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  • Question 1 - A 32-year-old woman was involved in a car accident where her car collided...


    • A 32-year-old woman was involved in a car accident where her car collided with a tree at a high speed. She was not wearing a seatbelt and was thrown forward onto the steering wheel of her car. She has bruising over her anterior chest wall and is experiencing chest pain. A helical contrast-enhanced CT scan of the chest reveals a traumatic aortic injury.

      Where is her injury most likely to have occurred anatomically?

      Your Answer: Abdominal aorta

      Correct Answer: Proximal descending aorta


      Traumatic aortic rupture, also known as traumatic aortic disruption or transection, occurs when the aorta is torn or ruptured due to physical trauma. This condition often leads to sudden death because of severe bleeding. Motor vehicle accidents and falls from great heights are the most common causes of this injury.

      The patients with the highest chances of survival are those who have an incomplete tear near the ligamentum arteriosum of the proximal descending aorta, close to where the left subclavian artery branches off. The presence of an intact adventitial layer or contained mediastinal hematoma helps maintain continuity and prevents immediate bleeding and death. If promptly identified and treated, survivors of these injuries can recover. In cases where traumatic aortic rupture leads to sudden death, approximately 50% of patients have damage at the aortic isthmus, while around 15% have damage in either the ascending aorta or the aortic arch.

      Initial chest X-rays may show signs consistent with a traumatic aortic injury. However, false-positive and false-negative results can occur, and sometimes there may be no abnormalities visible on the X-ray. Some of the possible X-ray findings include a widened mediastinum, hazy left lung field, obliteration of the aortic knob, fractures of the 1st and 2nd ribs, deviation of the trachea to the right, presence of a pleural cap, elevation and rightward shift of the right mainstem bronchus, depression of the left mainstem bronchus, obliteration of the space between the pulmonary artery and aorta, and deviation of the esophagus or NG tube to the right.

      A helical contrast-enhanced CT scan of the chest is the preferred initial investigation for suspected blunt aortic injury. It has proven to be highly accurate, with close to 100% sensitivity and specificity. CT scanning should be performed liberally, as chest X-ray findings can be unreliable. However, hemodynamically unstable patients should not be placed in a CT scanner. If the CT results are inconclusive, aortography or trans-oesophageal echo can be performed for further evaluation.

      Immediate surgical intervention is necessary for these injuries. Endovascular repair is the most common method used and has excellent short-term outcomes. Open repair may also be performed depending on the circumstances. It is important to control heart rate and blood pressure during stabilization to reduce the risk of rupture. Pain should be managed with appropriate analgesic

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 2 - A 42-year-old woman is brought in by ambulance following a severe car accident....


    • A 42-year-old woman is brought in by ambulance following a severe car accident. There was a prolonged extraction at the scene, and a complete trauma call is initiated. She is disoriented and slightly restless. Her vital signs are as follows: heart rate 125, blood pressure 83/45, oxygen saturation 98% on high-flow oxygen, respiratory rate 31, temperature 36.1°C. Her capillary refill time is 5 seconds, and her extremities appear pale and cool to the touch. Her cervical spine is immobilized with triple precautions. The airway is clear, and her chest examination is normal. Two large-bore cannulas have been inserted in her antecubital fossa, and a comprehensive set of blood tests, including a request for a cross-match, has been sent to the laboratory. She experiences significant tenderness in the suprapubic area upon abdominal palpation, and noticeable bruising is evident around her pelvis. A pelvic X-ray reveals a vertical shear type pelvic fracture.
      Approximately how much blood has she lost?

      Your Answer: 750-1500 mL

      Correct Answer: 1500-2000 mL


      This patient is currently experiencing moderate shock, classified as class III. This level of shock corresponds to a loss of 30-40% of their circulatory volume, which is equivalent to a blood loss of 1500-2000 mL.

      Hemorrhage can be categorized into four different classes based on physiological parameters and clinical signs. These classes are classified as class I, class II, class III, and class IV.

      In class I hemorrhage, the blood loss is up to 750 mL or up to 15% of the blood volume. The pulse rate is less than 100 beats per minute, and the systolic blood pressure is normal. The pulse pressure may be normal or increased, and the respiratory rate is within the range of 14-20 breaths per minute. The urine output is greater than 30 mL per hour, and the patient’s CNS/mental status is slightly anxious.

      In class II hemorrhage, the blood loss ranges from 750-1500 mL or 15-30% of the blood volume. The pulse rate is between 100-120 beats per minute, and the systolic blood pressure remains normal. The pulse pressure is decreased, and the respiratory rate increases to 20-30 breaths per minute. The urine output decreases to 20-30 mL per hour, and the patient may experience mild anxiety.

      The patient in this case is in class III hemorrhage, with a blood loss of 1500-2000 mL or 30-40% of the blood volume. The pulse rate is elevated, ranging from 120-140 beats per minute, and the systolic blood pressure is decreased. The pulse pressure is also decreased, and the respiratory rate is elevated to 30-40 breaths per minute. The urine output decreases significantly to 5-15 mL per hour, and the patient may experience anxiety and confusion.

      Class IV hemorrhage represents the most severe level of blood loss, with a loss of over 40% of the blood volume. The pulse rate is greater than 140 beats per minute, and the systolic blood pressure is significantly decreased. The pulse pressure is decreased, and the respiratory rate is over 40 breaths per minute. The urine output becomes negligible, and the patient may become confused and lethargic.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 3 - A 45-year-old woman was involved in a car accident where her car collided...


    • A 45-year-old woman was involved in a car accident where her car collided with a tree at a high speed. She was not wearing a seatbelt and was thrown forward onto the steering wheel of her car. She has bruising over her anterior chest wall and is experiencing chest pain. Her chest X-ray in the resuscitation room shows potential signs of a traumatic aortic injury, but it is uncertain.

      Which investigation should be prioritized for further examination?

      Your Answer: CT pulmonary angiogram

      Correct Answer: Contrast-enhanced CT scan of the chest


      Traumatic aortic rupture, also known as traumatic aortic disruption or transection, occurs when the aorta is torn or ruptured due to physical trauma. This condition often leads to sudden death because of severe bleeding. Motor vehicle accidents and falls from great heights are the most common causes of this injury.

      The patients with the highest chances of survival are those who have an incomplete tear near the ligamentum arteriosum of the proximal descending aorta, close to where the left subclavian artery branches off. The presence of an intact adventitial layer or contained mediastinal hematoma helps maintain continuity and prevents immediate bleeding and death. If promptly identified and treated, survivors of these injuries can recover. In cases where traumatic aortic rupture leads to sudden death, approximately 50% of patients have damage at the aortic isthmus, while around 15% have damage in either the ascending aorta or the aortic arch.

      Initial chest X-rays may show signs consistent with a traumatic aortic injury. However, false-positive and false-negative results can occur, and sometimes there may be no abnormalities visible on the X-ray. Some of the possible X-ray findings include a widened mediastinum, hazy left lung field, obliteration of the aortic knob, fractures of the 1st and 2nd ribs, deviation of the trachea to the right, presence of a pleural cap, elevation and rightward shift of the right mainstem bronchus, depression of the left mainstem bronchus, obliteration of the space between the pulmonary artery and aorta, and deviation of the esophagus or NG tube to the right.

      A helical contrast-enhanced CT scan of the chest is the preferred initial investigation for suspected blunt aortic injury. It has proven to be highly accurate, with close to 100% sensitivity and specificity. CT scanning should be performed liberally, as chest X-ray findings can be unreliable. However, hemodynamically unstable patients should not be placed in a CT scanner. If the CT results are inconclusive, aortography or trans-oesophageal echo can be performed for further evaluation.

      Immediate surgical intervention is necessary for these injuries. Endovascular repair is the most common method used and has excellent short-term outcomes. Open repair may also be performed depending on the circumstances. It is important to control heart rate and blood pressure during stabilization to reduce the risk of rupture. Pain should be managed with appropriate analgesic

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 4 - A 21 year old patient is brought into the emergency department with burns...


    • A 21 year old patient is brought into the emergency department with burns to the left arm. The patient informs you that one of their friends had accidentally set their sleeve on fire with a lighter, causing the material to quickly burn and stick to their skin. The patient's entire left arm is burned, with the front part experiencing superficial partial thickness burns and the back part having areas of deep partial thickness and full thickness burns. What is the estimated total body surface area of burn in this patient?

      Your Answer: 18%

      Correct Answer: 9%


      To estimate the total body surface area of burn, we need to consider the rule of nines. This rule divides the body into different regions, each representing a certain percentage of the total body surface area. According to the rule of nines, the left arm accounts for 9% of the total body surface area. Therefore, the estimated total body surface area of burn in this patient is 9%.

      Further Reading:

      Burn injuries can be classified based on their type (degree, partial thickness or full thickness), extent as a percentage of total body surface area (TBSA), and severity (minor, moderate, major/severe). Severe burns are defined as a >10% TBSA in a child and >15% TBSA in an adult.

      When assessing a burn, it is important to consider airway injury, carbon monoxide poisoning, type of burn, extent of burn, special considerations, and fluid status. Special considerations may include head and neck burns, circumferential burns, thorax burns, electrical burns, hand burns, and burns to the genitalia.

      Airway management is a priority in burn injuries. Inhalation of hot particles can cause damage to the respiratory epithelium and lead to airway compromise. Signs of inhalation injury include visible burns or erythema to the face, soot around the nostrils and mouth, burnt/singed nasal hairs, hoarse voice, wheeze or stridor, swollen tissues in the mouth or nostrils, and tachypnea and tachycardia. Supplemental oxygen should be provided, and endotracheal intubation may be necessary if there is airway obstruction or impending obstruction.

      The initial management of a patient with burn injuries involves conserving body heat, covering burns with clean or sterile coverings, establishing IV access, providing pain relief, initiating fluid resuscitation, measuring urinary output with a catheter, maintaining nil by mouth status, closely monitoring vital signs and urine output, monitoring the airway, preparing for surgery if necessary, and administering medications.

      Burns can be classified based on the depth of injury, ranging from simple erythema to full thickness burns that penetrate into subcutaneous tissue. The extent of a burn can be estimated using methods such as the rule of nines or the Lund and Browder chart, which takes into account age-specific body proportions.

      Fluid management is crucial in burn injuries due to significant fluid losses. Evaporative fluid loss from burnt skin and increased permeability of blood vessels can lead to reduced intravascular volume and tissue perfusion. Fluid resuscitation should be aggressive in severe burns, while burns <15% in adults and <10% in children may not require immediate fluid resuscitation. The Parkland formula can be used to calculate the intravenous fluid requirements for someone with a significant burn injury.

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      • Trauma
  • Question 5 - A man in his early forties who works at a steel mill is...


    • A man in his early forties who works at a steel mill is hit in the front of his abdomen by a steel girder. A FAST scan is conducted, revealing the existence of free fluid within the abdominal cavity.

      Which organ is most likely to have sustained an injury in this scenario?

      Your Answer: Spleen


      Blunt abdominal trauma often leads to injuries in certain organs. According to the latest edition of the ATLS manual, the spleen is the most frequently injured organ, with a prevalence of 40-55%. Following closely behind is the liver, which sustains injuries in about 35-45% of cases. The small bowel, although less commonly affected, still experiences injuries in approximately 5-10% of patients. It is worth noting that patients who undergo laparotomy for blunt trauma have a 15% incidence of retroperitoneal hematoma. These statistics highlight the significant impact of blunt abdominal trauma on organ health.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 6 - A 45-year-old individual is brought into the emergency department following a head injury...


    • A 45-year-old individual is brought into the emergency department following a head injury from a ladder fall. The patient's condition worsens. You proceed to re-evaluate the patient's GCS. At what GCS range is intubation recommended?

      Your Answer: 9 or less

      Correct Answer: 8 or less


      Intubation is necessary for patients with a compromised airway. In comatose patients, a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of 8 or less indicates the need for intubation. According to NICE guidelines, immediate intubation and ventilation are advised in cases of coma where the patient is not responsive to commands, not speaking, and not opening their eyes. Other indications for intubation include the loss of protective laryngeal reflexes, ventilatory insufficiency as indicated by abnormal blood gases, spontaneous hyperventilation, irregular respirations, significantly deteriorating conscious level, unstable fractures of the facial skeleton, copious bleeding into the mouth, and seizures. In certain cases, intubation and ventilation should be performed before the patient begins their journey.

      Further Reading:

      Indications for CT Scanning in Head Injuries (Adults):
      – CT head scan should be performed within 1 hour if any of the following features are present:
      – GCS < 13 on initial assessment in the ED
      – GCS < 15 at 2 hours after the injury on assessment in the ED
      – Suspected open or depressed skull fracture
      – Any sign of basal skull fracture (haemotympanum, ‘panda’ eyes, cerebrospinal fluid leakage from the ear or nose, Battle’s sign)
      – Post-traumatic seizure
      – New focal neurological deficit
      – > 1 episode of vomiting

      Indications for CT Scanning in Head Injuries (Children):
      – CT head scan should be performed within 1 hour if any of the features in List 1 are present:
      – Suspicion of non-accidental injury
      – Post-traumatic seizure but no history of epilepsy
      – GCS < 14 on initial assessment in the ED for children more than 1 year of age
      – Paediatric GCS < 15 on initial assessment in the ED for children under 1 year of age
      – At 2 hours after the injury, GCS < 15
      – Suspected open or depressed skull fracture or tense fontanelle
      – Any sign of basal skull fracture (haemotympanum, ‘panda’ eyes, cerebrospinal fluid leakage from the ear or nose, Battle’s sign)
      – New focal neurological deficit
      – For children under 1 year, presence of bruise, swelling or laceration of more than 5 cm on the head

      – CT head scan should be performed within 1 hour if none of the above features are present but two or more of the features in List 2 are present:
      – Loss of consciousness lasting more than 5 minutes (witnessed)
      – Abnormal drowsiness
      – Three or more discrete episodes of vomiting
      – Dangerous mechanism of injury (high-speed road traffic accident, fall from a height)

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 7 - A 35-year-old man is brought into the emergency room by an ambulance with...


    • A 35-year-old man is brought into the emergency room by an ambulance with flashing lights. He has been in a building fire and has sustained severe burns. You examine his airway and have concerns about the potential for airway blockage.
      Which of the following is NOT a notable factor that increases the risk of airway obstruction in a patient with significant burns?

      Your Answer: A carboxyhaemoglobin level of 8%


      Early assessment of the airway is a critical aspect of managing a patient who has suffered burns. Airway blockage can occur rapidly due to direct injury, such as inhalation injury, or as a result of swelling caused by the burn. If there is a history of trauma, the airway should be evaluated and treated while maintaining control of the cervical spine.

      Signs of airway obstruction may not be immediately apparent, as swelling typically does not occur right away. Children with thermal burns are at a higher risk of airway obstruction compared to adults due to their smaller airway size, so they require careful observation.

      There are several risk factors for airway obstruction in burned patients, including inhalation injury, the presence of soot in the mouth or nostrils, singed nasal hairs, burns to the head, face, or neck, burns inside the mouth, a large burn area with increasing depth, and associated trauma. A carboxyhemoglobin level above 10% is also suggestive of an inhalation injury.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 8 - A 42-year-old woman was in a car crash where her vehicle collided with...


    • A 42-year-old woman was in a car crash where her vehicle collided with a wall at a high speed. She was not wearing a seatbelt and was thrown forward onto the steering wheel. She has bruising on her front chest wall and is experiencing chest pain. The chest X-ray taken in the emergency room shows signs of a traumatic aortic injury.

      Which of the following chest X-ray findings is most indicative of this injury?

      Your Answer: Leftward shift of right mainstem bronchus

      Correct Answer: Presence of a pleural cap


      Traumatic aortic rupture, also known as traumatic aortic disruption or transection, occurs when the aorta is torn or ruptured due to physical trauma. This condition often leads to sudden death because of severe bleeding. Motor vehicle accidents and falls from great heights are the most common causes of this injury.

      The patients with the highest chances of survival are those who have an incomplete tear near the ligamentum arteriosum of the proximal descending aorta, close to where the left subclavian artery branches off. The presence of an intact adventitial layer or contained mediastinal hematoma helps maintain continuity and prevents immediate bleeding and death. If promptly identified and treated, survivors of these injuries can recover. In cases where traumatic aortic rupture leads to sudden death, approximately 50% of patients have damage at the aortic isthmus, while around 15% have damage in either the ascending aorta or the aortic arch.

      Initial chest X-rays may show signs consistent with a traumatic aortic injury. However, false-positive and false-negative results can occur, and sometimes there may be no abnormalities visible on the X-ray. Some of the possible X-ray findings include a widened mediastinum, hazy left lung field, obliteration of the aortic knob, fractures of the 1st and 2nd ribs, deviation of the trachea to the right, presence of a pleural cap, elevation and rightward shift of the right mainstem bronchus, depression of the left mainstem bronchus, obliteration of the space between the pulmonary artery and aorta, and deviation of the esophagus or NG tube to the right.

      A helical contrast-enhanced CT scan of the chest is the preferred initial investigation for suspected blunt aortic injury. It has proven to be highly accurate, with close to 100% sensitivity and specificity. CT scanning should be performed liberally, as chest X-ray findings can be unreliable. However, hemodynamically unstable patients should not be placed in a CT scanner. If the CT results are inconclusive, aortography or trans-oesophageal echo can be performed for further evaluation.

      Immediate surgical intervention is necessary for these injuries. Endovascular repair is the most common method used and has excellent short-term outcomes. Open repair may also be performed depending on the circumstances. It is important to control heart rate and blood pressure during stabilization to reduce the risk of rupture. Pain should be managed with appropriate analgesic

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 9 - A 35-year-old woman is brought in by ambulance following a car accident where...


    • A 35-year-old woman is brought in by ambulance following a car accident where her car was struck by a truck. She has suffered severe facial injuries and shows signs of airway obstruction. Her neck is immobilized. She has suffered significant midface trauma, and the anesthesiologist decides to secure a definitive airway by intubating the patient. He is unable to pass an endotracheal tube, and he decides to perform a needle cricothyroidotomy.
      Which of the following statements regarding needle cricothyroidotomy is FALSE?

      Your Answer: The cricothyroid membrane is located directly below the cricoid cartilage


      A needle cricothyroidotomy is a procedure used in emergency situations to provide oxygenation when intubation and oxygenation are not possible. It is typically performed when a patient cannot be intubated or oxygenated. There are certain conditions that make this procedure contraindicated, such as local infection, distorted anatomy, previous failed attempts, and swelling or mass lesions.

      To perform a needle cricothyroidotomy, the necessary equipment should be assembled and prepared. The patient should be positioned supine with their neck in a neutral position. The neck should be cleaned in a sterile manner using antiseptic swabs. If time allows, the area should be anesthetized locally. A 12 or 14 gauge over-the-needle catheter should be assembled to a 10 mL syringe.

      The cricothyroid membrane, located between the thyroid and cricoid cartilage, should be identified anteriorly. The trachea should be stabilized with the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Using the other hand, the skin should be punctured in the midline with the needle over the cricothyroid membrane. The needle should be directed at a 45° angle caudally while negative pressure is applied to the syringe. Needle aspiration should be maintained as the needle is inserted through the lower half of the cricothyroid membrane, with air aspiration indicating entry into the tracheal lumen.

      Once the needle is in place, the syringe and needle should be removed while the catheter is advanced to the hub. The oxygen catheter should be attached and the airway secured. It is important to be aware of possible complications, such as technique failure, cannula obstruction or dislodgement, injury to local structures, and surgical emphysema if high flow oxygen is administered through a malpositioned cannula.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 10 - A 35-year-old woman is brought in by ambulance following a car accident where...


    • A 35-year-old woman is brought in by ambulance following a car accident where her car was hit by a truck. She has sustained severe facial injuries and shows signs of airway obstruction. Her cervical spine is immobilized. The anesthesiologist has tried to intubate her but is unsuccessful and decides to perform a surgical cricothyroidotomy.

      Which of the following statements about surgical cricothyroidotomy is correct?

      Your Answer: There is no associated risk of vocal cord paralysis

      Correct Answer: It is contraindicated in the presence of a laryngeal fracture


      A surgical cricothyroidotomy is a procedure performed in emergency situations to secure the airway by making an incision in the cricothyroid membrane. It is also known as an emergency surgical airway (ESA) and is typically done when intubation and oxygenation are not possible.

      There are certain conditions in which a surgical cricothyroidotomy should not be performed. These include patients who are under 12 years old, those with laryngeal fractures or pre-existing or acute laryngeal pathology, individuals with tracheal transection and retraction of the trachea into the mediastinum, and cases where the anatomical landmarks are obscured due to trauma.

      The procedure is carried out in the following steps:
      1. Gathering and preparing the necessary equipment.
      2. Positioning the patient on their back with the neck in a neutral position.
      3. Sterilizing the patient’s neck using antiseptic swabs.
      4. Administering local anesthesia, if time permits.
      5. Locating the cricothyroid membrane, which is situated between the thyroid and cricoid cartilage.
      6. Stabilizing the trachea with the left hand until it can be intubated.
      7. Making a transverse incision through the cricothyroid membrane.
      8. Inserting the scalpel handle into the incision and rotating it 90°. Alternatively, a haemostat can be used to open the airway.
      9. Placing a properly-sized, cuffed endotracheal tube (usually a size 5 or 6) into the incision, directing it into the trachea.
      10. Inflating the cuff and providing ventilation.
      11. Monitoring for chest rise and auscultating the chest to ensure adequate ventilation.
      12. Securing the airway to prevent displacement.

      Potential complications of a surgical cricothyroidotomy include aspiration of blood, creation of a false passage into the tissues, subglottic stenosis or edema, laryngeal stenosis, hemorrhage or hematoma formation, laceration of the esophagus or trachea, mediastinal emphysema, and vocal cord paralysis or hoarseness.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 11 - A 35 year old female presents to the emergency department following a motor...


    • A 35 year old female presents to the emergency department following a motor vehicle collision. Which system should be utilized to evaluate the potential for cervical spine injury?

      Your Answer: Canadian C-spine rules


      When a 35-year-old female comes to the emergency department after a motor vehicle collision, it is important to assess the potential for cervical spine injury. To do this, the Canadian C-spine rules should be utilized. These rules provide a systematic approach to determine whether imaging, such as X-rays, is necessary to evaluate the cervical spine. The Canadian C-spine rules take into account various factors such as the patient’s age, mechanism of injury, and presence of certain symptoms or physical findings. By following these rules, healthcare professionals can effectively evaluate the potential for cervical spine injury and determine the appropriate course of action for further assessment and management.

      Further Reading:

      When assessing for cervical spine injury, it is recommended to use the Canadian C-spine rules. These rules help determine the risk level for a potential injury. High-risk factors include being over the age of 65, experiencing a dangerous mechanism of injury (such as a fall from a height or a high-speed motor vehicle collision), or having paraesthesia in the upper or lower limbs. Low-risk factors include being involved in a minor rear-end motor vehicle collision, being comfortable in a sitting position, being ambulatory since the injury, having no midline cervical spine tenderness, or experiencing a delayed onset of neck pain. If a person is unable to actively rotate their neck 45 degrees to the left and right, their risk level is considered low. If they have one of the low-risk factors and can actively rotate their neck, their risk level remains low.

      If a high-risk factor is identified or if a low-risk factor is identified and the person is unable to actively rotate their neck, full in-line spinal immobilization should be maintained and imaging should be requested. Additionally, if a patient has risk factors for thoracic or lumbar spine injury, imaging should be requested. However, if a patient has low-risk factors for cervical spine injury, is pain-free, and can actively rotate their neck, full in-line spinal immobilization and imaging are not necessary.

      NICE recommends CT as the primary imaging modality for cervical spine injury in adults aged 16 and older, while MRI is recommended as the primary imaging modality for children under 16.

      Different mechanisms of spinal trauma can cause injury to the spine in predictable ways. The majority of cervical spine injuries are caused by flexion combined with rotation. Hyperflexion can result in compression of the anterior aspects of the vertebral bodies, stretching and tearing of the posterior ligament complex, chance fractures (also known as seatbelt fractures), flexion teardrop fractures, and odontoid peg fractures. Flexion and rotation can lead to disruption of the posterior ligament complex and posterior column, fractures of facet joints, lamina, transverse processes, and vertebral bodies, and avulsion of spinous processes. Hyperextension can cause injury to the anterior column, anterior fractures of the vertebral body, and potential retropulsion of bony fragments or discs into the spinal canal. Rotation can result in injury to the posterior ligament complex and facet joint dislocation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 12 - A 62 year old male is brought into the emergency department after being...


    • A 62 year old male is brought into the emergency department after being hit by a car while crossing the street. The patient is breathing rapidly and clinical examination shows a flail segment. What is the most suitable initial intervention to relieve respiratory distress?

      Your Answer: Positive pressure ventilation


      To relieve the patient’s respiratory distress, the most suitable initial intervention would be positive pressure ventilation. This involves providing mechanical assistance to the patient’s breathing by delivering air or oxygen under pressure through a mask or endotracheal tube. This helps to improve oxygenation and ventilation, ensuring that the patient’s lungs are adequately supplied with oxygen and carbon dioxide is effectively removed. Positive pressure ventilation can help stabilize the patient’s breathing and alleviate the respiratory distress caused by the flail segment.

      Further Reading:

      Flail chest is a serious condition that occurs when multiple ribs are fractured in two or more places, causing a segment of the ribcage to no longer expand properly. This condition is typically caused by high-impact thoracic blunt trauma and is often accompanied by other significant injuries to the chest.

      The main symptom of flail chest is a chest deformity, where the affected area moves in a paradoxical manner compared to the rest of the ribcage. This can cause chest pain and difficulty breathing, known as dyspnea. X-rays may also show evidence of lung contusion, indicating further damage to the chest.

      In terms of management, conservative treatment is usually the first approach. This involves providing adequate pain relief and respiratory support to the patient. However, if there are associated injuries such as a pneumothorax or hemothorax, specific interventions like thoracostomy or surgery may be necessary.

      Positive pressure ventilation can be used to provide internal splinting of the airways, helping to prevent atelectasis, a condition where the lungs collapse. Overall, prompt and appropriate management is crucial in order to prevent further complications and improve the patient’s outcome.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 13 - You are present at a trauma call for an elderly pedestrian who has...


    • You are present at a trauma call for an elderly pedestrian who has been hit by a car. She has bruising on the right side of her chest. The primary survey has been completed and you have been asked to perform a secondary survey.
      According to the ATLS guidelines, which of the following indicates a potentially life-threatening chest injury that should be identified and treated during the SECONDARY survey?

      Your Answer: Blunt oesophageal rupture


      The ATLS guidelines categorize chest injuries in trauma into two groups: life-threatening injuries that require immediate identification and treatment in the primary survey, and potentially life-threatening injuries that should be identified and treated in the secondary survey.

      During the primary survey, the focus is on identifying and treating life-threatening thoracic injuries. These include airway obstruction, tracheobronchial tree injury, tension pneumothorax, open pneumothorax, massive haemothorax, and cardiac tamponade. Prompt recognition and intervention are crucial in order to prevent further deterioration and potential fatality.

      In the secondary survey, attention is given to potentially life-threatening injuries that may not be immediately apparent. These include simple pneumothorax, haemothorax, flail chest, pulmonary contusion, blunt cardiac injury, traumatic aortic disruption, traumatic diaphragmatic injury, and blunt oesophageal rupture. These injuries may not pose an immediate threat to life, but they still require identification and appropriate management to prevent complications and ensure optimal patient outcomes.

      By dividing chest injuries into these two categories and addressing them in a systematic manner, healthcare providers can effectively prioritize and manage trauma patients, ultimately improving their chances of survival and recovery.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 14 - The FY1 doctor seeks your guidance concerning an elderly patient they are managing...


    • The FY1 doctor seeks your guidance concerning an elderly patient they are managing who has experienced a head injury. They are uncertain whether to request a CT head scan for their patient. What clinical criteria would necessitate an immediate CT head scan in an elderly individual?

      Your Answer: Haemotympanum


      Patients with head injuries who show any signs of basal skull fracture, such as haemotympanum, ‘panda’ eyes, cerebrospinal fluid leakage from the ear or nose, or Battle’s sign, should undergo urgent CT imaging. Additionally, the following indications also warrant a CT scan: a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of less than 13 on initial assessment in the emergency department (ED), a GCS score of less than 15 at 2 hours after the injury on assessment in the ED, suspected open or depressed skull fracture, post-traumatic seizure, new focal neurological deficit, greater than 1 episode of vomiting, or the patient being on anticoagulation. If any of these signs are present, a CT scan should be performed within 1 hour, except for patients on anticoagulation who should have a CT scan within 8 hours if they do not have any other signs. However, if patients on anticoagulation do have any of the other signs, the CT scan should be performed within 1 hour.

      Further Reading:

      Indications for CT Scanning in Head Injuries (Adults):
      – CT head scan should be performed within 1 hour if any of the following features are present:
      – GCS < 13 on initial assessment in the ED
      – GCS < 15 at 2 hours after the injury on assessment in the ED
      – Suspected open or depressed skull fracture
      – Any sign of basal skull fracture (haemotympanum, ‘panda’ eyes, cerebrospinal fluid leakage from the ear or nose, Battle’s sign)
      – Post-traumatic seizure
      – New focal neurological deficit
      – > 1 episode of vomiting

      Indications for CT Scanning in Head Injuries (Children):
      – CT head scan should be performed within 1 hour if any of the features in List 1 are present:
      – Suspicion of non-accidental injury
      – Post-traumatic seizure but no history of epilepsy
      – GCS < 14 on initial assessment in the ED for children more than 1 year of age
      – Paediatric GCS < 15 on initial assessment in the ED for children under 1 year of age
      – At 2 hours after the injury, GCS < 15
      – Suspected open or depressed skull fracture or tense fontanelle
      – Any sign of basal skull fracture (haemotympanum, ‘panda’ eyes, cerebrospinal fluid leakage from the ear or nose, Battle’s sign)
      – New focal neurological deficit
      – For children under 1 year, presence of bruise, swelling or laceration of more than 5 cm on the head

      – CT head scan should be performed within 1 hour if none of the above features are present but two or more of the features in List 2 are present:
      – Loss of consciousness lasting more than 5 minutes (witnessed)
      – Abnormal drowsiness
      – Three or more discrete episodes of vomiting
      – Dangerous mechanism of injury (high-speed road traffic accident, fall from a height.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 15 - You are summoned to a cardiac arrest in the resuscitation area of your...


    • You are summoned to a cardiac arrest in the resuscitation area of your Emergency Department. As part of your treatment, a dose of adrenaline is given.
      What is one alpha-adrenergic effect of adrenaline?

      Your Answer: Increased myocardial oxygen consumption

      Correct Answer: Increased cerebral perfusion pressures


      The effects of adrenaline on alpha-adrenergic receptors result in the narrowing of blood vessels throughout the body, leading to increased pressure in the coronary and cerebral arteries. On the other hand, the effects of adrenaline on beta-adrenergic receptors enhance the strength of the heart’s contractions and increase the heart rate, which can potentially improve blood flow to the coronary and cerebral arteries. However, it is important to note that these positive effects may be counteracted by the simultaneous increase in oxygen consumption by the heart, the occurrence of abnormal heart rhythms, reduced oxygen levels due to abnormal blood flow patterns, impaired small blood vessel function, and worsened heart function following a cardiac arrest.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 16 - You are summoned to a cardiac arrest in the resuscitation area of your...


    • You are summoned to a cardiac arrest in the resuscitation area of your Emergency Department. As part of your treatment, a dose of adrenaline is given.
      Which of the following is NOT a beta-adrenergic effect of adrenaline?

      Your Answer: Transient hypoxaemia

      Correct Answer: Systemic vasoconstriction


      The effects of adrenaline on alpha-adrenergic receptors result in the narrowing of blood vessels throughout the body, leading to increased pressure in the coronary and cerebral arteries. On the other hand, the effects of adrenaline on beta-adrenergic receptors enhance the strength of the heart’s contractions and increase the heart rate, which can potentially improve blood flow to the coronary and cerebral arteries. However, it is important to note that these positive effects may be counteracted by the simultaneous increase in oxygen consumption by the heart, the occurrence of abnormal heart rhythms, reduced oxygen levels due to abnormal blood flow patterns, impaired small blood vessel function, and worsened heart function following a cardiac arrest.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 17 - You are overseeing the care of a 70-year-old male who suffered extensive burns...


    • You are overseeing the care of a 70-year-old male who suffered extensive burns in a residential fire. After careful calculation, you have determined that the patient's fluid requirement for the next 24 hours is 6 liters. How would you prescribe this amount?

      Your Answer: 50% (3 litres in this case) over first 2 hours then remaining 50% (3 litres in this case) over following 22 hours

      Correct Answer: 50% (3 litres in this case) over first 8 hours then remaining 50% (3 litres in this case) over following 16 hours


      Burn injuries can be classified based on their type (degree, partial thickness or full thickness), extent as a percentage of total body surface area (TBSA), and severity (minor, moderate, major/severe). Severe burns are defined as a >10% TBSA in a child and >15% TBSA in an adult.

      When assessing a burn, it is important to consider airway injury, carbon monoxide poisoning, type of burn, extent of burn, special considerations, and fluid status. Special considerations may include head and neck burns, circumferential burns, thorax burns, electrical burns, hand burns, and burns to the genitalia.

      Airway management is a priority in burn injuries. Inhalation of hot particles can cause damage to the respiratory epithelium and lead to airway compromise. Signs of inhalation injury include visible burns or erythema to the face, soot around the nostrils and mouth, burnt/singed nasal hairs, hoarse voice, wheeze or stridor, swollen tissues in the mouth or nostrils, and tachypnea and tachycardia. Supplemental oxygen should be provided, and endotracheal intubation may be necessary if there is airway obstruction or impending obstruction.

      The initial management of a patient with burn injuries involves conserving body heat, covering burns with clean or sterile coverings, establishing IV access, providing pain relief, initiating fluid resuscitation, measuring urinary output with a catheter, maintaining nil by mouth status, closely monitoring vital signs and urine output, monitoring the airway, preparing for surgery if necessary, and administering medications.

      Burns can be classified based on the depth of injury, ranging from simple erythema to full thickness burns that penetrate into subcutaneous tissue. The extent of a burn can be estimated using methods such as the rule of nines or the Lund and Browder chart, which takes into account age-specific body proportions.

      Fluid management is crucial in burn injuries due to significant fluid losses. Evaporative fluid loss from burnt skin and increased permeability of blood vessels can lead to reduced intravascular volume and tissue perfusion. Fluid resuscitation should be aggressive in severe burns, while burns <15% in adults and <10% in children may not require immediate fluid resuscitation. The Parkland formula can be used to calculate the intravenous fluid requirements for someone with a significant burn injury.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 18 - You evaluate the airway and breathing of a patient who has been brought...


    • You evaluate the airway and breathing of a patient who has been brought into the emergency department by an ambulance after being rescued from a house fire. You suspect that the patient may have an obstructed airway.
      Which of the following statements about managing the airway and breathing in burn patients is NOT true?

      Your Answer: High-flow (15 L) oxygen via a reservoir bag should be used while the patient’s breathing is being assessed

      Correct Answer: High tidal volumes should be used in intubated patients


      Patients who have suffered burns should receive high-flow oxygen (15 L) through a reservoir bag while their breathing is being evaluated. If intubation is necessary, it is crucial to use an appropriately sized endotracheal tube (ETT). Using a tube that is too small can make it difficult or even impossible to ventilate the patient, clear secretions, or perform bronchoscopy.

      According to the ATLS guidelines, adults should be intubated using an ETT with an internal diameter (ID) of at least 7.5 mm or larger. Children, on the other hand, should have an ETT with an ID of at least 4.5 mm. Once a patient has been intubated, it is important to continue administering 100% oxygen until their carboxyhemoglobin levels drop to less than 5%.

      To protect the lungs, it is recommended to use lung protective ventilation techniques. This involves using low tidal volumes (4-8 mL/kg) and ensuring that peak inspiratory pressures do not exceed 30 cmH2O.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 19 - A 28-year-old individual presents to the emergency department with burns on their hands....


    • A 28-year-old individual presents to the emergency department with burns on their hands. After evaluation, it is determined that the patient has superficial partial thickness burns on the entire palmar surfaces of both hands. The burns do not extend beyond the wrist joint due to the patient wearing a thick jacket.

      To document the extent of the burns on a Lund and Browder chart, what percentage of the total body surface area is affected by this burn injury?

      Your Answer: 5%

      Correct Answer: 2-3%


      Based on the Lund and Browder chart, the total percentage of burns is calculated as 3 since it affects one side of both hands.

      Further Reading:

      Burn injuries can be classified based on their type (degree, partial thickness or full thickness), extent as a percentage of total body surface area (TBSA), and severity (minor, moderate, major/severe). Severe burns are defined as a >10% TBSA in a child and >15% TBSA in an adult.

      When assessing a burn, it is important to consider airway injury, carbon monoxide poisoning, type of burn, extent of burn, special considerations, and fluid status. Special considerations may include head and neck burns, circumferential burns, thorax burns, electrical burns, hand burns, and burns to the genitalia.

      Airway management is a priority in burn injuries. Inhalation of hot particles can cause damage to the respiratory epithelium and lead to airway compromise. Signs of inhalation injury include visible burns or erythema to the face, soot around the nostrils and mouth, burnt/singed nasal hairs, hoarse voice, wheeze or stridor, swollen tissues in the mouth or nostrils, and tachypnea and tachycardia. Supplemental oxygen should be provided, and endotracheal intubation may be necessary if there is airway obstruction or impending obstruction.

      The initial management of a patient with burn injuries involves conserving body heat, covering burns with clean or sterile coverings, establishing IV access, providing pain relief, initiating fluid resuscitation, measuring urinary output with a catheter, maintaining nil by mouth status, closely monitoring vital signs and urine output, monitoring the airway, preparing for surgery if necessary, and administering medications.

      Burns can be classified based on the depth of injury, ranging from simple erythema to full thickness burns that penetrate into subcutaneous tissue. The extent of a burn can be estimated using methods such as the rule of nines or the Lund and Browder chart, which takes into account age-specific body proportions.

      Fluid management is crucial in burn injuries due to significant fluid losses. Evaporative fluid loss from burnt skin and increased permeability of blood vessels can lead to reduced intravascular volume and tissue perfusion. Fluid resuscitation should be aggressive in severe burns, while burns <15% in adults and <10% in children may not require immediate fluid resuscitation. The Parkland formula can be used to calculate the intravenous fluid requirements for someone with a significant burn injury.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 20 - A 45-year-old presents to the emergency department following a seemingly minor rear-end car...


    • A 45-year-old presents to the emergency department following a seemingly minor rear-end car accident. There are no reported sensory deficits. What clinical finding would indicate the need for radiological evaluation of the cervical spine in this scenario?

      Your Answer: Patient is on anticoagulation

      Correct Answer: Patient unable to actively rotate their neck 45 degrees to the left and right


      The ability to rotate the neck actively by 45 degrees to the left and right is a crucial distinction between the ‘no risk’ and ‘low risk’ categories when applying the Canadian C-spine rules. In this case, the patient does not exhibit any high-risk factors for cervical spine injury according to the Canadian C-spine rule. However, they do have a low-risk factor due to their involvement in a minor rear-end motor collision. If a patient with a low-risk factor is unable to actively rotate their neck by 45 degrees in either direction, they should undergo imaging. It is important to note that while the patient’s use of anticoagulation medication may affect the need for brain imaging, it typically does not impact the decision to perform a CT scan of the cervical spine.

      Further Reading:

      When assessing for cervical spine injury, it is recommended to use the Canadian C-spine rules. These rules help determine the risk level for a potential injury. High-risk factors include being over the age of 65, experiencing a dangerous mechanism of injury (such as a fall from a height or a high-speed motor vehicle collision), or having paraesthesia in the upper or lower limbs. Low-risk factors include being involved in a minor rear-end motor vehicle collision, being comfortable in a sitting position, being ambulatory since the injury, having no midline cervical spine tenderness, or experiencing a delayed onset of neck pain. If a person is unable to actively rotate their neck 45 degrees to the left and right, their risk level is considered low. If they have one of the low-risk factors and can actively rotate their neck, their risk level remains low.

      If a high-risk factor is identified or if a low-risk factor is identified and the person is unable to actively rotate their neck, full in-line spinal immobilization should be maintained and imaging should be requested. Additionally, if a patient has risk factors for thoracic or lumbar spine injury, imaging should be requested. However, if a patient has low-risk factors for cervical spine injury, is pain-free, and can actively rotate their neck, full in-line spinal immobilization and imaging are not necessary.

      NICE recommends CT as the primary imaging modality for cervical spine injury in adults aged 16 and older, while MRI is recommended as the primary imaging modality for children under 16.

      Different mechanisms of spinal trauma can cause injury to the spine in predictable ways. The majority of cervical spine injuries are caused by flexion combined with rotation. Hyperflexion can result in compression of the anterior aspects of the vertebral bodies, stretching and tearing of the posterior ligament complex, chance fractures (also known as seatbelt fractures), flexion teardrop fractures, and odontoid peg fractures. Flexion and rotation can lead to disruption of the posterior ligament complex and posterior column, fractures of facet joints, lamina, transverse processes, and vertebral bodies, and avulsion of spinous processes. Hyperextension can cause injury to the anterior column, anterior fractures of the vertebral body, and potential retropulsion of bony fragments or discs into the spinal canal. Rotation can result in injury to the posterior ligament complex and facet joint dislocation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 21 - You assess a patient with airway obstruction in the resuscitation area of the...


    • You assess a patient with airway obstruction in the resuscitation area of the Emergency Department at your hospital.
      Which of the following is the LEAST probable cause?

      Your Answer: Vomiting

      Correct Answer: GCS score of 9


      The airway is deemed at risk when the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) falls below 8. There are various factors that can lead to airway obstruction, including the presence of blood or vomit in the airway, a foreign object such as a tooth or food blocking the passage, direct injury to the face or throat, inflammation of the epiglottis (epiglottitis), involuntary closure of the larynx (laryngospasm), constriction of the bronchial tubes (bronchospasm), swelling in the pharynx due to infection or fluid accumulation (oedema), excessive bronchial secretions, and blockage of a tracheostomy tube.

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      • Trauma
  • Question 22 - A 45-year-old woman is brought into the emergency room by an ambulance with...


    • A 45-year-old woman is brought into the emergency room by an ambulance with sirens blaring after being involved in a car accident. She was hit by a truck while crossing the street and is suspected to have a pelvic injury. Her condition is unstable, and the hospital has activated the massive transfusion protocol. You decide to also administer tranexamic acid and give an initial dose of 1 g intravenously over a period of 10 minutes.
      What should be the subsequent dose of tranexamic acid and how long should it be administered for?

      Your Answer: 1 g IV over 8 hours


      ATLS guidelines now suggest administering only 1 liter of crystalloid fluid during the initial assessment. If patients do not respond to the crystalloid, it is recommended to quickly transition to blood products. Studies have shown that infusing more than 1.5 liters of crystalloid fluid is associated with higher mortality rates in trauma cases. Therefore, it is advised to prioritize the early use of blood products and avoid large volumes of crystalloid fluid in trauma patients. In cases where it is necessary, massive transfusion should be considered, defined as the transfusion of more than 10 units of blood in 24 hours or more than 4 units of blood in one hour. For patients with evidence of Class III and IV hemorrhage, early resuscitation with blood and blood products in low ratios is recommended.

      Based on the findings of significant trials, such as the CRASH-2 study, the use of tranexamic acid is now recommended within 3 hours. This involves administering a loading dose of 1 gram intravenously over 10 minutes, followed by an infusion of 1 gram over eight hours. In some regions, tranexamic acid is also being utilized in the prehospital setting.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 23 - A 30-year-old woman suffers a gunshot wound to the chest in a domestic...


    • A 30-year-old woman suffers a gunshot wound to the chest in a domestic dispute. A FAST scan is performed, which shows the presence of intra-thoracic free fluid.

      Which of the following organs is most likely to be injured in this case?

      Your Answer: Liver

      Correct Answer: Small bowel


      Low-velocity gunshot wounds to the abdomen result in tissue damage through laceration and cutting. On the other hand, high-velocity gunshot wounds transfer a greater amount of kinetic energy to the abdominal viscera. These types of wounds can cause more extensive damage in the surrounding area of the missile’s path due to temporary cavitation.

      When patients experience penetrating abdominal trauma as a result of gunshot wounds, certain organs are more commonly injured. The small bowel is affected in approximately 50% of cases, followed by the colon in 40% of cases. The liver is injured in around 30% of cases, while abdominal vascular structures are affected in about 25% of cases.

      Please note that these statistics have been obtained from the most recent edition of the ATLS manual.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 24 - You are evaluating a 25-year-old male with a puncture wound to the stomach....


    • You are evaluating a 25-year-old male with a puncture wound to the stomach. Which of the following is NOT a reason for immediate laparotomy in cases of penetrating abdominal injury?

      Your Answer: Negative diagnostic peritoneal lavage


      Urgent laparotomy is necessary in cases of penetrating abdominal trauma when certain indications are present. These indications include peritonism, the presence of free air under the diaphragm on an upright chest X-ray, evisceration, hypotension or signs of unstable blood flow, a gunshot wound that has penetrated the peritoneum or retroperitoneum, gastrointestinal bleeding following penetrating trauma, genitourinary bleeding following penetrating trauma, the presence of a penetrating object that is still in place (as removal may result in significant bleeding), and the identification of free fluid on a focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) or a positive diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL).

      Further Reading:

      Abdominal trauma can be classified into two categories: blunt trauma and penetrating trauma. Blunt trauma occurs when compressive or deceleration forces are applied to the abdomen, often resulting from road traffic accidents or direct blows during sports. The spleen and liver are the organs most commonly injured in blunt abdominal trauma. On the other hand, penetrating trauma involves injuries that pierce the skin and enter the abdominal cavity, such as stabbings, gunshot wounds, or industrial accidents. The bowel and liver are the organs most commonly affected in penetrating injuries.

      When it comes to imaging in blunt abdominal trauma, there are three main modalities that are commonly used: focused assessment with sonography in trauma (FAST), diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL), and computed tomography (CT). FAST is a non-invasive and quick method used to detect free intraperitoneal fluid, aiding in the decision on whether a laparotomy is needed. DPL is also used to detect intraperitoneal blood and can be used in both unstable blunt abdominal trauma and penetrating abdominal trauma. However, it is more invasive and time-consuming compared to FAST and has largely been replaced by it. CT, on the other hand, is the gold standard for diagnosing intra-abdominal pathology and is used in stable abdominal trauma patients. It offers high sensitivity and specificity but requires a stable and cooperative patient. It also involves radiation and may have delays in availability.

      In the case of penetrating trauma, it is important to assess these injuries with the help of a surgical team. Penetrating objects should not be removed in the emergency department as they may be tamponading underlying vessels. Ideally, these injuries should be explored in the operating theater.

      In summary, abdominal trauma can be classified into blunt trauma and penetrating trauma. Blunt trauma is caused by compressive or deceleration forces and commonly affects the spleen and liver. Penetrating trauma involves injuries that pierce the skin and commonly affect the bowel and liver. Imaging modalities such as FAST, DPL, and CT are used to assess and diagnose abdominal trauma, with CT being the gold standard. Penetrating injuries should be assessed by a surgical team and should ideally be explored in the operating theater.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 25 - A 42-year-old male is brought into the ED by ambulance following a car...


    • A 42-year-old male is brought into the ED by ambulance following a car accident with suspected internal abdominal injury. Upon arrival in the ED, his blood pressure was recorded as 102/68 mmHg and his pulse rate was 114 bpm. Initial resuscitation measures have been initiated, and a fluid bolus of 500 ml of 0.9% saline has been administered. The patient's vital signs are reassessed after the bolus and are as follows:

      Blood pressure: 92/66 mmHg
      Pulse rate: 124 bpm
      Respiration rate: 29 bpm
      SpO2: 98% on 15 liters of oxygen
      Temperature: 36.1 ÂșC

      What percentage of the patient's circulating blood volume would you estimate has been lost?

      Your Answer: 10-15%

      Correct Answer: 30-40%


      Shock is a condition characterized by inadequate tissue perfusion due to circulatory insufficiency. It can be caused by fluid loss or redistribution, as well as impaired cardiac output. The main causes of shock include haemorrhage, diarrhoea and vomiting, burns, diuresis, sepsis, neurogenic shock, anaphylaxis, massive pulmonary embolism, tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade, myocardial infarction, and myocarditis.

      One common cause of shock is haemorrhage, which is frequently encountered in the emergency department. Haemorrhagic shock can be classified into different types based on the amount of blood loss. Type 1 haemorrhagic shock involves a blood loss of 15% or less, with less than 750 ml of blood loss. Patients with type 1 shock may have normal blood pressure and heart rate, with a respiratory rate of 12 to 20 breaths per minute.

      Type 2 haemorrhagic shock involves a blood loss of 15 to 30%, with 750 to 1500 ml of blood loss. Patients with type 2 shock may have a pulse rate of 100 to 120 beats per minute and a respiratory rate of 20 to 30 breaths per minute. Blood pressure is typically normal in type 2 shock.

      Type 3 haemorrhagic shock involves a blood loss of 30 to 40%, with 1.5 to 2 litres of blood loss. Patients with type 3 shock may have a pulse rate of 120 to 140 beats per minute and a respiratory rate of more than 30 breaths per minute. Urine output is decreased to 5-15 mls per hour.

      Type 4 haemorrhagic shock involves a blood loss of more than 40%, with more than 2 litres of blood loss. Patients with type 4 shock may have a pulse rate of more than 140 beats per minute and a respiratory rate of more than 35 breaths per minute. They may also be drowsy, confused, and possibly experience loss of consciousness. Urine output may be minimal or absent.

      In summary, shock is a condition characterized by inadequate tissue perfusion. Haemorrhage is a common cause of shock, and it can be classified into different types based on the amount of blood loss. Prompt recognition and management of shock are crucial in order to prevent further complications and improve patient outcomes

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      • Trauma
  • Question 26 - You are requested to evaluate a 42-year-old individual with a knee injury sustained...


    • You are requested to evaluate a 42-year-old individual with a knee injury sustained from leaping off a tall wall and landing on a leg that was completely extended. It is suspected that the patient may have experienced a quadriceps tendon rupture. Which of the subsequent observations would indicate this diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Loss of of active knee extension


      When a complete quadriceps rupture occurs, it leads to the inability to actively extend the knee. Please refer to the following notes for more detailed information.

      Further Reading:

      A quadriceps tendon tear or rupture is a traumatic lower limb and joint injury that occurs when there is heavy loading on the leg, causing forced contraction of the quadriceps while the foot is planted and the knee is partially bent. These tears most commonly happen at the osteotendinous junction between the tendon and the superior pole of the patella. Quadriceps tendon ruptures are more common than patellar tendon ruptures.

      When a quadriceps tendon tear occurs, the patient usually experiences a tearing sensation and immediate pain. They will then typically complain of pain around the knee and over the tendon. Clinically, there will often be a knee effusion and weakness or inability to actively extend the knee.

      In cases of complete quadriceps tears, the patella will be displaced distally, resulting in a low lying patella or patella infera, also known as patella baja. Radiological measurements, such as the Insall-Salvati ratio, can be used to measure patella height. The Insall-Salvati ratio is calculated by dividing the patellar tendon length by the patellar length. A normal ratio is between 0.8 to 1.2, while a low lying patella (patella baja) is less than 0.8 and a high lying patella (patella alta) is greater than 1.2.

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      • Trauma
  • Question 27 - A 28-year-old woman is brought into the emergency room by an ambulance with...


    • A 28-year-old woman is brought into the emergency room by an ambulance with sirens blaring after being involved in a car accident. She was hit by a truck while riding a bicycle and is suspected to have a pelvic injury. Her blood pressure is unstable, and the hospital has activated the massive transfusion protocol. You decide to also give her tranexamic acid.
      What is the appropriate initial dose of tranexamic acid to administer and over what duration of time?

      Your Answer: 1 g IV over 10 minutes


      ATLS guidelines now suggest administering only 1 liter of crystalloid fluid during the initial assessment. If patients do not respond to the crystalloid, it is recommended to quickly transition to blood products. Studies have shown that infusing more than 1.5 liters of crystalloid fluid is associated with higher mortality rates in trauma cases. Therefore, it is advised to prioritize the early use of blood products and avoid large volumes of crystalloid fluid in trauma patients. In cases where it is necessary, massive transfusion should be considered, defined as the transfusion of more than 10 units of blood in 24 hours or more than 4 units of blood in one hour. For patients with evidence of Class III and IV hemorrhage, early resuscitation with blood and blood products in low ratios is recommended.

      Based on the findings of significant trials, such as the CRASH-2 study, the use of tranexamic acid is now recommended within 3 hours. This involves administering a loading dose of 1 gram intravenously over 10 minutes, followed by an infusion of 1 gram over eight hours. In some regions, tranexamic acid is also being utilized in the prehospital setting.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 28 - A 52 year old male visits the emergency department after crashing into the...


    • A 52 year old male visits the emergency department after crashing into the side of a car while riding his bicycle downhill at a fast pace. The handlebars were forcefully pushed into his abdomen, resulting in a noticeable large contusion on the front of his abdominal wall. The patient's vital signs are as follows:

      Blood pressure: 92/60 mmHg
      Pulse rate: 104 bpm
      Temperature: 37.1ÂșC
      SpO2: 97% on room air

      Which two abdominal organs are most commonly affected in cases of blunt abdominal trauma?

      Your Answer: Liver and spleen


      Blunt abdominal trauma often results in injury to the liver and spleen, which are the two organs most commonly affected. The liver, being the largest and located in a vulnerable position, is particularly prone to injury in such cases.

      Further Reading:

      Abdominal trauma can be classified into two categories: blunt trauma and penetrating trauma. Blunt trauma occurs when compressive or deceleration forces are applied to the abdomen, often resulting from road traffic accidents or direct blows during sports. The spleen and liver are the organs most commonly injured in blunt abdominal trauma. On the other hand, penetrating trauma involves injuries that pierce the skin and enter the abdominal cavity, such as stabbings, gunshot wounds, or industrial accidents. The bowel and liver are the organs most commonly affected in penetrating injuries.

      When it comes to imaging in blunt abdominal trauma, there are three main modalities that are commonly used: focused assessment with sonography in trauma (FAST), diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL), and computed tomography (CT). FAST is a non-invasive and quick method used to detect free intraperitoneal fluid, aiding in the decision on whether a laparotomy is needed. DPL is also used to detect intraperitoneal blood and can be used in both unstable blunt abdominal trauma and penetrating abdominal trauma. However, it is more invasive and time-consuming compared to FAST and has largely been replaced by it. CT, on the other hand, is the gold standard for diagnosing intra-abdominal pathology and is used in stable abdominal trauma patients. It offers high sensitivity and specificity but requires a stable and cooperative patient. It also involves radiation and may have delays in availability.

      In the case of penetrating trauma, it is important to assess these injuries with the help of a surgical team. Penetrating objects should not be removed in the emergency department as they may be tamponading underlying vessels. Ideally, these injuries should be explored in the operating theater.

      In summary, abdominal trauma can be classified into blunt trauma and penetrating trauma. Blunt trauma is caused by compressive or deceleration forces and commonly affects the spleen and liver. Penetrating trauma involves injuries that pierce the skin and commonly affect the bowel and liver. Imaging modalities such as FAST, DPL, and CT are used to assess and diagnose abdominal trauma, with CT being the gold standard. Penetrating injuries should be assessed by a surgical team and should ideally be explored in the operating theater.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma
  • Question 29 - A 15 year old female patient is brought to the emergency department after...


    • A 15 year old female patient is brought to the emergency department after being kicked by a horse multiple times. The patient had recently started work cleaning stables and was kicked several times whilst behind one of the horses. The patients observations are shown below:

      Parameter Result
      Blood pressure 108/62 mmHg
      Pulse rate 124 bpm
      Respiration rate 30 rpm
      SpO2 95% on air

      On examination there is significant bruising to the right anterolateral aspect of the chest wall, the patient is clammy, there is reduced air entry with dull percussion to the right lung base and the trachea is central. What is the likely diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Massive haemothorax


      Massive haemothorax is characterized by the presence of more than 1.5 litres of blood in the pleural space. The patient’s history and examination findings are indicative of haemothorax. When blood loss exceeds 1500ml, it is classified as grade 3 hypovolemic shock, which is considered severe. Symptoms such as a pulse rate over 120, respiration rate over 30, and low blood pressure align with grade 3 shock and are consistent with massive haemothorax. In the case of pneumothorax, percussion reveals a resonant or hyper-resonant sound. Chylothorax, on the other hand, is a rare condition that typically occurs due to injury to the thoracic duct.

      Further Reading:

      Haemothorax is the accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity of the chest, usually resulting from chest trauma. It can be difficult to differentiate from other causes of pleural effusion on a chest X-ray. Massive haemothorax refers to a large volume of blood in the pleural space, which can impair physiological function by causing blood loss, reducing lung volume for gas exchange, and compressing thoracic structures such as the heart and IVC.

      The management of haemothorax involves replacing lost blood volume and decompressing the chest. This is done through supplemental oxygen, IV access and cross-matching blood, IV fluid therapy, and the insertion of a chest tube. The chest tube is connected to an underwater seal and helps drain the fluid, pus, air, or blood from the pleural space. In cases where there is prompt drainage of a large amount of blood, ongoing significant blood loss, or the need for blood transfusion, thoracotomy and ligation of bleeding thoracic vessels may be necessary. It is important to have two IV accesses prior to inserting the chest drain to prevent a drop in blood pressure.

      In summary, haemothorax is the accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity due to chest trauma. Managing haemothorax involves replacing lost blood volume and decompressing the chest through various interventions, including the insertion of a chest tube. Prompt intervention may be required in cases of significant blood loss or ongoing need for blood transfusion.

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      • Trauma
  • Question 30 - A 35-year-old woman is brought in by ambulance following a car accident where...


    • A 35-year-old woman is brought in by ambulance following a car accident where her vehicle was hit by a truck. She has sustained severe facial injuries and shows signs of airway blockage. Her cervical spine is immobilized in three places.

      Which two fundamental airway techniques are recommended by ATLS guidelines to clear the airway in trauma patients?

      Your Answer: Head-tilt and chin-lift manoeuvres

      Correct Answer: Chin-lift and jaw-thrust manoeuvres


      The most recent ATLS guidelines recommend using either the jaw-thrust or chin-lift techniques as the initial approach to open the airway in trauma patients. It is important to avoid moving the head and neck in patients with suspected cervical spine injuries. However, if the patient is unconscious and does not have a gag reflex, temporarily placing an oropharyngeal airway can be beneficial.

      To perform the chin-lift technique, gently place your fingers under the mandible and lift it upwards to bring the chin forward. Use your thumb to slightly depress the lower lip and open the mouth. Alternatively, you can place your thumb behind the lower incisors while gently lifting the chin. It is crucial not to hyperextend the neck during the chin-lift technique.

      For the jaw thrust technique, place one hand on each side of the mandible and push it forward. This can be done in conjunction with a bag-mask device to achieve a good seal and provide adequate ventilation. Just like with the chin-lift technique, be cautious not to extend the patient’s neck.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Trauma


Trauma (13/30) 43%