Question 1
β-blockers are used in the treatment of angina because they have which one of the following properties?
Your Answer: Decrease the heart rate and myocardial contractility
Explanation:The cardiovascular effects of β-adrenoceptor block result from reduction of the sympathetic drive which includes reduced heart rate (automaticity) and reduced myocardial contractility (rate of rise of pressure in the ventricle). This will lead to reduced cardiac output and an overall fall in oxygen consumption.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pharmacology
Question 2
Which of the following skin conditions is not associated with diabetes mellitus?
Your Answer: Sweet's syndrome
Explanation:Diabetic dermadromes constitute a group of cutaneous conditions commonly seen in people with diabetes with longstanding disease. Conditions included in this group are:
– Acral dry gangrene
– Carotenosis
– Diabetic dermopathy
– Diabetic bulla
– Diabetic cheiroarthropathy
– Malum perforans
– Necrobiosis lipoidica
– Limited joint mobility
– Scleroderma
– Waxy skin is observed in roughly 50%.Sweet’s syndrome is also known as acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis has a strong association with acute myeloid leukaemia. It is not associated with diabetes mellitus.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dermatology
Question 3
A prescription for Olanzapine is written for a 28 year old lady with a history of schizophrenia. Which adverse effect is she most likely to experience?
Your Answer: Parkinsonism
Correct Answer: Weight gain
Explanation:Weight gain is an extremely common (5-40%) adverse effect of atypical antipsychotics such as olanzapine (dose dependent). Olanzapine causes orthostatic hypotension ≥20% of reported cases. Parkinsonism reactions occurs in 4% of people.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Psychiatry
Question 4
Which of the following features is not associated with an oculomotor nerve palsy?
Your Answer: Miosis
Explanation:Oculomotor nerve palsy is an eye condition resulting from damage to the third cranial nerve or a branch thereof. A complete oculomotor nerve palsy will result in a characteristic down and out position in the affected eye. This is because the lateral rectus (innervated by the sixth cranial nerve) and superior oblique (innervated by the fourth cranial or trochlear nerve), is unantagonized by the paralyzed superior rectus, inferior rectus and inferior oblique. The affected individual will also have a ptosis, or drooping of the eyelid, and mydriasis (pupil dilation), not miosis.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 5
A 40-year-old female patient with a history of rheumatoid arthritis is diagnosed with type 1 renal tubular acidosis. What is the most probable sequela of this condition?
Your Answer: Osteomalacia
Correct Answer: Nephrocalcinosis
Explanation:Distal renal tubular acidosis is due to defective proton secretion from the alpha intercalated cells of the distal tubule caused by dysfunction of the H+/K+ antiporter on the apical membrane. This leads to failure of H+ excretion thereby causing systemic acidosis and potassium depletion. Inability to lower the urine pH below 5.3 in the presence of systemic acidosis is the diagnostic hallmark of type I or distal renal tubular acidosis. Hypercalciuria, hypocitraturia and elevated urinary pH observed in distal renal tubular acidosis can lead to nephrocalcinosis and may cause renal calculi, obstructive uropathy and renal failure necessitating surgical or endoscopic stone extraction.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Clinical Sciences
Question 6
A 21-year-old gentleman presents with facial and ankle swelling. This has slowly been developing over the past week. During the review of systems, he describes passing ‘frothy’ urine. A urine dipstick shows protein +++.  What is the most likely cause of this presentation?
Your Answer: IgA nephropathy
Correct Answer: Minimal change disease
Explanation:Minimal change glomerulonephritis usually presents as nephrotic syndrome wherein the patient (usually a young adult) will present with proteinuria, oedema, and impaired kidney function, which were evident in this patient.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Nephrology
Question 7
A 28 year old woman presents with painful genital ulceration. She reports that these attacks have been recurrent over the past 4 years. She has been treated previously with oral acyclovir but this has had little effect on the duration of her symptoms. Over the past year, she has noticed almost weekly attacks of mouth ulcers that heal slowly. Past medical history is significant for treatment of thrombophlebitis two years ago. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Herpes simplex virus type 2
Correct Answer: Behcet's syndrome
Explanation:Behçet disease is a rare vasculitic disorder that is characterized by a triple-symptom complex of recurrent oral aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers, and uveitis. The systemic manifestations can be variable. Ocular disease has the greatest morbidity, followed by vascular disease generally from active vasculitis. Cutaneous manifestations can occur in up 75% of patients with Behcet disease and can range from acneiform lesions, to nodules and erythema nodosum. GI manifestations can be severe. Differentiating Behçet disease from active inflammatory bowel disease can be clinically difficult. Herpes would have ideally responded to acyclovir. Sarcoidosis does not have genital and oral ulcerations.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Rheumatology
Question 8
A girl suffered full thickness circumferential burn to her right arm. What is best step in management?
Your Answer: Escharotomy
Explanation:An escharotomy is a surgical procedure used to treat full-thickness (third-degree) circumferential burns. In full-thickness burns, both the epidermis and the dermis are destroyed along with sensory nerves in the dermis. The tough leathery tissue remaining after a full-thickness burn has been termed eschar.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dermatology
Question 9
A patient who has recently been diagnosed with SLE undergoes serum testing. A rise in which of the following antibodies would indicate severe systemic involvement?
Your Answer: Anticardiolipin antibodies
Correct Answer: Anti double-stranded DNA antibodies
Explanation:Anti ds-DNA antibodies are very specific for SLE and their presence most often indicates systemic spread of the disease. These antibodies are present in about 30 percent of the total cases of SLE.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Rheumatology
Question 10
A 40-year-old woman presents to the ED with palpitations and shortness of breath. Recent thyroid function tests on the hospital computer reveal thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) of <0.05 mU/l and a markedly elevated T4. You arrange blood gas testing. Which of the following findings would be most consistent with Grave’s disease?
Your Answer: Respiratory acidosis
Correct Answer: Decreased pa(CO2)
Explanation:Hyperthyroid patients show significantly lower resting arterial CO2 tension, tidal volume and significantly higher mean inspiratory flow and pa(O2) than healthy patients. This may of course lead to misdiagnosis of patients with hyperthyroidism as having hyperventilation syndrome.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Endocrinology
Question 11
A 48 yr. old male presented with exertional angina for 2 weeks. He has no significant past medical history or cardiac risk factors except a total cholesterol of 5.8 mmol/L. He has been already started on aspirin. Which of the following is the most suitable drug combination for him?
Your Answer: Diltiazem and statin
Correct Answer: B-blocker and statin
Explanation:Beta blockers and calcium channel blockers have proven prognostic benefits. Nitrates don’t have any proven prognostic benefits. A statin is indicated for a patient with angina and cholesterol level of 5.5 to 8.5 to prevent risk of myocardial infarction. So the preferred combination from the given answers is beta blocker + statin.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiology
Question 12
A 29-year-old physiotherapist with a history of bilateral vitreous haemorrhage is referred due to progressive ataxia. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer: Tuberose sclerosis
Correct Answer: Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
Explanation:Retinal and cerebellar haemangiomas are key features of Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome. Retinal haemangiomas are bilateral in 25% of patients and may lead to vitreous haemorrhage. Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome is an autosomal dominant condition predisposing to neoplasia. It is due to an abnormality in the VHL gene located on short arm of chromosome 3.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 13
A 39-year-old professor presents with visual problems. He has had very poor vision in the dark for a long time but is now worried as he is developing 'tunnel vision'. He states his grandfather had a similar problem and went blind in his 50's. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Retinitis pigmentosa
Explanation:Retinitis pigmentosa primarily affects the peripheral retina resulting in tunnel vision. Night blindness is often the initial sign. Tunnel vision occurs due to loss of the peripheral retina (occasionally referred to as funnel vision).
Fundoscopy exam reveals black bone spicule-shaped pigmentation in the peripheral retina, and mottling of the retinal pigment epithelium. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Ophthalmology
Question 14
A 60 yr. old male presented with ventricular tachycardia which was successfully cardioverted. To check whether he had prolonged QT interval, which of the following is the most appropriate method to measure the QT interval in ECG?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Time between the start of the Q wave and the end of the T wave
Explanation:The QT interval is the time from the start of the Q wave to the end of the T wave. It represents the time taken for ventricular depolarisation and repolarisation. The QT interval should be measured in either lead II or V5-6.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Cardiology
Question 15
A 48-year-old hairdresser presented to her GP complaining of tingling in the right palm and right wrist pain. She had intermittently experienced these symptoms; however, recently they had been keeping her awake all night. She had noticed a reduction in grip and was struggling to work at the salon. Otherwise, she felt well in herself and had not noticed any weakness in the other hand or lower limb. Her weight was stable, and she denied any neck problems or swallowing difficulties. She had a past medical history of hypothyroidism and hypertension and took regular thyroxine, Bendroflumethiazide and ibuprofen. She was a non-smoker and rarely drank alcohol. On examination, she appeared alert and orientated. Fundoscopy and cranial nerve examination were all normal and neck movements were full. On examination of the upper limb, there was wasting over the right thenar eminence and fasciculations with a small burn over the right index finger. There was weakness of thumb abduction and opposition, with loss of pinprick and light touch sensation over the thumb, index and middle finger in the right hand. Nerve conduction studies showed absent sensory action potential in right median palmar branches and denervation of the right abductor pollicis brevis. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Median nerve palsy
Explanation:The history is consistent with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) arising as a result of pressure on the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. The median nerve supplies the muscles of the thenar eminence: the abductor pollicis (C7, C8), flexor pollicis brevis and opponens pollicis, and the lateral two lumbricals. The nerve conduction studies confirm marked denervation and absent sensory potentials within the median nerve territory.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 16
A 22-year-old university student is admitted after taking drugs at a night club. Which of the following features suggest she had taken ecstasy (MDMA)?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: A pyrexia of 40°C
Explanation:MDMA commonly known as ecstasy or molly, is a psychoactive drug primarily used as a recreational drug. The desired effects include altered sensations, increased energy, empathy, and pleasure. Features of MDMA abuse include hyponatraemia, tachycardia, hyperventilation, and hyperthermia.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pharmacology
Question 17
A 82-year-old woman admitted following a fractured neck of femur has been discharged. On review, she is making good progress but consideration is given to secondary prevention of further fractures. What is the most appropriate step in the prevention of further fractures?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Start oral bisphosphonate
Explanation:In such a clinical scenario, NICE guidelines support initiating treatment with bisphosphonates without waiting for a DEXA scan.
Osteoporosis is defined as low bone mineral density caused by altered bone microstructure ultimately predisposing patients to low-impact, fragility fractures.
Vitamin D and calcium supplementation should be offered to all women unless the clinician is confident they have adequate calcium intake and are vitamin D replete
Alendronate is the first-line treatment. Around 25% of patients cannot tolerate alendronate, usually due to upper gastrointestinal problems. These patients should be offered risedronate or etidronate.
Strontium ranelate and raloxifene are recommended if patients cannot tolerate bisphosphonates.
Other medications that are useful in the treatment of osteoporosis are denosumab, teriparatide, raloxifene, etc. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Pharmacology
Question 18
A 28-year-old man is investigated for lethargy. His full blood count (FBC) report shows: Hb: 8.6 g/dL, Plts: 42 x 10^9/L, WCC: 36.4 x 10^9/L. His blood film report reveals 30% myeloblasts with Auer rods. Given the likely diagnosis, which one of the following is associated with a good prognosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Translocation between chromosome 15 and 17
Explanation:A translocation between chromosome 15 and 17 is seen in acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL), which is known to carry a good prognosis.
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is the acute expansion of the myeloid stem line, which may occur as a primary disease or follow the secondary transformation of a myeloproliferative disorder. It is more common over the age of 45 and is characterized by signs and symptoms largely related to bone marrow failure such as anaemia (pallor, lethargy), frequent infections due to neutropenia (although the total leucocyte count may be very high), thrombocytopaenia (bleeding), ostealgia, and splenomegaly. The disease has poor prognosis if:
The disease has poor prognosis if:
1. Age of the patient >60 years
2. >20% blasts seen after the first course of chemotherapy
3. Chromosomal aberration with deletion of part of chromosome 5 or 7.APL is an aggressive form of AML. It is associated with t(15;17) and has a good prognosis. The general age of presentation is less than that in other types of AML (average age is 25 years old). On blood film, abundant Auer rods are seen with myeloperoxidase staining. Thrombocytopaenia or DIC is seen in patients presenting with this disease.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Haematology & Oncology
Question 19
A 50-year-old man is found incidentally to have hypercalcaemia during a routine health screen. Which one of the following biochemical findings would be most suggestive of primary hyperparathyroidism rather than any other cause of hypercalcaemia?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Serum PTH concentration within the normal range
Explanation:Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is diagnosed based upon levels of blood calcium and parathyroid hormone (PTH). In most people with PHPT, both levels are higher than normal. Occasionally, a person may have an elevated calcium level and a normal or minimally elevated PTH level. Since PTH should normally be low when calcium is elevated, a minimally elevated PTH is considered abnormal and indicates PHPT.
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- Endocrinology
Question 20
A 45-year-old man presents with haematemesis. His consumption of alcohol has been estimated to be 120 units per week. Following alcohol withdrawal, when is the peak incidence of seizures expected in this patient?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 36 hours
Explanation:The peak incidence of seizures is expected 36 hours following the onset of alcohol withdrawal.
Chronic alcohol consumption enhances GABA mediated inhibition in the CNS (similar to benzodiazepines) and inhibits NMDA-type glutamate receptors. Alcohol withdrawal is thought to lead to the opposite (decreased inhibitory GABA and increased NMDA glutamate transmission).Clinical course in alcohol withdrawal:
Symptoms begin 6-12 hours following the onset of alcohol withdrawal
Seizures occur 36 hours following the onset of withdrawal
Delirium tremens (coarse tremor, confusion, delusions, auditory and visual hallucinations, fever, tachycardia) occurs approximately 72 hours after the onset of alcohol withdrawal.Management
First-line: benzodiazepines e.g. lorazepam, chlordiazepoxide.
Carbamazepine is also effective in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal.
Phenytoin is said not to be as effective in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal seizures. -
This question is part of the following fields:
- Psychiatry
Question 21
A 55 year old female presents with progressive dyspnoea, dry cough and fever. She started methotrexate therapy six weeks ago. The current regimen includes methotrexate 15 mg/ week, folic acid 5 mg/day and aspirin 75 mg/day. There is no history of any other chronic illness. Vitals are as follows: Temp: 37.8C, pulse: 100 beats/min, BP: 110/80mmHg and SaO2: 90% on air. Examination reveals synovitis in both wrists, and metacarpophalangeal joints. On auscultation, there are scattered crepitations. Blood test reports are given below: Haemoglobin: 13.1g/dl (13.0 – 18.0 g/dL), WBC: 8.2 x109/l (4 – 11 x 109/l), Neutrophils: 5.1×109/l (1.5 – 7 x 109/l), Platelets: 280 x109/l (150 – 400 x 109/L), ESR: 48 mm/hr (0 – 30 mm/1st hr), Urea, electrolytes and creatinine: normal. CXR: patchy airspace shadows bilaterally What is the most likely diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Methotrexate pneumonitis
Explanation:Pneumonitis is a serious and unpredictable side-effect of treatment with methotrexate (MTX) that may become life-threatening. The typical clinical symptoms include progressive shortness of breath and cough, often associated with fever. Hypoxaemia and tachypnoea are always present and crackles are frequently audible. Chest radiography reveals a diffuse interstitial or mixed interstitial and alveolar infiltrate, with a predilection for the lower lung fields. Pulmonary function tests show a restrictive pattern with diminished diffusion capacity. Lung biopsy reveals cellular interstitial infiltrates, granulomas or a diffuse alveolar damage pattern accompanied by perivascular inflammation. Most patients present in the first few months of starting methotrexate. It is important that all patients receiving methotrexate be educated concerning this potential adverse reaction and instructed to contact their physicians should significant new pulmonary symptoms develop while undergoing therapy. If methotrexate pneumonitis is suspected, methotrexate should be discontinued, supportive measures instituted and careful examination for different causes of respiratory distress conducted. This may be treated with corticosteroids once underlying infection has been excluded.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Rheumatology
Question 22
A 60-year-old gentleman presents with symptoms of nocturia and difficulty in passing urine. He is not known to have any previous prostatic problems and denies any dysuria. Following a digital rectal examination, he is started on Finasteride and Tamsulosin. Three months later he presents to the emergency department with urinary retention and is catheterized, and a craggy mass is felt on rectal examination. He is referred to a urologist, and a prostatic ultrasound and needle biopsy are arranged, and prostate serum antigen (PSA) is requested. Which of the following factors is most likely to give a false negative PSA?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Finasteride
Explanation:Finasteride is often prescribed for patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged prostate. However, it has been known to cause a decrease in Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA) levels in patients with BPH, which may lead to false negatives in a case like this, where a palpable mass has been detected and malignancy is suspected.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Nephrology
Question 23
A 40-year-old woman presents to her GP with malaise, anorexia, and weight loss. Screening blood samples reveals urea of 50.1 mmol/l and serum creatinine of 690 μmol/l. Her past history includes frequent headaches, but nothing else of note. She has, however, failed to attend her routine ‘well-woman’ appointments.  Ultrasound reveals bilateral hydronephrosis and a suspicion of a central pelvic mass.  What diagnosis is most likely to be responsible for this woman’s hydronephrosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Cervical carcinoma
Explanation:The patient’s history of recent weight loss and malaise, paired with enlarged kidneys and renal failure, as well as a suspected central pelvic mass on ultrasound, gives a suspicion of cervical carcinoma.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Nephrology
Question 24
A patient with chronic renal failure, treated with regular haemodialysis, attends the renal clinic. He has been treated for six months with oral ferrous sulphate, 200 mg three times a day. His haemoglobin at this clinic attendance is 7.6. His previous result was 10.6 six months ago. Â Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: IV iron and subcutaneous erythropoietin
Explanation:The patient should be prescribed IV iron and subcutaneous erythropoietin to enhance erythropoiesis to address the dropped haemoglobin.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Nephrology
Question 25
A 35 year old patient presented with a cough, wheezing and difficulty in breathing which wakes him up in the night. He also has a itchy, dry and scaly skin rash. Which of the following is the most probable diagnosis?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Eczema
Explanation:The skin lesion is most probably eczema. It is common among atopic people. Asthma is a common association.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dermatology
Question 26
What kind of receptor is the nitric oxide receptor?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Guanylate cyclase receptor
Explanation:Soluble guanylyl cyclase (GC-1) is the primary receptor of nitric oxide (NO) in smooth muscle cells and maintains vascular function by inducing vasorelaxation in nearby blood vessels. GC-1 converts guanosine 5′-triphosphate (GTP) into cyclic guanosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (cGMP), which acts as a second messenger to improve blood flow.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Clinical Sciences
Question 27
A 2 year old child was brought to casualty with recurrent episodes of eczematoid rash over the cheeks and flexural regions of his body. Which one of the following statement best suit this condition?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Hydrocortisone 1% ointment should be applied sparingly to areas of active eczema
Explanation:Atopic dermatitis is an allergic condition which is more apparent in those children who have a positive family history in their 1st or 2nd degree relatives. In some cases, there might be a positive history of bronchial asthma. The best treatment option in this case would be topical application of 1% hydrocortisone ointment to the affected areas of the child. We cannot prescribe a strong ointment to the face because it may lead to skin atrophy, telangiectasia and other steroid related topical complications.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Dermatology
Question 28
Which one of the following statements regarding hepatocellular carcinoma is correct?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Diabetes mellitus is a risk factor
Explanation:Diabetes is a risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma. Screening has been shown to be effective. Bevacizumab is not used for advanced cases. The incidence is higher in men. Alcohol is not the most common underlying cause worldwide; this is from cirrhosis from diseases like hepatitis B and C.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Gastroenterology
Question 29
A 29 year-old new mother presented with a headache that was first noticed as she was picking up her 5 week-old baby. On admission, she was unable to tolerate the lights and complained of feeling sick. Fundoscopy showed bilateral papilledema, and she was complaining that she was unable to see on her left side. CT head showed a small right occipital bleed. Which of the following treatments is most appropriate?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Heparin
Explanation:This patient has developed a venous sinus thrombosis peri-partum, resulting in her symptoms. Anticoagulation therapy including Heparin improves outcomes.
This question is part of the following fields:
- Neurology
Question 30
A 62-year-old female with a history of COPD and hypertension presents with pain on swallowing. Current medication includes a salbutamol and becotide inhaler, bendrofluazide and amlodipine. What is the most likely cause of the presentation?
Your Answer:
Correct Answer: Oesophageal candidiasis
Explanation:The history gives you a woman who is on inhaled steroid therapy. It is always a good idea for patients to rinse their mouths well after using inhaled steroids. Odynophagia (pain on swallowing) is a symptom of oesophageal candidiasis, which is the most likely answer given the steroids. Typically, you might see this in someone who is immunocompromised (classically, in HIV+ patients).
This question is part of the following fields:
- Gastroenterology
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