Question 1
A 87-year-old woman presents with disorientation and restlessness. She has a history of hypertension, atrial fibrillation, polymyalgia rheumatica, osteoarthritis and a hiatus hernia. Her current medications include bisoprolol, digoxin, amlodipine, omeprazole, prednisolone and as required paracetamol. She lives independently and is usually mentally alert. She has been increasingly unwell for the past week, complaining of increased pain in her shoulders, so her GP has increased the dose of prednisolone from 5mg to 30mg daily and added codeine 30mg four times a day. Physical examination and blood tests are unremarkable.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Select the SINGLE most likely diagnosis from the list below. Select ONE option only.Your Answer: Polypharmacy
Explanation:Understanding the Possible Causes of Delirium in the Elderly: A Case Study
This patient is most likely experiencing delirium, which is a common condition among the elderly. One of the leading causes of delirium in this population is polypharmacy, which refers to taking multiple medications. In this case, the patient’s unremarkable physical examination and blood tests suggest that polypharmacy is the most likely explanation for her symptoms. Steroids and opioids, which she recently started taking, are known to cause delirium, especially in older adults. Patients with dementia or mild cognitive impairment are particularly vulnerable to the effects of polypharmacy.
Accidental poisoning is also a possibility, but the patient’s usual independence and mental alertness make this less likely. Additionally, her symptoms have been present for a week, which suggests a longer process than accidental poisoning. A chest infection could also cause delirium, but the patient’s examination and blood tests do not support this diagnosis.
Alcohol withdrawal is another potential cause of disorientation and restlessness, but there is no indication in the patient’s history that she is misusing alcohol. Finally, Alzheimer’s disease is unlikely given the short duration of the patient’s symptoms and her usual mental alertness. Overall, polypharmacy is the most probable cause of this patient’s delirium.
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Question 2
You are a foundation year two doctor on a placement in older adult mental health. You have been caring for an 81-year-old gentleman with bipolar disorder who is being held under the mental health act. He develops fever, cough productive of green sputum and tachycardia and is admitted to the local hospital where he dies of pneumonia. Your consultant, trained in psychiatry with no recent experience in general medicine, asks what the next step will be with regards to the death certificate. What is the appropriate next step for completing the death certificate - who would complete it and what would be the cause of death?
Your Answer: The acute hospital doctors caring for the patient will complete it putting pneumonia as part 1a
Correct Answer: The case will be referred to the coroner
Explanation:If a person passes away while under the mental health act, it is mandatory to report their death to the coroner, regardless of the cause. Therefore, neither the individual nor the acute hospital doctors who complete the certificate should be the first to report the case. Although reporting to the coroner is necessary, a post mortem examination is unlikely to take place. It is not permissible to list old age as the cause of death on the certificate if the patient is under the age of 80.
Sectioning under the Mental Health Act is a legal process used for individuals who refuse voluntary admission. This process excludes patients who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. There are several sections under the Mental Health Act that allow for different types of admission and treatment.
Section 2 allows for admission for assessment for up to 28 days, which is not renewable. An Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) or the nearest relative (NR) can make the application on the recommendation of two doctors, one of whom should be an approved consultant psychiatrist. Treatment can be given against the patient’s wishes.
Section 3 allows for admission for treatment for up to 6 months, which can be renewed. An AMHP and two doctors, both of whom must have seen the patient within the past 24 hours, can make the application. Treatment can also be given against the patient’s wishes.
Section 4 is used as an emergency 72-hour assessment order when a section 2 would involve an unacceptable delay. A GP and an AMHP or NR can make the application, which is often changed to a section 2 upon arrival at the hospital.
Section 5(2) allows a doctor to legally detain a voluntary patient in hospital for 72 hours, while section 5(4) allows a nurse to detain a voluntary patient for 6 hours.
Section 17a allows for Supervised Community Treatment (Community Treatment Order) and can be used to recall a patient to the hospital for treatment if they do not comply with the conditions of the order in the community, such as taking medication.
Section 135 allows for a court order to be obtained to allow the police to break into a property to remove a person to a Place of Safety. Section 136 allows for someone found in a public place who appears to have a mental disorder to be taken by the police to a Place of Safety. This section can only be used for up to 24 hours while a Mental Health Act assessment is arranged.
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Question 3
A 28-year-old woman returns home from hospital after the birth of her first child. Over the next week, she becomes increasingly irritable, feels low in mood and is very anxious that she is not taking good care of her baby.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer: Postpartum blues
Explanation:Understanding Postpartum Blues: Symptoms and Differential Diagnosis
Postpartum blues, also known as baby blues, is a common condition that affects many new mothers. It typically occurs within the first week after delivery and is characterized by short-lived episodes of irritability, crying, emotional lability, and mildly low mood. Unlike postpartum psychosis or major depression, postpartum blues does not involve confusion, delusional beliefs, or frank major depressive symptoms.
While anxiety is a common feature of many affective disorders, it is not sufficient to warrant a diagnosis of a specific anxiety disorder in the case of postpartum blues. However, it is important to consider depression as a possible diagnosis when a patient presents with low mood, anxiety, and irritability.
It is essential to follow up with patients experiencing postpartum blues to ensure that their symptoms resolve within a few days. If symptoms persist or worsen, further evaluation may be necessary to rule out other conditions such as postpartum depression. By understanding the symptoms and differential diagnosis of postpartum blues, healthcare providers can provide appropriate reassurance and support to new mothers during this challenging time.
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Question 4
A 30-year-old man visits his doctor for a follow-up on his depression. He was given fluoxetine 4 months ago for a case of moderate depression. He reports that his mood has been great lately, that he no longer feels despair about the future, and that he has resumed his hobbies of playing basketball and writing.
The patient indicates that he would like to discontinue taking fluoxetine since he believes his depression has been resolved.
What advice should be given?Your Answer: Taper the fluoxetine dose over the course of 8 weeks and then stop
Correct Answer: Continue fluoxetine for at least 6 months
Explanation:To decrease the risk of relapse, it is recommended to continue antidepressant treatment for at least 6 months after remission of symptoms. Therefore, the correct response is to continue fluoxetine for at least 6 months at the same dose. It should be noted that in elderly patients, treatment should be continued for 12 months, and in those with a history of recurrent depression, treatment should be continued for 2 years. Stopping fluoxetine or tapering the dose over 2 weeks is not appropriate, as treatment should be continued for at least 6 months before considering stopping or tapering. When fluoxetine is stopped, it is recommended to taper the dose over 6-12 weeks to minimize the risk of withdrawal symptoms.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly used as the first-line treatment for depression. Citalopram and fluoxetine are the preferred SSRIs, while sertraline is recommended for patients who have had a myocardial infarction. However, caution should be exercised when prescribing SSRIs to children and adolescents. Gastrointestinal symptoms are the most common side-effect, and patients taking SSRIs are at an increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. Patients should also be aware of the possibility of increased anxiety and agitation after starting a SSRI. Fluoxetine and paroxetine have a higher propensity for drug interactions.
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued a warning regarding the use of citalopram due to its association with dose-dependent QT interval prolongation. As a result, citalopram and escitalopram should not be used in patients with congenital long QT syndrome, known pre-existing QT interval prolongation, or in combination with other medicines that prolong the QT interval. The maximum daily dose of citalopram is now 40 mg for adults, 20 mg for patients older than 65 years, and 20 mg for those with hepatic impairment.
When initiating antidepressant therapy, patients should be reviewed by a doctor after 2 weeks. Patients under the age of 25 years or at an increased risk of suicide should be reviewed after 1 week. If a patient responds well to antidepressant therapy, they should continue treatment for at least 6 months after remission to reduce the risk of relapse. When stopping a SSRI, the dose should be gradually reduced over a 4 week period, except for fluoxetine. Paroxetine has a higher incidence of discontinuation symptoms, including mood changes, restlessness, difficulty sleeping, unsteadiness, sweating, gastrointestinal symptoms, and paraesthesia.
When considering the use of SSRIs during pregnancy, the benefits and risks should be weighed. Use during the first trimester may increase the risk of congenital heart defects, while use during the third trimester can result in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. Paroxetine has an increased risk of congenital malformations, particularly in the first trimester.
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Question 5
You are assessing a 55-year-old man who has been admitted with pneumonia. His medical history indicates that he consumes approximately 70-80 units of alcohol per week. Which medication would be the most suitable to administer to prevent the onset of alcohol withdrawal symptoms?
Your Answer: Chlordiazepoxide
Explanation:Alcohol withdrawal occurs when an individual who has been consuming alcohol chronically suddenly stops or reduces their intake. Chronic alcohol consumption enhances the inhibitory effects of GABA in the central nervous system, similar to benzodiazepines, and inhibits NMDA-type glutamate receptors. However, alcohol withdrawal leads to the opposite effect, resulting in decreased inhibitory GABA and increased NMDA glutamate transmission. Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal typically start at 6-12 hours and include tremors, sweating, tachycardia, and anxiety. Seizures are most likely to occur at 36 hours, while delirium tremens, which includes coarse tremors, confusion, delusions, auditory and visual hallucinations, fever, and tachycardia, peak at 48-72 hours.
Patients with a history of complex withdrawals from alcohol, such as delirium tremens, seizures, or blackouts, should be admitted to the hospital for monitoring until their withdrawals stabilize. The first-line treatment for alcohol withdrawal is long-acting benzodiazepines, such as chlordiazepoxide or diazepam, which are typically given as part of a reducing dose protocol. Lorazepam may be preferable in patients with hepatic failure. Carbamazepine is also effective in treating alcohol withdrawal, while phenytoin is said to be less effective in treating alcohol withdrawal seizures.
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Question 6
A 30-year-old woman who delivered a baby 3 days ago comes for evaluation due to her mood concerns. She is experiencing trouble sleeping and feels generally anxious and weepy. Additionally, she has noticed that she is becoming irritable with her spouse. This is her initial pregnancy, she is not nursing, and there is no previous history of mental health disorders. What is the best course of action for her management?
Your Answer: Explanation and reassurance
Explanation:This woman is experiencing the common postpartum mood disorder known as baby-blues, which affects approximately two-thirds of women. Although lack of sleep can be a symptom of depression, it is a normal occurrence for new mothers.
Understanding Postpartum Mental Health Problems
Postpartum mental health problems can range from mild ‘baby-blues’ to severe puerperal psychosis. To screen for depression, healthcare professionals may use the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, which is a 10-item questionnaire that indicates how the mother has felt over the previous week. A score of more than 13 indicates a ‘depressive illness of varying severity’, with sensitivity and specificity of more than 90%. The questionnaire also includes a question about self-harm.
‘Baby-blues’ is seen in around 60-70% of women and typically occurs 3-7 days following birth. It is more common in primips, and mothers are characteristically anxious, tearful, and irritable. Reassurance and support from healthcare professionals, particularly health visitors, play a key role in managing this condition. Most women with the baby blues will not require specific treatment other than reassurance.
Postnatal depression affects around 10% of women, with most cases starting within a month and typically peaking at 3 months. The features are similar to depression seen in other circumstances, and cognitive behavioural therapy may be beneficial. Certain SSRIs such as sertraline and paroxetine may be used if symptoms are severe. Although these medications are secreted in breast milk, they are not thought to be harmful to the infant.
Puerperal psychosis affects approximately 0.2% of women and requires admission to hospital, ideally in a Mother & Baby Unit. Onset usually occurs within the first 2-3 weeks following birth, and features include severe swings in mood (similar to bipolar disorder) and disordered perception (e.g. auditory hallucinations). There is around a 25-50% risk of recurrence following future pregnancies. Paroxetine is recommended by SIGN because of the low milk/plasma ratio, while fluoxetine is best avoided due to a long half-life.
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Question 7
A young man with a 5-year history of alcoholism successfully completes an inpatient drug rehabilitation programme. What advice will you give him to maintain sobriety?
Your Answer: Join a local Alcoholics Anonymous group
Explanation:Strategies for Preventing Alcohol Relapse
For individuals with alcohol-use disorders, preventing relapse is crucial for maintaining sobriety. Here are some strategies that can help:
1. Join a local Alcoholics Anonymous group or other self-help groups that require total abstinence. Active participation in these groups can offer the best chance of preventing relapses.
2. Limit consumption to socially appropriate amounts. Even small amounts of alcohol can trigger a relapse, so individuals who have completed a detoxification program are encouraged not to drink at all.
3. Take disulfiram as prescribed. This medication can cause unpleasant symptoms when alcohol is consumed, making it a deterrent for those who struggle with alcohol use. However, it should only be taken in the context of an appropriate alcohol detoxification program.
4. Take naltrexone as prescribed. This medication can help reduce cravings for alcohol, but it should not be taken as a deterrent before attending a party.
5. Plan a definite number of drinks before attending a party. However, individuals who have completed a detoxification program are still encouraged not to drink at all to prevent relapse.
By implementing these strategies, individuals with alcohol-use disorders can increase their chances of maintaining sobriety and preventing relapse.
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Question 8
A 30-year-old man with a history of schizophrenia is prescribed olanzapine. What is the most probable adverse effect he may encounter?
Your Answer: Weight gain
Explanation:Olanzapine, an atypical antipsychotic, often leads to weight gain as a prevalent negative outcome.
Atypical antipsychotics are now recommended as the first-line treatment for patients with schizophrenia, as per the 2005 NICE guidelines. These medications have the advantage of significantly reducing extrapyramidal side-effects. However, they can also cause adverse effects such as weight gain, hyperprolactinaemia, and in the case of clozapine, agranulocytosis. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has issued warnings about the increased risk of stroke and venous thromboembolism when antipsychotics are used in elderly patients. Examples of atypical antipsychotics include clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, quetiapine, amisulpride, and aripiprazole.
Clozapine, one of the first atypical antipsychotics, carries a significant risk of agranulocytosis and requires full blood count monitoring during treatment. Therefore, it should only be used in patients who are resistant to other antipsychotic medication. The BNF recommends introducing clozapine if schizophrenia is not controlled despite the sequential use of two or more antipsychotic drugs, one of which should be a second-generation antipsychotic drug, each for at least 6-8 weeks. Adverse effects of clozapine include agranulocytosis, neutropaenia, reduced seizure threshold, constipation, myocarditis, and hypersalivation. Dose adjustment of clozapine may be necessary if smoking is started or stopped during treatment.
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Question 9
A 92-year-old man is brought to the hospital from a nursing home with advanced pneumonia. Despite medical intervention, his condition worsens and he passes away within 48 hours of admission. His past medical history includes a hip replacement surgery 4 years ago and advanced dementia for which he is currently under guardianship.
What are the appropriate steps to take following his death?Your Answer: Issue the MCCD
Correct Answer: Refer the death to the coroner as she was detained under the mental health act at time of death
Explanation:If a person dies while under the mental health act, regardless of the cause of death, it is mandatory to report their death to the coroner. In this case, as the individual was detained under the mental health act at the time of their death, it is the responsibility of the doctors in the hospital where they passed away to issue the MCCD after discussing with the coroner. It would be inappropriate to ask the GP who performed their surgery over a year ago to issue the MCCD as they may not have seen the individual within 14 days prior to their death. Additionally, the doctors at the psychiatric hospital may have seen the individual within the 14 days prior, but it is still the responsibility of the hospital doctors who were caring for them at the time of their death to issue the MCCD.
Sectioning under the Mental Health Act is a legal process used for individuals who refuse voluntary admission. This process excludes patients who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. There are several sections under the Mental Health Act that allow for different types of admission and treatment.
Section 2 allows for admission for assessment for up to 28 days, which is not renewable. An Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) or the nearest relative (NR) can make the application on the recommendation of two doctors, one of whom should be an approved consultant psychiatrist. Treatment can be given against the patient’s wishes.
Section 3 allows for admission for treatment for up to 6 months, which can be renewed. An AMHP and two doctors, both of whom must have seen the patient within the past 24 hours, can make the application. Treatment can also be given against the patient’s wishes.
Section 4 is used as an emergency 72-hour assessment order when a section 2 would involve an unacceptable delay. A GP and an AMHP or NR can make the application, which is often changed to a section 2 upon arrival at the hospital.
Section 5(2) allows a doctor to legally detain a voluntary patient in hospital for 72 hours, while section 5(4) allows a nurse to detain a voluntary patient for 6 hours.
Section 17a allows for Supervised Community Treatment (Community Treatment Order) and can be used to recall a patient to the hospital for treatment if they do not comply with the conditions of the order in the community, such as taking medication.
Section 135 allows for a court order to be obtained to allow the police to break into a property to remove a person to a Place of Safety. Section 136 allows for someone found in a public place who appears to have a mental disorder to be taken by the police to a Place of Safety. This section can only be used for up to 24 hours while a Mental Health Act assessment is arranged.
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Question 10
As a junior GP in a bustling surgery, you are approached by the son (next-of-kin) of one of your middle-aged patients who brings her in for evaluation. The patient appears to be in a state of agitation and is expressing bizarre delusions and paranoid beliefs, causing a disturbance in the surgery by shouting. She is uncooperative during the consultation and frequently pleads to be allowed to leave. Both you and the son agree that urgent psychiatric assessment is necessary.
Which section of the Mental Health Act (1983) would allow a GP to detain a patient for emergency psychiatric evaluation?Your Answer: Section 4
Explanation:In cases where there is a need for urgent psychiatric assessment, GPs may utilize Section 4 of the Mental Health Act. This can be done with the assistance of an AMHP or NR, and allows for the emergency transfer of the patient. Unlike Section 2, which requires the agreement of two psychiatrists, Section 4 is used when there is a risk of unacceptable delay in the patient’s care. It provides a 72-hour window for assessment, after which it is typically converted to a Section 2. Additionally, the police have the authority under Section 135 and 136 to take a patient to a safe location for psychiatric evaluation.
Sectioning under the Mental Health Act is a legal process used for individuals who refuse voluntary admission. This process excludes patients who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. There are several sections under the Mental Health Act that allow for different types of admission and treatment.
Section 2 allows for admission for assessment for up to 28 days, which is not renewable. An Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) or the nearest relative (NR) can make the application on the recommendation of two doctors, one of whom should be an approved consultant psychiatrist. Treatment can be given against the patient’s wishes.
Section 3 allows for admission for treatment for up to 6 months, which can be renewed. An AMHP and two doctors, both of whom must have seen the patient within the past 24 hours, can make the application. Treatment can also be given against the patient’s wishes.
Section 4 is used as an emergency 72-hour assessment order when a section 2 would involve an unacceptable delay. A GP and an AMHP or NR can make the application, which is often changed to a section 2 upon arrival at the hospital.
Section 5(2) allows a doctor to legally detain a voluntary patient in hospital for 72 hours, while section 5(4) allows a nurse to detain a voluntary patient for 6 hours.
Section 17a allows for Supervised Community Treatment (Community Treatment Order) and can be used to recall a patient to the hospital for treatment if they do not comply with the conditions of the order in the community, such as taking medication.
Section 135 allows for a court order to be obtained to allow the police to break into a property to remove a person to a Place of Safety. Section 136 allows for someone found in a public place who appears to have a mental disorder to be taken by the police to a Place of Safety. This section can only be used for up to 24 hours while a Mental Health Act assessment is arranged.
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Question 11
As a GPST on a psychiatry placement, you encounter a 75-year-old patient who has been brought in by the police under Section 136. The patient is displaying confusion and aggression towards the nursing team, making it difficult to provide care. Despite attempts to offer oral medication, the patient has refused all treatment and has also declined an ECG. What is the most appropriate medication to administer in order to quickly calm this patient?
Your Answer: Lorazepam
Explanation:When it comes to quickly calming down patients who are exhibiting disruptive behavior, oral lorazepam is typically the first choice. According to NICE guidelines, either intramuscular lorazepam or a combination of intramuscular haloperidol and intramuscular promethazine should be used for rapid tranquilization in patients with acute behavioral disturbances. However, lorazepam is recommended for patients who have not previously taken antipsychotic medication and for those whose heart health is uncertain.
Understanding Psychosis
Psychosis is a term used to describe a person’s experience of perceiving things differently from those around them. This can manifest in various ways, including hallucinations, delusions, thought disorganization, alogia, tangentiality, clanging, and word salad. Associated features may include agitation/aggression, neurocognitive impairment, depression, and thoughts of self-harm. Psychotic symptoms can occur in a range of conditions, such as schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, puerperal psychosis, brief psychotic disorder, neurological conditions, and drug use. The peak age of first-episode psychosis is around 15-30 years.
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Question 12
A 30-year-old man visits his doctor's office with complaints of difficulty sleeping. Upon further inquiry, he reveals that he avoids social situations due to a fear of being judged, and experienced a panic attack with rapid heart rate and shortness of breath while at a movie theater a few weeks ago.
What is the most probable diagnosis?Your Answer: Agoraphobia
Correct Answer: Social phobia
Explanation:Differentiating Social Phobia from Other Anxiety Disorders
Social phobia, also known as social anxiety disorder, is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by intense fear and anxiety in social situations, particularly when being scrutinized. It typically starts in adolescence and affects both men and women equally. Some individuals may have a specific fear of certain situations, while others may experience anxiety in most social situations outside of close family and friends. Low self-esteem is often associated with social phobia, and avoidance of feared situations is common. Treatment typically involves psychological interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.
It is important to differentiate social phobia from other anxiety disorders. Panic disorder is characterized by recurrent episodes of severe anxiety that occur unpredictably and without an objective danger. Agoraphobia involves a fear of situations where escape to a safe place is difficult or impossible. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by non-specific and persistent anxiety, often accompanied by autonomic and motor overactivity. Depression may also be associated with anxiety, but typically involves early morning waking rather than difficulty falling asleep.
By understanding the specific features of social phobia and how it differs from other anxiety disorders, healthcare professionals can provide appropriate diagnosis and treatment for their patients.
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Question 13
A 32-year-old man from West Africa presents to his GP in January with symptoms of depression. He has no significant medical history but is a regular cannabis smoker. He has experienced similar episodes during the past two winters. What is the probable diagnosis?
Your Answer: Seasonal affective disorder
Explanation:Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that typically occurs during the winter months. It is important to treat SAD in the same way as depression, following the guidelines set out by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). This involves starting with psychological therapies and monitoring the patient’s progress after two weeks to ensure that their symptoms have not worsened. If necessary, an SSRI can be prescribed.
It is important to note that sleeping tablets should not be given to patients with SAD, as this can exacerbate their symptoms. While light therapy is often suggested as a treatment option, the evidence supporting its effectiveness is limited. As a result, it is not routinely recommended.
In summary, SAD is a form of depression that requires careful management and treatment. By following the appropriate guidelines and avoiding certain medications, patients can receive the support they need to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.
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Question 14
A 16-year-old is brought to her General Practitioner by her parents after they noticed her eating habits had become irregular. The parents report that the patient eats large volumes of foods and is sometimes found vomiting shortly after eating dinner. This behaviour has been occurring for the past six months.
On examination, the patient’s vital signs are normal and she has a body mass index body mass index (BMI) of 23 kg/m2. She has excoriations on the knuckles of her right hand. She also has erosions on her teeth and swelling bilaterally on the lateral aspects of the face along the mandibular rami.
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer: Anorexia nervosa
Correct Answer: Bulimia nervosa
Explanation:Common Mental Health Disorders: Symptoms and Characteristics
Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by purging, usually in the form of vomiting. Patients with bulimia nervosa tend to have normal BMI despite purging behavior. Symptoms include teeth erosion, swelling along the mandibular rami (parotitis), and excoriations of the knuckles (Russell’s sign).Gender Dysphoria
Gender dysphoria is a condition where an individual experiences a strong identification with a gender other than that assigned at birth. This can be managed through social or medical transition, such as hormone or surgical treatments that are gender-affirming.Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is characterized by decreased dietary intake with or without purging behavior. Patients with anorexia nervosa tend to have extremely low BMI due to low calorie intake. Symptoms include early osteoporosis and electrolyte abnormalities due to malnutrition.Avoidant Personality Disorder
Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by a person who wishes to have friends and social outlets but is so shy that they are unable to form relationships out of fear of rejection. This is different from the schizoid personality, which prefers to be alone.Binge Eating Disorder
Binge eating disorder is characterized by purely binge eating without purging behavior. Symptoms include distress and weight gain. -
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Question 15
A 25-year-old woman is seen by her general practitioner. She has lost 8 kg in weight; her previous weight was 70 kg, and she now weighs 60 kg. She has a fear of gaining weight, but no further symptoms are elicited. On examination, she appears underweight and her skin looks dry; there is evidence of thin, soft, unpigmented hair on her back; her blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, and her heart rate is 65 bpm.
What is your preferred diagnosis?Your Answer: Anorexia nervosa
Explanation:Differentiating Anorexia Nervosa from Other Mental Disorders
Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a mental disorder characterized by deliberate weight loss induced and sustained by the patient. In this scenario, a woman presents with a fear of gaining weight and has lost more than 15% of her body weight, suggesting a diagnosis of AN. Other physical symptoms such as dry skin, lanugo hair, hypotension, and bradycardia help confirm the diagnosis. However, a more detailed history, a full assessment of her mental state, and clinical investigations are necessary to confirm the diagnosis and inform management.
While weight loss can also be present in other mental disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), depression, schizophrenia, and bulimia nervosa (BN), they are not accompanied by a fear of gaining weight. Patients with GAD experience persistent anxiety that affects several aspects of their lives, while depression is characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness and hopelessness. Schizophrenia involves self-neglect and/or delusional beliefs around food, while BN is characterized by episodes of binge eating followed by purging behaviors.
It is worth noting that eating disorders have the highest mortality among all mental disorders, with AN being no exception. The excess mortality is explained by the associated physical complications and increased risk of suicide. Psychological interventions are the mainstay of treatment for all eating disorders, but antidepressants have a role in some types (e.g., BN), and a multidisciplinary approach is recommended in any case.
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Question 16
A 30-year-old man with a history of schizophrenia presents to the Emergency Department with drowsiness. Upon examination, he appears rigid. The medical team suspects neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Which of the following is not a feature of this condition?
Your Answer: Pyrexia
Correct Answer: Usually occurs after prolonged treatment
Explanation:Patients who have recently started treatment are commonly affected by neuroleptic malignant syndrome, which can lead to renal failure due to rhabdomyolysis.
Understanding Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a rare but serious condition that can occur in patients taking antipsychotic medication. It can also happen with dopaminergic drugs used for Parkinson’s disease. The exact cause of this condition is unknown, but it is believed that dopamine blockade induced by antipsychotics triggers massive glutamate release, leading to neurotoxicity and muscle damage. Symptoms of neuroleptic malignant syndrome typically appear within hours to days of starting an antipsychotic and include fever, muscle rigidity, autonomic lability, and agitated delirium with confusion.
A raised creatine kinase is present in most cases, and acute kidney injury may develop in severe cases. Management of neuroleptic malignant syndrome involves stopping the antipsychotic medication and transferring the patient to a medical ward or intensive care unit. Intravenous fluids may be given to prevent renal failure, and dantrolene or bromocriptine may be used in selected cases. It is important to differentiate neuroleptic malignant syndrome from serotonin syndrome, which has similar symptoms but is caused by excessive serotonin activity.
In summary, neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a rare but potentially life-threatening condition that can occur in patients taking antipsychotic medication or dopaminergic drugs. Early recognition and management are crucial to prevent complications and improve outcomes.
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Question 17
An informal inpatient who is believed to pose a risk to themselves or others can be detained in hospital for 72 hours for further evaluation under which section of the Mental Health Act (MHA)?
Your Answer: Section 5 (2)
Explanation:The Mental Health Act (MHA) has several sections that allow for compulsory admission and treatment of individuals with mental disorders. Section 5(2) can only be used for inpatients and is implemented by the Responsible Clinician or their designated deputy. It lasts for 72 hours and should be followed by a formal Mental Health Act assessment for consideration of detention under Section 2 or 3. Section 2 allows for compulsory admission and assessment of individuals who cannot be safely assessed in the community and refuse voluntary admission. It requires an application from the patient’s nearest relative or an Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) and two medical recommendations. It lasts up to 28 days and can be appealed within 14 days of admission. Section 136 allows the police to remove individuals from public places and take them to a place of safety, such as a Mental Health Unit or Accident and Emergency. Section 3 allows for compulsory admission and treatment of individuals who pose risks to self or others and refuse voluntary admission. It requires an application from the patient’s nearest relative or an AMHP and two medical recommendations. It lasts up to 6 months and can be appealed within the first 6 months and then once a year. Section 4 is an emergency section that allows for detention in hospital for up to 72 hours and requires an application from an AMHP or the patient’s nearest relative and one medical recommendation. It can be converted to Section 2 if a second medical recommendation is obtained within 72 hours and should only be used in urgent cases.
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Question 18
You assess a 50-year-old woman who has developed a dependence on temazepam, which was initially prescribed as a sleep aid. She expresses a desire to overcome her addiction to temazepam and seeks assistance. Her current dosage is 20 mg per day. What would be the most suitable approach?
Your Answer: Switch to the equivalent zopiclone dose then slowly withdraw over the next 2 months
Correct Answer: Switch to the equivalent diazepam dose then slowly withdraw over the next 2 months
Explanation:Benzodiazepines are drugs that enhance the effect of the neurotransmitter GABA, which inhibits brain activity. They are used for various purposes, including sedation, anxiety relief, muscle relaxation, and seizure prevention. However, patients can develop a tolerance and dependence on these drugs, so they should only be prescribed for a short period of time. When withdrawing from benzodiazepines, it is important to do so gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms, which can include insomnia, anxiety, and seizures. Barbiturates are another type of drug that affect GABA, but they work differently than benzodiazepines by increasing the duration of chloride channel opening.
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- Psychiatry
Question 19
A 56-year-old man visits his doctor. He was prescribed fluoxetine for depression eight weeks ago and now wants to discontinue the medication as he feels much better. What advice should be given regarding his treatment?
Your Answer: It should be continued for at least 12 months
Correct Answer: It should be continued for at least 6 months
Explanation:The risk of relapse is significantly decreased, and patients should be comforted by the fact that antidepressants are non-addictive.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly used as the first-line treatment for depression. Citalopram and fluoxetine are the preferred SSRIs, while sertraline is recommended for patients who have had a myocardial infarction. However, caution should be exercised when prescribing SSRIs to children and adolescents. Gastrointestinal symptoms are the most common side-effect, and patients taking SSRIs are at an increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. Patients should also be aware of the possibility of increased anxiety and agitation after starting a SSRI. Fluoxetine and paroxetine have a higher propensity for drug interactions.
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued a warning regarding the use of citalopram due to its association with dose-dependent QT interval prolongation. As a result, citalopram and escitalopram should not be used in patients with congenital long QT syndrome, known pre-existing QT interval prolongation, or in combination with other medicines that prolong the QT interval. The maximum daily dose of citalopram is now 40 mg for adults, 20 mg for patients older than 65 years, and 20 mg for those with hepatic impairment.
When initiating antidepressant therapy, patients should be reviewed by a doctor after 2 weeks. Patients under the age of 25 years or at an increased risk of suicide should be reviewed after 1 week. If a patient responds well to antidepressant therapy, they should continue treatment for at least 6 months after remission to reduce the risk of relapse. When stopping a SSRI, the dose should be gradually reduced over a 4 week period, except for fluoxetine. Paroxetine has a higher incidence of discontinuation symptoms, including mood changes, restlessness, difficulty sleeping, unsteadiness, sweating, gastrointestinal symptoms, and paraesthesia.
When considering the use of SSRIs during pregnancy, the benefits and risks should be weighed. Use during the first trimester may increase the risk of congenital heart defects, while use during the third trimester can result in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. Paroxetine has an increased risk of congenital malformations, particularly in the first trimester.
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- Psychiatry
Question 20
A 14-year-old girl has been found to be regularly skipping school, frequently arguing with other students and has been caught smoking on several occasions. Her general practitioner suspects a diagnosis of conduct disorder. She has already been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. She is not currently on any medications.
Given the new suspected diagnosis of conduct disorder, what is the most appropriate initial management option for this patient?Your Answer: Referral to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for another primary assessment by the team
Correct Answer: Refer for cognitive behavioural therapy
Explanation:Management of Conduct Disorder: Interventions and Referrals
Conduct disorder is a psychiatric condition characterized by persistent patterns of aggressive and antisocial behavior. The management of conduct disorder involves a combination of pharmacological and psychosocial interventions. Here are some of the key interventions and referrals for managing conduct disorder:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT techniques are used as part of the psychosocial interventions for conduct disorder. These techniques are considered as part of the first-line management of conduct disorder.
Methylphenidate: Methylphenidate is a medication that is used in the treatment of ADHD, which is often a coexisting condition with conduct disorder. This medication should only be initiated and coordinated by a specialist in secondary care (such as CAMHS).
Antidepressant Medications: Antidepressant medications should not be the first line in the management of conduct disorder, particularly with no coexisting health conditions. If there were depressive symptoms, these medications could be considered but are generally avoided in this age group.
Psychosocial Interventions: Psychosocial interventions are important in the management of conduct disorder. These include child-focussed programmes, multimodal interventions and parent training programmes. These interventions would be considered first-line management for conduct disorder if there was not the co-existing complicating factor of ADHD.
Referral to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS): Patients presenting with symptoms of conduct disorder with a significant complicating factor should be referred to CAMHS for specialist assessment. These factors include mental health problems, neurodevelopmental disorder, learning disability or difficulty, and substance misuse. However, if the patient has already been referred to CAMHS, re-referral would not be necessary.
Managing Conduct Disorder: Interventions and Referrals
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- Psychiatry
Question 21
As a junior doctor in psychiatry, you are evaluating a young man in the Emergency Department who was brought in by the police for carrying a knife. Your conversation with him goes as follows:
Doctor: I see that the police have brought you in from the town centre today. Can you tell me why, as a young man, you felt the need to carry a knife?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Tangentiality
Explanation:Tangentiality is when someone goes off on a tangent and does not return to the original topic. It is a type of formal thought disorder that is often seen in people with schizophrenia. The person may provide excessive and unnecessary details that are somewhat relevant to the question but never answer the central point. Circumstantiality is similar, but the person ultimately provides an answer. Clang associations involve using words that sound similar but have no logical connection, while perseveration is when someone continues to respond to a previous question even after a new one has been asked.
Thought disorders can manifest in various ways, including circumstantiality, tangentiality, neologisms, clang associations, word salad, Knight’s move thinking, flight of ideas, perseveration, and echolalia. Circumstantiality involves providing excessive and unnecessary detail when answering a question, but eventually returning to the original point. Tangentiality, on the other hand, refers to wandering from a topic without returning to it. Neologisms are newly formed words, often created by combining two existing words. Clang associations occur when ideas are related only by their similar sounds or rhymes. Word salad is a type of speech that is completely incoherent, with real words strung together into nonsensical sentences. Knight’s move thinking is a severe form of loosening of associations, characterized by unexpected and illogical leaps from one idea to another. Flight of ideas is a thought disorder that involves jumping from one topic to another, but with discernible links between them. Perseveration is the repetition of ideas or words despite attempts to change the topic. Finally, echolalia is the repetition of someone else’s speech, including the question that was asked.
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Question 22
A 52-year-old man is on a flupentixol depot for schizophrenia. The patient presents to his General Practitioner with severe restlessness.
Which of the following side-effects of antipsychotic medication is present?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Akathisia
Explanation:Understanding Extrapyramidal Side-Effects of Antipsychotic Medications
One common extrapyramidal side-effect of antipsychotic medications is akathisia, which is characterized by a subjective feeling of restlessness and an inability to sit still. This is often seen in the legs and can be caused by first-generation typical antipsychotics like flupentixol. Treatment involves reducing or switching the medication dose.
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is another potential side-effect that occurs within days of starting antipsychotic medication. It presents with symptoms such as pyrexia, muscle rigidity, autonomic lability, and confusion. Rapid diagnosis and treatment with fluids, cooling, benzodiazepines, and dantrolene are necessary.
Acute dystonic reactions, such as torticollis, oculogyric crises, and trismus, can occur within hours to days of taking antipsychotic medications. These extrapyramidal side-effects are more common in first-generation typical antipsychotics due to their increased anti-dopaminergic activity. Treatment may involve anticholinergic drugs like procyclidine.
Parkinsonism refers to features associated with antipsychotic medication that are essentially the same as iatrogenic Parkinsonism, including joint rigidity, bradykinesia, and tremor. These symptoms are more common in first-generation typical antipsychotics.
Finally, tardive dyskinesia is a late-onset movement disorder that can occur after long-term use of antipsychotics. It presents with involuntary movements such as lip-smacking and grimacing. While this patient may have been on flupentixol for a long time, they do not present with these symptoms.
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Question 23
A 50-year-old man who is being treated for schizophrenia with chlorpromazine experiences involuntary puckering of the lips. Which side effect of antipsychotic medication does this exemplify?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Tardive dyskinesia
Explanation:Tardive dyskinesia can be caused by antipsychotics.
Antipsychotics are a group of drugs used to treat schizophrenia, psychosis, mania, and agitation. They are divided into two categories: typical and atypical antipsychotics. The latter were developed to address the extrapyramidal side-effects associated with the first generation of typical antipsychotics. Typical antipsychotics work by blocking dopaminergic transmission in the mesolimbic pathways through dopamine D2 receptor antagonism. They are associated with extrapyramidal side-effects and hyperprolactinaemia, which are less common with atypical antipsychotics.
Extrapyramidal side-effects (EPSEs) are common with typical antipsychotics and include Parkinsonism, acute dystonia, sustained muscle contraction, akathisia, and tardive dyskinesia. The latter is a late onset of choreoathetoid movements that may be irreversible and occur in 40% of patients. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has issued specific warnings when antipsychotics are used in elderly patients, including an increased risk of stroke and venous thromboembolism. Other side-effects include antimuscarinic effects, sedation, weight gain, raised prolactin, impaired glucose tolerance, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, reduced seizure threshold, and prolonged QT interval.
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- Psychiatry
Question 24
A 22-year-old woman presents to her GP for a follow-up appointment regarding her generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). During her previous visit, she was provided with information about GAD and referred for individual guided self-help. However, she continues to experience persistent worry throughout the day and has difficulty relaxing. Her family has also noticed that she is more irritable. The patient expresses interest in trying medication for her anxiety. What would be the most suitable medication to prescribe for her?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Sertraline
Explanation:Sertraline is the recommended first-line medication for treating generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). This patient exhibits typical symptoms of GAD and has already undergone step 1 and step 2 of treatment without improvement. Therefore, she requires step 3, which involves either high-intensity psychological intervention or drug treatment. As the patient prefers drug treatment, sertraline is the appropriate choice as it is the most cost-effective SSRI for GAD according to NICE guidelines. Citalopram and fluoxetine are also SSRIs that may be used as second-line treatments if sertraline is not effective or tolerated. Diazepam, a benzodiazepine, is not recommended for GAD due to the risk of dependence, except in short-term crisis situations.
Anxiety is a common disorder that can manifest in various ways. According to NICE, the primary feature is excessive worry about multiple events associated with heightened tension. It is crucial to consider potential physical causes when diagnosing anxiety disorders, such as hyperthyroidism, cardiac disease, and medication-induced anxiety. Medications that may trigger anxiety include salbutamol, theophylline, corticosteroids, antidepressants, and caffeine.
NICE recommends a step-wise approach for managing generalised anxiety disorder (GAD). This includes education about GAD and active monitoring, low-intensity psychological interventions, high-intensity psychological interventions or drug treatment, and highly specialist input. Sertraline is the first-line SSRI for drug treatment, and if it is ineffective, an alternative SSRI or a serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) such as duloxetine or venlafaxine may be offered. If the patient cannot tolerate SSRIs or SNRIs, pregabalin may be considered. For patients under 30 years old, NICE recommends warning them of the increased risk of suicidal thinking and self-harm and weekly follow-up for the first month.
The management of panic disorder also follows a stepwise approach, including recognition and diagnosis, treatment in primary care, review and consideration of alternative treatments, review and referral to specialist mental health services, and care in specialist mental health services. NICE recommends either cognitive behavioural therapy or drug treatment in primary care. SSRIs are the first-line drug treatment, and if contraindicated or no response after 12 weeks, imipramine or clomipramine should be offered.
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Question 25
A 25-year-old man visits his general practice surgery, explaining that his depression has been cured after four months taking sertraline. He says he is ready to stop taking the medication immediately and is looking forward to being 'normal again'.
What is the most appropriate management advice you can give this patient?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: He should be treated for at least six months
Explanation:Duration of Antidepressant Treatment for Depression
It is recommended that a single episode of depression should be treated for at least six months after recovery to prevent relapse. Recurrent episodes warrant at least 12 months of treatment after recovery. Stopping antidepressant treatment immediately on recovery puts patients at a high risk of relapse, with 50% of patients experiencing a relapse of their depressive symptoms. During the recovery phase, adults should receive the same dose used for the treatment of the acute phase. The medication should then be tapered off over a few weeks, according to the type of antidepressant used.
Stopping medication prematurely, such as after one month or six weeks, would put the patient at a high risk of relapse. If the patient has been using antidepressants over a very short term and has found it maximally effective, they may be able to come off medication sooner than six months. However, this should be managed with caution and only recommended if there are other extenuating factors which would cause them to want to stop, such as side-effects or poor compliance. In this case, the patient has been using sertraline for four months already, has not indicated poor compliance, and there is no indication of issues with side-effects.
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- Psychiatry
Question 26
A 65-year-old man is brought to the emergency department due to self-neglect and suspected neurological event causing motor function loss. Upon examination, he presents with hypothermia and weakness on the right side. The patient reports discontinuing his regular medications and experiencing dizziness, restlessness, and electric shock sensations throughout his body. Which medication cessation is most likely responsible for these symptoms?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Paroxetine
Explanation:Discontinuation syndrome, characterized by dizziness, electric shock sensations, and anxiety, is a common occurrence when SSRIs are abruptly stopped. This is why it is recommended to gradually taper off the medication. The patient in this scenario stopped their medication abruptly due to a suspected neurological event, leading to the onset of discontinuation syndrome. Atorvastatin, bisoprolol, and gabapentin are not typically associated with these symptoms when stopped abruptly.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly used as the first-line treatment for depression. Citalopram and fluoxetine are the preferred SSRIs, while sertraline is recommended for patients who have had a myocardial infarction. However, caution should be exercised when prescribing SSRIs to children and adolescents. Gastrointestinal symptoms are the most common side-effect, and patients taking SSRIs are at an increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. Patients should also be aware of the possibility of increased anxiety and agitation after starting a SSRI. Fluoxetine and paroxetine have a higher propensity for drug interactions.
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued a warning regarding the use of citalopram due to its association with dose-dependent QT interval prolongation. As a result, citalopram and escitalopram should not be used in patients with congenital long QT syndrome, known pre-existing QT interval prolongation, or in combination with other medicines that prolong the QT interval. The maximum daily dose of citalopram is now 40 mg for adults, 20 mg for patients older than 65 years, and 20 mg for those with hepatic impairment.
When initiating antidepressant therapy, patients should be reviewed by a doctor after 2 weeks. Patients under the age of 25 years or at an increased risk of suicide should be reviewed after 1 week. If a patient responds well to antidepressant therapy, they should continue treatment for at least 6 months after remission to reduce the risk of relapse. When stopping a SSRI, the dose should be gradually reduced over a 4 week period, except for fluoxetine. Paroxetine has a higher incidence of discontinuation symptoms, including mood changes, restlessness, difficulty sleeping, unsteadiness, sweating, gastrointestinal symptoms, and paraesthesia.
When considering the use of SSRIs during pregnancy, the benefits and risks should be weighed. Use during the first trimester may increase the risk of congenital heart defects, while use during the third trimester can result in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. Paroxetine has an increased risk of congenital malformations, particularly in the first trimester.
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- Psychiatry
Question 27
A 50-year-old man with schizophrenia who is on chlorpromazine experiences an oculogyric crisis. Which side effect of antipsychotic medication does this exemplify?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Acute dystonia
Explanation:Antipsychotics are a group of drugs used to treat schizophrenia, psychosis, mania, and agitation. They are divided into two categories: typical and atypical antipsychotics. The latter were developed to address the extrapyramidal side-effects associated with the first generation of typical antipsychotics. Typical antipsychotics work by blocking dopaminergic transmission in the mesolimbic pathways through dopamine D2 receptor antagonism. They are associated with extrapyramidal side-effects and hyperprolactinaemia, which are less common with atypical antipsychotics.
Extrapyramidal side-effects (EPSEs) are common with typical antipsychotics and include Parkinsonism, acute dystonia, sustained muscle contraction, akathisia, and tardive dyskinesia. The latter is a late onset of choreoathetoid movements that may be irreversible and occur in 40% of patients. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has issued specific warnings when antipsychotics are used in elderly patients, including an increased risk of stroke and venous thromboembolism. Other side-effects include antimuscarinic effects, sedation, weight gain, raised prolactin, impaired glucose tolerance, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, reduced seizure threshold, and prolonged QT interval.
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- Psychiatry
Question 28
Which of the following is a side-effect of lithium therapy?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Hypothyroidism
Explanation:Understanding the Side-Effects of Lithium Maintenance Therapy
Lithium maintenance therapy is a common treatment for bipolar disorder, but it can also cause a range of side-effects. One of the most common is hypothyroidism, which affects up to 5% of patients on lithium and requires regular thyroid function tests. Weight gain, acne, tremors, and polydipsia are also common, as well as ankle edema and a metallic taste in the mouth. Lithium can also cause renal toxicity, so regular urea and electrolyte tests are necessary. However, lithium does not cause abnormal liver function or fever, and actually causes leukocytosis rather than leucopenia. Cystitis is also not a typical side-effect of lithium. Overall, understanding the potential side-effects of lithium maintenance therapy is crucial for managing bipolar disorder effectively.
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- Psychiatry
Question 29
A 35-year-old male is admitted to hospital after an overdose of paracetamol. He waited until his children had gone to school and his wife had left for work before taking 100 tablets. He did not drink any alcohol and rarely has any. He had taken annual leave from the steady job in a factory and had left a note. His wife had forgotten something so returned from work earlier than usual and found him semi-conscious.
After treatment for his physical health he tells you that he does not regret the attempt but feels bad that he has put his children through enough seeing him in hospital. He is not religious. His wife is not very supportive of him and thinks he is 'attention-seeking'. He has no other family or friends locally. He has struggled with symptoms of depression for a number of months and has never sought help, but otherwise is physically well.
During your assessment, you want to ascertain any protective factors.
Which of the following is a protective factor in this case?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: She has children at home
Explanation:Completed suicide can be prevented by certain protective factors such as having social support, religious beliefs, having children at home, and regretting a previous attempt. It is important to note that the duration of mental illness is not a determining factor, but having a mental illness, especially depression, increases the risk. Alcohol misuse is also a risk factor, but in this scenario, the fact that the person does not drink much alcohol is not particularly protective. The individual in the scenario lacks social support and is not religious, making those options incorrect. However, having children present at home is a protective factor.
Suicide Risk Factors and Protective Factors
Suicide risk assessment is a common practice in psychiatric care, with patients being stratified into high, medium, or low risk categories. However, there is a lack of evidence on the positive predictive value of individual risk factors. A review in the BMJ concluded that such assessments may not be useful in guiding decision-making, as 50% of suicides occur in patients deemed low risk. Nevertheless, certain factors have been associated with an increased risk of suicide, including male sex, history of deliberate self-harm, alcohol or drug misuse, mental illness, depression, schizophrenia, chronic disease, advancing age, unemployment or social isolation, and being unmarried, divorced, or widowed.
If a patient has attempted suicide, there are additional risk factors to consider, such as efforts to avoid discovery, planning, leaving a written note, final acts such as sorting out finances, and using a violent method. On the other hand, there are protective factors that can reduce the risk of suicide, such as family support, having children at home, and religious belief. It is important to consider both risk and protective factors when assessing suicide risk and developing a treatment plan.
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- Psychiatry
Question 30
A 42-year-old man with schizophrenia is brought to the clinic by one of his caregivers. He is currently taking clozapine and procyclidine. The caregiver reports that he seems more fatigued than usual and generally not feeling well. She also suspects that he may have gained weight. What is the most crucial examination to conduct?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Full blood count
Explanation:Monitoring FBC is crucial to detect agranulocytosis/neutropenia, a potentially fatal adverse reaction of clozapine. Additionally, patients taking this medication often experience weight gain.
Atypical antipsychotics are now recommended as the first-line treatment for patients with schizophrenia, as per the 2005 NICE guidelines. These medications have the advantage of significantly reducing extrapyramidal side-effects. However, they can also cause adverse effects such as weight gain, hyperprolactinaemia, and in the case of clozapine, agranulocytosis. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has issued warnings about the increased risk of stroke and venous thromboembolism when antipsychotics are used in elderly patients. Examples of atypical antipsychotics include clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, quetiapine, amisulpride, and aripiprazole.
Clozapine, one of the first atypical antipsychotics, carries a significant risk of agranulocytosis and requires full blood count monitoring during treatment. Therefore, it should only be used in patients who are resistant to other antipsychotic medication. The BNF recommends introducing clozapine if schizophrenia is not controlled despite the sequential use of two or more antipsychotic drugs, one of which should be a second-generation antipsychotic drug, each for at least 6-8 weeks. Adverse effects of clozapine include agranulocytosis, neutropaenia, reduced seizure threshold, constipation, myocarditis, and hypersalivation. Dose adjustment of clozapine may be necessary if smoking is started or stopped during treatment.
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