Question 1
Which of the following is considered a voluntary action?
Your Answer: Mannerism
Explanation:Mannerisms are deliberate movements that convey a specific meaning, while tics are involuntary muscle contractions that disrupt normal activities and are often preceded by a strong urge. Hemiballismus refers to uncontrolled flinging movements of one arm and leg, while chorea involves irregular, jerky, and unpredictable movements that can occur anywhere in the body. Athetosis describes writhing movements, particularly in the arms and hands, and is often associated with cerebral palsy resulting from perinatal anoxia of kernicterus. Infants with athetosis may exhibit delayed motor milestones and floppy movements before developing athetoid movements before the age of 5.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 2
You encounter a 30-year-old patient in the Emergency department who reports experiencing intense visual hallucinations while listening to music. How would you characterize this symptom?
Your Answer: Reflex hallucinations
Explanation:Types of Hallucinations
Reflex hallucinations occur when a stimulus in one sensory modality leads to hallucinations in another sensory modality. Autoscopy is the experience of seeing one’s own body projected into external space, typically in front of oneself. Extracampine hallucinations are those that occur outside of an individual’s sensory fields. Écho de la pensĂ©e refers to the experience of hearing voices that repeat one’s thoughts immediately after thinking them. Functional hallucinations occur when an external stimulus triggers hallucinations that are experienced simultaneously and in the same modality as the initial stimulus.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 3
What is meant by formication, an abnormal sensation experienced by some individuals?
Your Answer: Hallucinations of movements just below the skin
Explanation:Formication refers to the sensation of movement under the skin, which can be associated with cocaine abuse and is commonly referred to as the cocaine bug. Autoscopic hallucinations occur when an individual perceives their own body as being projected into external space. Delirium tremens, a symptom of alcohol withdrawal, can cause visual hallucinations such as dark shadows of rats, often appearing as Lilliputian figures.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 4
A 25-year-old individual ingests LSD at a social gathering and begins to perceive their feet and hands as twisted and distorted. What type of body image distortion are they experiencing?
Your Answer: Paraschemazia
Explanation:Paraschemazia is a type of body image distortion that involves a feeling that certain body parts are twisted, distorted, of separated from the rest of the body. This can be caused by various factors, including hallucinogenic drug use, epileptic aura, and migraine. Body image distortions can be caused by both organic and psychiatric conditions. Organic causes may include Brown-SĂ©quard paralysis, epileptic aura, and migraine, while psychiatric causes may include anorexia nervosa, hypochondriasis, depersonalization, and conversion disorders. Hemiasomatognosia is a specific type of body image distortion where the person feels that one half of their body is missing, and it can occur in epileptic aura and migraine. Other types of body image distortions include hyperschemazia, where parts of the body feel magnified in size, and hyposchemazia, where parts of the body feel diminished in size.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 5
What is the meaning of Folie induite in the context of Folie Ă deux?
Your Answer: An individual with a psychotic illness adopts the delusions of another person who also has a psychotic illness
Explanation:Types of Shared Psychotic Disorders
There are different types of shared psychotic disorders, also known as folie à deux. Folie induite occurs when one person with psychosis adopts the delusions of another person with psychosis. On the other hand, folie imposée happens when a healthy individual takes on the delusions of a psychotic person. Folie simultanée is when two people with psychotic illnesses develop identical delusions at the same time. Meanwhile, folie communiqué is when a healthy individual eventually adopts the delusions of a person with psychosis after initially resisting them. It is important to note that a healthy individual who mimics the delusions of a psychotic person for attention is not considered to have a delusional disorder.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 6
A 32-year-old female is experiencing extreme fear as she hears voices every time her washing machine is on. These voices are urging her to flee the house with a sharp object. What type of perceptual disturbance is she likely experiencing?
Your Answer: Functional hallucination
Explanation:– Functional hallucination requires an external stimulus to provoke the hallucination
– The normal perception and hallucination are in the same modality
– Example: sound of the boiler triggers auditory hallucinations
– Extracampine hallucinations occur outside of one’s sensory field
– Reflex hallucination is when a stimulus in one modality produces hallucination in another
– Reflex hallucination is a form of synaesthesia
– Third person auditory hallucination is when a person hears voices talking about them as a third person. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 7
A 25-year-old construction worker is scheduled to start a new job in two weeks. He tripped and fell at work and reported intense pain and difficulty walking. Despite normal test results, he persisted in complaining of severe pain and limited mobility.
What is the most probable scenario in this situation?Your Answer: Malingering
Explanation:Malingering involves faking physical of mental symptoms for personal gain, such as financial compensation of avoiding certain responsibilities. In the case of the soldier, he may be fabricating symptoms to avoid being sent to Afghanistan.
Ganser syndrome is often seen in individuals under severe stress, such as prisoners of soldiers awaiting trial of going to war. The person may mimic symptoms of severe psychiatric illness, including approximate answers, clouded consciousness, somatic conversion features, and pseudohallucinations.
Munchausen’s syndrome is a type of factitious disorder where individuals repeatedly seek medical treatment for false symptoms and histories. There is no apparent secondary gain, but the motivation may be to assume the role of a patient and receive care.
Pseudologia fantastica, of pathological lying, involves making grandiose and extreme false statements that are often believed by the person expressing them. This behavior is often associated with personality disorders, particularly histrionic of dissocial, and may be triggered by major life crises.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 8
As an examining physician, have you ever encountered a situation where you can easily move a patient's arm upwards with minimal pressure, despite their attempts to resist? And once you stop applying pressure, the arm returns to its original position? If so, what is this sign called?
Your Answer: Mitgehen
Explanation:Mitgehen is a type of extreme cooperation that is observed in catatonia, where the patient moves their body in the direction of even the slightest pressure. It is crucial that the patient has been instructed to resist manipulation. This phenomenon is also referred to as the ‘angle poise lamp sign’ and is a form of automatic obedience. Catalepsy is another sign seen in catatonia, where patients maintain unusual postures for extended periods of time. In contrast, cataplexy is a sudden loss of muscle tone that leads to collapse and is commonly observed in narcolepsy. Gegenhalten is an involuntary resistance to passive movements. Mitmachen is a milder form of automatic obedience, where the patient’s body can be moved into any position without resistance when instructed to resist manipulation. Mitmachen is less severe than mitgehen, as the pressure required to elicit movements in mitgehen is very minimal.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 9
A 72-year-old male reports feeling distressed after hearing his deceased wife's voice in his head, asking him to come join her. He clarifies that he heard it internally and not as an external sound. What type of perceptual abnormality is reflected in his experience?
Your Answer: Pseudohallucinations
Explanation:– Pseudohallucinations are figurative and not real
– They are located in the inner subjective space
– Auditory hallucinations are concrete, tangible, and real
– They are located in the outside objective space
– Autoscopy is the experience of seeing oneself
– Reflex hallucination is where a stimulus in one modality produces hallucination in another modality
– Hypnopompic hallucinations occur when waking up from sleep. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 10
The acquaintances of a 60-year-old wealthy individual reached out to social services after noticing a foul smell coming from their residence. The person has been isolating themselves for the past three years. Upon inspection, it was evident that they were living in unsanitary conditions and neglecting their personal hygiene. What is the most probable scenario in this situation?
Your Answer: Diogenes syndrome
Explanation:Diogenes syndrome is a condition where elderly reclusive individuals, often wealthy and intelligent, exhibit gross self-neglect without necessarily having a psychiatric illness. It is named after an ancient Greek philosopher known for his simple lifestyle. Briquet’s syndrome, now called somatisation syndrome, is a chronic condition where individuals have multiple physical complaints across various systems without any physical cause found. Cotard’s syndrome is a type of psychotic depression in the elderly, characterized by nihilistic and hypochondriacal delusions, along with a depressed mood and either retardation of agitation. Munchausen’s syndrome is a factitious disorder where individuals repeatedly seek medical treatment for false symptoms and history, seemingly motivated by assuming the role of a patient and receiving care.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Descriptive Psychopathology
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