Question 1
A 65 year old male comes to the emergency department complaining of sudden onset of right sided facial droop and right sided facial pain extending from the mouth to the ear. Upon examination, you observe an inability to fully close the right eye or lift the right side of the mouth to smile. Additionally, you notice a cluster of small vesicles just below and lateral to the right commissure of the mouth.
What is the probable cause of this patient's symptoms?Your Answer: Infarction of anterior inferior cerebellar artery
Correct Answer: Varicella zoster infection
Explanation:Ramsay Hunt syndrome occurs when the dormant herpes zoster virus in the facial nerve becomes active again. This leads to the development of a vesicular rash, which can appear on the external ear, auditory canal, face near the mouth, or inside the mouth. It is often referred to as shingles of the facial nerve, but it is more complex than that. The infection primarily affects the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve, but because the vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) is close by in the bony facial canal, symptoms of CN VIII dysfunction like tinnitus and vertigo may also be present.
Further Reading:
Ramsay Hunt syndrome, also known as herpes zoster oticus, is a condition caused by the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus within the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve. It is characterized by several clinical features, including ipsilateral facial paralysis, otalgia (ear pain), a vesicular rash on the external ear, ear canal, face, and/or mouth, and vestibulocochlear dysfunction (such as vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, or hyperacusis). Flu-like symptoms may also precede the rash. It is important to note that symptoms can vary, and in some cases, the rash may be absent.
The diagnosis of Ramsay Hunt syndrome is usually made based on clinical presentation. Treatment typically involves the use of antiviral medications, such as aciclovir or famciclovir, as well as steroids. In cases where the patient is unable to close their eye, an eye patch and lubricants may be used to protect the eye. The typical medication prescription for an adult includes aciclovir 800 mg five times daily or famciclovir 500 mg three times a day for 7-10 days, along with prednisolone 50 mg for 10 days or 60 mg once daily for 5 days, followed by a gradual reduction in dose.
Complications of Ramsay Hunt syndrome can include postherpetic neuralgia, corneal abrasions, secondary bacterial infection of the lesions, and chronic tinnitus and/or vestibular dysfunction. It is important for individuals with this condition to receive appropriate medical management to minimize these complications and promote recovery.
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- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 2
You examine a 60-year-old woman with known presbycusis affecting both ears equally.
Which SINGLE combination of examination findings would you anticipate discovering?Your Answer: Central Weber’s test and bilaterally diminished Rinne’s tests
Explanation:presbycusis is a type of hearing loss that occurs gradually as a person ages. It affects both ears and is characterized by a decrease in hearing ability, particularly at higher frequencies. This type of hearing loss worsens over time. When a person has bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, a central Weber’s test and bilaterally diminished Rinne’s tests would be expected.
To perform a Rinne’s test, a 512 Hertz tuning fork is vibrated and placed on the mastoid process until the sound can no longer be heard. Then, the top of the tuning fork is placed 2 centimeters from the external auditory meatus. The patient is asked to indicate where they hear the sound loudest.
In individuals with normal hearing, the tuning fork should still be audible outside the external auditory canal even after it can no longer be heard on the mastoid. This is because air conduction should be better than bone conduction.
In cases of conductive hearing loss, the patient will no longer be able to hear the tuning fork immediately after it can no longer be heard on the mastoid. This indicates that their bone conduction is better than their air conduction, and something is obstructing the passage of sound waves through the ear canal into the cochlea. This is considered a true negative result.
However, a Rinne’s test may produce a false negative result if the patient has a severe unilateral sensorineural deficit and can sense the sound in the unaffected ear through the transmission of sound waves through the base of the skull.
In sensorineural hearing loss, the ability to perceive the tuning fork both on the mastoid and outside the external auditory canal is equally diminished compared to the opposite ear. The sound will still be heard outside the external auditory canal, but it will disappear earlier on the mastoid process and outside the external auditory canal compared to the other ear.
To perform Weber’s test, a 512 Hz tuning fork is vibrated and placed on the center of the patient’s forehead. The patient is then asked if they perceive the sound in the middle of the forehead or if it seems to be more on one side or the other.
If the sound seems to be more on one side, it can indicate either ipsilateral conductive hearing loss or contralateral sensorineural hearing loss.
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- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 3
A 5-year-old child comes in with a high-grade fever, excessive drooling, and inability to speak. The child has obvious stridor and a rapid heart rate. During the examination, there is tenderness in the front of the neck around the hyoid bone and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
What is the SINGLE most probable diagnosis?Your Answer: Acute epiglottitis
Explanation:Acute epiglottitis is inflammation of the epiglottis, which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. When the soft tissues surrounding the epiglottis are also affected, it is called acute supraglottitis. This condition is most commonly seen in children between the ages of 3 and 5, but it can occur at any age, with adults typically presenting in their 40s and 50s.
In the past, Haemophilus influenzae type B was the main cause of acute epiglottitis, but with the introduction of the Hib vaccination, it has become rare in children. Streptococcus spp. is now the most common causative organism. Other potential culprits include Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas spp., Moraxella catarrhalis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and the herpes simplex virus. In immunocompromised patients, Candida spp. and Aspergillus spp. infections can occur.
The typical symptoms of acute epiglottitis include fever, sore throat, painful swallowing, difficulty swallowing secretions (especially in children who may drool), muffled voice, stridor, respiratory distress, rapid heartbeat, tenderness in the front of the neck over the hyoid bone, ear pain, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Some patients may also exhibit the tripod sign, where they lean forward on outstretched arms to relieve upper airway obstruction.
To diagnose acute epiglottitis, fibre-optic laryngoscopy is considered the gold standard investigation. However, this procedure should only be performed by an anaesthetist in a setting prepared for intubation or tracheostomy in case of airway obstruction. Other useful tests include a lateral neck X-ray to look for the thumbprint sign, throat swabs, blood cultures, and a CT scan of the neck if an abscess is suspected.
When dealing with a case of acute epiglottitis, it is crucial not to panic or distress the patient, especially in pediatric cases. Avoid attempting to examine the throat with a tongue depressor, as this can trigger spasm and worsen airway obstruction. Instead, keep the patient as calm as possible and immediately call a senior anaesthetist, a senior paediatrician, and an ENT surgeon. Nebulized adrenaline can be used as a temporary measure if there is critical airway obstruction.
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- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 4
You consult with your supervisor for a case-based discussion following a case where you treated a pediatric patient with a peritonsillar abscess. Your supervisor suggests that you take the lead in conducting a teaching session on peritonsillar abscess in children.
Which of the following statements about peritonsillar abscess in pediatric patients is accurate?Your Answer: Most commonly presents in adolescents and young adults aged 20-40 years
Explanation:Peritonsillar abscess, also known as quinsy, is most commonly seen in adolescents and young adults between the ages of 20 and 40. Risk factors for developing quinsy include being male and smoking. It is a relatively common condition, with studies showing an incidence rate of 10 to 30 cases per 100,000 population. When treating quinsy, it is important to use a broader range of antibiotics compared to standard treatment for pharyngotonsillitis, as the causative organisms may not be limited to Group A Streptococcus. Common antibiotic choices include intravenous amoxicillin with clindamycin or metronidazole, although the specific antibiotic used may vary depending on local antimicrobial policies.
Further Reading:
A peritonsillar abscess, also known as quinsy, is a collection of pus that forms between the palatine tonsil and the pharyngeal muscles. It is often a complication of acute tonsillitis and is most commonly seen in adolescents and young adults. The exact cause of a peritonsillar abscess is not fully understood, but it is believed to occur when infection spreads beyond the tonsillar capsule or when small salivary glands in the supratonsillar space become blocked.
The most common causative organisms for a peritonsillar abscess include Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, and anaerobic organisms. Risk factors for developing a peritonsillar abscess include smoking, periodontal disease, male sex, and a previous episode of the condition.
Clinical features of a peritonsillar abscess include severe throat pain, difficulty opening the mouth (trismus), fever, headache, drooling of saliva, bad breath, painful swallowing, altered voice, ear pain on the same side, neck stiffness, and swelling of the soft palate. Diagnosis is usually made based on clinical presentation, but imaging scans such as CT or ultrasound may be used to assess for complications or determine the best site for drainage.
Treatment for a peritonsillar abscess involves pain relief, intravenous antibiotics to cover for both aerobic and anaerobic organisms, intravenous fluids if swallowing is difficult, and drainage of the abscess either through needle aspiration or incision and drainage. Tonsillectomy may be recommended to prevent recurrence. Complications of a peritonsillar abscess can include sepsis, spread to deeper neck tissues leading to necrotizing fasciitis or retropharyngeal abscess, airway compromise, recurrence of the abscess, aspiration pneumonia, erosion into major blood vessels, and complications related to the causative organism. All patients with a peritonsillar abscess should be referred to an ear, nose, and throat specialist for further management.
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- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 5
A 60-year-old woman presents with a nosebleed that started after sneezing 20 minutes ago. She is currently using tissues to catch the drips and you have been asked to see her urgently by the triage nurse. Her vital signs are stable, and she has no signs of low blood pressure. You assess the patient and recommend applying firm pressure to the soft, cartilaginous part of the nose for at least 10 minutes.
What is the most effective measure to help stop the bleeding?Your Answer: Applying ice to the forehead
Correct Answer: Sucking an ice cube
Explanation:When assessing a patient with epistaxis (nosebleed), it is important to start with a standard ABC assessment, focusing on the airway and hemodynamic status. Even if the bleeding appears to have stopped, it is crucial to evaluate the patient’s condition. If active bleeding is still present and there are signs of hemodynamic compromise, immediate resuscitative and first aid measures should be initiated.
Epistaxis should be treated as a circulatory emergency, especially in elderly patients, those with clotting disorders or bleeding tendencies, and individuals taking anticoagulants. In these cases, it is necessary to establish intravenous access using at least an 18-gauge (green) cannula. Blood samples, including a full blood count, urea and electrolytes, clotting profile, and group and save (depending on the amount of blood loss), should be sent for analysis. Patients should be assigned to a majors or closely observed area, as dislodgement of a blood clot can lead to severe bleeding.
First aid measures to control bleeding include the following steps:
1. The patient should be seated upright with their body tilted forward and their mouth open. Lying down should be avoided, unless the patient feels faint or there is evidence of hemodynamic compromise. Leaning forward helps reduce the flow of blood into the nasopharynx.
2. The patient should be encouraged to spit out any blood that enters the throat and advised not to swallow it.
3. Firmly pinch the soft, cartilaginous part of the nose, compressing the nostrils for 10-15 minutes. Pressure should not be released, and the patient should breathe through their mouth.
4. If the patient is unable to comply, an alternative technique is to ask a relative, staff member, or use an external pressure device like a swimmer’s nose clip.
5. It is important to dispel the misconception that compressing the bones will help stop the bleeding. Applying ice to the neck or forehead does not influence nasal blood flow. However, sucking on an ice cube or applying an ice pack directly to the nose may reduce nasal blood flow.If bleeding stops with first aid measures, it is recommended to apply a topical antiseptic preparation to reduce crusting and vestibulitis. Naseptin cream (containing chlorhexidine and neomycin) is commonly used and should be applied to the nostrils four times daily for 10 days.
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Question 6
A 42-year-old woman comes in with a recent nosebleed. The bleeding was minor and has now ceased.
Which ONE of the following arteries is not involved in Kiesselbach’s plexus?Your Answer: Sphenopalatine artery
Correct Answer: Posterior ethmoidal artery
Explanation:Kiesselbach’s plexus, also known as Little’s area, is located in the front and lower part of the nasal septum. It is the most common site of bleeding in cases of anterior epistaxis. This plexus is formed by the convergence of four arteries: the anterior ethmoidal artery, the sphenopalatine artery, the greater palatine artery, and the septal branch of the superior labial artery. It is important to note that while the posterior ethmoidal artery supplies the septum of the nose, it does not contribute to Kiesselbach’s plexus.
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Question 7
You requested an evaluation of a 50-year-old individual who has come in with a two-day history of dizziness. The medical student has examined the patient and provided a tentative diagnosis of vestibular neuritis. What characteristics would typically be observed in a patient with vestibular neuritis?
Your Answer: Episodes of vertigo lasting 10-20 seconds each
Correct Answer: Recent viral infection
Explanation:Vestibular neuronitis is believed to occur when the vestibular nerve becomes inflamed, often following a viral infection like a cold. This condition causes a constant feeling of dizziness, which can worsen with head movements. On the other hand, BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) is characterized by brief episodes of vertigo lasting around 10-20 seconds, triggered by specific head movements. To diagnose BPPV, the Dix-Hallpike test is performed, and a positive result is indicated by a specific type of eye movement called nystagmus. In contrast, vestibular neuritis typically presents with horizontal nystagmus that only occurs in one direction.
Further Reading:
Vestibular neuritis, also known as vestibular neuronitis, is a condition characterized by sudden and prolonged vertigo of peripheral origin. It is believed to be caused by inflammation of the vestibular nerve, often following a viral infection. It is important to note that vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis are not the same condition, as labyrinthitis involves inflammation of the labyrinth. Vestibular neuritis typically affects individuals between the ages of 30 and 60, with a 1:1 ratio of males to females. The annual incidence is approximately 3.5 per 100,000 people, making it one of the most commonly diagnosed causes of vertigo.
Clinical features of vestibular neuritis include nystagmus, which is a rapid, involuntary eye movement, typically in a horizontal or horizontal-torsional direction away from the affected ear. The head impulse test may also be positive. Other symptoms include spontaneous onset of rotational vertigo, which is worsened by changes in head position, as well as nausea, vomiting, and unsteadiness. These severe symptoms usually last for 2-3 days, followed by a gradual recovery over a few weeks. It is important to note that hearing is not affected in vestibular neuritis, and symptoms such as tinnitus and focal neurological deficits are not present.
Differential diagnosis for vestibular neuritis includes benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), labyrinthitis, Meniere’s disease, migraine, stroke, and cerebellar lesions. Management of vestibular neuritis involves drug treatment for nausea and vomiting associated with vertigo, typically through short courses of medication such as prochlorperazine or cyclizine. If symptoms are severe and fluids cannot be tolerated, admission and administration of IV fluids may be necessary. General advice should also be given, including avoiding driving while symptomatic, considering the suitability to work based on occupation and duties, and the increased risk of falls. Follow-up is required, and referral is necessary if there are atypical symptoms, symptoms do not improve after a week of treatment, or symptoms persist for more than 6 weeks.
The prognosis for vestibular neuritis is generally good, with the majority of individuals fully recovering within 6 weeks. Recurrence is thought to occur in 2-11% of cases, and approximately 10% of individuals may develop BPPV following an episode of vestibular neuritis. A very rare complication of vestibular neuritis is ph
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Question 8
A 72 year old female comes to the emergency department with a complaint of dizziness when she changes positions. The patient states that the symptoms began today upon getting out of bed. She describes the episodes as a sensation of the room spinning and they typically last for about half a minute. The patient also mentions feeling nauseous during these episodes. There is no reported hearing impairment or ringing in the ears.
What test findings would be anticipated in this patient?Your Answer: Positive head impulse test
Correct Answer: Positive Dix-Hallpike
Explanation:The Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre is the primary diagnostic test used for patients suspected of having benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). If a patient exhibits nystagmus and vertigo during the test, it is considered a positive result for BPPV. Other special clinical tests that may be used to assess vertigo include Romberg’s test, which helps identify instability of either peripheral or central origin but is not very effective in differentiating between the two. The head impulse test is used to detect unilateral hypofunction of the peripheral vestibular system and can help distinguish between cerebellar infarction and vestibular neuronitis. Unterberger’s test is used to identify dysfunction in one of the labyrinths. Lastly, the alternate cover test can indicate an increased likelihood of stroke in individuals with acute vestibular syndrome if the result is abnormal.
Further Reading:
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a common cause of vertigo, characterized by sudden dizziness and vertigo triggered by changes in head position. It typically affects individuals over the age of 55 and is less common in younger patients. BPPV is caused by dysfunction in the inner ear, specifically the detachment of otoliths (calcium carbonate particles) from the utricular otolithic membrane. These loose otoliths move through the semicircular canals, triggering a sensation of movement and resulting in conflicting sensory inputs that cause vertigo.
The majority of BPPV cases involve otoliths in the posterior semicircular canal, followed by the inferior semicircular canal. BPPV in the anterior semicircular canals is rare. Clinical features of BPPV include vertigo triggered by head position changes, such as rolling over in bed or looking upwards, accompanied by nausea. Episodes of vertigo typically last 10-20 seconds and can be diagnosed through positional nystagmus, which is a specific eye movement, observed during diagnostic maneuvers like the Dix-Hallpike maneuver.
Hearing loss and tinnitus are not associated with BPPV. The prognosis for BPPV is generally good, with spontaneous resolution occurring within a few weeks to months. Symptomatic relief can be achieved through the Epley maneuver, which is successful in around 80% of cases, or patient home exercises like the Brandt-Daroff exercises. Medications like Betahistine may be prescribed but have limited effectiveness in treating BPPV.
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Question 9
A 5-year-old girl is brought in with a history of high temperatures and severe right-sided ear pain. She had a very restless night, but her pain suddenly improved this morning. Since she has improved, there has been noticeable purulent discharge coming from her right ear. On examination, you are unable to visualise the tympanic membrane due to the presence of profuse discharge.
What is the SINGLE most appropriate next management step for this patient?Your Answer: Prescribe topical gentamicin with corticosteroid (e.g. gentisone HC)
Correct Answer: Review patient again in 14 days
Explanation:This child has a past medical history consistent with acute purulent otitis media on the left side. The sudden improvement and discharge of pus from the ear strongly suggest a perforated tympanic membrane. It is not uncommon to be unable to see the tympanic membrane in these situations.
Initially, it is best to adopt a watchful waiting approach to tympanic membrane perforation. Spontaneous healing occurs in over 90% of patients, so only persistent cases should be referred for myringoplasty. There is no need for an urgent same-day referral in this case.
The use of topical corticosteroids and gentamicin is not recommended when there is a tympanic membrane perforation.
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Question 10
A 2-year-old toddler comes in with a high-grade fever, excessive drooling, and inability to speak. The child has evident stridor and a rapid heart rate. During the examination, there is tenderness in the front of the neck around the hyoid bone and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
What is the immediate urgent treatment needed for this patient?Your Answer: Intravenous antibiotics
Correct Answer: Intubation
Explanation:Acute epiglottitis is inflammation of the epiglottis, which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. When the soft tissues surrounding the epiglottis are also affected, it is called acute supraglottitis. This condition is most commonly seen in children between the ages of 3 and 5, but it can occur at any age, with adults typically presenting in their 40s and 50s.
In the past, Haemophilus influenzae type B was the main cause of acute epiglottitis, but with the introduction of the Hib vaccination, it has become rare in children. Streptococcus spp. is now the most common causative organism. Other potential culprits include Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas spp., Moraxella catarrhalis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and the herpes simplex virus. In immunocompromised patients, Candida spp. and Aspergillus spp. infections can occur.
The typical symptoms of acute epiglottitis include fever, sore throat, painful swallowing, difficulty swallowing secretions (especially in children who may drool), muffled voice, stridor, respiratory distress, rapid heartbeat, tenderness in the front of the neck over the hyoid bone, ear pain, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Some patients may also exhibit the tripod sign, where they lean forward on outstretched arms to relieve upper airway obstruction.
To diagnose acute epiglottitis, fibre-optic laryngoscopy is considered the gold standard investigation. However, this procedure should only be performed by an anaesthetist in a setting prepared for intubation or tracheostomy in case of airway obstruction. Other useful tests include a lateral neck X-ray to look for the thumbprint sign, throat swabs, blood cultures, and a CT scan of the neck if an abscess is suspected.
When dealing with a case of acute epiglottitis, it is crucial not to panic or distress the patient, especially in pediatric cases. Avoid attempting to examine the throat with a tongue depressor, as this can trigger spasm and worsen airway obstruction. Instead, keep the patient as calm as possible and immediately call a senior anaesthetist, a senior paediatrician, and an ENT surgeon. Nebulized adrenaline can be used as a temporary measure if there is critical airway obstruction.
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- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 11
A 4 year old boy is brought to the emergency department by his parents due to a 4 day history of fever, irritability, and pain in his left ear. On examination, there is a tender, erythematous, boggy swelling behind his ear. What is the most probable underlying cause?
Your Answer: Dental abscess
Correct Answer: Acute otitis media
Explanation:Acute mastoiditis commonly occurs as a complication of acute otitis media (AOM). In this case, the patient exhibits symptoms indicative of acute mastoiditis. The infection typically spreads from the middle ear tympanic cavity (acute otitis media) to the mastoid antrum through a narrow canal within the petrous temporal bone.
Further Reading:
Mastoiditis is an infection of the mastoid air cells, which are located in the mastoid process of the skull. It is usually caused by the spread of infection from the middle ear. The most common organism responsible for mastoiditis is Streptococcus pneumoniae, but other bacteria and fungi can also be involved. The infection can spread to surrounding structures, such as the meninges, causing serious complications like meningitis or cerebral abscess.
Mastoiditis can be classified as acute or chronic. Acute mastoiditis is a rare complication of acute otitis media, which is inflammation of the middle ear. It is characterized by severe ear pain, fever, swelling and redness behind the ear, and conductive deafness. Chronic mastoiditis is usually associated with chronic suppurative otitis media or cholesteatoma and presents with recurrent episodes of ear pain, headache, and fever.
Mastoiditis is more common in children, particularly those between 6 and 13 months of age. Other risk factors include immunocompromised patients, those with intellectual impairment or communication difficulties, and individuals with cholesteatoma.
Diagnosis of mastoiditis involves a physical examination, blood tests, ear swab for culture and sensitivities, and imaging studies like contrast-enhanced CT or MRI. Treatment typically involves referral to an ear, nose, and throat specialist, broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics, pain relief, and myringotomy (a procedure to drain fluid from the middle ear).
Complications of mastoiditis are rare but can be serious. They include intracranial abscess, meningitis, subperiosteal abscess, neck abscess, venous sinus thrombosis, cranial nerve palsies, hearing loss, labyrinthitis, extension to the zygoma, and carotid artery arteritis. However, most patients with mastoiditis have a good prognosis and do not experience long-term ear problems.
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Question 12
A 25-year-old man comes in with a persistent sore throat that has lasted for five days. He denies having a cough. During the examination, his temperature is measured at 39°C and a few tender anterior cervical lymph nodes are found. There is a noticeable amount of exudate on his right tonsil, which appears red and inflamed.
What is his FeverPAIN score?Your Answer: 0
Correct Answer: 4
Explanation:The FeverPAIN score is a scoring system that is recommended by the current NICE guidelines for assessing acute sore throats. It consists of five items: fever in the last 24 hours, purulence, attendance within three days, inflamed tonsils, and no cough or coryza. Based on the score, different recommendations are given regarding the use of antibiotics.
If the score is 0-1, it is unlikely to be a streptococcal infection, with only a 13-18% chance of streptococcus isolation. Therefore, antibiotics are not recommended in this case. If the score is 2-3, there is a higher chance (34-40%) of streptococcus isolation, so delayed prescribing of antibiotics is considered, with a 3-day ‘back-up prescription’. If the score is 4 or higher, there is a 62-65% chance of streptococcus isolation, and immediate antibiotic use is recommended if the infection is severe. Otherwise, a 48-hour short back-up prescription is suggested.
The Fever PAIN score was developed from a study that included 1760 adults and children aged three and over. It was then tested in a trial that compared three different prescribing strategies: empirical delayed prescribing, using the score to guide prescribing, and combining the score with the use of a near-patient test (NPT) for streptococcus. The use of the score resulted in faster symptom resolution and a reduction in antibiotic prescribing, both by one third. However, the addition of the NPT did not provide any additional benefit.
Overall, the FeverPAIN score is a useful tool for assessing acute sore throats and guiding antibiotic prescribing decisions. It has been shown to be effective in reducing unnecessary antibiotic use and improving patient outcomes.
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Question 13
You are managing a 65 year old male who has presented to the emergency department with a 3 hour history of epistaxis. On examination there is significant bleeding from both nostrils and you are unable to identify a bleeding point. Your consultant asks if you are concerned about a posterior bleed.
Posterior epistaxis is most commonly associated with bleeding from which of the following?Your Answer: Sphenopalatine artery
Explanation:Posterior epistaxis, which is bleeding from the back of the nose, is typically caused by bleeding from the sphenopalatine artery or its branches. The most common surgical treatment for posterior epistaxis involves tying off the sphenopalatine artery. It is important to note that there is some disagreement in the literature regarding the exact location of the bleeding, with some sources referring to Woodruff’s plexus. However, cadaveric studies suggest that Woodruff’s plexus is more likely a venous anastomosis rather than an arterial one involving branches of the sphenopalatine artery.
Further Reading:
Epistaxis, or nosebleed, is a common condition that can occur in both children and older adults. It is classified as either anterior or posterior, depending on the location of the bleeding. Anterior epistaxis usually occurs in younger individuals and arises from the nostril, most commonly from an area called Little’s area. These bleeds are usually not severe and account for the majority of nosebleeds seen in hospitals. Posterior nosebleeds, on the other hand, occur in older patients with conditions such as hypertension and atherosclerosis. The bleeding in posterior nosebleeds is likely to come from both nostrils and originates from the superior or posterior parts of the nasal cavity or nasopharynx.
The management of epistaxis involves assessing the patient for signs of instability and implementing measures to control the bleeding. Initial measures include sitting the patient upright with their upper body tilted forward and their mouth open. Firmly pinching the cartilaginous part of the nose for 10-15 minutes without releasing the pressure can also help stop the bleeding. If these measures are successful, a cream called Naseptin or mupirocin nasal ointment can be prescribed for further treatment.
If bleeding persists after the initial measures, nasal cautery or nasal packing may be necessary. Nasal cautery involves using a silver nitrate stick to cauterize the bleeding point, while nasal packing involves inserting nasal tampons or inflatable nasal packs to stop the bleeding. In cases of posterior bleeding, posterior nasal packing or surgery to tie off the bleeding vessel may be considered.
Complications of epistaxis can include nasal bleeding, hypovolemia, anemia, aspiration, and even death. Complications specific to nasal packing include sinusitis, septal hematoma or abscess, pressure necrosis, toxic shock syndrome, and apneic episodes. Nasal cautery can lead to complications such as septal perforation and caustic injury to the surrounding skin.
In children under the age of 2 presenting with epistaxis, it is important to refer them for further investigation as an underlying cause is more likely in this age group.
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Question 14
A 25 year old male presents to the emergency department complaining of a sore throat and fever that has been bothering him for the past 2 days. The patient is specifically asking for a prescription for antibiotics. Which scoring system would be the most suitable for evaluating the patient's requirement for antibiotics?
Your Answer: qSOFA
Correct Answer: FeverPAIN
Explanation:The FeverPAIN score is a clinical scoring system that helps determine the probability of streptococcal infection and the necessity of antibiotic treatment. NICE recommends using either the CENTOR or FeverPAIN clinical scoring systems to assess the likelihood of streptococcal infection and the need for antibiotics. The RSI score is utilized to evaluate laryngopharyngeal reflux, while the CSMCPI is employed to predict clinical outcomes in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Lastly, the Mallampati score is used to assess the oropharyngeal space and predict the difficulty of endotracheal intubation.
Further Reading:
Pharyngitis and tonsillitis are common conditions that cause inflammation in the throat. Pharyngitis refers to inflammation of the oropharynx, which is located behind the soft palate, while tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the tonsils. These conditions can be caused by a variety of pathogens, including viruses and bacteria. The most common viral causes include rhinovirus, coronavirus, parainfluenza virus, influenza types A and B, adenovirus, herpes simplex virus type 1, and Epstein Barr virus. The most common bacterial cause is Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS). Other bacterial causes include Group C and G beta-hemolytic streptococci and Fusobacterium necrophorum.
Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus is the most concerning pathogen as it can lead to serious complications such as rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis. These complications can occur due to an autoimmune reaction triggered by antigen/antibody complex formation or from cell damage caused by bacterial exotoxins.
When assessing a patient with a sore throat, the clinician should inquire about the duration and severity of the illness, as well as associated symptoms such as fever, malaise, headache, and joint pain. It is important to identify any red flags and determine if the patient is immunocompromised. Previous non-suppurative complications of Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus infection should also be considered, as there is an increased risk of further complications with subsequent infections.
Red flags that may indicate a more serious condition include severe pain, neck stiffness, or difficulty swallowing. These symptoms may suggest epiglottitis or a retropharyngeal abscess, which require immediate attention.
To determine the likelihood of a streptococcal infection and the need for antibiotic treatment, two scoring systems can be used: CENTOR and FeverPAIN. The CENTOR criteria include tonsillar exudate, tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy or lymphadenitis, history of fever, and absence of cough. The FeverPAIN criteria include fever, purulence, rapid onset of symptoms, severely inflamed tonsils, and absence of cough or coryza. Based on the scores from these criteria, the likelihood of a streptococcal infection can be estimated, and appropriate management can be undertaken. can
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Question 15
A 21 year old male presents to the emergency department with a 3 day history of a sore throat and fever. The patient denies having a cough. On examination, the patient's temperature is 37.9°C, blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg, and pulse rate is 90 bpm. There is visible white exudate on both tonsils, which are severely inflamed, and tenderness on palpation of the lymph nodes around the sternocleidomastoid muscles bilaterally.
What is this patient's FeverPAIN score?Your Answer: 2
Correct Answer: 4
Explanation:The FeverPAIN score is a clinical scoring system that helps determine the likelihood of a streptococcal infection and whether antibiotic treatment is necessary. It consists of several criteria that are assessed to assign a score.
Firstly, if the patient has a fever higher than 38°C, they score 0 or 1 depending on the presence or absence of this symptom.
Secondly, the presence of purulence, such as pharyngeal or tonsillar exudate, results in a score of 1.
Thirdly, if the patient sought medical attention within 3 days or less, they score 1.
Fourthly, if the patient has severely inflamed tonsils, they score 1.
Lastly, if the patient does not have a cough or coryza (nasal congestion), they score 1.
By adding up the scores from each criterion, the FeverPAIN score can help healthcare professionals determine the likelihood of a streptococcal infection and guide the decision on whether antibiotic treatment is necessary. In this particular case, the patient has a score of 4.
Further Reading:
Pharyngitis and tonsillitis are common conditions that cause inflammation in the throat. Pharyngitis refers to inflammation of the oropharynx, which is located behind the soft palate, while tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the tonsils. These conditions can be caused by a variety of pathogens, including viruses and bacteria. The most common viral causes include rhinovirus, coronavirus, parainfluenza virus, influenza types A and B, adenovirus, herpes simplex virus type 1, and Epstein Barr virus. The most common bacterial cause is Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS). Other bacterial causes include Group C and G beta-hemolytic streptococci and Fusobacterium necrophorum.
Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus is the most concerning pathogen as it can lead to serious complications such as rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis. These complications can occur due to an autoimmune reaction triggered by antigen/antibody complex formation or from cell damage caused by bacterial exotoxins.
When assessing a patient with a sore throat, the clinician should inquire about the duration and severity of the illness, as well as associated symptoms such as fever, malaise, headache, and joint pain. It is important to identify any red flags and determine if the patient is immunocompromised. Previous non-suppurative complications of Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus infection should also be considered, as there is an increased risk of further complications with subsequent infections.
Red flags that may indicate a more serious condition include severe pain, neck stiffness, or difficulty swallowing. These symptoms may suggest epiglottitis or a retropharyngeal abscess, which require immediate attention.
To determine the likelihood of a streptococcal infection and the need for antibiotic treatment, two scoring systems can be used: CENTOR and FeverPAIN. The CENTOR criteria include tonsillar exudate, tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy or lymphadenitis, history of fever, and absence of cough. The FeverPAIN criteria include fever, purulence, rapid onset of symptoms, severely inflamed tonsils, and absence of cough or coryza. Based on the scores from these criteria, the likelihood of a streptococcal infection can be estimated, and appropriate management can be undertaken. can
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- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 16
A 32 year old female presents to the emergency department complaining of feeling something enter her left ear and experiencing a persistent sensation of it being stuck inside. Upon examination using an otoscope, a small fly is observed moving within the ear canal but appears to be trapped in earwax. The tympanic membrane appears intact.
What is the most suitable initial approach to managing this patient?Your Answer: Instill the ear canal with 2% lidocaine
Explanation:Lidocaine is commonly chosen because it offers some local anesthesia. Alternatively, mineral oil can be used. Cold water irrigation can often cause nausea and vomiting, so it is recommended to use warm water for irrigation. An ENT clinician should be able to remove an insect from the ear canal. However, if removal attempts are unsuccessful or complications arise, a referral may be necessary.
Further Reading:
Foreign bodies in the ear or nose are a common occurrence, especially in children between the ages of 2 and 8. Foreign bodies in the ear are more common than those in the nose. Symptoms of foreign bodies in the ear may include ear pain, a feeling of fullness, impaired hearing, discharge, tinnitus, and vertigo. It is important to consider referral to an ENT specialist for the removal of potentially harmful foreign bodies such as glass, sharp objects, button batteries, and tightly wedged items. ENT involvement is also necessary if there is a perforation of the eardrum or if the foreign body is embedded in the eardrum.
When preparing a patient for removal, it is important to establish rapport and keep the patient relaxed, especially if they are a young child. The patient should be positioned comfortably and securely, and ear drops may be used to anesthetize the ear. Removal methods for foreign bodies in the ear include the use of forceps or a hook, irrigation (except for batteries, perforations, or organic material), suction, and magnets for ferrous metal foreign bodies. If there is an insect in the ear, it should be killed with alcohol, lignocaine, or mineral oil before removal.
After the foreign body is removed, it is important to check for any residual foreign bodies and to discharge the patient with appropriate safety net advice. Prophylactic antibiotic drops may be considered if there has been an abrasion of the skin.
Foreign bodies in the nose are less common but should be dealt with promptly due to the risk of posterior dislodgement into the airway. Symptoms of foreign bodies in the nose may include nasal discharge, sinusitis, nasal pain, epistaxis, or blood-stained discharge. Most nasal foreign bodies are found on the anterior or middle third of the nose and may not show up on x-rays.
Methods for removing foreign bodies from the nose include the mother’s kiss technique, suction, forceps, Jobson horne probe, and foley catheter. The mother’s kiss technique involves occluding the patent nostril and having a parent blow into the patient’s mouth. A foley catheter can be used by inserting it past the foreign body and inflating the balloon to gently push the foreign body out. ENT referral may be necessary if the foreign body cannot be visualized but there is a high suspicion, if attempts to remove the foreign body have failed, if the patient requires sed
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- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 17
A 62 year old male comes to the emergency department with a chief complaint of experiencing dizziness upon movement. The patient states that the symptoms began today when he got up from bed. He describes the dizzy spells as a sensation of the room spinning and they typically last for around 30 seconds. The patient also mentions feeling nauseous during these episodes. There are no reported issues with hearing loss or tinnitus.
What is the most probable diagnosis?Your Answer: Cerebellar stroke
Correct Answer: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
Explanation:BPPV is a condition where dizziness and vertigo occur suddenly when the position of the head is changed. This is a common symptom of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, which is characterized by episodes of vertigo triggered by head movements.
Further Reading:
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a common cause of vertigo, characterized by sudden dizziness and vertigo triggered by changes in head position. It typically affects individuals over the age of 55 and is less common in younger patients. BPPV is caused by dysfunction in the inner ear, specifically the detachment of otoliths (calcium carbonate particles) from the utricular otolithic membrane. These loose otoliths move through the semicircular canals, triggering a sensation of movement and resulting in conflicting sensory inputs that cause vertigo.
The majority of BPPV cases involve otoliths in the posterior semicircular canal, followed by the inferior semicircular canal. BPPV in the anterior semicircular canals is rare. Clinical features of BPPV include vertigo triggered by head position changes, such as rolling over in bed or looking upwards, accompanied by nausea. Episodes of vertigo typically last 10-20 seconds and can be diagnosed through positional nystagmus, which is a specific eye movement, observed during diagnostic maneuvers like the Dix-Hallpike maneuver.
Hearing loss and tinnitus are not associated with BPPV. The prognosis for BPPV is generally good, with spontaneous resolution occurring within a few weeks to months. Symptomatic relief can be achieved through the Epley maneuver, which is successful in around 80% of cases, or patient home exercises like the Brandt-Daroff exercises. Medications like Betahistine may be prescribed but have limited effectiveness in treating BPPV.
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- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 18
A 45-year-old woman comes in with brief episodes of vertigo that worsen in the morning and are triggered by head movement and rolling over in bed. The episodes only last a few minutes. She experiences nausea during the attacks but has not vomited. There is no history of hearing loss or tinnitus.
What is the recommended treatment for the most probable diagnosis in this scenario?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: The Epley manoeuvre
Explanation:Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) occurs when there is dysfunction in the inner ear. This dysfunction causes the otoliths, which are located in the utricle, to become dislodged from their normal position and migrate into one of the semicircular canals over time. As a result, these detached otoliths continue to move even after head movement has stopped, leading to vertigo due to the conflicting sensation of ongoing movement with other sensory inputs.
While the majority of BPPV cases have no identifiable cause (idiopathic), approximately 40% of cases can be attributed to factors such as head injury, spontaneous labyrinthine degeneration, post-viral illness, middle ear surgery, or chronic middle ear disease.
The main clinical features of BPPV include symptoms that are provoked by head movement, rolling over, and upward gaze. These episodes are typically brief, lasting less than 5 minutes, and are often worse in the mornings. Unlike other inner ear disorders, BPPV does not cause hearing loss or tinnitus. Nausea is a common symptom, while vomiting is rare. The Dix-Hallpike test can be used to confirm the diagnosis of BPPV.
It is important to note that vestibular suppressant medications have not been proven to be beneficial in managing BPPV. These medications do not improve symptoms or reduce the duration of the disease.
The treatment of choice for BPPV is the Epley manoeuvre. This maneuver aims to reposition the dislodged otoliths back into the utricles from the semicircular canals. A 2014 Cochrane review concluded that the Epley manoeuvre is a safe and effective treatment for BPPV, with a number needed to treat of 2-4.
Referral to an ENT specialist is recommended for patients with BPPV in the following situations: if the treating clinician is unable to perform or access the Epley manoeuvre, if the Epley manoeuvre has not been beneficial after repeated attempts (minimum two), if the patient has been symptomatic for more than 4 weeks, or if the patient has experienced more than 3 episodes of BPPV.
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- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 19
A 25 year old female comes to the emergency department complaining of a sore throat that has been bothering her for the past 2 days. She denies having any cough or runny nose. During the examination, her temperature is measured at 37.7°C, blood pressure at 120/68 mmHg, and pulse rate at 88 bpm. The oropharynx and tonsils show signs of redness. The patient's neck is not tender and there are no palpable masses.
What is the CENTOR score for this patient?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 1
Explanation:The CENTOR score is a tool used to assess the likelihood of a patient having a streptococcal infection, which is a common cause of sore throat. It is based on four clinical criteria: presence of tonsillar exudates, tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy, absence of cough, and history of fever. Each criterion is assigned one point, with a maximum score of four.
In this case, the patient has a sore throat without cough or runny nose, and her temperature is slightly elevated at 37.7°C. The examination reveals redness in the oropharynx and tonsils, but no tender neck or palpable masses. Based on this information, the patient would score one point on the CENTOR score.
Further Reading:
Pharyngitis and tonsillitis are common conditions that cause inflammation in the throat. Pharyngitis refers to inflammation of the oropharynx, which is located behind the soft palate, while tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the tonsils. These conditions can be caused by a variety of pathogens, including viruses and bacteria. The most common viral causes include rhinovirus, coronavirus, parainfluenza virus, influenza types A and B, adenovirus, herpes simplex virus type 1, and Epstein Barr virus. The most common bacterial cause is Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GABHS). Other bacterial causes include Group C and G beta-hemolytic streptococci and Fusobacterium necrophorum.
Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus is the most concerning pathogen as it can lead to serious complications such as rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis. These complications can occur due to an autoimmune reaction triggered by antigen/antibody complex formation or from cell damage caused by bacterial exotoxins.
When assessing a patient with a sore throat, the clinician should inquire about the duration and severity of the illness, as well as associated symptoms such as fever, malaise, headache, and joint pain. It is important to identify any red flags and determine if the patient is immunocompromised. Previous non-suppurative complications of Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus infection should also be considered, as there is an increased risk of further complications with subsequent infections.
Red flags that may indicate a more serious condition include severe pain, neck stiffness, or difficulty swallowing. These symptoms may suggest epiglottitis or a retropharyngeal abscess, which require immediate attention.
To determine the likelihood of a streptococcal infection and the need for antibiotic treatment, two scoring systems can be used: CENTOR and FeverPAIN. The CENTOR criteria include tonsillar exudate, tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy or lymphadenitis, history of fever, and absence of cough. The FeverPAIN criteria include fever, purulence, rapid onset of symptoms, severely inflamed tonsils, and absence of cough or coryza. Based on the scores from these criteria, the likelihood of a streptococcal infection can be estimated, and appropriate management can be undertaken. can
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- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 20
You evaluate a 60-year-old man who has a past medical history of hearing impairment.
Which ONE statement is accurate regarding the tuning fork hearing tests conducted?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: A false negative Rinne’s test can occur if the patient has a severe sensorineural deficit
Explanation:A 512 Hz tuning fork is commonly used for both the Rinne’s and Weber’s tests. However, a lower-pitched 128 Hz tuning fork is typically used to assess vibration sense in a peripheral nervous system examination. While a 256 Hz tuning fork can be used for either test, it is considered less reliable.
To perform the Rinne’s test, the 512 Hz tuning fork is first made to vibrate and then placed on the mastoid process until the sound is no longer heard. Next, the top of the tuning fork is positioned 2 cm away from the external auditory meatus, and the patient is asked to indicate where they hear the sound loudest.
In individuals with normal hearing, the tuning fork should still be audible outside the external auditory canal even after it is no longer appreciated on the mastoid. This is because air conduction should be greater than bone conduction.
In cases of conductive hearing loss, the patient will no longer hear the tuning fork once it is no longer appreciated on the mastoid. This suggests that their bone conduction is greater than their air conduction, indicating an obstruction in the passage of sound waves through the ear canal to the cochlea. This is considered a true negative result.
However, a Rinne’s test may yield a false negative result if the patient has a severe unilateral sensorineural deficit and senses the sound in the unaffected ear through the transmission of sound waves through the base of the skull.
In sensorineural hearing loss, the ability to perceive the tuning fork on both the mastoid and outside the external auditory canal is equally diminished compared to the opposite ear. The sound will disappear earlier on the mastoid and outside the external auditory canal compared to the other ear, but it will still be heard outside the canal.
To perform the Weber’s test, the 512 Hz tuning fork is made to vibrate and then placed on the center of the patient’s forehead. The patient is then asked if they perceive the sound in the middle of the forehead or if it lateralizes to one side or the other.
If the sound lateralizes to one side, it can indicate either ipsilateral conductive hearing loss or contralateral sensorineural hearing loss.
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