Question 1
A 68-year-old man comes to his GP for a medication review. His medical record shows that he has vertebral artery stenosis, which greatly elevates his chances of experiencing a stroke in the posterior circulation.
Can you identify the location where the impacted arteries converge to create the basilar artery?Your Answer: Anterior to the cavernous sinus
Correct Answer: Base of the pons
Explanation:The basilar artery is formed by the union of the vertebral arteries at the base of the pons, which is the most appropriate answer. If a patient has stenosis in their vertebral artery, it can increase the risk of a posterior circulation stroke by reducing perfusion to the brain or causing an arterial embolus.
The anterior aspect of the spinal cord is not the most appropriate answer as it is supplied by the anterior spinal arteries, which branch off the vertebral arteries and descend past the anterior aspect of the brainstem to supply the spinal cord’s anterior aspects.
The region anterior to the cavernous sinus is not the most appropriate answer. The internal carotid arteries pass anterior to the cavernous sinus before branching off to anastomose with the circle of Willis, mainly contributing to the anterior circulation of the brain.
The pontomesencephalic junction is not the most appropriate answer. The superior cerebellar arteries branch off from the distal basilar artery at the pontomesencephalic junction.
The Circle of Willis is an anastomosis formed by the internal carotid arteries and vertebral arteries on the bottom surface of the brain. It is divided into two halves and is made up of various arteries, including the anterior communicating artery, anterior cerebral artery, internal carotid artery, posterior communicating artery, and posterior cerebral arteries. The circle and its branches supply blood to important areas of the brain, such as the corpus striatum, internal capsule, diencephalon, and midbrain.
The vertebral arteries enter the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum and lie in the subarachnoid space. They then ascend on the anterior surface of the medulla oblongata and unite to form the basilar artery at the base of the pons. The basilar artery has several branches, including the anterior inferior cerebellar artery, labyrinthine artery, pontine arteries, superior cerebellar artery, and posterior cerebral artery.
The internal carotid arteries also have several branches, such as the posterior communicating artery, anterior cerebral artery, middle cerebral artery, and anterior choroid artery. These arteries supply blood to different parts of the brain, including the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes. Overall, the Circle of Willis and its branches play a crucial role in providing oxygen and nutrients to the brain.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 2
As a doctor on the cardiology ward, I am currently treating a 50-year-old patient who was admitted due to syncope and dyspnoea. The patient has just returned from an echocardiography which revealed a pedunculated mass. What is the most probable primary tumor that this patient is suffering from?
Your Answer: Lipoma
Correct Answer: Myxoma
Explanation:Atrial myxoma is the most frequently occurring primary cardiac tumor.
Primary cardiac tumors are uncommon, and among them, myxomas are the most prevalent. Most of these tumors are benign and are found in the atria. Imaging typically reveals a pedunculated mass.
The remaining options are also primary cardiac tumors.
Atrial Myxoma: Overview and Features
Atrial myxoma is a primary cardiac tumor that is commonly found in the left atrium, with 75% of cases occurring in this area. It is more prevalent in females and is often attached to the fossa ovalis. Symptoms of atrial myxoma include dyspnea, fatigue, weight loss, pyrexia of unknown origin, and clubbing. Emboli and atrial fibrillation may also occur. A mid-diastolic murmur, known as a tumor plop, may be present. Diagnosis is typically made through echocardiography, which shows a pedunculated heterogeneous mass attached to the fossa ovalis region of the interatrial septum.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 3
A 54-year-old woman has been diagnosed with hypertension following ABPM which showed her blood pressure to be 152/91 mmHg. She is curious about her condition and asks her GP to explain the physiology of blood pressure. Can you tell me where the baroreceptors that detect blood pressure are located in the body?
Your Answer: Hypothalamus
Correct Answer: Carotid sinus
Explanation:The carotid sinus, located just above the point where the internal and external carotid arteries divide, houses baroreceptors that sense the stretching of the artery wall. These baroreceptors are connected to the glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX). The nerve fibers then synapse in the solitary nucleus of the medulla, which regulates the activity of sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons. This, in turn, affects the heart and blood vessels, leading to changes in blood pressure.
Similarly, the aortic arch also has baroreceptors that are connected to the aortic nerve. This nerve combines with the vagus nerve (X) and travels to the solitary nucleus.
In contrast, the carotid body, located near the carotid sinus, contains chemoreceptors that detect changes in the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.
The heart has four chambers and generates pressures of 0-25 mmHg on the right side and 0-120 mmHg on the left. The cardiac output is the product of heart rate and stroke volume, typically 5-6L per minute. The cardiac impulse is generated in the sino atrial node and conveyed to the ventricles via the atrioventricular node. Parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers project to the heart via the vagus and release acetylcholine and noradrenaline, respectively. The cardiac cycle includes mid diastole, late diastole, early systole, late systole, and early diastole. Preload is the end diastolic volume and afterload is the aortic pressure. Laplace’s law explains the rise in ventricular pressure during the ejection phase and why a dilated diseased heart will have impaired systolic function. Starling’s law states that an increase in end-diastolic volume will produce a larger stroke volume up to a point beyond which stroke volume will fall. Baroreceptor reflexes and atrial stretch receptors are involved in regulating cardiac output.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 4
As a curious fourth-year medical student, you observe the birth of a full-term baby delivered vaginally to a mother who has given birth once before. The infant's Apgar score is 9 at 1 minute and 10 at 10 minutes, and the delivery is uncomplicated. However, a postnatal examination reveals that the ductus arteriosus has not closed properly. Can you explain the process by which this structure normally closes?
Your Answer: Decreased prostaglandin concentration
Explanation:The ductus arteriosus, which is a shunt connecting the pulmonary artery with the descending aorta in utero, closes with the first breaths of life. This is due to an increase in pulmonary blood flow, which helps to clear local vasodilating prostaglandins that keep the duct open during fetal development. The opening of the lung alveoli with the first breath of life leads to an increase in oxygen tension in the blood, but this is not the primary mechanism behind the closure of the ductus arteriosus. It is important to note that oxygen tension in the blood increases after birth when the infant breathes in air and no longer receives mixed oxygenated blood via the placenta.
Understanding Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Patent ductus arteriosus is a type of congenital heart defect that is generally classified as ‘acyanotic’. However, if left uncorrected, it can eventually result in late cyanosis in the lower extremities, which is termed differential cyanosis. This condition is caused by a connection between the pulmonary trunk and descending aorta. Normally, the ductus arteriosus closes with the first breaths due to increased pulmonary flow, which enhances prostaglandins clearance. However, in some cases, this connection remains open, leading to patent ductus arteriosus.
This condition is more common in premature babies, those born at high altitude, or those whose mothers had rubella infection in the first trimester. The features of patent ductus arteriosus include a left subclavicular thrill, continuous ‘machinery’ murmur, large volume, bounding, collapsing pulse, wide pulse pressure, and heaving apex beat.
The management of patent ductus arteriosus involves the use of indomethacin or ibuprofen, which are given to the neonate. These medications inhibit prostaglandin synthesis and close the connection in the majority of cases. If patent ductus arteriosus is associated with another congenital heart defect amenable to surgery, then prostaglandin E1 is useful to keep the duct open until after surgical repair. Understanding patent ductus arteriosus is important for early diagnosis and management of this condition.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 5
Which segment of the ECG waveform corresponds to the shutting of the mitral valve?
Your Answer: P wave
Correct Answer: QRS complex
Explanation:A diagram depicting the various stages of the cardiac cycle can be accessed through the external link provided.
Heart sounds are the sounds produced by the heart during its normal functioning. The first heart sound (S1) is caused by the closure of the mitral and tricuspid valves, while the second heart sound (S2) is due to the closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves. The intensity of these sounds can vary depending on the condition of the valves and the heart. The third heart sound (S3) is caused by the diastolic filling of the ventricle and is considered normal in young individuals. However, it may indicate left ventricular failure, constrictive pericarditis, or mitral regurgitation in older individuals. The fourth heart sound (S4) may be heard in conditions such as aortic stenosis, HOCM, and hypertension, and is caused by atrial contraction against a stiff ventricle. The different valves can be best heard at specific sites on the chest wall, such as the left second intercostal space for the pulmonary valve and the right second intercostal space for the aortic valve.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 6
An 80-year-old man arrives at the emergency department with complaints of lightheadedness, fatigue, and shortness of breath during exertion. Upon examination, you observe a pulse rate of 42 beats per minute, mild bibasal crepitations, and bilateral peripheral pitting edema. The patient's ECG reveals a dissociation between the P waves and QRS complexes. Which aspect of the JVP waveform is most likely to be impacted in this individual?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: a wave
Explanation:A complete heart block is indicated by a pulse rate of approximately 40 beats per minute and ECG results. This means that the atria and ventricles are contracting in an unsynchronized manner. When the tricuspid valve is closed and the right atrium contracts, the JVP will experience a significant increase, which is referred to as cannon a waves.
Understanding the Jugular Venous Pulse
The jugular venous pulse is a useful tool in assessing right atrial pressure and identifying underlying valvular disease. The waveform of the jugular vein can provide valuable information, such as a non-pulsatile JVP indicating superior vena caval obstruction and Kussmaul’s sign indicating constrictive pericarditis.
The ‘a’ wave of the jugular venous pulse represents atrial contraction and can be large in conditions such as tricuspid stenosis, pulmonary stenosis, and pulmonary hypertension. However, it may be absent in atrial fibrillation. Cannon ‘a’ waves occur when atrial contractions push against a closed tricuspid valve and are seen in complete heart block, ventricular tachycardia/ectopics, nodal rhythm, and single chamber ventricular pacing.
The ‘c’ wave represents the closure of the tricuspid valve and is not normally visible. The ‘v’ wave is due to passive filling of blood into the atrium against a closed tricuspid valve and can be giant in tricuspid regurgitation. The ‘x’ descent represents the fall in atrial pressure during ventricular systole, while the ‘y’ descent represents the opening of the tricuspid valve.
Understanding the jugular venous pulse and its various components can aid in the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular conditions.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 7
An 80-year-old patient who recently had a TIA is admitted to the vascular ward in preparation for a carotid endarterectomy tomorrow. During her pre-operative consultation, the surgeon explained that the artery will be tied during the procedure. The patient asks about the different arteries and their functions. You inform her that the internal carotid artery supplies the brain, while the external carotid artery divides into two arteries after ascending the neck. One of these arteries is the superficial temporal artery, but what is the other?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Maxillary artery
Explanation:The correct answer is the maxillary artery, which is one of the two terminal branches of the external carotid artery. It supplies deep structures of the face and usually bifurcates within the parotid gland to form the superficial temporal artery and maxillary artery. The facial artery supplies superficial structures in the face, while the lingual artery supplies the tongue. The middle meningeal artery is a branch of the maxillary artery and supplies the dura mater and calvaria. There are also two deep temporal arteries that arise from the maxillary artery and supply the temporalis muscle. The patient is scheduled to undergo carotid endarterectomy, a surgical procedure that involves removing atherosclerotic plaque from the common carotid artery to reduce the risk of subsequent ischaemic strokes or transient ischaemic attacks.
Anatomy of the External Carotid Artery
The external carotid artery begins on the side of the pharynx and runs in front of the internal carotid artery, behind the posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscles. It is covered by sternocleidomastoid muscle and passed by hypoglossal nerves, lingual and facial veins. The artery then enters the parotid gland and divides into its terminal branches within the gland.
To locate the external carotid artery, an imaginary line can be drawn from the bifurcation of the common carotid artery behind the angle of the jaw to a point in front of the tragus of the ear.
The external carotid artery has six branches, with three in front, two behind, and one deep. The three branches in front are the superior thyroid, lingual, and facial arteries. The two branches behind are the occipital and posterior auricular arteries. The deep branch is the ascending pharyngeal artery. The external carotid artery terminates by dividing into the superficial temporal and maxillary arteries within the parotid gland.
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Question 8
Ella, a 69-year-old female, arrives at the emergency department with abrupt tearing abdominal pain that radiates to her back.
Ella has a medical history of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes. Her body mass index is 31 kg/m². She smokes 10 cigarettes a day.
The emergency physician orders an ECG and MRI, which confirm the diagnosis of an aortic dissection.
Which layer or layers of the aorta are impacted?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Tear in tunica intima
Explanation:An aortic dissection occurs when there is a tear in the innermost layer (tunica intima) of the aorta’s wall. This tear allows blood to flow into the space between the tunica intima and the middle layer (tunica media), causing pooling. The tear only affects the tunica intima layer and does not involve the outermost layer (tunica externa) or all three layers of the aortic wall.
Aortic dissection is a serious condition that can cause chest pain. It occurs when there is a tear in the inner layer of the aorta’s wall. Hypertension is the most significant risk factor, but it can also be associated with trauma, bicuspid aortic valve, and certain genetic disorders. Symptoms of aortic dissection include severe and sharp chest or back pain, weak or absent pulses, hypertension, and aortic regurgitation. Specific arteries’ involvement can cause other symptoms such as angina, paraplegia, or limb ischemia. The Stanford classification divides aortic dissection into type A, which affects the ascending aorta, and type B, which affects the descending aorta. The DeBakey classification further divides type A into type I, which extends to the aortic arch and beyond, and type II, which is confined to the ascending aorta. Type III originates in the descending aorta and rarely extends proximally.
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Question 9
A 75-year-old man is scheduled for an arterial bypass surgery to treat foot ulceration and claudication. The distal arterial anastomosis will be formed using the anterior tibial artery. Which of the following structures is not in close proximity to it?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Tibialis posterior
Explanation:The anterior tibial artery is closely associated with the tibialis anterior muscle as it serves as one of the main arteries in the anterior compartment.
The anterior tibial artery starts opposite the lower border of the popliteus muscle and ends in front of the ankle, where it continues as the dorsalis pedis artery. As it descends, it runs along the interosseous membrane, the distal part of the tibia, and the front of the ankle joint. The artery passes between the tendons of the extensor digitorum and extensor hallucis longus muscles as it approaches the ankle. The deep peroneal nerve is closely related to the artery, lying anterior to the middle third of the vessel and lateral to it in the lower third.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 10
A 82-year-old male is admitted to the Emergency Room with complaints of severe chest pain that spreads to his left arm and jaw. Upon conducting an Electrocardiography (ECG), it is confirmed that he is suffering from ST-elevation myocardial infarction. He is then transferred for percutaneous coronary intervention but unfortunately, he suffers a cardiac arrest and passes away 12 hours after his initial presentation. What are the probable histological findings that would be observed in his heart?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Coagulative necrosis, neutrophils, wavy fibres, hypercontraction of myofibrils
Explanation:In the first 24 hours after a myocardial infarction (MI), histology findings show early coagulative necrosis, neutrophils, wavy fibers, and hypercontraction of myofibrils. This stage carries a high risk of ventricular arrhythmia, heart failure, and cardiogenic shock.
Between 1 and 3 days post-MI, extensive coagulative necrosis and neutrophils are present, which can be associated with fibrinous pericarditis.
From 3 to 14 days post-MI, macrophages and granulation tissue appear at the margins. This stage carries a high risk of free wall rupture, papillary muscle rupture, and left ventricular pseudoaneurysm.
Between 2 weeks and several months post-MI, the contracted scar is complete. This stage is associated with Dressler syndrome, heart failure, arrhythmias, and mural thrombus.
Myocardial infarction (MI) can lead to various complications, which can occur immediately, early, or late after the event. Cardiac arrest is the most common cause of death following MI, usually due to ventricular fibrillation. Cardiogenic shock may occur if a large part of the ventricular myocardium is damaged, and it is difficult to treat. Chronic heart failure may result from ventricular myocardium dysfunction, which can be managed with loop diuretics, ACE-inhibitors, and beta-blockers. Tachyarrhythmias, such as ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia, are common complications. Bradyarrhythmias, such as atrioventricular block, are more common following inferior MI. Pericarditis is common in the first 48 hours after a transmural MI, while Dressler’s syndrome may occur 2-6 weeks later. Left ventricular aneurysm and free wall rupture, ventricular septal defect, and acute mitral regurgitation are other complications that may require urgent medical attention.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 11
A patient develops a broad complex tachycardia three days following a myocardial infarction. What is the primary mechanism of action of intravenous amiodarone in this case?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Blocks voltage-gated potassium channels
Explanation:Amiodarone’s mechanism of action involves the inhibition of potassium channels.
Amiodarone is a medication used to treat various types of abnormal heart rhythms. It works by blocking potassium channels, which prolongs the action potential and helps to regulate the heartbeat. However, it also has other effects, such as blocking sodium channels. Amiodarone has a very long half-life, which means that loading doses are often necessary. It should ideally be given into central veins to avoid thrombophlebitis. Amiodarone can cause proarrhythmic effects due to lengthening of the QT interval and can interact with other drugs commonly used at the same time. Long-term use of amiodarone can lead to various adverse effects, including thyroid dysfunction, corneal deposits, pulmonary fibrosis/pneumonitis, liver fibrosis/hepatitis, peripheral neuropathy, myopathy, photosensitivity, a ‘slate-grey’ appearance, thrombophlebitis, injection site reactions, and bradycardia. Patients taking amiodarone should be monitored regularly with tests such as TFT, LFT, U&E, and CXR.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 12
Which one of the following statements relating to the basilar artery and its branches is false?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: The posterior inferior cerebellar artery is the largest of the cerebellar arteries arising from the basilar artery
Explanation:The largest of the cerebellar arteries that originates from the vertebral artery is the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. The labyrinthine artery, which is thin and lengthy, may emerge from the lower section of the basilar artery. It travels alongside the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves into the internal auditory meatus. The posterior cerebral artery is frequently bigger than the superior cerebellar artery and is separated from the vessel, close to its source, by the oculomotor nerve. Arterial decompression is a widely accepted treatment for trigeminal neuralgia.
The Circle of Willis is an anastomosis formed by the internal carotid arteries and vertebral arteries on the bottom surface of the brain. It is divided into two halves and is made up of various arteries, including the anterior communicating artery, anterior cerebral artery, internal carotid artery, posterior communicating artery, and posterior cerebral arteries. The circle and its branches supply blood to important areas of the brain, such as the corpus striatum, internal capsule, diencephalon, and midbrain.
The vertebral arteries enter the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum and lie in the subarachnoid space. They then ascend on the anterior surface of the medulla oblongata and unite to form the basilar artery at the base of the pons. The basilar artery has several branches, including the anterior inferior cerebellar artery, labyrinthine artery, pontine arteries, superior cerebellar artery, and posterior cerebral artery.
The internal carotid arteries also have several branches, such as the posterior communicating artery, anterior cerebral artery, middle cerebral artery, and anterior choroid artery. These arteries supply blood to different parts of the brain, including the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes. Overall, the Circle of Willis and its branches play a crucial role in providing oxygen and nutrients to the brain.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 13
What is the average stroke volume in a resting 75 Kg man?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 70ml
Explanation:The range of stroke volumes is between 55 and 100 milliliters.
The stroke volume refers to the amount of blood that is pumped out of the ventricle during each cycle of cardiac contraction. This volume is usually the same for both ventricles and is approximately 70ml for a man weighing 70Kg. To calculate the stroke volume, the end systolic volume is subtracted from the end diastolic volume. Several factors can affect the stroke volume, including the size of the heart, its contractility, preload, and afterload.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 14
A 73-year-old woman is admitted to the acute surgical unit with profuse vomiting. Admission bloods show the following:
Na+ 131 mmol/l
K+ 2.2 mmol/l
Urea 3.1 mmol/l
Creatinine 56 mol/l
Glucose 4.3 mmol/l
What ECG feature is most likely to be seen in this patient?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: U waves
Explanation:Hypokalaemia, a condition characterized by low levels of potassium in the blood, can be detected through ECG features. These include the presence of U waves, small or absent T waves (which may occasionally be inverted), a prolonged PR interval, ST depression, and a long QT interval. The ECG image provided shows typical U waves and a borderline PR interval. To remember these features, one user suggests the following rhyme: In Hypokalaemia, U have no Pot and no T, but a long PR and a long QT.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 15
A 78-year-old ex-smoker comes to the clinic complaining of chest discomfort and shortness of breath. He had a history of ST-elevation myocardial infarction 10 days ago, which was treated with thrombolysis. During the examination, a high-pitch holosystolic murmur is heard at the apex. The ECG shows widespread ST elevation. Unfortunately, the patient experiences cardiac arrest and passes away. What is the probable histological finding in his heart?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Macrophages and granulation tissue at margins
Explanation:The histology findings of a myocardial infarction (MI) vary depending on the time elapsed since the event. Within the first 24 hours, there is evidence of early coagulative necrosis, neutrophils, wavy fibers, and hypercontraction of myofibrils. This stage is associated with a high risk of ventricular arrhythmia, heart failure, and cardiogenic shock.
Between 1-3 days post-MI, there is extensive coagulative necrosis and an influx of neutrophils, which can lead to fibrinous pericarditis. From 3-14 days post-MI, macrophages and granulation tissue are present at the margins, and there is a high risk of complications such as free wall rupture (which can cause mitral regurgitation), papillary muscle rupture, and left ventricular pseudoaneurysm.
After 2 weeks to several months, the scar tissue has contracted and is complete. This stage is associated with Dressler syndrome, heart failure, arrhythmias, and mural thrombus. It is important to note that the risk of complications decreases as time passes, but long-term management and monitoring are still necessary for patients who have experienced an MI.
Myocardial infarction (MI) can lead to various complications, which can occur immediately, early, or late after the event. Cardiac arrest is the most common cause of death following MI, usually due to ventricular fibrillation. Cardiogenic shock may occur if a large part of the ventricular myocardium is damaged, and it is difficult to treat. Chronic heart failure may result from ventricular myocardium dysfunction, which can be managed with loop diuretics, ACE-inhibitors, and beta-blockers. Tachyarrhythmias, such as ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia, are common complications. Bradyarrhythmias, such as atrioventricular block, are more common following inferior MI. Pericarditis is common in the first 48 hours after a transmural MI, while Dressler’s syndrome may occur 2-6 weeks later. Left ventricular aneurysm and free wall rupture, ventricular septal defect, and acute mitral regurgitation are other complications that may require urgent medical attention.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 16
Which one of the following structures lies deepest in the popliteal fossa?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Popliteal artery
Explanation:Starting from the surface and moving towards the depths, the common peroneal nerve emerges from the popliteal fossa adjacent to the inner edge of the biceps tendon. Subsequently, the tibial nerve runs alongside the popliteal vessels, first posteriorly and then medially. The popliteal vein is situated above the popliteal artery, which is the most internal structure in the fossa.
Anatomy of the Popliteal Fossa
The popliteal fossa is a diamond-shaped space located at the back of the knee joint. It is bound by various muscles and ligaments, including the biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and gastrocnemius. The floor of the popliteal fossa is formed by the popliteal surface of the femur, posterior ligament of the knee joint, and popliteus muscle, while the roof is made up of superficial and deep fascia.
The popliteal fossa contains several important structures, including the popliteal artery and vein, small saphenous vein, common peroneal nerve, tibial nerve, posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh, genicular branch of the obturator nerve, and lymph nodes. These structures are crucial for the proper functioning of the lower leg and foot.
Understanding the anatomy of the popliteal fossa is important for healthcare professionals, as it can help in the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions affecting the knee joint and surrounding structures.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 17
A 30-year-old man visits his GP with complaints of fever and malaise. Upon further inquiry, the GP discovers that the patient has been using intravenous drugs for several years and suspects infective endocarditis after a thorough examination. Which embryological structure is most likely affected in this patient?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Endocardial cushion
Explanation:The AV and semilunar valves originate from the endocardial cushion during embryonic development. When a patient is positive for IVDU, infective endocarditis typically affects the tricuspid valve. It is important to note that all valves in the heart are derived from the endocardial cushion.
During cardiovascular embryology, the heart undergoes significant development and differentiation. At around 14 days gestation, the heart consists of primitive structures such as the truncus arteriosus, bulbus cordis, primitive atria, and primitive ventricle. These structures give rise to various parts of the heart, including the ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk, right ventricle, left and right atria, and majority of the left ventricle. The division of the truncus arteriosus is triggered by neural crest cell migration from the pharyngeal arches, and any issues with this migration can lead to congenital heart defects such as transposition of the great arteries or tetralogy of Fallot. Other structures derived from the primitive heart include the coronary sinus, superior vena cava, fossa ovalis, and various ligaments such as the ligamentum arteriosum and ligamentum venosum. The allantois gives rise to the urachus, while the umbilical artery becomes the medial umbilical ligaments and the umbilical vein becomes the ligamentum teres hepatis inside the falciform ligament. Overall, cardiovascular embryology is a complex process that involves the differentiation and development of various structures that ultimately form the mature heart.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 18
Where is the site of action of bendroflumethiazide in elderly patients?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Proximal part of the distal convoluted tubules
Explanation:Thiazides and thiazide-like medications, such as indapamide, work by blocking the Na+-Cl− symporter at the start of the distal convoluted tubule, which inhibits the reabsorption of sodium.
Thiazide diuretics are medications that work by blocking the thiazide-sensitive Na+-Cl− symporter, which inhibits sodium reabsorption at the beginning of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). This results in the loss of potassium as more sodium reaches the collecting ducts. While thiazide diuretics are useful in treating mild heart failure, loop diuretics are more effective in reducing overload. Bendroflumethiazide was previously used to manage hypertension, but recent NICE guidelines recommend other thiazide-like diuretics such as indapamide and chlorthalidone.
Common side effects of thiazide diuretics include dehydration, postural hypotension, and electrolyte imbalances such as hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and hypercalcemia. Other potential adverse effects include gout, impaired glucose tolerance, and impotence. Rare side effects may include thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, photosensitivity rash, and pancreatitis.
It is worth noting that while thiazide diuretics may cause hypercalcemia, they can also reduce the incidence of renal stones by decreasing urinary calcium excretion. According to current NICE guidelines, the management of hypertension involves the use of thiazide-like diuretics, along with other medications and lifestyle changes, to achieve optimal blood pressure control and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
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Question 19
Sarah, a 73-year-old woman, is currently admitted to the medical ward after experiencing chest pain. A recent blood test revealed low levels of potassium. The doctors explained that potassium plays a crucial role in the normal functioning of the heart and any changes in its concentration can affect the heart's ability to contract and relax properly.
How does potassium contribute to a normal cardiac action potential?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: A slow influx of the electrolyte causes a plateau in the myocardial action potential
Explanation:Calcium causes a plateau in the cardiac action potential, prolonging contraction and reflected in the ST-segment of an ECG. A low concentration of calcium ions can result in a prolonged QT-segment. Sodium ions cause depolarisation, potassium ions cause repolarisation, and their movement maintains the resting potential. Calcium ions also bind to troponin-C to trigger muscle contraction.
Understanding the Cardiac Action Potential and Conduction Velocity
The cardiac action potential is a series of electrical events that occur in the heart during each heartbeat. It is responsible for the contraction of the heart muscle and the pumping of blood throughout the body. The action potential is divided into five phases, each with a specific mechanism. The first phase is rapid depolarization, which is caused by the influx of sodium ions. The second phase is early repolarization, which is caused by the efflux of potassium ions. The third phase is the plateau phase, which is caused by the slow influx of calcium ions. The fourth phase is final repolarization, which is caused by the efflux of potassium ions. The final phase is the restoration of ionic concentrations, which is achieved by the Na+/K+ ATPase pump.
Conduction velocity is the speed at which the electrical signal travels through the heart. The speed varies depending on the location of the signal. Atrial conduction spreads along ordinary atrial myocardial fibers at a speed of 1 m/sec. AV node conduction is much slower, at 0.05 m/sec. Ventricular conduction is the fastest in the heart, achieved by the large diameter of the Purkinje fibers, which can achieve velocities of 2-4 m/sec. This allows for a rapid and coordinated contraction of the ventricles, which is essential for the proper functioning of the heart. Understanding the cardiac action potential and conduction velocity is crucial for diagnosing and treating heart conditions.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 20
A 40-year-old man undergoes a routine health check and his ECG reveals a prolonged QT segment. He has no medical history and is not taking any medication. His father and grandfather both died from sudden cardiac arrest in their early 30s.
What arrhythmias are most likely to occur as a result of this ECG abnormality?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Torsades de pointes
Explanation:Torsades de pointes is the most common consequence of Long QT syndrome, which can also result in polymorphic ventricular tachycardia.
Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a genetic condition that causes a delay in the ventricles’ repolarization. This delay can lead to ventricular tachycardia/torsade de pointes, which can cause sudden death or collapse. The most common types of LQTS are LQT1 and LQT2, which are caused by defects in the alpha subunit of the slow delayed rectifier potassium channel. A normal corrected QT interval is less than 430 ms in males and 450 ms in females.
There are various causes of a prolonged QT interval, including congenital factors, drugs, and other conditions. Congenital factors include Jervell-Lange-Nielsen syndrome and Romano-Ward syndrome. Drugs that can cause a prolonged QT interval include amiodarone, sotalol, tricyclic antidepressants, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Other factors that can cause a prolonged QT interval include electrolyte imbalances, acute myocardial infarction, myocarditis, hypothermia, and subarachnoid hemorrhage.
LQTS may be detected on a routine ECG or through family screening. Long QT1 is usually associated with exertional syncope, while Long QT2 is often associated with syncope following emotional stress, exercise, or auditory stimuli. Long QT3 events often occur at night or at rest and can lead to sudden cardiac death.
Management of LQTS involves avoiding drugs that prolong the QT interval and other precipitants if appropriate. Beta-blockers are often used, and implantable cardioverter defibrillators may be necessary in high-risk cases. It is important to note that sotalol may exacerbate LQTS.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 21
A 65-year-old woman visits the clinic complaining of increasing fatigue and weakness. Upon examination, there are no notable symptoms except for a low serum potassium level found in her blood test. After informing her of the results, she reveals that she has been experiencing palpitations and dizziness for a few hours. You advise her to go to the emergency department for an ECG and treatment. What ECG indication is associated with hypokalaemia?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: ST segment depression
Explanation:ECG changes indicating hypokalaemia include ST-segment depression, along with other signs such as small or absent P waves, tall tented T waves, and broad bizarre QRS complexes. On the other hand, hyperkalaemia can be identified through ECG signs such as a long PR interval and a sine wave pattern, as well as tall tented T waves and broad bizarre QRS complexes. Prolongation of the PR interval may be seen in both hypokalaemia and hyperkalaemia, while a short PR interval suggests pre-excitation or an AV nodal rhythm. Patients with hypokalaemia may present with symptoms such as fatigue, muscle weakness, myalgia, muscle cramps, constipation, hyporeflexia, and in rare cases, paralysis. It is worth noting that abnormalities in serum potassium levels are often discovered incidentally.
Hypokalaemia, a condition characterized by low levels of potassium in the blood, can be detected through ECG features. These include the presence of U waves, small or absent T waves (which may occasionally be inverted), a prolonged PR interval, ST depression, and a long QT interval. The ECG image provided shows typical U waves and a borderline PR interval. To remember these features, one user suggests the following rhyme: In Hypokalaemia, U have no Pot and no T, but a long PR and a long QT.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 22
You are participating in a cardiology ward round with a senior consultant and encounter an 80-year-old patient. Your consultant requests that you auscultate the patient's heart and provide feedback.
During your examination, you detect a very faint early-diastolic murmur. To identify additional indications, you palpate the patient's wrist and observe a collapsing pulse.
What intervention could potentially amplify the intensity of the murmur?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Asking patient to perform a handgrip manoeuvre
Explanation:The intensity of an aortic regurgitation murmur can be increased by performing the handgrip manoeuvre, which raises afterload by contracting the arm muscles and compressing the arteries. Conversely, amyl nitrate is a vasodilator that reduces afterload by dilating peripheral arteries, while ACE inhibitors are used to treat aortic regurgitation by lowering afterload. Asking the patient to breathe in will not accentuate the murmur, but standing up or performing the Valsalva manoeuvre can decrease venous return to the heart and reduce the intensity of the murmur.
Aortic regurgitation is a condition where the aortic valve of the heart leaks, causing blood to flow in the opposite direction during ventricular diastole. This can be caused by disease of the aortic valve or by distortion or dilation of the aortic root and ascending aorta. The most common causes of AR due to valve disease include rheumatic fever, calcific valve disease, and infective endocarditis. On the other hand, AR due to aortic root disease can be caused by conditions such as aortic dissection, hypertension, and connective tissue diseases like Marfan’s and Ehler-Danlos syndrome.
The features of AR include an early diastolic murmur, a collapsing pulse, wide pulse pressure, Quincke’s sign, and De Musset’s sign. In severe cases, a mid-diastolic Austin-Flint murmur may also be present. Suspected AR should be investigated with echocardiography.
Management of AR involves medical management of any associated heart failure and surgery in symptomatic patients with severe AR or asymptomatic patients with severe AR who have LV systolic dysfunction.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 23
A nursing student is being consented for a parathyroidectomy for symptomatic hyperparathyroidism. The parathyroid gland consists of 2 superior and 2 inferior glands. The patient is informed that all four glands will be removed in order to achieve a complete resolution of her symptoms. You explain to her that the superior and inferior glands are derived from different structures.
From which one of the following embryological structures are the superior parathyroid glands derived from?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Fourth pharyngeal pouch
Explanation:The superior parathyroid glands are formed from the fourth pharyngeal pouch during embryonic development. The pharyngeal pouches develop between the branchial arches, with the first pouch located between the first and second arches. There are four pairs of pouches, with the fifth pouch being either absent or very small. A helpful mnemonic to remember the derivatives of the four pharyngeal pouches is 1A, 2P, 3 TIP, 4 SUB. This stands for the auditory tube, middle ear cavity, and mastoid antrum for the first pouch; the crypts of the palatine tonsil for the second pouch; the thymus and inferior parathyroid gland for the third pouch; and the superior parathyroid gland and ultimobranchial body for the fourth pouch.
Anatomy and Development of the Parathyroid Glands
The parathyroid glands are four small glands located posterior to the thyroid gland within the pretracheal fascia. They develop from the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches, with those derived from the fourth pouch located more superiorly and associated with the thyroid gland, while those from the third pouch lie more inferiorly and may become associated with the thymus.
The blood supply to the parathyroid glands is derived from the inferior and superior thyroid arteries, with a rich anastomosis between the two vessels. Venous drainage is into the thyroid veins. The parathyroid glands are surrounded by various structures, with the common carotid laterally, the recurrent laryngeal nerve and trachea medially, and the thyroid anteriorly. Understanding the anatomy and development of the parathyroid glands is important for their proper identification and preservation during surgical procedures.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 24
A medical resident has been instructed by the geriatric consultant to review the medication chart of an elderly patient with a history of hypertension, heart failure, and biliary colic. The resident noticed a significant drop in systolic blood pressure upon standing and discontinued a medication that may have contributed to the postural hypotension. However, a few hours later, the patient's continuous cardiac monitoring showed tachycardia. Which medication cessation could have caused the tachycardia in this elderly patient?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Atenolol
Explanation:Abruptly stopping atenolol, a beta blocker, can lead to ‘rebound tachycardia’. None of the other drugs listed have been associated with this condition. While ramipril, an ace-inhibitor, may have contributed to the patient’s postural hypotension, it is not known to cause tachycardia upon cessation. Furosemide, a loop diuretic, can worsen postural hypotension by causing volume depletion, but it is not known to cause tachycardia upon discontinuation. Aspirin and clopidogrel, both antiplatelet drugs, are unlikely to be stopped abruptly and are not associated with either ‘rebound tachycardia’ or postural hypotension.
Beta-blockers are a class of drugs that are primarily used to manage cardiovascular disorders. They have a wide range of indications, including angina, post-myocardial infarction, heart failure, arrhythmias, hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, migraine prophylaxis, and anxiety. Beta-blockers were previously avoided in heart failure, but recent evidence suggests that certain beta-blockers can improve both symptoms and mortality. They have also replaced digoxin as the rate-control drug of choice in atrial fibrillation. However, their role in reducing stroke and myocardial infarction has diminished in recent years due to a lack of evidence.
Examples of beta-blockers include atenolol and propranolol, which was one of the first beta-blockers to be developed. Propranolol is lipid-soluble, which means it can cross the blood-brain barrier.
Like all drugs, beta-blockers have side-effects. These can include bronchospasm, cold peripheries, fatigue, sleep disturbances (including nightmares), and erectile dysfunction. There are also some contraindications to using beta-blockers, such as uncontrolled heart failure, asthma, sick sinus syndrome, and concurrent use with verapamil, which can precipitate severe bradycardia.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 25
A 53-year-old woman presents with stroke symptoms after experiencing difficulty speaking and changes in vision while at a hair salon. She developed a headache after having her hair washed, and further examination reveals a vertebral arterial dissection believed to be caused by hyperextension of her neck.
What is the pathway of this blood vessel as it enters the cranial cavity?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Foramen magnum
Explanation:The vertebral arteries pass through the foramen magnum to enter the cranial cavity. If the neck is hyperextended, it can compress and potentially cause dissection of these arteries. A well-known example of this happening is when a person leans back to have their hair washed at a salon. The vertebral artery runs alongside the medulla in the foramen magnum. The carotid canal is not involved in this process, as it contains the carotid artery. Similarly, the foramen ovale contains the accessory meningeal artery, not the vertebral artery, and the foramen spinosum contains the middle meningeal artery, not the vertebral artery.
The Circle of Willis is an anastomosis formed by the internal carotid arteries and vertebral arteries on the bottom surface of the brain. It is divided into two halves and is made up of various arteries, including the anterior communicating artery, anterior cerebral artery, internal carotid artery, posterior communicating artery, and posterior cerebral arteries. The circle and its branches supply blood to important areas of the brain, such as the corpus striatum, internal capsule, diencephalon, and midbrain.
The vertebral arteries enter the cranial cavity through the foramen magnum and lie in the subarachnoid space. They then ascend on the anterior surface of the medulla oblongata and unite to form the basilar artery at the base of the pons. The basilar artery has several branches, including the anterior inferior cerebellar artery, labyrinthine artery, pontine arteries, superior cerebellar artery, and posterior cerebral artery.
The internal carotid arteries also have several branches, such as the posterior communicating artery, anterior cerebral artery, middle cerebral artery, and anterior choroid artery. These arteries supply blood to different parts of the brain, including the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes. Overall, the Circle of Willis and its branches play a crucial role in providing oxygen and nutrients to the brain.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 26
A 67-year-old male arrives at the emergency department complaining of crushing chest pain, sweating, and palpitations. Upon examination, an ECG reveals ST elevation in leads V1-V4, indicating a myocardial infarction. Which coronary artery is most likely blocked?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Anterior descending artery
Explanation:Anteroseptal myocardial infarction is typically caused by blockage of the left anterior descending artery. This is supported by the patient’s symptoms and ST segment elevation in leads V1-V4, which correspond to the territory supplied by this artery. Other potential occlusions, such as the left circumflex artery, left marginal artery, posterior descending artery, or right coronary artery, would cause different changes in specific leads.
The following table displays the relationship between ECG changes and the affected coronary artery territories. Anteroseptal changes in V1-V4 indicate involvement of the left anterior descending artery, while inferior changes in II, III, and aVF suggest the right coronary artery is affected. Anterolateral changes in V4-6, I, and aVL may indicate involvement of either the left anterior descending or left circumflex artery, while lateral changes in I, aVL, and possibly V5-6 suggest the left circumflex artery is affected. Posterior changes in V1-3 may indicate a posterior infarction, which is typically caused by the left circumflex artery but can also be caused by the right coronary artery. Reciprocal changes of STEMI are often seen as horizontal ST depression, tall R waves, upright T waves, and a dominant R wave in V2. Posterior infarction is confirmed by ST elevation and Q waves in posterior leads (V7-9), usually caused by the left circumflex artery but also possibly the right coronary artery. It is important to note that a new LBBB may indicate acute coronary syndrome.
Diagram showing the correlation between ECG changes and coronary territories in acute coronary syndrome.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 27
A 55-year-old man with several cardiac risk factors arrives at the hospital with sudden onset chest pain in the center. The pain extends to his left arm and is accompanied by sweating and nausea.
The patient's ECG reveals widespread T-wave inversion, which is a new finding compared to his previous ECGs. The level of troponin I in his serum is measured and confirmed to be elevated. The patient is initiated on treatment for acute coronary syndrome and transferred to a cardiac center.
What is the target of this measured cardiac biomarker?Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Actin
Explanation:Troponin I is a cardiac biomarker that binds to actin, which holds the troponin-tropomyosin complex in place and regulates muscle contraction. It is the standard biomarker used in conjunction with ECGs and clinical findings to diagnose non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). Troponin I is highly sensitive and specific for myocardial damage compared to other cardiac biomarkers. Troponin C, another subunit of troponin, plays a role in Ca2+-dependent regulation of muscle contraction and can also be used in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction, but it is less specific as it is found in both cardiac and skeletal muscle. Copeptin, an amino acid peptide, is released earlier than troponin during acute myocardial infarction but is not widely used in clinical practice and has no interaction with troponin. Myoglobin, an iron- and oxygen-binding protein found in both cardiac and skeletal muscle, has poor specificity for cardiac injury and is not involved in the troponin-tropomyosin complex.
Understanding Troponin: The Proteins Involved in Muscle Contraction
Troponin is a group of three proteins that play a crucial role in the contraction of skeletal and cardiac muscles. These proteins work together to regulate the interaction between actin and myosin, which is essential for muscle contraction. The three subunits of troponin are troponin C, troponin T, and troponin I.
Troponin C is responsible for binding to calcium ions, which triggers the contraction of muscle fibers. Troponin T binds to tropomyosin, forming a complex that helps regulate the interaction between actin and myosin. Finally, troponin I binds to actin, holding the troponin-tropomyosin complex in place and preventing muscle contraction when it is not needed.
Understanding the role of troponin is essential for understanding how muscles work and how they can be affected by various diseases and conditions. By regulating the interaction between actin and myosin, troponin plays a critical role in muscle contraction and is a key target for drugs used to treat conditions such as heart failure and skeletal muscle disorders.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 28
A 54-year-old man is undergoing the insertion of a long venous line through the femoral vein into the right atrium to measure CVP. The catheter is being passed through the IVC. At what level does this vessel enter the thorax?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: T8
Explanation:The diaphragm is penetrated by the IVC at T8.
Anatomy of the Inferior Vena Cava
The inferior vena cava (IVC) originates from the fifth lumbar vertebrae and is formed by the merging of the left and right common iliac veins. It passes to the right of the midline and receives drainage from paired segmental lumbar veins throughout its length. The right gonadal vein empties directly into the cava, while the left gonadal vein usually empties into the left renal vein. The renal veins and hepatic veins are the next major veins that drain into the IVC. The IVC pierces the central tendon of the diaphragm at the level of T8 and empties into the right atrium of the heart.
The IVC is related anteriorly to the small bowel, the first and third parts of the duodenum, the head of the pancreas, the liver and bile duct, the right common iliac artery, and the right gonadal artery. Posteriorly, it is related to the right renal artery, the right psoas muscle, the right sympathetic chain, and the coeliac ganglion.
The IVC is divided into different levels based on the veins that drain into it. At the level of T8, it receives drainage from the hepatic vein and inferior phrenic vein before piercing the diaphragm. At the level of L1, it receives drainage from the suprarenal veins and renal vein. At the level of L2, it receives drainage from the gonadal vein, and at the level of L1-5, it receives drainage from the lumbar veins. Finally, at the level of L5, the common iliac vein merges to form the IVC.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 29
A 33-year-old woman delivers a baby boy in the delivery room. The midwife observes microcephaly, polydactyly, and low-set ears during the neonatal assessment. Trisomy 13 is confirmed through rapid genetic testing. What is the most commonly associated cardiac abnormality with this condition?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Ventricular septal defect
Explanation:Understanding Ventricular Septal Defect
Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is a common congenital heart disease that affects many individuals. It is caused by a hole in the wall that separates the two lower chambers of the heart. In some cases, VSDs may close on their own, but in other cases, they require specialized management.
There are various causes of VSDs, including chromosomal disorders such as Down’s syndrome, Edward’s syndrome, Patau syndrome, and cri-du-chat syndrome. Congenital infections and post-myocardial infarction can also lead to VSDs. The condition can be detected during routine scans in utero or may present post-natally with symptoms such as failure to thrive, heart failure, hepatomegaly, tachypnea, tachycardia, pallor, and a pansystolic murmur.
Management of VSDs depends on the size and symptoms of the defect. Small VSDs that are asymptomatic may require monitoring, while moderate to large VSDs may result in heart failure and require nutritional support, medication for heart failure, and surgical closure of the defect.
Complications of VSDs include aortic regurgitation, infective endocarditis, Eisenmenger’s complex, right heart failure, and pulmonary hypertension. Eisenmenger’s complex is a severe complication that results in cyanosis and clubbing and is an indication for a heart-lung transplant. Women with pulmonary hypertension are advised against pregnancy as it carries a high risk of mortality.
In conclusion, VSD is a common congenital heart disease that requires specialized management. Early detection and appropriate treatment can prevent severe complications and improve outcomes for affected individuals.
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- Cardiovascular System
Question 30
A 75-year-old man with confirmed heart failure visits the GP clinic for wound dressing on his left leg. During the visit, the nurse informs the GP that she suspects the patient's legs are swollen. Upon examination, the GP observes bilateral pitting edema that extends up to the knee and decides to prescribe a diuretic. Which diuretic inhibits the sodium-potassium-chloride cotransporter?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Furosemide (loop diuretic)
Explanation:Loop Diuretics: Mechanism of Action and Clinical Applications
Loop diuretics, such as furosemide and bumetanide, are medications that inhibit the Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC) in the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. By doing so, they reduce the absorption of NaCl, resulting in increased urine output. Loop diuretics act on NKCC2, which is more prevalent in the kidneys. These medications work on the apical membrane and must first be filtered into the tubules by the glomerulus before they can have an effect. Patients with poor renal function may require higher doses to ensure sufficient concentration in the tubules.
Loop diuretics are commonly used in the treatment of heart failure, both acutely (usually intravenously) and chronically (usually orally). They are also indicated for resistant hypertension, particularly in patients with renal impairment. However, loop diuretics can cause adverse effects such as hypotension, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hypochloremic alkalosis, ototoxicity, hypocalcemia, renal impairment, hyperglycemia (less common than with thiazides), and gout. Therefore, careful monitoring of electrolyte levels and renal function is necessary when using loop diuretics.
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- Cardiovascular System
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