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  • Question 1 - What type of memory is semantic memory responsible for? ...


    • What type of memory is semantic memory responsible for?

      Your Answer: Language and knowledge


      Memory Forms

      Memory is the ability to store, retain, and retrieve information. There are different forms of memory, including sensory memory, short-term/working memory, and long-term memory.

      Sensory memory is the capacity for briefly retaining the large amounts of information that people encounter daily. It includes echoic memory (gathered through auditory stimuli), iconic memory (gathered through sight), and haptic memory (acquired through touch).

      Short-term memory is the ability to keep a small amount of information available for a short period of time. Atkinson and Shiffrin’s multistore model (1968) suggests the existence of a short-term storehouse with limited capacity. Baddeley and Hitch (1974) further developed the concept of short-term memory, which eventually became known as Baddeley’s multi-storehouse model (2000). This model includes the central executive, visuospatial sketchpad, phonological buffer/loop, and episodic buffer.

      Long-term memory includes declarative (of explicit) memories, which can be consciously retrieved, and nondeclarative (of implicit) memories, which cannot. Declarative memory includes episodic memory (stores personal experiences) and semantic memory (stores information about facts and concepts). Non-declarative memory includes procedural memory (recalls motor and executive skills), associative memory (storage and retrieval of information through association with other information), and non-associative memory (refers to newly learned behavior through repeated exposure to an isolated stimulus).

      Overall, memory is a complex and essential cognitive function that plays a crucial role in learning, reasoning, and understanding.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Social Psychology
  • Question 2 - What was the unconditioned stimulus in Pavlov's original experiments on classical conditioning with...


    • What was the unconditioned stimulus in Pavlov's original experiments on classical conditioning with dogs?

      Your Answer: Hearing a bell

      Correct Answer: Seeing food


      Classical Conditioning: A Learning Theory by Ivan Pavlov

      Classical conditioning is a learning theory developed by Ivan Pavlov. It suggests that events that occur together are associated and acquire a similar meaning. Unlike operant conditioning, which focuses on responses to behavior, classical conditioning looks at responses to stimuli. In classical conditioning, animals behave as if they have learned to associate a stimulus with a significant event. Pavlov demonstrated that innate responses, such as a dog salivating when it sees food, can be associated with a neutral stimulus, such as ringing a bell, so that ringing the bell can cause salivation even in the absence of food.

      Important terms used in classical conditioning include stimulus generalization and discrimination, higher order conditioning, spontaneous recovery, and aversive conditioning. Extinction is the laboratory analogue of exposure therapy for anxiety disorders, while Counterconditioning involves pairing a feared conditioned stimulus with a positive outcome. Incubation occurs in fear responses, and reciprocal inhibition is a technique that aims to replace an undesired response with a desired one by counterconditioning. Some stimuli are more prone to conditioning than others, which is referred to as stimulus/biological preparedness.

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      • Social Psychology
  • Question 3 - What guidance is provided for doctors treating individuals on hunger strike? ...


    • What guidance is provided for doctors treating individuals on hunger strike?

      Your Answer: Declaration of Geneva

      Correct Answer: Declaration of Malta



      The World Medical Association has established global ethical standards through various declarations. These include:

      Declaration of Geneva: This declaration was created as a revision of the Hippocratic Oath after the atrocities committed in Nazi Germany.

      Declaration of Helsinki: This statement outlines ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects.

      Declaration of Tokyo: This declaration states that doctors should not participate in, condone, of allow torture, degradation, of cruel treatment of prisoners of detainees.

      Declaration of Malta: This declaration provides guidance to doctors treating individuals on hunger strike.

      Declaration of Lisbon: This international statement outlines the rights of patients.

      Declaration of Ottawa: This declaration sets out the principles necessary for optimal child health.

      Each of these declarations serves as a guide for medical professionals to uphold ethical standards in their practice.

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      • Social Psychology
  • Question 4 - Which ethical code was the first to emphasize the importance of obtaining the...


    • Which ethical code was the first to emphasize the importance of obtaining the human subject's voluntary consent in research?

      Your Answer: The Nuremberg code


      The Nuremberg Code and its Significance in Medical Ethics

      The Nuremberg Code is a set of ethical guidelines that resulted from the trial of German physicians accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in 1946. The physicians were charged with conducting medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners without their consent. This led to the creation of the Nuremberg Code, which was the first international document to advocate for voluntary participation and informed consent in medical experimentation.

      The Nuremberg Code has since become a cornerstone of medical ethics and has been adopted by many countries and organizations around the world. It emphasizes the importance of protecting the rights and welfare of human subjects in medical research and requires that any experimentation be conducted with the voluntary and informed consent of the participants.

      The significance of the Nuremberg Code cannot be overstated, as it has helped to shape the way medical research is conducted and has led to greater awareness and respect for the rights of human subjects. It serves as a reminder of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust and the importance of ethical considerations in medical research.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Social Psychology
  • Question 5 - What type of group is most susceptible to groupthink? ...


    • What type of group is most susceptible to groupthink?

      Your Answer: Self-directed

      Correct Answer: Homogeneous


      Groupthink, Groupshift, and Deindividuation are potential problems that can occur when working in groups. Groupthink is a phenomenon where the desire for harmony of conformity in the group results in an incorrect of deviant decision-making outcome. This occurs when group members try to minimise conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative ideas of viewpoints. Several conditions must take place for groupthink to occur, such as group isolation, loyalty, loss of individual creativity, and an illusion of invulnerability. Symptoms of groupthink include an illusion of invulnerability, belief in inherent morality of the group, collective rationalisation, stereotypes of ‘out-groups,’ self-censorship, illusion of unanimity, direct pressure on dissenters, and self-appointed mindguards. To reduce groupthink, leaders should allow each member to challenge ideas and present objections, talk about and solicit ideas with people outside the group, invite outside experts to attend meetings, avoid expressing opinions about the preferred outcome, and assign a ‘Devil’s Advocate’ at all meetings to challenge any and all ideas.

      Groupshift is the phenomenon in which the initial positions of individual members of a group are exaggerated toward a more extreme position. For example, when people are in groups, they assess risk differently from when they are alone. In the group, they are likely to make riskier decisions as the shared risk makes the individual risk seem to be less.

      Deindividuation is a concept in social psychology that is generally thought of as the loss of self-awareness in groups. Theories of deindividuation propose that it is a psychological state of decreased self-evaluation and a decreased evaluation of apprehension causing abnormal collective behaviour, such as violent crowds and lynch mobs. Conversely, it also explains people’s tendency to donate more readily to charity when in groups.

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      • Social Psychology
  • Question 6 - What is true about global psychogenic amnesia? ...


    • What is true about global psychogenic amnesia?

      Your Answer: Repetitive questioning is a common feature

      Correct Answer: It is often associated with fugue states


      The presence of repetitive questioning is not commonly seen in cases of global psychogenic amnesia and may indicate transient global amnesia instead.

      Psychogenic Amnesia: A Non-Neurological Syndrome

      Psychogenic amnesia is a rare condition where patients experience severe retrograde amnesia without any known brain injury of disorder. This syndrome is also known as hysterical amnesia, dissociative amnesia, and functional retrograde amnesia. It can be difficult to distinguish from malingered amnesia. There are two types of psychogenic amnesia: global and situation-specific. Global psychogenic amnesia can manifest as psychogenic fugue, psychogenic focal retrograde amnesia, of multiple personality disorder. Situation-specific amnesia refers to a gap in memory for a traumatic incident and can arise in various circumstances, such as PTSD of being the victim of an offense. The amnesia in global psychogenic amnesia often follows a reversed gradient, with earlier memories preferentially affected. Three factors have been identified as predisposing factors for global psychogenic amnesia: a severe precipitating stress, a history of depressed mood and suicidal ideas, and a previous history of a transient neurological amnesia.

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      • Social Psychology
  • Question 7 - Which of the following is not commonly linked to restless legs syndrome? ...


    • Which of the following is not commonly linked to restless legs syndrome?

      Your Answer: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


      RLS is not a risk factor for COPD, but COPD is a risk factor for sleep apnoea.

      Sleep Disorders

      The International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ISCD) categorizes sleep disorders into several main categories and subclasses. Dyssomnias are intrinsic sleep disorders that include narcolepsy, psychopsychologic insomnia, idiopathic hypersomnia, restless leg syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder, and obstructive sleep apnea. Extrinsic sleep disorders include inadequate sleep hygiene and alcohol-dependent sleep disorder. Circadian rhythm disorders consist of jet lag syndrome, shift work sleep disorder, irregular sleep-wake pattern, delayed sleep phase syndrome, and advanced sleep phase disorder. Parasomnias include arousal disorders such as sleepwalking and sleep terrors, sleep-wake transition disorders such as rhythmic movement disorder, sleep talking, and nocturnal leg cramps, and parasomnias associated with REM sleep such as nightmares and sleep paralysis. Sleep disorders associated with medical/psychiatric disorders and proposed sleep disorders are also included in the classification.

      Narcolepsy is a disorder of unknown cause that is characterized by excessive sleepiness, cataplexy, and other REM sleep phenomena such as sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations. Periodic limb movement disorder is characterized by periodic episodes of repetitive and highly stereotyped limb movements that occur during sleep. Restless legs syndrome is a disorder characterized by disagreeable leg sensations that usually occur prior to sleep onset and that cause an almost irresistible urge to move the legs. Jet lag syndrome consists of varying degrees of difficulties in initiating or maintaining sleep, excessive sleepiness, decrements in subjective daytime alertness and performance, and somatic symptoms following rapid travel across multiple time zones. Shift work sleep disorder consists of symptoms of insomnia of excessive sleepiness that occur as transient phenomena in relation to work schedules. Non 24 hour sleep wake syndrome consists of a chronic steady pattern comprising one to two hour daily delays in sleep onset and wake times in an individual living in society. Sleepwalking consists of a series of complex behaviors that are initiated during slow-wave sleep and result in walking during sleep. Sleep terrors are characterized by a sudden arousal from slow wave sleep with a piercing scream of cry, accompanied by autonomic and behavioral manifestations of intense fear. Rhythmic movement disorder comprises a group of stereotyped, repetitive movements involving large muscles, usually of the head and neck. Sleep starts are sudden, brief contractions of the legs, sometimes also involving the arms and head, that occur at sleep onset. Nocturnal leg cramps are painful sensations of muscular tightness of tension, usually in the calf but occasionally in the foot, that occur during the sleep episode. Nightmares are frightening dreams that usually awaken the sleeper from REM sleep. Sleep paralysis is a common condition characterized by transient paralysis of skeletal muscles which occurs when awakening from sleep of less often while falling asleep.

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      • Social Psychology
  • Question 8 - How many levels did Maslow's original model of needs include? ...


    • How many levels did Maslow's original model of needs include?

      Your Answer: 5


      Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a theory of motivation introduced by Abraham Maslow. The hierarchy consists of five levels, with the most basic needs at the bottom and the most advanced needs at the top. Maslow proposed that a person would only become concerned with the needs of a particular level when all the needs of the lower levels had been satisfied. The levels include physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. Maslow also made a distinction between D-needs (deficiency needs) and B-needs (being needs), with B-needs allowing us to reach our full potential but only after D-needs have been satisfied. Later in life, Maslow expanded upon the model and included cognitive, aesthetic, and transcendence needs, resulting in an eight-staged model. The cognitive needs include knowledge and understanding, while aesthetic needs involve appreciation and search for beauty. Transcendence needs are motivated by values that transcend beyond the personal self.

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      • Social Psychology
  • Question 9 - How does the hippocampal formation interact with emotional memories? ...


    • How does the hippocampal formation interact with emotional memories?

      Your Answer: Amygdala


      Memory Forms

      Memory is the ability to store, retain, and retrieve information. There are different forms of memory, including sensory memory, short-term/working memory, and long-term memory.

      Sensory memory is the capacity for briefly retaining the large amounts of information that people encounter daily. It includes echoic memory (gathered through auditory stimuli), iconic memory (gathered through sight), and haptic memory (acquired through touch).

      Short-term memory is the ability to keep a small amount of information available for a short period of time. Atkinson and Shiffrin’s multistore model (1968) suggests the existence of a short-term storehouse with limited capacity. Baddeley and Hitch (1974) further developed the concept of short-term memory, which eventually became known as Baddeley’s multi-storehouse model (2000). This model includes the central executive, visuospatial sketchpad, phonological buffer/loop, and episodic buffer.

      Long-term memory includes declarative (of explicit) memories, which can be consciously retrieved, and nondeclarative (of implicit) memories, which cannot. Declarative memory includes episodic memory (stores personal experiences) and semantic memory (stores information about facts and concepts). Non-declarative memory includes procedural memory (recalls motor and executive skills), associative memory (storage and retrieval of information through association with other information), and non-associative memory (refers to newly learned behavior through repeated exposure to an isolated stimulus).

      Overall, memory is a complex and essential cognitive function that plays a crucial role in learning, reasoning, and understanding.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Social Psychology
  • Question 10 - A teenager who is texting while driving almost hits a group of pedestrians....


    • A teenager who is texting while driving almost hits a group of pedestrians. When he stops the car, one of the pedestrians approaches him and yells. The teenager feels ashamed of his behavior and is reminded to be more cautious when driving. What type of operant conditioning is this an example of?

      Your Answer: Negative punishment

      Correct Answer: Positive punishment


      The women’s shouting, which is an unpleasant stimulus, serves as a positive punisher that reduces the likelihood of the behavior (speeding) occurring again. This is distinct from reinforcement, which involves the introduction of a positive stimulus to increase the likelihood of a behavior being repeated.

      Operant Conditioning: Reinforcement, Punishment, and More

      Operant conditioning, also known as instrumental learning, is a theory of learning developed by B.F. Skinner. It suggests that people learn by interacting with their environment. Reinforcement and punishment are key concepts in operant conditioning. A reinforcer is a stimulus of event that increases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated. Reinforcement can be positive of negative. Positive reinforcement occurs when a behavior is strengthened by adding a rewarding stimulus, while negative reinforcement occurs when a behavior is strengthened by removing an unpleasant stimulus. A punisher is a stimulus that decreases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated. Positive punishment occurs when a behavior is reduced in frequency by adding an unpleasant stimulus, while negative punishment occurs when a behavior is reduced in frequency by removing a pleasant stimulus.

      Primary reinforcers are instinctual desires such as food, water, social approval, and sex. Secondary reinforcers, also known as conditioned reinforcers, are not innately appreciated and people have to learn to like them through classical conditioning of other methods. Secondary reinforcers include things such as money. Different patterns of reinforcement have different influences on the response. There are five main reinforcement schedules: fixed interval, variable interval, fixed ratio, variable ratio, and random. Variable ratio schedules are most resistant to extinction.

      Shaping and chaining are techniques used when an exact behavior cannot be performed and so cannot be rewarded. Shaping involves rewarding successive, increasingly accurate approximations to the behavior, while chaining involves breaking a complex task into smaller, more manageable sections. Escape conditioning refers to a situation whereby an aversive situation is removed after a response. It is a form of negative reinforcement. Habituation refers to the phenomenon whereby there is a decrease in response to a stimulus over time. Covert sensitization is a technique used whereby someone learns to use mental imagery to associate a behavior with a negative consequence.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Social Psychology


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