Question 1
At what stage of Piaget's model does the ability to distinguish between the amount of water in a tall glass and a wide mouthed glass first emerge?
Your Answer: Concrete operational
Explanation:This is an example of conservation of volume which begins in Piaget’s concrete operational stage. Note: The preconventional stage is a stage in Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, not Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.
Piaget’s Stages of Development and Key Concepts
Piaget developed four stages of development that describe how children think and acquire knowledge. The first stage is the Sensorimotor stage, which occurs from birth to 18-24 months. In this stage, infants learn through sensory observation and gain control of their motor functions through activity, exploration, and manipulation of the environment.
The second stage is the Preoperational stage, which occurs from 2 to 7 years. During this stage, children use symbols and language more extensively, but they are unable to think logically of deductively. They also use a type of magical thinking and animistic thinking.
The third stage is the Concrete Operational stage, which occurs from 7 to 11 years. In this stage, egocentric thought is replaced by operational thought, which involves dealing with a wide array of information outside the child. Children in this stage begin to use limited logical thought and can serialise, order, and group things into classes on the basis of common characteristics.
The fourth and final stage is the Formal Operations stage, which occurs from 11 through the end of adolescence. This stage is characterized by the ability to think abstractly, to reason deductively, to define concepts, and also by the emergence of skills for dealing with permutations and combinations.
Piaget also developed key concepts, including schema, assimilation, and accommodation. A schema is a category of knowledge and the process of obtaining that knowledge. Assimilation is the process of taking new information into an existing schema, while accommodation involves altering a schema in view of additional information.
Overall, Piaget’s stages of development and key concepts provide a framework for understanding how children learn and acquire knowledge.
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- Psychological Development
Question 2
When do most children acquire the capacity to identify and utilize gender labels in their language?
Your Answer: 18-24 months
Explanation:Gender Development
Gender identity is the sense of oneself as male of female, which is different from a person’s assigned sex at birth. Gender dysphoria occurs when a person’s gender does not match their sex. Infants as young as 10 months old can form stereotypic associations between faces of women and men and gender-typed objects. By 18-24 months, most children can label gender groups and use gender labels in their speech. Children typically develop gender awareness of their own self around 18 months and declare a gender identity of male of female by age 5-6. It is normal for children to experiment with gender expression and roles. For the majority of pre-pubertal children, gender dysphoria does not persist into adolescence, with only a minority (15%) experiencing persistent gender dysphoria. (Levy, 1994; Martin, 2010; Steensma, 2011).
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- Psychological Development
Question 3
Which of the following statements about the developmental stage of adolescence is accurate?
Your Answer: States that the child realises the world is not perfect
Explanation:Melanie Klein introduced the concepts of object relations, the depressive position, and the paranoid schizoid position. The initial stage is the paranoid schizoid position, where the infant divides their ego and perception of the mother into two opposing parts, one positive and one negative. As the child grows, they come to understand that the same person can possess both positive and negative qualities, leading to the achievement of the depressive position. Splitting is a defense mechanism that prevents the integration of positive and negative object images. Isolation is another defense mechanism that involves separating the memory of an unacceptable impulse of action from the associated emotion.
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- Psychological Development
Question 4
The shift towards a more typical existence for individuals with developmental disabilities, away from institutionalized care, is known as what?
Your Answer: Normalisation
Explanation:Normalisation in Learning Disability Care
Normalisation is a concept that is widely used in the field of learning disability care. It refers to the principles of providing individuals with a life experience that is as normal as possible. This approach is a departure from the traditional model of institutionalised care, which often isolates individuals from the wider community. Normalisation aims to create an environment that is inclusive and supportive, where individuals can participate in everyday activities and have access to the same opportunities as everyone else. By promoting independence and social integration, normalisation helps to improve the quality of life for people with learning disabilities.
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- Psychological Development
Question 5
What is the typical emotional response observed in children with 'secure attachment' when their primary caregiver exits the room during the strange situation procedure?
Your Answer: Distress
Explanation:Attachment (Ainsworth)
Psychologist Mary Ainsworth developed the ‘Strange Situation procedure’ to study and categorize attachment in children aged 12 to 18 months. The procedure involves seven steps, including two separations and two reunions, and takes place in one room. The child’s attachment is classified into one of three styles: secure, anxious-resistant, and anxious-avoidant. A fourth category, disorganized, is sometimes observed. Ainsworth suggested that the child’s attachment style is determined by the primary caregiver’s behavior.
Mary Main later developed the Adult Attachment Interview and identified four categories of attachment in adults that correspond to those observed in the strange situation. The distribution of adult attachment styles correlates with those of the strange situation, with 70% of children and adults having secure attachment. Attachment styles also seem to be passed on to subsequent generations.
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- Psychological Development
Question 6
A 16 year old teenager wants to pursue a career in art, but their parents insist that they must focus on becoming a doctor of engineer. The teenager is not allowed to take art classes and is forbidden from participating in any art competitions. The parents also dictate what clothes the teenager wears and how they style their hair, expecting them to look presentable at all times.
According to Erikson's theory, what developmental stage is being challenged by the parents' actions?Your Answer: Identity vs. role confusion
Explanation:Erik Erikson and Daniel Levinson expanded the understanding of adult development. Erikson proposed a life-span model of human development consisting of eight successive psychosocial stages, each associated with an inherent conflict of crisis that the individual must encounter and successfully resolve to proceed with development. Levinson proposed a developmental theory consisting of universal stages of phases that extend from the infancy state to the elderly state, based on biographical interviews of 40 men in America. Both theorists maintained that personality develops in a predetermined order and builds upon each previous stage, and that failure to successfully negotiate a stage can result in a reduced ability to complete further stages and therefore a more unhealthy personality and sense of self. However, Levinson’s theory is age-based rather than event-based, and his model proposed a ‘life sequence’ consisting of a series of alternating stable (structure-building) periods and cross-era transitional (structure-changing) periods, with transitional periods typically lasting 5 years.
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- Psychological Development
Question 7
Which of the following characteristics is not associated with the sensorimotor stage of development?
Your Answer: Animism
Explanation:The preoperational stage is characterized by the presence of animistic thinking.
Piaget’s Stages of Development and Key Concepts
Piaget developed four stages of development that describe how children think and acquire knowledge. The first stage is the Sensorimotor stage, which occurs from birth to 18-24 months. In this stage, infants learn through sensory observation and gain control of their motor functions through activity, exploration, and manipulation of the environment.
The second stage is the Preoperational stage, which occurs from 2 to 7 years. During this stage, children use symbols and language more extensively, but they are unable to think logically of deductively. They also use a type of magical thinking and animistic thinking.
The third stage is the Concrete Operational stage, which occurs from 7 to 11 years. In this stage, egocentric thought is replaced by operational thought, which involves dealing with a wide array of information outside the child. Children in this stage begin to use limited logical thought and can serialise, order, and group things into classes on the basis of common characteristics.
The fourth and final stage is the Formal Operations stage, which occurs from 11 through the end of adolescence. This stage is characterized by the ability to think abstractly, to reason deductively, to define concepts, and also by the emergence of skills for dealing with permutations and combinations.
Piaget also developed key concepts, including schema, assimilation, and accommodation. A schema is a category of knowledge and the process of obtaining that knowledge. Assimilation is the process of taking new information into an existing schema, while accommodation involves altering a schema in view of additional information.
Overall, Piaget’s stages of development and key concepts provide a framework for understanding how children learn and acquire knowledge.
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- Psychological Development
Question 8
Which study utilized the Heinz dilemma to explore the development of children?
Your Answer: Kohlberg
Explanation:The Heinz dilemma was a scenario used by Kohlberg to explore moral development. It goes as follows: A woman is dying from a rare cancer, and a druggist in the same town has discovered a drug that could save her. However, the druggist is charging ten times the cost of production for the drug. The women’s husband, Heinz, cannot afford the price and asks the druggist to sell it cheaper of let him pay later, but the druggist refuses. In desperation, Heinz breaks into the store to steal the drug for his wife.
The question is whether Heinz should have broken into the store to steal the drug. This dilemma raises ethical questions about the value of human life versus the right to property and profit. Some argue that Heinz was justified in stealing the drug because he was trying to save his wife’s life, and the druggist’s greed was preventing him from doing so. Others argue that stealing is always wrong, regardless of the circumstances, and that Heinz should have found another way to obtain the drug.
Kohlberg used this dilemma to study moral reasoning and development. He believed that people’s responses to moral dilemmas reveal their level of moral reasoning, which progresses through stages of increasing complexity and sophistication. According to Kohlberg, Heinz’s decision to steal the drug would be considered morally justifiable at the higher stages of moral reasoning, where individuals prioritize universal ethical principles over personal gain of social norms.
Overall, the Heinz dilemma highlights the complex nature of moral decision-making and the importance of considering multiple perspectives and ethical principles.
Kohlberg’s Six Stages of Moral Development
Kohlberg’s theory of moral development consists of six stages that can be categorized into three levels. The first level is the preconventional stage, which is characterized by obedience and punishment orientation, where the focus is on the direct consequences of actions and unquestioning deference to power. The second stage is the self-interest orientation, where right behavior is defined purely by what is in the individual’s own interest.
The second level is the conventional stage, which is characterized by interpersonal accord and conformity, where the focus is on how the individual will appear to others. The behavior should accord with a consensus view on what is good. The second stage is the authority and social order obedience driven, where what is lawful is judged to be morally right. Right behavior is dictated by societal rules, and there is a greater respect for social order and the need for laws.
The third level is the postconventional stage, which is characterized by the social contract orientation, where individual rights determine behavior. The individual views laws and rules as flexible tools for improving human purposes. The fourth stage is the universal ethical principles orientation, where the right action is the one that is consistent with abstract reasoning using universal ethical principles.
It is important to note that the age ranges for Kohlberg’s developmental stages are rough guides, and sources vary widely. Kohlberg developed his stage theory following an experiment he conducted on 72 boys aged 10-16. However, the theory is criticized as sexist as it only included boys.
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- Psychological Development
Question 9
During which stages of Tanner development do females experience their growth spurt in puberty?
Your Answer: 2-Mar
Puberty is a natural process that occurs in both boys and girls. The age range for the onset of puberty is between 8-14 years for females and 9-14 years for males, with the mean age of onset being 11 years for girls and 12 years for boys. The duration of puberty is typically 3-4 years. The onset of puberty is marked by the appearance of secondary sex characteristics, such as breast development in females and testicular enlargement in males. These characteristics evolve over time and are rated into 5 stages according to Tanner’s criteria. The sequence of events differs between boys and girls, with the onset of breast development (thelarche) generally preceding the onset of the first period (menarche) by around 2 years in girls. The pubertal growth spurt occurs during stages 3 to 4 in most boys and during stages 2 and 3 in girls. Precocious puberty, which occurs earlier than usual, is more common in girls than in boys. The age of onset of puberty in girls has been decreasing over time, with environmental factors such as nutrition potentially playing a role in this trend.
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- Psychological Development
Question 10
What fear would be most common for an 8-year-old boy?
Your Answer: Fear of bodily injury
Explanation:Childhood Fear: Normal Development
It is normal for children to experience fear and anxiety as they grow and develop. According to Marks’ ‘ontogenetic parade’ theory, children’s fears follow a predictable pattern throughout their development. In the preschool years, children may fear imaginary creatures, animals, strangers, and their environment. As they enter middle childhood, fears of physical danger, bodily injury, and school performance become more prominent. During adolescence, fears about social evaluations and interactions become more common.
Gullone’s research in 1999 identified specific fears that are prominent at different ages. For example, towards the end of the first year, children may fear strangers, heights, and separation anxiety. In preschool years, fears of being alone, the dark, and animals are common. During the school years, children may fear bodily injury, illness, social situations, supernatural phenomena, failure, and criticism. Finally, in adolescence, fears about death, economic and political concerns may persist.
Overall, fear and anxiety are a normal part of child development, and parents and caregivers can support children by acknowledging their fears and helping them develop coping strategies.
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