Question 1
You assess a patient with airway obstruction in the resuscitation area of the Emergency Department at your hospital.
Which of the following is the LEAST probable cause?Your Answer: GCS score of 9
Explanation:The airway is deemed at risk when the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) falls below 8. There are various factors that can lead to airway obstruction, including the presence of blood or vomit in the airway, a foreign object such as a tooth or food blocking the passage, direct injury to the face or throat, inflammation of the epiglottis (epiglottitis), involuntary closure of the larynx (laryngospasm), constriction of the bronchial tubes (bronchospasm), swelling in the pharynx due to infection or fluid accumulation (oedema), excessive bronchial secretions, and blockage of a tracheostomy tube.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Trauma
Question 2
A 28 year old male is brought to the emergency department by his partner due to increasing drowsiness. The patient's partner informs you that the patient was involved in a physical altercation approximately 40 minutes ago. The patient was struck in the temple and experienced a brief loss of consciousness for about 20 seconds. Initially, the patient appeared to be fine, but after approximately 20 minutes, he started to become progressively more drowsy. A CT scan reveals the presence of an extradural hematoma.
Which vascular structure is typically injured as the underlying cause of an extradural hematoma?Your Answer: Sigmoid sinus
Correct Answer: Middle meningeal artery
Explanation:Extradural hematoma is most frequently caused by injury to the middle meningeal artery. This artery is particularly susceptible to damage as it passes behind the pterion.
Further Reading:
Extradural haematoma (EDH) is a collection of blood that forms between the inner surface of the skull and the outer layer of the dura, the dura mater. It is typically caused by head trauma and is often associated with a skull fracture, with the pterion being the most common site of injury. The middle meningeal artery is the most common source of bleeding in EDH.
Clinical features of EDH include a history of head injury with transient loss of consciousness, followed by a lucid interval and gradual loss of consciousness. Other symptoms may include severe headache, sixth cranial nerve palsies, nausea and vomiting, seizures, signs of raised intracranial pressure, and focal neurological deficits.
Imaging of EDH typically shows a biconvex shape and may cause mass effect with brain herniation. It can be differentiated from subdural haematoma by its appearance on imaging.
Management of EDH involves prompt referral to neurosurgery for evacuation of the haematoma. In some cases with a small EDH, conservative management may be considered. With prompt evacuation, the prognosis for EDH is generally good.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 3
A 45 year old man presents to the emergency department complaining of dizziness. The patient describes a sensation of the room spinning around him and a constant ringing in his ears. He mentions feeling nauseated and experiencing a decrease in his hearing ability. These symptoms began an hour ago, but he had a similar episode earlier in the week that lasted for 2-3 hours. The patient did not seek medical attention at that time, thinking the symptoms would resolve on their own. There is no significant medical history to note. Upon examination, the patient's vital signs are within normal range, and his cardiovascular and respiratory systems appear normal. The ears appear normal upon examination with an otoscope. Rinne's test reveals that air conduction is greater than bone conduction in both ears, while Weber's test shows lateralization to the right ear. When asked to march on the spot with his eyes closed, the patient stumbles and requires assistance to maintain balance. No other abnormalities are detected in the cranial nerves, and the patient's limbs exhibit normal power, tone, and reflexes.
What is the most likely diagnosis?Your Answer: Meniere's disease
Explanation:One type of brainstem infarction is characterized by the presence of complete deafness on the same side as the affected area. This condition is unlikely to be caused by a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke due to the patient’s age and absence of risk factors. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) causes brief episodes of vertigo triggered by head movements. On the other hand, vestibular neuronitis (also known as vestibular neuritis) causes a persistent sensation of vertigo rather than intermittent episodes.
Further Reading:
Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear that is characterized by recurrent episodes of vertigo, tinnitus, and low frequency hearing loss. The exact cause of the disease is unknown, but it is believed to be related to excessive pressure and dilation of the endolymphatic system in the middle ear. Meniere’s disease is more common in middle-aged adults, but can occur at any age and affects both men and women equally.
The clinical features of Meniere’s disease include episodes of vertigo that can last from minutes to hours. These attacks often occur in clusters, with several episodes happening in a week. Vertigo is usually the most prominent symptom, but patients may also experience a sensation of aural fullness or pressure. Nystagmus and a positive Romberg test are common findings, and the Fukuda stepping test may also be positive. While symptoms are typically unilateral, bilateral symptoms may develop over time.
Rinne’s and Weber’s tests can be used to help diagnose Meniere’s disease. In Rinne’s test, air conduction should be better than bone conduction in both ears. In Weber’s test, the sound should be heard loudest in the unaffected (contralateral) side due to the sensorineural hearing loss.
The natural history of Meniere’s disease is that symptoms often resolve within 5-10 years, but most patients are left with some residual hearing loss. Psychological distress is common among patients with this condition.
The diagnostic criteria for Meniere’s disease include clinical features consistent with the disease, confirmed sensorineural hearing loss on audiometry, and exclusion of other possible causes.
Management of Meniere’s disease involves an ENT assessment to confirm the diagnosis and perform audiometry. Patients should be advised to inform the DVLA and may need to cease driving until their symptoms are under control. Acute attacks can be treated with buccal or intramuscular prochlorperazine, and hospital admission may be necessary in some cases. Betahistine may be beneficial for prevention of symptoms.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 4
A 5-year-old boy is brought to the Emergency Department by his mother. He is known to have eczema and has recently experienced a worsening of his symptoms with some of the affected areas having weeping and crusting lesions. Upon examining his skin, you observe multiple flexural areas involved with numerous weeping lesions. He has no known allergies to any medications.
What is the MOST suitable course of action for management?Your Answer: Oral flucloxacillin
Explanation:Based on the child’s medical history, it appears that they have multiple areas of infected eczema. In such cases, the NICE guidelines recommend starting treatment with flucloxacillin as the first-line option for bacterial infections. This is because staphylococcus and/or streptococcus bacteria are the most common causes of these infections. Swabs should only be taken if there is a likelihood of antibiotic resistance or if a different pathogen is suspected. In cases where the child is allergic to flucloxacillin, erythromycin can be used as an alternative. If the child cannot tolerate erythromycin, clarithromycin is the recommended option. For more information, you can refer to the NICE Clinical Knowledge Summary on the management of infected eczema.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dermatology
Question 5
A 62-year-old man presents with depressive symptoms, mood swings, difficulty writing, memory impairment, and difficulty generating ideas.
Which of the following is the SINGLE MOST likely diagnosis?Your Answer: Depression
Correct Answer: Alzheimerâs Disease
Explanation:Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by various clinical features. These include memory loss, mood swings, apathy, and the presence of depressive or paranoid symptoms. Additionally, individuals with Alzheimer’s may experience Parkinsonism, a condition that affects movement, as well as a syndrome associated with the parietal lobe. Other symptoms may include difficulties with tasks such as copying 2D drawings, dressing properly, and carrying out a sequence of actions. Furthermore, individuals may struggle with copying gestures and may exhibit denial of their disorder, known as anosognosia. Topographical agnosia, or getting lost in familiar surroundings, may also be present, along with sensory inattention and astereognosis, which is the inability to identify objects when placed in the hand. Ultimately, Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by a relentless progression of personality and intellectual deterioration.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Elderly Care / Frailty
Question 6
A 35-year-old man is brought into the emergency room by an ambulance with flashing lights. He has been involved in a building fire and has sustained severe burns. You evaluate his airway and have concerns about potential airway blockage. You decide to perform intubation on the patient and begin preparing the required equipment.
Which of the following is NOT a reason for performing early intubation in a burn patient?Your Answer: Superficial partial-thickness circumferential neck burns
Explanation:Early assessment of the airway is a critical aspect of managing a burned patient. Airway obstruction can occur rapidly due to direct injury or swelling from the burn. If there is a history of trauma, the airway should be evaluated while maintaining cervical spine control.
There are several risk factors for airway obstruction in burned patients, including inhalation injury, soot in the mouth or nostrils, singed nasal hairs, burns to the head, face, and neck, burns inside the mouth, large burn area and increasing burn depth, associated trauma, and a carboxyhemoglobin level above 10%.
In cases where significant swelling is anticipated, it may be necessary to urgently secure the airway with an uncut endotracheal tube before the swelling becomes severe. Delaying recognition of impending airway obstruction can make intubation difficult, and a surgical airway may be required.
The American Burn Life Support (ABLS) guidelines recommend early intubation in certain situations. These include signs of airway obstruction, extensive burns, deep facial burns, burns inside the mouth, significant swelling or risk of swelling, difficulty swallowing, respiratory compromise, decreased level of consciousness, and anticipated transfer of a patient with a large burn and airway issues without qualified personnel to intubate during transport.
Circumferential burns of the neck can cause tissue swelling around the airway, making early intubation necessary in these cases as well.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Trauma
Question 7
A 42-year-old woman with a history of gallstones, presents with right upper quadrant pain and fever. She is diagnosed with acute cholecystitis. Which ONE statement about this condition is accurate?
Your Answer: The gallbladder fills with pus, which is usually sterile initially
Explanation:Acute cholecystitis occurs when a stone becomes stuck in the outlet of the gallbladder, causing irritation of the wall and resulting in chemical cholecystitis. This leads to the accumulation of pus within the gallbladder, which is typically sterile at first. However, there is a possibility of secondary infection with enteric organisms like Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp.
The clinical features of acute cholecystitis include severe pain in the right upper quadrant or epigastrium, which can radiate to the back and lasts for more than 12 hours. Fevers and rigors are often present, along with common symptoms like nausea and vomiting. Murphy’s sign is a useful diagnostic tool, as it has a high sensitivity and positive predictive value for acute cholecystitis. However, its specificity is lower, as it can also be positive in biliary colic and ascending cholangitis.
In cases of acute cholecystitis, the white cell count and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels are usually elevated. AST, ALT, and ALP may also show elevation, but they can often be within the normal range. Bilirubin levels may be mildly elevated, but they can also be normal. If there is a significant increase in AST, ALT, ALP, and/or bilirubin, it may indicate the presence of other biliary tract conditions such as ascending cholangitis or choledocholithiasis.
It is important to note that there is some overlap in the presentation of biliary colic, acute cholecystitis, and ascending cholangitis. To differentiate between these diagnoses, the following list can be helpful:
Biliary colic:
– Pain duration: Less than 12 hours
– Fever: Absent
– Murphy’s sign: Negative
– WCC & CRP: Normal
– AST, ALT & ALP: Normal
– Bilirubin: NormalAcute cholecystitis:
– Pain duration: More than 12 hours
– Fever: Present
– Murphy’s sign: Positive
– WCC & CRP: Elevated
– AST, ALT & ALP: Normal or mildly elevated
– Bilirubin: Normal or mildly elevatedAscending cholangitis:
– Pain duration: Variable
– Fever: Present
– Murphy’s sign: Negative
– WCC & CRP: Elevated
– AST, ALT & ALP: Elevated -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Surgical Emergencies
Question 8
You assess a client with a history of schizophrenia who is currently experiencing acute psychosis. He reports a sensation in which he believes that individuals in close proximity to him are inserting their thoughts into his mind.
Which ONE of the following thought disorders is he exhibiting?Your Answer: Thought insertion
Explanation:Thought insertion is one of the primary symptoms identified by Schneider in schizophrenia. This symptom refers to the patient’s belief that their thoughts are being controlled or influenced by external sources, such as other individuals or entities. In some cases, they may even experience auditory hallucinations, hearing distinct voices.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Mental Health
Question 9
You assess a patient with one-sided hearing loss, ringing in the ears, and numbness in the face. An MRI scan shows the presence of an acoustic neuroma.
Which of the following nerves is the LEAST likely to be affected?Your Answer: Trigeminal nerve
Correct Answer: Trochlear nerve
Explanation:An acoustic neuroma, also referred to as a vestibular schwannoma, is a slow-growing tumor that develops from the Schwann cells of the vestibulocochlear nerve (8th cranial nerve). These growths are typically found at the cerebellopontine angle or within the internal auditory canal.
The most commonly affected nerves are the vestibulocochlear and trigeminal nerves. Patients typically experience a gradual deterioration of hearing in one ear, along with numbness and tingling in the face, ringing in the ears, and episodes of dizziness. Headaches may also be present, and in rare cases, the facial nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, vagus nerve, or accessory nerve may be affected.
It’s important to note that the trochlear nerve, which passes through the superior orbital fissure, is not impacted by an acoustic neuroma.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 10
A 12-year-old girl from an Irish Traveller community presents with a history of a persistent cough that has been present for the past two weeks. The cough occurs in short bursts with an inhalation followed by a series of hacking coughs. She has never received any immunizations.
What is the MOST suitable test to perform?Your Answer: Serology for anti-pertussis toxin IgG antibody levels
Correct Answer: Culture of nasopharyngeal aspirate
Explanation:This presentation strongly suggests a diagnosis of whooping cough, which is an infection of the upper respiratory tract caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. The disease is highly contagious and is transmitted through respiratory droplets. The incubation period is typically 7-21 days, and it is estimated that about 90% of close household contacts will become infected.
The clinical course of whooping cough can be divided into two stages. The first stage, known as the catarrhal stage, is similar to a mild respiratory infection with symptoms such as low-grade fever and a runny nose. A cough may be present, but it is usually mild compared to the second stage. This phase typically lasts about a week.
The second stage, called the paroxysmal stage, is characterized by the development of a distinctive cough. The coughing occurs in spasms, often preceded by an inspiratory whoop sound. These spasms are followed by a series of rapid, hacking coughs. Patients may experience vomiting and may develop subconjunctival hemorrhages and petechiae. Between spasms, patients generally feel well and there are usually no abnormal chest findings. This stage can last up to 3 months, with a gradual recovery over this period. The later stages of this phase are sometimes referred to as the convalescent stage.
Complications of whooping cough can include secondary pneumonia, rib fractures, pneumothorax, hernias, syncopal episodes, encephalopathy, and seizures.
Public Health England (PHE) provides recommendations for testing for whooping cough based on the age of the patient, time since onset of illness, and severity of presentation. For infants under 12 months of age, hospitalised patients should undergo PCR testing, while non-hospitalised patients within two weeks of onset should be tested using culture of a nasopharyngeal swab or aspirate. Non-hospitalised patients presenting over two weeks after onset should be investigated with serology for anti-pertussis toxin IgG antibody levels.
For children over 12 months of age and adults, patients within two weeks of onset should be tested using culture of a nasopharyngeal swab or aspirate. Patients aged 5 to 16 who have not received the vaccine within the last year and present over two weeks after onset should have oral fluid testing for anti-pertussis toxin IgG antibody levels.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Respiratory
Question 11
A 7-year-old girl comes in with a painful throat and a dry cough that has been bothering her for two days. During the examination, she does not have a fever and has a few tender lymph nodes in the front of her neck. Her throat and tonsils look red and inflamed, but there is no pus on her tonsils.
What is her FeverPAIN score?Your Answer: 2
Explanation:The FeverPAIN score is a scoring system that is recommended by the current NICE guidelines for assessing acute sore throats. It consists of five items: fever in the last 24 hours, purulence, attendance within three days, inflamed tonsils, and no cough or coryza. Based on the score, different recommendations are given regarding the use of antibiotics.
If the score is 0-1, it is unlikely to be a streptococcal infection, with only a 13-18% chance of streptococcus isolation. Therefore, antibiotics are not recommended in this case. If the score is 2-3, there is a higher chance (34-40%) of streptococcus isolation, so delayed prescribing of antibiotics is considered, with a 3-day ‘back-up prescription’. If the score is 4 or higher, there is a 62-65% chance of streptococcus isolation, and immediate antibiotic use is recommended if the infection is severe. Otherwise, a 48-hour short back-up prescription is suggested.
The Fever PAIN score was developed from a study that included 1760 adults and children aged three and over. It was then tested in a trial that compared three different prescribing strategies: empirical delayed prescribing, using the score to guide prescribing, and combining the score with the use of a near-patient test (NPT) for streptococcus. The use of the score resulted in faster symptom resolution and a reduction in antibiotic prescribing, both by one third. However, the addition of the NPT did not provide any additional benefit.
Overall, the FeverPAIN score is a useful tool for assessing acute sore throats and guiding antibiotic prescribing decisions. It has been shown to be effective in reducing unnecessary antibiotic use and improving patient outcomes.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 12
A 42-year-old male patient with an injury to his right arm develops peripheral neuropathy. Examination reveals weakened wrist flexion, inability to abduct or oppose the thumb, and difficulty flexing the index and middle fingers. Ulnar deviation at the wrist and noticeable thenar wasting are observed, along with sensory loss over the radial side of the palm and the radial three and a half fingers. The patient exhibits 'papal benediction' upon flexing his fingers. Which nerve lesion is likely responsible for these findings?
Your Answer: Radial nerve in the spiral groove
Correct Answer: Median nerve at the elbow
Explanation:The median nerve originates from the lateral and medial cords of the brachial plexus and receives contributions from the ventral roots of C5-C7 (lateral cord) and C8 and T1 (medial cord). It serves both motor and sensory functions.
In terms of motor function, the median nerve innervates the flexor muscles in the anterior compartment of the forearm, excluding the flexor carpi ulnaris and a portion of the flexor digitorum profundus, which are instead innervated by the ulnar nerve. Additionally, it innervates the thenar muscles and the lateral two lumbricals.
Regarding sensory function, the median nerve gives rise to the palmar cutaneous branch, which provides innervation to the lateral part of the palm. It also gives rise to the digital cutaneous branch, which innervates the lateral three and a half fingers on the palmar surface of the hand.
Within the forearm, the median nerve branches into two major branches: the anterior interosseous nerve (AIN) and the palmar cutaneous branch. The AIN supplies the flexor pollicis longus, pronator quadratus, and the lateral half of the flexor digitorum profundus. On the other hand, the palmar cutaneous branch provides sensory innervation to the skin of the radial palm.
Differentiating between damage to the median nerve at the elbow and wrist can be done by considering these two branches. Injury at the elbow affects these branches, while injury at the wrist spares them. It is important to note that the palmar cutaneous branch remains functional in carpal tunnel syndrome as it travels superficial to the flexor retinaculum. However, it can be damaged by laceration at the wrist.
A comparison of median nerve lesions at the wrist and elbow is presented in the table below:
Median nerve at elbow:
– Motor loss: Weak wrist flexion and abduction, loss of thumb abduction and opposition, loss of flexion of index and middle fingers
– Sensory loss: Lateral 3 and Âœ fingers and nail beds, lateral side of palm
– Hand deformity: Ulnar deviation of wrist, thenar wasting, papal benediction on flexing fingersMedian nerve at wrist:
– Motor loss: Loss of thumb abduction and opposition, wrist and finger flexion intact (due to intact AIN)
– Sensory loss: Lateral 3 and Âœ fingers and nail beds, lateral side of palm (but can be preserved depending upon palmar cutaneous branch)
– Hand deformity: Thenar wasting, no ulnar deviation of wrist or papal benediction (due to intact AIN) -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 13
You are treating an 82-year-old patient who is unable to bear weight after a fall. X-ray results confirm a fractured neck of femur. You inform the patient that they will be referred for surgery. In terms of the blood supply to the femoral neck, which artery is responsible for supplying blood to this area?
Your Answer: Deep femoral artery
Explanation:The femoral neck receives its blood supply from branches of the deep femoral artery, also known as the profunda femoris artery. The deep femoral artery gives rise to the medial and lateral circumflex branches, which form a network of blood vessels around the femoral neck.
Further Reading:
Fractured neck of femur is a common injury, especially in elderly patients who have experienced a low impact fall. Risk factors for this type of fracture include falls, osteoporosis, and other bone disorders such as metastatic cancers, hyperparathyroidism, and osteomalacia.
There are different classification systems for hip fractures, but the most important differentiation is between intracapsular and extracapsular fractures. The blood supply to the femoral neck and head is primarily from ascending cervical branches that arise from an arterial anastomosis between the medial and lateral circumflex branches of the femoral arteries. Fractures in the intracapsular region can damage the blood supply and lead to avascular necrosis (AVN), with the risk increasing with displacement. The Garden classification can be used to classify intracapsular neck of femur fractures and determine the risk of AVN. Those at highest risk will typically require hip replacement or arthroplasty.
Fractures below or distal to the capsule are termed extracapsular and can be further described as intertrochanteric or subtrochanteric depending on their location. The blood supply to the femoral neck and head is usually maintained with these fractures, making them amenable to surgery that preserves the femoral head and neck, such as dynamic hip screw fixation.
Diagnosing hip fractures can be done through radiographs, with Shenton’s line and assessing the trabecular pattern of the proximal femur being helpful techniques. X-rays should be obtained in both the AP and lateral views, and if an occult fracture is suspected, an MRI or CT scan may be necessary.
In terms of standards of care, it is important to assess the patient’s pain score within 15 minutes of arrival in the emergency department and provide appropriate analgesia within the recommended timeframes. Patients with moderate or severe pain should have their pain reassessed within 30 minutes of receiving analgesia. X-rays should be obtained within 120 minutes of arrival, and patients should be admitted within 4 hours of arrival.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Elderly Care / Frailty
Question 14
A 68-year-old patient with advanced metastatic bowel cancer is experiencing symptoms of bowel obstruction and is currently suffering from nausea and vomiting. The patient has been informed that they have only a few days left to live. Upon examination, the patient's abdomen is tender and distended. Over the past 24 hours, the patient has been taking hyoscine butylbromide in an attempt to alleviate their symptoms, but there has been no improvement.
What is the most appropriate course of treatment to manage the patient's nausea and vomiting in this situation?Your Answer: Octreotide
Explanation:NICE recommends the use of octreotide for individuals in the final stages of life who are experiencing obstructive bowel disorders and have nausea or vomiting that does not improve within 24 hours of starting treatment with hyoscine butylbromide.
When managing nausea and vomiting in individuals nearing the end of life, it is important to assess the likely causes, such as certain medications, recent chemotherapy or radiotherapy, psychological factors, biochemical imbalances, raised intracranial pressure, gastrointestinal motility disorders, ileus, or bowel obstruction.
It is crucial to have discussions with the person who is dying and their loved ones about the available options for treating nausea and vomiting. Non-pharmacological methods should be considered as well.
When selecting medications to manage these symptoms, factors to consider include the likely cause and its reversibility, potential side effects (including sedation), other symptoms the person may be experiencing, the desired balance of effects when managing other symptoms, and compatibility and drug interactions with other medications the person is taking.
For individuals with obstructive bowel disorders who have nausea or vomiting, hyoscine butylbromide is recommended as the first-line pharmacological treatment. If symptoms do not improve within 24 hours of starting this treatment, octreotide should be considered.
For more information, please refer to the NICE guidance on the care of dying adults in the last days of life. https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng31
This question is part of the following fields:
- Palliative & End Of Life Care
Question 15
You are managing a 32-year-old type 1 diabetic patient who presented feeling generally unwell with a blood glucose of 27 mmol/l. The patient is currently being treated for diabetic ketoacidosis. The patient weighs 70kg and is currently receiving the following:
0.9% sodium chloride 1L with 40 mmol/l potassium chloride over 4 hours
3 units ActrapidÂź insulin / hour.
Monitoring bloods are taken and the results are shown below:
glucose 12.8 mmol/l
potassium 3.7 mmol/l
sodium 145 mmol/l
pH 7.2
What is the most appropriate action to take for this patient?Your Answer: Start 10% glucose infusion at a rate of 125 mL/hour in addition to existing treatment
Explanation:The healthcare provider should also assess the insulin infusion rate. It is important to note that the recommended minimum rate is 0.05 units per kilogram per hour. In this case, the patient weighs 60 kilograms and is currently receiving 3 units of ActrapidÂź insulin per hour, which is equivalent to 0.05 units per kilogram per hour. Therefore, the patient is already on the lowest possible dose. However, if the patient was on a higher dose of 0.1 units per kilogram per hour, it can be reduced once the glucose level falls below 14 mmol/l.
Further Reading:
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a serious complication of diabetes that occurs due to a lack of insulin in the body. It is most commonly seen in individuals with type 1 diabetes but can also occur in type 2 diabetes. DKA is characterized by hyperglycemia, acidosis, and ketonaemia.
The pathophysiology of DKA involves insulin deficiency, which leads to increased glucose production and decreased glucose uptake by cells. This results in hyperglycemia and osmotic diuresis, leading to dehydration. Insulin deficiency also leads to increased lipolysis and the production of ketone bodies, which are acidic. The body attempts to buffer the pH change through metabolic and respiratory compensation, resulting in metabolic acidosis.
DKA can be precipitated by factors such as infection, physiological stress, non-compliance with insulin therapy, acute medical conditions, and certain medications. The clinical features of DKA include polydipsia, polyuria, signs of dehydration, ketotic breath smell, tachypnea, confusion, headache, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, and abdominal pain.
The diagnosis of DKA is based on the presence of ketonaemia or ketonuria, blood glucose levels above 11 mmol/L or known diabetes mellitus, and a blood pH below 7.3 or bicarbonate levels below 15 mmol/L. Initial investigations include blood gas analysis, urine dipstick for glucose and ketones, blood glucose measurement, and electrolyte levels.
Management of DKA involves fluid replacement, electrolyte correction, insulin therapy, and treatment of any underlying cause. Fluid replacement is typically done with isotonic saline, and potassium may need to be added depending on the patient’s levels. Insulin therapy is initiated with an intravenous infusion, and the rate is adjusted based on blood glucose levels. Monitoring of blood glucose, ketones, bicarbonate, and electrolytes is essential, and the insulin infusion is discontinued once ketones are below 0.3 mmol/L, pH is above 7.3, and bicarbonate is above 18 mmol/L.
Complications of DKA and its treatment include gastric stasis, thromboembolism, electrolyte disturbances, cerebral edema, hypoglycemia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and acute kidney injury. Prompt medical intervention is crucial in managing DKA to prevent potentially fatal outcomes.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Endocrinology
Question 16
A 40-year-old man comes in with abdominal cramps and severe bloody diarrhoea due to a gastrointestinal infection.
What is the MOST LIKELY single causative organism?Your Answer: Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
Correct Answer: Entamoeba histolytica
Explanation:Infectious causes of bloody diarrhea include Campylobacter spp., Shigella spp., Salmonella spp., Clostridium difficile, Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Yersinia spp., Schistosomiasis, and Amoebiasis (Entamoeba histolytica). Enterotoxigenic E.coli is a non-invasive strain that does not cause inflammation or bloody diarrhea. Instead, it typically presents with profuse watery diarrhea and is not usually associated with abdominal cramping. The other organisms mentioned in this question are associated with watery diarrhea, but not bloody diarrhea.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Question 17
You are present at a trauma call for an elderly pedestrian who has been hit by a vehicle. She exhibits bruising on the right side of her chest. The primary survey has been conducted, and you have been tasked with conducting a secondary survey.
As per the ATLS guidelines, which of the following would be considered a potentially life-threatening chest injury that should be identified and addressed during the SECONDARY survey?Your Answer: Cardiac tamponade
Correct Answer: Traumatic aortic disruption
Explanation:The ATLS guidelines categorize chest injuries in trauma into two groups: life-threatening injuries that require immediate identification and treatment in the primary survey, and potentially life-threatening injuries that should be identified and treated in the secondary survey.
During the primary survey, the focus is on identifying and treating life-threatening thoracic injuries. These include airway obstruction, tracheobronchial tree injury, tension pneumothorax, open pneumothorax, massive haemothorax, and cardiac tamponade. Prompt recognition and intervention are crucial in order to prevent further deterioration and potential fatality.
In the secondary survey, attention is given to potentially life-threatening injuries that may not be immediately apparent. These include simple pneumothorax, haemothorax, flail chest, pulmonary contusion, blunt cardiac injury, traumatic aortic disruption, traumatic diaphragmatic injury, and blunt oesophageal rupture. These injuries may not pose an immediate threat to life, but they still require identification and appropriate management to prevent complications and ensure optimal patient outcomes.
By dividing chest injuries into these two categories and addressing them in a systematic manner, healthcare providers can effectively prioritize and manage trauma patients, ultimately improving their chances of survival and recovery.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Trauma
Question 18
You are part of the team managing a 60 year old patient who has experienced cardiac arrest. What is the appropriate dosage of adrenaline to administer to this patient?
Your Answer: 1 mg IV
Explanation:In cases of cardiac arrest, it is recommended to administer 1 mg of adrenaline intravenously (IV) every 3-5 minutes. According to the 2021 resus council guidelines for adult advanced life support (ALS), the administration of vasopressors should follow these guidelines:
– For adult patients in cardiac arrest with a non-shockable rhythm, administer 1 mg of adrenaline IV (or intraosseous) as soon as possible.
– For adult patients in cardiac arrest with a shockable rhythm, administer 1 mg of adrenaline IV (or intraosseous) after the third shock.
– Continuously repeat the administration of 1 mg of adrenaline IV (or intraosseous) every 3-5 minutes throughout the ALS procedure.Further Reading:
In the management of respiratory and cardiac arrest, several drugs are commonly used to help restore normal function and improve outcomes. Adrenaline is a non-selective agonist of adrenergic receptors and is administered intravenously at a dose of 1 mg every 3-5 minutes. It works by causing vasoconstriction, increasing systemic vascular resistance (SVR), and improving cardiac output by increasing the force of heart contraction. Adrenaline also has bronchodilatory effects.
Amiodarone is another drug used in cardiac arrest situations. It blocks voltage-gated potassium channels, which prolongs repolarization and reduces myocardial excitability. The initial dose of amiodarone is 300 mg intravenously after 3 shocks, followed by a dose of 150 mg after 5 shocks.
Lidocaine is an alternative to amiodarone in cardiac arrest situations. It works by blocking sodium channels and decreasing heart rate. The recommended dose is 1 mg/kg by slow intravenous injection, with a repeat half of the initial dose after 5 minutes. The maximum total dose of lidocaine is 3 mg/kg.
Magnesium sulfate is used to reverse myocardial hyperexcitability associated with hypomagnesemia. It is administered intravenously at a dose of 2 g over 10-15 minutes. An additional dose may be given if necessary, but the maximum total dose should not exceed 3 g.
Atropine is an antagonist of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and is used to counteract the slowing of heart rate caused by the parasympathetic nervous system. It is administered intravenously at a dose of 500 mcg every 3-5 minutes, with a maximum dose of 3 mg.
Naloxone is a competitive antagonist for opioid receptors and is used in cases of respiratory arrest caused by opioid overdose. It has a short duration of action, so careful monitoring is necessary. The initial dose of naloxone is 400 micrograms, followed by 800 mcg after 1 minute. The dose can be gradually escalated up to 2 mg per dose if there is no response to the preceding dose.
It is important for healthcare professionals to have knowledge of the pharmacology and dosing schedules of these drugs in order to effectively manage respiratory and cardiac arrest situations.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Basic Anaesthetics
Question 19
A 42-year-old man has been brought into the Emergency Department, experiencing seizures that have lasted for 40 minutes before his arrival. On arrival, he is still having a tonic-clonic seizure. He is a known epileptic and is currently taking lamotrigine for seizure prevention. He has received a single dose of rectal diazepam by the paramedics en route approximately 15 minutes ago. His vital signs are as follows: HR 92, BP 120/70, SaO2 98% on high flow oxygen, temperature is 36.8°C. His blood glucose level is 1.5 mmol/L, and he has an intravenous line in place.
Which of the following medications would be most appropriate to administer next?Your Answer: Intravenous glucose
Explanation:Status epilepticus is a condition characterized by continuous seizure activity lasting for 5 minutes or more without the return of consciousness, or recurrent seizures (2 or more) without a period of neurological recovery in between. In such cases, it is important to address any low blood glucose levels urgently by administering intravenous glucose. While the patient may require additional antiepileptic drug (AED) therapy, the management of status epilepticus involves several general measures.
During the early stage of status epilepticus (0-10 minutes), the airway should be secured and resuscitation measures should be taken. Oxygen should be administered and the cardiorespiratory function should be assessed. It is also important to establish intravenous access. In the second stage (0-30 minutes), regular monitoring should be instituted and the possibility of non-epileptic status should be considered. Emergency AED therapy should be initiated and emergency investigations should be conducted. If there are indications of alcohol abuse or impaired nutrition, glucose and/or intravenous thiamine may be administered. Acidosis should be treated if severe.
In the third stage (0-60 minutes), the underlying cause of status epilepticus should be identified. The anaesthetist and intensive care unit (ITU) should be alerted. Any medical complications should be identified and treated, and pressor therapy may be considered if appropriate. In the fourth stage (30-90 minutes), the patient should be transferred to intensive care. Intensive care and EEG monitoring should be established, and intracranial pressure monitoring may be initiated if necessary. Initial long-term, maintenance AED therapy should also be initiated.
Emergency investigations for status epilepticus include blood tests for blood gases, glucose, renal and liver function, calcium and magnesium, full blood count (including platelets), blood clotting, and AED drug levels. Serum and urine samples should be saved for future analysis, including toxicology if the cause of the convulsive status epilepticus is uncertain. A chest radiograph may be taken to evaluate the possibility of aspiration. Additional investigations, such as brain imaging or lumbar puncture, may be conducted depending on the clinical circumstances.
Monitoring during the management of status epilepticus involves regular neurological observations and measurements of pulse, blood pressure, and temperature.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 20
You evaluate a 78-year-old woman who has come in after a fall. She is frail and exhibits signs of recent memory loss. You administer an abbreviated mental test score (AMTS) and record the findings in her medical records.
Which ONE of the following is NOT included in the AMTS assessment?Your Answer: Time to the nearest hour
Correct Answer: Subtraction of serial 7s
Explanation:The subtraction of serial 7s is included in the 30-point Folstein mini-mental state examination (MMSE), but it is not included in the AMTS. The AMTS consists of ten questions that assess various cognitive abilities. These questions include asking about age, the nearest hour, the current year, the name of the hospital or location, the ability to recognize two people, date of birth, knowledge of historical events, knowledge of the present monarch or prime minister, counting backwards from 20 to 1, and recalling an address given earlier in the test. The AMTS is referenced in the RCEM syllabus under the topic of memory loss.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Elderly Care / Frailty
Question 21
You are managing a 72-year-old male patient who has been intubated as a result of developing acute severe respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). What measure is utilized to categorize the severity of ARDS?
Your Answer: PaO2/FiO2 ratio
Explanation:The PaO2/FiO2 ratio is a measurement used to determine the severity of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). It is calculated by dividing the arterial oxygen partial pressure (PaO2) by the fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2). However, it is important to note that this calculation should only be done when the patient is receiving a minimum positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) of 5 cm water. The resulting ratio is then used to classify the severity of ARDS, with specific thresholds provided below.
Further Reading:
ARDS is a severe form of lung injury that occurs in patients with a predisposing risk factor. It is characterized by the onset of respiratory symptoms within 7 days of a known clinical insult, bilateral opacities on chest X-ray, and respiratory failure that cannot be fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload. Hypoxemia is also present, as indicated by a specific threshold of the PaO2/FiO2 ratio measured with a minimum requirement of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) â„5 cm H2O. The severity of ARDS is classified based on the PaO2/FiO2 ratio, with mild, moderate, and severe categories.
Lung protective ventilation is a set of measures aimed at reducing lung damage that may occur as a result of mechanical ventilation. Mechanical ventilation can cause lung damage through various mechanisms, including high air pressure exerted on lung tissues (barotrauma), over distending the lung (volutrauma), repeated opening and closing of lung units (atelectrauma), and the release of inflammatory mediators that can induce lung injury (biotrauma). These mechanisms collectively contribute to ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI).
The key components of lung protective ventilation include using low tidal volumes (5-8 ml/kg), maintaining inspiratory pressures (plateau pressure) below 30 cm of water, and allowing for permissible hypercapnia. However, there are some contraindications to lung protective ventilation, such as an unacceptable level of hypercapnia, acidosis, and hypoxemia. These factors need to be carefully considered when implementing lung protective ventilation strategies in patients with ARDS.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Respiratory
Question 22
A 28-year-old woman comes to the GP complaining of a painful lump in her breast that she noticed two days ago. She also mentions feeling tired all the time. She recently had her first baby four weeks ago and is currently breastfeeding without any issues. During the examination, a poorly defined lump measuring approximately 5 cm in diameter is found just below the left nipple in the outer lower quadrant of the left breast. The skin above the lump is red, and it feels soft and tender when touched.
What is the MOST likely diagnosis for this patient?Your Answer: Breast abscess
Explanation:A breast abscess is a localized accumulation of pus in the breast tissue. It often occurs in women who are breastfeeding and is typically caused by bacteria entering through a crack in the nipple. However, it can also develop in non-lactating women after breast trauma or in individuals with a weakened immune system.
The common presentation of a breast abscess includes a tender lump in a specific area of the breast, which may be accompanied by redness of the skin. Additionally, the patient may experience fever and overall feelings of illness.
Diagnosis of a breast abscess is usually made based on clinical examination. However, an ultrasound scan can be utilized to assist in confirming the diagnosis. Treatment involves draining the abscess through incision and then administering antibiotics to prevent further infection.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Surgical Emergencies
Question 23
A 45 year old hiker becomes ill on his third day at Mount Kilimanjaro base camp (altitude of 5895m). The patient experiences severe shortness of breath while at rest and is diagnosed with high altitude pulmonary edema. If left untreated, what is the mortality rate associated with this condition?
Your Answer: 75%
Correct Answer: 50%
Explanation:HAPE is a form of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema that occurs secondary to hypoxia. It is a clinical diagnosis characterized by fatigue, dyspnea, and dry cough with exertion. If left untreated, it can progress to dyspnea at rest, rales, cyanosis, and a mortality rate of up to 50%.
Further Reading:
High Altitude Illnesses
Altitude & Hypoxia:
– As altitude increases, atmospheric pressure decreases and inspired oxygen pressure falls.
– Hypoxia occurs at altitude due to decreased inspired oxygen.
– At 5500m, inspired oxygen is approximately half that at sea level, and at 8900m, it is less than a third.Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS):
– AMS is a clinical syndrome caused by hypoxia at altitude.
– Symptoms include headache, anorexia, sleep disturbance, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, malaise, and shortness of breath.
– Symptoms usually occur after 6-12 hours above 2500m.
– Risk factors for AMS include previous AMS, fast ascent, sleeping at altitude, and age <50 years old.
– The Lake Louise AMS score is used to assess the severity of AMS.
– Treatment involves stopping ascent, maintaining hydration, and using medication for symptom relief.
– Medications for moderate to severe symptoms include dexamethasone and acetazolamide.
– Gradual ascent, hydration, and avoiding alcohol can help prevent AMS.High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE):
– HAPE is a progression of AMS but can occur without AMS symptoms.
– It is the leading cause of death related to altitude illness.
– Risk factors for HAPE include rate of ascent, intensity of exercise, absolute altitude, and individual susceptibility.
– Symptoms include dyspnea, cough, chest tightness, poor exercise tolerance, cyanosis, low oxygen saturations, tachycardia, tachypnea, crepitations, and orthopnea.
– Management involves immediate descent, supplemental oxygen, keeping warm, and medication such as nifedipine.High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE):
– HACE is thought to result from vasogenic edema and increased vascular pressure.
– It occurs 2-4 days after ascent and is associated with moderate to severe AMS symptoms.
– Symptoms include headache, hallucinations, disorientation, confusion, ataxia, drowsiness, seizures, and manifestations of raised intracranial pressure.
– Immediate descent is crucial for management, and portable hyperbaric therapy may be used if descent is not possible.
– Medication for treatment includes dexamethasone and supplemental oxygen. Acetazolamide is typically used for prophylaxis. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Environmental Emergencies
Question 24
You requested an evaluation of a 50-year-old individual who has come in with a two-day history of dizziness. The medical student has examined the patient and provided a tentative diagnosis of vestibular neuritis. What characteristics would typically be observed in a patient with vestibular neuritis?
Your Answer: Recent viral infection
Explanation:Vestibular neuronitis is believed to occur when the vestibular nerve becomes inflamed, often following a viral infection like a cold. This condition causes a constant feeling of dizziness, which can worsen with head movements. On the other hand, BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) is characterized by brief episodes of vertigo lasting around 10-20 seconds, triggered by specific head movements. To diagnose BPPV, the Dix-Hallpike test is performed, and a positive result is indicated by a specific type of eye movement called nystagmus. In contrast, vestibular neuritis typically presents with horizontal nystagmus that only occurs in one direction.
Further Reading:
Vestibular neuritis, also known as vestibular neuronitis, is a condition characterized by sudden and prolonged vertigo of peripheral origin. It is believed to be caused by inflammation of the vestibular nerve, often following a viral infection. It is important to note that vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis are not the same condition, as labyrinthitis involves inflammation of the labyrinth. Vestibular neuritis typically affects individuals between the ages of 30 and 60, with a 1:1 ratio of males to females. The annual incidence is approximately 3.5 per 100,000 people, making it one of the most commonly diagnosed causes of vertigo.
Clinical features of vestibular neuritis include nystagmus, which is a rapid, involuntary eye movement, typically in a horizontal or horizontal-torsional direction away from the affected ear. The head impulse test may also be positive. Other symptoms include spontaneous onset of rotational vertigo, which is worsened by changes in head position, as well as nausea, vomiting, and unsteadiness. These severe symptoms usually last for 2-3 days, followed by a gradual recovery over a few weeks. It is important to note that hearing is not affected in vestibular neuritis, and symptoms such as tinnitus and focal neurological deficits are not present.
Differential diagnosis for vestibular neuritis includes benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), labyrinthitis, Meniere’s disease, migraine, stroke, and cerebellar lesions. Management of vestibular neuritis involves drug treatment for nausea and vomiting associated with vertigo, typically through short courses of medication such as prochlorperazine or cyclizine. If symptoms are severe and fluids cannot be tolerated, admission and administration of IV fluids may be necessary. General advice should also be given, including avoiding driving while symptomatic, considering the suitability to work based on occupation and duties, and the increased risk of falls. Follow-up is required, and referral is necessary if there are atypical symptoms, symptoms do not improve after a week of treatment, or symptoms persist for more than 6 weeks.
The prognosis for vestibular neuritis is generally good, with the majority of individuals fully recovering within 6 weeks. Recurrence is thought to occur in 2-11% of cases, and approximately 10% of individuals may develop BPPV following an episode of vestibular neuritis. A very rare complication of vestibular neuritis is ph
This question is part of the following fields:
- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 25
A 32-year-old woman comes in with a complaint of palpitations. During an ECG, it is found that she has newly developed QT prolongation. She mentions that her doctor recently prescribed her a new medication and wonders if that could be the reason.
Which of the following medications is LEAST likely to cause QT interval prolongation?Your Answer: Metronidazole
Explanation:Prolongation of the QT interval can lead to a dangerous ventricular arrhythmia called torsades de pointes, which can result in sudden cardiac death. There are several commonly used medications that are known to cause QT prolongation.
Low levels of potassium (hypokalaemia) and magnesium (hypomagnesaemia) can increase the risk of QT prolongation. For example, diuretics can interact with QT-prolonging drugs by causing hypokalaemia.
The QT interval varies with heart rate, and formulas are used to correct the QT interval for heart rate. Once corrected, it is referred to as the QTc interval. The QTc interval is typically reported on the ECG printout. A normal QTc interval is less than 440 ms.
If the QTc interval is greater than 440 ms but less than 500 ms, it is considered borderline. Although there may be some variation in the literature, a QTc interval within these values is generally considered borderline prolonged. In such cases, it is important to consider reducing the dose of QT-prolonging drugs or switching to an alternative medication that does not prolong the QT interval.
A prolonged QTc interval exceeding 500 ms is clinically significant and is likely to increase the risk of arrhythmia. Any medications that prolong the QT interval should be reviewed immediately.
Here are some commonly encountered drugs that are known to prolong the QT interval:
– Erythromycin
– Clarithromycin
– Moxifloxacin
– Fluconazole
– KetoconazoleAntiarrhythmics:
– Dronedarone
– Sotalol
– Quinidine
– Amiodarone
– FlecainideAntipsychotics:
– Risperidone
– Fluphenazine
– Haloperidol
– Pimozide
– Chlorpromazine
– Quetiapine
– ClozapineAntidepressants:
– Citalopram/escitalopram
– Amitriptyline
– Clomipramine
– Dosulepin
– Doxepin
– Imipramine
– LofepramineAntiemetics:
– Domperidone
– Droperidol
– Ondansetron/GranisetronOthers:
– Methadone
– Protein kinase inhibitors (e.g. sunitinib) -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pharmacology & Poisoning
Question 26
A 65 year old male is brought to the emergency department by a family member. The family member informs you that the patient experiences episodes of cognitive decline that last for a few days. During these episodes, the patient struggles to remember the names of friends or family members and often forgets what he is doing. The family member also mentions that the patient seems to have hallucinations, frequently asking about animals in the house and people in the garden who are not actually there. Upon examination, you observe muscle rigidity and a tremor. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Dementia with Lewy bodies
Explanation:Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is characterized by several key features, including spontaneous fluctuations in cognitive abilities, visual hallucinations, and Parkinsonism. Visual hallucinations are particularly prevalent in DLB and Parkinson’s disease dementia, which are considered to be part of the same spectrum. While visual hallucinations can occur in other forms of dementia, they are less frequently observed.
Further Reading:
Dementia is a progressive and irreversible clinical syndrome characterized by cognitive and behavioral symptoms. These symptoms include memory loss, impaired reasoning and communication, personality changes, and reduced ability to carry out daily activities. The decline in cognition affects multiple domains of intellectual functioning and is not solely due to normal aging.
To diagnose dementia, a person must have impairment in at least two cognitive domains that significantly impact their daily activities. This impairment cannot be explained by delirium or other major psychiatric disorders. Early-onset dementia refers to dementia that develops before the age of 65.
The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, accounting for 50-75% of cases. Other causes include vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies, and frontotemporal dementia. Less common causes include Parkinson’s disease dementia, Huntington’s disease, prion disease, and metabolic and endocrine disorders.
There are several risk factors for dementia, including age, mild cognitive impairment, genetic predisposition, excess alcohol intake, head injury, depression, learning difficulties, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, smoking, Parkinson’s disease, low social engagement, low physical activity, low educational attainment, hearing impairment, and air pollution.
Assessment of dementia involves taking a history from the patient and ideally a family member or close friend. The person’s current level of cognition and functional capabilities should be compared to their baseline level. Physical examination, blood tests, and cognitive assessment tools can also aid in the diagnosis.
Differential diagnosis for dementia includes normal age-related memory changes, mild cognitive impairment, depression, delirium, vitamin deficiencies, hypothyroidism, adverse drug effects, normal pressure hydrocephalus, and sensory deficits.
Management of dementia involves a multi-disciplinary approach that includes non-pharmacological and pharmacological measures. Non-pharmacological interventions may include driving assessment, modifiable risk factor management, and non-pharmacological therapies to promote cognition and independence. Drug treatments for dementia should be initiated by specialists and may include acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, memantine, and antipsychotics in certain cases.
In summary, dementia is a progressive and irreversible syndrome characterized by cognitive and behavioral symptoms. It has various causes and risk factors, and its management involves a multi-disciplinary approach.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 27
A 48-year-old woman, who has recently been diagnosed with hypertension, presents with weakness, stiffness, and aching of her arms that are most pronounced around her shoulders and upper arms. On examination, she has reduced tone in her arms and a reduced biceps reflex. She finds lifting objects somewhat difficult. There is no apparent sensory deficit. She has recently been started on a medication for her hypertension.
A recent check of her U&Es reveals the following biochemical picture:
K+ 6.9 mmol/L
Na+ 138 mmol/L
eGFR 50 ml/min/1.73m2
Which antihypertensive is she most likely to have been prescribed?Your Answer: Ramipril
Explanation:This patient has presented with symptoms and signs consistent with myopathy. Myopathy is characterized by muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, and reduced tone and reflexes. Hyperkalemia is a known biochemical cause for myopathy, while other metabolic causes include hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, hypomagnesemia, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, Cushing’s disease, and Conn’s syndrome. In this case, ACE inhibitors, such as ramipril, are a well-recognized cause of hyperkalemia and are likely responsible.
Commonly encountered side effects of ACE inhibitors include renal impairment, persistent dry cough, angioedema (with delayed onset), rashes, upper respiratory tract symptoms (such as a sore throat), and gastrointestinal upset.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pharmacology & Poisoning
Question 28
A 25-year-old woman with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) presents with a condition associated with IBD.
Which of the following conditions is NOT linked to ulcerative colitis disease?Your Answer: Smoking
Explanation:Ulcerative colitis is a condition that is less common among smokers, as around 70-80% of individuals affected by this disease are non-smokers. There are several recognized associations of ulcerative colitis, including aphthous ulcers, uveitis and episcleritis, seronegative spondyloarthropathies, sacroiliitis, erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum, finger clubbing, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and chronic active hepatitis. These conditions often coexist with ulcerative colitis and can provide additional insight into the disease.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Question 29
You are part of the resus team treating a 42-year-old female patient. Due to deteriorating GCS, your consultant advises you to prepare for rapid sequence induction. You contemplate which induction agent is most appropriate for this patient. What side effect of etomidate prevents its use in septic patients?
Your Answer: Adrenal suppression
Explanation:Etomidate is not recommended for use in septic patients because it can suppress adrenal cortisol production, leading to increased morbidity and mortality in sepsis cases. However, it is a suitable choice for haemodynamically unstable patients who are not experiencing sepsis, as it does not cause significant hypotension like other induction agents. Additionally, etomidate can be beneficial for patients with head injuries and elevated intracranial pressure, as it reduces cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure.
Further Reading:
There are four commonly used induction agents in the UK: propofol, ketamine, thiopentone, and etomidate.
Propofol is a 1% solution that produces significant venodilation and myocardial depression. It can also reduce cerebral perfusion pressure. The typical dose for propofol is 1.5-2.5 mg/kg. However, it can cause side effects such as hypotension, respiratory depression, and pain at the site of injection.
Ketamine is another induction agent that produces a dissociative state. It does not display a dose-response continuum, meaning that the effects do not necessarily increase with higher doses. Ketamine can cause bronchodilation, which is useful in patients with asthma. The initial dose for ketamine is 0.5-2 mg/kg, with a typical IV dose of 1.5 mg/kg. Side effects of ketamine include tachycardia, hypertension, laryngospasm, unpleasant hallucinations, nausea and vomiting, hypersalivation, increased intracranial and intraocular pressure, nystagmus and diplopia, abnormal movements, and skin reactions.
Thiopentone is an ultra-short acting barbiturate that acts on the GABA receptor complex. It decreases cerebral metabolic oxygen and reduces cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure. The adult dose for thiopentone is 3-5 mg/kg, while the child dose is 5-8 mg/kg. However, these doses should be halved in patients with hypovolemia. Side effects of thiopentone include venodilation, myocardial depression, and hypotension. It is contraindicated in patients with acute porphyrias and myotonic dystrophy.
Etomidate is the most haemodynamically stable induction agent and is useful in patients with hypovolemia, anaphylaxis, and asthma. It has similar cerebral effects to thiopentone. The dose for etomidate is 0.15-0.3 mg/kg. Side effects of etomidate include injection site pain, movement disorders, adrenal insufficiency, and apnoea. It is contraindicated in patients with sepsis due to adrenal suppression.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Basic Anaesthetics
Question 30
A 10-year-old girl comes in with sudden abdominal pain. She has a high temperature and feels very nauseous. During the examination, she experiences tenderness in the right iliac fossa. You suspect she may have acute appendicitis.
What is the surface marking for McBurney's point in this case?Your Answer: One-third of the distance from the anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus
Explanation:Appendicitis is a condition characterized by the acute inflammation of the appendix. It is a common cause of the acute abdomen, particularly affecting children and young adults in their 20s and 30s. The typical presentation of appendicitis involves experiencing poorly localized periumbilical pain, which is pain originating from the visceral peritoneum. Within a day or two, this pain tends to localize to a specific point known as McBurney’s point, which is associated with pain from the parietal peritoneum. Alongside the pain, individuals with appendicitis often experience symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, and nausea.
McBurney’s point is defined as the point that lies one-third of the distance from the anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus. This point roughly corresponds to the most common position where the base of the appendix attaches to the caecum.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Surgical Emergencies
Question 31
A 35-year-old individual presents with intense one-sided abdominal pain starting in the right flank and extending to the groin. They are also experiencing severe nausea and vomiting. The urine dipstick test shows the presence of blood. A CT KUB scan is scheduled, and a diagnosis of ureteric colic is confirmed.
Which of the following is NOT a reason for immediate hospital admission in a patient with ureteric colic?Your Answer: Frank haematuria
Explanation:Renal colic, also known as ureteric colic, refers to a sudden and intense pain in the lower back caused by a blockage in the ureter, which is the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder. This condition is commonly associated with the presence of a urinary tract stone.
The main symptoms of renal or ureteric colic include severe abdominal pain on one side, starting in the flank or loin area and radiating to the groin or testicle in men, or to the labia in women. The pain comes and goes in spasms, lasting for minutes to hours, with periods of no pain or a dull ache. Nausea, vomiting, and the presence of blood in the urine are often accompanying symptoms.
The pain experienced during renal or ureteric colic is often described as the most intense pain a person has ever felt, with many women comparing it to the pain of childbirth. Restlessness and an inability to find relief by lying still are common signs, which can help differentiate renal colic from peritonitis. Previous episodes of similar pain may also be reported by the individual. In cases where there is a concomitant urinary infection, fever and sweating may be present. Additionally, the person may complain of painful urination, frequent urination, and straining when the stone reaches the junction between the ureter and the bladder, as the stone irritates the detrusor muscle.
It is important to seek urgent medical attention if certain conditions are met. These include signs of systemic infection or sepsis, such as fever or sweating, or if the person is at a higher risk of acute kidney injury, such as having pre-existing chronic kidney disease, a solitary or transplanted kidney, or suspected bilateral obstructing stones. Hospital admission is also necessary if the person is dehydrated and unable to consume fluids orally due to nausea and/or vomiting. If there is uncertainty regarding the diagnosis, it is recommended to consult further resources, such as the NICE guidelines on the assessment and management of renal and ureteric stones.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Urology
Question 32
A 6 year old boy is brought into the emergency department by his father. The boy tugged on the tablecloth and a hot bowl of soup spilled onto his right leg, causing a scald. The boy is in tears and holding onto his right leg. The patient's father mentions that he gave the boy acetaminophen before coming to the emergency department. What is the most suitable additional pain relief to provide?
Your Answer: Oral ibuprofen 10 mg/kg
Correct Answer: Rectal diclofenac 1 mg/kg
Explanation:For children experiencing moderate pain, diclofenac (taken orally or rectally), oral codeine, or oral morphine are suitable options for providing relief. The patient has already been given the appropriate initial analgesia for mild pain. Therefore, it is now appropriate to administer analgesia for moderate pain, following the next step on the analgesic ladder. Considering diclofenac, codeine, or oral morphine would be appropriate in this case.
Further Reading:
Assessment and alleviation of pain should be a priority when treating ill and injured children, according to the RCEM QEC standards. These standards state that all children attending the Emergency Department should receive analgesia for moderate and severe pain within 20 minutes of arrival. The effectiveness of the analgesia should be re-evaluated within 60 minutes of receiving the first dose. Additionally, patients in moderate pain should be offered oral analgesia at triage or assessment.
Pain assessment in children should take into account their age. Visual analogue pain scales are commonly used, and the RCEM has developed its own version of this. Other indicators of pain, such as crying, limping, and holding or not-moving limbs, should also be observed and utilized in the pain assessment.
Managing pain in children involves a combination of psychological strategies, non-pharmacological adjuncts, and pharmacological methods. Psychological strategies include involving parents, providing cuddles, and utilizing child-friendly environments with toys. Explanation and reassurance are also important in building trust. Distraction with stories, toys, and activities can help divert the child’s attention from the pain.
Non-pharmacological adjuncts for pain relief in children include limb immobilization with slings, plasters, or splints, as well as dressings and other treatments such as reduction of dislocation or trephine subungual hematoma.
Pharmacological methods for pain relief in children include the use of anesthetics, analgesics, and sedation. Topical anesthetics, such as lidocaine with prilocaine cream, tetracaine gel, or ethyl chloride spray, should be considered for children who are likely to require venesection or placement of an intravenous cannula.
Procedural sedation in children often utilizes either ketamine or midazolam. When administering analgesia, the analgesic ladder should be followed as recommended by the RCEM.
Overall, effective pain management in children requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of pain. By prioritizing pain assessment and providing appropriate pain relief, healthcare professionals can help alleviate the suffering of ill and injured children.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Paediatric Emergencies
Question 33
A middle-aged male patient comes in with wheezing, facial swelling, and low blood pressure after being stung by a bee. You suspect that he is experiencing an anaphylactic reaction.
Which immunoglobulins mediate anaphylaxis?Your Answer: IgE
Explanation:Anaphylaxis is a prime example of a type I hypersensitivity reaction. It is mediated by IgE antibodies. The complex formed by IgE and the antigen binds to Fc receptors found on the surface of mast cells. This binding triggers the degranulation of mast cells, leading to the release of histamine, proteoglycans, and serum proteases from their granules. It is important to note that anaphylaxis can only occur after prior exposure to the antigen. During the initial exposure, a sensitization reaction takes place, and it is only upon subsequent exposure to the antigen that anaphylaxis is triggered. The degranulation of mast cells is a result of a significant influx of calcium into these cells.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Allergy
Question 34
A 45-year-old woman presents with a severe, widespread, bright red rash covering her entire torso, face, arms and upper legs. The skin is scaling and peeling in places and feels hot to touch. She is referred to the on-call dermatologist and a diagnosis of exfoliative erythroderma is made.
What is the SINGLE most likely underlying cause?Your Answer: Atopic dermatitis
Explanation:Erythroderma is a condition characterized by widespread redness affecting more than 90% of the body surface. It is also known as exfoliative erythroderma due to the presence of skin exfoliation. Another term used to describe this condition is the red man syndrome.
The clinical features of exfoliative erythroderma include the rapid spread of redness to cover more than 90% of the body surface. Scaling of the skin occurs between days 2 and 6, leading to thickening of the skin. Despite the skin feeling hot, patients often experience a sensation of coldness. Keratoderma, which is the thickening of the skin on the palms and soles, may develop. Over time, erythema and scaling of the scalp can result in hair loss. The nails may become thickened, ridged, and even lost. Lymphadenopathy, or enlarged lymph nodes, is a common finding. In some cases, the patient’s overall health may be compromised.
Exfoliative erythroderma can be caused by various factors, including eczema (with atopic dermatitis being the most common underlying cause), psoriasis, lymphoma and leukemia (with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma being the most common malignant causes), certain drugs (more than 60 drugs have been implicated, with sulphonamides, isoniazid, penicillin, antimalarials, phenytoin, captopril, and cimetidine being the most commonly associated), idiopathic (unknown cause), and rare conditions such as pityriasis rubra pilaris and pemphigus foliaceus. Withdrawal of corticosteroids, underlying infections, hypocalcemia, and the use of strong coal tar preparations can also precipitate exfoliative erythroderma.
Potential complications of exfoliative erythroderma include dehydration, hypothermia, cardiac failure, overwhelming secondary infection, protein loss and edema, anemia (due to loss of iron, B12, and folate), and lymphadenopathy.
Management of exfoliative erythroderma should involve referring the patient to the medical on-call team and dermatology for admission. It is important to keep the patient warm and start intravenous fluids, such as warmed 0.9% saline. Applying generous amounts of emollients and wet dressings can help alleviate
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dermatology
Question 35
A 70-year-old woman comes in with complaints of tiredness and frequent nosebleeds. During the examination, she displays a widespread petechial rash and enlarged gums.
What is the SINGLE most probable diagnosis?Your Answer: Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML)
Correct Answer: Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)
Explanation:Leukaemic infiltrates in the gingiva are frequently observed in cases of acute myeloid leukaemia. This type of leukaemia primarily affects adults and is most commonly seen in individuals between the ages of 65 and 70. The typical presentation of acute myeloid leukaemia involves clinical symptoms that arise as a result of leukaemic infiltration in the bone marrow and other areas outside of the marrow. These symptoms may include anaemia (resulting in lethargy, pallor, and breathlessness), thrombocytopaenia (manifesting as petechiae, bruising, epistaxis, and bleeding), neutropenia (leading to increased susceptibility to infections), hepatosplenomegaly, and infiltration of the gingiva.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Haematology
Question 36
A 42-year-old woman comes in with retrosternal central chest discomfort that has been ongoing for the past 48 hours. The discomfort intensifies with deep breaths and when lying flat, but eases when she sits upright. Additionally, the discomfort radiates to both of her shoulders. Her ECG reveals widespread concave ST elevation and PR depression. You strongly suspect a diagnosis of pericarditis.
Which nerve is accountable for the pattern of her discomfort?Your Answer: Vagus nerve
Correct Answer: Phrenic nerve
Explanation:Pericarditis refers to the inflammation of the pericardium, which can be caused by various factors such as infections (typically viral, like coxsackie virus), drug-induced reactions (e.g. isoniazid, cyclosporine), trauma, autoimmune conditions (e.g. SLE), paraneoplastic syndromes, uraemia, post myocardial infarction (known as Dressler’s syndrome), post radiotherapy, and post cardiac surgery.
The clinical presentation of pericarditis often includes retrosternal chest pain that is pleuritic in nature. This pain is typically relieved by sitting forwards and worsened when lying flat. It may also radiate to the shoulders. Other symptoms may include shortness of breath, tachycardia, and the presence of a pericardial friction rub.
The pericardium receives sensory supply from the phrenic nerve, which also provides sensory innervation to the diaphragm, various mediastinal structures, and certain abdominal structures such as the superior peritoneum, liver, and gallbladder. Since the phrenic nerve originates from the 4th cervical nerve, which also provides cutaneous innervation to the front of the shoulder girdle, pain from pericarditis can also radiate to the shoulders.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiology
Question 37
A child with a known adrenal insufficiency presents with vomiting, excessive sweating, and abdominal discomfort. You suspect the possibility of an Addisonian crisis.
What type of acid-base imbalance would you anticipate in a patient with adrenal insufficiency?Your Answer: Raised anion gap metabolic acidosis
Correct Answer: Normal anion gap metabolic acidosis
Explanation:The following provides a summary of common causes for different acid-base disorders.
Respiratory alkalosis can be caused by hyperventilation, such as during periods of anxiety. It can also be a result of conditions like pulmonary embolism, CNS disorders (such as stroke or encephalitis), altitude, pregnancy, or the early stages of aspirin overdose.
Respiratory acidosis, on the other hand, is often associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), life-threatening asthma, pulmonary edema, sedative drug overdose (such as opiates or benzodiazepines), neuromuscular disease, obesity, or other respiratory conditions.
Metabolic alkalosis can occur due to vomiting, potassium depletion (often caused by diuretic usage), Cushing’s syndrome, or Conn’s syndrome.
Metabolic acidosis with a raised anion gap can be caused by lactic acidosis (such as in cases of hypoxemia, shock, sepsis, or infarction), ketoacidosis (such as in diabetes, starvation, or alcohol excess), renal failure, or poisoning (such as in late stages of aspirin overdose, methanol or ethylene glycol ingestion).
Lastly, metabolic acidosis with a normal anion gap can be a result of conditions like diarrhea, ammonium chloride ingestion, or adrenal insufficiency.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Endocrinology
Question 38
A 65 year old patient arrives at the emergency department complaining of a productive cough and fever. The patient's primary care physician had prescribed antibiotics a few days ago to treat a suspected respiratory infection. The patient's INR is tested as they are on warfarin for atrial fibrillation. The INR comes back as 6.7. How should you approach managing this patient's elevated INR?
Your Answer: Withhold 1-2 doses of warfarin and recheck INR
Explanation:If a patient’s INR reading is above 5, it is necessary to take action. In this case, the patient’s INR is between 5 and 8, but there is no evidence of bleeding. According to the provided table, it is recommended to temporarily stop 1-2 doses of warfarin and closely monitor the INR. While it may be optional to switch antibiotics, it is not a crucial step in this situation.
Further Reading:
Management of High INR with Warfarin
Major Bleeding:
– Stop warfarin immediately.
– Administer intravenous vitamin K 5 mg.
– Administer 25-50 u/kg four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate.
– If prothrombin complex concentrate is not available, consider using fresh frozen plasma (FFP).
– Seek medical attention promptly.INR > 8.0 with Minor Bleeding:
– Stop warfarin immediately.
– Administer intravenous vitamin K 1-3mg.
– Repeat vitamin K dose if INR remains high after 24 hours.
– Restart warfarin when INR is below 5.0.
– Seek medical advice if bleeding worsens or persists.INR > 8.0 without Bleeding:
– Stop warfarin immediately.
– Administer oral vitamin K 1-5 mg using the intravenous preparation orally.
– Repeat vitamin K dose if INR remains high after 24 hours.
– Restart warfarin when INR is below 5.0.
– Seek medical advice if any symptoms or concerns arise.INR 5.0-8.0 with Minor Bleeding:
– Stop warfarin immediately.
– Administer intravenous vitamin K 1-3mg.
– Restart warfarin when INR is below 5.0.
– Seek medical advice if bleeding worsens or persists.INR 5.0-8.0 without Bleeding:
– Withhold 1 or 2 doses of warfarin.
– Reduce subsequent maintenance dose.
– Monitor INR closely and seek medical advice if any concerns arise.Note: In cases of intracranial hemorrhage, prothrombin complex concentrate should be considered as it is faster acting than fresh frozen plasma (FFP).
This question is part of the following fields:
- Haematology
Question 39
A 35-year-old woman presents with a two-week history of a persistent cough that has now started to produce a small amount of sputum. She is also experiencing muscle aches, fatigue, headaches, and has had diarrhea for the past three days. Her vital signs are as follows: temperature 37.8°C, heart rate 88, blood pressure 120/80, respiratory rate 20, oxygen saturation 99% on room air. Upon examination, she has crackling sounds heard on the left side of her chest. A chest X-ray reveals consolidation in the left lower lobe.
What is the MOST appropriate course of action for management?Your Answer: Amoxicillin 500 mg PO TDS for 7 days
Correct Answer: Clarithromycin 500 mg PO BD for 14 days
Explanation:This patient is displaying symptoms and signs that are consistent with an atypical pneumonia, most likely caused by an infection from Mycoplasma pneumoniae. The clinical features of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection typically include a flu-like illness that precedes respiratory symptoms, along with fever, myalgia, headache, diarrhea, and cough (initially dry but often becoming productive). Focal chest signs may develop later in the illness. Interestingly, the X-ray features of the pneumonia are often more noticeable than the severity of the chest symptoms.
Treatment for Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection can involve the use of macrolides, such as clarithromycin, or tetracyclines, such as doxycycline. The recommended minimum treatment period is 10-14 days, making clarithromycin a preferable option over doxycycline in this particular case.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Respiratory
Question 40
You are requested to assess a 52-year-old individual who has experienced cyanosis and a severe headache after receiving a local anesthetic injection for a regional block. The junior doctor is currently collecting a venous blood sample for analysis. What would be the most suitable course of treatment in this case?
Your Answer: IV glucagon 50 micrograms/kg over 15 minutes
Correct Answer: IV methylene blue 1-2 mg/kg over 5 mins
Explanation:If a patient is critically ill and shows symptoms highly indicative of methemoglobinemia, treatment may be started before the blood results are available.
Bier’s block is a regional intravenous anesthesia technique commonly used for minor surgical procedures of the forearm or for reducing distal radius fractures in the emergency department (ED). It is recommended by NICE as the preferred anesthesia block for adults requiring manipulation of distal forearm fractures in the ED.
Before performing the procedure, a pre-procedure checklist should be completed, including obtaining consent, recording the patient’s weight, ensuring the resuscitative equipment is available, and monitoring the patient’s vital signs throughout the procedure. The air cylinder should be checked if not using an electronic machine, and the cuff should be checked for leaks.
During the procedure, a double cuff tourniquet is placed on the upper arm, and the arm is elevated to exsanguinate the limb. The proximal cuff is inflated to a pressure 100 mmHg above the systolic blood pressure, up to a maximum of 300 mmHg. The time of inflation and pressure should be recorded, and the absence of the radial pulse should be confirmed. 0.5% plain prilocaine is then injected slowly, and the time of injection is recorded. The patient should be warned about the potential cold/hot sensation and mottled appearance of the arm. After injection, the cannula is removed and pressure is applied to the venipuncture site to prevent bleeding. After approximately 10 minutes, the patient should have anesthesia and should not feel pain during manipulation. If anesthesia is successful, the manipulation can be performed, and a plaster can be applied by a second staff member. A check x-ray should be obtained with the arm lowered onto a pillow. The tourniquet should be monitored at all times, and the cuff should be inflated for a minimum of 20 minutes and a maximum of 45 minutes. If rotation of the cuff is required, it should be done after the manipulation and plaster application. After the post-reduction x-ray is satisfactory, the cuff can be deflated while observing the patient and monitors. Limb circulation should be checked prior to discharge, and appropriate follow-up and analgesia should be arranged.
There are several contraindications to performing Bier’s block, including allergy to local anesthetic, hypertension over 200 mm Hg, infection in the limb, lymphedema, methemoglobinemia, morbid obesity, peripheral vascular disease, procedures needed in both arms, Raynaud’s phenomenon, scleroderma, severe hypertension and sickle cell disease.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Basic Anaesthetics
Question 41
While examining a 68-year-old man, you detect an ejection systolic murmur. The murmur does not radiate, and his pulse character is normal.
What is the SINGLE most likely diagnosis?Your Answer: Aortic stenosis
Correct Answer: Aortic sclerosis
Explanation:Aortic sclerosis is a condition that occurs when the aortic valve undergoes senile degeneration. Unlike aortic stenosis, it does not result in any obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract. To differentiate between aortic stenosis and aortic sclerosis, the following can be used:
Feature: Aortic stenosis
– Symptoms: Can be asymptomatic, but may cause angina, breathlessness, and syncope if severe.
– Pulse: Slow rising, low volume pulse.
– Apex beat: Sustained, heaving apex beat.
– Thrill: Palpable thrill in the aortic area can be felt.
– Murmur: Ejection systolic murmur loudest in the aortic area.
– Radiation: Radiates to carotids.Feature: Aortic sclerosis
– Symptoms: Always asymptomatic.
– Pulse: Normal pulse character.
– Apex beat: Normal apex beat.
– Thrill: No thrill.
– Murmur: Ejection systolic murmur loudest in the aortic area.
– Radiation: No radiation. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiology
Question 42
A 15 year old male is brought to the emergency department by his parents and admits to taking 32 paracetamol tablets 6 hours ago. Blood tests are conducted, including paracetamol levels. What is the paracetamol level threshold above which the ingestion is deemed 'significant'?
Your Answer: 75 mg/kg/24 hours
Explanation:If someone consumes at least 75 mg of paracetamol per kilogram of body weight within a 24-hour period, it is considered to be a significant ingestion. Ingesting more than 150 mg of paracetamol per kilogram of body weight within 24 hours poses a serious risk of harm.
Further Reading:
Paracetamol poisoning occurs when the liver is unable to metabolize paracetamol properly, leading to the production of a toxic metabolite called N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI). Normally, NAPQI is conjugated by glutathione into a non-toxic form. However, during an overdose, the liver’s conjugation systems become overwhelmed, resulting in increased production of NAPQI and depletion of glutathione stores. This leads to the formation of covalent bonds between NAPQI and cell proteins, causing cell death in the liver and kidneys.
Symptoms of paracetamol poisoning may not appear for the first 24 hours or may include abdominal symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. After 24 hours, hepatic necrosis may develop, leading to elevated liver enzymes, right upper quadrant pain, and jaundice. Other complications can include encephalopathy, oliguria, hypoglycemia, renal failure, and lactic acidosis.
The management of paracetamol overdose depends on the timing and amount of ingestion. Activated charcoal may be given if the patient presents within 1 hour of ingesting a significant amount of paracetamol. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is used to increase hepatic glutathione production and is given to patients who meet specific criteria. Blood tests are taken to assess paracetamol levels, liver function, and other parameters. Referral to a medical or liver unit may be necessary, and psychiatric follow-up should be considered for deliberate overdoses.
In cases of staggered ingestion, all patients should be treated with NAC without delay. Blood tests are also taken, and if certain criteria are met, NAC can be discontinued. Adverse reactions to NAC are common and may include anaphylactoid reactions, rash, hypotension, and nausea. Treatment for adverse reactions involves medications such as chlorpheniramine and salbutamol, and the infusion may be stopped if necessary.
The prognosis for paracetamol poisoning can be poor, especially in cases of severe liver injury. Fulminant liver failure may occur, and liver transplant may be necessary. Poor prognostic indicators include low arterial pH, prolonged prothrombin time, high plasma creatinine, and hepatic encephalopathy.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pharmacology & Poisoning
Question 43
A 45-year-old woman comes in with recurring nosebleeds. During the examination, you observe a small bleeding point in the front of the nose.
What is the PRIMARY location for anterior bleeding?Your Answer: Kiesselbachâs plexus
Explanation:The upper part of the nose receives blood supply from the anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries, which are derived from the internal carotid artery. On the other hand, the remaining parts of the nose and sinuses are nourished by the greater palatine, sphenopalatine, and superior labial arteries. These arteries are branches of the external carotid arteries.
In the front part of the nasal septum, there exists a network of blood vessels where the branches of the internal and external carotid artery connect. This network is known as Kiesselbach’s plexus, also referred to as Little’s area. It is worth noting that Kiesselbach’s plexus is the most common location for anterior bleeding.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Ear, Nose & Throat
Question 44
The Emergency Medicine consultant in charge of the department today asks for your attention to present a case of superior orbital fissure syndrome (SOFS) in a 32-year-old woman with a Le Fort II fracture of the midface resulting from a car accident.
Which cranial nerve is MOST likely to be impacted?Your Answer: Cranial nerve V2
Correct Answer: Cranial nerve VI
Explanation:The superior orbital fissure is a gap in the back wall of the orbit, created by the space between the greater and lesser wings of the sphenoid bone. Several structures pass through it to enter the orbit, starting from the top and going downwards. These include the lacrimal nerve (a branch of CN V1), the frontal nerve (another branch of CN V1), the superior ophthalmic vein, the trochlear nerve (CN IV), the superior division of the oculomotor nerve (CN III), the nasociliary nerve (a branch of CN V1), the inferior division of the oculomotor nerve (CN III), the abducens nerve (CN VI), and the inferior ophthalmic vein.
Adjacent to the superior orbital fissure, on the back wall of the orbit and towards the middle, is the optic canal. The optic nerve (CN II) exits the orbit through this canal, along with the ophthalmic artery.
Superior orbital fissure syndrome (SOFS) is a condition characterized by a combination of symptoms and signs that occur when cranial nerves III, IV, V1, and VI are compressed or injured as they pass through the superior orbital fissure. This condition also leads to swelling and protrusion of the eye due to impaired drainage and congestion. The main causes of SOFS are trauma, tumors, and inflammation. It is important to note that CN II is not affected by this syndrome, as it follows a separate path through the optic canal.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Maxillofacial & Dental
Question 45
A 62 year old male is brought into the emergency department during a heatwave after being discovered collapsed while wearing running attire. The patient appears confused and is unable to provide coherent responses to questions. A core body temperature of 41.6ÂșC is recorded. You determine that immediate active cooling methods are necessary. Which of the following medications is appropriate for the initial management of this patient?
Your Answer: Diazepam
Explanation:Benzodiazepines are helpful in reducing shivering and improving the effectiveness of active cooling techniques. They are particularly useful in controlling seizures and making cooling more tolerable for patients. By administering small doses of intravenous benzodiazepines like diazepam or midazolam, shivering can be reduced, which in turn prevents heat gain and enhances the cooling process. On the other hand, dantrolene does not currently have any role in managing heat stroke. Additionally, antipyretics are not effective in reducing high body temperature caused by excessive heat. They only work when the core body temperature is elevated due to pyrogens.
Further Reading:
Heat Stroke:
– Core temperature >40°C with central nervous system dysfunction
– Classified into classic/non-exertional heat stroke and exertional heat stroke
– Classic heat stroke due to passive exposure to severe environmental heat
– Exertional heat stroke due to strenuous physical activity in combination with excessive environmental heat
– Mechanisms to reduce core temperature overwhelmed, leading to tissue damage
– Symptoms include high body temperature, vascular endothelial surface damage, inflammation, dehydration, and renal failure
– Management includes cooling methods and supportive care
– Target core temperature for cooling is 38.5°CHeat Exhaustion:
– Mild to moderate heat illness that can progress to heat stroke if untreated
– Core temperature elevated but <40°C
– Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and mild neurological symptoms
– Normal thermoregulation is disrupted
– Management includes moving patient to a cooler environment, rehydration, and restOther Heat-Related Illnesses:
– Heat oedema: transitory swelling of hands and feet, resolves spontaneously
– Heat syncope: results from volume depletion and peripheral vasodilatation, managed by moving patient to a cooler environment and rehydration
– Heat cramps: painful muscle contractions associated with exertion, managed with cooling, rest, analgesia, and rehydrationRisk Factors for Severe Heat-Related Illness:
– Old age, very young age, chronic disease and debility, mental illness, certain medications, housing issues, occupational factorsManagement:
– Cooling methods include spraying with tepid water, fanning, administering cooled IV fluids, cold or ice water immersion, and ice packs
– Benzodiazepines may be used to control shivering
– Rapid cooling to achieve rapid normothermia should be avoided to prevent overcooling and hypothermia
– Supportive care includes intravenous fluid replacement, seizure treatment if required, and consideration of haemofiltration
– Some patients may require liver transplant due to significant liver damage
– Patients with heat stroke should ideally be managed in a HDU/ICU setting with CVP and urinary catheter output measurements -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Environmental Emergencies
Question 46
A 35 year old firefighter is recommended to go to the emergency department after responding to a house fire where a gas explosion occurred. The firefighter helped evacuate the residents and then inspected the basement where a leaking gas pipe was found.
What is the most suitable agent to offer this patient for decontamination?Your Answer: Sodium Calcium Edetate
Correct Answer: Prussian blue
Explanation:Prussian blue is a substance that helps remove radioactive caesium from the body, a process known as decorporation. It is specifically effective for caesium exposure. When taken orally, Prussian blue binds to the radioactive caesium, forming a compound that can be excreted from the body, preventing further absorption. By using Prussian blue, the whole body radiation dose can be reduced by approximately two-thirds. Radioactive caesium is utilized in various medical, geological, and industrial applications, although incidents of environmental contamination are rare, they have been reported in Western Australia and Eastern Thailand during the first quarter of 2023.
Further Reading:
Radiation exposure refers to the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space or a material medium. There are two types of radiation: ionizing and non-ionizing. Non-ionizing radiation, such as radio waves and visible light, has enough energy to move atoms within a molecule but not enough to remove electrons from atoms. Ionizing radiation, on the other hand, has enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules by detaching electrons from them.
There are different types of ionizing radiation, including alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, and X-rays. Alpha particles are positively charged and consist of 2 protons and 2 neutrons from the atom’s nucleus. They are emitted from the decay of heavy radioactive elements and do not travel far from the source atom. Beta particles are small, fast-moving particles with a negative electrical charge that are emitted from an atom’s nucleus during radioactive decay. They are more penetrating than alpha particles but less damaging to living tissue. Gamma rays and X-rays are weightless packets of energy called photons. Gamma rays are often emitted along with alpha or beta particles during radioactive decay and can easily penetrate barriers. X-rays, on the other hand, are generally lower in energy and less penetrating than gamma rays.
Exposure to ionizing radiation can damage tissue cells by dislodging orbital electrons, leading to the generation of highly reactive ion pairs. This can result in DNA damage and an increased risk of future malignant change. The extent of cell damage depends on factors such as the type of radiation, time duration of exposure, distance from the source, and extent of shielding.
The absorbed dose of radiation is directly proportional to time, so it is important to minimize the amount of time spent in the vicinity of a radioactive source. A lethal dose of radiation without medical management is 4.5 sieverts (Sv) to kill 50% of the population at 60 days. With medical management, the lethal dose is 5-6 Sv. The immediate effects of ionizing radiation can range from radiation burns to radiation sickness, which is divided into three main syndromes: hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, and neurovascular. Long-term effects can include hematopoietic cancers and solid tumor formation.
In terms of management, support is mainly supportive and includes IV fluids, antiemetics, analgesia, nutritional support, antibiotics, blood component substitution, and reduction of brain edema.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Environmental Emergencies
Question 47
A 25-year-old woman has a history of unstable relationships, excessive anger, fluctuating moods, uncertainty about her personal identity, self-harm, and impulsive behavior that causes harm.
Which of the following is the SINGLE MOST likely diagnosis?Your Answer: Borderline personality disorder
Explanation:Borderline personality disorder is characterized by a range of clinical features. These include having unstable relationships, experiencing undue anger, and having variable moods. Individuals with this disorder often struggle with chronic boredom and may have doubts about their personal identity. They also tend to have an intolerance of being left alone and may engage in self-injury. Additionally, they exhibit impulsive behavior that can be damaging to themselves.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Mental Health
Question 48
A 30 year old patient is brought to the emergency department by bystanders after a hit and run incident. Upon examination, you observe that the patient is experiencing difficulty breathing and has tracheal deviation towards the left side. Based on these findings, you suspect the presence of a tension pneumothorax. What signs would you anticipate observing in this patient?
Your Answer: Elevated jugular venous pressure
Explanation:Tension pneumothorax is a condition characterized by certain clinical signs. These signs include pulsus paradoxus, which is an abnormal decrease in blood pressure during inspiration; elevated JVP or distended neck veins; diaphoresis or excessive sweating; and cyanosis, which is a bluish discoloration of the skin. Tracheal deviation to the left is often observed in patients with a right-sided pneumothorax. On the affected side, hyper-resonance and absent breath sounds can be expected. Patients with tension pneumothorax typically appear agitated and distressed, and they experience noticeable difficulty in breathing. Hypotension, a pulse rate exceeding 135 bpm, pulsus paradoxus, and elevated JVP are additional signs associated with tension pneumothorax. These signs occur because the expanding pneumothorax compresses the mediastinum, leading to impaired venous return and cardiac output.
Further Reading:
A pneumothorax is an abnormal collection of air in the pleural cavity of the lung. It can be classified by cause as primary spontaneous, secondary spontaneous, or traumatic. Primary spontaneous pneumothorax occurs without any obvious cause in the absence of underlying lung disease, while secondary spontaneous pneumothorax occurs in patients with significant underlying lung diseases. Traumatic pneumothorax is caused by trauma to the lung, often from blunt or penetrating chest wall injuries.
Tension pneumothorax is a life-threatening condition where the collection of air in the pleural cavity expands and compresses normal lung tissue and mediastinal structures. It can be caused by any of the aforementioned types of pneumothorax. Immediate management of tension pneumothorax involves the ABCDE approach, which includes ensuring a patent airway, controlling the C-spine, providing supplemental oxygen, establishing IV access for fluid resuscitation, and assessing and managing other injuries.
Treatment of tension pneumothorax involves needle thoracocentesis as a temporary measure to provide immediate decompression, followed by tube thoracostomy as definitive management. Needle thoracocentesis involves inserting a 14g cannula into the pleural space, typically via the 4th or 5th intercostal space midaxillary line. If the patient is peri-arrest, immediate thoracostomy is advised.
The pathophysiology of tension pneumothorax involves disruption to the visceral or parietal pleura, allowing air to flow into the pleural space. This can occur through an injury to the lung parenchyma and visceral pleura, or through an entry wound to the external chest wall in the case of a sucking pneumothorax. Injured tissue forms a one-way valve, allowing air to enter the pleural space with inhalation but prohibiting air outflow. This leads to a progressive increase in the volume of non-absorbable intrapleural air with each inspiration, causing pleural volume and pressure to rise within the affected hemithorax.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Respiratory
Question 49
A one-week-old infant presents with eyelid swelling and a mucopurulent discharge from both eyes shortly after birth. The diagnosis of ophthalmia neonatorum is made. What is the most probable causative organism in this case?
Your Answer: Chlamydia trachomatis
Explanation:Ophthalmia neonatorum refers to any cause of conjunctivitis during the newborn period, regardless of the specific organism responsible.
Conjunctivitis is the most frequent occurrence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in newborns. Chlamydia is now the leading cause, accounting for up to 40% of cases. Neisseria gonorrhoea, on the other hand, only accounts for less than 1% of reported cases. The remaining cases are caused by non-sexually transmitted bacteria like Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Haemophilus species, and viruses.
Gonorrhoeal ophthalmia neonatorum typically presents within 1 to 5 days after birth. It is characterized by intense redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, eyelid swelling, and a severe discharge of pus. Corneal ulceration and perforation may also be present.
Chlamydial ophthalmia neonatorum, on the other hand, usually appears between 5 to 14 days after birth. It is characterized by a gradually increasing watery discharge that eventually becomes purulent. The inflammation in the eyes is usually less severe compared to gonococcal infection, and there is a lower risk of corneal ulceration and perforation.
The second most common manifestation of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in newborns is pneumonia. Approximately 5-30% of infected neonates will develop pneumonia. About half of these infants will also have a history of ophthalmia neonatorum.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Ophthalmology
Question 50
A 7 year old male is brought into the emergency department by concerned parents. The child has been feeling unwell for the past 2-3 days, complaining of stomach pain and feeling nauseous. The parents have also noticed that the child has been drinking more than usual and constantly feels thirsty. Tests confirm a diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and appropriate treatment is initiated. About 4 hours after starting treatment, one of the nursing staff asks you to assess the patient as he has been experiencing headaches and has started vomiting. The following repeat observations are recorded:
Pulse: 58 bpm
Respiration rate: 28 bpm
Temperature: 37.2ÂșC
What is the most appropriate course of action?Your Answer: Administer 500ml 0.9% sodium chloride solution over 30 minutes
Correct Answer: Administer mannitol (20%) 0.5-1 g/kg over 10-15 minutes
Explanation:Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a serious complication of diabetes that occurs due to a lack of insulin in the body. It is most commonly seen in individuals with type 1 diabetes but can also occur in type 2 diabetes. DKA is characterized by hyperglycemia, acidosis, and ketonaemia.
The pathophysiology of DKA involves insulin deficiency, which leads to increased glucose production and decreased glucose uptake by cells. This results in hyperglycemia and osmotic diuresis, leading to dehydration. Insulin deficiency also leads to increased lipolysis and the production of ketone bodies, which are acidic. The body attempts to buffer the pH change through metabolic and respiratory compensation, resulting in metabolic acidosis.
DKA can be precipitated by factors such as infection, physiological stress, non-compliance with insulin therapy, acute medical conditions, and certain medications. The clinical features of DKA include polydipsia, polyuria, signs of dehydration, ketotic breath smell, tachypnea, confusion, headache, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, and abdominal pain.
The diagnosis of DKA is based on the presence of ketonaemia or ketonuria, blood glucose levels above 11 mmol/L or known diabetes mellitus, and a blood pH below 7.3 or bicarbonate levels below 15 mmol/L. Initial investigations include blood gas analysis, urine dipstick for glucose and ketones, blood glucose measurement, and electrolyte levels.
Management of DKA involves fluid replacement, electrolyte correction, insulin therapy, and treatment of any underlying cause. Fluid replacement is typically done with isotonic saline, and potassium may need to be added depending on the patient’s levels. Insulin therapy is initiated with an intravenous infusion, and the rate is adjusted based on blood glucose levels. Monitoring of blood glucose, ketones, bicarbonate, and electrolytes is essential, and the insulin infusion is discontinued once ketones are below 0.3 mmol/L, pH is above 7.3, and bicarbonate is above 18 mmol/L.
Complications of DKA and its treatment include gastric stasis, thromboembolism, electrolyte disturbances, cerebral edema, hypoglycemia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and acute kidney injury. Prompt medical intervention is crucial in managing DKA to prevent potentially fatal outcomes.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Paediatric Emergencies
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