Question 1
What are some indications on a urinalysis that suggest the sample may have been tampered with and is therefore unreliable for drug testing?
Your Answer: Temperature of 18 C
Explanation:An 18 C temperature reading is below the typical range for urine, indicating that the sample may not be fresh and could potentially be a replacement sample.
Drug Screening
Drug testing can be conducted through various methods, but urinalysis is the most common. Urine drug tests can be either screening of confirmatory. Screening tests use enzymatic immunoassays to detect drug metabolites of classes of drug metabolites in the urine. However, these tests have limitations, such as false positives due to cross-reactivity. Therefore, any positive test should be confirmed through gas chromatography of mass spectrometry.
People may try to manipulate drug testing procedures by adulterating the sample. Normal urine parameters, such as temperature, specific gravity, and pH, can assist in detecting adulterated samples. Adulterants include household items like vinegar, detergent, and ammonia, as well as commercially available products. Diluted urine may also yield false negatives.
Detection times vary from person to person, and the approximate drug detection time in urine can be found in a table provided by Nelson (2016). False positives can occur due to cross-reactivity, as illustrated by Moeller (2017). Clinicians should be aware of the limitations of urine drug tests and the potential for manipulation.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 2
In chronic opiate use, which effect is most likely to continue over time?
Your Answer: Constipation
Explanation:Tolerance in Opiate Abuse
Tolerance is a common phenomenon that occurs in opiate abuse. It develops regarding the analgesic, euphoric, sedative, respiratory depressant, and nauseating effects of opioids. However, it does not develop to their effects on miosis and bowel motility, which can cause constipation. This means that individuals who abuse opioids may require higher doses to achieve the desired effects, leading to an increased risk of overdose and other adverse effects. Understanding the mechanisms involved in tolerance can help in developing effective interventions to prevent and treat opiate abuse.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 3
What is a known factor that can lead to inaccurate positive results for amphetamine on drug screening tests?
Your Answer: Atomoxetine
Explanation:Drug Screening
Drug testing can be conducted through various methods, but urinalysis is the most common. Urine drug tests can be either screening of confirmatory. Screening tests use enzymatic immunoassays to detect drug metabolites of classes of drug metabolites in the urine. However, these tests have limitations, such as false positives due to cross-reactivity. Therefore, any positive test should be confirmed through gas chromatography of mass spectrometry.
People may try to manipulate drug testing procedures by adulterating the sample. Normal urine parameters, such as temperature, specific gravity, and pH, can assist in detecting adulterated samples. Adulterants include household items like vinegar, detergent, and ammonia, as well as commercially available products. Diluted urine may also yield false negatives.
Detection times vary from person to person, and the approximate drug detection time in urine can be found in a table provided by Nelson (2016). False positives can occur due to cross-reactivity, as illustrated by Moeller (2017). Clinicians should be aware of the limitations of urine drug tests and the potential for manipulation.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 4
Which of the following is classified as class B under the Misuse of Drugs Act?
Your Answer: Injected amphetamine
Correct Answer: Cannabis
Explanation:Class B substances are elevated to the status of Class A when they are administered through injection.
Drug Misuse (Law and Scheduling)
The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) regulates the possession and supply of drugs, classifying them into three categories: A, B, and C. The maximum penalty for possession varies depending on the class of drug, with Class A drugs carrying a maximum sentence of 7 years.
The Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 further categorizes controlled drugs into five schedules. Schedule 1 drugs are considered to have no therapeutic value and cannot be lawfully possessed of prescribed, while Schedule 2 drugs are available for medical use but require a controlled drug prescription. Schedule 3, 4, and 5 drugs have varying levels of restrictions and requirements.
It is important to note that a single drug can have multiple scheduling statuses, depending on factors such as strength and route of administration. For example, morphine and codeine can be either Schedule 2 of Schedule 5.
Overall, the Misuse of Drugs Act and Regulations aim to regulate and control the use of drugs in the UK, with the goal of reducing drug misuse and related harm.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 5
Which item is excluded from the scope of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971?
Your Answer: Anabolic steroids
Correct Answer: Amyl nitrite
Explanation:Poppers, also known as liquid gold, amyl of butyl nitrite, are not considered illegal to purchase of possess under the MDA. They are commonly sold in sex shops, joke shops, and other retail locations frequented by young people, such as pubs, clubs, tobacconists, music stores, and clothing shops. While the legality of poppers has not been fully tested in court, the Medicines Control Agency has classified them as a medicine and therefore subject to the Medicines Act 1968. This means that only licensed outlets, such as chemists, are permitted to sell the drug. Additionally, poppers are not regulated under the Psychoactive Substances Act 2016.
Drug Misuse (Law and Scheduling)
The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) regulates the possession and supply of drugs, classifying them into three categories: A, B, and C. The maximum penalty for possession varies depending on the class of drug, with Class A drugs carrying a maximum sentence of 7 years.
The Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 further categorizes controlled drugs into five schedules. Schedule 1 drugs are considered to have no therapeutic value and cannot be lawfully possessed of prescribed, while Schedule 2 drugs are available for medical use but require a controlled drug prescription. Schedule 3, 4, and 5 drugs have varying levels of restrictions and requirements.
It is important to note that a single drug can have multiple scheduling statuses, depending on factors such as strength and route of administration. For example, morphine and codeine can be either Schedule 2 of Schedule 5.
Overall, the Misuse of Drugs Act and Regulations aim to regulate and control the use of drugs in the UK, with the goal of reducing drug misuse and related harm.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 6
What is a known factor that can lead to inaccurate positive results for amphetamine on drug screening tests?
Your Answer: Dextromethorphan
Correct Answer: Pseudoephedrine
Explanation:Pseudoephedrine belongs to the phenethylamine and amphetamine chemical classes and acts as a sympathomimetic drug. Its primary purpose is to alleviate nasal and sinus congestion.
Drug Screening
Drug testing can be conducted through various methods, but urinalysis is the most common. Urine drug tests can be either screening of confirmatory. Screening tests use enzymatic immunoassays to detect drug metabolites of classes of drug metabolites in the urine. However, these tests have limitations, such as false positives due to cross-reactivity. Therefore, any positive test should be confirmed through gas chromatography of mass spectrometry.
People may try to manipulate drug testing procedures by adulterating the sample. Normal urine parameters, such as temperature, specific gravity, and pH, can assist in detecting adulterated samples. Adulterants include household items like vinegar, detergent, and ammonia, as well as commercially available products. Diluted urine may also yield false negatives.
Detection times vary from person to person, and the approximate drug detection time in urine can be found in a table provided by Nelson (2016). False positives can occur due to cross-reactivity, as illustrated by Moeller (2017). Clinicians should be aware of the limitations of urine drug tests and the potential for manipulation.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 7
What is known to result in incorrect positive results during benzodiazepine misuse testing?
Your Answer: Efavirenz
Explanation:Drug Testing
There are two main approaches to testing for illicit substances: immunoassays and lab testing. Immunoassays are a cheap and quick screening method, but not very specific. Lab testing is more accurate but time-consuming and expensive. Drug testing can be done through urine, saliva, blood, hair, and sweat, although hair and sweat are rarely used in mental health settings.
False positives can occur when testing for illicit substances, so it’s important to check that patients are not taking other medications that could produce a false positive result. For example, common medications that can lead to false positive results include dimethylamylamine, ofloxacin, bupropion, phenothiazines, trazodone, and methylphenidate for amphetamines/methamphetamines; sertraline and efavirenz for benzodiazepines and cannabis; topical anesthetics for cocaine; codeine, dihydrocodeine, and methadone for opioids; lamotrigine, tramadol, and venlafaxine for PCP; and amitriptyline, bupropion, buspirone, chlorpromazine, fluoxetine, sertraline, and verapamil for LSD.
In summary, drug testing is an important tool in mental health settings, but it’s crucial to consider potential false positives and medication interactions when interpreting results.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 8
Which statement accurately describes Wernicke's area?
Your Answer: Horizontal rather than vertical nystagmus is more common
Explanation:Wernicke’s Encephalopathy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Wernicke’s encephalopathy is a serious condition that is characterized by confusion, ophthalmoplegia, and ataxia. However, the complete triad is only present in 10% of cases, which often leads to underdiagnosis. The condition results from prolonged thiamine deficiency, which is commonly seen in people with alcohol dependency, but can also occur in other conditions such as anorexia nervosa, malignancy, and AIDS.
The onset of Wernicke’s encephalopathy is usually abrupt, but it may develop over several days to weeks. The lesions occur in a symmetrical distribution in structures surrounding the third ventricle, aqueduct, and fourth ventricle. The mammillary bodies are involved in up to 80% of cases, and atrophy of these structures is specific for Wernicke’s encephalopathy.
Treatment involves intravenous thiamine, as oral forms of B1 are poorly absorbed. IV glucose should be avoided when thiamine deficiency is suspected as it can precipitate of exacerbate Wernicke’s. With treatment, ophthalmoplegia and confusion usually resolve within days, but the ataxia, neuropathy, and nystagmus may be prolonged of permanent.
Untreated cases of Wernicke’s encephalopathy can lead to Korsakoff’s syndrome, which is characterized by memory impairment associated with confabulation. The mortality rate associated with Wernicke’s encephalopathy is 10-20%, making early diagnosis and treatment crucial.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 9
Typically, how much time elapses before delirium tremens (DTs) occur after a person stops drinking completely?
Your Answer: 3-5 days
Explanation:The onset of DTs typically happens between three to five days after stopping drinking. However, tremulousness of withdrawal convulsions (also known as rum fits) can occur during a drinking binge of shortly after stopping drinking. Alcoholic hallucinosis, on the other hand, can develop over a period of days of weeks and is characterized by auditory hallucinations. Unlike DTs, it is typically accompanied by less severe agitation and mental confusion.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 10
In Korsakoff syndrome, which aspect of memory is most significantly impacted?
Your Answer: Episodic
Explanation:Korsakoff’s Syndrome
Korsakoff’s Syndrome, also known as amnesic syndrome, is a chronic condition that affects recent and anterograde memory in an alert and responsive patient. It is caused by prolonged thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency and often follows Wernicke’s encephalopathy. The syndrome is characterized by a lack of insight, apathy, and confabulation. Thiamine is essential for glucose metabolism in the brain, and its deficiency leads to a toxic buildup of glucose, causing neuronal loss. The Mammillary bodies are the main areas affected in Korsakoff’s syndrome.
While intelligence on the WAIS is preserved, episodic memory is severely affected in Korsakoff’s syndrome. Semantic memory is variably affected, but implicit aspects of memory, such as response to priming and procedural memory, are preserved. Immediate memory tested with the digit span is normal, but information can only be retained for a few minutes at most. Patients with Korsakoff’s syndrome often display apathy, lack of initiative, and profound lack of insight.
Source: Kopelman M (2009) The Korsakoff Syndrome: Clinical Aspects, Psychology and Treatment. Alcohol and Alcoholism 44 (2): 148-154.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 11
What is a distinguishing trait of being intoxicated with phencyclidine?
Your Answer: Hypothermia
Correct Answer: Analgesia
Explanation:PCP Intoxication: A Dangerous Hallucinogenic
Phencyclidine (PCP), also known as angel dust, is a hallucinogenic drug that is popular for inducing feelings of euphoria, superhuman strength, and social and sexual prowess. It is a NMDA receptor antagonist that has dissociative properties, similar to ketamine. PCP was previously used as an anesthetic and animal tranquilizer, but was soon recalled due to its adverse effects, including psychosis, agitation, and dysphoria post-operatively.
PCP is available in various forms, including white crystalline powder, tablets, crystals, and liquid. It can be snorted, smoked, ingested, of injected intravenously or subcutaneously. People who have taken PCP often present with violent behavior, nystagmus, tachycardia, hypertension, anesthesia, and analgesia. Other symptoms include impaired motor function, hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia.
PCP intoxication is best managed with benzodiazepines along with supportive measures for breathing and circulation. Antipsychotics are not recommended as they can amplify PCP-induced hyperthermia, dystonic reactions, and lower the seizure threshold. However, haloperidol may be useful for treating PCP-induced psychosis in patients who are not hyperthermic. Most deaths in PCP-intoxicated patients result from violent behavior rather than direct effects of the drug.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 12
What combination of substances is included in Suboxone?
Your Answer: Naloxone and buprenorphine
Explanation:Suboxone vs. Subutex: What’s the Difference?
Suboxone and Subutex are both medications used to treat opioid addiction. However, there are some key differences between the two.
Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone. The naloxone is added to prevent people from injecting the medication, as this was a common problem with pure buprenorphine tablets. If someone tries to inject Suboxone, the naloxone will cause intense withdrawal symptoms. However, if the tablet is swallowed as directed, the naloxone is not absorbed by the gut and does not cause any problems.
Subutex, on the other hand, contains only buprenorphine and does not include naloxone. This means that it may be more likely to be abused by injection, as there is no deterrent to prevent people from doing so.
Overall, both Suboxone and Subutex can be effective treatments for opioid addiction, but Suboxone may be a safer choice due to the addition of naloxone.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 13
Which vitamin is administered for the treatment of the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome?
Your Answer: Vitamin B1
Explanation:Wernicke’s Encephalopathy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Wernicke’s encephalopathy is a serious condition that is characterized by confusion, ophthalmoplegia, and ataxia. However, the complete triad is only present in 10% of cases, which often leads to underdiagnosis. The condition results from prolonged thiamine deficiency, which is commonly seen in people with alcohol dependency, but can also occur in other conditions such as anorexia nervosa, malignancy, and AIDS.
The onset of Wernicke’s encephalopathy is usually abrupt, but it may develop over several days to weeks. The lesions occur in a symmetrical distribution in structures surrounding the third ventricle, aqueduct, and fourth ventricle. The mammillary bodies are involved in up to 80% of cases, and atrophy of these structures is specific for Wernicke’s encephalopathy.
Treatment involves intravenous thiamine, as oral forms of B1 are poorly absorbed. IV glucose should be avoided when thiamine deficiency is suspected as it can precipitate of exacerbate Wernicke’s. With treatment, ophthalmoplegia and confusion usually resolve within days, but the ataxia, neuropathy, and nystagmus may be prolonged of permanent.
Untreated cases of Wernicke’s encephalopathy can lead to Korsakoff’s syndrome, which is characterized by memory impairment associated with confabulation. The mortality rate associated with Wernicke’s encephalopathy is 10-20%, making early diagnosis and treatment crucial.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 14
Which statement accurately describes alcoholic blackouts?
Your Answer: An alcoholic blackout refers to a sudden loss of consciousness in an intoxicated individual
Correct Answer: Blackouts do not predict long term cognitive impairment
Explanation:Alcoholic Blackouts: Definition and Causes
Alcoholic blackouts are temporary memory loss episodes caused by alcohol intoxication. They do not involve loss of consciousness and are not exclusive to individuals with alcohol dependence. In fact, they can occur in a significant number of social drinkers. The risk factors for experiencing alcoholic blackouts include starting drinking at an early age, consuming high levels of alcohol, and having a history of head injury. However, experiencing blackouts does not necessarily predict long-term cognitive impairment.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 15
A young woman in her twenties presents to the A&E department with complaints of abdominal cramps. Upon examination, you observe goose bumps all over her skin and dilated pupils. Which drug withdrawal is she most likely experiencing?
Your Answer: Heroin
Explanation:Illicit drugs, also known as illegal drugs, are substances that are prohibited by law and can have harmful effects on the body and mind. Some of the most commonly used illicit drugs in the UK include opioids, amphetamines, cocaine, MDMA (ecstasy), cannabis, and hallucinogens.
Opioids, such as heroin, are highly addictive and can cause euphoria, drowsiness, constipation, and respiratory depression. Withdrawal symptoms may include piloerection, insomnia, restlessness, dilated pupils, yawning, sweating, and abdominal cramps.
Amphetamines and cocaine are stimulants that can increase energy, cause insomnia, hyperactivity, euphoria, and paranoia. Withdrawal symptoms may include hypersomnia, hyperphagia, depression, irritability, agitation, vivid dreams, and increased appetite.
MDMA, also known as ecstasy, can cause increased energy, sweating, jaw clenching, euphoria, enhanced sociability, and increased response to touch. Withdrawal symptoms may include depression, insomnia, depersonalisation, and derealisation.
Cannabis, also known as marijuana of weed, can cause relaxation, intensified sensory experience, paranoia, anxiety, and injected conjunctiva. Withdrawal symptoms may include insomnia, reduced appetite, and irritability.
Hallucinogens, such as LSD, can cause perceptual changes, pupillary dilation, tachycardia, sweating, palpitations, tremors, and incoordination. There is no recognised withdrawal syndrome for hallucinogens.
Ketamine, also known as Vitamin K, Super K, Special K, of donkey dust, can cause euphoria, dissociation, ataxia, and hallucinations. There is no recognised withdrawal syndrome for ketamine.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 16
A teenage boy is brought to the clinic by his father. The father is worried about his son's frequent use of alcohol, but the son does not see it as a problem and thinks his father is being too strict. Based on the stages of change model, what stage is the son currently in?
Your Answer: Pre-contemplation
Explanation:The person is presently in the precontemplation stage of change as they are not contemplating any changes. At this stage, individuals may not be aware of any issues that require modification.
Stages of Change Model
Prochaska and DiClemente’s Stages of Change Model identifies five stages that individuals go through when making a change. The first stage is pre-contemplation, where the individual is not considering change. There are different types of precontemplators, including those who lack knowledge about the problem, those who are afraid of losing control, those who feel hopeless, and those who rationalize their behavior.
The second stage is contemplation, where the individual is ambivalent about change and is sitting on the fence. The third stage is preparation, where the individual has some experience with change and is trying to change, testing the waters. The fourth stage is action, where the individual has started to introduce change, and the behavior is defined as action during the first six months of change.
The final stage is maintenance, where the individual is involved in ongoing efforts to maintain change. Action becomes maintenance once six months have elapsed. Understanding these stages can help individuals and professionals in supporting behavior change.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 17
Which of the following conditions is not associated with the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome?
Your Answer: Hyperemesis gravidarum
Correct Answer: Motor neuron disease
Explanation:Wernicke’s Encephalopathy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Wernicke’s encephalopathy is a serious condition that is characterized by confusion, ophthalmoplegia, and ataxia. However, the complete triad is only present in 10% of cases, which often leads to underdiagnosis. The condition results from prolonged thiamine deficiency, which is commonly seen in people with alcohol dependency, but can also occur in other conditions such as anorexia nervosa, malignancy, and AIDS.
The onset of Wernicke’s encephalopathy is usually abrupt, but it may develop over several days to weeks. The lesions occur in a symmetrical distribution in structures surrounding the third ventricle, aqueduct, and fourth ventricle. The mammillary bodies are involved in up to 80% of cases, and atrophy of these structures is specific for Wernicke’s encephalopathy.
Treatment involves intravenous thiamine, as oral forms of B1 are poorly absorbed. IV glucose should be avoided when thiamine deficiency is suspected as it can precipitate of exacerbate Wernicke’s. With treatment, ophthalmoplegia and confusion usually resolve within days, but the ataxia, neuropathy, and nystagmus may be prolonged of permanent.
Untreated cases of Wernicke’s encephalopathy can lead to Korsakoff’s syndrome, which is characterized by memory impairment associated with confabulation. The mortality rate associated with Wernicke’s encephalopathy is 10-20%, making early diagnosis and treatment crucial.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 18
A 45-year-old male patient is brought to the local Accident and Emergency Department by a family member. He has a history of alcohol dependence. Over the past few hours, the patient has been experiencing confusion, disorientation, and hallucinations. He also has a fever, is experiencing a rapid heartbeat, and has high blood pressure. The family member informs you that the patient recently made the decision to quit drinking.
When was the patient's last alcoholic drink most likely consumed?Your Answer: 48-72 hours
Explanation:The vignette depicts delirium tremens (DTs), which is characterized by confusion, hallucinations, and autonomic hyperactivity. Typically, these symptoms appear 2 to 3 days after cessation of alcohol consumption and can worsen over the next few days. Mild withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, tremors, headache, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, and sweating may occur within 6 hours of stopping drinking. Hallucinations may occur 12-24 hours after cessation, and seizures may occur within 24 to 48 hours.
Benzodiazepines, such as chlordiazepoxide, are commonly used to treat alcohol withdrawal, with a reducing regime. Lorazepam, due to its short half-life, is preferred as the first-line treatment for DTs. The Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment of Alcohol Scale (CIWA-Ar) can be used to assess alcohol withdrawal.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 19
What are some indications on a urinalysis that suggest the sample may have been tampered with and is therefore unreliable for drug testing?
Your Answer: pH = 5
Correct Answer: Specific gravity = 1.001
Explanation:When the specific gravity of urine is low, it means that the urine is very diluted. Some individuals may attempt to consume excessive amounts of fluids before a drug test in order to produce a false negative result. This is because the screening tests have a minimum threshold that must be met, and diluting the urine can prevent this from happening.
Drug Screening
Drug testing can be conducted through various methods, but urinalysis is the most common. Urine drug tests can be either screening of confirmatory. Screening tests use enzymatic immunoassays to detect drug metabolites of classes of drug metabolites in the urine. However, these tests have limitations, such as false positives due to cross-reactivity. Therefore, any positive test should be confirmed through gas chromatography of mass spectrometry.
People may try to manipulate drug testing procedures by adulterating the sample. Normal urine parameters, such as temperature, specific gravity, and pH, can assist in detecting adulterated samples. Adulterants include household items like vinegar, detergent, and ammonia, as well as commercially available products. Diluted urine may also yield false negatives.
Detection times vary from person to person, and the approximate drug detection time in urine can be found in a table provided by Nelson (2016). False positives can occur due to cross-reactivity, as illustrated by Moeller (2017). Clinicians should be aware of the limitations of urine drug tests and the potential for manipulation.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 20
Which of the following is not a symptom commonly linked to alcohol intoxication?
Your Answer: Hyperreflexia
Explanation:Alcohol intoxication typically results in a decrease in reflexes and an increase in reaction times.
Alcohol Intoxication
Symptoms of moderate alcohol intoxication can include a range of effects on the body and mind. These may include poor concentration, impaired reaction times, conjunctival injection, pinpoint pupils, poor coordination, memory difficulties, impaired judgement, and impaired sense of time and space. It is important to be aware of these symptoms and to avoid driving of operating heavy machinery while under the influence of alcohol.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 21
What is the name of the opioid antagonist that is utilized to prevent relapse in individuals who were previously dependent on opioids?
Your Answer: Naltrexone
Explanation:By acting as an antagonist to opioid receptors, naltrexone inhibits the pleasurable effects of opiates when consumed.
Opioid Maintenance Therapy and Detoxification
Withdrawal symptoms can occur after as little as 5 days of regular opioid use. Short-acting opioids like heroin have acute withdrawal symptoms that peak in 32-72 hours and last for 3-5 days. Longer-acting opioids like methadone have acute symptoms that peak at day 4-6 and last for 10 days. Buprenorphine withdrawal lasts up to 10 days and includes symptoms like myalgia, anxiety, and increased drug craving.
Opioids affect the brain through opioid receptors, with the µ receptor being the main target for opioids. Dopaminergic cells in the ventral tegmental area produce dopamine, which is released into the nucleus accumbens upon stimulation of µ receptors, producing euphoria and reward. With repeat opioid exposure, µ receptors become less responsive, causing dysphoria and drug craving.
Methadone and buprenorphine are maintenance-oriented treatments for opioid dependence. Methadone is a full agonist targeting µ receptors, while buprenorphine is a partial agonist targeting µ receptors and a partial k agonist of functional antagonist. Naloxone and naltrexone are antagonists targeting all opioid receptors.
Methadone is preferred over buprenorphine for detoxification, and ultra-rapid detoxification should not be offered. Lofexidine may be considered for mild of uncertain dependence. Clonidine and dihydrocodeine should not be used routinely in opioid detoxification. The duration of detoxification should be up to 4 weeks in an inpatient setting and up to 12 weeks in a community setting.
Pregnant women dependent on opioids should use opioid maintenance treatment rather than attempt detoxification. Methadone is preferred over buprenorphine, and transfer to buprenorphine during pregnancy is not advised. Detoxification should only be considered if appropriate for the women’s wishes, circumstances, and ability to cope. Methadone or buprenorphine treatment is not a contraindication to breastfeeding.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 22
Which vitamin is referred to as thiamine?
Your Answer: Vitamin B1
Explanation:Korsakoff’s Syndrome
Korsakoff’s Syndrome, also known as amnesic syndrome, is a chronic condition that affects recent and anterograde memory in an alert and responsive patient. It is caused by prolonged thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency and often follows Wernicke’s encephalopathy. The syndrome is characterized by a lack of insight, apathy, and confabulation. Thiamine is essential for glucose metabolism in the brain, and its deficiency leads to a toxic buildup of glucose, causing neuronal loss. The Mammillary bodies are the main areas affected in Korsakoff’s syndrome.
While intelligence on the WAIS is preserved, episodic memory is severely affected in Korsakoff’s syndrome. Semantic memory is variably affected, but implicit aspects of memory, such as response to priming and procedural memory, are preserved. Immediate memory tested with the digit span is normal, but information can only be retained for a few minutes at most. Patients with Korsakoff’s syndrome often display apathy, lack of initiative, and profound lack of insight.
Source: Kopelman M (2009) The Korsakoff Syndrome: Clinical Aspects, Psychology and Treatment. Alcohol and Alcoholism 44 (2): 148-154.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 23
What methods have been proven to be successful in addressing problem gambling?
Your Answer: Naltrexone
Explanation:Problem Gambling: Screening and Interventions
Problem gambling, also known as pathological gambling, refers to gambling that causes harm to personal, family, of recreational pursuits. The prevalence of problem gambling in adults ranges from 7.3% to 0.7%, while in psychiatric patients, it ranges from 6% to 12%. Problem gambling typically starts in early adolescence in males and runs a chronic, progressive course with periods of abstinence and relapses.
Screening for problem gambling is done using various tools, including the NODS-CLiP and the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS). Brief interventions have been successful in decreasing gambling, with motivational enhancement therapy (MET) being the most effective. Pharmacological interventions, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), naltrexone, and mood stabilizers, have also been effective, but the choice of drug depends on the presence of comorbidity. Psychological interventions, particularly cognitive-behavioral treatments, show promise, but long-term follow-up and high drop-out rates are major limitations. Studies comparing psychological and pharmacological interventions are needed.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 24
What is a true statement about quitting smoking?
Your Answer: The recommended course of treatment with varenicline is 12 weeks
Explanation:Smoking cessation can be achieved through various methods, including nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion, and varenicline. NRT is available in different forms, including patches, gum, lozenges, inhalators, and nasal spray. Combination treatment with NRT has been found to be more effective than a single product of placebo. Bupropion is a selective inhibitor of dopamine and noradrenaline reuptake and is presumed to work directly on the brain pathways involved in addiction and withdrawal. It is recommended to start bupropion while still smoking and to discontinue after 7-9 weeks. Varenicline is a partial nicotinic receptor agonist that reduces the rewarding and reinforcing effects of smoking. It is recommended to start varenicline while still smoking and to continue for 12 weeks. Nausea is the most common adverse effect of varenicline, and depression has been reported in some users. Bupropion and varenicline should be avoided in certain populations, including those with a history of bipolar disorder, epilepsy, and pregnancy of breastfeeding.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 25
What is the main cannabinoid responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis?
Your Answer: Tetrahydrocannabinol
Explanation:Cannabis, also known as marijuana, grass, pot, weed, tea, of Mary Jane, is a plant that contains over 60 unique cannabinoids. The primary psychoactive component of cannabis is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta 9-THC), which is rapidly converted into 11-hydroxy-delta 9-THC, the active metabolite in the central nervous system. Specific cannabinoid receptors, including CB1 and CB2 receptors, have been identified in the body. CB1 receptors are found mainly at nerve terminals, where they inhibit transmitter release, while CB2 receptors occur mainly on immune cells and modulate cytokine release. The cannabinoid receptor is found in highest concentrations in the basal ganglia, hippocampus, and cerebellum, with lower concentrations in the cerebral cortex. Cannabis use has been associated with the amotivational syndrome, characterized by apathy, anergy, weight gain, and a lack of persistence in tasks requiring prolonged attention of tenacity.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 26
Which statement about phencyclidine intoxication is accurate?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Nystagmus is a common feature
Explanation:PCP Intoxication: A Dangerous Hallucinogenic
Phencyclidine (PCP), also known as angel dust, is a hallucinogenic drug that is popular for inducing feelings of euphoria, superhuman strength, and social and sexual prowess. It is a NMDA receptor antagonist that has dissociative properties, similar to ketamine. PCP was previously used as an anesthetic and animal tranquilizer, but was soon recalled due to its adverse effects, including psychosis, agitation, and dysphoria post-operatively.
PCP is available in various forms, including white crystalline powder, tablets, crystals, and liquid. It can be snorted, smoked, ingested, of injected intravenously or subcutaneously. People who have taken PCP often present with violent behavior, nystagmus, tachycardia, hypertension, anesthesia, and analgesia. Other symptoms include impaired motor function, hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia.
PCP intoxication is best managed with benzodiazepines along with supportive measures for breathing and circulation. Antipsychotics are not recommended as they can amplify PCP-induced hyperthermia, dystonic reactions, and lower the seizure threshold. However, haloperidol may be useful for treating PCP-induced psychosis in patients who are not hyperthermic. Most deaths in PCP-intoxicated patients result from violent behavior rather than direct effects of the drug.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 27
Which drug is classified as a schedule 2 controlled substance?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Methylphenidate
Explanation:Schedule 2 drugs are medications that necessitate a prescription for controlled substances and must be recorded in a drug register for medical purposes.
Drug Misuse (Law and Scheduling)
The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) regulates the possession and supply of drugs, classifying them into three categories: A, B, and C. The maximum penalty for possession varies depending on the class of drug, with Class A drugs carrying a maximum sentence of 7 years.
The Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 further categorizes controlled drugs into five schedules. Schedule 1 drugs are considered to have no therapeutic value and cannot be lawfully possessed of prescribed, while Schedule 2 drugs are available for medical use but require a controlled drug prescription. Schedule 3, 4, and 5 drugs have varying levels of restrictions and requirements.
It is important to note that a single drug can have multiple scheduling statuses, depending on factors such as strength and route of administration. For example, morphine and codeine can be either Schedule 2 of Schedule 5.
Overall, the Misuse of Drugs Act and Regulations aim to regulate and control the use of drugs in the UK, with the goal of reducing drug misuse and related harm.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 28
What are the safe drinking limits per week recommended by the Royal College of Psychiatrists?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Men 14/ Women 14
Explanation:The current recommendation is for both men and women to limit their weekly alcohol consumption to no more than 14 Units.
Alcohol Units and Safe Drinking Limits in the UK
The issue of safe drinking limits is a controversial one, with different bodies having different recommendations. In the UK, recommendations are sometimes given in grams of pure alcohol, with one unit equaling 8g. The UK government first recommended in 1992 that for a single week, 21 units for men and 14 units for women was the safe drinking limit. However, in 1995 they produced a report called ‘sensible drinking’, which effectively raised the weekly limits to 28 units for men and 21 units for women. The British Medical Association (BMA) responded to this change, along with the Royal College of Psychiatrists, saying that the original limits should not be relaxed.
In August 2016, the UK Chief Medical Officers Low Risk Drinking Guidelines revised the limits down so that the upper safe limit is now 14 units for both men and women. The Royal College of Psychiatrists welcomed this new guidance, stating that both men and women drinking less than 14 units of alcohol per week (around 7 pints of ordinary strength beer) will be at a low risk for illnesses like heart disease, liver disease, of cancer. However, for people who do drink, they should have three of more alcohol-free days to allow their bodies the opportunity to recover from the harmful effects of alcohol. The BMA also supports this new guidance.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 29
What vitamin is also known as niacin?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Vitamin B3
Explanation:Pantothenic acid is also known as Vitamin B5.
Pellagra: A Vitamin B3 Deficiency Disease
Pellagra is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin B3 (niacin) in the body. The name pellagra comes from the Italian words pelle agra, which means rough of sour skin. This disease is common in developing countries where corn is a major food source, of during prolonged disasters like famine of war. In developed countries, pellagra is rare because many foods are fortified with niacin. However, alcoholism is a common cause of pellagra in developed countries. Alcohol dependence can worsen pellagra by causing malnutrition, gastrointestinal problems, and B vitamin deficiencies. It can also inhibit the conversion of tryptophan to niacin and promote the accumulation of 5-ALA and porphyrins.
Pellagra affects a wide range of organs and tissues in the body, so its symptoms can vary. The classic symptoms of pellagra are known as the three Ds: diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia. Niacin deficiency can cause dementia, depression, mania, and psychosis, which is called pellagra psychosis. The most noticeable symptom of pellagra is dermatitis, which is a hyperpigmented rash that appears on sun-exposed areas of the skin. This rash is usually symmetrical and bilateral, and it is often described as Casal’s necklace when it appears on the neck.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
Question 30
A woman reporting vivid dreams, increased sleep and an increased appetite, is most likely to be experiencing which of the following?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Cocaine withdrawal
Explanation:Illicit drugs, also known as illegal drugs, are substances that are prohibited by law and can have harmful effects on the body and mind. Some of the most commonly used illicit drugs in the UK include opioids, amphetamines, cocaine, MDMA (ecstasy), cannabis, and hallucinogens.
Opioids, such as heroin, are highly addictive and can cause euphoria, drowsiness, constipation, and respiratory depression. Withdrawal symptoms may include piloerection, insomnia, restlessness, dilated pupils, yawning, sweating, and abdominal cramps.
Amphetamines and cocaine are stimulants that can increase energy, cause insomnia, hyperactivity, euphoria, and paranoia. Withdrawal symptoms may include hypersomnia, hyperphagia, depression, irritability, agitation, vivid dreams, and increased appetite.
MDMA, also known as ecstasy, can cause increased energy, sweating, jaw clenching, euphoria, enhanced sociability, and increased response to touch. Withdrawal symptoms may include depression, insomnia, depersonalisation, and derealisation.
Cannabis, also known as marijuana of weed, can cause relaxation, intensified sensory experience, paranoia, anxiety, and injected conjunctiva. Withdrawal symptoms may include insomnia, reduced appetite, and irritability.
Hallucinogens, such as LSD, can cause perceptual changes, pupillary dilation, tachycardia, sweating, palpitations, tremors, and incoordination. There is no recognised withdrawal syndrome for hallucinogens.
Ketamine, also known as Vitamin K, Super K, Special K, of donkey dust, can cause euphoria, dissociation, ataxia, and hallucinations. There is no recognised withdrawal syndrome for ketamine.
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- Substance Misuse/Addictions
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