Question 1
A 65-year-old man who suffered a head injury is unable to retrieve previously learned information from his memory. What specific aspect of memory function is impaired?
Your Answer: Retrieval
Explanation:Long term memory can be categorized into five functions: Registration, Retention, Retrieval, Recall, and Recognition. Memory issues can arise in any of these areas. Retrieval refers to the ability to retrieve stored information from memory, and its loss indicates an organic cause. Registration involves the ability to add new information to the memory store, which can occur through repeated exposure of a single presentation. Retention refers to the ability to store information that can be retrieved later. Recall is the act of bringing stored information back into consciousness at a specific time. Recognition is the feeling of familiarity that accompanies the retrieval of stored information, and while it is related to memory, it is not strictly a part of the memory process.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 2
A 35-year-old male reported experiencing the scent of lavender when he listens to music. What is the most probable explanation for this phenomenon?
Your Answer: Synaesthesia
Explanation:Hallucinations and Illusions
Hallucinations can take on different forms, including reflex hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and functional hallucinations. Reflex hallucinations occur when a stimulus in one sensory modality produces a hallucination in another. For example, someone may smell oranges when they hear music. Auditory hallucinations, on the other hand, are the presence of auditory experiences in the absence of a true stimulus. Functional hallucinations occur when an external stimulus provokes a hallucination, and the normal perception of the external stimulus and the hallucinatory experience are in the same modality.
In addition to hallucinations, there are also illusions, which involve false perceptions with sensory distortions. Kinaesthetic hallucinations are a type of hallucination that involve bodily movements. Understanding the different types of hallucinations and illusions can help individuals better recognize and manage these experiences.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 3
Which of the following is a first-rank symptom?
Your Answer: Thought withdrawal
Explanation:Kurt Schneider identified a set of symptoms that are highly indicative of schizophrenia, but not diagnostic. These are known as first-rank symptoms and include thought echo, third person auditory hallucinations, running commentary, made affect, made volition, made impulse, thought withdrawal, thought insertion, thought broadcast, delusional perception, and somatic passivity. Additionally, Schneider identified second-rank symptoms, which are common in schizophrenia but also occur in other mental illnesses. These include mood changes, emotional blunting, perplexity, and sudden delusional ideas.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 4
The father-to-be experiences nausea, vomiting, and abdominal swelling during the course of his partner's pregnancy. What is the medical term for this condition?
Your Answer: Couvade syndrome
Explanation:Psychiatric Syndromes
Couvade syndrome, also known as sympathetic pregnancy, is a conversion disorder that affects expectant fathers. It is characterized by the experience of physical symptoms of pregnancy. This is not a delusion, as the individual does not believe they are pregnant. Epidemiology, such as prevalence rates, may be useful in understanding this syndrome.
Capgras syndrome is a delusional misidentification syndrome in which an individual believes that a familiar person has been replaced by an imposter.
Cotard’s syndrome is a condition characterized by nihilistic delusions, such as the belief that one is dead.
Frégoli syndrome is a delusional misidentification syndrome in which the patient falsely identifies familiar people in strangers.
Koro is a culture-specific syndrome in which the patient believes that their penis is retracting into their abdomen and that they will die as a result.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 5
A 60-year-old man begins to report experiencing vivid visual hallucinations of people and animals in his home. He is fully conscious and aware. He has a past medical history of macular degeneration. After being evaluated and ruled out for any medical issues such as a urinary tract infection, what is the most probable cause of his symptoms?
Your Answer: Charles Bonnet syndrome
Explanation:Late-onset schizophrenia is characterized by paranoid delusions and auditory hallucinations as the main symptoms. Although a small proportion of patients may experience visual, tactile, of olfactory hallucinations, these are not the primary features of the disorder. It is important to rule out other medical conditions that may cause visual hallucinations, such as occipital lobe tumours, post-concussional state, epileptic twilight state, and metabolic disturbances. However, in cases where no underlying medical cause is found, Charles Bonnet syndrome should be considered as a possible explanation for complex visual hallucinations in individuals with impaired vision.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 6
What is the meaning of the term vorbeigehen?
Your Answer: Giving approximate answers
Explanation:Mitgehen, also known as the ‘anglepoise sign’, refers to a phenomenon where a patient moves in response to very slight pressure, indicating a lack of resistance of rigidity in their muscles. This can be observed in various conditions, including Parkinson’s disease and catatonia.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 7
A 25-year-old male patient when asked by the psychiatrist to sit down in the consultation room takes three steps back from the chair. He eventually sits down when the psychiatrist insists.
Which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia is he displaying?Your Answer: Ambitendency
Correct Answer: Negativism
Explanation:Motor and Behavioural Disturbances in Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is often characterized by a range of motor and behavioural disturbances, which can be difficult to distinguish from one another. These disturbances can manifest in various ways, and may be arbitrary in nature.
One common behavioural motor disorder seen in schizophrenia is negativism, which involves actively resisting attempts to make contact with the patient. This can make it challenging to communicate with and treat individuals with this condition.
Another disturbance is in advertence, where the patient may turn towards the examiner in a bizarre, exaggerated, and inflexible manner when addressed. This can make it difficult to establish a rapport with the patient and understand their needs.
Ambitendency is another common disturbance, where the patient alternates between cooperation and opposition, leading to unpredictable and diffident behaviour. This can make it challenging to establish a consistent treatment plan and maintain progress.
Finally, satyriasis is a specific type of motor and behavioural disturbance seen in males with schizophrenia, characterized by excessive sexual activity. This can be a challenging symptom to manage and may require specialized treatment approaches.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 8
A 25-year-old South Asian female graduate is preparing for a job interview.
She reports difficulty focusing, forgetfulness, and persistent feelings of sadness. Additionally, she experiences tension in her head and neck and occasional vision disturbances.
What culture-specific syndrome is most probable in this scenario?Your Answer: Latah
Correct Answer: Brain fag
Explanation:Culture-bound disorders are mental health conditions that are specific to certain cultural settings and may be related to other diagnostic categories such as anxiety disorders of psychosis. Examples of these disorders include windigo and brain fag, which are depressive states, latah and piblokto, which are hysterical states, and amok, which is a dissociative state.
Brain fag is commonly observed in West African students and is a reaction to extreme stress, often related to school work. Symptoms include difficulty concentrating, memory problems, low mood, and sometimes pain around the head and neck, and blurred vision.
Amok is a dissociative state that is more prevalent in Malaysia. It is characterized by symptoms such as neurasthenia, depersonalization, rage, automatism, and violent acts.
Latah is a condition similar to Tourette’s syndrome, where an exaggerated startle response leads to abnormal behavior such as screaming, cursing, dancing movements, and uncontrollable laughter. Upon provocation, affected individuals may also shout obscene utterances, imitate a word, gesture, of action, of automatically obey commands that they would not normally follow.
Piblokto, traditionally found among Eskimo women, presents with attacks of screaming, crying, and running naked through the snow.
Wendigo is a depressive condition characterized by the delusion that one has become cannibalistic. It is mostly observed in Native Americans.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 9
A 30-year-old man with schizophrenia believes that his thoughts are being stolen from his mind every night. When asked for proof, he points to the clouds in the sky, claiming they are taking his thoughts away. Which of the following is the most probable delusion?
Your Answer: Delusional perception
Explanation:Delusions are false beliefs that are fixed and can be categorized as primary of secondary. Primary delusions include delusional intuition, delusional perception, delusional atmosphere, and delusional memory. Delusional atmosphere refers to a feeling that something is not right in the world around the patient, without any change in perception. Delusional intuition arises suddenly and occurs in a single stage, while delusional perception is a two-stage phenomenon where the patient misinterprets a normal perception with a delusional meaning. Delusional memory involves remembering past events with a delusional meaning. An example of delusional perception is when a patient misinterprets the marks of freckles and believes that water is being taken out of their body.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
Question 10
A child in the hospital is experiencing tactile hallucinations during alcohol withdrawal. What is the term used to describe this sensation?
Your Answer: Lilliputian hallucinations
Correct Answer: Formication
Explanation:The sensation of insects crawling on of under the skin is known as formication and is often linked to alcohol withdrawal of delirium. Briquet’s syndrome is a type of somatisation disorder. Jamais vu is a phenomenon where a person recognizes a situation but feels unfamiliar with it, which can be a normal experience. Lilliputian hallucinations, which involve seeing miniature people of animals, may be a symptom of temporal lobe epilepsy.
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- Descriptive Psychopathology
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