight loss due to the malignancy obstructing the flow of digested chyme from the stomach to the jejunum.
Gastric malignancy, the most common type of which is adenocarcinoma, is not associated with Barrett’s oesophagus. Symptoms of gastric cancer include heartburn, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and early satiety, and the most significant risk factor is H. pylori infection.
Oesophageal leiomyoma, a benign tumour, is not linked to Barrett’s oesophagus. Patients may experience reflux if the mass enlarges, but the most common symptoms are retrosternal discomfort and difficulty swallowing.
Squamous cell carcinoma, the other type of oesophageal malignancy, is associated with smoking and alcohol and tends to occur in the upper oesophagus. Unlike adenocarcinoma, weight loss is usually an early symptom of this type of cancer.
Barrett’s oesophagus is a condition where the lower oesophageal mucosa is replaced by columnar epithelium, which increases the risk of oesophageal adenocarcinoma by 50-100 fold. It is usually identified during an endoscopy for upper gastrointestinal symptoms such as dyspepsia, as there are no screening programs for it. The length of the affected segment determines the chances of identifying metaplasia, with short (<3 cm) and long (>3 cm) subtypes. The prevalence of Barrett’s oesophagus is estimated to be around 1 in 20, and it is identified in up to 12% of those undergoing endoscopy for reflux.
The columnar epithelium in Barrett’s oesophagus may resemble that of the cardiac region of the stomach or that of the small intestine, with goblet cells and brush border. The single strongest risk factor for Barrett’s oesophagus is gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), followed by male gender, smoking, and central obesity. Alcohol is not an independent risk factor for Barrett’s, but it is associated with both GORD and oesophageal cancer. Patients with Barrett’s oesophagus often have coexistent GORD symptoms.
The management of Barrett’s oesophagus involves high-dose proton pump inhibitor, although the evidence base for its effectiveness in reducing the progression to dysplasia or inducing regression of the lesion is limited. Endoscopic surveillance with biopsies is recommended every 3-5 years for patients with metaplasia but not dysplasia. If dysplasia of any grade is identified, endoscopic intervention is offered, such as radiofrequency ablation, which is the preferred first-line treatment, particularly for low-grade dysplasia, or endoscopic mucosal resection.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 28
A 49-year-old woman experiences jaundice and undergoes an ERCP. After 36 hours, she develops a fever and rigors. What organism is most likely to be cultured from her blood sample?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Escherichia coli
Explanation:A surgical emergency is indicated when Charcot’s triad is present. Patients require biliary decompression and administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics. The most frequently identified organism in cholangitis infections is E. coli, with enterobacter being a less common finding.
Ascending Cholangitis: A Bacterial Infection of the Biliary Tree
Ascending cholangitis is a bacterial infection that affects the biliary tree, with E. coli being the most common culprit. The primary risk factor for this condition is gallstones. Patients with ascending cholangitis may experience Charcot’s triad, which includes fever, jaundice, and right upper quadrant pain. However, this triad is only present in 20-50% of cases. Fever is the most common symptom, occurring in 90% of patients, followed by RUQ pain (70%) and jaundice (60%). In some cases, patients may also experience hypotension and confusion, which, when combined with the other three symptoms, makeup Reynolds’ pentad.
In addition to the above symptoms, patients with ascending cholangitis may also have raised inflammatory markers. Ultrasound is typically the first-line investigation used to diagnose this condition. It is used to look for bile duct dilation and stones.
The management of ascending cholangitis involves intravenous antibiotics and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) after 24-48 hours to relieve any obstruction. By understanding the symptoms and risk factors associated with ascending cholangitis, healthcare providers can diagnose and treat this condition promptly, reducing the risk of complications.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 29
A 65-year-old man presents to the emergency department with left-sided abdominal pain and rectal bleeding. He has a past medical history of atrial fibrillation and is on apixaban. He does not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol.
His observations are heart rate 111 beats per minute, blood pressure 101/58 mmHg, respiratory rate 18/minute, oxygen saturation 96% on room air and temperature 37.8ºC.
Abdominal examination reveals tenderness in the left lower quadrant. Bowel sounds are sluggish. Rectal examination demonstrates a small amount of fresh red blood but no mass lesions, haemorrhoids or fissures. His pulse is irregular. Chest auscultation is normal.
An ECG demonstrates atrial fibrillation.
Blood tests:
Hb 133 g/L Male: (135-180)
Female: (115 - 160)
Platelets 444 * 109/L (150 - 400)
WBC 18.1 * 109/L (4.0 - 11.0)
Na+ 131 mmol/L (135 - 145)
K+ 4.6 mmol/L (3.5 - 5.0)
Urea 8.2 mmol/L (2.0 - 7.0)
Creatinine 130 µmol/L (55 - 120)
CRP 32 mg/L (< 5)
Lactate 2.6 mmol/L (0.0-2.0)
Based on the presumed diagnosis, what is the likely location of the pathology?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Splenic flexure
Explanation:Ischaemic colitis most frequently affects the splenic flexure.
Understanding Ischaemic Colitis
Ischaemic colitis is a condition that occurs when there is a temporary reduction in blood flow to the large bowel. This can cause inflammation, ulcers, and bleeding. The condition is more likely to occur in areas of the bowel that are located at the borders of the territory supplied by the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries, such as the splenic flexure.
When investigating ischaemic colitis, doctors may look for a sign called thumbprinting on an abdominal x-ray. This occurs due to mucosal edema and hemorrhage. It is important to diagnose and treat ischaemic colitis promptly to prevent complications and ensure a full recovery.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 30
What is the most frequent reason for mesenteric infarction to occur?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Acute embolism affecting the superior mesenteric artery
Explanation:Mesenteric infarcts can be caused by various factors such as prolonged atrial fibrillation, ventricular aneurysms, and post myocardial infarction.
Understanding Mesenteric Vessel Disease
Mesenteric vessel disease is a condition that affects the blood vessels supplying the intestines. It is primarily caused by arterial embolism, which can result in infarction of the colon. The most common type of mesenteric vessel disease is acute mesenteric embolus, which is characterized by sudden onset abdominal pain followed by profuse diarrhea. Other types include acute on chronic mesenteric ischemia, mesenteric vein thrombosis, and low flow mesenteric infarction.
Diagnosis of mesenteric vessel disease involves serological tests such as WCC, lactate, CRP, and amylase, as well as CT angiography scanning in the arterial phase with thin slices. Management of the condition depends on the severity of symptoms, with overt signs of peritonism requiring laparotomy and mesenteric vein thrombosis being treated with medical management using IV heparin. In cases where surgery is necessary, limited resection of necrotic bowel may be performed with the aim of relooking laparotomy at 24-48 hours.
The prognosis for mesenteric vessel disease is generally poor, with the best outlook being for acute ischaemia from an embolic event where surgery occurs within 12 hours. Survival rates may be as high as 50%, but this falls to 30% with treatment delay. It is important to seek medical attention promptly if symptoms of mesenteric vessel disease are present.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 31
Which of the following genes is not involved in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence of colorectal cancer?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: src
Explanation:Additional genes implicated include MCC, DCC, c-yes, and bcl-2.
Colorectal cancer is a prevalent type of cancer in the UK, ranking third in terms of frequency and second in terms of cancer-related deaths. Every year, approximately 150,000 new cases are diagnosed, and 50,000 people die from the disease. The cancer can occur in different parts of the colon, with the rectum being the most common location, accounting for 40% of cases. The sigmoid colon follows closely, with 30% of cases, while the descending colon has only 5%. The transverse colon has 10% of cases, and the ascending colon and caecum have 15%.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 32
A 56-year-old accountant presents to the hospital with severe abdominal pain that has been ongoing for more than 3 hours. The pain is sharp and extends to his back, and he rates it as 8/10 on the pain scale. The pain subsides when he sits up. During the examination, he appears restless, cold, and clammy, with a pulse rate of 124 bpm and a blood pressure of 102/65. You notice some purple discoloration in his right flank, and his bowel sounds are normal. According to his social history, he has a history of excessive alcohol consumption. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Acute pancreatitis
Explanation:Pancreatitis is the most probable diagnosis due to several reasons. Firstly, the patient’s history indicates that he is an alcoholic, which is a risk factor for pancreatitis. Secondly, the severe and radiating pain to the back is a typical symptom of pancreatitis. Additionally, the patient shows signs of jaundice and circulation collapse, with a purple discoloration known as Grey Turner’s sign caused by retroperitoneal hemorrhage. On the other hand, appendicitis pain is usually colicky, localized in the lower right quadrant, and moves up centrally. Although circulation collapse may indicate intestinal obstruction, the absence of vomiting/nausea makes it less likely. Chronic kidney disease can be ruled out as it presents with symptoms such as weight loss, tiredness, bone pain, and itchy skin, which are not present in this acute presentation. Lastly, if there was a significant history of recent surgery, ileus and obstruction would be more likely, and the absence of bowel sounds would support this diagnosis.
Acute pancreatitis is a condition that is primarily caused by gallstones and alcohol consumption in the UK. However, there are other factors that can contribute to the development of this condition. A popular mnemonic used to remember these factors is GET SMASHED, which stands for gallstones, ethanol, trauma, steroids, mumps, autoimmune diseases, scorpion venom, hypertriglyceridaemia, hyperchylomicronaemia, hypercalcaemia, hypothermia, ERCP, and certain drugs. It is important to note that pancreatitis is seven times more common in patients taking mesalazine than sulfasalazine. CT scans can show diffuse parenchymal enlargement with oedema and indistinct margins in patients with acute pancreatitis.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 33
Which one of the following is not well absorbed after a gastrectomy?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Vitamin B12
Explanation:The absorption of Vitamin B12 is affected by post gastrectomy syndrome, while the absorption of other vitamins remains unaffected. This syndrome is characterized by the rapid emptying of food from the stomach into the duodenum, leading to symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and hypoglycaemia. Complications of this syndrome include malabsorption of Vitamin B12 and iron, as well as osteoporosis. Treatment involves following a diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates, and replacing any deficiencies in Vitamin B12, iron, and calcium.
Understanding Gastric Emptying and Its Controlling Factors
The stomach plays a crucial role in both mechanical and immunological functions. It retains solid and liquid materials, which undergo peristaltic activity against a closed pyloric sphincter, leading to fragmentation of food bolus material. Gastric acid helps neutralize any pathogens present. The time material spends in the stomach depends on its composition and volume, with amino acids and fat delaying gastric emptying.
Gastric emptying is controlled by neuronal stimulation mediated via the vagus and the parasympathetic nervous system, which favors an increase in gastric motility. Hormonal factors such as gastric inhibitory peptide, cholecystokinin, and enteroglucagon also play a role in delaying or increasing gastric emptying.
Diseases affecting gastric emptying can lead to bacterial overgrowth, retained food, and the formation of bezoars that may occlude the pylorus and worsen gastric emptying. Gastric surgery can also have profound effects on gastric emptying, with vagal disruption causing delayed emptying.
Diabetic gastroparesis is predominantly due to neuropathy affecting the vagus nerve, leading to poor stomach emptying and repeated vomiting. Malignancies such as distal gastric cancer and pancreatic cancer may also obstruct the pylorus and delay emptying. Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is a disease of infancy that presents with projectile non-bile stained vomiting and is treated with pyloromyotomy.
In summary, understanding gastric emptying and its controlling factors is crucial in diagnosing and treating various diseases that affect the stomach’s function.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 34
Samantha, a 52-year-old female, visits her doctor with a lump in her groin that becomes more prominent when she coughs. The lump is not painful, but the doctor notes that it is located inferior and lateral to the pubic tubercle during the examination. This leads to a diagnosis of a femoral hernia, where a portion of the bowel has entered the femoral canal and caused a bulge in the femoral triangle, an area in the upper thigh.
What are the contents of this anatomical region from lateral to medial?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Femoral nerve, femoral artery, femoral vein, empty space, lymphatics
Explanation:To remember the contents of the femoral triangle from lateral to medial, use the acronym NAVEL: femoral NERVE, femoral ARTERY, femoral VEIN, EMPTY space, and LYMPHATICS. The femoral triangle is located in the anterior thigh and is bordered by the inguinal ligament superiorly, the medial border of the sartorius muscle laterally, and the medial border of the adductor longus muscle medially. A femoral hernia occurs when bowel enters the femoral ring and canal, which are located beneath the inguinal ligament, causing a bulge in the femoral triangle. The femoral nerve is located more laterally than the femoral artery and vein, while the femoral artery is more lateral than the femoral vein.
Understanding the Anatomy of the Femoral Triangle
The femoral triangle is an important anatomical region located in the upper thigh. It is bounded by the inguinal ligament superiorly, the sartorius muscle laterally, and the adductor longus muscle medially. The floor of the femoral triangle is made up of the iliacus, psoas major, adductor longus, and pectineus muscles, while the roof is formed by the fascia lata and superficial fascia. The superficial inguinal lymph nodes and the long saphenous vein are also found in this region.
The femoral triangle contains several important structures, including the femoral vein, femoral artery, femoral nerve, deep and superficial inguinal lymph nodes, lateral cutaneous nerve, great saphenous vein, and femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve. The femoral artery can be palpated at the mid inguinal point, making it an important landmark for medical professionals.
Understanding the anatomy of the femoral triangle is important for medical professionals, as it is a common site for procedures such as venipuncture, arterial puncture, and nerve blocks. It is also important for identifying and treating conditions that affect the structures within this region, such as femoral hernias and lymphadenopathy.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 35
A 42-year-old woman experiences repeated episodes of biliary colic. How much bile enters the duodenum in a day, approximately?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 500 mL
Explanation:The small bowel receives a daily supply of bile ranging from 500 mL to 1.5 L, with the majority of bile salts being reused through the enterohepatic circulation. The contraction of the gallbladder results in a lumenal pressure of around 25 cm water, which can cause severe pain in cases of biliary colic.
Bile is a liquid that is produced in the liver at a rate of 500ml to 1500mL per day. It is made up of bile salts, bicarbonate, cholesterol, steroids, and water. The flow of bile is regulated by three factors: hepatic secretion, gallbladder contraction, and sphincter of oddi resistance. Bile salts are absorbed in the terminal ileum and are recycled up to six times a day, with over 90% of all bile salts being recycled.
There are two types of bile salts: primary and secondary. Primary bile salts include cholate and chenodeoxycholate, while secondary bile salts are formed by bacterial action on primary bile salts and include deoxycholate and lithocholate. Deoxycholate is reabsorbed, while lithocholate is insoluble and excreted.
Gallstones can form when there is an excess of cholesterol in the bile. Bile salts have a detergent action and form micelles, which have a lipid center that transports fats. However, excessive amounts of cholesterol cannot be transported in this way and will precipitate, resulting in the formation of cholesterol-rich gallstones.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 36
A 30-year-old male presents to the emergency department after vomiting blood. He had been out drinking heavily with friends and had vomited multiple times, with the last episode containing a significant amount of blood.
Upon examination, the patient appeared intoxicated and had a pulse of 96 bpm and a blood pressure of 120/74 mmHg. Abdominal examination revealed no abnormalities.
What is the probable diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Mallory-Weiss tear
Explanation:Mallory Weiss Tear and Alcoholic Gastritis
Repeated episodes of vomiting due to alcohol consumption can lead to a Mallory Weiss tear, which is a mucosal tear in the esophagus. This tear can cause hematemesis, which is vomiting of blood. This is a common occurrence in habitual drinkers who suffer from alcoholic gastritis. Along with upper abdominal pain, this condition can cause a rise in esophageal pressures, leading to mucosal tears. However, most patients only lose small amounts of blood, and symptoms can often be resolved with minimal intervention. It is important to seek medical attention if symptoms persist or worsen.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 37
A 65-year-old patient is scheduled for a right hemicolectomy to treat a caecum carcinoma. Which of the following vessels will need to be high ligated for optimal oncological control?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ileo-colic artery
Explanation:During a right hemicolectomy, the caecum is supplied by the ileo-colic artery which requires high ligation. It is generally recommended to preserve the middle colic artery when resecting a caecal lesion. It should be noted that the SMA does not directly supply the caecum.
The Caecum: Location, Relations, and Functions
The caecum is a part of the colon located in the proximal right colon below the ileocaecal valve. It is an intraperitoneal structure that has posterior relations with the psoas, iliacus, femoral nerve, genitofemoral nerve, and gonadal vessels. Its anterior relations include the greater omentum. The caecum is supplied by the ileocolic artery and its lymphatic drainage is through the mesenteric nodes that accompany the venous drainage.
The caecum is known for its distensibility, making it the most distensible part of the colon. However, in cases of complete large bowel obstruction with a competent ileocaecal valve, the caecum is the most likely site of eventual perforation. Despite this potential complication, the caecum plays an important role in the digestive system. It is responsible for the absorption of fluids and electrolytes, as well as the fermentation of indigestible carbohydrates. Additionally, the caecum is a site for the growth and proliferation of beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion and immune function.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 38
A 35-year-old male is undergoing investigation for oral thrush. During the examination, which two primary regions of the oral cavity are evaluated?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Vestibule and oral cavity proper
Explanation:The gastrointestinal system is accessed through the mouth, which serves as the entrance for food. The act of chewing and swallowing is initiated voluntarily. Once swallowed, the process becomes automatic. The oral cavity is divided into two main regions: the vestibule, which is located between the mucosa of the lips and cheeks and the teeth, and the oral cavity proper. These two regions are connected to each other at the back of the second molar tooth.
Understanding Oesophageal Candidiasis
Oesophageal candidiasis is a medical condition that is identified by the presence of white spots in the oropharynx, which can extend into the oesophagus. This condition is commonly associated with the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, immunosuppression, and immunological disorders. Patients with oesophageal candidiasis may experience oropharyngeal symptoms, odynophagia, and dysphagia.
The treatment for oesophageal candidiasis involves addressing the underlying cause, which should be investigated by a medical professional. Additionally, oral antifungal agents are prescribed to manage the symptoms of the condition.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 39
A 15-year-old boy, with a family history of Gilbert's syndrome, is showing symptoms of hepatic dysfunction. Upon conducting liver function tests, it is found that he has elevated levels of unconjugated bilirubin. After genetic testing, it is confirmed that he has Gilbert's syndrome. What is the reason behind the increased levels of unconjugated bilirubin in Gilbert's syndrome?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Reduced levels of UDP-glucuronosyl transferase-1
Explanation:Gilbert’s syndrome is characterized by a decrease in UDP glucuronosyltransferase levels.
Enhanced drug effects can occur due to reduced warfarin metabolism caused by CYP2C9 deficiency.
Elevated GGT levels are often caused by pancreatic disease, cholestasis, excessive alcohol consumption, and certain medications.
Dubin-Johnson syndrome is associated with defective hepatocyte excretion of conjugated bilirubin.
Disordered metabolism of clopidogrel and other drugs, including proton-pump inhibitors, anticonvulsants, and sedatives, can result from reduced CYP2C19 levels.Gilbert’s syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the way bilirubin is processed in the body. It is caused by a deficiency of UDP glucuronosyltransferase, which leads to unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. This means that bilirubin is not properly broken down and eliminated from the body, resulting in jaundice. However, jaundice may only be visible during certain conditions such as fasting, exercise, or illness. The prevalence of Gilbert’s syndrome is around 1-2% in the general population.
To diagnose Gilbert’s syndrome, doctors may look for a rise in bilirubin levels after prolonged fasting or the administration of IV nicotinic acid. However, treatment is not necessary for this condition. While the exact mode of inheritance is still debated, it is known to be an autosomal recessive disorder.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 40
A 30-year-old man needs a urethral catheter before his splenectomy. At what point will the catheter encounter its first resistance during insertion?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Membranous urethra
Explanation:The external sphincter surrounding the membranous urethra causes it to be the least distensible part of the urethra.
Urethral Anatomy: Differences Between Male and Female
The anatomy of the urethra differs between males and females. In females, the urethra is shorter and more angled than in males. It is located outside of the peritoneum and is surrounded by the endopelvic fascia. The neck of the bladder is subject to intra-abdominal pressure, and any weakness in this area can lead to stress urinary incontinence. The female urethra is surrounded by the external urethral sphincter, which is innervated by the pudendal nerve. It is located in front of the vaginal opening.
In males, the urethra is much longer and is divided into four parts. The pre-prostatic urethra is very short and lies between the bladder and prostate gland. The prostatic urethra is wider than the membranous urethra and contains several openings for the transmission of semen. The membranous urethra is the narrowest part of the urethra and is surrounded by the external sphincter. The penile urethra travels through the corpus spongiosum on the underside of the penis and is the longest segment of the urethra. The bulbo-urethral glands open into the spongiose section of the urethra.
The urothelium, which lines the inside of the urethra, is transitional near the bladder and becomes squamous further down the urethra. Understanding the differences in urethral anatomy between males and females is important for diagnosing and treating urological conditions.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 41
A 25-year-old female presents to her GP with a 3-month history of bloating. She has tried excluding nightshades from her diet which provided some relief but her symptoms persist. Upon further questioning, she reports a lifelong feeling of incomplete bowel emptying after defecation. This symptom was previously investigated with endoscopy and biopsies, but no definitive diagnosis was made.
Additionally, she reports the presence of mucus in her stool and intermittent abdominal pain. She has no significant medical history or regular medications, but does have a peanut allergy. Her mother has coeliac disease and her father has type 2 diabetes which is managed with insulin.
What is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Irritable bowel syndrome
Explanation:Diagnosis and Management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects many people. To diagnose IBS, a patient must have experienced abdominal pain, bloating, or a change in bowel habit for at least six months. A positive diagnosis of IBS is made if the patient has abdominal pain relieved by defecation or associated with altered bowel frequency stool form, in addition to two of the following four symptoms: altered stool passage, abdominal bloating, symptoms made worse by eating, and passage of mucus. Other features such as lethargy, nausea, backache, and bladder symptoms may also support the diagnosis.
It is important to enquire about red flag features such as rectal bleeding, unexplained/unintentional weight loss, family history of bowel or ovarian cancer, and onset after 60 years of age. Primary care investigations such as a full blood count, ESR/CRP, and coeliac disease screen (tissue transglutaminase antibodies) are suggested. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published clinical guidelines on the diagnosis and management of IBS in 2008 to help healthcare professionals provide the best care for patients with this condition.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 42
A 58-year-old woman has a sigmoid colon resection in the Hartmans style, with ligation of vessels near the colon. Which vessel will be responsible for directly supplying the rectal stump?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Superior rectal artery
Explanation:The blood supply to the rectum is provided by the superior rectal artery, which may be affected if the IMA is ligated too high. However, in the case of the Hartmans procedure, the vessels were ligated near the bowel, indicating that the superior rectal artery was not compromised.
Anatomy of the Rectum
The rectum is a capacitance organ that measures approximately 12 cm in length. It consists of both intra and extraperitoneal components, with the transition from the sigmoid colon marked by the disappearance of the tenia coli. The extra peritoneal rectum is surrounded by mesorectal fat that contains lymph nodes, which are removed during rectal cancer surgery. The fascial layers that surround the rectum are important clinical landmarks, with the fascia of Denonvilliers located anteriorly and Waldeyers fascia located posteriorly.
In males, the rectum is adjacent to the rectovesical pouch, bladder, prostate, and seminal vesicles, while in females, it is adjacent to the recto-uterine pouch (Douglas), cervix, and vaginal wall. Posteriorly, the rectum is in contact with the sacrum, coccyx, and middle sacral artery, while laterally, it is adjacent to the levator ani and coccygeus muscles.
The superior rectal artery supplies blood to the rectum, while the superior rectal vein drains it. Mesorectal lymph nodes located superior to the dentate line drain into the internal iliac and then para-aortic nodes, while those located inferior to the dentate line drain into the inguinal nodes. Understanding the anatomy of the rectum is crucial for surgical procedures and the diagnosis and treatment of rectal diseases.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 43
Which of the following illnesses is not regarded as a risk factor for stomach cancer?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Long term therapy with H2 blockers
Explanation:Currently, the use of H2 blockers does not appear to increase the risk of gastric cancer, unlike certain acid lowering procedures that do.
Gastric cancer is a relatively uncommon type of cancer, accounting for only 2% of all cancer diagnoses in developed countries. It is more prevalent in older individuals, with half of patients being over the age of 75, and is more common in males than females. Several risk factors have been identified, including Helicobacter pylori infection, atrophic gastritis, certain dietary habits, smoking, and blood group. Symptoms of gastric cancer can include abdominal pain, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, and dysphagia. In some cases, lymphatic spread may result in the appearance of nodules in the left supraclavicular lymph node or periumbilical area. Diagnosis is typically made through oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy with biopsy, and staging is done using CT. Treatment options depend on the extent and location of the cancer and may include endoscopic mucosal resection, partial or total gastrectomy, and chemotherapy.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 44
A 4-year-old boy is brought to the GP by his mother due to concerns about his growth and weight gain. The mother has noticed that her son is smaller than other children his age and has difficulty putting on weight. Additionally, she has observed that his stools have become pale and greasy, and he frequently experiences bloating. Upon examination, the boy appears underweight and pale, with abdominal distension and muscle wasting in the buttocks. Based on this history and examination, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Coeliac disease
Explanation:Coeliac disease typically presents in children around the age when they start consuming wheat and cereal, but some individuals may not show symptoms until later in life. It is crucial for healthcare professionals to be able to identify this condition, both in clinical settings and for exams.
Coeliac Disease in Children: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis
Coeliac disease is a condition that affects children and is caused by sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in cereals. This sensitivity leads to villous atrophy, which causes malabsorption. Children usually present with symptoms before the age of 3, coinciding with the introduction of cereals into their diet. The incidence of coeliac disease is around 1 in 100, and it is strongly associated with HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8. Symptoms of coeliac disease include failure to thrive, diarrhoea, abdominal distension, and anaemia in older children. However, many cases are not diagnosed until adulthood.
Diagnosis of coeliac disease involves a jejunal biopsy showing subtotal villous atrophy, as well as screening tests for anti-endomysial and anti-gliadin antibodies. The biopsy shows complete atrophy of the villi with flat mucosa and marked crypt hyperplasia, as well as dense mixed inflammatory infiltrate in the lamina propria. Another biopsy may show flat mucosa with hyperplastic crypts and dense cellular infiltrate in the lamina propria, as well as an increased number of intraepithelial lymphocytes and vacuolated superficial epithelial cells. Overall, coeliac disease is a serious condition that requires early diagnosis and management to prevent long-term complications.
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Question 45
A 50-year-old man undergoes a colonoscopy and a colonic polyp is identified. It is located on a stalk in the sigmoid colon and has a lobular appearance. What is the most likely cause of this condition?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Dysplasia
Explanation:The majority of colonic polyps mentioned earlier are adenomas, which can be accompanied by dysplasia. The severity of dysplasia is directly proportional to the level of clinical apprehension.
Understanding Colonic Polyps and Follow-Up Procedures
Colonic polyps can occur in isolation or as part of polyposis syndromes, with greater than 100 polyps typically present in FAP. The risk of malignancy is related to size, with a 10% risk in a 1 cm adenoma. While isolated adenomas seldom cause symptoms, distally sited villous lesions may produce mucous and electrolyte disturbances if very large.
Follow-up procedures for colonic polyps depend on the number and size of the polyps. Low-risk cases with 1 or 2 adenomas less than 1 cm require no follow-up or re-colonoscopy for 5 years. Moderate-risk cases with 3 or 4 small adenomas or 1 adenoma greater than 1 cm require a re-scope at 3 years. High-risk cases with more than 5 small adenomas or more than 3 with 1 of them greater than 1 cm require a re-scope at 1 year.
Segmental resection or complete colectomy may be necessary in cases of incomplete excision of malignant polyps, malignant sessile polyps, malignant pedunculated polyps with submucosal invasion, polyps with poorly differentiated carcinoma, or familial polyposis coli. Screening from teenager up to 40 years by 2 yearly sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy is recommended. Rectal polypoidal lesions may be treated with trans anal endoscopic microsurgery.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 46
A 35-year-old patient with consistent PR bleeding is diagnosed with Crohn's disease. What is the primary medication used to induce remission of this condition?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Prednisolone
Explanation:To induce remission of Crohn’s disease, glucocorticoids (whether oral, topical or intravenous) are typically the first line of treatment. 5-ASA drugs are considered a second option for inducing remission of IBD. Azathioprine is more commonly used for maintaining remission. Steroids are specifically used to induce remission of Crohn’s disease. Infliximab is particularly effective for treating refractory disease and fistulating Crohn’s.
Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that can affect any part of the digestive tract. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published guidelines for managing this condition. Patients are advised to quit smoking, as it can worsen Crohn’s disease. While some studies suggest that NSAIDs and the combined oral contraceptive pill may increase the risk of relapse, the evidence is not conclusive.
To induce remission, glucocorticoids are typically used, but budesonide may be an alternative for some patients. Enteral feeding with an elemental diet may also be used, especially in young children or when there are concerns about steroid side effects. Second-line options include 5-ASA drugs, such as mesalazine, and add-on medications like azathioprine or mercaptopurine. Infliximab is useful for refractory disease and fistulating Crohn’s, and metronidazole is often used for isolated peri-anal disease.
Maintaining remission involves stopping smoking and using azathioprine or mercaptopurine as first-line options. Methotrexate is a second-line option. Surgery is eventually required for around 80% of patients with Crohn’s disease, depending on the location and severity of the disease. Complications of Crohn’s disease include small bowel cancer, colorectal cancer, and osteoporosis. Before offering azathioprine or mercaptopurine, it is important to assess thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) activity.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 47
An 80-year-old man has been experiencing dysphagia and regurgitation of undigested food for the past 2 months. He also complains of halitosis and a chronic cough. During examination, a small neck swelling is observed which gurgles on palpation. Barium studies reveal a diverticulum or pouch forming at the junction of the pharynx and the esophagus. Can you identify between which muscles this diverticulum commonly occurs?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Thyropharyngeus and cricopharyngeus muscles
Explanation:A posteromedial diverticulum located between the thyropharyngeus and cricopharyngeus muscles is the cause of a pharyngeal pouch, also known as Zenker’s diverticulum. This triangular gap, called Killian’s dehiscence, is where the pouch develops. When food or other materials accumulate in this area, it can lead to symptoms such as neck swelling, regurgitation, and bad breath.
A pharyngeal pouch, also known as Zenker’s diverticulum, is a condition where there is a protrusion in the back of the throat through a weak area in the pharynx wall. This weak area is called Killian’s dehiscence and is located between two muscles. It is more common in older men and can cause symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, regurgitation, aspiration, neck swelling, and bad breath. To diagnose this condition, a barium swallow test combined with dynamic video fluoroscopy is usually performed. Treatment typically involves surgery.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 48
A 26-year-old male presents with yellow discoloration of his skin. He reports having had the flu for the past week but is otherwise in good health. He vaguely remembers his uncle experiencing similar episodes of yellow skin. What is the probable diagnosis and what is the mode of inheritance for this condition?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Autosomal recessive
Explanation:Gilbert’s Syndrome is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. It causes unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia during periods of stress, such as fasting or infection.
Gilbert’s syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the way bilirubin is processed in the body. It is caused by a deficiency of UDP glucuronosyltransferase, which leads to unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. This means that bilirubin is not properly broken down and eliminated from the body, resulting in jaundice. However, jaundice may only be visible during certain conditions such as fasting, exercise, or illness. The prevalence of Gilbert’s syndrome is around 1-2% in the general population.
To diagnose Gilbert’s syndrome, doctors may look for a rise in bilirubin levels after prolonged fasting or the administration of IV nicotinic acid. However, treatment is not necessary for this condition. While the exact mode of inheritance is still debated, it is known to be an autosomal recessive disorder.
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- Gastrointestinal System
Question 49
A 20-year-old woman currently completing her exams presents to her GP with fatigue and generalised weakness. She has also noted that her skin and the whites of her eyes appear yellow. The GP suspects the patient may have Gilbert’s syndrome and orders liver function tests to determine the patient’s baseline liver function. The GP advises the patient that no treatment is necessary for this condition.
Reference range
Bilirubin 3 - 17 µmol/L
ALP 30 - 100 u/L
ALT 3 - 40 u/L
γGT 8 - 60 u/L
Albumin 35 - 50 g/L
LDH 100 - 190 U/L
What set of results would be expected from this patient?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Bilirubin 40 umol/l, ALT 15 U/L, LDH 160 U/L, GGT 25 U/L
Explanation:Jaundice becomes visible when bilirubin levels exceed 35 umol/l. Therefore, the correct option is the one with a bilirubin level of 40 umol/l, as this is typically the range where jaundice becomes visible. Furthermore, all other liver function values in this option are within the normal range. The other options are incorrect because they have bilirubin levels that are too low to cause visible jaundice, and the liver function results are usually normal in cases of Gilbert’s syndrome.
Understanding Bilirubin and Its Role in Jaundice
Bilirubin is a chemical by-product that is produced when red blood cells break down heme, a component found in these cells. This chemical is also found in other hepatic heme-containing proteins like myoglobin. The heme is processed within macrophages and oxidized to form biliverdin and iron. Biliverdin is then reduced to form unconjugated bilirubin, which is released into the bloodstream.
Unconjugated bilirubin is bound to albumin in the blood and then taken up by hepatocytes, where it is conjugated to make it water-soluble. From there, it is excreted into bile and enters the intestines to be broken down by intestinal bacteria. Bacterial proteases produce urobilinogen from bilirubin within the intestinal lumen, which is further processed by intestinal bacteria to form urobilin and stercobilin and excreted via the faeces. A small amount of bilirubin re-enters the portal circulation to be finally excreted via the kidneys in urine.
Jaundice occurs when bilirubin levels exceed 35 umol/l. Raised levels of unconjugated bilirubin may occur due to haemolysis, while hepatocyte defects, such as a compromised hepatocyte uptake of unconjugated bilirubin and/or defective conjugation, may occur in liver disease or deficiency of glucuronyl transferase. Raised levels of conjugated bilirubin can result from defective excretion of bilirubin, for example, Dubin-Johnson Syndrome, or cholestasis.
Cholestasis can result from a wide range of pathologies, which can be largely divided into physical causes, for example, gallstones, pancreatic and cholangiocarcinoma, or functional causes, for example, drug-induced, pregnancy-related and postoperative cholestasis. Understanding bilirubin and its role in jaundice is important in diagnosing and treating various liver and blood disorders.
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Question 50
Samantha is an 80-year-old woman who has been experiencing painless obstructive jaundice. Upon investigation, a malignancy is discovered. The surgeon recommends a Whipple's procedure to remove the malignancy.
What type of malignancy is the most probable diagnosis?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Adenocarcinoma
Explanation:Ductal adenocarcinoma is the most frequently occurring type of pancreatic cancer, particularly in the head of the pancreas. Endocrine tumors of the pancreas are uncommon.
Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer that is often diagnosed late due to its non-specific symptoms. The majority of pancreatic tumors are adenocarcinomas and are typically found in the head of the pancreas. Risk factors for pancreatic cancer include increasing age, smoking, diabetes, chronic pancreatitis, hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma, and mutations in the BRCA2 and KRAS genes.
Symptoms of pancreatic cancer can include painless jaundice, pale stools, dark urine, and pruritus. Courvoisier’s law states that a palpable gallbladder is unlikely to be due to gallstones in the presence of painless obstructive jaundice. However, patients often present with non-specific symptoms such as anorexia, weight loss, and epigastric pain. Loss of exocrine and endocrine function can also occur, leading to steatorrhea and diabetes mellitus. Atypical back pain and migratory thrombophlebitis (Trousseau sign) are also common.
Ultrasound has a sensitivity of around 60-90% for detecting pancreatic cancer, but high-resolution CT scanning is the preferred diagnostic tool. The ‘double duct’ sign, which is the simultaneous dilatation of the common bile and pancreatic ducts, may be seen on imaging.
Less than 20% of patients with pancreatic cancer are suitable for surgery at the time of diagnosis. A Whipple’s resection (pancreaticoduodenectomy) may be performed for resectable lesions in the head of the pancreas, but side-effects such as dumping syndrome and peptic ulcer disease can occur. Adjuvant chemotherapy is typically given following surgery, and ERCP with stenting may be used for palliation.
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- Gastrointestinal System
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