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  • Question 1 - You are asked to evaluate a 5-day old cyanotic infant named Benjamin. Benjamin...


    • You are asked to evaluate a 5-day old cyanotic infant named Benjamin. Benjamin has had a chest x-ray which shows a heart appearance described as 'egg-on-side'. What is the probable underlying diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Patent ductus arteriosus

      Correct Answer: Transposition of the great arteries


      The ‘egg-on-side’ appearance on x-rays is a characteristic finding of transposition of the great arteries, which is one of the causes of cyanotic heart disease along with tetralogy of Fallot. While the age of the patient can help distinguish between the two conditions, the x-ray provides a clue for diagnosis. Patent ductus arteriosus, coarctation of the aorta, and ventricular septal defect do not typically present with cyanosis.

      Understanding Transposition of the Great Arteries

      Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) is a type of congenital heart disease that results in cyanosis. This condition occurs when the aorticopulmonary septum fails to spiral during septation, causing the aorta to leave the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk to leave the left ventricle. Infants born to diabetic mothers are at a higher risk of developing TGA.

      The clinical features of TGA include cyanosis, tachypnea, a loud single S2, and a prominent right ventricular impulse. Chest x-rays may show an egg-on-side appearance. To manage TGA, prostaglandins can be used to maintain the ductus arteriosus. However, surgical correction is the definitive treatment for this condition.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 2 - A young adult female arrives at the Emergency Department after ingesting 18 paracetamol...


    • A young adult female arrives at the Emergency Department after ingesting 18 paracetamol tablets in a moment of impulsivity during a disagreement with her partner. It has been six hours since she took the tablets and her paracetamol levels are measured, indicating the need for treatment. The patient is initiated on N-acetylcysteine. What is the mechanism of action of this medication?

      Your Answer: Replaces compounds used in paracetamol metabolism


      Paracetamol Metabolism and Toxicity

      Paracetamol is metabolised in two ways. The first mechanism involves conjugation with glucuronic acid, resulting in a safe metabolite that can be excreted. However, there is a limit to how much paracetamol can be metabolised this way. The second mechanism is used when a large amount of paracetamol is taken. In this case, paracetamol is oxidised to a toxic metabolite called N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone. This metabolite can cause liver and kidney necrosis if glutathione supplies are exhausted.

      Glutathione is responsible for making the toxic metabolite safe. However, when glutathione supplies are depleted, the toxic metabolite can cause damage to the liver and kidneys. N-acetylcysteine is a protective agent that increases the rate of glutathione synthesis. Therefore, it can help prevent liver and kidney damage caused by the toxic metabolite of paracetamol.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Pharmacology
  • Question 3 - A 50-year-old construction worker presents with a haematemesis.

    His wife provides a history...


    • A 50-year-old construction worker presents with a haematemesis.

      His wife provides a history that he has consumed approximately six cans of beer per day together with liberal quantities of whiskey for many years. He has attempted to quit drinking in the past but was unsuccessful.

      Upon examination, he appears distressed and disoriented. His pulse is 110 beats per minute and blood pressure is 112/80 mmHg. He has several spider naevi over his chest. Abdominal examination reveals a distended abdomen with ascites.

      What would be your next course of action for this patient?

      Your Answer: Abdominal ultrasound scan

      Correct Answer: Endoscopy


      Possible Causes of Haematemesis in a Patient with Alcohol Abuse

      When a patient with a history of alcohol abuse presents with symptoms of chronic liver disease and sudden haematemesis, the possibility of bleeding oesophageal varices should be considered as the primary diagnosis. However, other potential causes such as peptic ulceration or haemorrhagic gastritis should also be taken into account. To determine the exact cause of the bleeding, an urgent endoscopy should be requested. This procedure will allow for a thorough examination of the gastrointestinal tract and enable the medical team to identify the source of the bleeding. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are crucial in managing this potentially life-threatening condition.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal System
  • Question 4 - A different patient, presenting with symptoms of fatigue, polyuria and bone pains, is...


    • A different patient, presenting with symptoms of fatigue, polyuria and bone pains, is found to have a history of renal stones and depression. Blood tests reveal high serum calcium and parathyroid hormone levels, and low phosphate levels, leading to a suspected diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism. Imaging confirms the presence of a parathyroid adenoma, and the patient is started on treatment including a phosphate supplement for symptom relief. In this patient, where will the supplementary electrolyte primarily be reabsorbed?

      Your Answer: Distal tubule

      Correct Answer: Proximal tubule


      The proximal tubule is responsible for the reabsorption of phosphate. This patient’s symptoms are consistent with hyperparathyroidism, which causes an increase in serum calcium levels and a decrease in phosphate levels due to increased osteoclast activity, increased renal and intestinal absorption of calcium, and reduced renal reabsorption of phosphate from the proximal tubule. Treatment for primary hyperparathyroidism typically involves a parathyroidectomy, but medical treatment can be used if surgery is not possible.

      The distal tubules absorb electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and calcium, and play a role in pH regulation through the absorption and secretion of bicarbonate and protons. However, only a minimal amount of phosphate is reabsorbed in the distal tubules.

      The duodenum and jejunum are responsible for the absorption of iron and folate, respectively, but only a small amount of phosphate is reabsorbed in the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

      The loop of Henle reabsorbs several electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, and calcium, but only a relatively small amount of phosphate is reabsorbed in this aspect of the renal tract.

      The terminal ileum absorbs vitamin B12 and bile salts, but again, only a very small amount of phosphate is reabsorbed in the GI tract.

      Maintaining Calcium Balance in the Body

      Calcium ions are essential for various physiological processes in the body, and the largest store of calcium is found in the skeleton. The levels of calcium in the body are regulated by three hormones: parathyroid hormone (PTH), vitamin D, and calcitonin.

      PTH increases calcium levels and decreases phosphate levels by increasing bone resorption and activating osteoclasts. It also stimulates osteoblasts to produce a protein signaling molecule that activates osteoclasts, leading to bone resorption. PTH increases renal tubular reabsorption of calcium and the synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D (active form of vitamin D) in the kidney, which increases bowel absorption of calcium. Additionally, PTH decreases renal phosphate reabsorption.

      Vitamin D, specifically the active form 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, increases plasma calcium and plasma phosphate levels. It increases renal tubular reabsorption and gut absorption of calcium, as well as osteoclastic activity. Vitamin D also increases renal phosphate reabsorption in the proximal tubule.

      Calcitonin, secreted by C cells of the thyroid, inhibits osteoclast activity and renal tubular absorption of calcium.

      Although growth hormone and thyroxine play a small role in calcium metabolism, the primary regulation of calcium levels in the body is through PTH, vitamin D, and calcitonin. Maintaining proper calcium balance is crucial for overall health and well-being.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurological System
  • Question 5 - Barbara, a 50-year-old woman presents to the emergency department following a drunken altercation...


    • Barbara, a 50-year-old woman presents to the emergency department following a drunken altercation with another woman outside a bar. Barbara is visibly intoxicated and has some facial bruises. During the examination, the junior doctor on-call observes a bite wound on her left shoulder. The wound is cleaned, and Barbara is discharged with a prescription for co-amoxiclav.

      What is the bacterial organism that can infect this bite wound?

      Your Answer: Rabies

      Correct Answer: Eikenella


      Eikenella is a bacterial organism that is known to cause infections following human bites. Symptoms of an infection with this bacteria may include fever, tenderness, and swelling in the affected area.

      While a human bite can put the patient at risk for hepatitis C infection, this question specifically asks for a bacterial organism, and hepatitis C is a virus. Symptoms of hepatitis C infection may include jaundice, fatigue, and easy bruising or bleeding.

      Pasteurella multocida is a bacterial organism commonly found in animal bites, but the stem refers to a human bite. Infection with this bacteria may cause redness, swelling, and pain in the affected area.

      Rabies is a viral infection typically associated with animal bites. Initial symptoms may include pain and tingling at the site of the bite, as well as fever. Without proper treatment, the virus can spread to the central nervous system and lead to death.

      Animal bites are a common occurrence in everyday practice, with dogs and cats being the most frequent culprits. These bites are usually caused by multiple types of bacteria, with Pasteurella multocida being the most commonly isolated organism. To manage these bites, it is important to cleanse the wound thoroughly. Puncture wounds should not be sutured unless there is a risk of cosmesis. The current recommendation is to use co-amoxiclav, but if the patient is allergic to penicillin, doxycycline and metronidazole are recommended.

      On the other hand, human bites can cause infections from a variety of bacteria, including both aerobic and anaerobic types. Common organisms include Streptococci spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Eikenella, Fusobacterium, and Prevotella. To manage these bites, co-amoxiclav is also recommended. It is important to consider the risk of viral infections such as HIV and hepatitis C when dealing with human bites.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 6 - While conducting some preliminary research on faecal immunochemical test (FIT) screening for colon...


    • While conducting some preliminary research on faecal immunochemical test (FIT) screening for colon cancer, you come across an article that states the test's sensitivity is 62% and specificity is 89%. Additionally, the positive predictive value is 2.4%. Can you calculate the likelihood ratio for a positive test result?

      Your Answer: 0.43

      Correct Answer: 5.64


      Precision refers to the consistency of a test in producing the same results when repeated multiple times. It is an important aspect of test reliability and can impact the accuracy of the results. In order to assess precision, multiple tests are performed on the same sample and the results are compared. A test with high precision will produce similar results each time it is performed, while a test with low precision will produce inconsistent results. It is important to consider precision when interpreting test results and making clinical decisions.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 7 - Sarah, a 30-year-old female, visits her doctor complaining of tingling sensation in her...


    • Sarah, a 30-year-old female, visits her doctor complaining of tingling sensation in her thumb, index finger, middle finger, and lateral aspect of ring finger. She is currently in the second trimester of her first pregnancy.

      During the examination, Sarah exhibits a positive Tinel's sign, leading to a diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome.

      Which nerve branch is responsible for innervating the lateral aspect of the palm of the hand and is usually unaffected in carpal tunnel syndrome?

      Your Answer: Palmar cutaneous nerve of the median nerve


      The palmar cutaneous nerve, which provides sensation to the lateral aspect of the palm of the hand, branches off from the median nerve before it enters the carpal tunnel. This means that it is not affected by carpal tunnel syndrome, which is caused by compression of the median nerve within the tunnel. Other branches of the median nerve, such as the anterior interosseous nerve, palmar digital branch, and recurrent branch, are affected by carpal tunnel syndrome to varying degrees. The ulnar nerve is not involved in carpal tunnel syndrome, so the palmar cutaneous nerve of the ulnar nerve is not relevant to this condition.

      Anatomy and Function of the Median Nerve

      The median nerve is a nerve that originates from the lateral and medial cords of the brachial plexus. It descends lateral to the brachial artery and passes deep to the bicipital aponeurosis and the median cubital vein at the elbow. The nerve then passes between the two heads of the pronator teres muscle and runs on the deep surface of flexor digitorum superficialis. Near the wrist, it becomes superficial between the tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor carpi radialis, passing deep to the flexor retinaculum to enter the palm.

      The median nerve has several branches that supply the upper arm, forearm, and hand. These branches include the pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor pollicis longus, and palmar cutaneous branch. The nerve also provides motor supply to the lateral two lumbricals, opponens pollicis, abductor pollicis brevis, and flexor pollicis brevis muscles, as well as sensory supply to the palmar aspect of the lateral 2 ½ fingers.

      Damage to the median nerve can occur at the wrist or elbow, resulting in various symptoms such as paralysis and wasting of thenar eminence muscles, weakness of wrist flexion, and sensory loss to the palmar aspect of the fingers. Additionally, damage to the anterior interosseous nerve, a branch of the median nerve, can result in loss of pronation of the forearm and weakness of long flexors of the thumb and index finger. Understanding the anatomy and function of the median nerve is important in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect this nerve.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurological System
  • Question 8 - A 27-year-old man, who has a history of epilepsy, attends a follow-up appointment...


    • A 27-year-old man, who has a history of epilepsy, attends a follow-up appointment at neurology outpatients. He reports experiencing a prodrome of aura before having floaters in his vision and unusual flashes of color during the ictal phase. The patient has no other notable symptoms or medical history. Which region of the brain is linked to the symptoms described by this patient?

      Your Answer: Occipital lobe


      Occipital lobe seizures are associated with visual disturbances such as floaters and flashes. The cerebellum is not typically associated with epilepsy, although recent research has potentially implicated this area in refractory epilepsy. Seizures in the frontal lobe can cause random hand and leg movements and abnormal posturing, while seizures in the parietal lobe can cause sensory disturbances such as paraesthesia.

      Localising Features of Focal Seizures in Epilepsy

      Focal seizures in epilepsy can be localised based on the specific location of the brain where they occur. Temporal lobe seizures are common and may occur with or without impairment of consciousness or awareness. Most patients experience an aura, which is typically a rising epigastric sensation, along with psychic or experiential phenomena such as déjà vu or jamais vu. Less commonly, hallucinations may occur, such as auditory, gustatory, or olfactory hallucinations. These seizures typically last around one minute and are often accompanied by automatisms, such as lip smacking, grabbing, or plucking.

      On the other hand, frontal lobe seizures are characterised by motor symptoms such as head or leg movements, posturing, postictal weakness, and Jacksonian march. Parietal lobe seizures, on the other hand, are sensory in nature and may cause paraesthesia. Finally, occipital lobe seizures may cause visual symptoms such as floaters or flashes. By identifying the specific location and type of seizure, doctors can better diagnose and treat epilepsy in patients.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurological System
  • Question 9 - A 42-year-old male patient comes to the clinic complaining of shoulder weakness. During...


    • A 42-year-old male patient comes to the clinic complaining of shoulder weakness. During the examination, it is observed that he cannot initiate shoulder abduction. Which of the following nerves is most likely to be dysfunctional?

      Your Answer: Axillary nerve

      Correct Answer: Suprascapular nerve


      The Suprascapular Nerve and its Function

      The suprascapular nerve is a nerve that originates from the upper trunk of the brachial plexus. It is located superior to the trunks of the brachial plexus and runs parallel to them. The nerve passes through the scapular notch, which is located deep to the trapezius muscle. Its main function is to innervate both the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles, which are responsible for initiating abduction of the shoulder.

      If the suprascapular nerve is damaged, patients may experience difficulty in initiating abduction of the shoulder. However, they may still be able to abduct the shoulder by leaning over the affected side, as the deltoid muscle can then continue to abduct the shoulder. Overall, the suprascapular nerve plays an important role in the movement and function of the shoulder joint.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Respiratory System
  • Question 10 - A 25-year-old soldier sustains a gunshot wound to the abdomen resulting in severe...


    • A 25-year-old soldier sustains a gunshot wound to the abdomen resulting in severe damage to the abdominal aorta. The surgeons opt to place a vascular clamp just below the diaphragm to control the bleeding. What is the potential risk of injury to one of the vessels during this procedure?

      Your Answer: Superior mesenteric artery

      Correct Answer: Inferior phrenic arteries


      The inferior phrenic arteries, which are the first branches of the abdominal aorta, are most vulnerable. On the other hand, the superior phrenic arteries are located in the thorax. The area around the diaphragmatic hiatus could be a valuable location for aortic occlusion, but keeping the clamp on for more than 10-15 minutes typically results in unfavorable results.

      The abdominal aorta is a major blood vessel that originates from the 12th thoracic vertebrae and terminates at the fourth lumbar vertebrae. It is located in the abdomen and is surrounded by various organs and structures. The posterior relations of the abdominal aorta include the vertebral bodies of the first to fourth lumbar vertebrae. The anterior relations include the lesser omentum, liver, left renal vein, inferior mesenteric vein, third part of the duodenum, pancreas, parietal peritoneum, and peritoneal cavity. The right lateral relations include the right crus of the diaphragm, cisterna chyli, azygos vein, and inferior vena cava (which becomes posterior distally). The left lateral relations include the fourth part of the duodenum, duodenal-jejunal flexure, and left sympathetic trunk. Overall, the abdominal aorta is an important blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to various organs in the abdomen.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Gastrointestinal System
  • Question 11 - A 75-year-old male ex-smoker presents to a urologist with a complaint of painless...


    • A 75-year-old male ex-smoker presents to a urologist with a complaint of painless haematuria that has been ongoing for 3 weeks. He has experienced a weight loss of 5 kg over the past two months. During an urgent cystoscopy, a suspicious mass is discovered and subsequently biopsied. The histology confirms a transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. A CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis reveals multiple enlarged lymph nodes. Which lymph node is the most probable site of metastasis?

      Your Answer: Deep inguinal lymph nodes

      Correct Answer: Internal and external iliac lymph nodes


      The external and internal iliac nodes are the main recipients of lymphatic drainage from the bladder, while the testes and ovaries are primarily drained by the para-aortic lymph nodes.

      Bladder Anatomy and Innervation

      The bladder is a three-sided pyramid-shaped organ located in the pelvic cavity. Its apex points towards the symphysis pubis, while the base lies anterior to the rectum or vagina. The bladder’s inferior aspect is retroperitoneal, while the superior aspect is covered by peritoneum. The trigone, the least mobile part of the bladder, contains the ureteric orifices and internal urethral orifice. The bladder’s blood supply comes from the superior and inferior vesical arteries, while venous drainage occurs through the vesicoprostatic or vesicouterine venous plexus. Lymphatic drainage occurs mainly to the external iliac and internal iliac nodes, with the obturator nodes also playing a role. The bladder is innervated by parasympathetic nerve fibers from the pelvic splanchnic nerves and sympathetic nerve fibers from L1 and L2 via the hypogastric nerve plexuses. The parasympathetic fibers cause detrusor muscle contraction, while the sympathetic fibers innervate the trigone muscle. The external urethral sphincter is under conscious control, and voiding occurs when the rate of neuronal firing to the detrusor muscle increases.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Renal System
  • Question 12 - During a lower limb examination, a 54-year-old female patient is observed by the...


    • During a lower limb examination, a 54-year-old female patient is observed by the GP to have a right-sided pelvic drop while walking, which is identified as a positive Trendelenburg sign. Which specific muscle or group of muscles is weakened in this patient?

      Your Answer: Left gluteus medius and gluteus minimus


      The Trendelenburg sign test evaluates the strength of the abductor muscles of the hip, specifically the gluteus medius and minimus. During the gait cycle, the contralateral abductor muscles are necessary to prevent the pelvis from dropping to the side of the stance leg when the patient stands on one leg. A positive Trendelenburg sign on the right side indicates weakness in the left gluteus medius and minimus, which are responsible for lifting the pelvis.

      The Trendelenburg sign test assesses the contralateral muscles that contract to maintain a straight pelvis. Therefore, if the pelvis tilts to the right, the left gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are likely weak.

      It’s important to note that the gluteus maximus is not involved in hip abduction and is not tested with this test. Additionally, the adductor muscles, including the adductor magnus, help stabilize the leg and prevent outward movement, and are not evaluated with the Trendelenburg sign test.

      The Trendelenburg Test: Assessing Gluteal Nerve Function

      The Trendelenburg test is a diagnostic tool used to assess the function of the superior gluteal nerve. This nerve is responsible for the contraction of the gluteus medius muscle, which is essential for maintaining balance and stability while standing on one leg.

      When the superior gluteal nerve is injured or damaged, the gluteus medius muscle is weakened, resulting in a compensatory shift of the body towards the unaffected side. This shift is characterized by a gravitational shift, which causes the body to be supported on the unaffected limb.

      To perform the Trendelenburg test, the patient is asked to stand on one leg while the physician observes the position of the pelvis. In a healthy individual, the gluteus medius muscle contracts as soon as the contralateral leg leaves the floor, preventing the pelvis from dipping towards the unsupported side. However, in a person with paralysis of the superior gluteal nerve, the pelvis on the unsupported side descends, indicating that the gluteus medius on the affected side is weak or non-functional. This is known as a positive Trendelenburg test.

      It is important to note that the Trendelenburg test is also used in vascular investigations to determine the presence of saphenofemoral incompetence. In this case, tourniquets are placed around the upper thigh to assess blood flow. However, in the context of assessing gluteal nerve function, the Trendelenburg test is a valuable tool for diagnosing and treating motor deficits and gait abnormalities.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Musculoskeletal System And Skin
  • Question 13 - A 32-year-old woman has been diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism and is scheduled for resection...


    • A 32-year-old woman has been diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism and is scheduled for resection of a right inferior parathyroid adenoma. What embryological structure does this adenoma originate from?

      Your Answer: Second pharyngeal pouch

      Correct Answer: Third pharyngeal pouch


      The third pharyngeal pouch gives rise to the inferior parathyroid, while the fourth pharyngeal pouch is responsible for the development of the superior parathyroid.

      Anatomy and Development of the Parathyroid Glands

      The parathyroid glands are four small glands located posterior to the thyroid gland within the pretracheal fascia. They develop from the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches, with those derived from the fourth pouch located more superiorly and associated with the thyroid gland, while those from the third pouch lie more inferiorly and may become associated with the thymus.

      The blood supply to the parathyroid glands is derived from the inferior and superior thyroid arteries, with a rich anastomosis between the two vessels. Venous drainage is into the thyroid veins. The parathyroid glands are surrounded by various structures, with the common carotid laterally, the recurrent laryngeal nerve and trachea medially, and the thyroid anteriorly. Understanding the anatomy and development of the parathyroid glands is important for their proper identification and preservation during surgical procedures.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 14 - A 25-year-old male patient complains of lymphadenopathy, fatigue, and weight loss. Upon diagnosis,...


    • A 25-year-old male patient complains of lymphadenopathy, fatigue, and weight loss. Upon diagnosis, he is found to have tuberculosis. What is the most similar pathological process underlying this condition?

      Your Answer: Type 2 hypersensitivity reaction

      Correct Answer: Type 4 hypersensitivity reaction


      Type 4 hypersensitivity reactions are characterized by the formation of granulomas, which are observed in tuberculosis.

      Classification of Hypersensitivity Reactions

      Hypersensitivity reactions are classified into four types according to the Gell and Coombs classification. Type I, also known as anaphylactic hypersensitivity, occurs when an antigen reacts with IgE bound to mast cells. This type of reaction is commonly seen in atopic conditions such as asthma, eczema, and hay fever. Type II hypersensitivity occurs when cell-bound IgG or IgM binds to an antigen on the cell surface, leading to autoimmune conditions such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia, ITP, and Goodpasture’s syndrome. Type III hypersensitivity occurs when free antigen and antibody (IgG, IgA) combine to form immune complexes, leading to conditions such as serum sickness, systemic lupus erythematosus, and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. Type IV hypersensitivity is T-cell mediated and includes conditions such as tuberculosis, graft versus host disease, and allergic contact dermatitis.

      In recent times, a fifth category has been added to the classification of hypersensitivity reactions. Type V hypersensitivity occurs when antibodies recognize and bind to cell surface receptors, either stimulating them or blocking ligand binding. This type of reaction is seen in conditions such as Graves’ disease and myasthenia gravis. Understanding the classification of hypersensitivity reactions is important in the diagnosis and management of these conditions.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 15 - A three-year-old girl is brought to the GP by her father, who reports...


    • A three-year-old girl is brought to the GP by her father, who reports that his daughter has been scratching her perianal area frequently for the past 3 weeks. He mentions that she has been waking up at night due to the itchiness in that area.

      During the examination, the GP observes slight inflammation in the perianal region, which is consistent with persistent scratching.

      What is the most probable cause of this presentation?

      Your Answer: Trichinella spiralis

      Correct Answer: Enterobius vermicularis


      A 3-year-old child is experiencing perianal itching that is particularly severe at night, which is likely caused by Enterobius vermicularis, also known as pinworm. This condition is common in children worldwide and can be treated with anthelmintics like mebendazole, as well as promoting good hygiene practices. Other conditions, such as Trichinella spiralis (pork worm), typically present with different symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting after consuming undercooked pork. Anal fissures, on the other hand, usually cause intense pain during bowel movements and may be visible upon examination. It’s important to note that persistent pruritus that disrupts sleep is not a normal occurrence and should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

      Helminths are a group of parasitic worms that can infect humans and cause various diseases. Nematodes, also known as roundworms, are one type of helminth. Strongyloides stercoralis is a type of roundworm that enters the body through the skin and can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and skin lesions. Treatment for this infection typically involves the use of ivermectin or benzimidazoles. Enterobius vermicularis, also known as pinworm, is another type of roundworm that can cause perianal itching and other symptoms. Diagnosis is made by examining sticky tape applied to the perianal area. Treatment typically involves benzimidazoles.

      Hookworms, such as Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus, are another type of roundworm that can cause gastrointestinal infections and anemia. Treatment typically involves benzimidazoles. Loa loa is a type of roundworm that is transmitted by deer fly and mango fly and can cause red, itchy swellings called Calabar swellings. Treatment involves the use of diethylcarbamazine. Trichinella spiralis is a type of roundworm that can develop after eating raw pork and can cause fever, periorbital edema, and myositis. Treatment typically involves benzimidazoles.

      Onchocerca volvulus is a type of roundworm that causes river blindness and is spread by female blackflies. Treatment involves the use of ivermectin. Wuchereria bancrofti is another type of roundworm that is transmitted by female mosquitoes and can cause blockage of lymphatics and elephantiasis. Treatment involves the use of diethylcarbamazine. Toxocara canis, also known as dog roundworm, is transmitted through ingestion of infective eggs and can cause visceral larva migrans and retinal granulomas. Treatment involves the use of diethylcarbamazine. Ascaris lumbricoides, also known as giant roundworm, can cause intestinal obstruction and occasionally migrate to the lung. Treatment typically involves benzimidazoles.

      Cestodes, also known as tapeworms, are another type of helminth. Echinococcus granulosus is a tapeworm that is transmitted through ingestion of eggs in dog feces and can cause liver cysts and anaphylaxis if the cyst ruptures

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 16 - A 35-year-old woman comes to your clinic worried about her risk of developing...


    • A 35-year-old woman comes to your clinic worried about her risk of developing Huntington's disease. Her mother was recently diagnosed with the condition and she wants to know if she can be tested. She also wants to understand why, if she tests positive, she may develop symptoms earlier than her mother did.

      What is the underlying factor that causes this pattern in Huntington's disease?

      Your Answer: Inheritance

      Correct Answer: Anticipation


      Trinucleotide repeat disorders such as Huntington’s disease, myotonic dystrophy, and fragile X-syndrome exhibit anticipation, where the age of onset of the condition decreases with each successive generation. This is caused by the repeated trinucleotide expanding further in each generation. Epigenetics, which studies changes in gene function that are heritable but do not involve changes in DNA sequence, is not relevant in the progression of Huntington’s symptoms across generations. Expressivity refers to the extent to which a genotype is expressed in an individual’s phenotype, and while Marfan’s disease has varied expressivity, Huntington’s does not. Modes of inheritance, such as autosomal recessive/dominant and X-linked, can affect the severity of a disease but are not responsible for the progressive reduction in age of onset seen in anticipation.

      Trinucleotide repeat disorders are genetic conditions that occur due to an abnormal number of repeats of a repetitive sequence of three nucleotides. These expansions are unstable and may enlarge, leading to an earlier age of onset in successive generations, a phenomenon known as anticipation. In most cases, an increase in the severity of symptoms is also observed. It is important to note that these disorders are predominantly neurological in nature. Examples of such disorders include Fragile X, Huntington’s, myotonic dystrophy, Friedreich’s ataxia, spinocerebellar ataxia, spinobulbar muscular atrophy, and dentatorubral pallidoluysian atrophy. It is interesting to note that Friedreich’s ataxia is an exception to the rule and does not demonstrate anticipation.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 17 - A 68-year-old man visits his GP complaining of an 8-week cough and an...


    • A 68-year-old man visits his GP complaining of an 8-week cough and an unintentional weight loss of 7kg. He has a smoking history of 35 pack-years. The GP observes some alterations in his left eye, which are indicative of Horner's syndrome.

      The man is referred to the suspected cancer pathway and is subsequently diagnosed with a Pancoast tumour.

      What symptom is this individual most likely to exhibit?

      Your Answer: Anhidrosis


      Horner’s syndrome is characterized by meiosis, ptosis, and enophthalmos, and may also present with anhidrosis. Anhidrosis is a common symptom in preganglionic and central causes of Horner’s syndrome, while postganglionic causes do not typically result in anhidrosis. Exophthalmos is not associated with Horner’s syndrome, but rather with other conditions. Hypopyon and mydriasis are also not symptoms of Horner’s syndrome.

      Horner’s syndrome is a condition characterized by several features, including a small pupil (miosis), drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis), a sunken eye (enophthalmos), and loss of sweating on one side of the face (anhidrosis). The cause of Horner’s syndrome can be determined by examining additional symptoms. For example, congenital Horner’s syndrome may be identified by a difference in iris color (heterochromia), while anhidrosis may be present in central or preganglionic lesions. Pharmacologic tests, such as the use of apraclonidine drops, can also be helpful in confirming the diagnosis and identifying the location of the lesion. Central lesions may be caused by conditions such as stroke or multiple sclerosis, while postganglionic lesions may be due to factors like carotid artery dissection or cluster headaches. It is important to note that the appearance of enophthalmos in Horner’s syndrome is actually due to a narrow palpebral aperture rather than true enophthalmos.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurological System
  • Question 18 - A 38-year-old woman is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and started on carbimazole. What is...


    • A 38-year-old woman is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and started on carbimazole. What is the mechanism of action of this medication?

      Your Answer: Prevents thyroxine (T4) conversion to triiodothyronine (T3)

      Correct Answer: Prevents iodination of the tyrosine residue on thyroglobulin


      Carbimazole is a medication used to treat thyrotoxicosis, a condition where the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. It is usually given in high doses for six weeks until the patient’s thyroid hormone levels become normal, after which the dosage is reduced. The drug works by blocking thyroid peroxidase, an enzyme that is responsible for coupling and iodinating the tyrosine residues on thyroglobulin, which ultimately leads to a reduction in thyroid hormone production. In contrast, propylthiouracil has a dual mechanism of action, inhibiting both thyroid peroxidase and 5′-deiodinase, which reduces the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3.

      However, carbimazole is not without its adverse effects. One of the most serious side effects is agranulocytosis, a condition where the body’s white blood cell count drops significantly, making the patient more susceptible to infections. Additionally, carbimazole can cross the placenta and affect the developing fetus, although it may be used in low doses during pregnancy under close medical supervision. Overall, carbimazole is an effective medication for managing thyrotoxicosis, but its potential side effects should be carefully monitored.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Endocrine System
  • Question 19 - A 47-year-old man is seen in the emergency department by an emergency doctor...


    • A 47-year-old man is seen in the emergency department by an emergency doctor and a medical student. The patient is HIV positive. The doctor tells the patient that his chest x-ray and blood results show that he has aspergillosis. He prescribes a course of amphotericin

      The emergency doctor then asks you to explain the medication to the patient and answer any questions they may have.

      Which one of the following pieces of information must you tell the patient?

      Your Answer: Amphotericin can cause hyperkalaemia

      Correct Answer: Amphotericin is a nephrotoxic drug


      Amphotericin is known to cause nephrotoxicity, which is an adverse effect. Additionally, hypokalaemia, hypomagnesaemia, and flu-like symptoms are other potential adverse effects. It should be noted that among antifungal agents, azoles are known to be toxic to the liver, while amphotericin is specifically associated with nephrotoxicity.

      Antifungal agents are drugs used to treat fungal infections. There are several types of antifungal agents, each with a unique mechanism of action and potential adverse effects. Azoles work by inhibiting 14α-demethylase, an enzyme that produces ergosterol, a component of fungal cell membranes. However, they can also inhibit the P450 system in the liver, leading to potential liver toxicity. Amphotericin B binds with ergosterol to form a transmembrane channel that causes leakage of monovalent ions, but it can also cause nephrotoxicity and flu-like symptoms. Terbinafine inhibits squalene epoxidase, while griseofulvin interacts with microtubules to disrupt mitotic spindle. However, griseofulvin can induce the P450 system and is teratogenic. Flucytosine is converted by cytosine deaminase to 5-fluorouracil, which inhibits thymidylate synthase and disrupts fungal protein synthesis, but it can cause vomiting. Caspofungin inhibits the synthesis of beta-glucan, a major fungal cell wall component, and can cause flushing. Nystatin binds with ergosterol to form a transmembrane channel that causes leakage of monovalent ions, but it is very toxic and can only be used topically, such as for oral thrush.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 20 - A 35-year-old male presents with gynaecomastia. Upon examination, a nodule is detected in...


    • A 35-year-old male presents with gynaecomastia. Upon examination, a nodule is detected in his right testis. What is the probable diagnosis?

      Your Answer: Teratoma

      Correct Answer: Leydig cell tumour


      Overview of Testicular Disorders

      Testicular disorders can range from benign conditions to malignant tumors. Testicular cancer is the most common malignancy in men aged 20-30 years, with germ-cell tumors accounting for 95% of cases. Seminomas are the most common subtype, while non-seminomatous germ cell tumors include teratoma, yolk sac tumor, choriocarcinoma, and mixed germ cell tumors. Risk factors for testicular cancer include cryptorchidism, infertility, family history, Klinefelter’s syndrome, and mumps orchitis. The most common presenting symptom is a painless lump, but pain, hydrocele, and gynecomastia may also be present.

      Benign testicular disorders include epididymo-orchitis, which is an acute inflammation of the epididymis often caused by bacterial infection. Testicular torsion, which results in testicular ischemia and necrosis, is most common in males aged between 10 and 30. Hydrocele presents as a mass that transilluminates and may occur as a result of a patent processus vaginalis in children. Treatment for these conditions varies, with orchidectomy being the primary treatment for testicular cancer. Surgical exploration is necessary for testicular torsion, while epididymo-orchitis and hydrocele may require medication or surgical procedures depending on the severity of the condition.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Renal System
  • Question 21 - John is a 26-year-old male with schizophrenia who is undergoing treatment. Which antipsychotic...


    • John is a 26-year-old male with schizophrenia who is undergoing treatment. Which antipsychotic medication is most likely to cause parkinsonism, sustained muscle contractions, and severe restlessness as side effects?

      Your Answer: Aripiprazole

      Correct Answer: Haloperidol


      Typical antipsychotics are more likely to cause extrapyramidal side-effects (EPSEs) than atypical antipsychotics. Haloperidol is the only typical antipsychotic among the given options, while aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine, and risperidone are all atypical antipsychotics. EPSEs include Parkinsonism, akathisia, acute dystonia, and tardive dyskinesia. Atypical antipsychotics have a lower risk of causing EPSEs than older antipsychotics, but they may still cause them at higher doses. However, atypical antipsychotics carry a higher risk of metabolic side effects such as weight gain, diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidaemia. Examples of typical antipsychotics licensed for use in the UK include haloperidol, trifluperazine, chlorpromazine, pericyazine, levomepromazine, and flupentixol. Examples of atypical antipsychotics licensed for use in the UK include amisulpride, aripiprazole, clozapine, lurasidone, olanzapine, paliperidone, and quetiapine.

      Antipsychotics are a type of medication used to treat schizophrenia, psychosis, mania, and agitation. They are divided into two categories: typical and atypical antipsychotics. The latter were developed to address the extrapyramidal side-effects associated with the first generation of typical antipsychotics. Typical antipsychotics work by blocking dopaminergic transmission in the mesolimbic pathways through dopamine D2 receptor antagonism. However, they are known to cause extrapyramidal side-effects such as Parkinsonism, acute dystonia, akathisia, and tardive dyskinesia. These side-effects can be managed with procyclidine. Other side-effects of typical antipsychotics include antimuscarinic effects, sedation, weight gain, raised prolactin, impaired glucose tolerance, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, reduced seizure threshold, and prolonged QT interval. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has issued specific warnings when antipsychotics are used in elderly patients due to an increased risk of stroke and venous thromboembolism.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Psychiatry
  • Question 22 - During your placement on a gastro ward, a patient in their late 60s...


    • During your placement on a gastro ward, a patient in their late 60s develops excessive diarrhea. Can you identify the location in the gastrointestinal tract where most of the water is absorbed?

      Your Answer: Colon

      Correct Answer: Jejunum


      The absorption of water in the gastrointestinal tract is facilitated by the absorption of ions across cell membranes. The majority of water is absorbed in the small intestine, particularly in the jejunum.

      Water Absorption in the Human Body

      Water absorption in the human body is a crucial process that occurs in the small bowel and colon. On average, a person ingests up to 2000ml of liquid orally within a 24-hour period. Additionally, gastrointestinal secretions contribute to a further 8000ml of fluid entering the small bowel. The process of intestinal water absorption is passive and is dependent on the solute load. In the jejunum, the active absorption of glucose and amino acids creates a concentration gradient that facilitates the flow of water across the membrane. On the other hand, in the ileum, most water is absorbed through facilitated diffusion, which involves the movement of water molecules with sodium ions.

      The colon also plays a significant role in water absorption, with approximately 150ml of water entering it daily. However, the colon can adapt and increase this amount following resection. Overall, water absorption is a complex process that involves various mechanisms and is essential for maintaining proper hydration levels in the body.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Renal System
  • Question 23 - A 55-year-old woman presents with cellulitis surrounding her leg ulcer. A skin swab...


    • A 55-year-old woman presents with cellulitis surrounding her leg ulcer. A skin swab is taken and she is started on oral flucloxacillin. The swab results reveal Group A streptococcus. What modifications should be made to her antibiotic treatment?

      Your Answer: Add penicillin


      When it comes to group A streptococcal infections, penicillin is the preferred antibiotic. If a patient with cellulitis is confirmed to have a streptococcal infection, the BNF recommends discontinuing flucloxacillin because of its high sensitivity. However, it’s important to consider the inconsistent absorption of phenoxymethylpenicillin.

      Streptococci are spherical bacteria that are gram-positive. They can be classified into two types based on their hemolytic properties: alpha and beta. Alpha haemolytic streptococci, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus viridans, cause partial hemolysis. Pneumococcus is a common cause of pneumonia, meningitis, and otitis media. Beta haemolytic streptococci, on the other hand, cause complete hemolysis and can be further divided into groups A-H. Only groups A, B, and D are significant in humans. Group A streptococci, particularly Streptococcus pyogenes, are responsible for various infections such as erysipelas, impetigo, cellulitis, and pharyngitis/tonsillitis. They can also cause rheumatic fever or post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis due to immunological reactions. Scarlet fever can also be caused by erythrogenic toxins produced by group A streptococci. Group B streptococci, specifically Streptococcus agalactiae, can lead to neonatal meningitis and septicaemia. Enterococcus belongs to group D streptococci.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 24 - A 3-year-old toddler is brought to the paediatric department due to stunted growth....


    • A 3-year-old toddler is brought to the paediatric department due to stunted growth. During the medical history-taking, it is revealed that the parents are first cousins. Genetic testing confirms the diagnosis of Fanconi syndrome, which is known to cause renal dysfunction and electrolyte imbalances. The child's blood test results are as follows:

      - Calcium: 2.4 mmol/L (normal range: 2.1-2.6)
      - Phosphate: 0.3 mmol/L (normal range: 0.8-1.4)
      - Magnesium: 0.9 mmol/L (normal range: 0.7-1.0)

      Which part of the nephron is likely affected in this case, leading to the electrolyte disturbance observed in the patient?

      Your Answer: Proximal convoluted tubule


      The proximal convoluted tubule is where the majority of renal phosphate reabsorption occurs. This is relevant to a patient with hypophosphataemia, as dysfunction of the proximal convoluted tubule can lead to this condition. In addition to phosphate, the proximal convoluted tubule also reabsorbs glucose, amino acids, bicarbonate, sodium, and potassium.

      The collecting duct, distal convoluted tubule, and glomerulus are not involved in the reabsorption of phosphate. The collecting duct regulates water reabsorption, the distal convoluted tubule plays a role in acid-base balance, and the glomerulus performs ultrafiltration. Thiazides and aldosterone antagonists act on the distal convoluted tubule.

      The Loop of Henle and its Role in Renal Physiology

      The Loop of Henle is a crucial component of the renal system, located in the juxtamedullary nephrons and running deep into the medulla. Approximately 60 litres of water containing 9000 mmol sodium enters the descending limb of the loop of Henle in 24 hours. The osmolarity of fluid changes and is greatest at the tip of the papilla. The thin ascending limb is impermeable to water, but highly permeable to sodium and chloride ions. This loss means that at the beginning of the thick ascending limb the fluid is hypo osmotic compared with adjacent interstitial fluid. In the thick ascending limb, the reabsorption of sodium and chloride ions occurs by both facilitated and passive diffusion pathways. The loops of Henle are co-located with vasa recta, which have similar solute compositions to the surrounding extracellular fluid, preventing the diffusion and subsequent removal of this hypertonic fluid. The energy-dependent reabsorption of sodium and chloride in the thick ascending limb helps to maintain this osmotic gradient. Overall, the Loop of Henle plays a crucial role in regulating the concentration of solutes in the renal system.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Renal System
  • Question 25 - What is the estimated percentage of oxygen in the blood that is attached...


    • What is the estimated percentage of oxygen in the blood that is attached to haemoglobin?

      Your Answer: 80%

      Correct Answer: 100%


      Calculation of Oxygen in Blood

      The majority of oxygen in the blood is bound to haemoglobin, with the exact amount varying based on the oxygen saturation and haemoglobin level. To calculate the amount of oxygen per litre of blood, the formula (13.9 × Hb × sats/100) + (PaO2 × 0.03) can be used. For example, an average man with an Hb of 14, saturations of 98% on room air, and a PaO2 of 12 would have 191 ml of oxygen per litre of blood. It is important to note that only 0.36 ml of this oxygen is dissolved in the blood.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Basic Sciences
  • Question 26 - A nulliparous woman visits her obstetrician at 28 weeks of pregnancy. She has...


    • A nulliparous woman visits her obstetrician at 28 weeks of pregnancy. She has a history of asthma and has noticed a deterioration in her asthma symptoms over the past few days. She is concerned that her asthma may affect her unborn child, as she has read online about the presence of extra antibodies in her blood due to asthma. Which immunoglobulin can be transmitted to her baby?

      Your Answer: IgA

      Correct Answer: IgG


      The immunoglobulin that fixes complement and is able to pass to the fetal circulation is IgG. This immunoglobulin is produced by plasma cells and is present in all body fluids, being the most abundant in the body. IgG is the only immunoglobulin that can provide immunity to a fetus by crossing the placenta. It indirectly promotes phagocytosis through complement activation. To remember this, you can associate the letter G with gestation.

      On the other hand, IgA is the predominant immunoglobulin found in breast milk and in the secretions of digestive, respiratory, and urogenital tracts and systems. However, it does not transmit to the fetus during pregnancy.

      IgD does not pass into the fetal circulation and is poorly understood. It is found on naive B cells and is involved in B cell activation, which in turn activates mast cell release. Mast cells produce antimicrobial factors involved in immune defense.

      Finally, IgE is involved in asthma and allergic reactions, as well as in protecting against parasitic worms and other allergens. It acts by binding to the allergen, activating mast cells and basophils. However, it does not pass into the fetal circulation.

      Immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies, are proteins produced by the immune system to help fight off infections and diseases. There are five types of immunoglobulins found in the body, each with their own unique characteristics.

      IgG is the most abundant type of immunoglobulin in blood serum and plays a crucial role in enhancing phagocytosis of bacteria and viruses. It also fixes complement and can be passed to the fetal circulation.

      IgA is the most commonly produced immunoglobulin in the body and is found in the secretions of digestive, respiratory, and urogenital tracts and systems. It provides localized protection on mucous membranes and is transported across the interior of the cell via transcytosis.

      IgM is the first immunoglobulin to be secreted in response to an infection and fixes complement, but does not pass to the fetal circulation. It is also responsible for producing anti-A, B blood antibodies.

      IgD’s role in the immune system is largely unknown, but it is involved in the activation of B cells.

      IgE is the least abundant type of immunoglobulin in blood serum and is responsible for mediating type 1 hypersensitivity reactions. It provides immunity to parasites such as helminths and binds to Fc receptors found on the surface of mast cells and basophils.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 27 - As a medical student in general practice, you encounter a 68-year-old female patient...


    • As a medical student in general practice, you encounter a 68-year-old female patient who has come in for her routine blood pressure check. She informs you that she has GTN spray at home. Can you explain how nitric oxide leads to vasodilation?

      Your Answer: Activates guanylate cyclase


      Smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation are caused by the release of nitric oxide in response to nitrates. Nitric oxide activates guanylate cyclase, which converts GTP to cGMP. This leads to the opening of K+ channels and hyperpolarization of the cell membrane, causing the closure of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and pumping of Ca2+ out of the smooth muscle. This results in vasodilation. Nitric oxide does not inhibit the release of Bradykinin.

      Understanding Nitrates and Their Effects on the Body

      Nitrates are a type of medication that can cause blood vessels to widen, which is known as vasodilation. They are commonly used to manage angina and treat heart failure. One of the most frequently prescribed nitrates is sublingual glyceryl trinitrate, which is used to relieve angina attacks in patients with ischaemic heart disease.

      The mechanism of action for nitrates involves the release of nitric oxide in smooth muscle, which activates guanylate cyclase. This enzyme then converts GTP to cGMP, leading to a decrease in intracellular calcium levels. In the case of angina, nitrates dilate the coronary arteries and reduce venous return, which decreases left ventricular work and reduces myocardial oxygen demand.

      However, nitrates can also cause side effects such as hypotension, tachycardia, headaches, and flushing. Additionally, many patients who take nitrates develop tolerance over time, which can reduce their effectiveness. To combat this, the British National Formulary recommends that patients who develop tolerance take the second dose of isosorbide mononitrate after 8 hours instead of 12 hours. This allows blood-nitrate levels to fall for 4 hours and maintains effectiveness. It’s important to note that this effect is not seen in patients who take modified release isosorbide mononitrate.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Cardiovascular System
  • Question 28 - What is the term used to describe a worldwide spread of influenzae? ...


    • What is the term used to describe a worldwide spread of influenzae?

      Your Answer: Pandemic


      Key Terms in Epidemiology

      Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health and disease in populations. In this field, there are several key terms that are important to understand. An epidemic, also known as an outbreak, occurs when there is an increase in the number of cases of a disease above what is expected in a given population over a specific time period. On the other hand, an endemic refers to the usual or expected level of disease in a particular population. Finally, a pandemic is a type of epidemic that affects a large number of people across multiple countries, continents, or regions. Understanding these terms is crucial for epidemiologists to identify and respond to disease outbreaks and pandemics.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • General Principles
  • Question 29 - A 28-year-old woman visits her GP after experiencing a sudden deterioration of vision...


    • A 28-year-old woman visits her GP after experiencing a sudden deterioration of vision in her left eye 10 days ago. She reports that her vision became blurry and has only partially improved since. Additionally, the patient describes intermittent sensations of pain and burning around her left eye. She has no significant medical history.

      During the examination, the direct pupillary light reflex is weaker in her left eye. Her left eye has a visual acuity of 6/12, while her right eye has a visual acuity of 6/6. The patient experiences pain when her left eye is abducted.

      What is the most frequent cause of this presentation?

      Your Answer: Trigeminal neuralgia

      Correct Answer: Multiple sclerosis


      Optic neuritis, which is characterized by unilateral vision loss and pain, is most commonly caused by multiple sclerosis. This is an inflammatory disease that affects the central nervous system and is more prevalent in individuals of white ethnicity living in northern latitudes. Behcet’s disease, a rare vasculitis, can also cause optic neuritis but is less strongly associated with the condition. Conjunctivitis, on the other hand, does not cause vision loss and is characterized by redness and irritation of the outer surface of the eye. Myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune condition that causes muscle weakness, does not cause optic neuritis but can affect ocular muscles and lead to symptoms such as drooping eyelids and double vision.

      Understanding Optic Neuritis: Causes, Features, Investigation, Management, and Prognosis

      Optic neuritis is a condition that causes a decrease in visual acuity in one eye over a period of hours or days. It is often associated with multiple sclerosis, diabetes, or syphilis. Other features of optic neuritis include poor discrimination of colors, pain that worsens with eye movement, relative afferent pupillary defect, and central scotoma.

      To diagnose optic neuritis, an MRI of the brain and orbits with gadolinium contrast is usually performed. High-dose steroids are the primary treatment for optic neuritis, and recovery typically takes 4-6 weeks.

      The prognosis for optic neuritis is dependent on the number of white-matter lesions found on an MRI. If there are more than three lesions, the five-year risk of developing multiple sclerosis is approximately 50%. Understanding the causes, features, investigation, management, and prognosis of optic neuritis is crucial for early diagnosis and effective treatment.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Neurological System
  • Question 30 - What is the more commonly recognized name for the compound referred to as...


    • What is the more commonly recognized name for the compound referred to as vitamin E?

      Your Answer: Alpha 1 antitrypsin

      Correct Answer: Alpha tocopherol


      Vitamin E and Other Essential Nutrients

      Vitamin E is a group of compounds that includes alpha tocopherol, beta tocopherol, gamma tocopherol, and delta tocopherol. While each of these compounds contains vitamin E activity, alpha tocopherol is the most biologically active and abundant form of vitamin E in the diet. Vitamin E plays a crucial role in protecting cells and proteins from oxidative damage by removing free radicals. It also has antithrombotic effects, which means it impairs the action of thromboxane and thrombin, reducing blood clotting and platelet aggregation.

      Adults are recommended to consume at least 15 mg of vitamin E daily, but larger quantities may also be beneficial. Good sources of vitamin E in the diet include sunflower oil, wheatgerm, and unprocessed cereals. In addition to vitamin E, other essential nutrients include alpha 1 antitrypsin, which prevents alveolar damage and lung dysfunction, beta carotene, which is responsible for vision development, boron, which is important for bone health, and thiamine, which can lead to polyneuropathy and heart failure if deficient. these essential nutrients and their roles in the body can help individuals make informed decisions about their diet and overall health.

    • This question is part of the following fields:

      • Clinical Sciences


Cardiovascular System (1/3) 33%
Pharmacology (1/1) 100%
Gastrointestinal System (0/2) 0%
Neurological System (3/5) 60%
General Principles (2/9) 22%
Respiratory System (0/1) 0%
Renal System (1/4) 25%
Musculoskeletal System And Skin (1/1) 100%
Endocrine System (0/1) 0%
Psychiatry (0/1) 0%
Basic Sciences (0/1) 0%
Clinical Sciences (0/1) 0%