Question 1
A 25-year-old female who has a past of opioid addiction has successfully maintained sobriety and is seeking support in controlling her urges.
What would be the most suitable medication intervention for managing her cravings?Your Answer: Naltrexone
Correct Answer: Acamprosate calcium
Explanation:Pharmacological Treatments for Alcohol Dependence
Acamprosate, when used in conjunction with counselling, has been found to be effective in helping alcohol-dependent patients with strong cravings maintain abstinence. Bupropion hydrochloride, which is primarily used as an antidepressant, has also been shown to be effective in maintaining smoking cessation. Disulfiram, on the other hand, causes an unpleasant systemic reaction when alcohol is consumed due to the buildup of acetaldehyde. Nalmefene has recently been licensed for the reduction of alcohol consumption in alcohol-dependent patients with a high drinking risk level who do not have physical withdrawal symptoms and do not require immediate detoxification. Finally, naltrexone, an opioid-receptor antagonist, may be used in the treatment of alcohol dependence after successful withdrawal.
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 2
Which drug interacts with a G-coupled receptor to exert its effects?
Your Answer: Heroin
Explanation:The mechanism of action of heroin involves attaching to opiate receptors, which are G-coupled. This attachment results in the suppression of cellular activity through stimulation.
Mechanisms of action for illicit drugs can be classified based on their effects on ionotropic receptors of ion channels, G coupled receptors, of monoamine transporters. Cocaine and amphetamine both increase dopamine levels in the synaptic cleft, but through different mechanisms. Cocaine directly blocks the dopamine transporter, while amphetamine binds to the transporter and increases dopamine efflux through various mechanisms, including inhibition of vesicular monoamine transporter 2 and monoamine oxidase, and stimulation of the intracellular receptor TAAR1. These mechanisms result in increased dopamine levels in the synaptic cleft and reuptake inhibition.
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 3
You are requested to consult with Ms. Johnson, a patient who is experiencing depression symptoms. She has been taking her prescribed sertraline (SSRI) for the past two months, but she wishes to discontinue her antidepressant due to sexual dysfunction. What alternative antidepressant would you suggest to Ms. Johnson that is less likely to cause sexual side effects?
Your Answer: Mirtazapine
Explanation:Sexual dysfunction is a common side effect of antidepressants, with varying rates depending on the medication. For example, amitriptyline (TCA) has a prevalence of 30%, while citalopram, sertraline (SSRI), and venlafaxine have rates of 60-70% and 70%, respectively. The mechanisms behind this side effect include sedation, hormonal changes, disturbance of cholinergic/adrenergic balance, peripheral alpha-adrenergic antagonism, inhibition of nitric oxide, and increased serotonin neurotransmission.
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 4
When is it inappropriate to use cholinesterase inhibitors?
Your Answer: Frontotemporal dementia
Explanation:The use of cholinesterase inhibitors may worsen behaviour in individuals with frontotemporal dementia. However, these inhibitors are approved for treating Alzheimer’s dementia and Parkinson’s disease dementia (rivastigmine). While NICE guidelines do not recommend their use for non-cognitive symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies, they can be prescribed for mixed dementia with a primary Alzheimer’s pathology.
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 5
What is the closest estimate for the frequency of dystonia linked to the usage of typical antipsychotics?
Your Answer: 5%
Correct Answer: 10%
Explanation:Extrapyramidal side-effects (EPSE’s) are a group of side effects that affect voluntary motor control, commonly seen in patients taking antipsychotic drugs. EPSE’s include dystonias, parkinsonism, akathisia, and tardive dyskinesia. They can be frightening and uncomfortable, leading to problems with non-compliance and can even be life-threatening in the case of laryngeal dystonia. EPSE’s are thought to be due to antagonism of dopaminergic D2 receptors in the basal ganglia. Symptoms generally occur within the first few days of treatment, with dystonias appearing quickly, within a few hours of administration of the first dose. Newer antipsychotics tend to produce less EPSE’s, with clozapine carrying the lowest risk and haloperidol carrying the highest risk. Akathisia is the most resistant EPSE to treat. EPSE’s can also occur when antipsychotics are discontinued (withdrawal dystonia).
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 6
What is the term used to describe an agonist that produces effects below the maximum level at a receptor?
Your Answer: A full agonist
Correct Answer: A partial agonist
Explanation:Agonists and Antagonists in Pharmacology
In pharmacology, an agonist is a substance that binds to a receptor and triggers a biological response. On the other hand, an antagonist is a substance that blocks the effects of an agonist. A partial agonist produces a response but cannot produce the maximum response even at high doses.
Competitive antagonists bind to the receptor in a reversible way without affecting the biological response. They make the agonist appear less potent. Inverse agonists, on the other hand, have opposite effects from those of full agonists. They are not the same as antagonists, which block the effect of both agonists and inverse agonists.
Full agonists display full efficacy at a receptor. Some substances can act as an agonist at certain receptors and as an antagonist at others. Such a substance is called an agonist-antagonist. Understanding the differences between agonists and antagonists is crucial in drug development and treatment.
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 7
Which statement accurately describes the pharmacokinetics during pregnancy?
Your Answer: Elevated estrogen levels results in delayed gastric emptying
Correct Answer: The glomerular filtration rate increases during pregnancy
Explanation:Pharmacokinetics in Pregnancy
During pregnancy, there are significant changes in maternal physiology that can affect the pharmacokinetics of drugs. These changes are most pronounced in the third trimester. One of the most notable changes is an increase in plasma volume, which can lead to haemodilution and a decrease in the concentration of plasma albumin. As a result, the total plasma concentrations of albumin-bound drugs may decrease during pregnancy. Additionally, lipophilic drugs may have an increased volume of distribution due to the increase in plasma volume.
Progesterone levels are also elevated during pregnancy, which can lead to delayed gastric emptying and reduced small intestine motility. This may affect the absorption of drugs, but the overall impact on bioavailability is likely to be relatively small.
The activity of hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes can also change during pregnancy. Estrogens and progesterone can induce some CYP enzymes and inhibit others, leading to altered drug metabolism.
Finally, renal blood flow and the glomerular filtration rate increase during pregnancy, which can enhance the elimination of some drugs. The GFR can increase by up to 50% during pregnancy. These changes in pharmacokinetics during pregnancy must be taken into account when prescribing drugs to pregnant women.
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Question 8
If a drug is given intravenously at a dose of 1000mg and its concentration is measured to be 50 mg/L, what is the volume of distribution of the drug?
Your Answer: 20L
Explanation:The plasma concentration is 50 and the total amount in the body is 1000, therefore the volume of distribution is 20.
Understanding the Volume of Distribution in Pharmacology
The volume of distribution (Vd) is a crucial concept in pharmacology that helps determine how a drug distributes in the body. It is also known as the apparent volume of distribution, as it is an abstract volume. The Vd indicates whether a drug concentrates in the plasma of spreads out in the body. Drugs that are highly polar tend to stay in central compartments such as the plasma, resulting in a low Vd. Conversely, drugs that are more lipid-soluble are distributed widely, such as in fat, resulting in a high Vd.
The Vd is calculated by dividing the amount of drug in the body by the concentration in the plasma. Clinically, the Vd is used to determine the loading dose of a drug required for a desired blood concentration and to estimate blood concentration in the treatment of overdose. The units of Vd are in volume.
The apparent volume of distribution is dependent on the drug’s lipid of water solubility, plasma protein binding, and tissue binding. Plasma protein binding affects the Vd, as drugs that bind to plasma proteins like albumin have a smaller apparent volume of distribution. This is because they are extracted from plasma and included in drug concentration measurements, which can give a misleading impression of their volume of distribution. Understanding the Vd is essential in pharmacology to ensure the safe and effective use of drugs.
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Question 9
What is the accurate definition of drug clearance?
Your Answer: The volume of plasma cleared of a drug over a specified time period
Explanation:Drug Clearance: Understanding the Rate of Drug Removal from the Body
Drug clearance refers to the efficiency of drug removal from the plasma, and is measured as the volume of plasma cleared of a drug over a specific time period. The unit of measurement for drug clearance is volume per time. Clearance of a drug involves both metabolism and excretion. When drug intake equals clearance, it is referred to as a steady state, which is usually achieved by 4.5 half-lives. The time taken to reach steady state depends on the half-life of the drug.
There are two main types of clearance: hepatic and renal. Hepatic clearance involves the conversion of the parent drug into a different chemical entity by the liver enzymes, while renal clearance involves the removal of the drug from the plasma into the urine. The clearance of a drug can take one of two forms: zero and first-order kinetics. In zero-order reactions, the clearance of a drug is constant and not related to the concentration of the drug in the plasma. This type of reaction is typically found when the material needed for the reaction to proceed (e.g. enzyme) is saturated. Ethanol and Phenytoin are good examples of this.
Most drugs tend to follow first-order reactions, where the clearance is related to the concentration of the drug in the plasma. The half-life of a drug is the time taken for its concentration to fall by half. In first-order reactions, this is constant. In zero-order reactions, it gets progressively shorter.
It is important to note that elimination and clearance are not the same. Elimination is the irreversible removal of the drug from the body, while clearance is a theoretical volume of blood that is cleared of the drug per unit of time, which is independent of the drug dose of concentration. Understanding drug clearance is crucial in determining the appropriate dosing regimen for a drug.
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 10
Who were the pioneers in publishing clinical reports that showcased the efficacy of chlorpromazine as a valuable medication for psychiatric treatment?
Your Answer: Delay and Deniker
Explanation:A Historical Note on the Development of Zimelidine, the First Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor
In 1960s, evidence began to emerge suggesting a significant role of serotonin in depression. This led to the development of zimelidine, the first selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). Zimelidine was derived from pheniramine and was marketed in Europe in 1982. However, it was removed from the market in 1983 due to severe side effects such as hypersensitivity reactions and Guillain-Barre syndrome.
Despite its short-lived availability, zimelidine paved the way for the development of other SSRIs such as fluoxetine, which was approved by the FDA in 1987 and launched in the US market in 1988 under the trade name Prozac. The development of SSRIs revolutionized the treatment of depression and other mood disorders, providing a safer and more effective alternative to earlier antidepressants such as the tricyclics and MAO inhibitors.
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 11
What is a true statement about lithium?
Your Answer: It exists in an unbound form in the blood
Explanation:Lithium has a tendency to remain unattached to proteins and instead remains unbound within the body, resulting in its efficient elimination from the bloodstream through haemodialysis.
Lithium – Pharmacology
Lithium salts are rapidly absorbed following oral administration and are almost exclusively excreted by the kidneys unchanged. Blood samples for lithium should be taken 12 hours post-dose.Ebstein’s:
Ebstein’s anomaly is a congenital malformation consisting of a prolapse of the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. It occurs in 1:20,000 of the general population. Initial data suggested it was more common in those using lithium but this had not held to be true.Contraindications:
Addison’s disease, Brugada syndrome, cardiac disease associated with rhythm disorders, clinically significant renal impairment, untreated of untreatable hypothyroidism, low sodium levels.Side-effects:
Common side effects include nausea, tremor, polyuria/polydipsia, rash/dermatitis, blurred vision, dizziness, decreased appetite, drowsiness, metallic taste, and diarrhea. Side-effects are often dose-related.Long-term use is associated with hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypercalcemia/hyperparathyroidism, irreversible nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, and reduced GFR.
Lithium-induced diabetes insipidus:
Treatment options include stopping lithium (if feasible), keeping levels within 0.4-0.8 mmol/L, once-daily dose of the drug taken at bedtime, amiloride, thiazide diuretics, indomethacin, and desmopressin.Toxicity:
Lithium salts have a narrow therapeutic/toxic ratio. Risk factors for lithium toxicity include drugs altering renal function, decreased circulating volume, infections, fever, decreased oral intake of water, renal insufficiency, and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Features of lithium toxicity include GI symptoms and neuro symptoms.Pre-prescribing:
Before prescribing lithium, renal function, cardiac function, thyroid function, FBC, and BMI should be checked. Women of childbearing age should be advised regarding contraception, and information about toxicity should be provided.Monitoring:
Lithium blood levels should be checked weekly until stable, and then every 3-6 months once stable. Thyroid and renal function should be checked every 6 months. Patients should be issued with an information booklet, alert card, and record book. -
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 12
What medications have the potential to cause elevated levels of lithium in the body?
Your Answer: Bendroflumethiazide
Explanation:Lithium – Pharmacology
Lithium salts are rapidly absorbed following oral administration and are almost exclusively excreted by the kidneys unchanged. Blood samples for lithium should be taken 12 hours post-dose.Ebstein’s:
Ebstein’s anomaly is a congenital malformation consisting of a prolapse of the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. It occurs in 1:20,000 of the general population. Initial data suggested it was more common in those using lithium but this had not held to be true.Contraindications:
Addison’s disease, Brugada syndrome, cardiac disease associated with rhythm disorders, clinically significant renal impairment, untreated of untreatable hypothyroidism, low sodium levels.Side-effects:
Common side effects include nausea, tremor, polyuria/polydipsia, rash/dermatitis, blurred vision, dizziness, decreased appetite, drowsiness, metallic taste, and diarrhea. Side-effects are often dose-related.Long-term use is associated with hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypercalcemia/hyperparathyroidism, irreversible nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, and reduced GFR.
Lithium-induced diabetes insipidus:
Treatment options include stopping lithium (if feasible), keeping levels within 0.4-0.8 mmol/L, once-daily dose of the drug taken at bedtime, amiloride, thiazide diuretics, indomethacin, and desmopressin.Toxicity:
Lithium salts have a narrow therapeutic/toxic ratio. Risk factors for lithium toxicity include drugs altering renal function, decreased circulating volume, infections, fever, decreased oral intake of water, renal insufficiency, and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Features of lithium toxicity include GI symptoms and neuro symptoms.Pre-prescribing:
Before prescribing lithium, renal function, cardiac function, thyroid function, FBC, and BMI should be checked. Women of childbearing age should be advised regarding contraception, and information about toxicity should be provided.Monitoring:
Lithium blood levels should be checked weekly until stable, and then every 3-6 months once stable. Thyroid and renal function should be checked every 6 months. Patients should be issued with an information booklet, alert card, and record book. -
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Question 13
What is the probable identity of the drug used in the treatment arm of the clinical trial for schizophrenia that showed a statistically significant reduction in negative symptoms as measured by PANSS?
Your Answer: Minocycline
Explanation:The effectiveness of minocycline, a tetracycline antibiotic, in providing neuroprotection has been observed in vitro. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of minocycline on negative symptoms in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia at the beginning of the trial and after one year of follow-up. Minocycline is recognized for its ability to be well-tolerated in acne treatment and its capacity to cross the blood-brain barrier. Preliminary findings have indicated that it may be effective in preventing the onset of negative symptoms in schizophrenia. There have been no clinical trials conducted on the other antibiotics.
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Question 14
What is a true statement about lithium?
Your Answer: Lithium citrate is not licensed for the prophylaxis of mania
Correct Answer: Lithium citrate is available in liquid form
Explanation:Both lithium carbonate and citrate are used for the treatment and prevention of various mental health conditions, including mania, bipolar disorder, recurrent depression, and aggressive of self-harming behavior. Lithium carbonate is available in tablet form, while lithium citrate is a liquid medication.
Lithium – Pharmacology
Lithium salts are rapidly absorbed following oral administration and are almost exclusively excreted by the kidneys unchanged. Blood samples for lithium should be taken 12 hours post-dose.Ebstein’s:
Ebstein’s anomaly is a congenital malformation consisting of a prolapse of the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. It occurs in 1:20,000 of the general population. Initial data suggested it was more common in those using lithium but this had not held to be true.Contraindications:
Addison’s disease, Brugada syndrome, cardiac disease associated with rhythm disorders, clinically significant renal impairment, untreated of untreatable hypothyroidism, low sodium levels.Side-effects:
Common side effects include nausea, tremor, polyuria/polydipsia, rash/dermatitis, blurred vision, dizziness, decreased appetite, drowsiness, metallic taste, and diarrhea. Side-effects are often dose-related.Long-term use is associated with hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypercalcemia/hyperparathyroidism, irreversible nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, and reduced GFR.
Lithium-induced diabetes insipidus:
Treatment options include stopping lithium (if feasible), keeping levels within 0.4-0.8 mmol/L, once-daily dose of the drug taken at bedtime, amiloride, thiazide diuretics, indomethacin, and desmopressin.Toxicity:
Lithium salts have a narrow therapeutic/toxic ratio. Risk factors for lithium toxicity include drugs altering renal function, decreased circulating volume, infections, fever, decreased oral intake of water, renal insufficiency, and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Features of lithium toxicity include GI symptoms and neuro symptoms.Pre-prescribing:
Before prescribing lithium, renal function, cardiac function, thyroid function, FBC, and BMI should be checked. Women of childbearing age should be advised regarding contraception, and information about toxicity should be provided.Monitoring:
Lithium blood levels should be checked weekly until stable, and then every 3-6 months once stable. Thyroid and renal function should be checked every 6 months. Patients should be issued with an information booklet, alert card, and record book. -
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 15
Which atypical antipsychotic has the most extended half-life?
Your Answer: Aripiprazole
Explanation:Knowing the half life of a drug is important in determining the steady state concentration, which occurs when absorption and elimination reach an equilibrium after repeated doses. This equilibrium depends on factors such as dose, time between doses, and the drug’s elimination half life. Typically, steady state is achieved after four to five half lives. The following are the half lives of some atypical antipsychotics: Aripiprazole – 90 hours, Clozapine – 16 hours, Olanzapine – 30 hours, Risperidone – 15 hours, and Quetiapine – 6 hours.
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Question 16
What substance acts by reversibly inhibiting monoamine oxidase type A?
Your Answer: Moclobemide
Explanation:Mechanisms of Action of Different Drugs
Understanding the mechanisms of action of different drugs is crucial for medical professionals. It is a common topic in exams and can earn easy marks if studied well. This article provides a list of drugs and their mechanisms of action in different categories such as antidepressants, anti dementia drugs, mood stabilizers, anxiolytic/hypnotic drugs, antipsychotics, drugs of abuse, and other drugs. For example, mirtazapine is a noradrenaline and serotonin specific antidepressant that works as a 5HT2 antagonist, 5HT3 antagonist, H1 antagonist, alpha 1 and alpha 2 antagonist, and moderate muscarinic antagonist. Similarly, donepezil is a reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor used as an anti dementia drug, while valproate is a GABA agonist and NMDA antagonist used as a mood stabilizer. The article also explains the mechanisms of action of drugs such as ketamine, phencyclidine, buprenorphine, naloxone, atomoxetine, varenicline, disulfiram, acamprosate, and sildenafil.
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Question 17
What is the primary way in which agomelatine works?
Your Answer: Melatonin receptor agonist
Explanation:Agomelatine is a newly developed antidepressant that primarily targets the melatonin receptors, but its antidepressant properties stem from its ability to block serotonin receptors.
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Question 18
What is a known factor that can increase the risk of QTc prolongation?
Your Answer: Anorexia nervosa
Explanation:Amantadine and QTc Prolongation
Amantadine is a medication used to treat Parkinson’s disease and influenza. It has been associated with QTc prolongation, which can increase the risk of Torsades de points. Therefore, caution should be exercised when prescribing amantadine to patients with risk factors for QT prolongation. If a patient is already taking amantadine and develops a prolonged QTc interval, the medication should be discontinued and an alternative treatment considered. It is important to monitor the QTc interval in patients taking amantadine, especially those with risk factors for QT prolongation.
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 19
What are the potential side effects of lithium that you would inform a patient about before starting the medication?
Your Answer: Fine tremor
Explanation:Lithium – Pharmacology
Lithium salts are rapidly absorbed following oral administration and are almost exclusively excreted by the kidneys unchanged. Blood samples for lithium should be taken 12 hours post-dose.Ebstein’s:
Ebstein’s anomaly is a congenital malformation consisting of a prolapse of the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. It occurs in 1:20,000 of the general population. Initial data suggested it was more common in those using lithium but this had not held to be true.Contraindications:
Addison’s disease, Brugada syndrome, cardiac disease associated with rhythm disorders, clinically significant renal impairment, untreated of untreatable hypothyroidism, low sodium levels.Side-effects:
Common side effects include nausea, tremor, polyuria/polydipsia, rash/dermatitis, blurred vision, dizziness, decreased appetite, drowsiness, metallic taste, and diarrhea. Side-effects are often dose-related.Long-term use is associated with hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypercalcemia/hyperparathyroidism, irreversible nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, and reduced GFR.
Lithium-induced diabetes insipidus:
Treatment options include stopping lithium (if feasible), keeping levels within 0.4-0.8 mmol/L, once-daily dose of the drug taken at bedtime, amiloride, thiazide diuretics, indomethacin, and desmopressin.Toxicity:
Lithium salts have a narrow therapeutic/toxic ratio. Risk factors for lithium toxicity include drugs altering renal function, decreased circulating volume, infections, fever, decreased oral intake of water, renal insufficiency, and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Features of lithium toxicity include GI symptoms and neuro symptoms.Pre-prescribing:
Before prescribing lithium, renal function, cardiac function, thyroid function, FBC, and BMI should be checked. Women of childbearing age should be advised regarding contraception, and information about toxicity should be provided.Monitoring:
Lithium blood levels should be checked weekly until stable, and then every 3-6 months once stable. Thyroid and renal function should be checked every 6 months. Patients should be issued with an information booklet, alert card, and record book. -
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 20
What substance has a decay rate that results in a half-life of 75 hours?
Your Answer: Aripiprazole
Explanation:Antipsychotic Half-life and Time to Steady State
Antipsychotic medications are commonly used to treat various mental health conditions, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Understanding the half-life and time to steady state of these medications is important for determining dosing and monitoring their effectiveness.
Aripiprazole has a half-life of 75 hours and takes approximately 2 weeks to reach steady state. Olanzapine has a half-life of 30 hours and takes about 1 week to reach steady state. Risperidone has a half-life of 20 hours when taken orally and takes 2-3 days to reach steady state. Clozapine and Amisulpride both have a half-life of 12 hours and take 2-3 days to reach steady state. Ziprasidone has a shorter half-life of 7 hours and takes 2-3 days to reach steady state. Quetiapine has the shortest half-life of 6 hours and also takes 2-3 days to reach steady state.
Knowing the half-life and time to steady state of antipsychotic medications can help healthcare providers determine the appropriate dosing and frequency of administration. It can also aid in monitoring the effectiveness of the medication and adjusting the treatment plan as needed.
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Question 21
What is an example of a common antipsychotic medication?
Your Answer: Risperidone
Correct Answer: Sulpiride
Explanation:Antipsychotics can be classified in different ways, with the most common being typical (first generation) and atypical (second generation) types. Typical antipsychotics block dopamine (D2) receptors and have varying degrees of M1, Alpha-1, and H1 receptor blockade. Atypical antipsychotics have a lower propensity for extrapyramidal side-effects and are attributed to the combination of relatively lower D2 antagonism with 5HT2A antagonism. They are also classified by structure, with examples including phenothiazines, butyrophenones, thioxanthenes, diphenylbutylpiperidine, dibenzodiazepines, benzoxazoles, thienobenzodiazepine, substituted benzamides, and arylpiperidylindole (quinolone). Studies have found little evidence to support the superiority of atypicals over typicals in terms of efficacy, discontinuation rates, of adherence, with the main difference being the side-effect profile. The Royal College also favors classification by structure.
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Question 22
What potential adverse effects of diazepam use could explain a patient's complaints of abdominal pain, constipation, and muscle weakness upon returning to the clinic for follow-up?
Your Answer: Acute hypoadrenalism
Correct Answer: Porphyria
Explanation:Porphyria: The Little Imitator
Porphyria is a medical condition that is often referred to as the little imitator because it can mimic various common psychiatric presentations. This condition can be triggered by the use of certain psychotropic drugs, including barbiturates, benzodiazepines, sulpiride, and some mood stabilizers.
Porphyria can manifest in different ways, and it is important to be aware of the symptoms. These may include abdominal pain, mental state changes, constipation, vomiting, and muscle weakness.
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Question 23
What combination of substances is included in Suboxone?
Your Answer: Naloxone and buprenorphine
Explanation:Suboxone vs. Subutex: What’s the Difference?
Suboxone and Subutex are both medications used to treat opioid addiction. However, there are some key differences between the two.
Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone. The naloxone is added to prevent people from injecting the medication, as this was a common problem with pure buprenorphine tablets. If someone tries to inject Suboxone, the naloxone will cause intense withdrawal symptoms. However, if the tablet is swallowed as directed, the naloxone is not absorbed by the gut and does not cause any problems.
Subutex, on the other hand, contains only buprenorphine and does not include naloxone. This means that it may be more likely to be abused by injection, as there is no deterrent to prevent people from doing so.
Overall, both Suboxone and Subutex can be effective treatments for opioid addiction, but Suboxone may be a safer choice due to the addition of naloxone.
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Question 24
What is the accurate statement about the post-injection syndrome linked with olanzapine embonate?
Your Answer: The majority of cases occur between 2-4 hours following the injection
Correct Answer:
Explanation:Although the occurrence of the post-injection syndrome is rare, patients must still be observed for three hours after receiving the depot injection.
, coma, respiratory depression (rare)
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Question 25
A teenager who needs to start an antipsychotic tells you that they are very concerned about the risk of weight gain. You anticipate that they may discontinue the medication if they experience weight gain. What would be the most suitable initial approach to address this concern?
Your Answer: Aripiprazole
Explanation:Antipsychotic drugs are known to cause weight gain, but some more than others. The reason for this is not due to a direct metabolic effect, but rather an increase in appetite and a decrease in activity levels. The risk of weight gain appears to be linked to clinical response. There are several suggested mechanisms for this, including antagonism of certain receptors and hormones that stimulate appetite. The risk of weight gain varies among different antipsychotics, with clozapine and olanzapine having the highest risk. Management strategies for antipsychotic-induced weight gain include calorie restriction, low glycemic index diet, exercise, and switching to an alternative antipsychotic. Aripiprazole, ziprasidone, and lurasidone are recommended as alternative options. Other options include aripiprazole augmentation, metformin, orlistat, liraglutide, and topiramate.
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Question 26
What is a correct statement about antipsychotic depots?
Your Answer: Plasma levels are always at their lowest just prior to each depot being given
Correct Answer: A test dose is not required for paliperidone palmitate if a patient has received an oral loading dose
Explanation:, coma, respiratory depression (rare)
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 27
Which symptom is the strongest indicator of neuroleptic malignant syndrome?
Your Answer: Increased muscle tone
Explanation:NMS can be identified by three primary symptoms: hyperthermia, rigidity, and elevated creatine phosphokinase concentration. If these symptoms are not present, the diagnosis of NMS should be reconsidered as other symptoms may be present in patients taking neuroleptics without having NMS. This information was reported by P Adnet in the British Journal of Anaesthesia in 2000.
Serotonin Syndrome and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome are two conditions that can be difficult to differentiate. Serotonin Syndrome is caused by excess serotonergic activity in the CNS and is characterized by neuromuscular abnormalities, altered mental state, and autonomic dysfunction. On the other hand, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome is a rare acute disorder of thermoregulation and neuromotor control that is almost exclusively caused by antipsychotics. The symptoms of both syndromes can overlap, but there are some distinguishing clinical features. Hyper-reflexia, ocular clonus, and tremors are more prominent in Serotonin Syndrome, while Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome is characterized by uniform ‘lead-pipe’ rigidity and hyporeflexia. Symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome usually resolve within a few days of stopping the medication, while Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome can take up to 14 days to remit with appropriate treatment. The following table provides a useful guide to the main differentials of Serotonin Syndrome and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome.
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- Psychopharmacology
Question 28
What is the cause of diabetes insipidus induced by lithium?
Your Answer: Excessive Na reabsorption in the loop of Henle
Correct Answer: Impaired action of ADH on principal cells
Explanation:Lithium – Pharmacology
Lithium salts are rapidly absorbed following oral administration and are almost exclusively excreted by the kidneys unchanged. Blood samples for lithium should be taken 12 hours post-dose.Ebstein’s:
Ebstein’s anomaly is a congenital malformation consisting of a prolapse of the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. It occurs in 1:20,000 of the general population. Initial data suggested it was more common in those using lithium but this had not held to be true.Contraindications:
Addison’s disease, Brugada syndrome, cardiac disease associated with rhythm disorders, clinically significant renal impairment, untreated of untreatable hypothyroidism, low sodium levels.Side-effects:
Common side effects include nausea, tremor, polyuria/polydipsia, rash/dermatitis, blurred vision, dizziness, decreased appetite, drowsiness, metallic taste, and diarrhea. Side-effects are often dose-related.Long-term use is associated with hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hypercalcemia/hyperparathyroidism, irreversible nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, and reduced GFR.
Lithium-induced diabetes insipidus:
Treatment options include stopping lithium (if feasible), keeping levels within 0.4-0.8 mmol/L, once-daily dose of the drug taken at bedtime, amiloride, thiazide diuretics, indomethacin, and desmopressin.Toxicity:
Lithium salts have a narrow therapeutic/toxic ratio. Risk factors for lithium toxicity include drugs altering renal function, decreased circulating volume, infections, fever, decreased oral intake of water, renal insufficiency, and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Features of lithium toxicity include GI symptoms and neuro symptoms.Pre-prescribing:
Before prescribing lithium, renal function, cardiac function, thyroid function, FBC, and BMI should be checked. Women of childbearing age should be advised regarding contraception, and information about toxicity should be provided.Monitoring:
Lithium blood levels should be checked weekly until stable, and then every 3-6 months once stable. Thyroid and renal function should be checked every 6 months. Patients should be issued with an information booklet, alert card, and record book. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Psychopharmacology
Question 29
A 45-year-old female with long-standing epilepsy experiences severe hyponatremia. What medication is the probable cause of this condition?
Your Answer: Carbamazepine
Explanation:Carbamazepine is an anticonvulsant drug that is used to treat seizures and nerve pain. However, it can also cause some major systemic side effects. These include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can be quite severe in some cases. Another potential side effect is hyponatremia, which is a condition where the blood sodium levels become too low. This can cause symptoms such as confusion, seizures, and even coma in severe cases.
Carbamazepine can also cause skin reactions such as rash and pruritus (itching). These can range from mild to severe and may require medical attention. Finally, fluid retention is another potential side effect of carbamazepine. This can cause swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet, and may also lead to weight gain.
It is important to note that not everyone who takes carbamazepine will experience these side effects. However, if you do experience any of these symptoms, it is important to speak with your doctor right away. They may be able to adjust your dosage of switch you to a different medication to help alleviate these side effects.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Psychopharmacology
Question 30
Which antipsychotic is most commonly associated with contact sensitization?
Your Answer: Chlorpromazine
Explanation:Direct contact with chlorpromazine should be avoided by pharmacists and nurses due to its association with contact dermatitis.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Psychopharmacology
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